"IonRe :.TI JHH.TUV. A tli.k ttd Iraki In the time if atom, tm'd WiinJtjf to come brpw 8j mu f.r tile, be J-y ih-dicrM knl Tint, It ijoictly K!i'J L'.m la sUcp peace. Jte t!iU are I1 attr'Jj the UvU are at TL hcr p (4 Lt pasture lueSo'd 1 But Ui r ;i ti.rfVrt U) I10U of lu !, fl4 coat U left forfeit behind, Vj Mead, ba the U.kk t of U sever tryM, Coawkr before yoa gel In 1 side, ' TW j'k!gmtnt n4 arntenri ar pueM M jour ... H) Java, -ail WItMLl4 ju Ua... Tiir, wish. - - fn ftes wWd M UN s frienl W ilk bote any cboeeet hour la spend, ' Tt UoA I etftly BMgtt Impart ' t , wieli and weakness tat iy heart I llki wout l in mry euerow cheer, And every joy flak doubly draff for ah a alone, I'd wiab to be, Ad ! WlluU Skylit! fofBM And U secure sr.y bUas fr tf, Vi wwls tUt fhea4 te be s w IfE, MODERN fMItNDSfllf. Wbea fortune kbIi aid look serene l "ia bir, bo do do f Tour family are will, I hope. Cm I srt them or jo f jBut turn tli cl let fortune frown, And ill and r 0 I'ye 1 til tLtiv " I'm aorry for your lows, lial tin are bard gvl by t're." triTAPIl ON A COMPOSITOR. Jfo awr shall copy bad perpUi asy brmin 1 Ko Bur aLidJ tjpi'i small foce awy eye ball Kraut 1 ft 0 mure the prooTi foul page ereati my trouble, J errors, trsMpoeUiona, out, and double ha more to tfinu shall I begin 1 2o rnof be driving out, or taking in j . Tic itulboro Pre aurln't Crown be-acvfTi JUriscd, corrected, finally orbed ofl. J1ISCELL.1NEOUS. JuK Au like, together crub4 iJ brviwM, Btrt like Die ctrth, bnnotiioulj contut'd. . . MAP OP urn Having cait our c) c over the pa. gf of a newtpapcr, we, coulJ not but be atrutk with the variety of inttlli- Jence conveved in 1 ingle ahert. It utiutci ibc holcjalc wicea currcnL tjrhich bring to view the buttle of mer. - chtndize 1-thn followa a half c lumn if applicatUma fr Uttcra of adminis- -trativr-irircioiy renainaiDo; o, tnat piMjoUhjit htely-actire individuals are no quietly reposing to the armi ml utth, juid ihjit m juv cUmonma rtl. ativci and friends ire thinking more "-, of their property than of their ahea. The intelligence now takes a bolder well, e aue informed in what ttate, ft fcumher. a large cooorepation of theie transitory mortal, are doing in .. . . ; .., ., w their dignified, executive and lrgisla- -ttve-capatiiy meo-wlu) talk about (heir right as if they were of an eter .julJurauoQlITitnaasejofpiracy Occur, showing how thcae important characieia may hasten the approach of the king of terror, aa if death delayed bis advancea.too long then we have an account of a penitentiary, explain ing the, modes adopted- by aociety to aecure the possesiors of property the 'nienna of enjoying it during the regu lar advance of death. Then cornea a project of internal improvement that for the little time we do remain upon earth, we may be allowed the use of internal canals j that we may divert river from their ancient courses j e ve ry particle whereof reminds u of the ,flow of human existence j then come advertisements for builder, stone ma thru tenant rf hotir must huilii hnn. , r-r aea for their : rt wde tj jhail w HI I l:if pern mansions ir otnera to innaou. At last, in a little obscure corner of the 'iiempapcr, we find an obituary--- passed over at. an ordinary event to remind us, after all, of how little con sequence we are. VQ TH rOTLAB aiKTTB. " Ustful rules Jer tundry torts of pevple, 1, When ypu are walking to Church, rtalkarlotitjtyBsyotr cart f to that oth ers may know yow are in the way of S'yotirdutr? 3. When jrou are fairly seated, at galiolicr-Tiow partic ular irienuil tnia- anows gooa maancri, and kind feelings. ' vj -V 3. If you are a singa sing a little after (ht test of the "singers because ; hemcre the it of a good thing, and !the longer it lastt, ihc better, : ' 4. li the seats io the Peui arc on hinges, the moment prayer Is ended, ;:; l'r"i Ju:nt aal male & sv:tli r-oiic b ai d ing you t un. It will rot.it tip t!iot who art tlrwwiy ami q jicktn their attf ntion tt the itrmon. 5. When you alcrp at tnertir, do it without dWgu'ue or corset atmrnt, A Church ii no plact fur hypuc rity. Ueaidri, to alcrp at your eatc on auch occaiioni, ahewt that your ccmcicncc ir t t. Af.ced btiinci aitm, intending by the Church, go lo Droad'i, or elatwht re ; 10 m,ake 1 ,0"hcr in the country! you will ool then I j d'"Ml h,t ct?!ln?: Sa!' annoytd by team. ' . ' ' .rnon,,d,9 ,ef e 'JP'll "lUstUl 7. If you meet a chaii or liarr., io aUe U accomplUh hii iihei to. ocefuouUrourOT charged hi ahow your apunk, aad dah almr, and h, n,l Ororge, n df h drivaf)t-thif-wii;:l'-?ou,J uictrd w-.lhe buat. teach folk, good maooeri. f ,hfr wrr,f eol5ed ,n l0.crrJr S. Wbeoyou dtamouat rrora your chatir, leave the rem in the bottom of the carriage, and they will get under the horio'e hrtJa with perfect eaie, 0, When you are apeaktng earnratlr la a nan or woman, get your mouth at near aa pon.Ue to hii or her face, i enditort, th-t the pr.ncipali determ.n. and then the prrton thui apoken to!fd Prcent lh,e 1 " w,ll certainlr Jtti the force of your,"'n? 0.kcB of Ppr" lhry ob.rrvationa. 10. When you are telling a atory, k-ep laoghing your.elf , and then, by vmpathy, the company will be inclt. ned to do ao too. It will be well to praiie the atory aomewhat, before you begin t it will awakes attention. 1 1, when you gaip in coropanr, do it fairly ami bove board : and not be to clowniah at to cover your mouth 1 tli your hand. 12. When yoa are in the company of your t'.ipenort, or of tirangen, lit, atand and talk with vour hat on; ihm provea thet you are a good m thry j are, and that you are duly se.nsiMr cf it. 13. At awetrinp is rot o grenf an , accomplishment aa it wa. aome vrnra , go-praci.ee it o,.!y on part.cuU ,k. V4Wl wurr . T ti. tl lll. VHtBI tiV if. I Ul 111 C I company requ.rea t. 14. Aa the beauty and comfort of ,r .... . . . .... He connit In vartrttu pav hut Utile attention to the old mnxim of doinp at ,,. , . . , . . vou would be done by : it would make ' . he world ttupidlr uniform and mo- ' ' notonou. ' 1J. When you have done eat.ng your dinner, alway. puk your teeth wukyour uri,!. a proxiigxoua aa- 10. When eating an apple, or vour common TTTerals, da the liottne effect ual,nr; Ict ,!,c..iwf twnd f club .lut the tree he tlw.y, codcIu Mr.rAflcaplima-wilh thep-ancf-farj bor- ,j fruiJ uown operation 01 your iccin ; thia hows that you are,mfA0jW,-and in earntt to employ it many of your fa ctiltie at the tame time as you can. . 17. If you carry a while poiket handkerihirf, pin it in your pocket and let half of it hang out. 18. If you carry a silk one, never ue it : only draw your breath more suddenly and powerfully, and it will aniwer all purpose, and ave a deal of washing.- . - 19. Always take a few drams in the morning: it helpa the revenue, and ; ... a make one tcel clever : nut in tms ne t i . i i i veru moderate, .lo. Tipler ued to ny, that eleven glasses of sling before breakefat, were as good as a thousand. 20. If you have occasion to speak 11 of anv one of your friend, do it be hind his back: and then you will ne t wound his feelinr. 2!. If vou ae invited to dine with a gentleman to-morrow, and are enga ged, tell him so; bit that you will dine w'uh him neflff day. Thi will snve him trouble, and make all certain. 22. If you wish for advice, don t j.k it till you have made up your I-wUlv i aryirvg ptnioivajj' .v. ,.w. more such. poor riciiard. -WAP&FHISTORVr In the reign of Henry VI If. thrrej did not grow in England any vegetable or eatable root, such as carrots, pars nip?, cabbage, 8cc. Turkeys, fowl, Sic. were introduced there about the year 1524, The currant shrub was brought from the Island of Zante, A. D.1 J53, by'way:tjf FtsnrJeTr.- - Porkft watches were brought there from O r many, A. tt. 4 577. Aboit the y tr 15SO, coaches were introduced. t A sifw witlwa fretrdrsrjLi 1 6357ut ' aftVrwarjrcle'rjiolishetl, that it might cot! deprive the laboring poor of employment ! Tsa was-Jp-troduced intoj England in 166C, and soon became a fashionable drlnkVit soU. then for 60s. per lb." It was boil- eu nr a targe iron pot until it wa ten der, and was then sauced with butter, and lervedlup in a large deep dish 1 a: ttcAKL trr.p,:rT. MiiuhtitcrfKoiliit.,) G'JjrJi- s i, ft ltdt a inisaaie ol crnmcr cul it. rhich i eot Jen lionor tile t Ihe panic than rtraiTkic io the hilorv uf nankruDte'ici. Sit f even Lara ajo, Mr. (iters? Woo J, a caliL rrintcr. a unlortunate ia tiuilncl, and hoooraU obtained a crrtiSlte of bankructcr, an-l comram ' ") - W and rood management they hive laely been enabled to divide 3CXJ puoda mongat their fathera credit or. Thia act waa ao unexpected, and eicited auch grateful rmetiona in the acciramgiy got up puouc umner, ano I nC(1 the two young men, together I " great number of other gentle, Oo lhi occa,ion the Meiir. tfuuui were preicncu wmi iwg ganttilver var, with iuillle intoip tion worth 260 guinea. The Chir. miii observed that at thrir rcaprctrd moihtr muat have had a time in thr Work of intlilling into thrir rrvndi the excellrni principle! whith govtrnrd them, the committee lud erj id the gratih afcm of waiting upon htr with the pfrmnt of a ailver tea and coflet nu"lI,C r thc c.f fifi guinea SCANDAL. A gentleman riding tfrour.h Went- j -t , Mtn , frf (, h hr fr . r,rr , f . .lirtd wh(, Drf4chcd in thi thMrrh iut in n.chr . , uif 4.. u Q , ,. mmm . , . I wo kll'jwt.Kiio had brni . r r , , . ' c u v lent attack cn Mr. Si charactrr. - i t- . . I lit- crtftilr nian litrnrrl rrv aflrntitr. .. ..... . . , , Iv until t hrv had rxhau&trd ihtir lund of defamation, and then obterved that Mf s ,rmm of crcfU chjfBCt t qilUfdTow he cou!(J draw 8Uh a eo, . elusion Ircm what hp hsd heard. He jjf phed, that when he patsed.by an or. r-Kitrrt V r4 at 1 tar m nnmKaiw f ? n.i ,m va, awiata W UUIU'ltl VI Villa! ltu - r- TAI.Oh9 WORK. Dr a statement fiom a tailor, in Bos. ton, England, it appear that there an 25,243 stitches in a ceaf, viz. basting, 782 stitches in the edgrs of the c ai, JJQQdutOf felli. g the edge, f.ceSj fvc. 7414 ditto nut of igh in the pink et, ik( . 1982 ditto j in the collar al ne, 3036 ditto j st ams, 5359 di(t ; holes, 1450 1 the coai, he ss, a nude ii two day j.urueymao houis. We dL not kno how much a iourt'e man tai- 0r is allowed forstwinc a coat, but iccording to the above statement we 'should icarrely think tht the prirt charge cLy tot merchant was enough t compensate foi the labour of so many atiiches and team. Fr our part wr ahould not undertake to count them for double the um. Evening Post. MSF.IWES OF HUMAN LIFF.. To te intruded upon by visiters at unseasonable hour, and to have their visits protracted to unreasonable lenptk. To hear long dull stories upon sub jects which'. ou know nothing of and Uarx-kiis., . '. : :.. IZXa-iwar"thZiam . , . .-i..hn.i -ii --i.itm Ljj-.mihiw''i wmrc-- by persons asking impertinent ques tion?. To have an impertinent rntruder prearnt when you wish to converse with a friend, or anv other person, upon confidentiid subject. We understand that Mr. Slaughter, of Salishniy, N. Carolina, has proposed to Mr. Hunter, to have his taje prrneed from (iodfrev Ferry Jo Kocky Rier. there to jjiceTa line from Salisbury to be esUblUhed by .MrS. .. 'I hi aTrangemient w'oujd not accommodate' the S. W. ec tirin of North Carolina, but will be-of comidetaWe benefit," both to Cherts and i Salisbury, l o etlcct the object jn View by the citizens of the W. section, there should be immediately established a line fpreliaps a two horse stae would answer at - first,) from Lincolnion to ; Wades boron gh ; this would'mske a beginninjj, whidh woUkl soon he extended each way, and finally tfTcet their object, and enable' Mr. Hunter to be punctual on hi part of the line. ' '' Char Gazette . i). PAHtsn h C(h W S,f S,rtt, (Vw -A Si, t eitfa, a, r. Hvr. er' '. "1 M I1 ,l 550 Packagn VIIV GOODS, iDirtiD to tua t0 till WOOUdiN C100IIS. ii balrlfitnai-! eupcf CUIfH-. 5 7 do low priced to aaatftad rr.w do d4 S-4 IKffl.!re4Jnrj " " it uper nd uUhf Ca"1 do cofumoa d auoee atrlped rwl r'.lleil do 14 S 3 10 c.fcii-rnl bumubj Banin - 3 do a-ipc r Valenri TV.!fljS "T 4 do toitnm Tonet and ewanaiiowa do .2 UUluMtiry.l1ubiiK JO do whiu Plain di blic, drab and mist ! do' fteen Haliea do aaaortrd I'lannrla do lrmli.n I) ifftl Illankrtt do Hrntol do b do 3. IJ. 4 and 4) point do do 7-4,H4,V.4,l'i-4,ll4ndl2-4noKdo do black and colored llmt U do do do f p rd ! do do nn'rd lo do acarlet nd onngt printed lUttioet " caact Caniline I'laida do woraCrd IJ narwl Slripr . do lo iU do lo lo 1. do .lo do do do black llini,lirrin tper Tartan Plaid f'l--.a Mtn'a aaorted Uit li'a W'x.l FT do do '!' to bail do do do WtirVed do Women's b!a k do ! do bile do . do M'rino Mantlr and hln!l 4-4 a'nl 6 4 Cii'iirre do 7-4 and H-4 pUtn fyirt Lawimert do W ontt d llnu ri C'io.frc t'oiit. corroN coons. 10 ctr 9-M ml ( 4 i ait l.r 2 4 6 .i 3 3 2 5 2 Si n .i do do do do do do do do do 9-4 anil 6 4 J oi-ri H atd r 4 Ix'tn td To''fl y and 6 4 H .ok d 4 4 rich t4io.itiiri-d do !. 44 Janrd do !n y.H a"il 6 4 n'lln'and fi.;':r.l Mu!!do 9 8 ImuIii an.l tm!iureil i tin co ii oni. i, t anil u red ami Kob. . I airrd I. ii" m !o 3-4 and 4 4 i'd Cr.roes ao'l fli.iitica, HHic frfkhioiublc an. I n I l palUtui do ii :cr ai.d common turuitiire tio do (i .rnirul and Camlir.c iLmi y do niC" Pur iiture "lo .lo 11-4 am) i: 1 Mirci:i(i.ii! To 4 i I'iiiiiii HtrijM- do !r!i Conttilutionand Danip Corll do riper un I common Ucdtick bain DtirchcaUr do cr Hritaoiiia and Dandaiiita llJkfa. do ladrat do do I'ullicat and Mtisulipatam do 3 2 6 do do do do dn do do dn toimuon and I'lpi-r blur liomal do 4 4, 6-4 and 7-4 Clnntz Miawl 7-4 and M-4 Imitation do biu', too ud and checked Crarata SAonitn a white t.'otton Hoae t. do iirer black do do inKTained Gini'a white do do- - - 1 t?olton Rracea, assorted 3u bales brow n and bkac!;vd Wattham Cottons 15 do rominon Shirting untl Sheetings 6 caac American Plaid, and Mnpes 1 do do Cliecka 2 do 4-4 do Imitation Caroline Plaids 4 do 3-4 and 4-4 steam loom Shirtings 3 do 44 Long Cloth tpalterti 1 do 4-4 auprr plaid Ginghams, handsome 1 do Turkey Yarn 5 do three cord Col! on Ball 2 do Spool Cotton L1XEX GOODS. 10 case 7-H and 44 Irish Linens, whole and 2 do Loi.fr Lawn dena piccca 2 do I. men Cambrics 1 do do do iiandkercliielS 2 do sasorted Tsbfc Diapers 1 do 34 bird eye' ' d ' 1 bale Itusaia do 5 catei brown and b!ark I .inert 1 bale Imitation Sheeting 4 do Osruburg 1 do wiper Linen Tick 1 case white Platillas 3 do aaaorted l atent Thread. SILK. GOODS. case green, pink and btuc Florence do tg'd. Florences, Lt-Taiitine and Satins do ' 54)lack Sirgc do do Levantine do 44 figured Mlk llandkerehicfi do black binchews and Sarsneta do tdaid do' do black Canton Levantine do do and colored Canton Crape do do do Nankin do do Crape Drcssc do rich satin embossed do do super and con.mon btatk Silk ITclkfs, , do. 44-im1 7.AmIiw1I do bird eve llandkcrchiels jSSZ ip aa liBS1daelriiw-ef do Hat Crape Silk ilosc t do Men's and Women' black and white do do do do do - do Gloves 1 Jo 4llllt tl)lf If flit l """""""""""itj 3 do Iulian and India Sewing Silks 1 do assorted Twist 1 do do Silk llraid 1 do black Silk velvet 2 do rich figured Uibbons, assorted do. 2 tlo asa'd. fringed and plain taff eta and satin 1 do black Galloons 1 do do Velvet Kibbona ' . . 5 do super and common Flag HandkA. 4 -do - do tierrfcair- --r -do ' 2 do black silk Florentine .l..dj do do do rich" figured. . SUNDRIES. cases Meh'a Beaver Gloree do do do do do do do do do do Uog-skuv tio-. . , . . do super Woodstock do Habit Woodstock and Beaver do do assorted Kid ' ' - do . do lined do do super and common gilt Ccat Buttons do' Pearl ' 1 do Pina ilkand gingninlJttbtreII .. do T ladiea Leghorn RaU do Tpes,;auorteaV 9th(r 27, 1824. Btatc of Nortli-Carulirji, fill couaft. c Irmtirf Trrrn, 1K.M. JilinC. ISlum, Art of lh Hank of f "a I rf kl al m, , ,. ttaiilry and othtrti J id rial Al'a'hfwtil, 1,,, r I on land. It a: fani'( 10 a.i,.f' the coir tint M.Mitvl IUtU m al'inlif Conceal l.imarl lhat Ilia f'fd.iiarr pmct Uw cannot be rr-d opoa Inii, It ii tln-rrf erdrml, t'ut pu'4i aliua b niile U Ui H,fc cm Carolmtan fr tSrre mrtlt, gmg aout til the a'l drfcndllt. lUl t in d IWmUi, tq ip, pear at iL nnt CmiM cf l b dml t4t,n,, iieaiioti to be bl I f.r the -! et4;niv, oarU areond Momlav in lfc-it.lM,r neit, trpit Clai. or ib ni'ir, rdirroiae jadiid iil f.iuj j C entered ajr'iMt him. WJ l A 1 1 M I. V H. IO0E R, eft. Ctrmnn, V.3, HiJ., m I'i' J. (1 U . Htato of yorlli-('firclina,' aTotiVcPUwTr. ' " " (tOUHT of I'lta m tiuanrr It'-aslons. Irj. J tember 7rm, IS.' 1. Jbn t:, IU im, Apti ffihe Unk 4 ape Prar at H.btn. . Fbi Itrader aad ndiera i Judicial AttarHn.tiit, ki. ed on land. It anpearinif In tbe il af the roirt, lint Pilmund Itralrv an a'onU m rnni:aal himarW tbal tl orlioary plvtrai of Uw caonot e wred upon Mm, it t tlictr(iif orilrred, that pnMtrvion imkI tn the Wra trrn Carolinian for tbree weeka, K'iUi autice to the aid lrfrndaiit, P.lniuixl IKab jr, to tp. pear at the tu si Ourt of I'lcaa and 4 nrj, b uiont to he held f ir ttid cmint, on toe eond M'fiday in Ilrcemlicr nctt, and rrplrvj, plra l to iMtir, or demur, oihrraiaa jdtriucat final Will be rntrrd ajfainat l.im. tsj MAmiKW tt. MOOHr,fTK Crrrminton, A'tv .1. lii.'J. Pr Ce a!r. gl J Htnti of North-Carolina, troaei coi'ktt. ftnt'llTof Pica ami Q iarti-r Hrrgor.1, lep. J t-.nl)rr It-m, 1821. John C I'.iitm, A rent ol ihr lUnk of (a(ir Prar at Kh-m, r t. Mraoad Hi ml older: Jidicial Attacbincn!, Irri. rd on land. It appearing to the aaticfartioaaf t!ir cmirt, tbal Yulmun lleaaley o alucmibor roficcal himarir that the ordinary ptore of Ij runnot be -rrrd upon him, it it then f fi or!, rid. that pMhl cation be made in tbe M'e. trrn f.'anilii'ian f'.r rhr' week, (pvire no'ict io the tai'l dc r-n lj'i', hdmumi Hiklrv, to an. r:.r at thr nest f'nutt f Pica ami Qoartrf I v. .. ..... ... I. I. .1.1 f. . ...A . .1 cmi(, tflUy , ,.rernter nti , i fcl to ivir, or ikouir, other lie juilrntat tiiml a ill he i-ii' rt d iii him, tR.) MAI rMKW l MOORP,m. f;.(;n, ,v: .1. 1H23. Price adr.gl State of North-Carolina, TOXr.S COfMTT. (101 'in of Pit and Cluartcr Pen'cn. Sep. ' trmber Term, 1823. John C. IHnin, Ajreot of t!.n llaok ol ( ape Pear at SaJim, i, lulmunj tclry ami oihera: JikI cial Ailucliiiirnt, levi rd on land. It apprarii'f; to the alifactioaj of the court, that P.dmiind Itcazley o acWondt or conceal himtclf that the ordinary proceai af hr cannot be Bjcrvrd npi n him, it i therefore ordered, that publication be made in the We. tern Oroliniau for ihrve week, fpviiijr notice to tbe aaid defendant, F.d'Tnind Ikadcy, to pear at dir nest t'otirt of Pica and Quarter Heaaiona to be held for laid COtiWyY oh the " rood Monday in December rtcit. and replcry, plead to iwtie, of demur, odirrrie Jdjrojent final i!l be entered sifainst nim. 183 MAI THKVV R. MOOHP-CITt.' Gsrmanhn, J 3, 18J3. Price adf $1 3f Htato of North-Carolina, WII.KCS COl'MTY. ( tOl RTof P.quity, Sept. Term, 1823 1 Billfcf J alimony i Nancy Cox, by her neit friead Tho. Tripli tt, against Uraiton Cox, and Jas. Wellborn, a Imimatralor. It appcanns; Xa tbL aatiititction of the Court, that the defendant, Prsiton Cox, is a non-resident of this itatej Hi therefore orlered by the Court, that poblicatKH t h DiaiIii ill tli . it r n rTapnliit'i. nw tl.MMI m':nth successively, jjiat unless tbe aaid defee daiil appear at our next Court to be held for thai county of Wilkes, at the Court-House in Wilkes born, on the second Alonday in March next, the ami '.here to plead, answer, or demur, or said bill will be taken pro confetao, and licard ex parte J. GWkN.jr. C.M.E. Price adv. g4. 3ort89 State of Nortli-Caroliiia, LIKCOLN COUKTT. PF.RIOR Cotirt of law, October Term, S", d33. F.lira Bevinn, te. Simeon Bevingai petition for divorce. It appearing to the satis faction of the court, that Simeon Bevings the defendant, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is therefore ordered by tbe court, that publication he made three months io the Raleigh Star and Western Carolinian, gising notice to the defend ant, that he appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Lincoln county, at the court-house in Lincolnton. on the 4th Monday lifter the 4th Monday of March next, then and - uenieron. c era ot said court, ai ohic, um 4th Monda of Svptembet ,., A - 1 -5 and in the 48th year of the lndepen- dence nf the United Statea. Sit91r I.AVVX. IIESD'ERSOlf. State of Noilli-Carohna, ROWAN COUNTT. IN Fquity, October term, 1823 : Jame Bainl. Mary Sweet, Washington Baird bv hisgtiar dian James Baird, William Crook and Rebecca his m ife, John Ag-new and Catharine hi wife James Thompson and Margaret, hi wife, Joba S-eel, William Fullertpn and Catharine his wiftr- Ict, Thomas; Steel an infant under tbe ..! tenty-ono y cars, I homaa-and John Baird . farit under th ag of twenty-one: Tear liam Baird, Peggy Baird, Jane Baird, and l"hoj. mas Adams and wife : Petition Cor sale of real et!ar9earmf49 iaiaTrifei."f I'lr. court, that the. defendants in tbia case $xts&'- tens of another state, it fs therefore ordered that publication be made for three mqntbs uf' cessivelyin the Western Carolinian, for said de fendants to appear at our next Court.of Equit)f9 be held for the eognty nf Rowan, at the court house in Salisbury, on the second Monday, after the fourth Monday in March next, and pled,ai swer or demur to said petition, otherwise it . be taken pro confeaso, and beard et parte. . ' GEO, LOCKE, C.-C; - 9et. 28, 183. (Free adv. g4 75 )