j.vr.rn df ci.2Tr.;:iTA!V. Jhe amount f revenue dcnud b Crtat nuUtu fuf the year etcM (Kl ic.i , i a 2 1, itJi'3ir,ioi, ((bin M haing sources I Customs -).i.a Stamp! PuM ofTi. Taic MitciHanrout 9.59.3)3 34,401,343 6,356,797 1,310,000 4.7gt.24 471,711 49,237,I0J The Urge item nf efa, wat collected otfithe fo!hwigertf Jest Auctions, 3 1 5, 401 1 beer, S,9J,.144 1fkkt and tile, 563.971 ir indies, 373 S6S ronVrand fo """tjir31tt jrttden crtf nn't'Virrjrrlff , ""4 JAf f t "t 444A04 i -hides and kmi " 330.143? hopTl4J.Mf rtice re, TJJ, 431 3 061,343 p sper, J4I313 1 prp;er, ISO. 1H3 primed fooda, 144,9 $0 j tali, 14 SOI 5 soap, 1,017.110 t spirits, JlritUb, 3.' 37.0J 5 J tunhn, 3,289,076; irrh, 67 361 ; t'on buttles. 3,9)6 wret. I .'); 8; Ira, 3.311,437 ; lobirro and snuff, 4 533,813 ; vinegar, 48,181; wine, 931,80; i.c, 7,93J. A Udv was llf I hear bring killed by portnuii in Ivul4iid. She pi ingon borrbstlt while be was in field, end seeing only the feathers of her bon net oer the wail, mistook bcr for bid, and fiied. On the 3'l of Pepl. person wen! into' the shop of Mr. I urnrr, a grwer Th'ii.c, i England, on business, and white he was talking, a vv.fi fl. w into hi rnouth and stung bi throat so dreadfiilU that an ii..1tinni4tiun emued, wbirh pie cn'ed revpirafion, and cauied the unfor tunate man's death. F:fy mil!ion$ qf doi!iir$, (tart a writer,) it U calculated, will be spent tbit year, in the United S'airs, for ardent apiiiti; I bat will II be about g5 for each in.lildti d averatre, while our national ux ia on the aiert but R2 ! Hm,M ,, another wriirr u Fifty million of dollar om i a trifle, a point of vanity romp.irrd niib tbp mor al influence of inremperar-re. ThU irn men a turn was pouted down the thiojt cf about 4.00.000 men, 75,000,tKX) Kal Jon of liquid lire. A quaiiHtr aufTicietit to lupply a constant slrem of 8000 yu Jons an hour; a ouantiiy, aliith, if col lected and put into a reservoir, would form a small ocean, on whose bmom mitrht be anchored a line of war ships bdlf a mile in length, or if W ithered into a canal, would fill one four feci deep, 14 feet wide, and So miles long-" 7V A'rfi. The shortest time oc cupied Io ruftnmg the heati at New York, ILItlmore, and Peierthurg, at the late race, is reported to havs been, It New-Tort, 3 mile hcaU, fl m. 1 wrr JlaUin ore, 6 m. 5 see. Ptrte ndMirp, 5 m. Si. a c. N. V. 2 mile beats, 3 in. 53 arc. At Nea-.York the purtc was taken by Knick- abjiclfr-j; at Rultimorf byWashington jmnrt Flrlna L'bildera (the ucceful horse in Clmrb a- ton Uwt aprin-) ami at Fetersbnrj b .Jantti ajfamit Ht-nn-, bolh colls ot Sir Archy. llenry aai aaid not to be in jrood onlcr. r a mnatrHU, not. II Wa fiave this week to report no les than ten deaths by Natural Small Pox. ,Whea it is considered that we have re apectuble Physicians regularly appointed in this city, whose dutv it was to vaccinate -'Jf wao may'a'ppff' VofRemrweta'nncf'byt' express our sui prize that so large a por tion of our citizens should be o thought less as to iieglect a safeguard against so deadly and loathsome a disease. Democratic Pre$i. TTie Frerlprb Vabitrir fVIr Hrfald ftf the 29th uh. mentions that 4000 "Mv-nawMia. I f Hli aavi"" Hogs had recently passed through Harrisonburg, for the lower country. Gen. Jackson, on his passage from Tennessee, to take his seat ii the IL S. , senate, was received with mifittry and civic honors at various places. A ""great""dfmierwa givw -tcr hfm ::at f Our distinguished guest, General Andrew Jackson The youthful patri- Statesman of '93; the consummate Gen eral of 1815 he. neither seeks, nor dc. clines, official responsibility. . A letter received at Baltimore from Laguira dated the 18th of November. tates that general DEvereux having " xreswda "tliliB Kussia, had been appointed by the; Co lombian govermentAmbassador to the United States. The eoverment had cietermined ori placing Portd.CavelbV: uu me enure coast ot tne repuouc, in jtate capable of giving its enemies a warm reception, should they again dare to make an attack. Zvt, Post. Ireland- Report says that Lords Car berry arid Gort, are to supply the vacan cies In (Itf representative peerage of Ire- The !! Li it k f, W. if tt the wrrif t Irnor , ihlrrt4 bfe the general aawmhl UlUl elata. However ttronjy our feeling may be enlisted in fatvur of the debtor c!ti of society, there It no meant of Legislating them out f their "embar. ratsmentt. The remedy U with ui )! individually and the loooer we eppty it io etrneit th better. W'c mutt be economical tnduMrioo we mult encourage the use of dameitie or houscholJ manufactures. And tWe ail we must take Care that the profit! of the liuilnen in which we rnpy be engaged. shall be a Utile over or at rait equal to our expenditure. A "detfrminattoo j'orpuriue a count of thU Had, will ioow mike ut an Ind pendent, a prorpefiu,inda Kippy people. MAItKKTS. rf omritit. aif. U, Tbf rpe.Frf, t art haiin tu Matt, it mt rtryibtr. Thr Ute am final ttrnrfctta, Hrtfd on Kjiuniar etrramf r w.im.Kjrlon, ami w .II U back it n prt;fb(-, tin. iwmi.f. iiral niTi,iiaua ami .tm ani toir. Iiate J.kt. . ! m.I. d. Mubii. mil! now rrtn. , and w tr,a ,tl ihM Ka,n b itilrr-up'd d inn tim CM"ni t ' hm-lrtttn, ftr. Ct'!m$. VhmU bave (frnrnlly itmin'a'.rrd iKf pnrr ri,.l. d in oir Iat aume of ihr i Hrt ar,- rill ii. Il . a 10 ccnii, but e l.e laanl of no aaki over 15. Ckrraw, V. 5. r'n. 1 bit aHirle till timic to ilt chut and tlir pr, .m ri. t4 an a-Uanra no fviKitlil'. Ii.f. rior to fitir 12 a I?) eta. tiood to prune I2i a 1 If tlt.lmtU.gemtr, Estrarl Irtlrr frm lJtttft, dutn! ,rn. 1, The import of ron diinnir the rit nwnith amoiiiita to !H,9tl halm, nf hicli 8,7 1J acre f-om the I nitrd Mir. ; h.lt the tain of all aorta conit of onh 24,709 bah-a. Hie rone. "rm"e rf "fb limit, d opi ntiona bat Wen a rrt'! ' " J'. ? rt"! l,!"''' thi. n'.iiiLi'iu HHiwi-ii iiic rr, upci in c"nr foraaru more frcl,aii l bvt'e-r pnrci rre ob tained than bad bren mibmitud to tbe urck prrridinif, no prnrnjnrnt adaiil-i(fc hat bin drrived, Uie nmrket brirjj at thia momrnt in a very dull and Ucpieatcd uie. ,". f. jm. Siilrtrtf in Vr r wont ,-The Ser rrtaTy nt State receive 8430 a year j the Treasurer, S4X); and the Governor 750. A singular petition has been prrserj. ted to the Legislature of Tennessee, during its present session one Lamas Champit acquaints the representatives of the state, that, wishing to fulfil his duties tp.aqcict , he is dctiroua of ta- inr fl ntmtetr ntitmaie. - iie t,o- expresses his couvicttou of being bles sed with a" numerous offspring,"; and therefore prays " he may have a law passed allowing him to have a Billiard Table, for the supnort of his intended wife and children. ' The Missionaries, jut.. the Sandwich 'alnnds have been endeavoring to in struct King Hhihoriho in the first principles of Geography and Astron- omTr-1 T5f yTouTva so m e uiituuity m reconciling him to the glnbular form of the eanh. He had conceived, with the ancimts, that the earth was an ex- tended, plain, and tha te, aynrooou ana srarr, movea rounu u every uay. Hr, at first, supposed that such a re volution of the earth as is represented in the Copernican system, must de rar ge and scatter every moveable sub stance on the surface ; but when he began to see the evidence of the ranh's 1 t globular hgure, and ot us diurnal mo tion, he eppeared io be gratincd j out said pleasantly to his people, take care of your calabashes, as the earth turns over. Ichthyology. General Calvin Jones, of this vicinitv. has forwarded to New- York ,a,pi,e-gt;rf kin,a.wit9,4-l)o.riiy and impenetrable scales, front an enor-" wairrs".'ThlTfishr was Mlcd-with a rifle, in the Forked Deer Kiver, near the town of Jackson, inthejCiiiciasaM. tounrry7itr lengthwaaai feetpgrttrr three feet, and weight 150 pounds. Three or 4 other bony scaled pikes have been seen near the same place, and fired at repeatedly but without effect- All of them have a practice of rising every few minutes to the surface, .axfppuffagKateiv the height of ten feej j and the blowingcould .be heard from 100 to 200 yards. i?flA Register, , ' Wv Couldsboroagh, Esq. haa been appointed Secretary to the Board of Navy Commissioners, vice J. K. Paulding, Esq. resiened, and V. G."RidgeIey is appoin ted First Clerk in the office. Beaton of Legitlation-Q less than sixteen Legislatures will- probablv be in session at the same time, in different States, the present winters r k ....... . from l!,fri!, Cl :t. Uutr Ml!e 740 nkii kfore their return. r trrrrrriUE mien iw. it, Crt, Hull I a, flrtttf. Rnif J i tpr fflftr, S ) hil, W fiti wlttaWrv. ) 4i k x h bnio if, a 4$ ar.le do. 4J to 4 J t r fti,3J ta 40 1 tMMm, 9 a 1j, a.Mt f iirkt Mam! j a l p,t burt molwr,J)to34i '. 4 la t 13 Ui eft., tirime. fiMM, 27 2lt 3d aiwl 3d awlnjr, 3 J W i tt a, b) mm, R 1 3 1 1 2 J , fl.i I'r.I, VOnaj tJUir, 0 a 7 b'ai,l 3'h rWe, 3 5J to 4 Hr l(f0l(4.kmi,K(f t rt.l'Xitk.i tobacca leal; J a 4 1 manuktfurt d, A -r. et .... ; OWmr, ciunimmY rnicti w. . 1. MMd, 21 tt do. t3 Hi lUmee, 2J l 37 aboil Ma;,!, 14 In i Si $ H ff , fiiflf.R7I i I j liifrf. o r d f,: J f o 3 , Hliitkrir, (rtaa.)itf a S7 eM N. C N im, 24 to OJVAftd. fNr, 4 U rtt e, KrntiKk;, lMnrla. raietimiUr, &, 3Jt 4 1 Itrrtaai, .10 U 31 frnl( Till'!, 7 1 Ikff, Him Mra,tU la. J,B prifv , 4 o 7)t llarkarcl, Ko.3, l)i N. 3, 4)i H(Mk,lo lirta.t llama, H i Mi r.,io II i Itarfinr, Ihiml- It lnrrrnis (43 tne') 34 a 35 eta. i Ct-r. niac I'r.rvlf 1 1) a) ,'Jtrr jrl,i tlllm ti,9i i IT' prr riHi i iit Hoi It HtraV , 4 to 4 1 lW tngfith 3 Hall, Uenwl e. J , Jf fit iH-r IwJ.rli liirki l.'an'L SHaft, rar,IU.a White, l3ta Miflroan, i , Uwin, t'i Hi t. I'raf II a j 1 1 1 , $, 1M4 H in 1 ( InfrrU. B ta 9 1 ItrCnrd lf upr, 6 la 3u , lolTrr. bral crvra 2J . i Infrf. io jr.M.L. 3u to 13 cu. i I ea. My. 9J Io lvi elt. .r Ih.i Hum, Jam. 9J to I (1(1 en, prf Wrrt linlia, 6J rta. i MoUra,(W. ' I ) 33 m 26 fa. i liiack I'rpper, 20 eta. j Pim, . w, .J '. rli"arlin Itattk nilta. 11 to? per cent. At, (icorgia 0m4 Hills 1 per Cent. d.a. i'turifr. cur.R.m mtcKH, w. s. Hot'on, 12 a 1J et. i rimif, new, per bar ri l, 5 to f6 j torn, bnltl 3 io 40 cen'. t tla'i, .10 to JJ dt. i Peaa, 4 J to JO eta. i Wbia k. t, jral. 4) lo 4ict. ( Ap;, Itnmh, 4U lo4J Tub ro, J to 4 1 lleraa as, lb. 30 eta. t 1 allw, 6 lo 7 eta. ltarnn.9 to 12cta.i l-ard.7 lo 10 eta. Rmter, 13 to 2 ) rtt.i R'fin-f, 23 to 33 rta. i Iron, 3 to 6 d'.U. t Hh, buWi . 1 d J. i Kii-rar, 7 to 12 dolt i Coffee, lb, 2b to 30 eta. i Twine, lb. 43 to 5.' rta. t MolaMel, 4- t 43. r'acaa. I hit afirle alill eontmuet to deefine ami the pnxpeettof an advance no ' favmir able. Inferior to fair 12 a l."1 ett. G tod to pr.nie 12J a 13 Ci.lnt!ugnner. trt:n, In tbu town, oa Tu-.LrV, Ui ijaaiant, trt. Samh f'utfrH, tjjed 33 jeart, wife of CapU 1 John Pulton. She baa It-It a kind and affection ate htitbarv!, an interetmfr fam lr of children, and a large circle of hijrldy repctable relatives, to mourn her premature ami afflictive deceaae. At hia residence in Madiaon county, Tenni a aee, on the 2Jh of Oct. baV, Ir. Hili Jvnri, fiirmerly of Itoaan county, in thia State. He has left a numerous and renpeciable family to mourn their Ium. A friend who was prcacnl at the death of Dr. Jon a, wrilea, that altltoub hi bfo bad been somewhat tempestuous, hk tun act clear and serene. Near Marietta, Ohio, Jiufut Ptnnm, aged about 90, a Briga Tier General bj brevet at the cloacof the It evolutionary War, and afterwards a Briipubcr under Wa) ne, in the Western Ar fyiJcrroeriy. of Butland,.Maa. The Maronit ..I .1 I' . " , la rayeue as now me aoiuary aoniving uencrai of ineAmeriesa Revolutionary Army. Near Washington City, on the lat inat. Baron Frtdrritk Oreiiun, Minister Plenipotentiary from the Pnnwian goyerffmen 1'hit it taid to br the first inVanre of the death of a fot-ign minister in the Cni'cd States, since the eslbliabment of our Indepcmb-nCe. TIM.' aefl on the fimt d,y of January, at I the Court-llnutc in Kaliaburt', a mulatto man slave Mimed Pi-rrv, firmerlv Ibe iinperty of Mrs. Moore, on a credit of tavlv n ontht' If nt aohl on that day, he will b hired out for one j car. D. F. CALDWELL, 7We. Dre. 17, 1823, 26. FLO UK. SALF taen'y-five barrels of FLOl'R. Inquire of the Printer, Ar.22, 1823. 85 Public S aie. A S the aiibicnber intenda remnvine from this 1 county, he will sell, on the first Monday in January next, some Cattle, Moot, nantation loola, .Term jrfflalcy: all sums ot wW5 w4l4 tars, cash i all exceeding that, twelve months credit, Purchaaers to give their bonds, with approved security. ...t ..... nrJrrl rn: Rtwan ewvnty, Dee. 14, 1823. 3x67. DocU J. F. Martin, HAVING located kinnself at Moctsville, of. fers his services, in the several branches of his profession, to the citizens of the village and its vicinity. Hia shop is opposite Mr. A. H. Jones' store. N 1 Scllinff unusuallr Low. THE subscriber is now receiving a Urge as. sortmcnt of DRY GOODS, IIAHD-W ARE, CUTLEBV, . DOMESTICKS, &c.. frtim . New. Vo'rk'.ana Pbiladelnbia, selected bjfbiir.sclf witk care, and boo'glit on the best terms.' Being anx ious to secure a continuance or nis present res nectable eustom.be has Come 'to determina tion to offer bia extensive stock of Goods in Sa lisbury, at prices which, in bis opinion, will be found' si low at the price of those who advertise "selling off at cost Mis' cttstoiU'rs and the nublie irenerallv. are invited to cull, examine, and judge lor themselves. , . Btvtn Cimtv, JV. C. Jtf. 1833. '4 lPi)311,:JIIWd, l'y lur!y ,i.i.(fa mjl, t rc tt l tbi rb'cb lr(-f of ! Jfrl, loitnt, an-1 otSef piiptrt 4 a Ut iLta tmm tin notili, aa wtlT aa epUtoUry bftiMitM fuur or lt days later lla4 by lht((f n.4 oa TweUy U4. W have (Ivaa blww,s few iuma of newt rvcairsd tbrourb tbia channel, mm K IKPOKTANT RL'MOl'ltf The last Baltimore Ma-tdna Chrmlele a)S, M A tumour hat been sfl iat in tl.U city fur a few dart past, that Mr, Rush h4 made an cnodry of our (Government, br ibt rerjiiest of iha r.ntlKb Cabinet, i'o ai t rllriwbetbVr "tkr Umfr J' llitri surra frft44 M jiJ.mjt W i tudud rtn'tiawr ti nny att-mfit ij tht tl'ly AU'mtv A 4 At imdtjndu f ,4ki &6f4 Jmttitmn Frrvinrrt. Wi confeis, that we are credulou td believe not only ibis, but that Inland I prepared to join us In resitting all further attempts en the prt of the Allied I'owera. to colonise thia couniryi. They bavt LuKe. posses sions oa this continent, in defcad from foreign arvression, at veil at the Unl'fd Stales. KngUnd I jealutis of Alexm tier's powei. and ibe selllement he bat foimrd on the wette rn frontier, he al ready been with the English Cabinet, a subject of remonslrance." Mr. flSlir.S'S BESOWTT10NJ. The following are the yeas and nay ton the question rf indefinitely polprnln ibe resolution offered by Mr. Fisher, In the House of Commons, against Congrct tbnal Calif ur ; The who voted for the Indefinite postponement of the resolutions were i Mrttr. Aibe, W, II, Barnard, Blackledga, J. M. Il-jan, Brown, Boaera, Baker, I. Bell, C. Barnard, Brodnas, Bynum, Barrow, Bro er, . A. Brtais I Cherry, Copt bind, Cole, Clan, ey, IiatJa, laenport, P.Hiot', Pot, Frederick, Forbra, irr, Gordon, H6laod. Hoorer, Hor. r 11. Morion, Haatell, II. A. Jnwct, Jeter, Jar. man, K. M. Jonea. Kdpatrirk, Ixonard, l-oarvc, Ijonon, laia, MluMn, Mclvin, Miller, Me. Caw Icy, Mellanicl, T. V. Maim, P.. Martin, P.. Mann, Neaborn. Ol ver, Pugti, HncHaiiHV, Itamray, MrdnM.n, Hephent, Meaart, Seaatll,! Klbiir, Stlb rs, Smith, Strange, Tillett,1ay lor, Thompson, Turner, W, I'mleraood, Vann, WrUter, S, Whiik.r, Walton, Wortb, While, Wataon, J. G. A. M illiimion, Webb, W right, L P. W ilIUnaon, W alter, W hitcburat, W. W al ton 82. Those voting against the indefinite postponement were i Messrs. Altton, Alford, P.. II. Bel Boden hammer, Baine, Brooks Bcall, Collins, Conrad, Croom, j. Chcm, Carson, Clement, Canipbt.ll, Darran. Kdmohdaton. Etla arda. Flvnt. Fiaher. J.I-mkrwGnbam,llarirrae.J.I,flilCllelme, llenderann, Hastings, Hellen, Hunter, J. A. Hill, IredelL Love, McMillan, McNeill, MetebttV McLean, Morgan, A. Martin, Mebane, WeFar-' r" t'r'Vt ""jt wnita w ewTtr, Ward, Wikleiw46. The bill introduced hr Mr. Martin, from Rockingham, for establishing a Bank on the funds and kith of Ihe Slate, was, on "Monday th I5ih, indefinitely postponed i. t. . it, .... ..nv.n.. vi ... i Vj.tuw aawwaw Vi vwum-u., , I . In the imi of ihe LeMslaMire of this State, on '1 buriday the I lib Inst. Mr. Wellborn presented a bill lo amend an .m i. ivoi r. c.-. pvt 9,if til ii f) ivi aai'Wiiiaisii wJin rmKmeTTanxon a proper piace in tnc t.'.untv of W likea. and 'o ereci tbereon a 7 - " Court House, ptiaon and Stocks. On Saturday, the 13th, Mr. Foiney f.m tk. f -r.mn,i.. i -,i. ... -.r... nowan, ami tr.e counier peu.ion oi mza Pearson and others, reported unfavorably to ihe prayer of the eiiiioners. ibe bill to repeal the latter clause of Ihe 8:h section and Ihe whole of Ihe 9th, 1 0' h and 1 1 th sections of an act passed by the Gen eral Assembly, to propiMf Agriculture ,wt Fum'.l- nm..v,i,. M .,.uf,e.r.K in "". . ' r. " ; this Stale, was indefinitely pos.poned,' The lull to wtot the practice in the' Circuit Courts of this Slate, was on its third reading rejected. Aayt 33, Yea 27. : On this day, Col. Jno. N. Phifer wat elected Brigadier General of the Mth . lgi.de of Militia,, on the second ballot-; ....la.IhftHfluaAjilJflmBWBa day, Dec. II, Mr. Jones of Warren pre senied a bill to amend an act for raising a .mnj&Jfer support of 1hcriJniTemy-rfonm-Car' ohna. Mr. Alston presented a bill com pelling the Banks of ibis State to pay spe cie Ordered to lie on. tbo table and be printed. Mr. Stanly presented a bill to estab'ish courts of Equity, separate from the Courts of Law within this State lie ferred to the committee on the Judiciary and ordered tor be printed." On Friday, the l2ih, Mr. Graves pie sented a, bill; to amend an act pasted in 1 83 1, to compel the clerks of the Supe rjor and CounJjf.Coum.of Sur.rr.l.o..keep .ineir .oui.ccs;,aj,,tne. v otirt-nousa m .tne town of Rock'foVd. The bill to secure the rights of Landlords against Tenants hold ing over,1 after; the expiration of their terms, was amended on motion of 'Mr. Seawell, and. passed to its third reading. The bill to amend an act passed in 1823. to limit the term of office pf Cer tain persons therein mentioned, Va 're jected on its second reading. t . On rM,if , fie I ffmrt.'vf t . whom the bill feU'ite la Ibe loea-i.. e4" DaidwjO t ourt IIoi,bad beef) rrfrtrrd, reifd ('''. f m It, and il t Coiitmons. f Uy piitai Infof mti'.ii. wa Irsrn that It It prt.bdda the t ill will ika wl.a pat ti Henatei and, of nrse, be come lw,J Oa Saturday, f9 liydnets of mtitb eon srqurnra, of a ftr.ert Mtuit , Was trans acted by the I'omiti'.oa. In Cnfrf$t, but little tudnest wst irsnartrdon tne 1 11, V'b. lt d ob h-tt. In the Senate, o t th mh, a lnrr . received from tb ll t. ht I'aowV, f n tw't j iy u'&LM jV.Vf M If k ) -re slcnlnir bit seat b the Senate. - In the limit f KpewM it e.on iba . '. tb, upwards of fifty tnrrrtoiUla arid r 1 1 IrOn wrarreMtd.ftfWf wbWktaara. from the LrcUU'urr of Hiatet nd Ter ritories, and were severally referred On Wedneadav, the 10th, Mr. Stores, of New York, olferid ht following ret otutlon I Jteaw TKat lb Pmmt Crwaoat h C-- -reel ad lo eomniii'tea to this Hniw a ata't Went esbihitiof amount f rv eeivr 4 during the year 132. at earb ft n Bea in she t Med ntatet, and the territorit t V w of. Which reaoiuttoa) M ordered to li on the table one day. IN followlna; persons have hern p pointed to compote the Committee mi thfl tuhjcvt of Revolutionary Pt nlmi, s'n. Mr. edwarda, r North Carolina, Mr, Caalv, Mr. K reatrer, Mr. Mo;cboora, Mr. KwMrr, Mr, Anh'ir amith, Mr. Var, of Nonb Carolina. Kc'jrroc to liire. TwiU hire Ml, on the lat da of Jinoary west, at the Court-llotite in abd.wty, (w n year, about fort Negroes i among tb -m -e ,en, womn and thiltlren, me very vahtable ban. I. I alo avail aiysvtf of this flpportunity lo io tify all persont indebted lo me, ei'her bi no't or boot account, in mke pymenl n or b f'f the !t dav of p, bniarv, a I'd ibereby pare ma trouble arid then selves eot. HIPPMKN L. rP.H'tN'l). Sal,iyrf, W. 16, 18J 3 H NKW A8S0HTMKNT. fTW sobriber las very n.eeily rreeie4 1 ft Pbilatelpbia, an aasortmeiit r Jiry Uoous, llanlwnre Cutlery ontt D,iiie& j wblcb, bb tbt BBortme nt he eiprem lo rr. eerre in a abort 'Insr, UI enable him to sell at atitfactorv pr a. I br public ar- reaoretfully ' 'invited to call, and eaamlne for then srh-ea. . P.nW'AKU CHP.8S. Satiiiurj, Juf. 16, 18iJ. 67 The CopperamitHng, ami Tin Plate bualneaa, k heretofore tranaadrd bv Tt. Crt aa. ten. will I f,,tMra b eontltieted bt-'me, al the same pVa, " - rbo w fortne with tbelr aiatom, a d. prnt oq Laving Ihcif work dowo wbb aeataa dimM,!. aad tlatnatch. - .EOU.sirjr.J'S. Beincnt and "Wliitricji CmnrfQttnnU Slnle Hirtit, Ckai Utn, S. C 1TJII.L btve constantly on band.. tbnwgbuut . tbt Sugar Pimen'o CofTeo Ginger Teas Copperas . uin, A, Brandy Claubc r RaTte " Msdilrp Powder antl Shot vinea, of all kinds Pnr... Lead, Le. &c. -r " 't , Which they are 'etemuned to sell aa low aa they can poj wy be affortie u, Tor eaiA. ratiow ana uwsi-at rcceivea inpaintenMorapicfttiia do well.. to call and esamine for tl emselvea. A'ov. 24. 1823. ; "t1.1i96 HE aubar ribef respectfully Jrf! rmf the wddic snd his eotmtry frltnda, " that he basaten the extensive Tmrrn, ... . "1g anu tjcorge-airre's, a'pn m iii : ifuca, llately occupied by Mr. M'lHMt.l!Hhii:h he .nu mlato optnabout the Wib not(ir, as a eprrJllhrftf mMthinhttnKKtt lm. proved, wuUeWrd with thirty neVloiW Booms, a large and ain Stable upon the moat improved plan. And from hia experience in. , Kna of bnainese, be hopes to give SHtisfaetion i !? whmV h jih their custom. p,ied with thrW the market fcflbril. , and tb regulation of bie tnotweixtich as he ' hopes v TH ; gxve .imre-wtsfactmn 't"ttmi'-i Ti o deft re good order. Xo Cluster ConH-f'tvtfft Chartrrtonj Xepi. 22. . 190 ' Auhe Red Utuie, teringtm, Duvithon C$univ, ' " - '' A'ei A-C'orett, , IS prepared to accommodate tmvtflera and . visiters plentifully, comfortably, and cheaply.' Past favors remind him that exertions to piesia have, meaaurablv. he humbly trusts, taught Mm HOW, A'ar.,18,1823. .- 7tbS - -Doctorl Samuel , 3f cflVe,;,,; F,GS leave to inform bis friends and the pub lic, that in consequence of the much Ja men'td death of his friend, Does. Alex. Schools, he has been obliged' to return to flAwn,ani now oreupies Ihe office firmerlv held by port. A.S5li6olaf berebe will be Sxind, to'aitend iov eslls of -patient in ihe vriolia4)rancllea of bia- proicsftiuri, w, , .. j oj WILL sell my House snd Lot in Sa lisbury, on accommodating tern-s. Arily to T-L. Cowan, F.nn.'or to rrtw if. m Pa. Icigh. Tbcre is a good office belonging to tbo lot, convenient lor a lawyer or rryneun. " ' Jt't's'S BIXKWiTH. . tvLaaak&JrLs