v. , . rr, ,J - VO L I V. HAMBIHJUY, N.C. TUESDAY, JANAUV 13, 1821. NO. 188. K p, r- " ""f V ' , r - -. Ln. It iJii v li (!h a a . a alalia. . a . . a a. mhti 1 second meeting, cn one 01 mem nu i Department, lettered irom a. lo Tie PIIILO WHITE, be choMtii If lhcr U only one person! which contains, la detail. tic o fU if it UmrtSum. hg tU M(hia m.mberof electoral dmlnl.t ration, forth thrr. Br.t fur. votes, kit than a tnajarlty, one of the ter f the year, of tha vartom bra tbei lit itrtni of th VTtmi CamKntan will persona who have oo of tbe (o highest of tb puLIlc lervlce tntrustrd to thi dy !Wlr baaaMluMt 'iir aW a cm, umlrofvotes, ihjlltcboaeni when, pirtroeix, competing the iruf;-urf j 5 tr ;-, , - , cvtr nof U..u tc iao U cli aradewy, fonhciltMia, OfiJiiuoce, loclu- A'lnltwni a HI U Uarrtcd a, fifty ' gible by the joint meeting, and no choir e ding , the armories, military 'pensions, -- persquart f U 6m Uyrum, tad twcrT 4&ifl nude on the Crgt ballot, the. from- boantf hndf,-inf IndUn-tfttrT."' J i unUI 00 mor th ,w0 remain, one CcounlabjJiiy , hare been introduced into POLITICAL of whom shall be chosen If two persons ef err or,nch of lh nnu Mrrlcf h i. It . - f a I . . . f inau receive an equal rtumoer m rotes, ,,u MC D, herB ,h4 ,ha mon- , being eB om moiety of the whole nam- propriated by Cwe tad been applied I'ltEiiUKMiAL electou. - Mf I d Khe with econon to aflTrct lie ob'iecta of an It Cunertu ILutr f Rehrttntatht.xt of electoral otei, eleo at the aecond Urobriadon i ihi iha .cmint. h. ., tin. 2J Mr. M'Ouffii!. from tha meting, ahall be the Prealdent ; and If I made urn with arcuracv. and irin.mliirH . . .... I.L t-J 1. I L I I roinmittcetowhotn waartfcrredtberoo "a aq cquai number oi Tweaaiautn Wih promptitude lo the proper drpart a'u'aration of tha ctoeillenev of ec6nt- hCOId meeiinif, he who had the Uichcil menu tot aeillcment .arrl Lite ihrrc ln incndinK to the eeral Siatee, the adop- number of electoral otee given at the firat wtted without d lar. The bbacrtaiioni tiwi of certain ameodmenta to the Coniti-1 meelinf;, ,ehu b tbe I'reaMentj and ' are true, with acarcely aainKleeareption j union, made a rrnort. acromDanled bv altn7 bad " tnml number of electoral tn(j the retult h.t hren. ih.i. nfth n. j,liitrcfolution,ia the word, following i JoU, gie at the firat meeting !, tire amount of moner drawn from the JitrJvttl, itc: That the following amend- ,nen ,nB o"' wcpreKmauea treawirr In the year 1833, for military nicnt la the Conaiiiution of tha UnlieH n,,l Mk until one of them Uchoscn. Mrtice. liicludinir the benViona. amount- htatca, be propbaed to tha LeirULiturei The peraoo hating the hlpheit number hnK to 4,371. Vej 14, ,iihouh it patted of theaeeral Sutea, which, whea rati- TO,e, " reaiucm, f,tc" m 1 through tbe handa of no le.i thin 391 Ji fifd l thN-e-fuurtht Ihrreof. ahall h . hrat meeting of the elector, shall be the burainr arcnit. thee hat not been a tin . . ' I in ra n t. ...1 a - a I . . . lid, lo all intent and purpoaet, a part VKe 1 r5wen, " UCD nunoer oe a ma- Rie deUIcation, nor the loi of a cent to of the laid Conaiiiution 1 lT number or elector ,b g0ernment ; and that the wholr hn For tbe ourtoe of chootinir a Preii- pP"'o J and If no peraoo bave aucn beco accounted for at the treaaor, ei .,i VI,. Pr.M. r ik. t'hii-jIwjrMyi nd Prendant ahall not have CPD. a iintii tm(.IIM. w.u rrmJnoln Ststei, each Stale ahall be divided by the bcen cbon V ,ulb fir,t metlh,K' ,T,C th hand of the diburinH aK'eoWeady ... a. . I a ant at BMa ailinna a It a II ha han Inf lh I . t . 1 ' a . t . . Ij-cislature thereof, Into ao many Die-"' 1 ." " u appuea 10 me oujet 11 lor wn """" Vl 1 v was oraan. 1 ne ditburaement : the icnbed for the choice or a Preitaent ; but t,ree fir4, ou.rter, 0f ,j(U ear, b4Vcbeen if, at the firat meeting of the elector, a equally laiufactorr : and there it iverv a 1 - s l'reident abaii nave been choaen, nfl tenon to believe, that no def.lcatio, nor ice rreawent tnll nol have ietn cnoacn, Mv w, will occur in tha tir. T -if- then, from the peraona having the two miniatration in relation to Indian J-ir.. bipheat number on the jut, the enate though greatly improved, ar.d the tpo I aka II It iwvaa ika V.Vaa P. 1 strati a A infa. I 1 ' a a . , ...... v..v ... -H.V 1 . 1...UV... , - inuure reaucea luuy one nut, it nt 11 turn for the purpose ahall cot.aiat ol two- rcifec at that of the miliar brar.h vf .1 1 r -1 1 1 . r . V . HHruaoi me anoie numoer 01 senajor ; ,ne deD,rtroent. nor can it ha tux ao. ...... - " " 1 . . r.11 l I . -- - - ii3ntt of rarh of tha ..LI ni.irin.. !,, a majority 01 me noie numoer prca- Unleaa rendered eoual v netfect in t or- thlt have the qualification reauuite for en, 'nd voCinK' bsil ""eaaary to a Dilation. It la Jmpoaaihle undr the elettora of the moat numeroua branch of CD,", cut PTeeul rronffemcnt, that the rainut and the State IRialature, ahall appoint one , he Congreaa may, by law, fi the day tonatant attention to ita dei.il, wheh it Llcctor of Prtaident and Vice Preaident, !r PP0M'C elector! for Preaident and indiapensable lo a perfect adroioiatation, havine the umo quslificitioni. Tbe T '.c.e rr",acni ni1 ine ?"7 ,or. K'nR can be bcatowed. Klectora appointed ahall meet in their rea- " j "" ' .lT.. T?. i " not only in iti di,bureoent, a the tnttiaa the state ahall be entitled to Hep-1 rrvntitive to toncreaa, and each Dta- tract ahall be compoacd of rontiguoua or I f onttrminoua territory, and contain, ail nearly at may be conveniently, the num I cr of peraona for whom the State i en titled to a Representative according to the apportionment, which Diatricta, when laid off, may rot be altered, until after an other renaut ahall be taken. The inhb- pective Slate., and appoint the two other vSlAi r!tSl lhaf lh mMiupy Mrlce Dave ed Lienor, to which the State i. entitled, ??at" "d ,heLd. for.R .'V.P1? iKb perfection The condition f tl til ..rn-;.. if ..irk ik.r. InClr TOIC1 llJ Qltl UlTIC, anail lC llwl ICt I , and alaohll up vacanc tea, ir aucn there , frm my, in every branch, both of lb. 1 ahnll be. from death, aicktiei., Inability, J nor more than twenty day from .d aulT. in ita u.aterial andperonJ, a ouoft.a.und.nce,df FJcctoraerpointed "r fixed for th PPoiniment of iI,difcciplioe,Ijdl,(,minitlr,lJ WlUluy i.m-,.- r -.,k Q..t-.u,n.v,- k-l The Letnalatorc of each atata ahall Ua!lot,-for Prealdent and Vice preuJcnt, ve fVr l ,Pf',n P1"" hold mi. r .hnm. I,..t. .h.Ti nt h- n in. eUcnooa for the appointment of elec haiaiunt of the aame State with thm-ton to Pcribe the manner of voting, arlve.. They ahall name in their ballot! nd Prov,dc ,h ppomtment of proper the person voted for a Preaident, and, In H"' w .u.i, w,w, vKr. iLV- and S.Tl.U make Uat! ultTbreoT; but he Congre.. m y, by "f ? rCr ? ."t8 V tec President j and they shall make hats i.u.J. Ja ?t he corPs " Perfect as la desirable. It ol allperaons voien tor as ice rresiuciu, t ' : ' " " , ." ' 11. .K - ! V- V 1 1 a,l7 11W, Ul ,AI9UIU1C whereof shall have failed to lay off tbe same as herein directed. This resolution was twice read, and re ferred to a Committee of tbe Whole on l-L C. - f .1. .Tf .r 7k- 11 r i.. Mr. M Duftie, from the same Commit- ..M...l,H. i.hi,k kH..l rxl Meet lo reported the following 1 He sha'l, in the presence of such jw-B,"""7f,KtvTTiri!Be f'lilt viitiii w ituuoisu aa wmi uviavil ' ... . shewing the numucrol votes given lor each, which Hits they shall sign and cer tify, aod transmit, sealed up, to the seat of government of the Lruted States, di rected to the Preaident of the Senate, who, The condition f ne and ehlv respectable. If there is any exception, It a in the discipline of the artillery. Tho the oflirers af that branch of service are ccual in skill to any other, and are dis tinguished for their attention to their du ty, yet, it is found impracticable, diper sed as the artillery it, in command of concentrate' a sufficient "number of artH- leriats, for diacipline, at some proper point, and, by rendering their diacipline perfect, gradually extend the perfection, thus acquired, to the whole corps. It can be effected without additional expense to the public ; and, it is believed, without material inconvenience to the service. Under the appropriation to fit on site fori National Armory on tbe wes tern waters, made the Isat aelnj com minion, coriaitlin of Col. M'llce, Col. Lee, and Cape. Taicott, wti conatituud, which hit been Incessantly engaged In ciploilflU country sit the western waters, in order to make the location, li hif-not yet reported', but it is expected that It will make its report In tha early Dart of this .session of Conrreis In the month of June bat, the Ilkirea Indians, who inhabit tbe country on the Miaaouri a Ii;tl below the Mand.n villa ges, attacked Gen- Ashley, with hie par ty, while peaceably engaged In trading with them, al their request, under licence from the government, and killed aad wounded several of his parly, Co. Lea venworth, who commanded Fort Atkin son, at the Couscil III u IT, adapted imme diate measures of redress. With a part of his command, he made a successful at tack on the village, arid compelled the Kicarccs, after a considerable loss on their parr, to sue for peace. Statement marked L. contains the correapondencc in relation to the t.ansactioa. and exhibits a full view of tbe facts. The report from the adjutant general's office, marked M. contains a rclorn of tbe militia, according to the latest reports to (bat office. Returns from only thicc states have been received In the covrac ol he year, though every effort has been used to ensure punctuality in making them. 1 I have the honor to be, Sec. J. C. CAMIOl'N. Tkt PrrmJcm iht United 4'Wra. when It shall pervade the wlij tytif tit of ouradmlnlatrationi mul wb'.le unclm gcd, constitute a found. 'Im of t'rengtH and durability lr mi .',! lo snv coinhina lion of human potr. Our country hi been bfeaaed in the pr dur..n of vrany JUutr1' , ft, bit lb f.m!h.ilti.f talent wlnth cf)itlnutii'r Kir. Calhihit, pat-rsrtlf-vren flirt !-y h Koihiflg J00 mto-ite for ) mdlrr, linili- Ing loo vast for his coocejlon j l.e rcoV""" prebends as it were intuMlvtlv the pfin cfple s that ought to cui! the human mind In promoting the happiness and welfare of society, and practically applies them at fundamental rules for the man agement of all the detached operations of government. 1 he age In which we lite, however diatlnguiahed for its rising men, cannot produce another v eminently en docd with all the high pre rcqui-ttes for the chief magistracy of rreot and grow ing nation, as John C. CJhoun. Of the military academy, it may, with io raa ri.tatii a.irrra. Me that t faiittf.il over a few liiingt, ahall e ruler over many." The report of the &ecrttary of Mar, ac- . sr. . a a companytng the rreaiuent s .irsa.-r, xhibits a decree of perfection in the ad miniatration of (he expenditures for the military aervice of (he country which it may very confidently be aaid waa never aurpaased under any government. It ap pears that the hit-heal degree of order and accountability haa been Introduced into every branch of the military aervice, that the money appropriated by Congrcaa ha been applied with economy to effect the object of appropriation, that the ac counta have been made op with accuracy and transmitted with promptitude lo the tllfh .rfminM lh proper department for settlement, where raa rat aa.iiLif a.irrrt. A Grrot Afitiatf.n I be debate in . Congress on the bill for payment of a bd ance due lo ice Preaident loMriikt, Mr. C Lay supported it, and to a now the propriety of the meaaure, he aaldthst not only were the arrouutaof Mr. Toajriiaa " itibmltted to the severe vermin, of the prrr, vh04f trruf.uhui ttwuiu, ;r. the tdmimtn ff accuunii afutint th g vrrn- mrnt, 11 at drtrrvrdJy af'fiftjvrd ui 11 1$ unl vrrtady knovn but, fer It'f hid Rimo through the crucible 1 after thev hjd lrcn aubjected o all the jealoua arruiinv vigilant vficer, they are aubmittril 10 the Preaident for revia.l. The I'reidiM re viaes them, and thru he atndt to the house a mrar, in which he declrea, not only that he is aatiaficd thct thi balance is juallf dtie, tut th.t much more ia due lo him. Under ati'h rircutiiaijo rea, all tlut ia now asked it. th.i we ahdll pay so much as haa been (hut .tccrt.intd to be due." A morning paper, dr votd to thr Se cretary of the TrrAMirv, rry rttruiirly applies thrae cpmplimen'arv remrkaof Mr. ( L T. to Mr. ( ram ford, hen they were intended as anencnm.um ii(ot Mr. IIaokfr, the third auditor, thr ofli er to whoae scutiny all rr.i.itarv arccunt, u. h as those of Mr. 1 OMrxixs, are auhn.i led before Ihev are po-ed at thr Mri,r,, Sir. I raw row p haa no more o ro with in Mr. (ALiiot'Ji ; ter- 1 his an, fniii to en- they have been settled wiihoutdelay, and ,Ut Mf CAf ,hp ecjMj.; J he Se. of the whole amount of money drawn from the treasury in the year 1823, for miliu ry service, including prnaims, amounting to 4,571,961 dollura, 94 centa; although it paaaed through ihr handa of 39 1 disbur sing agents, there his not been a aingle cent lau to the gotejnment, , and that the whole has been accounted for at the trea sury, except a small amount in the hands of the disbursing agents ready to lie ap plied to the objects of appropriation. crctary of the Ireaftiry istoo luuWoua 10 be very seriously miced. A meeting was hi Id in Philadelphia, on (he 30th ult to ascertain the puMic sen timent there aa o fongiessnmiil Cuicua- seav Ii-wa 4iumecouilyai'Al.leili. aniL on its being attempted to re id a paper re commending a caucus nomination of Pre aident, the cry of " Ao Cuucu," resoun- shall have-the rotes of . majority af the lfte BUtes, wnicn, wnen ratihed by " A-" ux 'nZ whole number of Flectors annointed. he ihree-fourths thereof, shall be part of said Jle, under the existing legal prowa- whole number 01 r.ieciors appoiniea, ne r lon, . nd that ls not lnfenor l0 ,ny sha be the President ; and if no person f . . ,imilar instituUon in any country, shall have the votes of such majority, the rortno purpose 01 eiectmg represen- .... . . 7 f. Preaident of the Senate shall, by procla- !" Congress, each state ahall be . Under the appropnations of the last .es- Tn..-.on..nd hv notifir.ii.tr, ir. ih F.Trr.,- divided, by the Legislature thereof, into sion, rorts Washington, Delaware, and I. s. ! fa . I . n t t i.. f ,.rk Sta.,. .. , arh f ny districts as will equal the num Elector! appointed, declare the fact, that ber of RepreientitiTetj to which loch no person is chosen President, and the ,f'te may.be 5n.V,Led ConBrefc!' ,nd names of the persons having the two e.,ch d,8lr,ct ,haI1 composed of con ktn.h.,1 nnmk-r. r Tk. i.m.,.. tiguous or conterminous territory, and shall tbarcupon meet again in their res- contain, as nearly as may be conveniently, pective States, fill up vac-ncies in their the number of persons which entitles the body, if any shall have occurred, from Mf. to a representative in Congaeas, ac- deMh, sickness, inability, or failure to at- cirdinS oth PPortionment ; which dis- tendrof-wy of-4he-Xtectoripreviousli ,r,c., fwhen off' ,hai1 0,,f red appobted. and ahaU then proceed to vote 'l"1!;." nroroMortTe ' Each of fha:al districlattele et the first meeting, had one of the two RPrccnve to tongrea, .nd the times, - highest number of yotes of all the Elec 'B ho",n he tors ; they shall make and t.ansmit, as tl- ,n the said dwtricti shall be prescn- ready pracribed, lists of tbe persons vo- bcd ne VeSl,Btu,e of the ,ta,es r"" 1 ted-foxaLAlieecond meeting, which Pcuveiy ; out me congress may, at any shall be counted in like manner asTHi """T.y wu-re8uia: t . .l. c... . it vi-". ' oics jjircii ai wis ui.t iiiccuii); , ii, vii counting the votes given by tha Electors , 4 of such second meeting, it shall appear VsV Vtiiat one of the nersons who had one of V.'flhe rwo highest numbers of the votes giv en at the first meetine, has a maioritr of the votes of all the Electors given at the in Congresa, with the documents accompanying second meeting, he shall be President; h rreaident't message. Thy are ao volumi ' and if no person has such a majority, tbe nous, that we ahall only be able to' give turn- Jnembers of the Senate and House of maty extracts from them. We thia week pre iqdmdualiy, j andaliali This resolve was also twice read, and committed. DOCUMENTS. We have been favored by our Representative "rotiowmjr wituuui scuaruuii, tuviii iquiviwaiiy, and not by states, choose the President, the moat intereatinir of them. in manner lotiowing t a majority ot me . ... -fffiywifjr whole number of Senatora and Represen-! Jftv. 29, 1823. s tatives present, and voting, being neces- Si a t In compliance villi your direc sary to a choice , if there be two or more tions, I herewith transmit statements persons eatjh of whom have the highest from the maior'gencral of the army, and cu'ifticr of electoral votes, given at the the several subordinate branches of this J the one at the Regolets, will be com pie ted ; and it is contemplated, should ap piopt iations be granted, to commence, in the next year, the work projected at New Utrecht, which is intended to cover Fort La Fayette, which commands the Nar rows at New-York, and those at Drenton's Point, for the defence of Naragansett Day The board of engineers, besides its or dinary duties, were, during last summer, engaged.in executing several special 6rd j and, among others, is projerrina a break-water, at the mouth of the Dela ware, under the act of -ihe 7(h of t.ay, i 830, and the forming a plan for the im provament of the entrance into the har bor of Presque Isle, on Lake Erie. In relation. to iiotkihesejmportant Subjects it made very interesting reports, with plans and estimates, which accompany the statement from the engineer 'depart ment, herewith transmitted. The completion of the new fortresses, and those to be erected, will require an appropriation, in order to fabricate the cannon and carriages necessary Lr their armament. It is estimated, that an an nual appropriatien of 8 100,000 wilt, in a paramount. appropriation instead of an annual one, as contractors would vest their capital at much less profit, under the assurance which would be afforded by the former. IVW W lllW Vll v ,i 9 vi UHriuiiiawii, 1 - In the three first quattersof the present Ldfd all parts of the room Older year the disburaementa have been equal"- " . V 11 -""-7' . , r j ,L-r- .- .". e reao, mere was an nisiantrtiieous arout ' w saaieiav ivi i auu a nv a v ao i ir s v a Jil 1.. t in Koll.v ik. 1 nn lUfalrninn nr.r an. lr, . ' indignation, snd the assembly pii.rd will occur in tha vearTheficitrarrin :,,rio,,s Mr!KV";! ( j k.. .u. .-k;i,:,u .1.. .: 1 utu!itj-rw-iv wmi. I'iutcu ur inc c Aiiii'.tiuii vi uie tiaiciiiciiia i renxlered bv the proper officers, and thev preaent a moat intereatinir spectacle of 1 ,he Pennsvlvunia Leuishture, a re order, economy and responaillity in this solution wm intictlured by Ceneri.1 Ope, department of Rovcrnment, which must 10 ,ax wr over the acr ot 2S. the have the happiest effect in attaching to it proceedings of wr.ich are (o be -ppiiid to the best affections' of the people; the on pension the widow of old Soldier ol tha Iv foundation upon which a eovernment Revolution. The humoioi.s old gentle ought to rest. I man observed, with great auk if roid, that Such a eovernment thus administered. s n wa measure of importance, he is a Glorious proof of the excellence of wished it to lie on the t.,ble a few days republican institutions, and an illustrious Hateigh Rrghtcr. example to those who would reform thr rotten governments of the, old world. It Fine doing at Princeton Reports are is but justice to render the award of pub in town of strange, doings among the lie approbation for these extraordinary I young men at Nassau Hall. It is aaid, improvments, to the man who, by his aa that they revolted in a body, and held a siduiiy, and faithful and skilful arrange convention in one of the rooms of the ment of his various duties, has accom- College, and that one of the Professors pftshid'-thernf th?tirum - Jew-C Gal- j who went ,in,4o expostulate wiib.tbc.in. hocm. It is but too well khOtMi that he was put nndet1 guirct for nol pulling off , found the War Department in the samel his hat that being a mark et respect state of chaos m 1818, in which the war with which the convention would not dis had left it, with an accumulation of near pense. Worse thaii this, it is auid that i forty-five million of the unsettled accounts body of militia who were called out to on the books. Tbese have been reduced! quell the insurgent; were taken prison- to less than three millions, and the whoTefFrTbyTheeTrbctt department now exhibits a picture of fi I put the foe hou d& combat, marched into delity, order, and economy, unexampled the Hall with drums hea ing, fifes playing, in any tountry. j and colors flying, rinauy, 11 ih said, that But other advantages are derived from about seventy young men have been dis- these improvements in his administration, missed from the College which may not strike the eves ol a tran-1 We should like to know tl there is aient observer: their,moral effects, no; I any truth in'theae reforts, The Tren only upon tfe very officer in the army, but ton Federalist, received thjs morning, upon the whole community. When the contains no notice ol any disturbances at die War Department. I ten rears, furnish a sufficient number for system is known and understood (hroueh- (he great Alma Mater of New Jersey. SirlSGnvES ;' Tlence brthr cbastr-Tpere vrouW regard-l; ' v mmmFs irJtMibtettltvba ereat economy in prantinc me ine eovernment as uir eame lor nisi ine ew- iora paper memiiwi. mgt Tdepredatibnt, wil fwrforcrd tv respect and Colaron Burr, has .rectoei fcd the whole. venerate the institutions which be would I ol the Lden Lstate, w hich has. been so otherwise despise; while the wise and long pending in court, and that by. this virtuous will contemplate with a sublime decision he will come into possesion ot a,. gratification this mow perfection, which very handsome fortune.