e Till. Ml M.. ,a rut ris iiuiii, Jkt: f-l-i" On r.Uf tha firs' fever, the f..llinj Parody I'ttmr.I'uUl penned V it b paasa'de, U U a j lc In U' Poct'i turner. . . T It from thy lover, bo one d4 sw bain to I Tb illusion i ever, ; ' T That bound im to Utet t . . I cannot refwr tb, Though drsrtst tho wrt ' rTor mtfVt W,-n .nw fere the toe def'j But HI tUrt from th brigktnt My .frwW Caa girt ! for 1 canaot txkoU lixe Mk tfin with thyr ,1 1 thy a w'tfl raim tLce In mJit4 ito avm f MB TBI tWTIM CiHUIUI, J1A. EJitor, An evil prevail. In our uijnirr ii iv unit ivun i Prrapttatt in affmng to a young gen tleman the report that he la courting asime younjr lady. It may be they know that he hai beea once or oftener ( I Certain plaCf. If neighbor, he Way often have viaited where aome Mil IIIIHIi .ilia. . , i.j t ifisf ih. Iiiiv hum no m Ki. o. ii not acquaintea wun me young t.j.. t l. nj .l . war. oc may nave cwieu w jorm uwi acquaintance which laneceaaa before any young man can wiui propneiy a m .l ... to gain the affection! of a young lady. Some a'e alow, otheri quick, in at taioing the knowledge of character. 5ome, indeed the mi lt, need to be placed in the company of a young lady often, before they can form an opinion f her. To acquire a knowledge of a a . . a young lauv. witnout acting tnr apy, any young man hai a perfect right. " Time and opportunity ahould be grant. td for thtt purpose, lie hai hiaelec tion to make, as a lady has hers j one as important to him, aa it can be to her. l . - t:r i image n a aerioua cuwern, at nir. curiotr ensirement. When we enter the married liff, we put up at a port foi life. Then let a young gentleman, or :zu Ttmng ladr.harr time n be acquaint. ed with the peraon, respecting whom there - ta a tendency to form a good l pinion becaus of the recommenda tion which the person carries in enga Mm TZ Eing;fe.lu;erorminneri,- ihrecorn-t, . r K' j . v a nenaauonoi ineno, r uic -miijr connexion, ii snereis do mutual at- traction, let the gentleman u.scont.nue mi visiti witnout an imputation f.i pe- in? rrrcTir jw vourwF , r i ..ij 9 'ended t or being capriaout. If a young iaay couia, in gtncrui, not give any response to a young gentleman, generally i be ready to pronouuee, after two or three visit, whether he would wish toroarry any certain-4adyv If time for acquaintance ahould be eh j- yed by both lexes, then let not the occasional visits lor the sake ot ac qtuintancr, be called courtship. Let m young gentleman or Udy be injured in their prospects by lalse reports. j mow it u rare news to near wno tmt and that person Is going to marry. There ts alwava a restivenesl to know how the election goes, in thii -place, or in that puce. Dut let impatience be curbed a little. Wait my friends, till you know before you circulate, that I am courting' Mus , or that I am going to be marred toMiss I on next Thursday. Not so fst. if voti please, - Such eporti will tend -trrelrminrenanrei the visits of others. " ..:Z . T " ts t vi if ruiin tn if at yt.ungiaay. uut8ome,oououcss, arc intimidated by reports, and those re- V iinfli nrftiindl.a l et thl AnthctrS) nfln.Saaff In iliilA aa rhimeiicul. a lh such reports be cautious. A busu-lodulbt6ry of an inner world maintained by r T tn ether men't matter, the ScriDture - ? ainp-les out for reprobation. . These O I . -' rmnm itiiv ininre a vountr man much: , -'Kr - j a , They will make him bear the burden j of having courted several ladies. Why T diJ he not succeed in each case, Vll '"'TU'iOKdarilrmts lTjectedf-for V he was offended, or he was capricious, be the - conclusion. Aftd very lis proFahlyth 4a9 the the lady r spoken of. such reports and suih ' r. . f a. . ; conclusions are injuries, t ,uccu uui say how deadly. - A young gentleman, discontinuing intentional visits;' to a young lady, cloesnot ' discredit her. Why did.he not court her I Uo one but them stives can tell. She may have dis- r.Lci! J.im i lie rr.sy lave c!U!ilrJ hrf i prixliiiiul reason! may .4r for bid Jen love the wcil.t if afTatioii may have been til un one side there may have been disparity and mutual repulsion any of these may l.avc been the fact. Hesides, mijr not I young gentle, man be privileged to spend an hour or two in in acreeaUe family, though he hai no matrimonial views relative to any member of it I Certain!, Let our visit, be dictated bfJrie'nMip, and todab'ility, at well ai by sve. all meam, if there be no $i?naturr. U diacounte J largely, aa they come from i Pittance. Otheri were from a bjck, that wai never in fooJ crtdii. Theae are nothing but.raf. Thc are on the Utopian bank. one than all. are fCUAirrr'iao like the reality I .10 utterly worthleaa, when detected. j With all theic dithcultiei, Irenuenuy I i i ... i .. . . . occurring, in ua oe cauuuun in rrcriv ing and cirrirAif i V what may di.crrd.t "'uv Mr. iTUui Should you deem tie fu!limr linct worthy the mention of your pttroni, you will pl- re them a pUre in your Mr teamed per : Uken Trom Ir. Fnaklin'eworki, J'iratni Um, ovt. jv, isu 'VI., , I M lit way IO matr mvnru urniu ... rii' I ' ' ' ' ' .i lt ;. k '"i ' . f L:nintlI to njorm lh- mAn,i.,. how thrv m,v rr.nforr e i-"- - h DOCke(. I wiU Cou.int them ..I . .. with the true aecreto monevatthinot the certain w.iy to fill empty punes ; nd jiow to krep them always full. Two simple rule, wtll olscrved, will do the busineia. First, let honesty and industry be thy constant rompaniuni : and, Secondly, spend one ptnny less than thy clear trains. Then ahall thy hide bound p' cket soon begin to thrive t and will never agiin cry with the emp. ty belly-athe. Neither will creditors inault thee j nor want oppress t nor hunger bile nor nakedness Irete thee. The whole hemisphere will shine brighter ; and pleasure spring up in every corner of thy heart. Now, therefore, embrace theae rules and bY happy. Banish the bleak winda of sor row from thy mind, and live indepco. dent. . Then ahJt thou be a man, and it hide thv face it the annroath of ricK fnoV sGffertVe pain of fcelinc ' . ;tliewhenthe,on.of fortune walk at thy ri ht hand; for independency, wheth er whh little or much, is good fortune, and paCeth thee on even ground with ,he proudest of the golden Uteie. Qh t be v;,p ,n1 et ird0,try walk with thee in the morning, and at. tend thee until thou reathest the even ing hour for rest. Let honesty be as the breath of thy soul ; and never for. get to haver a pennyT whcaalLlhyjtXrl penses are ennumerated and paid. fhen shah thou reach the point rr happiness, and independence shall be thy shield and bucker, thy helmet and ell a It crown. 1 hen shall thy soul watx up. right, nor stoop to the silken wretch, brfBU8C he hath riches , n ; nor pocket an abuse, because the hand which t flcrs it, wean a ring set with diamonds. ...s. Cafitain Parry't Expedition. The Discovery ships sent from England under the command of Capt. Parry have returned, it seems, without having- been able to prosecute their advances towards the pole, even so far as on their former expedition. This will be a subject of se- n1 diaappointment, not only f?i,. t,... iv.....t,n..i v i.,j . . -...- - r the8 - exned t ons. We look u Don the notion ot the existenoe,f a northwest . ' a S S ,4 Capt. Symmes. It is certainly not im- bottle that they may both exist ; but if Ilk.. ArK w. ... .nt-linarl n kail... k. u7 " v v.v .... (he utet of their existence are not for our world. We ahall look with great anxiety for the publication of Capt. Parry's nar rative .Sathnal Jourral. A curious story was in circulation, and pretty generally credited. Two'tnen ags, is hich in kept by an elderly woman in South Eleventh street, and requested permission to put a barrel into her store for a' few hours. The men not returning, and the store becoming father tainted, the barrel,, was broken open, and a .dead negro was found in the vessel, with I six dollars in his hand, which have since been appropriated to btiryinghim. : tPhik. fiem. Tret) vVcw. 19, liui il people win not C4H in autntir trt wrtf im i m irrmtf th rrporw - he- " y M r runt k?inMiri (n ihr mhtr, tW '"' rrtrt)k and rdiits er to th Ixgubsur on tA 21 inst. Iy praam!' 4 i, of Ibis low', a! r'T ordered to t printr Th L and ms-U t? pfU-r of th ly f-r rnrrJ AMrtil.'r North CifufiM .tnW-tl, tn.1 the pr ajwrit tlul aiimi I the rd.ad an a with distrust apvnbenaiow. etry prafiie inch may "'Jf fAT - iianmm - , m ...... , rt.oiii she, that ib lfwiiut;.m of u peopk it f.i--omii uwW-r th of jirkim, ! ,htfh Hrnul Im rimed lii'ihi Ciir uf titmgtun, ut hlUtr Cnhirrtmottml (4iri. the iil4naiMHl af Ifrtwlrnll of the tnitrd Rtalr prartirc ftrrrtly ofiptmH to tS tjMM uf tka il ut iml filly ckl (kUIrd to wbtrrt the pnr'lrt of our C" mmnt. 1 Tbe Cimfiiutio of the (ion U one of checks and hUiwi iu frr rkfvcw the frail tie of pttnkind, at toprrjrre pure the In- tT'f or ft rrntt. it cnttrniplilri kreninr SSe't ment. Mrmbrn of Coorra are ehorn by the coiIf (r cerUin epeciAc a4l d fSnrd purpoere to etrrriee the fundione'if If )filtMn, uihI no! to elrct or to nominate: PrreHlrnt, etrr pi in the ff nt aa provided by (he Condiiuiion. In conforwiity to this mil ion prudrnce ami i d'lm, the tecond Article ofthe ('oiiitiiution ff bull nir mbera of either braarh of Congrrm from ariinr ai Rlrcton of Prilrnt. (.inhig atraim thrir own fraih,thpe' pie, b the Con- ititution, lure Uken from themar Wet the k. ' er to elwrt a Member of l:otiirrrs i an Klec tif i Vrt hy the prviirt of I'tucuui.f, tlirn- i Mrmomof cfiirT.. ir.rrctivdt. ni..i b n.r ... .. r . . , . t on..ii.ii,on iuty ire proi.irme.t irom aumg i ' , V?.. ... ...... . . ......... i nr net nun hi rrrxdrni. nmirr wic i mill J tti,n. it rem,,,! n,drme from the nroplc. lu .1 " . I.I I I..". 11.' 1 " r"'mm ..c r.i.T.. w-urp-i but by the practice of Caiicui nomination, il in fleet, takt n ay rom 'he people altif(rth rr, and et erriwd by Sielfuh combination of iin an'liarwcd in!iridilr-mirpin)f poer, ami Iravinr to the peof.li the tn.ptv privilege of rlilyin)r their ileerrei. 1 lie advocate of (aucna Lite in view to caoie aome one, by man of the nomination, to be circled I'reaiilrnt, ho otlirr ie n.ir'i' not be- elected. If lint obeet be nft efTt ctnl bv il, then the Caurua m imIcm; if it be attainnl, then the cone luiiun ii ireaitiblr, Out the Mem. jberauf Conrrta mab the I'rtuJrnt, ami in , spirit violate the a!rcd iiutrumcnt, vhich tiny have sworn to aupport. I We diaappmve CnnpreMionil Canctitei fur nominatinjr Prefycnu, not only on Conatitu tionil frmunda, but on confident ion of jmt pol icy. By the ConHitution, in the event oT no election by the Electoral College, the Home of Repreatntitivfi it to choote from the three highest, and otmby Mate t a provision deem. eTt io Important ks to have been" reneatf d. thoufrtt tncMUUd bj an amendment to the Con- iuiu(itv, solemnly nwea by Ui j !uie in the year 1813. It is therefore certainly improper. unwise and highly censurable, for Members of Conrrras to jo into Caiicns, snd prejiidjrr thtr ease, by pledfjinjr themselves to support a erf tain Candidate, a ben in twelve months theresf ter they mav be called upon to vote as final Klcctor. V ben the electioc of President socs to the House of Keprtstntstivrs, the fin ctions of that body for the time bemr area hollv chained: they lose the cliaracter of I-e-g-i viators, and be. come clothed In the privilcfre of the people, as Electors. An Klector is sn A pent chosen by the people, not to exercise d'mcrrtionar) powers, but execute a qualifies1 trust) to do what the people themselves woi.ld dn, were they pres ent j but Members of CcnfrreM are elected a ith out rrfrrtnee to their icntimetits on tlie Pres idential question j in truth it nv so ha inticn. thtt while rVy prefer Pie person tlr President, the ple prefer anothc' i and we apfyrsl tn our knowledge of the fast, :hat whatever consider ation, may have inductd the election of the present Mrmbcrs of Coi((ress from this State, their opinions on tlie Presidential question hsd no manner of influence. The consequence therefore is, that when they go into Caucus, they do not carry with them the feelings and wishes of the people; they usurp a power de nied by the Constitution, and not given by the people ; they obtain by fraud v.at they dare not attempt by violesce. It has been advanced, in defence of the prac tice of Caucusing, that it is neensary to pre vent the election from going into the Mouse of Representatives. The constitution prescribes that Congress, voting by States, shall elect the President from the three highest on the polls, if no one hsve a majority of the whole. Does not the jrtiHt of perjury rest on the man, who, taking an oath to aupport the Constitution, , yet busies himself to pervert and defest its provis iona? 'J othis-lg4latur it -S'-ould Senear, that tTfPTf' ir frs tfairgeT :4M- elviae-"of Bepceie. .tittvts' being :sxnmtidr'JttTja.-lte iant Caiicui-Tritheonritfu on their oatfti and respdnsihififiea'i In the "other they are impelled by their own selfish views, ami they are exposed to the operations of in triguc, management, and oftentimes corruption. " This Legislature further object to Uiis prac tice, because, in our government, we ought vigi lantly to avoid Riving sanction to improper pre cedents, to fatal in other governments. What at first is cautiously assumed, if unresisted, will, at hurt, be openly demanded as a right. Already do the friends of Caucus urge as argument, the practice of former Congresses j and unless the people now resist these usurpations, the period ja not distant when ljEmbers , of Cqnss will claim them as a righ by the law of immemorial usagethe people will be deprjvod of influence in the choice of Preatderft t or. Members of Con gress miuA beiuMn,not.fbr .thtuxqualfiuUiqnt as legislators, but for their opinion as Electors. On former occasions, the plausible apology for Caucuses was, to unite the sentiments of tlie dominant party, to prevent it from being broken and shattered to pieces, lest their opponents might thereby auppkntvtjiem in power.. If.this was ever a good apology, it is certainly not such at tlits time, aince party rancour has subsided, the spirit of Factioa has disappeared, and most, if not all good men, unite in opinion upon ques tions of lesding national policy. - The rights, tbe ltbertieaof(thi American peo.. The f- j,l rr lA'cfc! I f I'. ltl f')irr, fil Mi'jf Pom Hi r T,,I "f y'ny. IVH plrn f.f.tl)i hfi(d thf f I"! H CMfrd, hy t)i,ir la tl rrlrrl Cim'tuin, ih thjvyntrnt iA im finite, Af unH t trn of i(n tmWnre, ihoiU he Urnrr!e in deti if we d4 not rlly rivl the 'rwUrd U the Coiit4wn, aivl iih the Mrfie of ir, ttiw tlui e cm rrri'ty pnn an-l htitrly de. frn-l the tila-hle inhcrHUnee. hll lln, hen ivirt of our dner, permit a rtf-emlrd ArMtoenry t d-ci, delude, m-1 rub u of urrifhief The lrKiitMre of Nr" tirvinui MTiif arint lint unerHMtdutionil antd.n. prone bjunti"n of a t'eucui nnmiiietwMi of rTendenthy Mcnilitra uf Coorrtia Mtii Ufin. i Ve beEeva n open, manly nl candid eflTfirt thouttl be made to chirk the unhllued Uin la I'l projrrrte and if the effort be not ueee. further the peeple tney be ikrJ l at artiwd at Die dnfrr Wh llimlciii our rglil im) apply the fftxt-lma, ' , Vt'nh theae i't, and foe theae rcatooa. the MAULS Li tint, Ihalthe r'r in Con. frees frtKn Wii Blate he inMniclnl, an J our Hrp. rrse ntatitce be re'iuestcd, as a means of pre serein ths rifhts of the j-ojile, in eh.fe of Prrwdent, to withheld their conn'enanee frjm tlie prsctice of meetins; in (soevis by the Mem bers of Congress i stvl thai thev use their eser tioos to prevent a nomination from beittje ms.e in Caucus, of prraont to fil the offices of Prrsi dent and Vice President of lh t nited Hiatrs. Srcmmt, Thtt our Kenstors in Congress Im in structed, snd our HrprrBcntativrtbe requested, to brine before t.'otpjfress, ami nrYe the pasarr of an aniendmcnt to the Cons'ihiiioij, pruvidmK that each Ute in tlie I 'moo shall be laid ofT, at slated period, into I'.lectoesl d. drift for the elrciion of PrrsiiUnts am! We -PrewiUnts ol the t nited States. THinl, Piat the (iivernor of this tste Usns nut a copy of the (orrnng jirramhlr ami reso lu'i ns to esch of our Senators sm Keprts-nta-tires in Conerrs. f'miih, lhl the Governor trsmoiil a copy of the lorc)foinj pr smlile sod rrsobilHm to the F.XI etllive of rarli Slstr in ttie t'nioii, W'th S re ijiiet lUat :hry be bud before their retttivc Legislatures. There resii'cs at present, r ear Vrr ssilles, a rrtin d suSalttru ofFii rr, v h acrornpaiiicd Ndp.ilctin in imrit ( f hi' wars, and who iv the fullirr of t.inc c 1 . 1 1 rlien, all bo n in diUVre nl ronntfies. I tir fitsi vts Ixirn in Mil.m, 1 ' uly , tlir srcoml in Swi(ter ,r,d, third in Kcvpt, lo.rii. in I'ralire. fifth in Gcirpariy, sixth in N.iplev. seventh in Spjini eighth in Prusi.i. atii the ninth in the IsUnd of Elba. I tie v are all alJe to converse in the Ijntiure ol the country in w hich they were txirn, and all residing under the paternal roof ; they render the house something like a tower or Label. Eng. pup. es There is at present eihibitin in the Aryle Rooms, IOidon, an American ahe in bloom, nearly twenty feet hib- I hi extraordinary, leautiful and stupen dous pUnt, flowers but once in one hnn dred vejrs 1 and has at present 20t0 hloa soms upon it. EngLthpip. An Enplish publimtinni' n descriliing the jmpiovemew! pi tne ccicDraiea rcr kins in the corrstructiem rf the Sfram En ginc, tnkes a shew of candour by confes sine that he is an American ; but endeav ours to allav the mortification of John Dull, by spying that he is of Englith de Kent ! And so were the WashinRtons and 1'ianklins of the old times, and the Jack sons and Ptrrysof the new. fiott. Patriot. A Gold Medal wu-j.on the 1 Oth inst. presented hv a committee of the Surgical class of 1822-23. to Dr. Valentine Molt, tho (listinKuished Professor of Surgery in the University of New York. A new woik Irom the pr-n of X'hs Porter, author ol " I'hadch u of War saw," ' Scottish Chiefs," &t. will soon appear in three volumes,- tntitlul Duie Christian of Luneburg, or tradi tion from the Harts. Sat. Caz. Capture of Putrto Cabello. After a siege of more than Trojan duration, this fortress has at length yielded to the gallantry of the Colombian arms ; and we may now congratulate our sis ter .Republic, upon having driven her enemies from the last foot-hold in her territory. The capture of Puerto Ca- bellor has . cost-much "Ltoil and blood j wt it.rnrpa f lip imln-rirTn.. r f fr lt.... - t j- i -- i v , r ol any tutiire annayame Irom the Mother Country. The valour of men determined to he iree, is. irresist-iblsv-a-and CoIornbtAmt vvr sofar-4"roro having any thihg to dread from the threatened attack of France and Spain, may fearlessly turn ajl her energies to the assistance of her still struggling sister Peru. With the reinforcements which she may now send to her br.;ve and chivalrous Bolivar, that champion of Liberty' would"" aoon 'e'enablell'to extirpate the lew remaining minions of despotism," and give freedom to the whole of South Ameriea. 7T. Journal.' Spaing One of the Londpn editors re marks aptly and justly : " The intelligent part of the Spaniards have been found uh equal to cope with the ignorant and preju diced mass aided by a government unprw- ciled enough to ally itself to the partisans of the Inquisition and Despotism."- Aational Car. Hotiic nnd Lot for Fate s aujintuT." ftlltr, suhtf riWf Mi.eS to S!l bis b 1 brt, in D.a to n of SaLluirt, ti t,, r, . i by h.iiirlf. as a Isvern. Hit esadvhthrtl( ao trnerslly kiwwn, that it wLj ! of l,. wn' to iJesr rd tt psrttfiiUfW M is, pert,,. . the mt elifil'la sin. f"f a piU htm imi,a western part of NoHh-Carba it is Wiih,a bj ysnta of lh courthouse in hsUlniry , a i,, and eoftyenient, w iih t itenaivt out buillines, fc A aery moderate prict il be taken, tor iu ! til.lij'mciit, ami payments ma.l euy. Ass person ihin to pir haac, w.U do Writ to ply soon, m the aoharnher is mw drtermined oj sell, ami remove to hw farm in the country, L. ten directed to tbe anbsi riher, in Ksl sbury. X Cwillbedut) Btulcdt'. V JOHM IIOWAnn, Jf,, n HaleirV Star will Insert the H.'e J weeks, sod sraxl tUeie account V liuso trttlement. - irxrom roritTy. SfPKKI 182.1. K10H Court of lw, tlc ober Tern. Mary Hooper . Joahua Hooper petition fif divorce. Il appearing to the asti. taction of tl.S CKtiri, thaK Joshua lluover, ilefendant, is not an inhabitant of this Male, it H therefore tirdrreil by said r ourt, that pubbcalios) be mule three months in tha Italrigh htar snj Western t'aiolui.au, fS i 1 1 (f notice to 1 1 defra. dant, that he appear at the nest Muperior Court of I jw to !-e held for the county IJncoU, at the cour -'I'rtif in I .iu oln'iin, on the fourth Viow Uy after the 4(1 H iiiiUr in March next. Uws and (here to sntw r, plead, or demur to the s4 petition, itthrrwiac it will he taken proronfrtao, and ivljuilril v cordingty. Vvitntss, faasas) licmlervKi, clerk of said court, at office, tha foil nh Moiul.y after the founh Slondsy in Sep. trniher, A. l. Ihi.1, ami in tlie forty-eighth jrai of the Independence of the I'. States. I.AW.N. lir.Mir.H40X Price adv. RI .1nv91 iStsitt' of Nortli-C'arolina, nsvinsoti COf TV. v: Ot'lt T of Plea and Quarter flrsaions, Orta, her I'trm, 18.' !. (.rrdiam 'I iimcv and Sa. rah hit ife, and t.tut lltrrly, i . Ilulip t.af. n r and llarbara l.ia wile, t. curve Krpley Sfd I j''i.iriuc hit a if. , Monb cai Collins snd Chris, in, 4 hts wife ! petition for partition. It spprsr. i ; ' i the utishulx.n of llic fourt liat the d(. I I, !. ui, pluhp f.arnrr and Itirbas his war, t ..i.fj.- sB .;!. ar 1 Caili.rii,. hi. a ifr. Muni. C4i ( ir'.i uii'l ( hritc'ia his iic, are not ia il! .Il' .it pl ..f lli'v Va e, il it t!, -rel'uf urdrrrd, I ' . i . 1 1 1 he male fi.r six ui t m tha i-.tt rn t aioliiuan, printed in sa!ituin . that uuli st l.e i'i ti iiitanis appear at the nest Court of I t at unit Quarter S saions to be held (sf l)Ai!viti cuiinti, at the court-house in l,tvnr. ton, on the 4'h Monilav of January next, and plead and demur to the said pr rttlnn, orttrwtar it v. ill be tuki n pro cohfetto, at to tlie in. A true copy from th miiiuti s. 6tW " Prisaiv. i F. M(M;k,f 'r. State of Nortli-Curolina, Wl KM COllTY. (lOl'HTcif Kipmy, Sept. Term, 1823: Bill Ibr J alitnom ; Nancy Cox, by her next fnead I hoi. Triplett, against lirsxton Cox, snd Jss, Wellborn, administrator. It appearing to tlx aaWftotMMi of the CMirt, lUt th dtiiudaat, llnutoa Cox. is a ouu-rcudtuL of tlua stale i it is therefore orilcred by the Court, that publication be made in the-Western Carolinia.li. for tfirei months successively, that unlet the aid defra. riant appear at our rttM t ourt to be Iwld iiwdst.. rounry of Wilkes, at the t'ourt-Honse in Wilkes horn, on the sreomt MouiUy in March next, thfl snd there to plead, answer, or demur, or said hilt will he taken pro confesan, and heard el parte J. GVUN.jr. C..l.. Price a.lv. . Jmt a1.) State til Norlli-Ciirtilina, MKCOtN COl'XI T. St PFRIOH Court of Law, tMober TerKsJ 1H Jo. Kliza Itcvinip, ts. Simeon llrving petition for divorce. It sppcaring to the sstis faction of the court, that Simeon Wring, th deft -ndant, is not an inhabitant of thit State, it ia thertfure onh red by the court, tha' publication he made three months in the Italeigh M:r and Western t:nil;nian, giving notice to the defend, ant, that he appear at the next Superior Court of law to be held for Lincoln county, at th coiirt-hou.te in Lincolnton, on the 4th Mondsy after the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to answer, plead, or demur to said peti tion, otherwise it will be taken pro confesto, and adjudged accordingly. Witness, jiasoa Henderson, clerk of said court, at ofiic , tbl 4th Momlsy after the 4th Monday of September A. I). 182J, and in the 48th year of the Imlepca. dence of the I'nitcd States. 3mt91r LAWN. HF.NnF.RSOX. State of Nortli-Carolina, - AHF. COUNTY. MORRIS BAKKR, r. Alex. Johnston, et alias : original bill in Eciuiiy . W bereal it appears to the satisfaction of this court, that Pol" Iv Maker, relict of Jeremiah Haker, dt ceased, James Maker, Reuben Baker, Lucy Ant! Raker, Ssberrv Raker, Nancy Baker, and Jereiriah Fa kcr. rnfants'Ind heirt ST lavrof the amresaiAJa. rernlah" nftker; rh-ceirwd: are- rnhsbttantsof an other ifatej it is therefore orttereilitbal puMi cation be made in the WesleW'ramrnwBij-pibv lished in Salisbury, for six weeks, for the afore said parties to appear, and answer, plead, or de mur, or judgment, pro confesso, will be tskea agonist ilia in, ana the cause lu ard tt parvt-.. W itness James Hathom, clerk of the court Equity for the county and State aforesaid, Sip tember,1823. c JAMES HAT1I0RN, V. U M. Price adv. 2. ' 6wt67 Slate of North-Carolina, D4VIDS0N COUNTT. - CLOOT c..ileaaJUMlAiiartr.Seaaion, ' ber Term. 182.1. George Shuman vt. He": ry Verble j original attachmeiafi James . man, Maurice lavi and W'ilUam W iseman, sum- nkoned-asgarwishfees Uappeii.tfl.tie.;tti faction of the court, that the defendant is not TT resldenf-of tmV irtate, therefore ordered W; publication be made for three weeks in tha M,f tern Carolinian, for the defendant lo appear the next Court cf Pleas and Quarter Session! be held for the county of Davidson, at the court' , house in Lexington, on the 4h Monday f JJ uary next, and plead, &c. otherwise judjrme final will be entered against him.'- y " ' A copy from the minutes. Attest, ' DAVID MOCK, fffc Price adv. i 25. 3t8 t

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