- f., if 1 l!. first ! J "Nr.t " ! I e. g ,Unr, A it Iw I i u. ' ii'iKtjf uf 0cttn,iiirf hs-l llte n! tuo't t!iit of,fiiiir, and nrk Vl 1- bosinrM lif the winter, by ref rrmf the rioi part of tin governor fnrMtg t iMT.rent Committees, appo.niing Jutions he. U if rnor't mrssa.v', whisk will b found ,tU first pag of iUirr,U p-ol.t thai poll document of lh kiit li but we hV it lit kctlcr Pr it brrit) 1 it t3UiiM amplnl fur all pract Wsl purp , h it great, bil com- . Jwl error, to di-tcemlne th mer,- of tfrK, f "I nf rJrj Junction, bl'i.fr . t . . ...1 4. . . 8 ' , I. '.l'r '.t - ' . - .1 .....j.- Krr, w, , ' !J ; aprmpli hI, aciihl hifiwro, b worth of infill, rpty u..iHr. a - .i - . ' .kt . J- i V.' - . ucv-nn! rr.-"! "i r ""y r" Anionf lli tariuut object of lcKil4tiin to hich id (.ortmor baa directed the attention f tlx- (inrral AMcmUly, thrr ia on bkh la ovttltyjn tli history of oir government. It It rrconiinctvle l to th Ivj'n'i'ur lo Buke an appropriation for upKriinjr a kirvl of prfi fonJiip if ihe acirnr of Arriruliurtj in the t'ni. ycnity of NofliC'ruliiia. I lie pUn ia, to por-haM- a farm near the collrr, ami lo employ 4 j perwm to euperintrn-l it, who U acquainted with r t it. . . if " tl,elbeoryf.m,i..KlamlhMPraciM-alknow.',h (core,own cke, Ne w Ywk, dice of the mo approved aien,e of modem advire have been received from I.aeuivri. CilUre. lb aunlenttof tlttn verity, aeeom. amrdbyll,eprvfti-.rofchemirtn,aretoi.it ", , , . .i.i uiii i4rm a in ien at conenirni, ami uirrc aee ami Uurn ilia art of huthandry. 1'hit Un ap put perfidy feasible i ami at to it uiiLi, e frcl atxureil that alt teniih? person will readily ce the i(l'--sirca 1 ailtaaUei that muat result fruui itt aduplioft. Tlie a-ipportera nf Mr. Crawford! pretension In this SUtc hare, fir nm time pa, been feed. ii if tlieir hnjic wiih (lie belief tlut a majority of the member of the Ge neral aemb!y would be favorable to hi th ction. But their renph Lu bun u sit'd, and they have been found in Mnfv KHy in the morning of the day on wIi'h li the I-(fiiUture u to convene, the Craw. fordid t wrre found to be busily enjpgvd incotin-1 una- no-s, inu tirciunrtnnr mr air. niranpe, f..?,.rtlrinr!.T,: klin!l!J mi's wr. r-peaner or tne t ommont. - i ne fiiemla of Mr. C.iIIkmii, who bad not yrt put tlieir hi-adt lorttlier, and anionr w horn there m no concert of courae, aawthcae movementt of the advene party just it) time to detonate a fciitlrman for the clia'.r. Alfred kloore aa nominated t be waa known to be an advocate of Mr. Catlioun, but aa unpopular with A great tiny of. the member, from old party con-idi-rationsi add to this, that many of the friend f 'lr. r-atlwmn hd not arrived, ami h mtitt b conceded that the ehction for speaker came on . . ... . . ,, , , ' ed that hit dea'h was occasioned by dropay or umiW crcuminee tliat acemeft to promweTr ; Z Z ,- '. t ,jf . "-ftnflamat on of the-brain. He waaaeliTUofrreat klli.Ma K..1 A-mt . kj ka ilia fmtnA I O ... . ' - . 1 m.i..i.ii vi.iiv, v. ... muniij'imciii ui uiii - . . .. , , i tiarty. 1 her. ia a little discrepance in the atate-1 ' . .... . irxntiof the htar and Herittert the former . .... . . make Mr. Moorr t majority 9, while the latter avsii it 11. Hut either of them i rifTicient to I lengthen the facia of the Craa forditc. We lt week received the teuii-weeklv Itdcij;!. Ilegiater, publUied on Tueadaya ami ; Fri.l.vt. Ihe popujajioniJh --InTrltnornircTu j ovht certainly to ai-pport one piper publilied j - of-ener than weekly. We wish the MfiM. , Guli i may aucceed i and w e are certain Ihev v Would fincl many rtn,eTJtiiif, pin; irlfatt rmy 'ttWe, were we highly favored - In the mail armngemenli, a they are at a little neighboring village 33 mile above u. It ha been a matter of astonishment with many of our citizen, that Salem, a little village only 33 mile from u. ihiuld have a Huge from the east fWce week, while Salisbury, the largest town weat of Waleiph, ami very appropriately called the mttropolia of the well, should receive the mall only mce a week. By what rule of right, we ahotdd like lo know, ia Salem entitled to a temi-weekly trail, when Salitbuni, ai large as three of it, is debarred that convenience f AtoMt ahof king u.y djj5Jtliitftd irt d&jjyk'apeiwA JIrt Ballard, whHeon JL?.W. iQ-liver hou e. Accompatsted .J.L?iLiwi&rnid ffunliy, took a gunt " Went into the field uhseen,and shot her elf. Mr. Dallard was only 24 year oid, fn manhert. She had lattly recovered from a severe indisDosition. which isaun- rh8TC "?edtafht dcran?c" 'inent of her mtnd, and induced her to r . . r .omroh the rash act of tclf destruction. ; f b wimasj ciBvnrinnr. Mr. FAlitor : If you will give the following a !ace in j our paper, yo win Siuch oblige your Il1-':-'':'w'M -MiMfreT Jhat on the north aide of Dan river, not far from I the North-Carolina line, there is a hill w hich ha oeen a. volcano that there is a atrcam of lava re. aembling iron runt and all around the hill are 4 umber of volcano stone t and that the crater " psrtlyned'up, and grown over with timber. 0i -rT!'i" hill n add to be t Virginia, i. - , . Vuenr, 1st. Hid Mr. Morse ever eethi hill, n ",e,e-m of having been a volcano j he did not, who 'gave him hi information f -. ..V"T'2d. Doe any person know where thia Ji ta, in what county, in what neighborhood ! U n't. ii' ! r: tr.iti n the ni! I 1 (, iff. It kilt iW folloainf U briefly tltrac. ted fron an article I Uirtjr read in th " Indians Firmer " ridtl. .I " liirit li th dcerr." C.,r '( klin, MLT'TK YOUR BRIDE." ' WW adding creation, ,hrM ,,re i. nui of word ' dropped from lb pr ' i every grr'"g j in ui nous r- m to feel kissing fashion. Th prm Uth 1-4 ju jUcu hp of tr btuahiiig bnI mnt b ltrr. opr, pf ti;H no IrM 'iln' ilw 'limn 14 tli i:Kna rl Illul . Cublic mark ta be kM4 at. Uil tvtrr LJuminf "W mlrrrMrnrfkli,(Kil,l.nl,tivn - Tui aT a aw iii rrriii mere u nowmff te. 1 ry eflmina! eoi,u;w4 in ail tbii bit it aermito ' ,h' js,"m r dr:r,", 501 ""J lhdrfirti, tnir.it a. tl place hi wf. atic on the impolite xntrive ,4 "aahit your hri il.ii.mit a (.n mil., .tin. k..L ' trr atatr, that they have ifllortnation from Mil- Icdyeville, Ceo. of u. 0. M. 1 roup' election at Govcnftr of that (Mate, by a majority of 4 vote over MailUcw TaJbot, CfJombian HriutHr. He thu arrival of 1 he Rebulilican lroopweie eiliplo ed in bombarding Puerlo CiveJIo. A 64 Kun .i i i t . . , , amp anl a l'Kip Ol war Rid rrtvcil, ami it waexprtfd Ihn whole navy would join in the bombardment! when it itipKed the plc would be redm ed. I'he Con(jrei at fiaota had patted de cree (r dirhjrpin)f the debit incurred by the war, in Apure and Cfttanore. Another for the division of the Province rrVrioa anil Apure. Another author- Ilinjt loan in Europe of f3QJhOO,000. Another proh biting the xiv,rtanoii cf! i tohacro in all its lormt, and of vunpow der. Another fur ei (jelling fro n the He public, ei'her Spanij'dt. or American, whoe continu ocr there may be thought dangerous to the Republir. Another (in monstrance of the a , K. i. ..,,.li ,i.. law J)f Se pu 23, yet II. Kroiau certain pnvUcKea 'o veeU and carrot arrtvinjr direct from Kurope, lo all carijoet iniro duced front port of the U. Siea, either in national or foreign vesscli. Another decree for fjcilitating the njturaIittion of forcijjnert who with to settle in Col omhia. Rait. Pat. lHF., ' Suddenly, on Wedneaday Ua', fi'idiam Jt JtimniUrt ann of D. F. Caldw ell, Esq of thii Im m.mIi a til. .m It mm WaIVam. promise, nl UisaiSicleU pxrenta mdi long Jeep- . . ly reprct hi lota, ' , ......... Alan, at MocriIlr. in thia cotintv, on Tue- , , 1V the 23di nit. Dr. Alexander ichmolt, in the ... ... . '..... aim, in mi county, on tne utnuit. uenry JJibinten, ajfed about 60 year. For three or fmr ears pat, Mr. Kobinaon hai been rambling ,bout ,he country, whenever let loose, u may i,,ce bii exhibited aymptoma of derangement ; aince when, hi mind ha been t?''ng more and more diaordcred, and he died m Pc."l, lelinum '. Stwase & Runs man, WATCHMAKERS & JEWELLERS, ESP EC TFUI.LT inform the citizens of I Salisbury ami the public, that thev have taken the shop lately occupied by Mr. Curtis Wilkinson, where-tliey intend keeping for aale a general assortment every article in the line, consisting in part or Gold and silver Wat he i Gold chain, aeals and keys ; F-ar-rings, breast pins and finger rings j t Silver table, tea, mustard and aalt spoons j ' Soup ladles and sugar tongs ; J Brillannia tea and coffee pots ; Plated castor and candle sticks j Gilt goods of every description in the line i together with an assortment of Miliary Cdt. - W fttfMi ftnil Woek - KHnjunn ,4 w s I arf1atteiwrbSi and' clockepirinbji.wsa,JTbeywir4he ntvttiar will be enabled to render wMaction tO all flioae who may favor them with their cuatom. They bait!, rcwnto,J)sli.ere that wmewatches have not been well repaired, duaing last summer! 4liet there lore who nave had worfc done, and were not aatiafied. will pleaae return their watch es, and they ahall be repaired free of expense. House and Lot for Salc, in c i rmttmv IN SALISBURY. THE aubscriber wishea to tell hi house and 4ot, in the town of -Salisbury, now occupied .fcyJMjMsJJ to. generally known, that it -would be ot little service to describe it particularly i it is, perhans, the most elirible-atand for a public hotne.ih tne lweatm part, of Nortb-Carobna 1 4t is within 80f jranla.ofth and convenient, with extensive out-buildings, &.c, A very moderate price will be taken for the e tablishment, and payment made easy. Any pereorr wishing to purchase, will do well to ap ply toon, as the aubscriber ia now determined to tell, and remove to his farm in the country. Let ters directed to the subscriber, in Salisbury, N. C, will be duly attended to. . . JOHV HOWABD, &.." SaUibvry, Dee. 2, 1823. 82 V The IJaleitrh Star' will insert the above 3 weeks and tend their account te thia offic for Kttlemni, . - (itiw ti Pcliool, fllllK fft fn,i r.imil Imn.ii.'.i.n (!. !. L ! ' ilnf iiiiui Mn, t.x.k !! n.n 1 i.. . tit if tti inrf. Il 1,Tvffnt tliri wet r i.n.'nirj th f." imf u, til r limner' llwt, 4 bmilri 1 l.i.c.n' ),ili.JMr, til Utrlbf H'.ftW, trjil' iiii'm j l)i .llfrffiit liH-twirrtijf I Iff ( r, f'f. Jrnui, nJ th llm (.mnnnf, Amhu.eiH, Alp-br iml Geometry llut'oVMirt nf Mihemlirk, fike i AnlliiurlM-, tkl AUm'i t.TfRf(iliy, 1'n.lctt tml Htim' 1 1. rlilt t.Mnnn.r, rriJinf trul tjroiiMitnnf in I'ichrtt' f.ixior, rllni(r in Wilrr'i Die iUmmry awl Htbtr'Hprllinf IWwfc(ih irtr. trr am! tlitkl t calrctiMOi 1 tlao, on mliitf , n tinr anl f run no' 1 ion. lh u!jrcrilrr liv'nl,IDI (lit HjKri''r ''! rAtMirt .". A.A Jyf tlc U4 r'J ;"?'Jrr ? wcofnmrml,r,j l-.rt, , a I rictirr i;u -BrJ imIU,.pU to U.h.rr J-i7.- prftrr4f;rntrin an ellr In ir country. i 1 '', du "lcir2. . i""1 ? l' Sri PifuUr pain till b takrn in Waclimj th. ' . 7-""5 - -1 . KnrliiH tanriaK enticlly, penmani.p, artth. mnic, rerapii, nionr ami compoati mn. nm .ia t r... II .4. . I . drnta, tir the future1, will be rrqu i attend .1 '"bnol on eiturdy forenoon, fur the purpiw of eompoMtion, UeclanaUm, he. It often tiappen ,h' H1 ho wr-'l thoae prrim ttudir. enter cothre, and rraduate. without be injf able to write a tob-ruhl letter, mcfi leat to arranr their tho)irttt( in a elear, pur and elNii nl tyl. 1 he reaann of the above r-ru-iation ia lo obviate thit fa ih. It'ianliiif ran be iiau in urcrm lanuurv in 1111 the rate . Rl 23 per week I Unafea, Hie diffen nt bran had in decent faniihra in th hei(hhiirfiooil, at I uitMin for the brancheanf inathrniat- K'"!' ke- W V" eeioni f read 1 ri,i"' m' pe'tinr, fift. I Imt net ae.oii aillcommenc on Uie ind of l)eeemherneit. KOI i (l JOIINHION, II rAi.f CONNEIt, JOHN llWKS. Unemh r.imv,.Vrt.. IB.'. lw Administmtor'i Notice. rilllC aubvrnber bavins; qualified al the bat I.pm t.f lliisi aM iVya tal s. mtmtw4 atA at,!, a. sat. . v. .... -w.i - ifrator on the etiate of John Smitk Ule i.f u.i- i .1 .i f , imlrbtedto i-l ea ate many ahapr, o com. for . . f . . n. j ,,K t , J T F ' ' Vp , 9lm . Sh.l II IhiA kasVtntV slasal BS I9 . a . m 1 1 ble i and all thoae havinr claim aframtt it, w ill in like manner present tlicm, properly attested. fur liquidation. THOMAS IIOIfF.V.f-W. Aov. 21, 1823. 33 Puhlic Salt. f pilF.RR will be aold, at the late dwelling of I the deceased" in Sahibury. on Prida), the I2tb dv of lreflilee nett, vriu artitlea 4 llouaahold Furniture, eonaittinfrof Drill, chairs. Sic. And also, on the Friday following, the 1 Wi of December, there will be sold, at the planta tion of said John hmith, dee'd. a atork of tfoirt, lionet, I 'owe, he. and also, t'rn, Fodder, he. On all auma above two dolkra, a credit of 12 mnntha will be riven, the purchuaer K"'"( '"'nd and aecurity. Ihte attemtance mill be given b) the subscriber. THOMAS I10LMF.S, .fiiW, eti. 20. 123. 38J NEW ASSORTMENT. ft!IB subscriber ha very, recently receiver! . f from Philadelphia, an assortment ri - ---- J )ry GooI. 1 lard ware, - .. 11 l. Cullrrv and Dimm irt i which, with the assortment he exorrta to re cetre in a short time, will enable him to aell at satisfac'ory prices. 'I'he puhlic art- rvtpcctfully invited to call, and examine for rnemtt-hc. F.UWAUU, CHESS Wibwy, Aug. 16, 1823. 47 CoppeTsmUAung. The Copperamithing, andjnjLfJiilcJwaln- hf riloruie liuitiacteiT by D. Cress, sen. will in future b conducted by me, at the same place Thoae w ho favor me w ith their custom, mav de pend on having their work done with neatness, durability and despatch. rjrwnvcBKSa Celling iinusuallv Low. F1HE aubscriber is now receiving a large s- & sortment of DHY GOODS, HAKI).W AKr Cl' ILKRY, IrTtMESTICKS, lie. from New York and Philadelphia, selected by hiti,tlf with care, and bought on the best terms. Being anx jjous to secure a continuance of his present rea. pectable custom, he haa come to a determina tion to offer his extensive stock of Goods in Sa lisbury, at prices which, in hit opinion, w ill W found u low at the price of those who advertiae "selling off at cost." His customers and the public generally, are invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. JOIIV MLUPI1Y. Rowan Ctmiy, A". C, .big. 1823. '66 B. J). Hounsaville, At the Red nee, Isrinpen, Datvidtm Cvtnty, - ... . vA.iv4iia. V "ff accomniodate travellera and Past iavora remind Jtum. that exertion la Jkawr hav'rfwaTOrably aujffii'lMm MOW. Aw. 18, 183. 7t PIE hiaal IE aubscrlbar haa liow on hand, fo sale, at hop in Salisbury, on Main Street, Cot ton Saw Gins, of his own make, which he w ill warrant to be a well made aa any in the State He will constantly keenajrbr aale and ill do all kinds of repairing, on short notjre, And reasonable term. SAMUEL FHAI.K.Y; SuKtbwj, Jug.19, UVt. 67 State of North-Carolina: i.wii.i.wiaiimili'fciwi i'w .i wn.,n ,-u ; jnudwfi DlVtDfcON COVNTT. flOURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Octo- hoe Term: IJIM - tTeam Shumaa lien.' frvrtk!ttfirw moned aa garniaheea. It appearing to the aati faction of the court, that the-difemlant is hot a resident of thia state, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for three, weeks in the Wes tern Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at the next Court of Plea and Quartet; Session to be held for the county of Davidson, at the court house in Lexington, on the 4'h Monday of Jan uary next, and plead, fcc, otherwine judgment final will be entered against him. . A copy from the minute. Attest, DAVID UtJK, WD. Price adv. gl 25. . 384 , COTTON. ' tlt-IHI, v. J J, V lu n Miii e another ' sr k. fUlfl lf lit w rpUrvIt were (! U f i?orym it, ftiMth'anilma, at 17 a IT J fefttt, aiul of hurtli Caruliiia at 6a K. V redor our (piotiim id the UrsrrilKn aeeordingty, hslrt of uld t'pUml ami AUUma were nia.lt at 1 J a St t plsml new, Ha 1 7 4 1 do.ol 1 II a 1)1 1 leu. neM Ul a 14 IxMiiswiia, tx 17 a Jt d. oUIJJa.&J. JJrorf! ,f.,titt, fVf. 50. Hi asle of Aerian f 'otln at IJvtrputit, lh wrek tn.lmf r t. 2-rtti, nistrd of oulv 936 bar ( plandt, at 8) to lUd j JJJ tnteana, i to IOiJ 34J VriiiH-ssces, fce. to 9t, and about TJ fa Idtmlt. l eDera of the 3-jh,alata thai Lb'c apiuMcra ir tvU'i jtlai liraJ-l t's de termined to puirlia on'y fue lUit mnidiai naflUuutd lbar.iJ U Umimw tKy. , " ft T rafi'mafc'il Oiar"nirenPanniraI"eon umpiion of cm ton in rVimfHr am) America ia l,(jUj,(Mj ksk a. t m kalf of thit la raited in lh I'niled Mtates, and th other hlf in Irrwil, West Imlirt, Kast Irvfas and th Uant. 7UU, OWJ bale ar fnanufarlurcd in Great Pn'aio, TMJJW m lh ContliKnt, and luU.UuU ia AlM km. F.tTETTF.FtU.K JVCrt.f,.Vw.30. C'ltton, 4 to 13 1 flour, fine, 3) i I'lperfne.'CI t wheat, RI a 110 1 Whitley, 40 a 43 1 peach bran d v, 30 a 6.' , apple do. 43 to 30 1 corn, 33 to 40 1 bacon, 9 1 0 1 tail, Turk a IsUimI, 83 a VJ, per luO biiheltmolate,33lo3JiiufmiiKnaln, 0 to 10 30 1 eoHee, prime, ifTeen, 27 fo ?tf i 21 ami II niiai:ty,26 a 24 1 tea, h , gl 30 1 23 1 flat, aeeil, Rli ta1tow,7 aBi beeta,3 )a 31 1 rire, 3 3') to 4 per I JO Iba. ( iron, , to I pr. luO Ih. tobacco leaf, 3 a 4 i manufactured, 3 to .v) pr. cat fMamvr, Khik14 for Hale. VnJtr a iLtrrt t .'e Crf Equity tf Riwm i't'tntt), nV virtue of tumlry d creel of he roort of Foni'v fr How an count), maU at October term. Ml S, I will etposo to public tile, at th it i .ii.. u . . K '7 1 0th of levrrn brr licit, the fiUoinff v.hiAbU J I anil ftt Im4 - A ! BltalxV IxrVt null, not far from the mouth of Grant i ' V .sj r aii ay it 'IIV a iv ai w aarM creek, miita'tiiing 98 arret ( on other tract a.lj'.iiiing the latidi of W ilium hmilh and Alex ander l.n, containing 0 arrest one other tract on the Yadkin river, below the mouth of Crane creek, containing 113 arrrt i three other Irans adjoining the last mentioned Had, eon taininff loirttlitr 5'Jl wrtti also, fmir kit ly- inif in the t at norih Kins re of the town of haiisbun, known and d scribed in the plan of iiid tou n hv Not. 19. 20. 6, ami 63 1 1 h above propi rt v"F,"lini" (d (lie Tielr"aT ttw"of The latej Alensmlrr 1 riihoek. . Als at the tone time and place, a tract of Ijim! I. injr on the aatt-r of Hunting creek, in the Forkiofthc Yadkin, adjoining the land of hsmi el Little, Itaki-r Jolittston ami other, con tsii.in bv tst.mation 22? iir belonging to the heirs at la of George llramlon, dee'd. Als-s at the same time and place, a tract of l aud lying on the Yadkin river, aljMinng the land of Nathaniel Peebles, W illc) l.Hia, Janir OmL and other. Ctrntainuia: 23o seres, more or less ami belonging to the heir ai la of Joshua 1a) ton, dee'd. AUo, at the -bhm time and place, a tract of f .and h rng on the watrrs m Dirtrti treondcret k, hn-Tfded by the hind nf Michaei If oflmar Jorrtt. t rtlhr, and otherv ami conti4ii( 2il aerea, be the aff e more or leas, belonging to the heir at law of John Patinger, d.c t. Also, at the same time and place, a tract of Ijind hing on a branch of Hecond rrrek, com monly called the W alnut Irani h, adjcinir.g the lands of George and Henry Robiaon, containing 200 acres, and belonging to the heir at law of Margaret Rob i son, dee'd. A credit, of twelve and e'ihfeen monthe will .he.fUw- fur the purehaae iiiuuty, uil TRh ol the above 'racta of I jnd. Also, at the same time and place, will be aold another tract, lying on the W ater of Wethero's creek, joining the Iredell line, and adjoining the land of Ned M'Ka', Jame (louston, David e g' t acre, behmginr to the heir at law of Alexander Cook, d. c'd. Tbia tract will be aold I on a credit ot t elve monina, wiu inure si I rum the time of sale. I'he purchaser ill be required to give bond with approved securities, in cvety instance, fur tlie purchase. money. ' GEO. LOCKE, CM. TH Oeier23, 1823. 7t84 State of North-Carolina, ASH t. COUKTT. . M ORRIS I1AKF.R, v. Aki. Johnston, t alia ; oricinal bill in Fuuitv. Vt berea it appear to the satisfaction of this court, that Pol ly Haker, relict of Jeremiah Raker, deceased. Jamea Raker, Reuben Raker, I ucy Ann Baker, Saberrv Ruker. Vancv Raker, and Jeremiah Ra ker, infants and heir at law of the aforesaid Je remiah Raker, deceased, are inhabitant of an- tlM.tr-it ihenrfjrreTeMeTtit that BUbu". est ion be made in the W est em Gartiliman, pub- tM1('prj1ei af jpear,' anwif,'jhaiJJ jj n'iu'rV'O against them, and the cause heard ex parte. Wit new Jamea Hat horn, clerk of the court of Ifowty foMhoowirty tot tyff'ber, 1823. - : JAMES HATHORN. C.UM.E. Price adv. g2, . , 6wt67 State of North-Carolina, DATIDSON COt'HTY. COURT of Plea and Quarter1 Sessions, Octo ber Term, 1823. Gershara Tussev and Sa rah his wife, and El ixai Overly, v. Philip Car. aejtjklJIiirbjvtlil. tind Catharine hi wife, Mpi decai Collin and Chris- tena hi w ife i netition for partition. It apoear- - - - - , . .... M to the Satisfaction of tht court thai the de- fcnrnrfW) .CisoKge Jfoepky ,aKl,CllirHie Jw,wjfc, lIoje-4 cai Collin ami Christena Via wife, are -not in habitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for ix week in the Western Carolinian, printed m Salisbury, that utiles the defendant appear at the next Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions to be held for Davidson county, at the rntipr.hniiM in ljvinr. ton, on the 4fi Monday of January next, and plead and demur to the aaid petition, otherwise it will betaken pro confesso, ha to them. '. A true copy from 111 minutes. - D. MOCK, Cr. Price au. 2 CtSt Mousf, for uf . f . 4 It.!. M U B V f BO.l f. Tit f 4 J'l J , 1 I !.uiV, m ti oii.fl.ivltt .r treioa. Ai'ply to Ti L tun, or li t ti", In lis. b (li, 'I lirra Is t f ikI t,i!,r belonm to II. lot, convenient fur (arr or l'h)sn ;n. JOHN PK Kvilllf. Jbiti.'-.. .1,41,1823 -'4 If Cotton li.iin, I.i!cIojuf tr, IXvJJ ltd Mope, tgrilr wufi tiwtt aaeurUuent of CimeW' fur aak by AtGtl4.N AVr.MIU, : Frnltttt, Vlfrnw, Ikmih-t'mrtHiHl.i "Aaluftf)Ir-ltiitU for Hn! (',r faret tf i't ( ' tf n'jt f ffal etf tisirf. rr tmedJcnr tr r rti-errr -tftfte"Twrrt'' tf Kffiity for th eountv idj iokea, tfrt will be rtftosed to politic sle, t the ( irtirt-llmjse In fiermaim, on the e'ghvh rlny of Deernihcf next, being the Monday rf ) e County Court, FirH, th following limit of fml, 1st the troprrty of John 7 m meriimn, sen. dc'dfor l!. en. fit of hi deviret llllfiLimfajnirg Jhrr,.J)ufKlrtiL ami tm teres, mnr oe lea, umk-r improvefwen', Ivief in Siokrt county, on t!i main row 1 1 ailing tnm fra'vnt by Hagt'a to Sslishury, aWf tix n.iUt " frtim the tint place, on the south fuflt of Mud! creek, adjoining Henry f bore and ot'ier. 1 he second containing on hundred amlrigll aCrca, mure, or lesa, uwUr Imph-vemenf, I) me . in the county- of Davidson, on the abov roaL on Hrtdy creek, adjoining Doctor Ifataw and oher, at prcKnt is) the tenancy of Christian Zm merman. 1 he third contalninr furtv acres, more or l Ms h log in the county of Davidson, adjoining JmuIi klurk, Jseoli enter ami other. ' Also, the Mlnwinr (.amis, late the tropery . of John llsiisrr, dee'd. fur the bcntbl of lug 1 widow aiul heir at law. First; ihre aitjomirg trarl. nmfer imprtv trieiit, containing rvntVHiit acres, more orbs, lying in the county of Stokes, rn the road It sd ing fMm Hlrm bv HipH-l't. fo !isln ry, fiKir m le from the first place, ' adjoining Philip Rot brock and other. Reeondly, a tract fonlalning fiftv-f.ve acres' more or Was, mar th abov. in th watiti of -Muddv erei k, adjoining Philip and tko. Uoth fovk ami oilier. .....I..: ... All the above tamls will he aoM on a rrcilt of one year ami six nnufhs the ix month to fir. rr in'trest, the purchater giving borxl a it ft approved atciiri'v. Urnvild no le be ef)rct4 the first day, of the whole or part, the sl wil be p tpon d from dav to day, tgrerabfy lo law. Attendance w ill be given by th CiVrW aiidMat ter of said Court. l est, Sutee cim-y, Vet. 23, 1823. C'83 ' Htatcof Nortli-Caroliiia," Willi fOCHTT. . ,. COfRTof Fquity, Sept. Term,18C3i IWIfof , alimony i Nancy tux, by her neat fin4 Iho. TrpUtt, against Braxton Cos, aiwl Jat, W ellborn, ailministmtor. It appvanii to tho . satisfaction of the Court, thai t)-e d fTdant, nrwxun vox. u a niukrcvurtn ot then foe ordered by th Court, that LLLoitio, be 'made Tri Hie WiernCaroTiior"ftf Ihirf month ticcrSi er)- Irat unlcw the ana! i n j dant tpprarat our nevt t'mrrt to b heh frr-he eosHViv-iif Wirs, 4 tho-4'M.t'oiie Us U .!- - Umnv, fi the aeettml Monday m V-rhrxT the n y " and. there to ph ail, anawer, i r ilen ura or sd bill w ill be taken pro confi-sao, ai d lit ard e pane , J. CWIN.jr. CM.K. Price adv. 4. 3 ia2 r . State of North-Carolina, . LIRCOI J COUalY ' CTPOR Court of law, fc ohef . Term, yj K3. MaryJluopc . lonliua IbiBpiry net it ion for divorce. "It atbtarira? to the tis petition for divorce. faction of the Court, that Joshua lloi per, tho defendant, ia not aif inhabitant i f Ma Ma'c , it i thereftieeonlered by aaidcour, tlui p,t! cation) , be mad three niontha in the li.'i iir l M..r snd 1 I li' . . r?..' ..' !.. . . . .1 i r . . .tUU, Umi lie appear at the next xiperiur Court 0f Uw to be U hi for the county of Lincoln at the courtdioua in l.incolnton,onthelb.rth Mont IMly after the 4th Monday in March ne, then land there to anawer. dead, or demur to the said petition, otherw ie it will be taken pro confetto. and adjudged w cordii'g'y. ,.M )tnea, I a son.. . HeiMlemon, clerk or aa.d court, at i Hue, the . . fourth Monday after the fourdi Morda in Hep te mber, A . 1). 1 823, and in Iho forty igbth y caj of the Independence of the U. rtatt a. LAWN. H1NDLRS0N, ' - Price adv. $4 " "l 4 3n(t91 . ' State of North-Carolina, , IT0CK COIIXTT.-V' -"'-I . ' COURT of Equity, April term, 1823 : J'tint ton Clenuiita, w. Achillea Deathn ei . Original bill to perpetuate ttitin oti). It ap, ... . pearing to the aatinfctKin of the court, that the " 4defendantchille IJalhrge WHIilM Ml .t'.!lH Mt M.rliel,er--it.i3.T-- dtrcd, that publication be pif'r fir aix weeks tuccjtaaivtlyjaluc-McaUrn C.krolini4io,-.fiutd-' it&JjXa " the'iet- CotTrt-orthrirto br bohien for " the county of Stoke at the court-house in Gcn manton, on the thin! Monday after the fourth. neit," aKqtcadrahawerof deniiir,' th Tuff will bjtaliai pw. ..t,p...i, "n. the cause be set dow n for hearing ex parte. . r ... . . " vopy i ram annuie. i est. JOHN C. BLUM. C..V. It" Ori.1823, . (Price avd. g.'.) .tt82-.. Statc of North-Carolina, ; i li kcoln jcouni y. . SUPERIOR Court of Ijm',. October Term,' ; .1 i823.E!ijta JJs'u)s. cimc.ofLFctjuigt . fietition for divorce. . It appearing to the tuitia action of. the court, that .vimcou Bcvioers. Uio dcfjyvdajltJi, waivMilMtljitarrf-of tht fTifre, iTl' therefor ordered by the court, that pubfir.attott be - .iMl4hre worth h"he Hwlergh rtat Western Carolinian, giving notice to the defend. nt, that be anocar at the next bur-erior Court of Law to be held for Lincoln county, at the court-house in Lincolnton, on tlie 4tb Monday after the 4th Monday of March next, thin and there to answer, plead, or demur to said pcli tion, ohewiall .t .wlll. be Uken pro coideMo' and adjudged acconlingly. Witnes, Li. sou Heiulerson, clerk of sud cotin. at offio . tho ' 4th Monday after the 4th -Monday of September, A. D. 1823, and in the 48th year of tlie Indepen. deuce of the United 8tatet. " -3ant9l LAW 'N.' IIEKDERON,

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