V Tin'. J piinrti tf frtir j-i , ! t, ,rt. rj tiTaeta, tiiorjl, rrhiiMit, o-t r . . '!noui antb. f '..! d tins V. it III villi anatcr wbUb, r ',!(., W lew 4'U cV h to tb fj portion of O if rlrn, and !1 i tn of t ttrnif and amusement, bt run sisfctory to oUtCl quidnuncs I'xl.f "re profitable lo thus I who tela Interest in lu t .UfLfulnest of tin i I! puLu, 1U4 (iMtm of naliuns gen. , erJly, Js i J the succeeding t""f col tsnns will bo pretty m-ali t copied witH lb - jpfwceedir f 0 inimm Mealing A ... jt,Ufui U oM.lh4, fruccLg oftha tfatt snd rational 1 fixtures will els ra a good s.urt of our mutton. Ws shall, low. over, during this pultkaj season, occsawmafly iniertptm flirougt our pfs well liurary and I-niseellatreous pics m will Uu4 to git a lest to tre WoU fare. W ak ibose of our reader. ' sbo da not Uks much interest In legislative, ocffCMioM foftijn, and publics! nttss, to b tuU Indulgent fur a few ptontha 1 t tb tap. . fttio of which, they shall a,-sip bsvt Uif Wonted quantum of "swry, the try spice of tf." 1 ir www i ' impohtast nto jpain. , Surrender of Cadi, . BOITOK. StOV. 7. , The brig Mary and liz9 Captain Gray, wh'uh arrived yctirrtlat. left Gibraltar on the 4tH tilt, and Captain C. informs that boa arrived from t .1 a GiZ the fvcoiDg previous, svitn an account of the aurrmder of ih it ciiy to the French 00 the 29th of Sept. and that the King aod hit family patted" to St. Mary'a the lame day. Two , French frigate arrived at Gibraltar on the 3d of Oct. Business had been dull, but the new events were expected to revive it. The Frigates were from the squad. - ton off Cdiz the blockade bring rais ed. Thrjr sailed for Algrziras. ft was understood Cadiz capitulated af ter the Ml of the Caatle of St. Petri, and without being bombarded. . Caxctta Eitra Madrid, September 17. omCIAL ARTICLE. The IntentLnt of Carolina re porta tn the' Minister of War, by a courier, as follows: 11 It is now eight o'clock at night, and the chief of the rebellion, x- IUfael del RTcgb,taa juat entered this capital as a prisoner, and I have pla. :r1: ced hira in a dungeon of the public . . gaoU - Three other officers .have been takes- with 4imy ad ihcy. also, arc in iduiieeoni. IlrannofTTi preirnt, give Y, 1 the particulars of this glorious prize, but I will soon. The c'n il com mandant of Arqnilloss, and its inhjb ' itantt, without the assistance of a sin gle soldierj were the persons by whom this praiseworthy arrest has been per formed. , Carolina, Sept. 15 1823. Intendant, ad interim. Juan Josef! Caballero, . ... . ' : " . CounterReport. ,'j The brig Conveyance, (says the Petersburg Republican,) arrived at - U. York from Gibraltar, sailed on the same day (Oct. 4th) with the vessel that brings the intelligence of the fall " " pf Cadiz. l"he captain of the Convev- ance states, that at the time of his iiU ing, there wat nothing new. Which shall we believer HEW-TORK, HOV. 8. v The brig Convennee, which left Gibraltar on the 4ih of October, arri ved below yesterday. The Captain ' reports, "Nothing new at that place." This vessel is about a fortnight later than previous arrivals from Gibraltar TJZZZZ, flfrinieri were ,uoc upjwt eveninci . v. but U is'.prcaumed. frotn.i.hg, bflvctg. port, that n imporUn,tevent had c- of the morning papers states, that at . . the. time the Conveyance "sailed, the SptyardsJttet(lXaiJiz71ncTDrle r t 1 was no prospect of its bein e surrender f'idto the French, . !"', ....'.-."' 1 " " " 1 1 We have seen a letter, which mentions the -arrival at Havana, of a Spanish brig from Malawi vthich pert she left on the 1 st September, having on board a large utt mberoC Frjr s aert off by Gen R 1 too. iiSiZMf?lSZZ - f .... . " . boys hooted at thept end pelted them with r -stones -t nor ouW the populace be quieted .n!Rihj,stw.ngemn ttUuctonl" when they .were allowed to proceed to their lodgings unmolested. '.i'..:--:':. v ChaHcttan Courier. At the last superior court jcrr Ilender son cotihty, Virginia, came on the case of Mary PattonTagiinst Elkridge Hall for alander. The witnesses were examined, f and the jury, after a short consultation, , returned a virdict of Jvt thtutand dollari damagei. ' ;; -j'- ' l r ;.. rv ' : m : . ? n tMH.V t, A V 4'.. Tl e f rti'Icmrn tpp'unU'l to mtrnj tle UrnKj Ui.ioftinl nitftlnxa! Vi!iin; iorfc to 1liurir Uit, tonrntl uturdi 9 no'lr n. Ihit ift tb f "nveillon utt imUt orffif.Ueil, tn tb p.wt' feni of Oen. Walter Jones as SccrtUryi hen t n?ioiirftnet5t look pUre, for the HiroM tit enaWinj tnnr entlfmeni (nomcnily cspeief to (14 in the full or nisi tion if the meeting. On I ri4jjrf a Urge dlltlonal numUr erf Detects sjpesrfd, when they pro cea4 la ibo appoiuimcni of a FxriiJenii Mch njrf n motion of Gen Mercer t tMi stie, w ronferred on Dr. James ntt of Ittifliod LTlit conrtmioo btfrz thu.brEnitH, Cen. Merter roe, and ofter an eNjtani taordiumi Introduced sundry resolutions in relation to t! object of rneetirtg. M uch debate nucd, snd some amend ments wera offered to the resolutions which were finally referred to a commit tee of fifteen. The meetint; adjourned on Saturday evening, about 5 o'clock, afser hating Krt'Uvtd, nuntmjUttyi That it il eipe dient to iubv.itute for tht prctent defec tive nali(ation of the Potomac Hier above tide water, a natlt(ible Canal, by ( umberland to the mouth of Sataga ( reek, at the entern be of the Allet;ha nr, and to extend such Canol, as aoon thereafter as practlcuble, to the highed constant ateam Ul niniion of the Mo uonRahela or Ohio KWrr. Tht tbe mot! rlliilde mode of attun ing thW object, will be by the Incorpora tion of a joint atock compunv, empowered to cut the id Cinul tbroiKh the f erriio ry of the United States in the Oittrirl of Columbia, and of the Stitet of Virginia, MarvUnd, and PenntylvDnla ; and, therefore, that comm'tirees be appointed, each.conoittini; of fie Delegate, to pre pare and pretent, in behalf tf this Acm bljr, and in co operation with the Cemnl Committee, heieinfter provlJe d, suit.ble memoruls to the Conceit of the tented Statea, and the LcRiil-tures of ihe eer al States before imed, rejueiing tUetr concurrence in the inrorporniion of Mich a company, and their co operation, if ne- ;eaar, in the auUcription of fundi for the completion of the sid Canal. The Booksellers of Indon make out their liMa of American book a every month. The list for the month of Julr last, rum- pntdj)y eight American works- Some of them een volumnious and expensive, constating of several volumea CIiarUtlOH Uvuntr. In Woodfrd's Comb Manufactory! WestbrookVtN. II.) there sre 30 persons pf bot.h. ie xeSi ( on st in t ly e m p loy e d, w ho manufarture each day, out of lheraw hofnT glOO worth nf Combs, of various descrip tions, in a style of substantia snd elegant workmanship. The average sale of the stock when finished, is already equal to the amount manufactured, which is dispo sed of in the states of Mdne, New Hamp shire! Massachusetts and Rhode Island. A meeting was held st Columbia on the 33d ult. for the purpose of preparing a petition to Congress to reject the bill im posing protecting duties for home manu factures. The Committee appointed by the meeting, for drafting this petition, were aUo directed to open a correspond rnce on the subject with the different sec tions of the State. Wm. C. Preston, Ksq. Dr. Tm. Coorra, and XV. F. De savssvhe, Esq. lormed the Committee. An adjourned meeting was to be held on the 30th, to receive the Committee's re port. CI11. Hurler llrA intt. Quack! An action was lately brought in the County of Albany by a female child, by. her nearest friend! to recover dama ges from a Physician for negligence and mal practice in setting the PlantifTs arm, which had been dislocated at the elbow joint. . .The case was fully made out and Ui appeellltal'JIiWAt.iIV JIJW-Je.fc. .Rli.nurslx.u9ebss a verdict of six -hundred dollars damages tot4o-pIanliff At the Albany (N. Y.) county Agricul tttratExhibiioheld-bottHhe middle pf last month, the article which attracted the greatest attention, was a grass hat, made by a young lady cf that city. It was pur chased for Fifty Dotlori, immerfiatelf-of-ter the fair, by the President of the Agil cultural Society, . SEDUCTION. ww seaucuon was uiecr oc I bifA Aim Ktiruksnnv.I maraV Ief mas fljstw ants vt Cot but. j.TetrcrurjuncesiT t e hdin g the - se duciion , '-"we undefst an3, were 01 nne TnrwOTrawtin'is; the jury awarded the plaintiff four hun dred dollar damages, being the amount of the defendant s worldly possessions Master G- F. Smith is announced in a Liverpool ' paper, to recite Alexander's Feast, at the. Theatre Royal, being his first appearance In England. He is styled the AmexUakSjudut. ' ? ' ' . . : " . . " '. 1). VAUISII ; CO. I I r. ennf 4 an i do i,'.Ut ff -d", l 1 K v.mtmti: Im f'xr, 550 VaiUSt$ DUY GOOD ADArTf O TO TMt IEAS0K fill WOOIXKN GOODSv 21 liktrteitra tnd aujirr CUITHi 30 do : mWlif do 3'J d lo prwed U 3 tlo iiij prime d " 3 iU 54 I)vimlir IJnr)f , 14 da tuprr awl midJlins; tawnneres -5 do cotnmon - 5 -flrr- anper rrp' and ribbH 4 i tr Kiiwrmd i'bllnj SlliocU Q ' 5 7 An Ilciliof I conla ' T t , 2 do supe r VaJctwia VtitlnfS . 4 ltd Common 1o.li net snd nsuowa ilo 1 bulcl heavy mdrg - - - - , 19 it wtitUr VUmt , J aw blue, dnb and mixt do 3 do free lUiwi 0 da aaaorted HanwU 10 An Lomtoo tfcjflU DUnketa' J da nrirtol do do 1 J do 3, 3). 4 awl 4) point do 10 do rAM,94,lM,ll-4smllWUodo 6 do black and colurad ItombsM-ts 5 do do do fi pi red do 3 do do pnnied do 3 do arartet and ormnjre printed lUtUneU 3 crt Candinc PUiU 1 do wonted uVril fltripea , 1 do black BombaM-rns 4 do iper TarUn PUid Cluaka 3 do Men's aaoried Larub's VS 00! tins 4 do do do do do half do 3 do do do Wonted do 3 do Women'i btack do do 1 do do lnte do do 1 do Merino SUntlrS and Mba la 1 do 4-4 and A 4 Caswmrre do 5 do 7-4 ami 8 4 pUm f jjurrd LWmm do 3 do V urtted tlrcv 1 do Cajwimcre Points. COTTOX GOODS. 10 caaes 9-4 and 6-4 f 'aoibrica 3 do 9 8 aod 64 Jaconcta 4 do 8-8 iJ 6-4 loom aewed Muilina 6 do 9 8 ami 64 Book do J do 44 rich Umboured do do 3 do 44 Jpurd .do do 3 lo 941 aiMl 64 plain aod rlgurvd Mull do 3 do V-8 phiia and UoibonrU wu Uo 5 do commo i, tartibourcd aod acmcd Kobct 3 do assorted Umoea Si do 34 ai.d 44 aw'd Calicoes and Cliintrrt, sonic fotltionablc and pl-iuh.l ijiierin 8 do a-iptr m! common fiiriiiture do 3 do l,nnrnt and (Unibric Dimi'y 3 do aoper Vurni'uro do .3 do H4andlistrcil,sUuilts 3 du 44 I'uion Stnpvs 3 do drab Constitulion rd flanip Corda 3 do stiprr ami common tlvdticLs 3 balrs Dorchratcr do 6 caa Hhlannia and rtaikUniui IldVfa. 5 do Madras do 4 do Pulbcat and Slutulipatam do 4 . do common ami super blue liooud do 3 do 44. 6-4 ami 74 tflunii nliala 3 do 7 4 aod 184 Imitation do 4 do V.LIU, ipo.Ud and eticckfd Cwili 1 do Women's hil Cotton Him 1 do do super black do d ingrained 1 do Clot's atnie do do 3 do Cotton llraccs, ataortc-d 30 bnlri bntwn and bleached Vt'altliam Cottont 15 ido : cuminprt hhirungs and Stu tC& 6 cav-i American funds and btripes 1 do do Checks 3 do 44 do Imitation Caroline Plants 4 do 34 and 44 suam loom Shirtings 3 do 44 Long Cloth paitems 1 do 44 super plaid Ginghams, LandMine 1 do Turkey Yarn 5 do three cord Cotton tails 2 do Spool Cotton LINEN GOODS. 10 esses 7-8 and 4 4 Irish l.im.11, whole and 3 do loiig liwna ditui pieces 3 do Linen Cambrics 1 do do do Handkerchiefs I 3 lo arted l able Diapers I do 3 4 bird rye do 1 bale Niiasta do 5 rases brown and black Linens 1 bale Imitation Sheetings 4 do Osnabtirgs 1 do super l.inen Tick 1 case while 1'latillas 3 -do assorted I'atent Thread. BILK GOODS. 1 case green, pink and blue Florence do hgd Florences, Levautin-.-s and Satins do do do do do do do do do do 54 black Serge do Levantine 44 figured Silk Handkerchiefs black Sinchews wnd Sarsnrts plaid do black Canton Levantine do and colored Canton Crapes do do Nankin do Crape Dresses . rich satin embassed do - . do super ami-common black Silk lldkfi .da:;;iia.jaross ttft3tnd.plsil ,r ,Trrr4tt. zzi 4lK4wd.74Crap-hawbi-' do do. Majitlei. I diril eye sdkerebici,'a'f 4 do super and common WacUltallan Crsnes narcrapr tTOSrttose ' do Men's and Women's black and white 1 3 1 1 i 3 3 do do do do do do do Habit English do do Italian and India Sewing Silks assorted Twists do . Silk braid black Silk velvet rich figured Hibbons, assorted do. au'd. fringed and plain UfTeta and satin black Galloons . N , do Velvet Ribbons 1 do 1 J do do v. super and. ororooh F.kg Ilandkfa... I do do German Co black silk Floreivtine . J do do do do rich figuted. ..2 .cases Mca'A-BfAVelLJIjipvei do do' Buck-skin do do do Dog-skin do do do 1 suM-r Wooibrtock do do Jtabit Woodstock and Beaver do do ' do assorted Kid do do do lined tio . do do super and common girt Ccat Buttons do do Pearl " do do 'Pins.;'..' do silk ami gingham Umbrella do . ladies Leghorn Hats . '. do Tapes, assorted. Orser27,l323. 8t87 Caution to the VaWif. OS' il.a f.'.i A A'H rnao by lbs Iktmtf flr: a U.Mf by truU, li-jk hoard in al lti a.!nlr's hou ! Tmnnr I. II a ik'dat I 'T .tUwl fyng b S bafd, lis bll l r nc f.-om N.ttim.Ml or I'rtiM'irf, Va. and i!,t b s!il4 go lo Tenor km l. Mt l.rr, IN la aUt S ftct 8 lotbrs HA hr I, rurkd ba r, bijf rnout awl w-orty bvl, U 1. a rirMiioB, planaibl tdUiai Ibe pubbc vl.L tbertlore, da well to look out f'f b.m. t'AHUUJ.VR 8 M II. .e..t-.kW, ,V. If, 1811. Uttunc for fttte. . I fc f IVILL sH wy Ifouso and Irt in fta T ' " I X. T 'iry,"ll srco'mroortatfnir tcrmc Apply to 1 I. C' an, r.sj. - m, ui tta. la 1 Hi. Ihrrt U S joil oTita UUiUf.nx toUs lo, ooneeit ff a Larr r r1in.' j')ii i;rtMHUi. Mhmy,Mimhi, 18X1 '44tf 11111(1 s for Salt'. Vmler a oVref th VnM fymlp HwM CHhlg, BV sirtue of sundry d4-crres of the Court of trinity for lloasn county, ma Is at iMobrr term, l!l 1 will espoe to pul.lio 4le, at (be Cimn-lliMi in ftalysirttry, on M tdnrvlny tl IVlbof Ueermbrrntlt the following aloalitt; tracls of Land, Hi tract near Alriandrr lnjr's imll, ixit far frtw the mmjtli of tirant'i frees, conUininf 'jH arir ooe other tract adj )ininjf the l'"N of M illian Kit.itli and Ali-t-anlrr Lanjr, rnntiininjr VI acres 1 one irfhrr tract on the Yadkin nrr, helo the mouth of Crnt creek, ctiiaininr HJ aeres; three trttirr tract a'lj'Mimtf the la( 'iirnti nrd 'ract, roii. tiiiiinj lojfrtlier J9J arresi alau, fmr bs ly. iii)r in the rn at nortli aniiare of the town f HaliJmp, anown ami dt-arrthed in the plan of said town by Noa, 19, 3U, 60 ami 65 1 I he above proM Hv b loiia to the heirs at Li of Ibe Ute lr tau ter Frtdiuc k. Alio, at the umc t!me and plw-c, S trsrt of Ijn llvitiK on the ati rs f H.wtinj c e, In the Forka of the Vadkin, adj iinin tlie Unds of am'iel little, linker Jolmiton and o'lirrs eon taiuinK by ritunation 2.V arr-, b Imif-injf lo the hrin at la of (ior-e llraiiibin, dic'd. Kt, at the Sa lie tune a ! pljc, a trart of land bins; 011 tlic Vdlin ri r, i.ilj.i'.i'ii,)f he U,hU of .Nathanitl I'trM) t, M illej Ki'ik, )t"f tlm I, sml 'libera, containing 2i'l rS nmf- i.r leal 1 and brti.i gin lo the hriri at b nf Jii.i a ('avion, drr'd. Al-, at the lame time and pUrr, a trao (,f I. ami biiiR on tht rsof l)ut h Seroiuirirel, L'Mui.lcd by t!te Umla of Mil li. I llnH iijii', John 'I rrsler, and otlitr snd roiittninf til ari, be the same more or traa, bclm ting to the beirs at la of John Puinger, dcc'd. Aim, at tiie thine 1 ime and place, a tract of f .and hin orr a brac'i cf Sec f.l rrertr,"com. o.only called the tt kl.iut llrwu tt, w!j'inin the lainU of Gfrjri- in I llcnrv llwotui, c litauiing '2 'j acre, and l lin'pnjj to tttc h-ir at law of M;irjf:ret HifIu in, 1I1 r'd. A rrrdit of twelve and tililreu tnonll.s will heft'iM !! Tor tlie pur. Iuk money, on each of the l)oe rad ' fl.au I A ', at i!h tame time ami plare, w ill be sold aiMithtr tricl, Imiioh the at, r of ethero'i crerk, joining tlie Iredell liui , an I a1jotnii(r the bu.ila tf Nr d M'Kay, Jatni a llouatun, Ihivid F'.rr, atul o'her, enntaininfr forlyn or forty. rlK' I scrta, beloiirii.r to thi: heirs at thw 4 Alexander Cook, iL l iL ..Tka tract nU U aold on a en d f of twelve months, itb mtrrest from the timi: ofaJe. ' ' -. ' . - The purelers will he required to give bondi with spprvifd securities, in ever) ii.atanrc, for the ptirelusc mom v. '(iKO. I.OCKF-, CM. F. (kttbtrlS, 1:). t h4 VnluaMo Lands for Sale, Under a drcrcr of the i'mrt if lUjuiiij, Jut tUr coiiiilif tf .S(Art. I V nbedienrc to a decree of the Court of Ktiuilv for the county of Stukei, tin re will he eXHvd to public sule, at Ihe Court-Mooae in (ierniHiiton, on the e ghth day o( Dccrmhcr next, bei.-jf the Monday of the County Court, Vrrf, the following tracts of Land, late the property of John Z ii'tm-nimn, sen. dee'd. for tlie oeiu fit of his deviieei : 'I he (irsi containing three hundred and ten arr s, more or lens, under impn.rciurn'. King in S'okrs count, on the niuiti rt.ad leading from Salem by llagn 'a to Salisbury, about six tliJes from the first place, on the south tb'k of Muddy ertek, adjoining Henry Shop and others. Thr second rontaininnoe hiiudred andeiglit acres, more or less, miner improvement, lying 1 in the enunty ot UaVidson, tin the above rimd. on It-: ;tv rrcek, adjoining Doctor Mataw and otiu rm, at present 111 the tenancy of Christian Ziumv-rniau. "I be Miird consining forty acres, mure or less, lying in the county of Davidson, adjoining Jacob Mock, Jacob Craler and others. "' AIho, the following IjouIi, late the property of John llutiser, dee'd. for the benefit of bis widow and heirs st law. Frst, three adjoining tracts, under improve ment, containing; seventy -six acres, more or less. 1 lying in the county of stoke, on the road read- toff i'pim Sakn 4bvttfppeFa" iw-Ssfiemtrr. fhw mlfann-thr-lirsr l'Tulip Kothrock and others. , -.-. ZfSS!$!Z$!M eMfiwjf f.ft v'.E'f . ' aires," more or leas, nvari''aDov'e, oil tire water of MitildyxTTTfc.rrjanrrny -Pbrlrp--jmtj Cro.-ttotrr-i roek and others. win ue buiu one year and six months, the sis months to car ry Interest, the purchasers giving bonds with approved security. Should no sale be effected tire first day, of the wliole or part, the sale will be postponed frorn day to day, agreeably to law. Attendance w ill be given by the Clerk and Mas ter of said Court. Test, JOHN C. BLUM, C.M.E. Stolet ennty, Oct. 23, 1833. 6;83 "VlttES "Co'CHf f ' - V alimony hancy Cox, by ncr next .friend IJeo..Irprt, agauta, iiraiton Xus, aud.. Jas. Wellborn, admiiiistfator. It apwaring to the utisfactlon of the Court, that the defendant, Braston Cox, is a nbn-resident of this state ; it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in tlffi Western Carolmiart ,fojr three montlis-suoeessiVely, that unless the said defend dant appear at our next Court to be lield for the county of Wilkes," at the Court-House in Wilkes-: bprp, on the second Monday in March next, then apd there to plead, answ er, or denmr, or said Ull will be. taken pro cohfesso, and beard ex parte k J. C WVN, jr. C.ALE. Trice adv. 4. - 3ntV9 Btntc of Xortli-Caralina, si oats covhti. (sot iii .f r. i., Apid iffNi, y alon ( It inrnla, . A(h.i!. laU.n-r Original bid l perpttnata tr' .ii.onjr, j g. tnng 1 t!i stiftioa 4 t!.f cwrt, lUt di f.-OiUtrt, Atbdba Ilfilhrajr, dea SmjS rfc wnJ.iiitl.e bnt-tsof llua Ktat, it i ti r dm w, drn I, that puhttfalion he ana-U tit ail t,l aumsaittly in the H astern Carolinian, prmyj at Saliihury, that uolra aaid lUftn-hnt at the nrvt Cmirt t4 tUpiiiy, lo bt bol u Uf iho county of pti.kn at ti. cuun bAiM U u. nis iton, on tl. tbihl Mo.i Ij afur Um tr' Monday In Mrrb neit, snl plta.1, siaer of lUmnr, lb bill v tit b Ukcn p'tc n f a J the Ca t b sH dos) fr beain ts prt. Cpy from Minuter- Te," Iffl, Qt-e ai ft..) Ul ' Slate of Xortlij-Cnrlin.i, , asaooirn cocait. ' . C01I1T of r.'j-t-ty, FaU Tsnn, 1825, u. Ft ntufif? n, v-S. CbsrlcS Johnson, aod eras' Hill m IVpiity. . Il appearinf to iba sat 4, laciWMS of lh Court, that lsnrs lUrria, and lUn , d Hall, ami Mary bis wife, (In-lis at law of Ja j llarrii, d M.) are not Inhabitants of Ibis Sut it a ordered by lb Court, lhal publiraliua ba ma le in the Untrw Carolinian lorsii WffW tint unlras thr aavd James It4mt, ami lUr. IUI1, and Mary b a w.fe, rim.e foraard H the time t.r das of , t nSt Co-irt tf Fspjiy 1 1 b In H f't the 1 inttit of II.. Inlpli, iH, firrt M. tvl-y after IH fourth vmnilav of SUftk, ii X', and alirw 1 Sue why the) S ail o f nia.Se p4rtia dcfi inliit, and a.i-wtr the turn. plainant'i hill, that tl,e aame wiUb lake a pra couftant, an-1 hranl s pjitf. A cty 1 II. FLLIOTT, C. C7.1 Jj; Hriff adv, l OtiJ State of North-Caruliiisu kl'BRIt COVkTV. f (sOCIlTof I'h-asaiul Quarter S salims, Sea. J tembrr S,aaion, 18.3 Chailts M'Duatl, Wlliam DirVsoti in rijt'.rt of his wife Ms'sr.-t, Alhon A. M'ltowelt, Withain t'atn in riirtitaf bis wife Sarah, and Ja'fti It. M'lKaeU, he trial la of Cliar'rS Sl'llowelL drcrax iL t . Juti M'lk.urtl, H.Uiam hit ami, Mann.il M,.th, (irorjfe lii'S'in, JaHitS liitaon, I boiha Wliit mil, Jovri.li Wbiinon, Ann t l.itson, Holly hit. von in iv I'ol'v Hardin, Kt-brckah wife of Tho ms I.. M'r'.n'.irc, 11ionas 1. M'Kntue, tt'illiaai finih an. I t-ally bis w de, iU-vi. t if John If. How ef?, di-c'd 1 ami John iriKistll and .'an.os M'liowrll, ln-ir t la of Joteph M'lKiicIf, decM i p.-titi-.n fir j.a-iitinn. : uprn ariiif to the 3tu!ai ti in' of the i inirtthat ttdiiain Wftii, mi, H tmni I M intMMi, l.orjfe Viliitaon, Janies W hitaon, I bninaa t hi son, Ann hitaon, F(lly Vhi:in, (n.iw I'ollv lljrdiii,) and Mania lla din, ami I boiiits l at'Kulire. r liilr w it limit tlia TiMilia f tbia atate,- onlered, tben fore, by tba eonrt, that refbl'Cation br nude ftf s( wtrlt, at the Coort-liouse it Mogai.lnn, 'and 111 tka VI rvti-ni ('aniliiuan, tliu' unlcaa the spp sr as. fore the JuMires of the Court of I leas anj Uuarlrr 8rasioiia, lo be held for sari county t the Courtd Iooh.- in Morganton, on the fwrtk Momby in Jainiury m it, and plead, answer, sr demur, othrrwia. tlie petitioner's ptitiO!iillbS taken, pro f onli no, anj luartl r parte. i Alt. t, K LltW IN. t7fr,V. Price ad. i 00 ttt- n. State of North-Carolina, nticom county. ' , SCPF.niOU Cwrt of l.w, ico!ep Tens, 1323.1MT HorpT rt, Joshua Ifocpef, ! t'tion for diioree. It appearing to the sat farti -n of the fourt, thil Joshua llootwr. tht d. fi Mil jut, is not an inhabitant of this State, itb' ihereforcordrnd by said court, that pubheatioa be mule three months in the llaleigli Star and WrNtein t 'ati'inisn, giving notice to Ibe dcfea ' datiU tluit be appear at the Beit Superior Court of l aw to be held tor the county of jncolit,St the rourt-hcuse in Liiicolntou, on the fourth Hoa ; iIjv alter the 4th Mot.d.iv in March next, thfS ami there to atisw 1 r. plead, or oeinur to the said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confeato, and aljiid;re according!-. Witness, liasoo Id ink r-xm, r li rk of sa if court, at oflke, the fottrb Monduv :der the fourth Mpnda' in Sep. teinber, A. I). lH'.'Jj and in the forty-eighth yeaf of the Independence of the L States. I.AN. HKM)KJlS0?f. I'rice adv. 4 3nn91 - -State of North-Carolina, LINCOLK COCMtY. St'l'F.niOlt Court of Law, October Term, I82J. F.lina Itevings, r. Simeon Bevingsi pet;tion for divoi-ce. It appearing to the satis, faction ot the toiirt, that binicon Hovings, tlis dif, ndatit, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is -therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made three months i'i the Kalvigh Star and Western Carolinian, giving notice to the defend ant, that he appear at tlie nest Superior Court of Law to be held for Lincoln county, at the court-house in Lincnlnton, on the 4th Monday after' the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to answ er, plead, or demur to said peti tion, otherwise it will be taken pro cotiictio, and adiudtred acconlirirlv. Witness, Iwsoa 1 f c ,rjdcTj.P, , '()&. tC awd'coo aLofil t . 4th- MTmrhTTrftrrrtre4th urtffiday Bf ? fptcTrffl'Tr A. I). 182.?, and in the 43th year of the nj,cff . ' dcntoTiirirxuniutifaTes. : . 3isit9iav hAirmtrnfaaisaszL Ffatc orTTbrllfXTdrofina, IN Equity, October term, 18 3 ; James Bair Mary Sweet, Washington Uaird by his gut dian James Uaird, William Crook and Kebeccs his wife, John Agnew and Catharine his. wifeV James Thompson and Margaret fiir irifer Joba SteeL William Fullerton and Catharine bis wife, James Steel and Jane Steel, aguimt Jane Trip let, I homas Steel an' infant under tlie age of ' twentyne years," Thomas and John Baird in at w 4 v v v 41 m a r fan's umler-the age-of t entyon years, d -liam. Baird, Peggy Baird, Jane Baird, and Tho tnas Adams and' wife : PefitiOrt for sale of real -ealate. Itanpearihe to the satisfaction of tli 3HJWriaT474v zens of Enotlserjj'jtCj, jnia tnejraoroWei. iliafptdVlTcation be rTiade "for '"tKnmoniSi sift" cessivclv in the Wcstent CaJ-oltnian. for said de fendants to appear at our next Court of Equity, to ' oc held tor the county ot Kowan, at we cook house in Salisbury, on the second Monday sftef the fourth Monday in Mat ch next, and plead, sj .1 swer or demur to siud petition, otherw iise By be taken pro confesso, and heard ex arte. : , , fyt. 28, 1823. (Price vfr.&Ji-3&Z Writs YeniAUibtii Eo9 FaWekU44s0ic7 .1- '' X : V TT