i vl)luX. UaO Xl JlmuJLNI BAMBDUliY, K. C. TUKSDAY, JANUA11Y 27, 1821. NO. 190. VOL. IV. m Wm ii . ... ----- rumi flrWllU) WIIITK, s4fisV lh J-w t WW . Tba Wrmi ef the W-rrw CarEia will trIUt be M Mb I 7lrr I-. J, pvyiiiW in avvaftwS. Steam Moat 3Iaid of OrlianA, Cheap Wholesale Store, rw 53. 1I2J. C i fllUE IUu! of OrlraM (hvl.t detained Iker and Cider. I HAVE m Iwn-I. Tp "N'' and OUt, f M iKnrt! ifWitr, Wtb I fee U eomplelo operation i a4 any person UbW W I t e-' UiX or email qurtiljr. c,Uofwmm4rttm,Miu'l fwf ft m A lr-t;r than i7 " MMirBlVWo!if. I:r5! o,acc4 eowm.Unf ly,!, u7 , a-itHrior, I fr-W Wpa to due m1 arrt. aj UMrt dortttra wine i.ur, wwa voiiowaw wafcabvry. . ' i Jflfl font Mrrrhsmlirr - ' i ... .jji I m arnctdturU .ocUt I. ik. ii;.. I lb U lo be a reruJaf trader botsrrtn lh'.a tlac - LIST OK LUTTKKS P Pcimen (iMUwIbaeWgalh-! rWlon. uwcUInf fr frc If , ami pas. T i ' . i i - . i 'j' I ti rut tun rttid fop .tJrttu. Knuo. ... k. '& UlWtn, M4 ftick wtlxr coinc M I In, Job . lUniltart, florae llarb Crr. J- CUrk. W m. ll.Sr, KoUrt . "Jj tot, .n.i atimmmJ. 'J tT,mi! TUB (lUKHKB. D-M-e. Wm. BoO- Mditlntuti web rut quanbUcf bwiiri t 1Mb rhett, eoVr iafc wmI unUf 4 ti. Urn 11k Ihrt'dcpl.lrfm.M liq-)f, alltb W U. prlnry Tfctjr lU . ttA 1 goo.U on iraonX Ui femn c.nw of m murk tocul affltion tnj n.onJ CUo mJ proilice ihipp l btr, wiJ frU for C.l3.tU. D-U.I. AmJrtw Dunn. M.rt J. W.Snr l procure rtxKl bcr, wUl P' rTrV0:? ech " .VJ? ".T?. jh.n.- 9 J.m,'. i,Vi. r- vn.mu.I PU.Me lo HU lo the Mibtcnhrr. and ll.. r or. n,T" '"! '7 r. . r. !). f:u..n n. iwl.;n n wn abau be puacuuiliy atlrnurd loi and ibi Drli n,lm.. r.r...k.ih e iimuIl Joa.iKu ocer put up in rwj bamta, or otber. at " ""V I ii.. t: w n..,- i7;-l n.- directed. TIIOMAI I101.UES. rt Ujt,r ",,:r, ,0 " ,Kl wl I it m. ii ii. . . i ndiiwiirT. jdi. inn. ii.i ii.nrr nunitr. r win uiHi.im. uim m& i - - - . . ., , . ,i. . rmmw .wutvun, .u.v. ntrs. w " mj i ivtiniMvu 1 tv. , IL . ..I ii.l.j . mi . ... tt ...I IJKly,Jl,eUttl,;aivela, Wm.Uei.Wm. .v.ifiir.WB JW.I.3 T" . . . . .7 ? rr ...7. .' ... . I laniuir nncrLwirrrv 1m. bruiuc llirir roou WCrackriu Kmitb M.IIer. Aodw. WCain. Tin. "7 ,nT V kJ ' ."T M.IHNW lM.iri W'Uan. t bo.. millS ltu -bkh dj ,b. prrrd r N-Cerd. JolUrarruxm, jr. lUr. llMifclU. ".rrr'w-l dall be J.ard Vh a V.t.t I aod. am-. Crt. llKltaI-V. AIBt-Iff U'WaVil. Pa I Will SOTHlif WAr'llil. Ofl fl nfn HfMW IV ML. . 7 . - , - - - r . - r a a 1. i. .1 i..iafaf i ii . - 1a I nim r.wir. mre rarr r-amur i ru. r.y ... ... . prmc,,,. .., . .. - ft rf . I.tl... fUkna.a !... II 1 W.tt..a fit I fllWfl lfl CJl ftfl aft ( mtflffftrf1. f I D VlaW 111 I - . . - . . e 'iPfi ' i f of 'ii fi Jim T. J. Orr, Kd Fcbruirv lifil. He Drintrimh liars keen l. ". : j . . , - r ., . . tra aiMi otntra io jrrt many ol uiur uipiici lm j. flabornr. f-1 W r-.. nrn t ertabl J.mrn .-he tbe premM. ,rans he u J.f 0ir4l)nnU to .. . . ...... ..... . .. ... . 1 .1 i i .j .i.. I onc-imnj o rmamnel -ortcr. Cbari- Polk. J.mc :boU yrar to, .he cowenrner, and at lbe t rf . ,fw,,ri'., ,he l'OJf, II M.nua KlMlro. aiaoiy limie. b -rnrri rrjiiri, oi uwir pmirvn.. Alexander 8pcr Vapi. Wm. 8eott, Juiin Rud- Hie pupili are inilmcied in Nmlfwrt, Rea. ilTth, lliomu Ii John rirncrr. T Benjamin iCZ, H'ritinr, Jrithmrtic, (immmar ami Pur. K.Taykir, Wm. .If. Todd, Mat'Kew Talbot. W ir, ff-uph. .iWAaf.jry, lUtm, Hriln-Mirr; I)oct. m. WKite. Linut Willcox. Ue. M m. .uo 7ifwA, t htmittry, tu-iuny, una . WiUon. Jamra W rikrbt. lltomw W. WiUon, Gconre Wilwn. I lliu frnia of bmrd, ca.tiin? am! tuition, in wm. SMITH, . .f. aJi tiie amive oranciirs are Piny uoiiara pr LIST OF LE'lTEltS do i 5 do Jamaica do i J do W. I. d , 2 !o Sii- ran ; 30 do prime rctailinr molau. . i;ci -f I lor. raak Cnrnac Brandy llogabo'lt l.in, V- -. . ii. i . ... i .. i i- r - j .1 n 11 11 . - i. uri ami oher Mtnfi. (tome 7 yt-r 1JU i.f mir. ulal I lurfv I In Hut iP La.iiin 1 1 ru a' . I ' . ' NWiutiVltt H I fill ' ' """e iv a .- jun. urn -1 a . . . UEUALMNU in t!.e P.t tXT.-e at Concon!, inf. ,,, Painti( 'Tvtnty hollar, per aeMion. YTVl r f ' North-Carolina, the let of 'January. 1824. hi. John Allison, Iknjamio Aleiander. D .Samuel F. l)ir, )id Bradford, Eliia Icth Uenwn. C Hobert Campbell, Pe ter Coble. D Jonathan Davia, Jamea Dorten. Y Paul Earnurt. F Ch( topher J'ririt Caibirine Furr. (1 Uob. (ilasi. Jlunrycot ton, Dem JJocl. .Moiei S. Marri. Creen IMd I . n ..... I. . t ; . i j 1 hp fin art ion will end early in July, the ae- J. ' , . . ... . . , . .. . .... I I . . 1 .. rM.II OITII I WW A lilt. W . J UU 1IHM..II eond .n December, when the dy y.on in , 2 da .hot, 1 Jo b leh 4 do HoDow he yrar take. pUce. firm kW-t. pay from . 2do rf the tune of their amva only. D,IPM, P. and FFF. Powder : 1. i wrouirnt i ne ayaren of e.. ic on i. in au u.e ucparv . -h , . . . menta radical i by tbe aid of an excellent appa rutin, the truth, of Natural Philosophy, Chym H Mary IlUIC, Polly liiU. Llllittry and Aatronomy, are expenment.lly lUua- , Jonaihpn Hartael, NeUy Hud V?,rJ rendered objecta ol aenae. Per Huneycut, ..belli Hunt, - " " ""''" I I'M l C VTAIC-.KIII . M.UW WIC. V IUIUMI1CU M. cheeac i 4 dot. Philadelphia mill rrota cut Sa . i caaki of lianimera, Camlina tnra, trace. cliaina, 1'roaela, kc. Aim, bundle, kaadca, bliov. els and Pn imr pana j boxc Caiidha. Soap, win. dow Glati i io doa. Wbittemore' Cotton Card. ; 100 do Wool (lata i SO do Roraiw or napt do i 50 roae, jjqci. loiei llama, t.reen ii-iu-i.i .. . . .j.t , 1 1 Lrookl.H0uonir;rriW -;. ii . iv u :. t iA.ri... "n i u... .-k l. ?''0" IruJik. and caaea, .or I"' n-.u!i.i.i.... . . tcd crockery in cratea 20 bArrcTi InTu'or m. ncnyy,, uol. .U. Kirr. l-Jonn a.i.uoni-u y t"'. rn , Unner, 0l, wio1, p.tenrcart iron Plmi.a, . . . - . .. I ripiiiiiuil. .m. .If.l.Htiiiml .tpirllv fn .nf.ipri tft I ... . . . I.ockr, Jjcou L.yery. iW .Marjrt. .r-M": V : V -the beat patant in Ute L'aiou, aim xu onijv Cachran, Joseph M'Clell.nd, Jamet M( Calebi, Rer. L. J. Morrison, John S. M' Calebs, George Manuel, And. M'Crcdy. N Georu Northern. P Walter K. Pharr, llobcit Pickeni 2, Phifcr U M Jfcr, James K. Puh, John F. Phifcr 2, lliomat Passinjjer. H James Kos, Uch pupil U expected to brine a enyerlid, a a?,l,,otinn John -KrTrh-JBfr7h-AV.Rrt);cri-Jancjpalro Auut-Aiioiu itussel. David Reese, Moses nue.proiMoninrnntry inarew, in auuuocr, co; ,he tttention f he plr,, 2U barrel. Shad murfu cnuon urrsaet, ana in wimer, aoraieui. . i . on J... n,m. . jr ... . . ,, . . i aiiu iiiM.cixit v uv.t wi i. .f.w.i.. iviuiin, will uc vurr (), ail mc ruling uuk. All the nupila will board with the principal!. w ho pay airict attention to their health, their man iiu n and their moral. The public and pri vate office, of devotion are rerularly obaepred, alliltt every tlunjf accUnan McanTulIy avoided. 1 point and duffil Blanket. BEKRS, BUNNELL & CO. CArrow, J5ec. 22, 182J. M . Cash and Good, paid for Cotton, Wheat, Flax-aeed, dry Hide, and moat kind of produce. Ilopers, ". otherwiac an extra charge of g2 50 per rpilP. trurteesof the Pleaaant llctrrat Acade . John eJlon w 111 be made. X my, in Lincolnton, N. C. have auacieded in 03 When payment if advancecannot be made, procunnj; another Principal Tearber t supply approved bond. ill in all inttanrea be exacted. 4t90 THOMAS P. JONES (irfunt, (irawville C. 7)fr. 1623. 'i Joiin Uichic S Elizabeth Side Sossxman, Hartwell Spain, John Shae, Wm- Stanacl, Alex. Scott, Wm. M. Stin 'n, Martin Sbive, Wiili im Scott. T Ncedotn Tliunipon. V Ira West, James Welch, John W. WedJington. Y James Yountr. ii90T"tJAVTI STOHKC wt. 'J' r a ' a fJMHi awbacrvber 1 I r.,i'S -I the public and IlOUSC ailll Lot loi hale. JliJiLtl,a be has taken the extensive Tavern, THE aubscribcr wiaht. to sell hi house and crn.r of Kin(f and George -street., ten of the lot, in the town of fialisl.urv, now occupied (,il,lely occupied by Mrs. M'ltonald) wu.cli by himself, a. a tavern. The catabluhment is c nd t0 ?vn b(,ut llle 15lh 'Wober, a a ao (fenerally known, tlvat it would be of little HqUSO of EnttTtuinillCnt. ji aerrice io oescrioe ii pamcuiariy ; it is, pernapa, ' the moat eligible stand for a public house in tire The premise, thia summer have been freatlv im- western part of North-Carolina ; it is within 80 proved, and enlarged with thirty new lodpnp j yard, of the court-house in Salisbury! ia large llonma, a Urge and air Stable upon the most - and convenient, with extensive outbuildings, &c. imjJrVJved plan. And from his experience in t A yerv moderate price will be taken for the ea- this line of business, lie hope, to give satisfaction tablisliment, and payments made easy. Any to all who may Honor mm wiin their custom i nerson wishinir to nnrchase. wlil do w ell to an-1 Sullice it to aay, liis Table and Bar will be-aun. ly won, as the .ubscriber is now determined to j plied w ith the best the market aff ords ; and the aell, and remove to his farm in the country. Let- regulation of his houfe, auch as he hopes w ill ten directed to the subscriber, lit Sahsbur)', N. 4-C will bo duly Uciubid..ta.: r;. : " ' ": tf - - JOHN IlQWAHOI"r Iba f.illoalpj U lb comtpwU-nc betwern Mr. Adama, our BarrtUry tf "lata, and Mr. I au riot lis, tb envoy of (lif provisional govtn tent of (irctcf.: Tba letter of Mr. Laurtov to Mr, Adtma, waa rittn after bo bad 11 a roartrwattat wrtb Mr. lush, our Minlaiar lo U lUiu,iliUCn'"'4nIttl,brr)'ijb his baivH. ,4iJrrat Iuritii, Mnvey the Pixv'it hnu! Govrmmrnl jGrtctt h the Ion trtblt Jthn Quinty AJam OttrrUtry f Aialt l he U'Ultd Sluttiof America. Sin I fori n ilihl emotion, while, in lab. If 'd Grrece, my countif, ntru Kl'ihu fur ludepem!ance atui libttir. ! .d dress rnjstlf lo lbe United States Atactics. Tht independenet for which (out bat, you hive ichiafed. The liberty to which w look, with anxious solicitude, you havt obtained, and consolidated in peace and In lory. ie. Green, Old Greece, '.be feat of early tivilitation and fraedom, atretclie out her hands. impUriua,toa land which sprung into bain, (it it were,) fgf a after her own lustre had been extintulshed j and vcntuies to hope, ibat the youngest and most tigorous sons of liberty will re gard, with no common sympathy, the ef forta of the t'cscend.uts of the heir end tbo cider born. hoae peocepts and whoso exsmple have serve! though insufl'iriem hitherto, for our complete rrcncratiyn to trgei.crite half a. world. I know, sir, that the sympathies of the Crne iou people of the United States have been t xtensielr directed towards u ; and, aiiicc 1 have, reached this country, an inienirrr with lluir .Minister. Mr. Hush, has scivtd to convince nir, nunc S roh;;ly, hi.w j;ieal he ii claim is mi our grati:ui!c and our i.ircrtifn. My I linjn that aome mr ans m;iy Le found to itin inut.iti.te tlire ui feeling, of nhiih I ui). so pre us t lc the oirr:in : v e will venture lo ie ly onthiir I'itinUhip, we would lork inihrir individual, it rot m their pjtit.rtl ro opc ntion. Icrj, tl.t slightest assistance, under prrsciit cir cumstaiices, will aid the pior.i of the yreat work of liberty; anrl if, standing, aa we have stood, alone and unsupported Ith eveiy thing opposed to us, and no hinR to encourage u.but potriot ini . en hu.iasm, and, lonieiimes, evm desp.i' :r .i f . ii uiua wc nave cone lorwaia. UucraiinL; our pmtinr.,, .fir another, and ub duing every force which hasleen diitc ted against us, what may we not' do with I e fMisiarice for which we venture to appeal to the Reneroua'and Ihe free f Precipitated by circumstances, into that strugglt for independence which, ever since He domination of our cruel and wiccklets tyrants, had never ceased to be the objet of our vows and prayers, wc have, by the blrstin of God, freed a con biddable iart of Crecce from the ruth less inya.drs. . ..The Peloponneasua, tto lia, Carnunia, A'tica, Phocida, Pocutia, and the isnds of the Archipelago and Cn.i.ij, art pearly all free. be armies at d the fleets which have been sent a- the place of the Rev. John Mus'iat, mz : Mr an . i . . i . c . 1 l .w..OTy..rrinWcOI , . a; r,. ; , b ,lKlued by tbeva- College, a. who ia recommerwhd bv Dr. t.iisli-j , , . ing. the President of said Colhp, a- a man of,'0".1 "r ond our marine. Mean- uncxreptionable moral character, .uut nniiu tl j w bi,c, Vf Uve orijiinized n govemment, qualified to teach in our heat puMic m ' . f i I nave commenced. bi country fncnils n i t j i . . ... Boanliiir ean be had in the vi age and i's vi- give entire aatisiaction to tliosc wno ueure good order St-PREV-CiSIIULME. House for Sae. WILL sell my House and Lot fi Sa lisburv, on accommodating icrnx. Armry-t(-Trin-wwaii, Kwi.or,to myaclf. in Ha leigh. There is a good office belonging to the Dry floods, lot, convenient for a Lawyer or Physician. JOHN 11ECKW1TH. fSiMnry, March 8, 1823. '4af A.boiid advertised. lMie orVhe$Jet OurWiaeTtTlTSPECtrtXTir TTtfOTPtS' hir frrrnds -and ii l.. c.. oo -;,at 1 f li . .. ... i .niiTOTniiT -- . iii cuaiomen, uuuuc naa iaftivtasiK npply of , Sheet Iron and Tin Vlale, and intends keening constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of 'lHn irnrTmiiniifweturi.d in the strongest manner, and w ill be able to sell on New Assortment. PTWE aubscriber ha. very recently received ML. from Philadelphia, an assortment ol Domeitict ; tra. Hiird-IFare, which, w ith the assortment he expect, to re ceive in a short time, will enable him to aell at .alisfactory price.. The public are respectfully invited to call, and examine lor themselves. EDWARD CRESS Salitbwy, Jlvg. 16, 1823. 68 Copnersmitliinj The Copperamitliing, and Tin Plate business, 'OUR public arc hereby cautioned against V iliiainson llaryia, who was my .ectirity, pava ble to Eliiiibcth Murphy, twelve month, after date, and duted tbe 1st day of January, 1824, fbrfive hundred and sixty Hnll.r. n'h. ..;.! bond heinir infrrn for p.H;n ...Mn,i heretofore transacted by D. Cress, sen. will in i sound and hcalthv. and belirviid hv m .f k I future be conducted by me, at the aame place J found to Im? ben unsound and unhealthy t I re11""-4rigf-tliwr!OTst. me ume ot aaie, i ne said ; -r.ltzabetn Murphy """'""'.' vcytwi. t. ynnr. t - Jwiiir ifued't)tfsdeliveit up aaid bond luid to . . ..-mr ' ' ii ?ke back the slat , 1 ain-dctermined hot to pay " rUtiping I'ajiejr,1 i tlie saul bond or.ue nA liAr...if SV . f...',..l .i.u . " ' . n jvfvi, vi.iMilv, iui .uiv .1 viii. WHII.V i a.iiii JOSF.PIf CRAWF0RP j 1 atone dollar twenty-five cents, and a larger 'f,S. 19, W. : : ... Und ft two dollars, per mm, . cinity, on reasonable terms. Tin- prices of tui tion arc as fblloa a, viz : For te.irhirg the dead Ijuiguagca and higher branches of trimcr, ft 10 per session; for English tuition, viz: rtaihng, writing and arithmetic, $5 per s. von. . From the healthy situation ol'this Aradcm), the moral and industrious character ol the eiti rens of the village and its vicini v, together wiih the eminent qualifications of the tenrher, it is believed to be an eligible place tor tt-c eiluca tion of youth ; and which the Trustees, hope will be patronized by an enlightened pchlic. By order of the board of trustees. il91 JACOB FOIINP.V, Sn'u Tin Ware Factory. a. low terms, at Retail, aa can be purchased in tbe State, for cash only. Also, Sheet-Iron Stare. made of the best material., and on tho shortest notice. N. B. Tin Gutters and ripe, for houses, msde and put up,' on the .hortest notice, and warranted. -Charlotte, .A'. C. n. 6, 1824. it90 r A Pamphlet, '. OK' tiie lubjcft of the Presidential I'.ketkm, addressed to the citizens ot North-t'arolini is fur .ale at the oflice of the Wisttrn CaroLniv:i, price ten cent.. , founded upon i)flpuUr suffragt s ; antljou ld jit obabjy have teen how closely org imic law assimiljtes to thut cn-il;u limi under wbith your nation so bupj;il and so accurtl) lives. I have been sent here by the govern inept of Greece, to obtain tsslstin e In our determined rnicipiize, on whith we like om, have st.iked our lives, our for tunes, and our acred honor ; and I be licve my journey has not bren wholly without success. I should have been wanting to my duly, had I not addressed you ; Mipftlicsting the earliest display of jour amicable purposes; entreating that (iiplumutie relations may le established between us ; communicating tne most earnest desire of my 'government, t'liit we mav lw .nowed to-call you alHes -t '!?,Atta5hrt'w'',M,,l reioire to enter tinon tne oivtiywons which limy lead to immediate and advan tagerv tieaties, and to receive as to ex pedite dipli.matic ngciits without delay IWkUwwduiLkntLatLiitlHin I have been received with ureat kindness ly the American representative, and am pleased to record the expression of my gratitude. 1 hough fortunately you are so far re moved, and mised so much above the nar row politic of Lurope, as to be little iiifliKiictd by the ticissitudes, I venture to believe that Mr. Hush tuil explain to you lbe changes which have ul.cn place, nd aic still in action around us, in our favor; and I conclude, iejir,itig ia the shh tbaUpiiAUVmjty ic 'eece "vV ritinff I'ajKTj IT'OH sale' at this office, by tliereami foobcii ,at,ilMre dolUraiidnpt at two dollar. no - I 1 1 1, l uv ... . n T - ...... . , . I duri'ig wi.. .unbroken, concord ; and have ihe honor to be. vtith'cvei y acntinieiit of tsDcct, your obtilicfit humble scrvunt, ANI. I.ALU10I TI3. MB. ADAMS 10 MIL LAl'MlOnit. " Dsrsavasaf Kv.vs, rwU-.a, nk ,fi.i.l, H'il, Sin l A copf ol the kttrr wf ich you did me lbe honor of a lilirs inj; t me on the 3D:b ol rb. ury Usi, .Mt ben i ',n. mined lo me by the minister of ihc Uni ted States at ln loo- an I h. icct isref lbe dt liberate rnvi liji-u'W-n of die Prl- t't Ji Vt'jodjjiijsUa... -U,., r i,:... . The MtiUiMriiiTwtt'Ii wTltrTTtTiT"? nested the klruggte nf tour ountty nien " for their national rinstic ipa'ion anl tnde' pendrrw c, had been iiMde manirral to the wo'ld iua pu'. iii mesiire to the ' fi grs of ile United States. I hrv sre cor.li.lly fell by the P'0pl of this l in ni; who', synip ithisli wih the cause ol free dotn fir1. ind ,'e'i'li n-c, witiver its at.Mljrd l Ui.f nUil. i lif Id vith tc ulbir ii'ttif.i ibn !.:' oGiei i.n i.iv in drftiu-e of (.reeiau liiititio, i.nd ihc as sorbtbin of her' i- ratrt.o. s, m lb- pct- cfntimc, with the 1 1 hh'i ii ghrie-. r, for mer ages, in tic laii'l of Kt)ao,in.,ilt'a .nd of Philqxriiiuti. , Dut while rbeermg with thrM Inst wi:, li es the taue of the GrtiK, the LiiIkI State ire foi hidden, by i dutir o( our sit tin1 ion, (roni taking part in ihi v. r. j which their rel.tion U 'Imi of nro i.i'y. At peace themselves with rll ti e m:J, their ett.blishtd polict. and c ol d.- 'loos of lbe Gwiof nwtions.pin tt them from beroming Volunt.rv mvi'.i.iir to cause which would involve thin iii If, in the progress ol rvu, n,e. Greeks shotild be enabled to est, ;., ,J organize tbemseliia aa an ii ... p i c )( nation,' the Uniini States wili l . u.oi the fust to web omr i he in. in lb i ty, into the g. nriul f.u.iiv , to . diplomatic and rnmtneiciiii rrh.'i u,s i h iheni. soiled to the mutu.l 1 1 i e- ' i f the two rotiiitiifs. and lo ten i" t . wi'lt special stif,)( :ion, thrir ocs'i'inro mIo in mc (bjr,K.tcr ol u litter trput'ir. I Inttr the bono: lo La, with dis'in guisr.i.l n iisKii ion sir, tnur v.ty blllli!lc .' t.l obi e;'i m 'l", JldlN (il INL .ADAMS. Anun I irsnirru, I'jmny uf !' ' ' .imitii! t--ri,mi n! i,f the '."i ( k,, lMi,.kit. Mttvt. JLFFKHsnX ,l .f.i.Vf. Thr extcrslilc ( til I " 'io.i t.l ; u- ( tin r ingham roi rrspoiuliiu e w ith . r Ad,ms has di twn lorth a i re i Iti.irtln b.M. r ficmMr J4 (Terson d .ud Monti, t '!. 1 1 t. 12. 1823. to Mr. Ac'im. whi- h ; nt- llslird in the lloi'on lt."i. of ihr -ll iiisL.-.The ioikwitig cxfraila will shew, lbe sentiments ol il.e wiitfi : , Alt xat.tt'ia U'ruhl, " I urote ibis Irtirr, at due to w liicnd ship, coital wi:h our gotVinmrni, and now a'.tempieil to be rx isoixd, when 'oo late in life lo bo replaced by new affec tions. u Were there no other mo ivr, tlun that ol in(il,i..i, kiriiint thr uir.hoi of this outrage on piivateci.cu . wt.vc ahrtTts accrh to bVive bci r .iitno t clui self, more panirul 'ily ; tbi" wnut; m ke ittpeutv of ever bmioiiil b tun n to disappoint that tini. hy pp.o;nr' n i.a imprevMon, a seven toltt shir 'c of nrn-thr and inseniibility. Willi nit, howivrr, no such anour is needed " Mi. J- nmnnanin.ously concludes with the lollcw in paragraph : lie assured," my dear str, 'fnl I rm iticopaldc of nieivint' ibe ali,:bisi im pression, from the i floit now nude, ia r.lai.t ihorrs on 'he nillow oi aire, vn.'lU nd wisf'otTi, and lo sow tJies nctvwin friends ho hmo Ix-en stn h .r m .r ti If u centtirv. Hevtrrf ing you ilien Dot io suflcr your n.ind to le disquirtrd by this wicked attempt to poison its peace, and praying you to (brow it bv ainbr g tho things which have ntver bappcnt'i. add sincere assurances of my uiutv.n-t; .nd constant attachment, frit nils1 -m' na pect." tho : jtirtusoN. -wa)o MILITIA. ""The ft jllowinpti.teteivt of.the..r.umber .. orpeln POir-forir in the HifTerem State of the t-vioni traded from tbe Congressional Reports : Maine 37,042 tU orgia .... 29,661 N. Humps! lire - 28,792 Alabama - 1 1.-81 Maswichusctts - 53,908 Lounmiia - - - - lU.itf'J ermonl ... - 23,75t vt tsaimppi R. Island - Connecticut New-Yoik -Kcw-Jirsey Pennsv Ivania Delnware - - Marvluiid - vrpinia - Carolina - Carolina - - 8.S42 renin ssee - 22,671 Kentucky 125,03? Ohio - - 39.58H Indiana - 154.308 Missouri - r,461'Michigitn . 36,14ft - 65H9 . 'J226 i 14.990 . 1 J73 1,503 2,252 Total 968,851 - 82,189 District of Co. 94,525, luiubia - 4i,r - 28,220, -wJO- Amonc the bills reported in the Ken- BewWjefcUUttMOwdu sTolCuoho'forCtheFrrrm Marpcr-r-" a cripple, with jwntt rl.il- drcn. . 1 be. bill allow him reitil spir"- " Kentucky ErfiotUr.

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