TATT TiYTi 4 I VOL IV. 8AMBI1UKY, N.C. TUIVSD.VY, )SCK.MI1KK 2.3, 182). NO. m. lifiitiii i i i x i i if rmittitrn IlrHIIMI UIIT! Mima f tat lwe tit t alts trm. Tie termi of the Wtstrrn Cart4it.aft win lrcaftff be M rlo fVr IMUm Jf, MfK'1''1 tftf f f1 I tywij lweie-hvt cm for esh i. line1. All letrts ad.rrtal tithe rVlitor, imtat be -fwt-fmiJ, try .l t4 b tHfmW CONVKNTIOV ni'HATKS. MU Til Ll BtuiaftS, Tin 6tii section being under coniJcr lion, Mr, SruU mnted todl f rr the word Rf pre tentative. " be a fire whi'r tnan, a titU'nof ihe U. States," wh'uh was ty1 to. moved 10 amend this Kr lion, by stiin, out all after the word election tn 'He Jt!i tin, 10 rr i'f r qualification nf irope'lt (if U j 1 st it ,.rie in tie p.oii-.r br.nrli i ( th Legis lature, lii.li be thought would In; rem aistent wlih ihe primlplrs of our fire fo.rrninent. In t'u Contiu i ' of ii,r LVited States no rpi -lin" u i n of tnis kin t it required for m. in'"r of riiher bi.,11 m of the Legist .Mire. Me m -iiR.d that aurh a qualification wn peojM-t fir run Senate ; lint Saw no nerrs.in f.ir li lor a mii'ier of I tie II ui'r of Rrprrs. iiatit ft. Mr. Yaiff ho;ed 'lie tinm-l m-nt pro posed lv the ge nlrm .11 Iroin () i.. would hot prevail. He ws !t I iifin I lift eie too m!k i:oim f .r lotru lu. iti LnrHrriii 'I onicndrrtnts. Ilr ili'l ti i ihink tnrinl t ouht to net unif r wrir aUi'it to f rm nn rnirrljr new Consrtiu lion. The ro'ntii'.tre lo whom iim jeel hd Ixen rcmmitird hjd judged i besl lo rreommriid "idir uih ntncnd men to ihe present Coniiiuiion at the deemed htolo'ely orcr.trv. AVhat eil fir asked, had brm eniertl fniN tit provision now proroed to tie trif ken out? He never heard of ny. Indtcd, he iho I Ihe nujiificdtion a nereiwrv:o'ie( and therefore hoped it would he retained. After a few other remark, the propo led amendment was diugrced to. Mr. Mangum moved to add to the end of the tection, or a freehold of the va.'ue oT duIUrv" Mr. Yancry rnruired if the mover in "tr n led to varv the lei mi Croni thoie in troduced into a former seeiion i " Mr. Mungum ,icplie.d that he did, M a mcnr, U4b -u ciiua b jt stanua. 11 re ouired only to hold 100 acres of land fur the term of his own life. Mr. hf.mgum proposed lo fill the blank with 400. Mr. Fiuhrr thought 300 would be suf ficient. . : The question wai then taken on the brjjest um and negatived. Then on the tn!ler, and carried. Mr. I.ove moved to strike out of the 7ih lection the words in the 2d line " of an one counly." He aid that ihe meaning of these words were dilTeientlv construed in different counties, and frequently ut different separate elections in the s.une county. He therefore wuhed I hem su uck out. Mr. Yancey supposed the objections a gainst the words moved to he struck ou:, was, thatlif a man had resided twelve months in any pm of the State, he was allowed to vote wherever he mihi be hi the time of an election. liut he should object to ibis amendment on the sana ground that he had objected toothers which, he considered as uinmaortant Different constructions might have been put on the words, but he apprehended no serious evil had been experienced from them. Mr. Lot'f wished it to be so expressed that no person in future should be-Dtr j&itied io vote acQunl)Miv, whic b.e eiettwn.r It was tuir a small amendment, in d cnuW hot te oihe f wise ttian Well' re ceived by all. After a few remarks, the proposition diaggrccd tn, Mr. Harrineton nronosed to strike out tbf 4th line of the 8th section, the words, " and shall have paid public taxes." This proposition had reference to poll tax. had long been considered an odious tax in thia Stale, and might, at no distant day, ne repealed. It was with the view oi makinc the "nronoserf nmpnf1mnri rt rhe "-onstitution as. aeff ptable as possible, that he moved to strike but these words. .Mr. Yancey wss aware that the poll-tax j!a which -has been for a long time paid F the citizens of thia State, and will con tinue lobe paid probably for a long time to come, jmd the provision in question ught not, therefore, to le parted With. The payment of - public ta was some llnd of evidence of person!- residence. The motion was negatived. Mr. Stub moved to amend the 13th tction, in tho 14th line, after Uie word! KCt M cltlin cf tit L'l.heJ States," which mtt sgreefj la. t And on moiwjn of Mr. iht)nto the alrjf 9t f hinged Uoin(r0 u $2&j0. Tin 16th avciio Ixlnt rfjd, Mr. frftrvy ot,rvtd lltt Ihe amend ineni pfipustd Jjjf. le fommlttf e 9 this ecli'ti wrbt tu supplr t dtf.cl in ihe prasent Cofit ituthn.- Doubts hbA tL led on flie minds of th mol cnlihlrnr 1 of oiir trfrnir whet nrr ease mi;hi Htiir"f.Jf V w'nit 1 prndurp tn intcrrrir Mini in our (i.Air.ii nt. It it prcldrl. lht in rite of ihe death, U :. of the (icv trnur, the tjekfr'.f the Senate fr tSr ti.ne IicIiik, '" tr he the e"Uif power j but thrre it iiu'hiiiK in our Con ttiiutioa 01 I. ims wiii. li piovidtt for a r-C "talii. h miihi happen. Our runn trtofthr f irneral Atcint.N ac ilrili-d in Auil.t for o ic tr4r, of cu'irc firr Olir er hat tXJt'lTd tltry ai liu longer in offi e, v) iju! it ti ivrroor e.e in lie, fr. Sf cr llir tlrr'ion m.l ! furt llu- uc reding meeting of ino l-rzi j llu fr aonl l mi pritu'i -11 .-vtf ii jx iforin Ihf i.i'ir i.f (jo.r i.or. i 11 ' ineii linnit it i.ffcieil 10 ', I y liif oc fi triiry I he in 1 ion it ;'fi"! lo. On the 2fiS t-r'i .1. Irij rei l. l,ie;h rxilu 't, I'i. m In r of inc 1. ,i front cji in i l.ri'it1 1M1. r. Mr. fut nnifi ,n iiumc.I to tdikr 11 out. Ilr (Hj l -r no t-ooil iCMiir, fir driitinj ! 10 Clrijit men rii;tii m on h t rr pot' ! cl by r'rt oilier ( j of 1 1 iz ns. II ' sioultl aUo nunc iv!o 11 it canir In hue ti'f (outintion. to trio out the folluwiiu; sci (ion, wliih he thourh! iiupio;fih in trrfcird with rrlii-iu (,.iuioii, tl.i..' outn lobe left entiirli fite. Mr. Yancry w oul 1 iiif.ji m tlir Convrn lion why the roiii:ni;icc n-uiner! ti.r-r section,. I or lut o n prt, lir 1 ould . no necessity fi them at this day in thU lice country, tihrtc rvera, man it at liber ly to adopt wlut rtliiout ojiiniont he plenses, for whii h nowie hs 3 riht in qurt:ion him; but ihrsc rotiiiont luve. beinsrted under for forty ) ears without prod nr in k ny inconvenience or comprint and ihe committee were aw.,re if thev tourhed them, it miht produce ronsirl ernWe ditsjlisfaction anionpst the people who were more sensibly nine on the u! tret of Religion than any other, lie hoped, therefore, they would be retained as they did 110 injury Mr. MoBirum knew vectr well that any interference with this subject would be liible to misrcpresrnTailonT and mi jht rreate alai own certain minds; but he al so knew that this body ooiht lo r!o what w..s right, regardless of idle chmor. As one of the committee who formed this Report, he suffered this section to pass tnb titititio ; but he was perfectly willing to trust the people with the selection of their Representatives, without this pro vision, which he considered us a ntl.-c'Mii on the present enlightened age. and as a relict of a persecuting spirit. Under the old governments of Europe such a pro tision might be proper, but there it no necessity for it here. We have nothing to apprehend from Clergymen hrre. Some of them, no doubt, would make good mcmliers of ussrmhli, .imi he would place no bar. in their way, though the might probubly he more useful at home. He should therefore be in fivor of ex punning this section. Mr. Harrington said, his motion hud been o ably defended by the gentleni.111 from Orange, it was unneresstry for him lo add a word. In reference, lo w hat had fallen from his Itkiid from Casaell, he would refer him to a case that occurred in the Semite some years airo. wnrn a Ketlrman of talents from one of our res pectable counties was deprived of bis seat on this account. Mr. Tawre.y thought that it would be wxll recollected ihe case to which the gen, TtVroiVn-'frW-Arwo-relr State snstained no great injury the place of the gentleman was soon supplied. As he had already observed, "he saw "no necessity for the provision ; but a? our. ancestors had thought prudent to make it, he was unwilling to meddle with it. Mr.Pfuffr was of opinion that the Ee clesiastical and Civil Department, ought 10 be left apart. Our Constitution pro hibits other-besides Clergymen from M.$siaXhJ$ll!?it',t.. wri Je. thought it was riebt to-do so. Mr. r. reterred to some inconvenieoces which had been ex Dei ienced iii " the Legislature" of Sourtr- (Atroiinet -fcy-'Hhe--dssionv.otkrgy; men? to ., itax Jn iheir., tegis!aturf.. No man had a more exalted opinioa of a. real pious clergyman than himself, but he did not wish to see them in the Legislature. Mr. Mangum said, the remarks which fell from him on thiaeubject did not pro ceed from iuiy particular religious vie a. He deemed it imBroDer to retain a pro- Vision of this kind in our Constitution at hia day, however' proper it rnigt .haye fwen when our anrrston pfcn it thert II? believed nun af tur sis'er iui hai stfti prjvl',n la the if Cifiiltuilons, and a werti!d atirlpt ro rU fwr the anl 01 M,( he wt wgliti; to b' it out 0 our Cnnttjluti'in. ' Mr. SrU'ttctA 1 finite froij 19 Con 'i'uf i n 0? viiim Caroliiiat to tha w that H corMktord (laiMtof imil4innfl. Mr. Ilirrjnfit, itervedwlit tl was wrtHnadrjrfrr-of imilrtnjrnenm f TKt4 ihe sitj?rf, tHMnara thai n ndrfhi t4'i'e iiplri.it fcelint, am: be li .Site n nirr(rsrniation ahro I ; but he ( im In Ir-J it twt benar t tU h M e hrlo-vc to be rii;li't and risk ih rentiires .! iHr oil(, t',.,11 10 do m e, nd ieceia "f'f 1'i'i'Ei. II withrd no man ti tuf ta' uu a f 010,1 of ''rli.'io'i aol he hotred nujoiity vf ihe coinnnitct would 0 .ilt M ri no r loii. 4 I l.r iii. ii m , jilted, ( f fi. rtiH'.inurd.) ? CT'.NT.IIAI, AHSKMIU.Y. ri.n r nti-f. 28 . r. C.r.ves presen tfil 1 . ir'i i.r, of Sirah Peiiius of Sur M eon: i,!.,,' ihi iir pr. prrly she ii.i if.r 1 .t tnji.irt ,lir tt nr l lo her. Mi Hit ! prtM-otrd . IJi.l to amenl -n .f ,ir.tide l.c children born after ii.e -1 of in ji- p.rrn'.s will. (roi J Wills, ' c. was rejtciid on it r on 1 i, I'lntr. I .r 0.1 win,r bills were presented t II. M..Sraell. a bill to rrKu!..te the liM' inr 111 the ftttcrhl Courts ol Lqui'y in ii.it Mie. Mi. I'filei,a bill illrcctiiig in what nun- I net t'x Ut, of ourMrr .i!i t shall be rri 1 i ( i'i rvid' n e i l'ii tlatc. sTl kdh . sov 79 IJ1! eie pted j provnun ; telirf f(r the ci nnues in which j tuttt in t' eir Suprrir. Courts of Iaiw and l .'iuiu, It'ive or nuv so aceumulite, lhal t; y ai.not he tried at the iVuLr terms of those 'onrts. m 0 s 0 1 v 1 ore. I. Mr. Welborn pre sented a bill to amend an art 10 extend ..nil improte the :wo roads leading from Wnkethorough lo the Tennessee line; alto, a bill to lunend an act lo oppoint com mitsionei s to view and Uy off a road lead ini across the mount. in from Wilkesbo iou ;h to Mrs. Bogle's, in Iredell country. Ir. M'Lcod presented Ull 10 repeal the latter cl"Utrof the. 8thnd ihf whole of ihe yth, lOib, and Jlih sections of an act passed in 1823, to promote Agiicul lure snd-Tamny Domestic Manufattuics in 'his State. Mr. Hill ptesented a bill to legitimate Sarsh Smith, of Mokes., The engrossed bill for the relief of Fd. Owen, ws read the second lime. Mr. Seawell moved 10 amend Ihe same by adding the loilow'mg sertion : " Snd he it ftirthrr enacted. That all and ev. erv person heretofore convicted of the crime of p tit ureeiir in tn s state, be and it hertby re-1 Ktored to credit iti 'ie tame manner as if he, she or ihev hud never been convicted of anv crime." I he bill was thi n read the third time and onleit'd to be engrossed It is there- lore a law , . . sa1 l , I he engrossed bill concerning Michae Mvmer. of Rowan, was alo read the 3 time unit ordcrert to be enrolled. It is therefore a law. TUf.sosT. Die. 2. Mr. Welborn of- fcicj a rcsolg ion so to alter the present law, that a Ca. Sa. shall hot issue against the body of anv person while he i pos wssed of italor personal estate sufficient to s'isft the pl.;iii(ifTs demand. Mr. Forncv from the Commute of Pro positions und Grievances, reported unfa vn. vhlv to the petition of Joseph Bjers of Iredell.' . .iStVlls.(U'll'V'Jt im V'VUIIIIIUVb -vu Internal i.nprovi m,nts, to whom was re- J ... 1 t Ptmanitn fi-rt ws tk f rtmmifta Tttl fened a bill lo autbonze the making of a Turnpike ruad - ftoia Aslicvilte , by dtc W wtvt sr i n v-Hhee aiuL-taaD toitjtuCa.c.rrjj)i!.n vj oj jh at purpose, ; "repoTTed" nhe-STiid tnH-wttrVson-j- dry amendments which were agreed to Mr. Culldwav presented a bill to alter and amend the law now in force relative to the Supreme Courts of North Carolina wkdsesdaTi dec. 3.Mr. Bowers of fered a resolution to reduce the tax on trading vessels on navigable streams, and pedlars, in thia State. Mr. Martin reported a bill for the re fief of Amos-Hirman, of Wllkes,county. ,..Mrf,Pfia.rMLrrisen prevent all slaves from attending musters and elections, in this state, under, proper restrictions. " ' : """"" " :" JJiehUl emnowerin? County Courts to grant leave iter iWcrcctio public roads in their respective counties, was, on Us second reading, on motion of MKCaillow ay, indefinitely pos'tpQned.1 k Mr. Seawell presented a bill to amend the militia'lawa of this State. . Mr. Bryan offered resolution to di vide the Stale into' Districts, composed of two or more counties each, for the pur pose tf holding g Superior Court of Law cial nd rju:tf In ftrh of said Districts, at tome convenient pUce ihern, Tkurn!y Ort, 4.Ttie following bills have become Us 1 A bill to amrnd in ct patted in, tt f car 18)3, autHcmrntal to an act passed in the jiar 178. to ip polntcrmmi.lonrra and establish the town of MM27ntotilti nurleTrouiiirranit fof ohr puiti L UU fur.lha better regulation of the town efHuteitille in lie telK C04iM-A.UU-ifKrratiaflflhe Marrfaruun Ata'.'cmt. and a lil'Llojrcor porate the Samlv Creek Bible lotlrty . The encrusted bil to lepeal the S'H and 7th sectiontofan act pussrd In 1830, concerning the nwrrUge of Inlant females was rijittrd on its seiond reading. fri'd.11, Dec. 3 The retolnllon Inro ducrd tetterday in the House of Com none by Mr. Martin directing the Pulllc Primers to attach tn the laws for 1833, the returns of he different Sherifl't iid Clerks of the Stjte as rontsinH (it the Comptroller'i report, was read and passed in its original form. Saturday, Dec 6 fr. SeaweP, from the rnmmi'tre on Cherokee iands, re porred a bill for the relief of surh persons as become purchasers of-ihe Cherokee I,n:s Krld under the authority of this Male. Mr. Seawell presented a bill to re gnlat the practice in the Circuit Courts of mis Sisie which was read the nrst lime. This bill provides ttut h all criminal raus in h are not capital, 1'ied in ihe Cirr uil out is, where thn d'fendnt may appeal in ihe Supreme Court, the may be ad milled to bail in Ihe same nunm r as by Law ther are entitled 10 bifore trial. Mutidau, Dc. 8 The engrossed tilt to amend ihe laws nuking protKions lor widows wss read the third nine, and on motion of Mr. Hill of Iri.nklin, referred to a atlect committee. A hill to amend an act passed in 1777 for appointing ShetirTs ard directing their duty in otTiie, snd for obtain the t-te Sheriffs and Collectors who are in arrears to account for and pay the same, and for other purposes. A bill to amend an act pssrd in 1819, relative to the apprehension of runaway slates. A bill concerning the public lands in the County of Haywood. Tuctda u J?cc. 9. M r, Totnnce . pre 1 senreel ihe petition of sundry rrirent-of Iredell, nraiintr lhal lh Militia of ihr County be divided into two Teila? Comvide jjr: companicd with . bill to carry the f TBytSS"' "d P"Wn0t" ' imo eflccU" - - On motion of Mr. Gravest Rmhed, That the committee to whom prat refi rrvd ih( pari of Ihe l.otrni r's Wctsace w hich relates to tfie Criminal I arw of thia Stale, I .. . . 1 r uc ni.iriif leu c nun pc lino 01c cxoeuiciit, in j ...t,r-i ... - o:.L.:. .1.:. V-j imuiiuuiiiif a 1 c iiue ii' i. j hi .-in.. hen as, it is believed that the .monies pud by th setrral counties in this Plate, under evatinr for the conviction and punishment of f lore, wo dd in a few tears amount to a auni auflicient to 1 reel a Penitentiarj-. ffcuthvit, liut the Mid committee be instruct, ed to sdont such m asurrs aa thev deem most advisable for the purpose of obtaining and lay- mg before our .Legislature an estimate or the sums paid by the several counties in this Stute r.t. . ort , 1 .o-,, , 'rorine tears 10. aii(k loo, on con. 'iriiuna snu , punni(hme4,t( umlcr mir p. Criniina, Cwle Agreed lo, The bill for the relief of such persons as became purchasers of the Cherokee Lands sold under the authority of the Slate, was read the Second time. Wednriday, Drc. 10 Mr. Lrprand pre sented ihe petition of John ( hiistian and Thomas Kirk of Montgomery, praying the repeal or modification of an act pas scd at the last session of the General As srmblv, establishing a free ferry in said ( ounty 1 he resolution allowing to William . g-, . Drew A,":f Gcr 5r"1 mpensa lo itt lvsa e..m'li mt t s K m. a wm tf nmlrl. svaiui tion for courts which were not held, was rejected on its second reading. ..u r.iiimaii gieHcwen out -yegu lale tbe county courts of Buncombe Ite adt he fi rst timei-- r--- - HOrSE OF COMMON'S. "fia'fDlt. gi'TT" Mr.- Mkn-rrt I the CiommVtee tawhom was referred thiit part of the Governors message which re laies lo reservation of Lnd which certain Cherokee Indians claim, rrporscj Bill respecting said reservations ; which was read the Efsttiuic.. Messrs. Fisher and Henderson were ap pointed a Committee on Enrolled Bills. - Mr Ifeair presented olution : ' RetolvctL That a Select committee be appoln- ted to inquire into the expediency of repealing th ;ct i 611 S,-p-Twi4jiiiFr&tth ketioR' -of riiecwir to vote tor rresitieiu ana tree rrcsi- dent of the U. States by a general ticket; snd in lieu thereof to restore the district principle of electing Electors for the sumc purpose : And that the committee have leave to report by bill or otherwise, . a.. . - On motion of Mr. PglkTa message was sent to the Senate proposing to ballot tm mediately for a solicitor for tbe Ctb'Jurli District, ind fctaiinj that Jot. Wilson and Hu?S M. SnAeaare In iir-wln t!n f-r hl appointment. T lU rnessaee wsS not ronrurrrd in by t' e Hote. , Me, Clement presented Ihe peilJ"n of Wm. N'eala, of R i.ii riiv. fitaiin for tcive 10 er-ui a ( e on public, ro.dj ninninf throiMh Mt I n s. ' Mr; Lanier peen'eH ik.si4unn X sundry JnhaU'iil r-f il r n timv ftf IJa tldsm, respectlnt ihe lofafioii u( fttHtf"' oi-JuJuV la AiJ ctiunlr.,,, , , , . L . ..Mr.riherrrfeii!tfi ihf pe'l 'vnef ihn Kieni'nrsof Andrew CaMrli ub, Ute of Rowan, praying that certiln negroes, memicned In Said petition, em nclpa- ' led agreeably to the wish and dirccton of the testator, "." , Me. Melrhor presented Rill lo amend ' r an act passed U 1819, relailt? to the ap . pif-Senslon of runaway slar uniDiTi aoT.29 -Mr. Wrd ftom the co nmiMce apx.lnted to ton, t)'. lr balloting for a Treasurer, CAinprrolief and Secreiart, rcprld ihst Juhn IImwooJ wra elerierj I rrssttrer. J'irph llaakint "f ' Complroller, and W'm. Hill Serrtiry. , Mr. Dlatkltde iejored n MM f.vorj blf li) the petition ef ihe eieeu'ots cf Air tif'er CtHrlriigh, l.e (f oan. Mount y. ore I Mr. Williamson, of r Norrhtnip'on. frnm the b!lo'ing nunu.il- . lee lor Gove. i.or, rcxried 'hat C biicI Holmes. Eq- srs t'ulv tlrned. Mr. Flvnt presented a fill providinjr for the more etrtnsle I'istribu Jon of iho Jnurn.ls of the Ixgisl .tine whlrh li!ll was react the first time and pisee, Mr. 01arkledr, from the ronin.i'tee Its whom was rrferied ihe eiiirn ff Jrr b Smiiii and others, of liurke counis. me. -a report unfavorable lo tha prater of the pcii ion. Ah. ULrklede, fiom the Committee of Pii posi'lons and (!icvanres, report, rl a bill in f.vorof Sally Hampton, of Stukca county. x Mr. Stanley from the Judu Ury committee.- rrpr.Ttcd bill to t.rTnrr ir,e rightt of landlords atrainst trnnia hrthili.jf ' . over after the rvpiratiou of their terms. v, Mr. S'epp,.rd presented hi:) tn Amend - ihe act of 1777. spiKiintinic Sheriff, an tl diircting their dun i ofTi- e. kt. O" motion of Mr. J A Hi!, i was ffrihii. Thai the committee nn I'dueajion m be inir tried to Inquire into the. rspedlew) of rklahli.litn hv l.w. vSnn a thr.iiirlin.it I hit tt- . U cinuUv't 1 the 41st section rf the i:mvi. - 'tvton, w-hirh rrskrsitthe dutrof the lgis!a -j l Iht to es'ablish sc' oola for the cenvriiii ut In. " ' Mt: Mi from - the Tommittnr m that part of lhe,si)Vipor'a mess 'ge wijcbj .... reliitcs to the ('her(iirtruIs",--:(norier . till concerning the pubtiC''at;.aiisil'Hy-- . uinwl riMititM f utile li r:.k.fl na-vi.-''1""- f .. . f5 dinu'. wv, . w 1 . , ....... a 1 .. TrrsDJtT, dfc ?-AfWCIiTicev-,trim- ihe 1 onimittec t ppoiuted to roiidiut iho hallntinir for a Solicitor of ihe :h Ju i ial Circuit, reported thut Joseph Wilaon was duly elided. Mr. Low t ie presented a bill presrribinu ihe manner in which the SheiitT of Ilun combe county shall payover the t M for building a Court houe in said counly ; w hi'. U bill passed its first reding. The bill for the mote extensive distri bution of ihe Journals of Ihe Crtieral As sembly. was, on lit second reading, post' ponrd indebniirly. wkdnksdat, etc. 3. On motion of ' Mr. Io". rd, Hetnhtd, That the Military committee be re. mured toeiamine into the propriety of r iitinif ' the militia lawaof thit stare, so as to intredirw some uniform avslcm fcr the goternnitnt f court niartiala on the trial ol officers tinder -arrest. Mr. Carson presented the petition of w Jas (!ook, of Rutherford rocniv. , Thumday, Nv. 4 On motion of Mr. Mai 'in of nrxkingh.im,' . 4 ffnttwd, 'that It shall, and h' is hereby dei"T; T clart-d to be the dutv of the Public frinic'e.. ta .;. laiot tne returns ol ;he citterem rhenflt ana C'lerk of. this Mate, atrretablv to the t'onm. WW ter-Kcrxtrtr The following tills w ere presented ! . By Mr, Roane,-a bill respecting lands haU nortfr unrjfpf ttlf Mr. Buine, a biil directiug the m inner v in which Constables shhll hereafterbe ap. pointed in the Con i it Vf Met klenburg, 1 'lo be elected hereafter by rCaptain' -.--""'- companies, one for each rompnny.1 - Mr. Clanccy, a bill to authorize the payme.nt of.ironey tp'clcrks of enurjs 'bf . , 1 word in certain cases.. This bill mate v it lawful for person against w born .'..final Nr judgment for fhe payment of money, shall . be rendered j to piy.thr setne to rbe clerk fri of the court instead of the sheriff or other V ' Friday, Drc. 5 Ther followtnff-bllll were presented i . By Mr. Bowers, t bill to amend an act passed in 1789 concerning the pwving of ' wills, granting letters of admliiistraiion, and to prevent frauds in the management : ? of I.ltcstates, estates. ' . v - . tK 4lr- Bodenhammer, a bill to repral an act passed 1822, directing the manner of -I re' .jr -" )