VOL. IV. HA LIHIUJIIY, N. ('. TIJKS1UY, 1UCK31I1KII 9, 1821. NO. If 3, taiavae rcai.i.t nm wssa, . JlrPJIILU WJIITK. Hit term of the Wrfirn ramlinia will lereaficr i at Mli ' i , pa) able in advance.' Admriarmet win" be (fcd f ftjr rent per HTt ff tilf first i .aentuft, and ltl.iy fit rltU ft tibarO,irlit (toe, All letter fMrtW'l to the Editor, must U fKit poti, or thef wit) not tee WnuM la. - JiiiitU for Bale, .f4&i fl frtM tUt CtuH nf Ey Jtf llrman f'vf, TIV virtue of niwl- docreetof lit Court of J I F.uni fir Ito.an county, mde at OcioUer Urtn, UJj, I Mill ripoi In nibl.c stir, a the ' Court-'! "nr in Paltbnn, on VUiImUv the o n In r m ti, the fallowing valuable tracts of lt tin 'hieirad mar Alcvamlt-r Imea null, not fr from I lie moo'li of (Grant's tn i k, r-nUiiii .)f t'8 arret ( omro'lier tract iitj',!iur ;r 'hi la' -Is f HiMian HimUi a! Alex ander . l-iti!. u. 'i!r.c VI im i on other lrc( on tl -iV'n ruf, !h l.i Uir mm.ili of Cfatir rri rk, cuHaininfr 1 1 J arr 1 thrre nihrr frartl a'lj-ini" 0f U! inrniinnl fin. tainiPf tij(iili) r J arret t a'", fif lt'' l Jn in llie (rr. a i.on 1 'j-urt; iif fhr ' 11 of fc.li-'iMn, kixiw'i anil .'l r'.b il i'i fir p'l'i of ta d l'n l Nix. !'.. J. . a ! ('t : I Ii -vr pfj;H.riy Ik 'ni-a in tliv lit.rt at U of lln- Uu-. ' AK'Iin Irr r li'N k. A', llo m limr a',. f laf-r, frtrl of Ijii I 1 nf ' n 'if lliiitliiij; Trn I , in tli"- Wi 01 iSr Va !kin, a.lj'n! i;f 'hr la l tif t '1 1 1 l.it lr, ffuki-r Jriitiiii anl n'li rs f "i tii. i b lat n 4I11111 1 J m rt-n, bi l.)iiriiijr to tin- !i uaa'la iiffM-'irgr ll mlon, il cM. A! 1, at tt,- aaine tun a 1! ptff, trarl of Ijih'I lyin; n the V-!km tin r, a lj'i'i 'hr j U mU of Nl!,4rrl I'rcM, t, H illrr r llla, Jan.ri Orr.l, an I n'hr.s cnlii.ii( 2ic.ra, iinire or lea 1 ami brl'iiv nif to the licira at law of Jotlma Cayton, ijrc'.l. AIS at 'bp aam Vme and filarr, a tract of lnd lj ii(f j0 the watrruf I I c I Srronilfrrck, bo ruled bf 'lie laikl of M.rlurl llntl'itian, John Tmlrr, bikI otltrn, anil routining am a, bf thr Mittr more or Iraa, Iwlon jiiijf 10 the lie in at law of John I'atinrt r, J.-cM. Alan, at t'le tanic lirne and plare, a tract of La'id lyiO)f on a branch of trC'ind rrrrk, com Ihooly eallrd the W abi Hranrb,-1jiini(r b land of (irorirc and Henry Hobium, containing 2t) arret, and bilorjring to the heirt at law of Uarjrarrt Hobiaon, dr r'd. A credit of twele and eighteen month ill be fifen for the punhaae mooe, on tach of tlie above ric'.i of Ijhi L A lts at the aame time ami place, will be told another tract, Kinjron the Water of We'hrro'a Creek, joi nini the Irtdell lint-, and adjoininKthe laiuU of Kril M'Kay, Jaini lloutioii, lUvid Ptcr, nd other,' rnntaininr; forty-aii b f. rt y -- STlt acrev beloiicinif o the hvir t law of i.-AkiaaJer tooklil;i; iL. J h)Mw;V ill be od on credit of twelre month, wrtkvirrtrrett from . the time of ule. . . -- - - The p,irtlieri will he required to give bund ' Villi approvrd tecuritiet, in every ipitance, for kbe puclie oioney. CEO. LOCKK, CM. F. 0fi6irr?5. 187J. 7i Suite of North-Carolina, I. tKCOm COUKTT- SUPERIOR Cimrt of L?w, Oc'obrr Term, 182J. Marv Hooper rt. Jotliu lltwperi Petition for ditorce. It appearing to the tti taciion of the court, that Joifw Hooper, the defendant, it not an inhabitant of Uii tatc, it it "till WSfttR. RHMTia ?n'lfiWjFtitVnd ; M'cstrm Carolinian, piing notice to the defen dant, that he appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be Ik Id for the county of Lincoln, at the eonrt-hoip in Linrolnton, on the fourth Mon day afte the 4th Monday in March next, then j petition, ntherwite it w ill be taken pro rnnfesao, and. aiij'iOKcil according Iv, Vt itnt, I a ton Ilentleraon, cleik "of aid court, at oflite, the fourth Monday rfter the four'h Vo-'dav in Son-: lembee, A. 11. ami m tbefoHy-etghtli year f tlie IndV-peiidcnre of the V. Mate. LAWN. HF.NDKUSON. Pre adv. 54 3m' 91 8Lite of North-Carolina, af KKs cnusTT. ftOt'RT of Flea nd Quarter Petwirmt, Sep. J tembcr Term, 1323. Sarah Vaster, to the Ue of Wm. Slde, t . F.dmtin I Bcazley i .ludicial Attchment, levied on land. It ppea'ring to the eonrt that the dttendant so abaenndt and conceal himteif that the ordinary proccs of lit w cannot be 4. aenctLupou hiuv it 'm tlicrtforq ird. retl. . ul.U 1 1 . . t . . f lwi.4iHwU4.tb-eifmK,l;:tn fk. .1. 1 . -. --...i --- ! - T : to appear The"ncsr CwurlTir rira and --Qitarttr Settiiion to' be Held" for" aald'cotinty, at the .court -hoti? in Germntn,- m the seeond Monday in Uecember next, and replevy, plead to issue or demur, otherwise judgment fuml will m riiTKu againat i,nn. im MAT' HEW R. MOORC.Cl'k. prrmmton, AW. 3, 1 823. Price adv. gl 25 State of North-Carolina, DATIDSON COUNTY. COURT of plea and Quarter Session, Octo ber Term, 1823; fiendum Tutsev and Sa rh hi wife, and Eliza Byerlv, m. Philip Gar ner and Barbara hi wife, George Keplev and icna nu wne : petition for partition. . It appear. ! I-. .1 . J. .. . rr-:- . . KRoahta, Philip Garner and Barbara hi wife, j w 1 Collint.'and thrifiWM"hi rire7 arelibt in-" iwoiunt ot ttni itate, it it therefore ordered, wat publication be made for aimreek in the western CarpliniaiV printed in Saliibur)', that nnlei die defendapt appear at the next Court Pleaa and Quarter Station to be held for Dndon county, at the court-house in Lexing ton, on the 4th Monday of January next, and P,ef and demtir to the said petition, ofberwiae will betaken pro eonfesso, as to tiJem. A true copy from tJit minute. 6t36 Priee ar. 2 jb. UOCK, $?k. 'Helling unuMinlly Low., flllf. Subscriber l hfiw rfil'r a Ur -t i JL snrtmefit of l)UV WH)I) IJaKI) tt AkE, CriM'.llY, tKIMKMICM, ar. fewn ,Ve Turk awl I'liiMrlpliia, trlrftcd by JiiiCvU itb (Tt, a fed botirfM Un tli Ofs trrwts. Hi if Mis mm to arenre cnwlmiinre nr .' r-rvsenr rt. ctahl ruaium, i l com n determine turn to of!4-r bis extensive 'ixk of GuoU in I sbury, at pricts Ukh, in hit opinion, will b (tn4 as low th fre f lU- K hltHtiw Hli"a off t ffirt." L cutluura i4 iltf puhliti rt-ncmllv, trv inUil l rll tlam'nr, ana Jtuljf fur liimtr. j(ms miipHV. XKW A.HHOIITMKXT. from IlJIailt Iplua, 111 ajtauiliiitiiL id J)r (uuc!i, Hsmlnnrc, Vullt-ry ai'f l)-im-'it lilrli, r'll ll,r rnlnicnl ! jwr1 to rr. criic in t tli'irl 'im , will n U- Ihim ' at ll ai 'iifir'nrt it -. I lie t - ' r r t icifilU jiniiiril lor!!taiiil rtnnitr f'.r dun I DVVAUl) ( SuLtL'irv, An j. lf, I")M. 67 "Pif O fip a-piti in;;, ui...' ' i I'1'-- In'rifM, riliidir' I tiur' I 1" i. IK. . 11. .' in fll'lifr l P.Ml'lU"li l niT, i tf Hr (lliirc, I In.' 1 iin fi'iir mi i!i tin ir rii 11 , 1 a iti-- i.l on lia ii.j( I'irir iirk il.mc with ncstm tt, ilurl)i!.i anil ilnj a'cli. r.DH Il. V Y. Administrator' Xotirr. ulnrnlx-r hninif qua'ificd at llir Uf I tn nn of Knua.i ronniv coift, at a'l'nti. itrt'r on the rie f Jnlin Sinitli, latr f tal.iinrv. ilrrraaril, jfici notice to all prrwnit' i'mI. bu i lo aaul ra'itr ir, anv thapr, lo tunic fur. ) nl ami make . :tl mi ut ajM-tili!y at p"i. 1 Ltr j ami all thou; liming cUinia ttgnnA it, ill in I.Vr ni.mnrr prvKiit tiicin, projKrly attest tit, for liO'inlatian. THOMAS II0LUK4. Mmr, .A or. ?1. rX j Hi INihlic Salt. THF.ItF. trill be aol at the lae (Urll ny of to fJcrraard in a!riitirr,- on Frtdar, the ' 12th tt nf Ik'crmbrr nr', ariona anirlrt 1 lloiltholil F ifBitnrr, rnnalttiiifrof IlriU, c'iir, i.C Ami alo, on the Kriilav follorinfr, the 19th T nrermiM r, Uiere will be aoM, at the plant. tion of aanl Junn Mnith, ilrc M. a atnric ot Hog Mortca, Cowt, kc. and almi. Corn, Foddrr, &r, iOn all aiimt alove two dollar, a credit of li muntht ill be ((iven, the purchaarr jfivin(r 'Kind and wrurity. Uue atlcivLnce till be giiii by the anbKribrr. THOMAS HOl.MF.4. .fW. Cotton f?aw CHir- 'r'llrrwihacriber fiai now ori hand, for'aali, at 1 jtrij hoprin-liibnr)', on Main ftreet, Cot ton fw bint, of hit own make, wb'chhe will wamnt to be at ell niade at ny in the State. He will mtivanlly keep pim for aalei and will do all kindtof repkirin, on ahort notice, and reavnmblc tern,. s A ML EL FKA1.KY. iS'iinAirt, Jur. 18, 183S. 67 House HiiuTEoTfbr Sate IN SALIsni'HY. THR anbtrriber w ithe to k II hit hnttte and lot, in the town of Salisbury, now occupied bv himfelf, at a tavc"n. The catabhahiuent it mce to (tctcnte it particnUrly ; it it, perhapt, the rrott eliirible tnd lor public hontr in the wrttrrn part of North-Carolina ; it is within 80 ard of the rotir1-luii:tr in Salisbury 1 it lai-jfe and convenient, with extentivr mit biiildinN A very moderate price will be taken lor the f tublMimcnt, and )nnuiitn niude easv. Any person wis'iit.p to pun-hase, will do well to sp- plv anon, at the mosc iler it now detrrmmeil to 'aejl, and rt-move lohialarm in the eoiititn. It. ten d reeled to tlie subt.-riber. in faltb irv, N. t. ill De ouiv attemiiMi o. JOHN HOWARD, .Sen. S,iU',urg, Tiet. 18i3. 82 I be' Haleiirh Star will insert the above 3 weeks, hiuI tend their account to tliit olUce for ittlement . State of North-Carolina, AM1F. COt'NTT ORRIS MAKF.If, r. Alex. Johntton, et at rtrieinal bill in Equity. her it ppiar to the tstisfactjon of this court, that Pol ly linker, relict of Jeremiah BakeT, d crated. Jamejt linker. Jicubca-IUkaiy ly-Ann RnV-er, Hwi. - m.;.if.:,i. "Kc'iJc ;.-".,-..Jf v;j. I.. teOItalitflW'Kelrt remhih Itaker, deceawdi are- mhabitant of art. other state ;" TtTaTneretort''n1ei'AtpMWt ration be niI in tlie We ttern Carolinian, nub. lithrd in Salisbunv for six weeks, for the afore. said parties to appear, and antwer, plead, or de- apahisTtliem, and the cause, heard ex parte. Witness Jamc Ilathorn, clerk of the court of Equity for the county and Slate aforesaid, Sep. teanber, 1823. . .m I, ...,,. - - . V JAMES IIATHOKN, C. U.M E. Price adv. 2. 6wl6r Oiaic ui itoiiii-vniumij DAVIDSOW COUKTT, r1 OUflTtf Pk wl QtiartUlonv-Octo4 J her Term. 1823: rGeOfre Shuman t, Hn4 -f-- , 7-- . .n ' .... t nian, Maurice Davkand William Wiaeman.'aum- moncd at imrnisliees. It annearinirtothe satis- faction of Jhe court,; that lireUffehdant'i not a resident of. this state, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for three week in the We, tern Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions te be held for the county of Davidson, at the court- house in Lexington, 'on the 4J Monday of Jan uary next, and plead, lus. oUierwiae-. juajnienr final will be enftfed . against him. , ' - A copy from the minute. . Attest, DAVID MOCK, Crk. - , Priee a.r. $1 25: 3t4 ' j CONVKNTIO.V DKnAfKS, iMMiiiam ri . ' riTioir.irjf. ii, Tlie trrirwrfl amcnuu144.i1 1 it Cui tiu ni uufur (fiiMticriiMi 1 htn,on mo u.fi of Mr. FM'tf, lite nifeilnRreolcl iiMifialoac&niiiiiiitt-bf lb mUlti but 4o frmlrmiif cld fton fwrH mr flfflliilnr lo Uke the thr, (itn St,kt rotitinurd lo brii!e inCbrnmil 1 hr ('on(itutlon, at pt minted to lie jrHtridfii, thru tukf ti up by aicUutu I lir niilr inif ndmf m inotifHrd to I lie fir-a r.,r, to rh.njr thpitrk nl tic f'pu'ar brmh of the l.fil lurf frim llutMe f f Commont 10 lli juse of Mr. YltCr V. I hr (M.alrmiin tihha rnm ir.ittft, ,,i't 11, r fo iimi'tre pftlrrfd thr urm of I! ii of Krptrt. ntjittki for oli' ! rr.int. Kt olijrtiion made 10 he f 'ni.t . I ' 2H sroiop prpokip( that the Se n,i'nr hIijII M fln,tll by ,):iit Pf f "' .ert, in nurmrr hen i .nficr iSirect ltd ntrd without rrtn.'k. " I A w the .11, eicrpt tn .1 it wn pn- o i, so runner me um Krj iri' nutivo iniri,i of thr 31 line, to ,tleiiirt, but thr inniiiiii n not KU't1 lo. 'I hr re Ix int norlwnr prnpovd in the 4 Ii ti but t lie word Ilrprtactitiititea, inaral of ( ('mmom, ti p-stnl ol courae. 1 he iui si ci ion prrvrilw the ijtuli firm if mi ol tnt m')rrtcf the Seiute. I he arc to he :j yeji old, and tnutt hae re idtd in thr duirici t ut year, itc. Mr. Curnn meted to anient! this arc lion br adiiiti(, ihtt be thall he 11 rtizrn iJ ih Vmitd Malr$, tt he wished t pre vent any peivoti fiom entering our toun- ult who wit attachtd to the inierc.U of any other country. .Air. SrtUe aaid, !; -perf eirrd - the committee proposed that none but free white ciiiieni tlmuld be permitted to vote for memberi of the rooM popular br.ru h of the Legislature, he hoped no colored man would be eligible 16 a e;it in either branch of the Gmer.l Atiemhly. He theiefore, proposed lo amend the amend ment, by adding to the qualificalioh, that he thaUMe u rt rA mom. Mr. Yurey id the committee had not though: aucb a provlnion net ery ; at by uocxia lecuoiJL.none out tree veMe men poeied of a tefalil TTTehoTiTTare ief mr.trdtoirotei lie-hwl, hoevcr jol jetiiou loth proponed niriKinieiit. Mr. Burton olnrrvrdi that there waa no necet.ity lor the amendment in rehtion to foreigner, a a Semi nr it r quired h nohi 31)0 acre ol Und in Icei which no l ' .. - .,., I Lir I Tuulu nTCI Both una-hdmenti were agteed to. Mr. Mangum moved, lorthcr to amend the 5lh tcctjon, by adding to the end of it or nut r$tatr tnjre nf the value of ton proposed to fill the blank with x hun drtds w iiti h ,e iippiHrd wat about the va lue of 3(0 acre of land at the time the prtstnt CoiiMitiiiiofi wus adopted. He oid not consider what wai the value of Lint for met I), but what is in present va iiie ; and he believed, that a dollar an acre would be a mine correct estimate than two dollars. W hen, said be( we are fin ing two'quhiifii ationi we on;ht to make the value nearly eqtt.il as pnictirahle ; and a ni..n pussihtrd of 100 acre of land, woitb K30U, mi'ht be ai well qus'lified tn rerve ni roniiiry in tne Menaie as one possessed of 30ft acre worth the tame unit. We lime already said that a man owning 50 a res of land,pr land of the t i- lue ol "650. shall vote for a Senator. He wished here to observe the aatne propor tion ,..Mrls'ir obrxeid.lhtAh L-iot til. ked Uiiauioa.. beiweertmemlttpLdhc Sehafe'anamel motiiriliioTme senf the landed interest of the Stale" ; but the latter the people at large, and he was . - lki.1 illulinqliAW - '8fq lily Imbitanta of our townt who have no l.tnd, may be at patriotic as others but he considered the liberties of the country safest in the har-cls of the landed interest. ' Mr. Yancey said, there was no wish in any one, he presumed, to destroy the distinction of which the gentleman from Cabarrus spoke.' It was proposed merely Senate should have that quantity. flanoN or estate of equal yalue, which will oper- "ate IhliBf oh ptrfonlfrigpr he wart in favor of filling tbe blank ti'.h giooo, .-. ;. Mr. JKsher was willing to fill the blank with a sum that would be about equal to the value of the land ; but no gentleman wilt say tbalibe avrroge value of land is S3 an. acre, and gtboo ou.ld exceed that price. He hoped therefore) a muller sum trculd be fixed" upen. Mr. J, A. Cameron proposed lo amrnd the section so a to provide thai Sen.tot shall possess 209 arret of land, or town property to the vslue of giono. . Mr. fttkrr ol.jected lo the provision beinirfoiionedlopctsonttiving la towns') he with4U loM ectiraLr . ... M'. Ilnnt laid, there appeared to him no difTiculty In the proposed provljn. If minnrilJ 3itrt of vmJ wouw Wftlltlblet ftr If he trtd land worth 8 1 000 though It might be lets In qtuntlty. he would be eq-ially eligible, fo confine the alternative to iont, would deprive an inhabiiani of the country fiom seal in the Senate who posse trd any jcm num ber of acres than 300, though it might be worth 86W-' He taped IU irrttndmenl would pats at proposed byhe mover. . Mr. AUmtvm wst opposed to the amend ment proposed by the gendenstn from Cumberland. 7 his poposi'li) rould not be contideied et infringing on Ihe rij;ht at at presfnt ciertised: but at an eten slon, fif that right. Uur aneettort, thi he. thought proper to imtd our interesu in the Senate, bv requiting itt members i br owners of30f) acres of the aeil of the country, and it was doubtless whole some niovision. 1 he object of the pres e nt amendment was to admit such aa have not that quantity of land, but possess sn estate of Sioou. Vyiiiterine preseni K,on slituiion, if a mm possesses property to the value of $20,000, if he havo not 300 errs of Jand, he it not eligible. I his I.e did not think correct. He w.s clear, how " . a i:r . . ever, that the property 10 quaiuy a man to be Senator should be freehold proper ty, and not an estate that should depend on his own life, or the life of another. Mr. antm w in favor of neither of the amendments prcpostd to this section. lie preferred the provision of the Contil- mion as it now stand. He wat lor niv ing members of the Senate to be owners of :0 acres nf land. He considered the Senate's representing the landed inter- est nl the country, ana ne tnoum prcier that its member should be chiefly taken mm the country, and not from towna. Or, if memlicra should be chosen from towns, thai they should be men who ow ned at least 300 acret of land and no rne worthy of a aeat in the Senate would find any difficulty in acqu'uipg this quail fitktion. , ... . Mr. J. S. Smith was in favor of the ong- iiul aroendmctiti but thought that 8 1000 was too Lre a sum with which to fill fh blank. "A man wTioliaa 3oO"tcrea oflaiid not worth H 100 Tn-sv be SenatoTT-'He should with to fix thetilm at what might be? considered about an average value o 300 anrt of land. He proposed therefore 86no. He was anxioui this amendment should prevail : as the Convention pro posed to take away the right of the towns to send members; the inhabitants towns Plight to be placed on an cquali'y as to eligibility with those of the country Mr. thifrr again insisted upon main aj'mst facilitating the election to that body of the inhabitant of the townt Mr. Cameron withdrew hit proposition The question wat then taken on filling tho blank with 1000 and lost. The question wat then taken on 8600 and car ned. On motion of Mr. Mangvm, the section was further amendrd, bf inserting the words, before Ihe 8600, real ettait in xfet of the value jf. Frvm the A'rw'Yik Stateman. Mr. Hurley, an ungrnious and Indus triotis mechanic of this city, hat rompli mented Mr. linton by sending him an American Beiver hat, of the Cortes form beautifully wrought with hit own 'hands Itt intrinsic value is not less than 13 or 20 dollar ; but its' piincipal worth consists TrrTrt herng a spontaneous tribute ofj'rf rrrtzc 5jntiwnujiicumetiirn, whose;. efJortitiiii.e.aojQ developing the retouis es of our country, and who has been the uniform friend and advocate of domestic manufacture!. Brutal Slander At Wilts Assizes, England,) two guineas damages and costs were -obtained - from person whw had slandered tht character of plaintifTt bone! The Vamaira of the Ocean, recently caught and noieexhibitinif in New-Vork, issaid to wetgh upwarfltof five tone. The fesTsW great, that by a, Might turn of its body it nappd cIT,with Jhje uunast eaiftibe head ot me narpoon wun wnicn u was struck. , ". . The court of appeals in Fayette county, Kentucky have decided that nerve of tht Bank of the Commonwealth, tire not money. I hey have also decided, that juneet of the fieaee have no juri$diciion ot contracts payable I" property ttrr Jive fioundi. -. loCKUlntiire of North-Corolina. BLNAin. nXy, AW SI. Mr. Cameron frtatnitd the fullowa Ing reto!utio, whith traJ thrti tlrnci, piietJ;ani ordered to- Le tn grossed t - Whertts tlie Ilowoiall M iflitm Korwood f.t'i. one of tjie 'J'ldp ofitiP Superior Crmrtt of U w and Tvpiity t.f thl "sV, ws prevewted by extreme lllneat'frnnt bol linr sf the "irta 14 -Uiff circuit t which he tt t!o(f ed this foil i Kmhl, That tU f-ib'W: I rt-atuprf b nd he ) brrrby ainhonicd n I r 'l nred te py the salil W illiain N(iro.a Ui full sum He wmi!4 have been entiJcd lo rtctite from the Pnt he rnatury, In tkw manner a if b had hl4 the Coofa ia the Cirr ult at.ijnnt to him i And ffcf " sodi'iitg.thUsliall be hit wsrrsnt, ' On motion of Mr. (rravr. i itJcel committee teaa appointed on the Mil itia Lawt, and the public armt nl tht State and the folio log pntlrmea were named at the comnitttee, viz, M Craves. Witnan.a, Urillaln, M'LtarT, and Ward. ' .' I he following peraoni err annoinU rd on the arverai arlet I Ccmmitters, ordered on the rnctiagc of the G"vrr nr i . . .j. , On liltrnnl BunrrMk LrrrtmL taklfhrugU, Ml llatth ( W av we. - ' ' - . - '." tin JrictAi Meases. Hatch, of Jones, I'hifer, rfy, Htrrell and Bethun. Oil Crimml lwt Meswt. Martin, W tl!Vrn, ' On an, Graves and Mliipt-aus. ' itn CAerwJbw Und$t Mert. "eawelL Love, Pwney. JPUod, Jlrittain, and Dormant to A . . Httolution presented by Mr. Kneed. On rMtaumi Mesw Rneed, Hill of lYank , Cn, Whitflelitrtraril, H'U of Stokes i an.t On tht" library-timmiiutt Messrs. Forncy Dry an and Bullock. , Ihe tommittre 'appointr d to "corducf the ballottirttr 4or hrffrosting Clerlj rrported that John C. Ehrioghaua was duly elrcted. , . . Mt.Gtr prewnteq ihe petition pi Jane Wellborn, of It a ndolpb. : country., praying ihe pattage cf ft taw securing to her auch estate at ihe may hereafter acquire t which waa referred to hn committee on Privileges and Election! s Saturday, Jvov, 22., The following pcrvnt were appoint rl a Committee PI Finance on the part of thithouaei T" ." afeaara, Ilatrb, of Jonet, Pullock, flowers, , kUrahaJL Hard. Uray, Iartin and M il!borns. j A ccrtificatf received from tnt House ct Commons, oi an allowance made by. jKe County Cou r( bf Cu rp5t riZT: land, infavor of Itabeila Canipbrl!, " countersigned by the Speaker t.f tht Ilouae j which, on tnotioa of Mr, , Dethune, waa couDtcrsigncd by xhfi ..; Mr, Urittain presented the retir nation of William Orr, Lieut, Col. of - the firat regiment of the militia of flun combe county i ard Mr. Alexander presented the resignation ol Artdrcvr iludlow, Col. Commandant .if the 1st . regiment of militia of Ruihrrf rd coun - tv, which were read and acreptid, Monday, Aov. 24. ' ' Meisra. Cameron, Gra."Welil)irnf ' Phifer. and Buriress. were apDointrd y U V a committee on the part of ihia ilouae. on the Httolution, introducid in the ... House of Commons bv Mr. Stanly on , Saturday, relative to the public print ing. , . . , . '.' ' - Mcisra. Seawell, Vanhnok, Jhileri Scalea and Snctd, were appointed a committee on the part cf the Senate on the Resolution introduced by Mr. AU ston, of the House of Commoaa, re la. . . .. tive to tht Banks. Mr. Sneed, a bill to consolidate and- tmttditheixral4awaof 4hia.S relatiyrio 'thjrptycrni j:1HTm:'''K'T'' vVWerFiaCTdKrS mr motion- of -Mr iliil 'HfiittijQf ,dc red. v: :. .: io be printed, - ( Mr. Calloway a bill to appoint com- iw!.c'r.n Ia ainrirtt tV, hililtliflff " " lilt, WPn f ewip,. mo.pmmmrwwmw n of two bridgea"on the great stage roud . tn the counties of Wilkea and Aahr . which wai read the first time and re-. T ferrcd to the committee on Internal Im prcvement. 1 'V :'-.-:.' uv ' Mr, Meary presented a certifi cate of an allowance made by the Coun. ty - Court of "MerkleTiburjr - to r Leah- - -- - Jcatty, which was read and counter-,. ' aignpd by the Speaker. v ... ; Mr. Hill, of Stokes, presented the " petitiott tif VVm; VelciriTid prayino: for authority to erect gates on , a public road-Referred to the com- . mitteeon Propositions and Grie vances, , Mr, Torrence presented the petition f 'Joseph ' Brers, rrf Iredtll," which was referred to the same Committee. ' . Mr: Love Dresented thenetitinn nf sundry inhabitants of Haywood Coun t

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