tf.l fQ!ff 1 CM f fril t-mV"'t VM W'k frrf'ived fWn gtn'l. mn In the - m rr 111 yij ! - m w m (mth to ht )' m There If o -wit tut Ccn. Jtckson 111 get the of of tl'l Slate, end I think ef Louisiana. Craf'rd l out of the oueitlon. The congest be between U!- Hkkorf enJ Mr. Adtmi. I aheuld U much pftated la North-Caroline tupportJng Cen. Jackson fhey ought to rfaiOf'.nd tJtoewt State In the Union." trtrset of letter from Naaheville, Ten. to frier! ef the Editor of the Wtstsni Carolinian, wv-V ":rr w The election of our gsllant Old Hick--ory vo the Senates oeribIdiflVil-Uams.-will sgree-bly eurptiae ou.The principles and politic! life of Mr. Craw lord ere loo Inimical to the feeling and vittuce of the people of thlt sta'e, fur him to ever hope'of eupport here, and I fond ly mm our brttbrtn of North-Carolina accord with us In opinion indeed, I know too welt their sterling rf publiein qualities, to doubt it. Not to Cen. Jackson, large majority of this state are heart and hind for Mr. Calhoun. Yours truly." CF.OKGIA. A letter to the lUliior of the !ewbrn Celt tioel, from gentleman in Miiledgvitlr, Georgia, Acr mentioning that the lata election In that Bute for. member of tha Lrgidature were -e sided with a view to tha election of Governor, (who u down by tha Legislature,) g on to eay i u The Crawford parly hate brought for ward WillUm 1 roup as their candidate far governor, (one of the most popular men in tha elate, and against whom Mtie can bo said oicept that he ia the friend o Crawford, and have exerted Ibeir whole strength to place thote Individuals lo tb legislature who are frtendly to hit election Yet we have now returns irom every coun ty in the state, and it is almoit certain that there will be a majeruy in tavor ei I aibot (ike ClarVcandlilate, as he it called here. Talbol'e frienda are in f-vor ef Mr. Cal oca, and openly opposed to Crawford. Our letriiUture will meet the first of tit month, and if Mr. Talbot should be elected, as is now generally believed he will be, it will furnish pretty conclusive evidence that there it a majority in the etate opposed te Mr. Crawford. I am inclined to believe that ill the opponents ef Crawford will unite in Mr Calhock, against whom there are fewer rttudices, than against either of the thet candidates." r.-. ICETT.rOKK ELECTION. An Election was held hi the state of New-York on Monday, Tuesday and VedoeUT-UiU-Iur. -the .choice of 10 members ef the Senate, and the members ef the House of Representatives. The old democracy of the state has again triumph ed by an overwhelming majority. In the city of New York, which is entitled to ten tnam'jera of Assembly, two I ickets were offered, both composed exclusively of eld tried democrats the gentlemen on the first Ticket nominated were said to be nearly all friendly to Mr Crawford, and were ef course warmly supported y Mr Noah of the Advocate. The gentlemen on the second Ticket ware suDDortee" by the American and Patriot, on the ground of their being op posed to Mr. Crawford, and in favor of giving the choice of Electors of President to the people; they were elected fry majority of from 4 to 500. For the Senatorial District composed of the city of New-York and Long-Island, Dr. Abet Huntington waa the candidate supported by the friends of Mr. Craw ford, David Gardiner Esq. also a republi can, but opposed to Mr. Crawford, was run in opposition to. Mm, and is elected. There remains nb longer any doubt but the choice of Electors in New-York for the next Presidency, will now be given to the people. Co'umban Regltter.-' ' POST-MASTER GENERAL. We vjbserve it stated that toe new Post- mister Geterei, making .tbe contracts "lt amount for that service to about seventy thousand dollars less tban it has herefore teen. Bait. Pat. TATETTE VILLI, HOV. 13. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church ef North-Carolina, commenced their An nual Session in this town on Thursday last, and closed it on Monday morning .. following During their session, many excellent and animated discourses were - delivered f and on 4h S&bathrt ho-Sac a rnent of the Lwd'a Supper -wis -edmmhi'" f ed to a large number Of comrnunicants. We are promisee! "a mdre i particular at- VJco.uni Ja&MiifJie&tr papMiiahdi4Jl: must refer,j?ur readers, or such of them, and we presume the number, is not imallr--who feel an interest in the spread f the trospelandthe triumph of the Re deemer's kingdom.0erTer. A do? latelv died in Mobile uowards ofJ 33 years old. Fewlf any of the .species ever artive at se great an age. t)ariij()N, On 'nt!y, thr IJth Ins'nf, f ?i Itev. S'ujfisl w ariLltiec, it rhyatlra, irt thlt county and iKen Intttlltl la the ptior charge r.f tlm con.rtr.siioiis ef I li)itira and IUthpt-t. 1 ha erdinitton sermon wis prttr.hed, by the He. Din id C-jlJ, from thtte wordtl M Who it suTident fur (base things ?" , The charge to the candidate and te the united conrrt fitions, was delivered by the Rev Jof n Rotlnson. The icene was truly aolemn ind impressive. Id explaining the C rultles attending the sacred elfice of tie ministry, at well as the consolsticnt and enjoy Cicnti to t txpe5te4,Th? rrmon of tkolte. Mr. Could, was plain, umple, solemn and pathetic It w is such ss M Paul himself tnlg'ht tppTOvo'end owft.The cliarge of;the nivrMf.'ltoblnsenr" admirably adapted te the occasion. The matter and the manner were alike solemn end imprettlve. In enlorcing the duties of the ministry, end of the people, he ev idently shewed that he had do disposition 14 to thun to derlare 10 them the whole counsel ef Cod." Oo the Sabbath day following, the sacrament ef the Lord's Supper was administered by the newly ordained minuter, assisted by the venera ble servant of Cod, Doct. Jamei M'Ree On this occision, it is supposed more than 400 persons communed, lo no part of our country, it it believed, ire the privi leges end ordinances ef religion mere highly appreciated, and mora univers.Ilv cnj'iytd, thin in the western counties of North-Carolina especially in the counties of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Iredell, and Rowan. In each of the cotgreg-ilTs of the Rev. no. Robinson, irxi. W. Wilson. Samuel C Caldwell, Joe. D. Kilpatrick Doct. M'Ree, Jno. Erwin, and tome eth era, there are several hundred comment cants. In all these congregations, the number of young persons professors in rclielon is unusually great. The state of moral, literary and religious improve ment, in this section of the state, ia but little known to those residing inother parts of our country. The state of society, the fertility of the toil, the salubrity of the climate, the mildness pi the seasons, and the variegsted end picturesque scenery, til conspire to render this part or the atate a deairable abode. Truly, utbe lines have fallen to us in goodly' places." The writer of this communication ii endeavoring to obtain the state ef the dif ferent churches in this part of. (be coun- try which, when obtained, he intends to publish. In 1804, Mecklenburg had ITtute 8.5S4 466 7,3) 16,821 --6,457 . 2,68 5.440 9,157 ' t,443 9,023 8.5J7 8,649 11,089 6,3u4 Cahtrrua Iredell Qowan WUka Aahe Buncombe Stokea Surry Burke Guilforl Rutherford Lincoln MontgDmery 113,549 15,749 PHILADELPHIA, NOV. T. A roeelinjr of frienda of Gen. Jackson, in the City end County ef Philadelphia, was held on Wednesday afternoon, at the County Court House. JVe were not at the meeting, but from gentlemen who were, we learn, that it consisted of about 150 persons. It may be proper to remark, that the weather, throughout the greater part of the day, was unfavorable. A pre- mble and resolutions exprssive of the de termination of the meeting to support General Jackson, were adopted, a commit tee of correspondeace consisting ef nine perwns, appomred to confer with aimilar committees throughout the Union. The invitation to the meeting was not confined te citizens of any particular po litical complexion, but extended to tha friends of General Jackson generally ; and from the names of the gentlemen appoin ted on the Committee ef Correspondence, it appears that the meeting wss composed of citizens attached to both the great po litical patties, .CoL J acp'h. Ilolgs t e nresi-. ded; arid egma"fiTKlllip4,'Es-q"icT:edlir SecfetaryWAmerl eBtinek'---- -ROU SUMATRA. ' The ship Mary, captain Hale, which arrived at Boston en Wednesday, left the TUtmd Sumatra on- the .24th of .JoJy- A memorandum handed by captain H. a states, that the natives naa oeen very troublesome in the interior of the Padang settlement, and had destroyed many of the district troops in several sk irmishes. Re inforcements, however, had arrived from Oata via, and it was expected that the Dutch authorities would soon be in a condition to Set enthcT defensive;--ThechoreTa-iTior- andhadiciinkiefmanyofthe jjoii. at. Generating Steam. A. plan " for apply- ine Electricity. Galvanism, or burning glasses, to the generation ofSream," has been announced by a Mr. Slack, in lb Rhotle 'island American. He thinks bur nimr elasset would be a cheap way for farmers lo do their boiline and cooking.: and he ssya that the expense of the appa- ratus would be compar. lively trifling." JiWi 69J1 695 1431 -23J2 -79a. 85 334 1359 776 905 ' 1047 1479 1363 raft. Tctcr ). f.iy M.'.n.l I i).en Ol Silt 1 4' Dtlt Sf f n Cauniy, fiUeJ rt, isni.n three arrrs iiJ en tenth ef an acre ol Un l.two hun lrrd anj Cfty k-?.els of winter wheat. , A cuniid tri''e jortion f thlt crop hit been aolj for icel at f, to per euthel, averi!rg frnit til lo CI lb. I'tT Luihell M-h il pretty good evidence of Its quaUty 1 he particular mode of cultivation we have not learnt, but Mr. llojtun it smong the number of cur best farmers, presume he tmrauri the correct one, namely, to use pe more land than ke can cultivate tu-llrUnjtQi rt. btmintl. 'TTfci t!Ptr.' Ilenrr Clay dtlrerftf,oi (hi I lib lift, before the Synod of JUnucky, composed of all the Presbyterian Clergy in the - Mitti en eddreat respecting the plan of the American Colontraiion Socie ty, lie trrucd that k was both deiirsble and practicable to colonize the free blitki of America. Dr. Drake, formerly ef Cincinnati, followed Mr. Clay io a abort speech, shewing the miserable condition of the black portion' of the population in tie free States, and its unhappy effects upon the slaves ef the adjaceat States. rjrr.TTr.riuE prices,', ij. Cotton, Hi to 15 1 (lour. fine. 51 1 u pern tie, 6 J whc.i, 1 al 10 1 hii'.ey, 40 a 42 1 peach bran d v. 50 a 621 1 triple do. 45 to 50 1 corn, 35 to 40 1 bcn, 9 a 1Q, titt Turk Uland, &5a90, per 100 buthel i mUr, 35 to38urar, muwovuks 10 lo 10 yt eoftto, prime, green, 28 to 3V i -d au4 31 oualiiy, 26 a 28 tea, bvton, f, 20 a 1 25 1 n. ecu, 1 1 Ullow.7 a8i bertaf.30a31 rite. 3 5J to 4 per 100 Ito iron, P, to 5 pr. lOOIb.i tobacco k-1,3 a 4 manufactured, 5 to 0 pr. cwt CJiEiurr prices, x, e. Cotton, 15 cts. i Dour, new, per barrel, 5 a 6 1 old 4 to H t rn, buh. 45 to 50 el. Otii, 30 to 35 rtt. Praa, 65 to 7J eta.; Whis ker, gal. 40 to 45 eta. i Apple Brandy, 40 to 45 1 Tobacco, 3 to 4 1 Beeiwat, lb. 30 eta, t Tallow,, 6 to7rti. llron,9 to 12cU.t 7 to 10 ct. Buner, 10 to 20 cti. ( Bagrinr, 25 to 33 eta. ( Iron, 5 to 6 doll, i Krh, buan. 1 dot, i Sugar, 7 to 12 doli i CofTce, lb. 28 to 30 eta. Twine, lb. 30 cti. t Mflaart, 40 to 50. Cnn.Ftv parcel have commanded our higheat quotation this week i but there have b maay ur lota in market, whirh hive gener. ally brought 14 a 15j . CAerT JnuL CnARLESTOX PRICES, ,. 10. Cotton, 3. 1 aland. 25 to 30, aiained do. 13 to IS i Santee, 20 to 24 j chort staple, 1q to 17 1 Bice, prime, H j inferior to g'Hxl i to 3Ji Whiikey, (Penn.) 36 to 37 eta. N. R. Knm, 36 to 37 1 Apple Brandy, 33 to 34 cti. i Tobac co, Rrntucky, Georgia, Fayctteville, be. 2( to 4 1 Brnwax, 31 to 32 ceuti. Tallow, 7to8 Reef, Boton Met, 10 to 10 i No. 1,9 1 prime & No.2, 6 to 7J i Mackarel, No. 2, ij i No. 3, 4t IUcnn,8tol0ct. Ham,U14i Urd,fttol2 BaireiPE, Dundee a. Inverneas, (43 inch) 25 a 26 cti. fogniae UrtMy 20, 1 SOprrgala MnHi4 tun, 93 to III) cti. per gallon t Iron, KuMia h Hwe1r, 4 to 4i 100 lba.i V.ntrYuh 31, Rait, Liverpool crr, 624 eta. per luliel i Tulk Turki IskAd, 55 a 65 1 Surar, llanna White, 12 to 14 1 Brown, 8 to 84 , MiiKoradn, 9 to 1 1 1 St. CroTa pninel I all f i OrTrinlTf fime7TOarO j Inferior, 84 to 9 Kefinrd Loaf Sugar, 16 to 20 1 Coffee, belt green, 25 ; Inferior to gool, 21 to 24 1 Mvon l ea, 95 to 105 cti, per lb Rum, Jam. 95 a 100 ct. t Wert India, 65 ; Mela. irt, ( W. I.) 26 to 28 ct. i Black I'cpper, 20 to 21 Pimento, 25. North Carolina Dank Bill, 14 a 2 per cent dn. i Georgia, If a 1 tin. Cttttnt. lite market continura etcadv, and the price of last week are fullv supported. l land have, we believe, in one or two initmct , gone a little above 17 cents, but theae initance MARRIES, In thi county, on Yucadar, the 18th inwt. hy Itebt. Macuamara, Etq. Mnj.Jolm Locke, to lliu Mary Sloan. In Mecklenburg county, on the 31t ult. by the Rev. Samuel C. Caldwell, Nathaniel Alex ander, Esq. of Virginia, to Mia Sarah C. Alex ander, of the firit mentioned place. On the 30th October, Maj. William W, Well bourn, of Wilket county, to Mis Ann P.Trank in, daughter of M. Franklin, Esq. of Surry county.,,,, -j DIED, In tlu county, on Wednesday, the 19th but. Mr. Joel Hartman, in the 23th year of hie age. Administrator's Notice. TJH B a.aeitbtf-JklUualifieA iast I tf-rm 'of Rowan" courtt'V'cmrtr-ar-itnm TarratvilharW illUruICU VI WliU clic iiiumj mwyiz, v wi..v wi- wrd and make aettlement a ipeedily as poiai- blc t and all those having claim igainst it,witl in like manner preent them, properly attested, THOMAS HOLME'. Jdmr. Aov. 21, 1823. 3t83 Pttblic; Sale. v THERE win be sold, at the late dwelling of the deceased in Salisbury, on Friday, the 12th day of December next, riou article of Household Furniture, connitingor lied, cnaua, ke. And also, on the Friday following, the 19th -of eeobetr, 4here-will -ho oM; at 4hlantr- rionof aKjJoUu,roiUilec'd. a tock ot Hog, Hore. Cowa.-fcf. and also, Corn, -Fodder, fcc. J.Oo,aU auroaybw 4 wa dollan, a. jcredifc of ,12 montnt win oe given, me mirciuuer giving nonu ami aewmty "0u attoodnttee. ailUiasjtaiiJii the subscriber. f THOMAS HOLMES, JJmr'. . jvW.80. 1823. . .3t83 , ' Notice "r'V r:';. T forewarn all persona from trading with my J. wife Sally for I wont pay any rber contract! i If they do, they may look to her for pay. &0RCC KIUDEIL Va,22, 1821. ' 1 . Nr.f AS.OIiTMiVi. i:tr. i.r,'.rf fi'nn 't.,!,!i I; K , in kmf1itiriit i,( Dry (JotttN, JIarthvufe, CuiUry mhj I) win aUtli, tsh.h t3. artn-rit h eiptct io rt. fri in S 3M t'unr, bill hi!,U him to aril a tjfic'ory pnee. ih putilie r rt'trifully lutitcd to (all, and eiamin fur thcnurKt. r.DWAiiu Baktttt&y, Jluf, 16,123. (7 Tha Copptrwuithlnr, anil Tin Plat bti!nea hrretofor Irantartrd by I). L're, rn. Will in future be conducted by me, at tha um place. TboM Im for ava wtia, lUtir cuMom, may do fwwd m hw hte work 4mw w ,Ut awai w a , durablUryand devpateb. - ... mwn. Selling tinusnnllrlA TUB aubacnUr I now rereivlrg a large1 St aortmratnrDKY GOOD. IIAIflMVAttK, Cl'TLEHV, tK)MC11CKH, from New. York and lliiladelphia, elected by h'. mar If ilk cariand bought on the beet term a. Being aa v nu to trcure a conl inuanoe uf hi prewnt re a. peel able curtnm, he ha coma to a dtterniina. tivn to oner rut citenaivt totk Guoii in aa babury, tt price which, in hi opinion, will It fuund't low m tha prica of thaw who advrrtlat "rliinr oft at coat." Ilia euatomera ami the pubhe generally, are invited to call, et amine, and hulifS lor themaclve. JOHN MURPHY. . ?ron Ctunif, X. C. Jf. 1 823. 66 Hooks nnd Htationnrr. W. P.Bo,308 A7nf Srrrff, CharUttit, X. C. HAS now received his fall auppfinof It In 11 ana sianmnary mmtirt, wntcn ne win aeu on accommodaing term. Merchant, leach en and Societirt, are invited to raJL A new catalogue U now ready for dlivtrv. lla hat Juit published Uia Country Almanac, for 1821 ; which contain tha tiwil matter fmind In Alma naca i the South Carolina court a altered at the hurt cenion i the N'Tth-t-'irotir emirti and gov emmriit , the Georgia courta and gavemment i tha Gardener' Calendar, and other tiieful ami intc rtitinjr matter, calculated for North Caroli na by Joahua Bharpe. (TT Coattantlr on hind a supply of Philadel. phi manufactured .Vnui, Jmt rc a a conugmuent 01 llavtna Beari, (kfhrr 1, 823. 6vlol Mmliant' IIoU-J, tfja ttht Hihif Sun, emtr king U Sftetl itrvtt; CharUmn, 4. t. CHARLES II. MIOTT reipectfiilly Informi hit acnuahrtancea and 1 raveller renertlly, that hi a ell known enahtiahmcnt ha been con. liJerahly impnived tinea the laat year, ahich render' it a corprurtable t any Houae in the City, lu (ituation, being in the centre of buaineia, render it particularly worthy the pat. runge of Merchant from the country, and Planter. Tha Houae contain tjpwirdt of il ly room, and ii high and airy i the Suhlra are nre-proof, and are situated on the opposite aide of the atrret, under the direction of cartful ostler i tha Table will arib furnithe4 with the best the market afford, and the Itar with good Litfiora; and-an attentive .Bar-Keeper. Every atleutioa shall ba paid lothoae a ho atop at the bouse. - ; . . - H. Br--The Cohtmbia and Anguit Stag. omce u lept at uiurn outer. otai l'Wfc,n, S. C. &ft. 22, 1823. New Fashions. THE subscriber having very lately received from his corretpondent in Philadelphia the latest faahion from the celebrated shop of Robb If Hlnebrtnner, of that city, ii now ready to do all kind of ork belonging to the Tailoring bu siness. He pledges himself, that all those who may favor him with their euitom, ihall have their wot k done in the best it vie of the fashion of the day, and on reasonable term. Traveller, and other, a ho wish garment made on short notice, can be accommodated a ith a whole suit, on a notice of two daya. Order from a diatanee punctually attended to. THOMAS V. CANON. Saliiburu, Jg. 11, 1823. . 66 Tailoring, at Lincolnton. THE (tibscriber return! hi thank to the citi zens of Lincolnton and its vicinity, for the very liberal patronage with which they have hitherto favored him i and begs leave to inform his friend and the public in general, that he will still continue to carry on the above businesa in all its various branches, at hi old stand. Me a'stiirs all who will favor him with their custom, thst their work shall be performed in a fashion able and durable manner. As he is determiord not to hare any inferior workmen under him, he feels confident that hi punctual attention to the performance of hi promises, and the superior style m which Ida work will be executed, must merit to him the confidence and favor of all hi friend. He ha iMtWrtheettaccutlnmcd la obtain the. latest fishton ftwrt Charleston, and will MX udiavoc taaiiw;tiikejk yeaiw hv.tbe, merchants who visit lhat Cky, The subacriher can sure.aU who may wish to favor him with their patronage that he haa become master of the art of cutting garment agreeably to tha beat plan known in th'6'Thitrd ftatca i and, as tewing welt Is the hiost csmiiat part In mssing a carmen t, lie tan also anure them, at he keept none but good workmen, that part mail be aatiatactenlv per- formed All who are unaquainted with the aub scriber, a44i punctuality, morality or work mnnsliip, are referred to any of the following merchants of Lincolnton, who have' favored him with liberal patronage, viz t Col. John Hoke; Col. Danitl Hoke, David Ram sour, Jacob Ram- sour, Robert, H. Burton, Jacob Forney, and Jacob Riest, F-' "--- DANlEL &E1GLV- JJntolnlon, Vet. 3Tr 18'i. 78tf P. S. My prices shall be raorabieraa IH timet am jrowing ttimewhat-duJUir and- moreJ op pre mi ve. , Taken Up, N the month of Miiv ll, by the subscriber, a stout able bodied neirro fellow, who call himself Edmund i lie ia about S .faet 10 inches hitch, very dark complexion, t.utter 'considera bly, particularly when agitated, and aged about 53 or 24 years. The owner is requested to Erove property satisfactorily, and take the fel .w away. JOHN CALLOWAY. StUtivr, Aee. 10, 13I, , SW , H; l). t .fil 7. W , l, in,!, ,'.f ( '.. ( IS prr(ir-il tt . ,in.i'i trsn-H'-. at J Vi.ilrrt plenlifullv, f,n f 1.l.l , ''l ' "( !v fait fMn ren inil him ttm riff t ('It h, mairlil, l, hun.tty Iruxa, u at hint now. ,s. K, mil. ; Cotton Haw (Jin., was Mef p i iff r I'siw itWW Vil " w" r ij( a L h ti'ip m 1 shuryj on tl i n lrert, t V Ion w Cn,uf his nan ml, vliiehb al irrant to ha a aelt "kU my in th I k-, II will cn'aiuly htp rm lur al and "1 do U kinds of rrpstui g, Vm sl.ort fkHicr, U.4 . , rciwnabte terma. ' amvi-i. ruAir.t, . je., ,tf.1B, 1KW , 17 ' i nr iiiiu.t iA, TIlOSK Militia OOm era l" !" e evptirit . a Wi to he jiwoes-td 4 tfce vwil-a laij caa now at suDDiira srn tnr i'r" r"iu w thtm, hy applying at the priiiting-cff ee. . , State of North-Cnroliim, baviosoh cotstf. , " . - COURT of rh n4 Qusnr r wiiil, tVI ' bef Tr rm, 1 823. GVrJiim Ta-y it d f rah hi wife, and Elite lrr'y, twi I' f Gars . ' nr and BaHara hit ife, (.eorre Heplrt andl ' Catharine hia a iff, Slordrrai t'lhm aid t htia Una hia wife i trtiiloo furpatlllion.; It ipprara , inf to the firrtioii of the emirt tlis' ihr V frndanta, Philip Garner and Otrbara kit 'Jt$ George Keplrf and Cathirint hi wife, lU ii.tu cti Coll.n and Chrialena hit wile, are ml itv habitant of Ihii ), it 1 tlirremtw erd red,- that ptihlicatinn be anade f"f us week in the Western Carolinian, printed in alihr), that unlr be defendant appesrat the tit at Court " of Plea and Quarter hriim to be held M Diton county, at the court louse In losing , ton, oe the 4'k Monday of Jimiary i-st, ! plead ami demur (o the aanl petition, Othtra law it will be taken pro ennfesso, as to them. f A true copy from the tn'm ite. V 1). MOC1CCV . Price adv. 2 . . ' , , State of North-Carolina, 4 tokk covarr. OURT of Pleaa ami Quartei Seaaion, j4 teniber Term, 1S23. John C. Blum, Agrat of the Dank of Cape Fear at ln w. Edmuhd Bcixlry and others i Judicial Attachment, lrtu d on land. It appearing to He ttiafetimi of, the court, that Edmund Ileadry so abscond or . conceal himself that the ordmsry prncrM ft law cannot be erved upon hi, it ia thtreforei onlerrd, that publication be made in the Wet tern Carotlntan for "three werks, g4ng Hee -to the aa'nl defrmlant, F.iltniind ftrnlei, to ap4 pear at the next Court of Plraa and Qi srer ftessions to be held for the said efMin'v, en lb seooful Momlav In Dtcen ber heit,and,rrplty, leaiL or dcmiir. otherwise Judirment final ili be entered againat him, MATTHI ;inst him. MATTHEW 183 H, MOORE, i tk. Price advgi Ii Gsrmnnton, Av. 3, 1823 'State of North-Carolina, sTostrs cocaTf. . COURT ef Pleu atvl Quarter BeaaJoM, Sepe tember Term, 1823, - John C Bhim, Agent of the Bank of Cape Fear at Salem, t. Edmund. Itearley and trfhertr Judicial Attachment, Im d on land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Flimind Ueaaley so absomd nt eoneeau lufsMtt that-the ordinary- -ptavtas sf T-t-law cannot be served upon him, it la thrrefurw ' " ordered, hat jmldiealiow he made hx tht.vVef fern Carolinian for Ibrre Wrek"givirtg netieet---to the aid defendant, Edmund Beaatcy, to ap pear at the neit Court of Pleu arwl'Qref Keaiion to he held for said count , on the te eond Monday in December neit, and replevy, Elead to issue, or demur, othtrwiae jui'n men! . nal Will be entered against blm. til . MATTII EW H MOORE, (Tk, CsrwNswsn, AW 3. 1 823r Price an f, 2l State of Nortli-Caroliiia, ITOKKa COUatT COURT of Pleas and Qturter Sessdnra, Sep . tember Term, 1833. John C. Bluni, Agent of the Bank of Cap Fear at Halem, . Pilmuna lliailev and other t Judicial Attachment, levi ed on land. It ippeanng to the satisfaction of the court, that Edniund llrnle r o abscond rP conceal bimelf Uiat the ordinary prwei f Itw cannot be terved upon him,' h la there for - rdrretl, that publication be made in the Wee . tem Carolinian for three wetka, giving notice " to the said defendant, Edmund Deailry, to p pear at the neat Court of Plcaa-and Quarter . Sessions to be held fur aaid count, on the ae onnd Monday in Deeettiber aeat, and replevy - (lead to issue, or demur, otherwise- judgment nal will be entered against him, tlU MATTHEW R. MOORE, C'V CermtHfn, AV. 3, 1823. Price adv. gl 2 J ; State of North-Carolina; ..V. STfltrs corttTf- " " COURT of Pleu awl Qi arter SeWmna, Sep tember Term, 1823. John C. Btt.m, Agent of the Bank of Cape Ftar at Sslrm, t r. r dniMiul Bcaaier and othertr Judicial Attach mcr.t. levU-r adun Jandttannearin: to. the aiskction of ; ' tbf court,4it Kdiaiind. lieiali,,'mll. 0fs2l2; conceal nimicu uiai ine cruina'-v rrcctus or law.ciuM6erved wpph hunit-via iberetoHa : ordered, that publication b niafeiri the ' Wes'",Ti-! Urn Carolinian for three weeks, giving notice C, T to the aakl defendant, Edmund lk-aley, to ap ; :, petrnt the next Coorfof Picas and iCuarter . Btuluns lo Be helil Tor inn eujnry. Oil T cond Monday in December neit, and replevy, plead to iasue, er demur, otherwise judgment. final will be entered against him. . tbJ ; - ' - MATTII EW R. MOORE, Cl'k. - -" Cewrim'w, Vs,3, 1823. - Price alv gl 25 jr State of North-Carolina, STOCKS COt'tlTty COURTof Pleis and Quarter SeMona, Sep. -i temTjer Ternifo useofWm.SUule,. Edmuud Btazicy.t Jurfic;4, Attichrnenr, levied on land. " Itapmrarwtto tha cVirt IhaTIIieo'elcwTimT himself that the ordinary procenof'law cannot baa servrff-Tipotr hmv th w w tmlered, -tl;at puWicauoh be made in he w estern Carolinian for three weeks, giving notice io the ctid d( fen dant to appear at the next Court ol Pltii anil Quarter Sessioni to be held for aaid cotiuty, at the eourt-lwiite In Cernmr.ten, on the ttconcj U Mondar Sn Pecember next, and rcDlevleaA to issue or demur, otherwise Judgment nnalwill ; nc cnioreu aainn nun.- - ..-.too Y (- , MATTHEW K. MOORE, Cl'k. eirmaTUtn, AV. 3, 1833. Pric? ad, gl 2jf j.