MNr.i , ''' rf. Go, gentle ijiir Iut4 aaay, I'rvili paiulut hiiki of trvj wo, Of eickncaa, rrr end duy, To h-alne of joy unknown below. Dear, lovely babe, thy parttd's bcart Would K4 detain tbce l.i cfnijf htf But Ani cila Um to depart, lbs friendly uiiokkm Ux4 amat lea, Lrt C 1 1 W children eme to me, forbid them not," ibe nviour eri J i lik ifccet put every mortal tot, " 0 Uf'PJT Kxd itMUuncJ ilb HIV ' Li robes sd innocence emtd. Thy heavenly Jojt al toon begin, "Nt mora wUA catc or grid allayed. " A SEFLCCIION AT SEA. fee, bow bcnestk the moon -beam's smile Yon kill bellow beavea ita brcaat, foaion and epnrkke fur a n bilr, . And, awrtourin then eubaidca to rest TbuaJMM, the sport of Liu and care, luij on l unc't eventful ma, And Jleavint; twell'd wuoicul tbcre, Tbue autlu into feerruty. . tpitsfk m o !cMg ine. tlen lu my wilt, pour Moily ! let her Ee i She find repute at laatand ao do 1. TVni A TngrJg .W- A ."-. uus rtuiLir br beauty." " Aye, bceeity'e wreck fa soon eecooipIiaW. Of created ti.uort, "H owing wu tuutu'd wiUi a tool so nice As the moth's wing. I'is cwerM w iUi fine art, Ym clothed ui feathers to the quickeet eye Hardly perceptible. Yet one oiiLt touch PcUcet alL Hq woman's beaut; flics, Bruau'd by the band of sorrow or mucliance. I'.acape.-s it Ibeee I Ae wdJ nut kt it pa i And there m noUiing permanent on earth , But foodncae, 1 have hv'd, Cecelia, long j M ia almost ten) cars aince 1 loiiracore. Experience Ulia me beaut y m a aluule, And all Uie pndeot yiMitba morning cloud. WillyM be lauUt to be forecr fair, . Spite of old a and nnkJ. a I tlicn be food." MISCELL.VNEUUH. '- Hot ebaoa Ilk, together cruabed and bruia'J, . lhit baa um eauv uaraioibotuJ) cuiuua u. taea ra aeaaaa uw awkraiT Addiion cotisidtrcci nothing as more nyatcri 'US thaa the natural toatioct o an i null, which lomeiimcs rises far bore region, and at othm tU infin itely abort t it, lie could not ven ture to DroDounce it a DroDtrtv of mat r - - r i . . " ler. Dctibcr coukTBe, on account of 5u txiraordinary effects, regard it as an tunbute of an lotelligence. lie there , fore locked upop it, like; gravity io bcK "the 1'irt MovcT" andai the'DiviDC I'owcr ncraunj to its creatures. . There cannot he a more judicious comparison than this. , As gravity im parts to a bqy the skill to pursue in variably the shortest way to the centre of the. earth, without having the Iest coociousnessof this actum so inninct directs animal bodies to their natural destinations, as though Nature herself had thoroughly instructed them in the accrete of her views t and thus they perform actions which, are consonant with the Uws of wisdom without know ing any thing of the matter. As Na- ,..l'.ture has endued physical bodie with peculiar, properties, such a$ gravity, au --r towed" theonantmal bodjejyjtjad, rjnciirpprted th mst- easeotul-mal ims of her wisdom into living ma- me, just as an wrtist makes an auto -matoo that performs certain human ac- tions, out in otner respects can ao no more than jny other machine. The 'J whole animal kingdom is full of instan - cerof thtaaortr 5: It is not out of re spect, as every reader will easily be lieve, that a certain beetle described by naturalists, buries the dead moles and 'toads which it' findar. but the instinct , - .which trachea it to subsist upon those tnem, iropeis it ia una acuoo. inc r pigeons w Well 'are IrVioTlocarlrytlS tera io distant places are cot more sen- aibje than other pigeops i notning but the blind instinct to return to their young governs them in this proceed ing. It. is reqtiisit that they should .have left young at the place to which theyare to fly j and lest they should take "a fancy to stop by the way to drink, or to wash themselves, their feet L arc dipped at.-tJicir depart'ttrc injrine .a. :."". T""""" v-" 7:. "f: . Sf att.i!, a Mitiin informs ttt, t!w ti out of mc another's nnf, not f r Ac of air ilin, but becauae thry uc k up prM wherever they firtJ i, to form a soft depository fit ihrirtfti and at thr gcete live togetlur in ll cka d many thsaiand, tlicy find it every where in the nriti u! their compmioni. Ilichly at Ulloa xtoU the alrrt'it u. man caution and intelligence manifra ted by the mules in, America in dt scerldln the lofty mountain, yet a closer ft''t'0 M ,now I ' nothing but the fear rf filling at thr sight of the precipices, whkh ocra slons alt ibclcaiitioo, without any far ther conaideralrutt-Jf at Lima ihey stand with their tegs wide apart when they hear a subterraneous rumb ling, this proves nothing more than an habitual mechanical action acquired by frequent repetition because when the earth shakes, they are obliged to as sume a firmer position with their bur dcn, and they take the noise and the earthquike for one and the same thinn;, since the one invariably accompanies the other. Such is the real history of the S'ipposrd intelligence and cunning of skill which she conferred on animal bodies to extend, in order io the attain, ment of the purpose of sell-preservation, aelf-drfrncr, and the propagation of their kind. So much is ccrtaie, that all these instincta have their ap pointed limits, so long as they follow their inninctt, perform actions of ap parently astonishing intelligence, but in other respects arc ao stupid as not to manifest tSc (lightest trace of can. ning in their operations. A hen, whose providence and perseverance w admire, when she lays her eggs in some sequestered spot, where she sits on and turns them, and almost sacrifi ces herself in her attention to ilicm, bestows the time pains on a lump ol chalk which is put under htr. She leads her chickens about that thty may-learn to icrauh up the ground and to seek worms and iniect. At thr Sjme time he will tread upon one of them, snd aflVihu-d at the cries which the p.iin rxtorts from it, she clucks to warm D(l to soothe it j but vet she hjs not the sense to raise her foot and to set it at liberty. A lobster will, with inconceivable dexterity snap off his leg whenotie of his fellows seizes tt with j his tUw v but if you put one of hi, leg between hji own claw, he will n have the sense to oprn his cliw and to re move his Jegf bttt iwcaka it off as if there were no other method gf releas ing himself. The ostrich hatches her eggs, as it would appear, for the pur pose of having young ostriches ; she nevertheless quits them for every tri Be, and leaves them to perish j nay, thr will fVfn break mn.t at them hrr. (keif, for the purpose of feeding with 4 them the voune ones wluch she alrea dy has. This bird has, moreover, the aiUyjAfttUciJfe4Ka (hat comes in its Way, without di criminating, like other animals, wheth er it is hurtful to it or not. An o- trich swallowed, in Shaw's presence, several leaden bullets hot fmm th mould. It will greedily devour its own excrements and those of other birds, and of course manifested not thr least choice in obeying the instinct of appetite. 1 he crocadile would multi ply with dangerous rapidity, were it not so stupid as to devour its, own young, according to the testimony of Ulloa. Thus, too, the male tiger de stroys its bwn species in its young; and it is observed of one of the bug family, that the female is obliged to use thegreaieflt precaution, to defend The asccVt and descent of larks are the result of an insiinct joipjauteu . in those birds, which they follow without any consideration j-for- they- do the very same over the aea as upon land a nd hence frequently perish in the Wi ter. A thousand other examples of this kind might be adduced. They prove that these actions, which seem to manifest so much intelligence, are but the action of a machine, adapted to certain particular purposes, and that intelligence extends. crrss WOUK, Wh'tffllieettttttitiain more nonourman to oe uunnca, x i .f - a sj i guess he w ill never make a man of re spectability I piess if a yortng man appens to -be- a printer ,nnd has no means of paying the expenses of his of fice buttne aubscription to a newspa per, it'a ten to one if helont get dun ned.1 When I see a man quit work because he has' three or four hired men to overset; I guess; be ill h-avc nr. The Pu!.w.l ;--r",iti t toi'ifpy 0 Vf r al tct i tu t si.fft.ra sirnj'lo wife V) futa its debt at the stores lor whatiocvcrehe f-mcie, 1 gjeis he wiil souo wi h he had nevtr leeo married. When I paa a rouse and see t'tr yrj covered with tt'imps, old lioops . nd broken earthen, 1 guess the man is horsr-j'Kkey, and the woman a pinner ol strtet-varn. When I pais a houa and tee the windows broken, i bundle of rtgs in one, and a hat in another, I guess the mistress is alut, tnd the master loves hum. When i ee a country merchant hire two clerks to tend his store, winle he sets by the tovT, drinkir j wine, I gurss he ill soon have lo take the Lcntfil of Ihc-Insol-t ent Ad, or take a tour to Vermont. Sailor ConverUd upon the Matt, The following wis related by the tapta'm ol te John Adam, io one ol i he Divinity Sudcnta at Princeton, a few days ago I While the United States' ship John Adams was Iting at Norfolk, a sea man who had been for a long lime ad dicted to intemperance and profane swearing, was ordered al ft to perform some work in the rigging of the ahip. Alter he had been there sonic' time, he came down and fell prostrate upon the deck and began to pray. Having been raised from the deck, he iminr. diatelv retired to the steerage ol the vrssel for prayer. He continued in this state praying whenever an oppyr. tuniiy offered, until the capnin, who had been absent for a few d-ye, arri ved. Hearing that a reinaikible change had taken phce in thr conduct of the sailor, the captain sent for him, and requested to know the cje of it. He briefly told him that while in the rigging of the ship he became alarmed ' at the awful state in which he w.n liv-i ing, and was convinced t h it he was in the hrr, ad road to ruin. He wishe-d (he said) to live dilTcrtutly, and to thit end desired of the c.ipt.,in tint his groj might be stepped, and that he mij;lii be permitted t; attend religious meet- ines on snore untie tne stop wns in port These privileges were gr.intrd h.m , and at his request a was invited to converse with him: who, af'cr an interview of an hour and upWardsrobserred, that' he never met with a person who- had better views of religious truth, considering the short time since his exercise commenced, -This happened in ' M ny tt?3, ' sincr which the vessel has been on a cruise of seven month, arc during the wl Je time this sailor has been remarkable for his exemplary and pious conduct. The ship is now at Key West, (Thom son's Island,) where this man Las been distinguished for his usefulness in at tending at the sick beds of I. is fellow ! sailors, pray in tr with them, and ad ministering to their want. T sovereignty of God in converting a profane and intemperate sailor into an humble useful Christaio. And we also behold the effects which always accompany true religion, by his acts of benevolence in relievirg his nfilicttd companions. Cfoittain Guz. Js leal in politics accounted the mark of a vulgar intellect i Did wr consider the unquenchable ardour of Pitt, did we regard the lofty enthusi asm of Fox, as evidence of a feeble, or ha1 a a as v a disordered mind: let we will ven-; ture to assert, that ardour in religion,! is as much more noble than ardour In! ... . .. . l tcnduia more cxalVd.. It i.:Wv6ud all comparison superior to the highest ... ...... r" - . - r r . nomH.iiteres of which, sftrr-fill, may- poasibly be mistaken, and the objects of which must, infallibly have an end. lt is h r.ttte hatd, thai men Of bicW are allowed to' possess good sense on all other occasions, and whose judc ment is respected in all the ordinary concerns of life, should no: have a lit- tie credit given them in matters of re ligion, but that they should at once be IggK'PJP?0 eot or madmen, in that very poirit whlcYilloffla "tKe noble! exercise of-e human faouJtie-ai Sewweand Espntof cMeatifoi" Trflont- By the report of the auditor, just made to the legislature, it appears that the re ceipts of the treatsury during the last year, from September, 822, to September, I823,iiidusive, were $48,571 13; and the disbursements, for the same period, were 35,874 09 ; leaving a balance in the trea sury of 812,69? 04., The state; treasury notes are all redeemed, and there- is due in arrearages of taxes, the sum of $3Y 499 8f A prosperous govercsient. i (ikLt.r. S. f. II 4VE pnl, al no eilfcf t il t 50 Vackagrt DM' GOODS, ArTo io tnb sassoa Vi I WOOLLKN JO()l)8. I t!cs ettra and auper t Ui I'll, , , JJ da mil Jl.njf 2J do , Vm prlffj d J dl tanl d pcliaat fto 3 S4 Urvwiiliirt Unwjs ' IdJd super and muldliiig L'Mlrrer! J d' ewnmon do ,1 d fr.fwd and riV'l do I'j' ckKi i -r and nndiunj htinc' ' 3 do Brdfur.1 CofU 3 do auper Valewl Vettlnirs 4 do common Txllrt and waJoa da 3. balrl heavy riuHnjre do wuittf rUina - Io do do do do do do do do do do blue, drab u mat do rrce n luiit ktMireed f'lannrla lA-Um U iffil UUnkcts Hrufol do . ilo .1, 1J. and 4 1 ponl do r-4, H 4,9 4, lo 4, 1 1 -4 iul 12 4 Rose do lilkck anjkolurcd ttimtbaria do d'i (('irf d 'bi ilO pnri ( c di scarlet am? nrmne iinnlrd liattlneta Caw I Cndine f'luti do auratrd H nifl Htripci do .Io do do t'. (Ill d. do do do do do lltk ll.i n iiMT l rt4i I'Uid et ui Mrii't awirtrd 1jwiiI' W ml H uo d'i tl' ilit UJ1 to do tin Morled l tffitnen'i blink du d do w lute ilit do Merino Mantlet ii'l Nlilt 4 4 nl 6-4 Cattniierf do 7-4 ivl b 4 plum i.gtirrd t'animcre do VY orated Urarr ( -jnrinr I'omt. COITD.V t.OODS. 1Q cava y-K mid 6 4 ta .Io do ilo io do .I., do di d do 9 an I 6 4 .laroncta H H aiul t4 loom armed Mmlna 'J H and u 4 l-k b 4-4 rirh uiulxiurcd do do 4 4 Japan.-d du dn ) H atid 6-4 plain ai d fi:rrd Mull do V-B pluiti ami tani'xmn d . wia do co n tvnb. Hired and cd Kobet . ii aaw.n d l.'MMrt 1-4 and 4 4 xsa'd dalirora and Cliiutrt, kjmk I ilt,,)iul)le and )! 1 . 1 ui.i.rna do .cr ai.d con. ii.idi tnriiUurc do ilo (.jriip ni and t'juiibric Ii.nii'jr ilo njtcr Knnii;ure do do U-4 and W 4 MaracilU UuilU dt 4 4 t'n'ioii Stripe ' do drati Coiiatitntion and rUnpip Cur ia do h ipi r and common Ikittii kt bales (hirclirtti T lo i:imi r.nijiiina ami Uamlatua Mdlcfe. li M.'lrj do (.,i do .U do do do w do do 1'iillicjt and VI i,nli)itain do common and iu-r blue Worri il do 4-4. 6-4 and 7-4 Clw.U Mu la 74 aid 8-4 Imitation do wluu, apoilcd aud checked Crava:i . Vi nim-n't hitc Cotton llrxe I -tto aiiper black do - do ingrained. d on land... It aptanii(r to the MttafaetioaeT Gin't't white lo do 'the court, tbar rlrmnd HcarW to abeondW tjtton Uracea, aaanrted ) conceala bimaelf Hint ttii nnrinarr proceaTtf ' ju.btiti DrtiWii auu uicaciieu 11 aiuiam uouont . n.. aii i a a. t.i . . ' do ciminion ShirfiniM and 'Shccrtnjrj caaci "American flaida and Mripca lo do Chccla ilo 4-4 do Imitation Caroline Plaida do 3 4 and 44 tteani loom Shiriing do 4-4 Long Clotht pattemt do 4-4 aopcr plaid Cinhania, handsome do turkey Varn do three cord Cotton mils do Spool Cotton L1XKX GOODS. 10 caect 741 and 4-4 Iridi Linens, uhole and 1 lo ImiR1 lwna - de-mi rict 2 do aaaortcd table Diapers 1 do 3-4 bird eve ' do 1 hale do 5 casi-s brown and black I.inene 1 bul Imitation hhvctingt 4 du Oinaburgt 1 do super Linen Tick 1 ca- white Platillua 3 do assorted Patent Thread. SILK GOODS. 1 cate green, pink and blue Florence do lig'd. Florences, Lcvai.linta and Satins do do do do do do do do do 5-4 black Serge do Levantine 4-4 figured Silk Handkerchiefs black Sinchewa aud bartnett plaid do " bkek Cantp Levantine do and colored Canton Crapes do do Nankin do Crape Dretaes I ... u j j a uu i meVLiii c uuuuru uu i do r-- oo- -rano t- vrapo om.woj .. . .... t'Tt'i.'s. ai i m --jri . i . . 4fMif4-ftif fr4.ifiwraneAaharuu uv 0 mam lei t 3 do- bird eyt. Handkerchiefs ' " 4 lo uoer and coBimoa black Italian CpesIr,,"caTl0irieTOa.aT ! ""'f" 1 m.'""" . Hat Crape - ISilk llote Week. g.vingnotlcetb the .stttd defei Men'a and Women's black and white ,Iant to Fnfar at th.e " Court oLPlea sna do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Gloves,. ; Habit English do do Italian and India Sewing Silks assort eu iwiara do Silk Braid black Silk velvet- rich figured Kibbona, assorted do. ass d. truiged and plain taneta and satin 1 do 1 do S do i7do 2 do T"do black ualloona do Velvet Itibbons super and common Flag Handkfa. "'''"d6""''Gennan" ' ?'T".-elt"Tr black silk Florentine - do do - do ncn itTffured. SUNDRIES. j dy 2 TtMt'i fttt-B1'10Va-'w 2 do do Buck-skin do ' ' do do do ilo do do do do do t do Dog-tkin do do . auper Woodstock do Habit Voodatock and Ikaver do do assorted Kid ' do do lined . do , do super and common gilt Coat Buttons " do Pearl - do Pina , silk and gingham Umbrella ladiea Leghorn Hats ' Tapes, aaaorted. Pcrtaer 37, I83SV 8t7 Slate of N'orlli-Carclii. SOttS COCkTV. IK r-jti.ty, tkn,Ur t.rm, 1H.1 1 J,m,, ..; Hitj h.rct, iiijtufl i.;r,J ruM iH.n Janira liwnl, M dliani Vroi and lit Urr Laiwdr, J'tba AfMv and L'a'Urtoe jr JaiMS lbon.ain and alar.rct bta sofr, Jol,J Btrt, W ill, am futlrrtoft and tat Win !, Janulhtnl and Jane butt, ttj ww j. fZ let, 1li"maa kUtl an ItJanl mkIt !e ir f Ieiitv4me, year, 1 bms ami Juh ttaird fann omlcr Ibe aft fcf tnt)4jne tear. WJ. ,ai llalrd, frtrV Pird, Jane Haird, and TLa. mat A da ma and ! I friitkHi fur tU of rrj estate. It ajipearitif to tlie ai if-i um U ue eoiirt, Dial tle (b ftodaats in lliit ce era cU. Irnt of anothrr aate, It itthervfre ordcrt tUt publire'lon be mad fay tbr mmK -eeawnlylit the Vt'rttrra t'sroliitiaii, foraaid A., fm.Loin to t:er al our nest t emrt id rnit u be bald for the ernWy t4 Rowan, & t)i court, liotiie In ftafsbirryi m tba arMi W.wlat afttf Ibe fuurtbliondarU Itarth neit, aw pltad,aa.. tvrror demur to tma prtiuun, vitrm tttil b taken pro confoao, and beard ts paita. t.r.O. UK KK, C.Jt.K. 0.1. 2, IKJ. (Price sv. g 7 ) 3W , Butt? of North-Carolina, STOIKB C0CKTT. rV)VUT of I1-at ami Quarter Hfims ftp.' j trmb. r Trnn, IR.'J. Julio tj. likint, Aftat of tbr l!i k of ( ape Fear at Kalrm, m. Kdnuib4 Header andotlitrtr Judirlal Attacliinrnt, kri. rd on bind. It a'rwarinir to ttte' attiafieilosj f thr roort, thai KdiMiii Itcailrtr o abaci m.b af ronreala Ihium If lliat tl.e ordtnar riMeas ef Uw faii'ioi be arrvrd ufxin bin., It it ihrrefurs onU-rrd, that piibPu t Wn be nia!e in the Vt ra. trrn Caro!'niin fr three weeks, gtmf aotiee to the aaid drfrmlant, lUlmnml Ikaxlri, Io aa. pur at the neat ( ourt of I'haa and Quart tf Soaiiina to r hi Id for the laid county, on the trcind Mundav in Deccmbrr nrit, ami r pbrrt, nlrad, of dntiiir, otherwiat Juilgnrnt Anal i be enlert-d aifainat bim. tfti ma 1 1 iih w it. uonr,tr. Urrmnnlen, ,v. 3, 183 Prk al. ti State of North-Carolina, . SToars covaTT. fmt'RT of I'lraa ami Uuartrr Srjwloni, SeS. ' tcmhrr T rm, 1821. John C. Bhinj, A(rent nfthr liaiik f Cric Frar at Sulrm, tt. Rdmanl llra.'t y and othrra: Judicial Attachment, letj. t( on Unit. It aniH-ariiiif to tbr aatiafartion ef (thf rmtrt, that F.dmond Ikadev ai abatonda or t.(mrrll, ,,;,,, v thM t!ie ori,niry pi0-eetef law cannot Ih- arnrd upon liiir, it it therefore ordcri it, tint pi lilu ' khi be niaW in lh Wca tt rn t'arolinijii itt thrrr t ckt, gi'i'ij; notice to tba a-uil difi iiUnt, lUlmtlnd Mvah ), to ap pear at the n M Court of I'leaa anl Clnaref Suvont to be hrld for aaid count , on the at rcml Mopijrj jn.5Cenbf r nerx', and repleftr, il ad to iati'ie, or demur, othtmiae judgment final will be entered auimt bim. taj MATTIIKW 1L MOOHF, CTfc CrrmanienfJWv. .1 1833. Pr Ce aiW. gl 2J State of North-Carolina, . STOKES COUTT." rOVUT of llta am! quarter Seadons, Srt J tember Term, 1823. John C. Blum, Arret of tbr Rank of Cape Fear at alrm, rt. Kebmuai Retlev and othi ra i Jud cial Attachment; let1' I .a t 1 .1 a . . la canmx n avru opon iwm ef t enerrtort lxd, -that publication be niadc in ibe. We , tern Carolinian tor three a'ceka. giWnf notiot to the taid di fendant, KUJmund IU a.l. r, to ip pe ar at the next Court of Ph at and Quarter Sciinnk to be hrld for a county, on the at com! Monday in Drcembcr neat, ami repler, plead to iaiie, or 'U nnir, othenaiae judgoicol finul will be entered ag-iim' him, t&3 MATTtfFVr It. ITOORP, tTC Grrmontan, Xev. 3, 1823. Price ad. gl 21 State of North-Carolina, STOKKS COfSTTr :iQURT.L'UiadAiuaWaftaakal(ry. J temfti r Term, 1323. John C. Uium, Arrat of t'ir Hank of Cape F-ar at Salem, x. F.dmuni Pcazlev a ul olhcrt: Judicial Attachnient, lei ed on land. P. appearing to the aatiafactierti of the court, that Kdmund lleazley ao abacondt or conceals hiniM-lf that the ordinary proceta of law cannot be aerved upon him. it ia therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Wo j tern Carolinian for three weeks, giving notice I to the aaid defendant, Edmund Ueazlcy, to ap pear at the next Court of Pleaa and.Quarlcf Sraaiont to be held for aaid county, on the se cond Monday in December next, and rfplevT, plead to issue, pr de-meir, otherwise judgmeat Anal will be entered againat him. t83 t MATTHEW It. MOORE, C11t. Gcrmnnton, vA0ti. 3, 1833. Price adr gl SJ State of North-Carolina, ST' XE1 C0UKTT. sut. K I ot rieas ana .euaner nesaiona, pei J tpmber Term. 1823. farah Vawteh toth ' . ctnirt tiiatt&e defc an3 coiux'iltr f Wmstlftliatlhe: aerved upon turn, it ia Uieretore orelered, ui . ... -1 ....... ... ...;.....J!.ii. - mtarter e!lalons to be Tield lor said county, Monday in December next, and replevy, pica to issue or demur, otherwise judgment final ie. be entered' agalhtt him. t83 MATTHEW n. Moonftci'k. nnnn, ,tv 3, 1 823. , Price ad v. gl A State of North-Carolina, RANDOLPH C0VNTT. - Pennine-ton. t. Charles Johnson, and e" ,..Ui)tKqoity--4t.44Mu.tolheti:.. far.tinn htthr Cuirt 'that Jamra Harria. and Hi Hall, and Inry his wife, (heirs at law of Joba , it was ordered by the Court, that publication ba made in the Western Carolinian for six k that unless th aai James Harris, and Haruf Hall, arid Mary his wife, come forward W"1)1 lh tUr-m first dot', nf m,r nrxt Pmirt 'of EQ"'1 to be held for IbV county of Randolph, bn first Monday after.tlie fotirth Monday of Mafca neite ami ahewr eaua whv-thev shall not W' made parties defendant and answer the com plainant's Dili, that the same will be taken cotifcsso, and beard tx parte. ' , A copyi B. Eli40TT, V. . Price adr,S1 . '. ...j ' A.

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