tfiU'i r i i h K.Uity cl 1 fijon, Read ll.e first ilne. M r, .JA,rtlt of Ituik'tK-fitui preterm J a till to establish lLt,k if the State of Noith Csrolhi. Til bi.I rr.J th Dril time, en I on wo;i;t of Mr, Alston ordered to be printed. The lfu took up the order of the day, fix. the preamble nl rvl'j'tot. Intro duced on Tuesday by Vr. tvUhef, when en mod'Hi cf ,Vr, UUcklcdgr, thf were trude the order cf the day Ut utiday ne if. Wjy, iff, 6. The following bills " hive pMM-d into laws I Thf LiH concerning h duties of euir- It 1 . I . . - .1 - . . I 1 he Mil lireciinj in what rnsnncr me t ... L.ll L. I a a . . 1 irvM our urcr -r.atra snau inrnei. ! !J 1 .It- k!.-..- J.UI.IH... , rt n-iutt the practice to the several count w roujif In this ante. Ahndiiy. Drt. I Mr. Strfrtge prrsen fed the pf tiilon tf the Citiicns of Fy ettevide on Iht subject id Internal Jm , frovrtnent. Mr. MeWia presented the following JtrUhtJ. ThiX the leeretary of ,tae b and ' he la her. by dirteM to Uu to the Truttet of the l (if Uua HUtr, w arrant t in each ci, on tht micr rull of th eot-tuRnta! line f U.ta alitt where warrants have not hryetuf'rre iMuttl, An I that the said TrusHea hold the Mm uml the land t le rntr-d b virtu thereof In trust for the ofTWrt and soldiers who perfurmcd the miliary artier, fur which said warrants shall lasue, provided, that if no claim be exhibiti-d by the ail orT5eert and aol licra or their legal Representatives aithiii ecen seart from the first day of Jsnuary ncit the aaiU Iruat ahatl craaf and Jctrrmiac. On motion of Mr. llphri'im Mnn, JtrHtwt, That the Cnmrtiittre on Internal Im nwmirnt l inetric'rd to imi'iire into the ex twhfncf of rrUii'f in the eniolojiiwnt of thej Stare, trie prracnt ir istpnrtrt Ami a'tH iht roprn'tr of keeping up atvl txtajniiiar the board fhr Ititrrrul (Throve meat t And thai Uu.r report y hill or oihrriar, ,Mr. A. D. AfMitUn prefntH t hill to rrpali and improve the io. i Icitlinj; from Ii. 1- v....- (...... .. t': t minimis in nairj v.uumit mine ir- ginia line ly the wj tf Cap Ciiil in Twiday, Drt. 10. .Vr. FUhf r prr sen ted a bill cJirrrtln a Geological Surrer to be mjde of the StKte of North Carolina Tleferfcd lo the Committee on Aricul-; I he lloute au'eealdy to the order of: the dr, trxV up the Preamble and Ke .luiiontaubmittcd by Mr. Fitberon Wed , rjetday latt. Mr. Dinum moved for on indefinite po'fponement of them. Ihia motion guve rite lo a lon and conuaurd debate, J hkh JntCpe t M takea -dvwn, ami -tvich will be pretented m awrr rmrjruute, and minet Fortbe formation of a - linaita wlll allow" W Ml the question ! traa -prnmnjrrMv H ard movpd Kr afi ..rt ;. i t. u ' A 'It'tdMttiLiuDte.-lQj-m )rt. motion of Mv. CopeUnd, - WraWoeif, that the Committee on the Judiciary be iiiairucted to enquire whether any, and if .any, what alteration ia neceatary in the lawt low in force on the anbjeet of K-llinjf the real erf ate of deccaaed peraons to at to provide that -Executoraor-Adininiatrator ahould b autW latd to aell the aame, when the lituation of the et'ate ahould require it, in order to pay the dcb'tfmm the aunei and that tbey report by bill or other iae. On motion of Mr. Mr'm of Rocking ham, the bill to ettahlMi a Bank of the State of North Carolina) wat made the crder for the day for Monday nexf.. The iloute proceeded to the unhntahed . i a.vwn. i" vvwv. . w . w uiiiiiiiaiivii husinett of yesterday, tlx. the resolution ir..,i w- Mp. r;.t.., Ti.. Introduced by Mr. Fisher. The motion fr Mr. Hvntim for tkeir inalefinit noat . . ... - , ponemettt bcin; still pending, the debate thereon wat continued until about 3 'clock, when on motion of Ilr. Stanly, Ihe House adjourned. ', . :-rtMMNe--. Aorth Cerblina GoVal. We were shown. few days since, by Denj-mirvG. Barker, Esq.a lump of virgin gold, in its natural It4te,' which weighed neaijy four hundred penny welghti. It wat procured in Cabar rus, and is, probably, oh account of its pu rity, brilliancy, and shape, the handsomest specimen of North Carolina gold that hat veMieen found. Mr. Brker intendt to take it with him tiiNeui, Y.rk liit 4Wi " a' a f - ' a . a mrrenuinus in tnat city may nave ocuiar croof. that ntire cold in masses, ts acrtrr ' r - - " . . -i - - - i SOUTIIAROLINA. if tht Ckot kitm Caurier, JutedAv,2?. aJVe had. tief tin this niht, of both at a !. af ita . .s 'Presidency. 7 The result was, with the exception of five Votes, unanimous in fa or of Calbovk. j ' k a fAtiMli rrtatffs. rt tfai aawVMjtAtaA Ciiitens, held at Pittsburgh, tQ fjvor the election of Genera"! Jackson for the Pres idency , more than 300 citizens were pres ent. And the Jo'owi " Resolved That a Demwcratic Convent tion'be held at LWistown on the third MikoHj nf .larrh kie-xu to form an Elec toral ticket, and that if be recommended to the Democratic Party in each county -in the state to bold similar meetings, and cicvi ucicviaica cwuji tu uuiiivci iw tuvti . ' ..... I .1 f. ! - I . . A -1 ..... . .. I I. m . . U M n lli.ii. representatives, loaucnii lusconTcnuou " - " . Penn, Correstondttit. f MV teili Pit- I P th irrtrii iii the tackt ahip C uVr, c. J't'n H'xrri, fr'.m Iiirrp.. i haa lrite!SiK')Ct ftim I'njLnd KTtO ddi later than wit be fort rr ceticc. den. JUcgo bean tried arvl con (femncd to death Cala ! lU J'.Je. The crim in the act fl ar;uatlin acninti bim wit, for having ted at a Dr put il the Cortrt, tha drHlti'a of the Kitgi and the nomination of tht Kcfencr. On the iutl-.rnr of the IxindonCuuiier! it it tUtcdf tHt France It to continue the military occupation ofSp-lnto certain itentiand mil lha gnarnment of Frr dinand it entirelf tneirfrilr-fa-ettabiitH tJ, Alt Mmuance of thit plan. Cadie nt be occupied by "0XK)0 Iroopt MAMyl itKJO, and is oiyj win pwnt along 1h l!ne" of lha I3ror Ona raf (xint, tirt tht Courier, which it it in tended to accompliah, if potiiWe, it the entire efUtMiidintc tl the bpanih armj-i at now confirmed, and to re-model it up on a tetilljr dilltrer.t tyttetn The f.'e of UalUMerot wat not anownbe.rbglhUmaef 4lM,fc.J.of Mr.limin, at, h, capital of HptnatthaUtettd-tet, M, AtLm( am! (,. ,tiUil it it ktated In a letter from flUdWl of the ,l(:m. That Mr. tWfoKrtfrienda abonld aih I Aib ala.a 1. 1 at eatna h nl Pnl laawawfl iftaiKal A. vriiif in hi mii e . i Jed. A letter, however, from I'arit, of of the 25th. tart that the dibindin,r, of f L. - ...a Ik. I Ik. .li.L.nj. .,C UIUtterot armr. it e fleet rd wnhout ex periencing any of the obtttclet w hich ere apprehended. A private letter Icom fladrid, dated the 20th, atatet that the atron; rcpreenta tiont made by M. de.Cliateau'irUnd, thro' M. de Ialato, and the atiil attonger re nionttrancet of the Duke dnr,nulrmc. have had the detirad efTect on Ferdinand ; the aentrncet of the Uejjency are not corr- Grnitd, and the execution of hi own de creet are ttitpended. It it whiapeied, that the Duke explicitly declared, in hia rrmonit ranee, thit, if hit majrtty did not revoke the decreet, which wete calcula ted lo product civil war, he would wiih draw all the French troopi, and leave him ; entirely to hi own resource, r erdinend, it it trfid. wat fool-hardy enough to y, "let them withdraw, I am powerful enough without them ;" hut hit minuter cofrt tor thotiRht otheraitej and though he i wit the firtt to tujcgett the plant of ven he now fell alarmed for ihe con senuencet ind the tafctyofhis on deirin pertnn, wntcn would ue one ot tnc nrai tictimi of popular vrnKcrnce. Amone the nutnernnt decreet itued by Ferdinand, tince hit arrival at Seville, are the following : For a funeral tervice to be performed in all the churchrt in the kinRdom. for the repote of the aoula of those wlt.1 have died tince the teventh of ijrth-18?0, in the aupport of (iod' junto lo f lect inch Ijwikil wnklLarc jpioper to form men who m iy be worthy support ere of the altar, the throne, and the rwrrtry. Dy the latt accounts from Parit, neither .1ina nor Rotten had turrendered. The Inquisition it re -established ; and the General of the Capuchins appointed Grand Inquisitor If the account which we. find in the iljrninR (.hronicle of the 30tH OfU.her, is correct, it would appear that the Km pe-ror of Russia it turning hU attention to the afrSTraofSouth America. TheChron icle atatet. tKaTibeFmperor Alexander has recalled all his accTertTreLajtents from the Drazils. and on rxfit ditioni Jurih l"fA lo bfJorvHirded from Sitiin, under ifir , 'V 'r thr. Uc tf i Colombia. Thts expedittcrv is to conist pedi of 12 000 soldiers, nomiually Spar.uids, but fitted out at the expense of Franc?; attended by French artillery, and enxineer oflkeis. Some other English papers in alluding: to this subject, remark, that Jin f'anit vU make a ttand against -any at tack on Suth Jmrrica fy Untnia. The coronation of Pope Leo XII. took place on the 5th of October. Ihe King of Portugal has prohibited the entrance of all foreign newspapers in to the kingdom. The great council of Geneva have pas sed a law, suspending the liberty of the press, for one year. Acc ounl s Jrom blcck-holnu of t he lot n tofeettrhcniioM American Chtree d Affaires, wold. et J out tn fVwHrtys wrSt.-Petewwjjon a mission to me uussian iovernmeni. Captain Wilson, of the brig Dee, ar liVed al.NevV Vofi, who lelt Upo rto Oct. 4th, eitrvtes, that the Conbtitu tionaliats had again assembled in large bodiesand it was expected they would succeed In gaining the ascendancy at that place. The accounts from Lisbon in the last London papcre, allude to a cmpiricyatQpo- - Freeman Journal. Gen. Joseph Desha, is announced as a cand Wat rthe office of Govtntcir of -the S5otentuyvM, election, which will take place on .he first Mondajr in August next. Major Gen. Gaines has arrived in Washington, to tale command of the eastern military department, vice Maj. Geq. Scott, who is to assume the com mand cf the Western Dcjpartroeat. s j us it an r: S.itMu rp Trr Hrt"!rr etireawt ia me Ihtt .the dtiirna of ITdmirgum, an.! f ii Ita'e t nrralii attouKl bate f ""f lhwd 4r,.H,,refanI W,)Murt 0,mfn,mh, aa fenced to U pool iJ War.dfrom Jto feattbhertlaa any oilirIml, yet i W actually Ir6cr4 to that tade Oflie board of Nortb-taroCrn. It it teid that itrpe. aJt, in e7 other aate, la rated Ior than an other kind. ly!!-!. a I,redrof lb IW.nrb of the at.ta lUnk f Maivctl Chambert, rt,. rtalfned. bicmti of nr. rr.orLr.. We rrrret to are fn-n the RaV.rh papers r ' that Mr. Tiiiier! rewduiitaa the d.-ma practice of taurumnf, hair failed in the tlouae off!snimnnti and oiir riret ta iiif reaar J on to tot-rate a prattle wh'.h vital!) takf JKiner j l I r ' ' . D of ConjfitM, it mrt at all enrpriiinf, bcn it it conM:trri lita talent tliat camixiate liu at manajjinf mcmbcra of ConrrvMi b it that any i , i- i t ,, . ... ,. . , m nit; iiiiiuij, niirri,l llic ri i uiiuic alioiiIJ jriee the annct.on of iKir voti-a to eiK-b a uaurje'i'jti of the rigltttt the people, eat indeed uneiprrted. Hie lUniililc apolnT heretofore iir-jred in favor of ru'iiiai, ,diat it wa nrcraury to write the iiiiiiiaiit pir'y ; but that i no exciitt now, aiiice faetien It wibtidrd. I he only pi. if) Ir object in hoi.lin a (a.rut now, ia lo ihflu enrr the peoj.Ie ia tlitir choice of I'rt ili i.t j or, ratlu-r to aave thru 'tie trouble of K',!? ' the polla to eliooa.. K' r. In fuel, e learn that the doctrine a diriilv adrincnl, in tne i!e. I - . i I .. r t r oaie on ...e ,,,-., y .., .rK-nr.i m rr,ai ..e people .rre or Mr tl.en.whe.. ami tlu H waa n.Inpeii.jiMy nte. a. aary t.iey .Iio.iIJ i,c aduaed hv the nxn.beraor how totstrci the righu given them by the (miatitiitinn. The around r ' hai' n wi in Lvor of a con. itutionalproviM. Vofiyethe eti-ct'on ofrrt a. lUent ami tire rrr.iJiot to the people, India- trict unifurm'ii throughout the t nion. fly the rveent rrxxle, the people have but little to do with the election. K .t the latter reanlution met with the aame fate .a the other. A.aoonaawe I .. . . receive the wi.e a:d imvi nponthtac ten hit iona. we ,lhUU tl)C thut lf ,c nv who are the friend nf their right and conti. tntmn.l pririlcKcs. awl who are for jieklinK ui uptotKUw anstocracy, jckpj. The debate on the We reaolutione lasted three da), add the following me4r -took part in it : Meaara. r:her, Alaton, lltlme, Hill, Shepherd, Croom, In dell, Mi bane, Williamson and stanh, in lavor of (lie Itetolutionsi and MeMrs. Black ledj,, Dynum, Brown, Taylor, rt range, Itainey, Martin, and Leonard, aifainat tliCUU - pnEsinr.NnAL QiT-snotf. ' It ia now distinctly aacertained, that there will either be NO cuucui at YVashii fon tin, or that it will be ruch a one tl3plit thr fi irmli. -of tliat iliTeslaDTe me asure to i' and disrracc. Lettera tn.m Congnaa atate.tlwt o..t !,r 50 m.n ri.'r ZlZ ,uvor,'t,,e members of both houses t'.ire oi.;:. to the pretensions of the lid.tul can didate. Now If a caucua ia held, it i i erA KtiTv fflTITonTy be by tlfcae sixty, as it ia pretty well understood that the friends of all the other can didate are oppoeed to caucusing, fa tito, A member of Congress of the Pinnylvauia dele gation, writes to his friend in our I. islature, that not one of the reprtten'.ativca in Conjrcaa from that great State is for Cra'w ford, aid only one of the Senators ; add to this thr fact, hat in the great meeting at lttaburg, and at the great featival in Philadelphia, Crawford hud hut a sin gle voice in his favor, and that not t e'sponded lj one of the company, but 1 iiwcd M, and we think - it is reasonable to ay, that he has no xbance. in-JVwM-frania; - Vrt one"rif onf 'tjigc" Restcfqi9jl. exnltingly ptiblishe i that t'rawr.s iwdis.dobijpreU.ij ceptive publications, ve feel bound to caution' our fellow-citizens against. Tlie Virginia Legislature is now in session. Gov, Pleasants, in his message, recommends tp the Legislature to rebuild the Penitentiary, which was lately burnt down. I he Governor has been re-elected for the ensuing year. Jbmet Jhwn, ts. senator from Lonisiarw; lias DeeS'appnted'tb wraeeT'aiK'GaT!alir7l'u Minister to France. ' Mail Rubhery, I he post-master at New 'ocrn, 7,1 mtetyttttrm'.VIrWhltai K ted in pWeririf rioSey through Ins office. Complaints become very lotd and. general, of money being mi, sing from letters that. were; sent from the; smith and west to R.iinond i the Iost-Master-c General very promptly Instituted an inquiry, and appointed a special agent, to ferret out the rogue. Aft'er.a good deal of ingenuity and in dustry, tjtra ajjent bocame tJrj(t flie a!,ff r fr I f t e-aff l M I i '' fotJir-gl; lim amrd, aha ha alhr e ae mialrd)(r. that he h-l I "i timehrrn In the hah.t of f mhi!ing mny. lie w at lwfk'r d mj;hoM biatrial. A imii by the olJameiCarrel, bat been tried by the t'. H.diritt eotrt of Ne.York, tra eomWledofrvpenirj tU mail, ami ateaHnf -it.. t.KnvUniiinvlil. to M a finfl Of !- t , . enntmulfA lht M u Mii Hunter; U the beat polf j," yet. - - . Aa arrival at Jamaica, on the 4th ult. from the ninutleli Main, autettlut erreral ytaatla aitb en board, bad armed at Cliagret from . . . . i . . i .1 . CeriUf. faW-W -C-av Bofit-r, aoJ tbaU - - .1B.rted. ao a a ca ratio w . TV A& run. Thit rx4e It inlervUd aa a re.ptclful a.Vr.oledKmrnt of a notice lately - I ..I 1 a I. tVJa raatfil.hialt aWfWtafl itll. ,in)f me , Me ,emucr a ,, f..i.,rj ll.ble ' Koctrty, br Uie payment of RIO. Aa thit art of charity In the aorld. ami arlcctioiwle refftrd ta their . I'aaUir, aa (rum tL, WU of U Sp;": mort t,4ri,ll, aa he rrcolb eta that the Ladiee a 1 .' a. .1... of bia on c barer have, aomctime aince, a!ao fontitottd him a Lfe mtmber of the American l1nr.linn (nr.. 1 lirv ull (if rlianlVllO Lonr ,,)e r,Mlj; jtl, ,mj vtry j,, ,mK)f to their motbeia, who ;iave tautit them thrte thirds by prrc yt ar.d thtiroan tiam,le. the ru of thr lliule ia Uie ranee of (od, and .. f . therefore n ut prier. The numeroua en-r. jlon, n.nkii.(r by male ami female, through the 1 worUI, ad! oiiiali the infidel and thr fxl, that it it tiinr to ccaac aportirif a.tli tlir llihle J. D. KILPA 1 JilCK. Drt.Vj, 1831. coN(iia:ss. On Wei'neaday, little butinett wat Hnne. The Srinding Cnmniitteet, and Seied ( ornrni'tcr a, on the I'rraidrniS Meajje, were, on metion of Mr. Tavlur, of N. Y. ordered tobc appointed. Neither tioie meet on Thursday. ycklerd,ff if ,hf j, w rfS(,,T fH on n,0jon pf jr Un1nMt c, (-on. to Wf jr thr UM fnorur,inK, jn (e.liinone of teoe( fo- the memory of thr lliinirablr I 'ij.i, p.oardman, Lie a bentor f.iitn 'Connecticut, deccaaed. 1 . .On n.oiion tri ilr Jobnaon of fxU. the Senjrc adjourned to Monday. L: . I w i , nrirai rrMiiiiriont were oneren inn idnpttr in tbc linue of Representatives: !r- l-ivcrmore, to incjuire into the exp dimcy of carrvirg the Milt in the d,v "me onlr ffP h" transmitted bv itfr. , By Mr. M DufT.e, to inqu.rr tnto the expediency of recommending an amend mrnt tn thf('rintiriili(in'nf i T7rit v a. to render uniform ihe mode of tleciiuKembeta of ..thi .tf i Rrpresent.-tivca. and electors of President and jce President, and to prevent the election in any evrnt. of the said orTicer by the House of Representatives. j Bv Mr. Hamilton, of South Carolina, to inquire into the expediency of allowing to the mother of Commodore Ferry a , prnton du'infr her natural wfe. IU Mr' Storrt, to adimirnto onday. 1 he committees. ordered on the third, were this day announcrd A'at. Journal. In the Srn;ite of the U. Slates, on the 9th inst. Mr. Mcan presented the peti tion o ILnsQu-Kt-Utyr-prtit iiir--The pay7 n.enforhis account for rations furnished the United State.. atTrenhlr la hi rnn- . ,ract flcverly Daniel. Marahal of the Di-stt ict of North Carolina. IHE GREEKS. Tn the House of Representatives of the U. States, on the 8th inst. Mr. Wtbucr offered the lol.owing resolution ; which, at his Mif9itrn, w-s ordered to lie on the table, and be piinted : Itcunh etl, That proviaion ought to be made bv law, for dfraviii)C the enpene incident to the appointment of an Ajjt-nt, or Commiasinni-r, to tiToce, whenever the President may deem it expedient to make such-appointment. In offering the resolution, Mr. Web Met tliscl.iinipd nnv intention to commit this country in any of the contests of Ku rope ; lut he w ished to procure some re spont' from the Huse to the sentiments rrmtaTntd in' the Prenderit's message, re ittyr. no reason" .whTciv miHbt to- restrsfn -nv frow in 'ex-' P.rj??ypP;.r:ouj nTterestTritr subject. lie hoped therj would he found one government in the civilized world ready to utter its opinions with bold ncss and digniiy. ' a)? THE GUEEK CAUSE. The cause nf the Greeks continues to excite great enthusiasm in tty 'city of .ew-ork. V e noticed in our last the appointment of a committee of seventy in that city, td procure contributions In be half oflhaieopTe to flow in with a liberal hand. . In addition to those mentioned by uslon Tuesday, we nave io recoro tne mumncem oonanon oi Nicholas, fiiddle feaq.v f Pildelprtav Presidentof the- flank of the United States, whasiibcnoed 8300. "v ' At a mettrng ijRhe committee on the Sth inst. sundry resolutions were adapted to further the cause of the Greeks. Among others, was one for the appointment ef a sub committee for the purpose of drafting an address to the people of the United States in behalf of the suffering Greeks. It was farther resolve ts scttd a mem- 'rial ti Ccnreu ttcnxrrmSrx t,f tt, fngniuon oi tntir Indrpt ridrrife. i alo rrflvrd,tht tbc clcrpry in it, r nt pnt of our rr.untrf le r 'jwrj ,t preach a termon in behalf of ,a ctutf. and, if judtd eipedient, up calif ctUint f(Jr itt titp;ort. Soon after the meeting at orjahiKi Col. Wiilrt, an old reolutiiinarr hj? entered th room eerf one rotefc, advanced tlowlr to the Utle, end deluerd thort but fee ling addrrtttn the mrnine. It mf bo ImaKined iremarki the Mer ctntlia Advertitcr) that thit addrrn received with no Ji'tle applatite, and n u4 aenerahle werilor withdrew, the end,, committee rote tonlute him. , At Ihe closa tf lis sdjfet Cot.'.. let made ; a lender Vif'ooO acreVolUiio, to assist ihe Greek Ja lhtlr atruk liberty J blchjrisarceptedr, JUjA, , aa " '' ! . raasttii, (t) oct. SJ. .Uvtnturtri lo Santa V. Wa cot gratulatc the fiicndt of the pny wlck tet out in May last on a trading eiptdi lion to .V.nla Fe, on its safe return to the terslemrnt. Or.e cn!r U mUsing, Jf. .Mara, fell a tic'.im to fever, toon after bit arrival in the Spanish settlements. Tit party met with no tiitister or serious dif ficulty, except the robbery of their borsn. on the Arkantat as they went out, which we mrmionrd in onr paper of the 34dj June last. That robbery, there is scarce a doubt, wis committed by the Little Osagra. It is gratifying to learn, that these enterpi Uing adventurers bare mast a profitable trip. Four fficert. recently from our Mifita rv School at West Point, Lieutrnati's H dmes, Waters Itateman, and Richard son, arrived here on Saturday evenly last, on their way to y-o the Ah regt ment of Infantry at Fort Atkinson, te vh'.th they hate been assigned, lhesj otTitert have reached s by an interesting roue. 1 hey as ended the North River followed the great ( anal lo Rochester ihrnce defended the (ienneace to Lake Ontario put sued the great chain of northern lakrs s fir as Green biy thrnci, aw ended the Fox riter to the pee ije, whirh they crossed, and had their boats transported on wagons descended the Ouisconihg into the MiMippi, an4 as'-endini; the latter river to Prairie d Chien, where they delivered nearly J09 recruits, a hich they 'nought on for the Sth Regiment of Infinity, stationed, prh cipallv, at St. Peter's, ui.der the commabi of Col. Snellinjj. nc. TRAlp IN COTTOS. Another fuud in co'ton haa been de tectrd at Charleston. A respectable dea ler in that at tide baviog purchased II ble f Samuel-Ker, of Mecklenbnrg county, N. C on examination discovered the whole to be stained, or rotten, wits theYxceptiort i of i iVmaTI quantity put in to the end for inspection. The wholl amount of the weight was probably iibotit 40C0 lbs.' out of which it is supposes1 there is not more than 2000 lbs. mere batttv able cotton, i his is the thit d Instance ol the kind which has occurred to the ew tleman from the same neighborhood. IUEC.O. -Wften 1 h r Spnlh palriolTTTf goTTii j f the Nationd Gazette) was escorted ts a prisoner to Carolina, some of the rabble attempted to maltreat him. When hear; iied before, a balcony from which, the year before, be harangued the 'people, He' turned round to a French officer and point ing to the crowd whirh surrounded them, he said" I hese people whom vou now see so violent against me. bore me. in tri umph last year, and the town, contrary te ipr wish, forced me to accept a sword. aa. a testimonial. Durine the whole ninht I' psssed here, the houses were illuminated, ' the people danced under my windows ana deafened me with their acclamations.! ' This is on instance, added to thousands, of the mutableness and fatuity of the Eu ropean populace. Having no real knowl edge nor sense of their righta, no self respect, they are ready tp cry out equal ly for tibfrty or despoiism, to kill orerowtt i he c ha pipion of their frct,j?T?y.J fare. . ' A late London paper gives the follow- ' tag notice of the successful expedition of the British governmentrttrth'e tntetior ef -Africa : . , '-'-"V'" The Mter We hare the greatest sat isfaction in announcing that our three en- terprisinr; countrymen, Dr. Oudemy, Maior iSenham. and Lieut. Cappertotv who left London on the above interesting and hazardous eatpeditJqn jander a" t iC"I;.r rfV''"II.Tl-l.'2ir." r"i "i m ved at i lllUlliy IU UU1CI OIIIVTIIl, ill ' vm , Rnrnou. in the centra of the continent QiVJ Africa, in February last, and were e; ctedingly well received by tnjmw that kingdom: The 4etBP i to temiJ;' at Borhduras-BfitTsS Vic Cent ulj whda the other parties pursue their inquiries to the course of this long sought river. The trial of Mr, Ilarvey, of the Sun day Times, wis going , on in London, for a Tibet on the King of England, tj charging him with being lately affecte with his father' malady ifisanity, .

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