I.... heart, h.l man 1. ffrnf 1 i J ..y. tunf..rc fr.. 0 ttnir hbrtsu 7 making lherlvra ''T i n..y wetttlng trcry iwrt of . encroachment of ibo rijp.l. i Some few davi previous to ihe id loummeot of the iessioo. tht friendi of Mr, Criwford assembled in Caucui, aod lelcctedi ticket, who lr pledged wveex.! ticver confer right, and ! riM 1 hare ever luppoied belonged to the people themselves tnd that any attempt to rob them of the invaluable prmlege, either directly er indirectly, wai violation of the true ipint ol tht Constitution, and repugnant to the genius of our gorernment. If the right of nominating i President it quietly surrendered by the people into the handi of a caucus, where will the usurpation cease f IS At. I venture to assert, until one encroachment so ri. pidly succeeds another, is will leave to our country but the shadow of a Republican government. It is one of the first principles of the constitution under which we Jive, that the three great branches of our government should be kept separate and distinct j but if a Congressional caucus be allow ed the power of selecting a President, , (or, as they say, of recommending one) I theEsecutive, in time, will become the passive agrnt of Ciangresa, instead of the independent head of a nation of freemen. Whenever one branch of rur government, either legislative or executive, is absorbed in the other) it is one step towards tyranny ; and I hold it our duty to resist the attempt, however cautiously the friends of Mr. 'Crawford may clothe the nomination under the imposing title of a recom mendation ! The power of sclectiog the Preside:. t is given to you, to the people themselves j and if left uotram meled by the arts and intrigues of as piring demagogues, their choice will he correct. Out of the - five distin guished citizens, who are competitors fur the high and important office, the friends of none are clamarous for a caucus, except the supporters of Mr. Crawford! The others rest their claims to - the elevated appointment, on the emiacatand important services which they have reodcrrd to" their country j and are anxious thauhe people should be left the liberty of exercising their own opinion, unfettered by dictation, and unaided by the efficious interfer ence of their own servants. North-Carolina, in point of popu lation, is the- fourth nr the Union j and in the Electoral college, will be cnti tied to ffleen votes. Let us then unite in the support of a ticket to be got up by the PEOPLE themselves j a tick ef, opposed not only to Mr. Craw ford in principle, but to the ticket that was formtd FOR you, ct the city if IUinoii. The State Jlot'se at Vandalia was destroyed by fire early in December ; and all the furniture of the house, and the hooks and implements of the Receiver of Publie. Moneys, and of the Masonic Lodge, wete lost in meconnagrauon. By an extract of a letter from Vandalia, dated t' 10th Dec. it appear there had been a disgrace- S Cut moh thi rvcninrr hpfniv. A liiv rnllclinn t o o I of tbe very dregs of Society, assembled, and 1 ahusMl the Governor verv libermllv. for havinir - J' O refused to aign a subscription paper which they had got up, to rebuild tbe State House. An rffig of the Governor wat prepared i and about 2 J o'clock in the morning, the man of straw w as f Jiurnt, aiDids.t.the .gmns pfjthemob, and the cry Kioliard AllIon,Ksj. of Iredell county, has been admitted to practise in the Superior Courts, and James M'l.cland of the same county, licen sed in the County Courts of this State, at the )rewfineffllrtnrSipf : " Curioui ! .'It is stated in a letter from Albany, dated the 1st inst, that at an elec tion for Mayor of that city, by the new Board of Aldermen, Judge Spencer was Dut in nomination acainst Mr. Dudlev. -0 - 4 ' p said tp be the champion of the eaueun par Uriy. Un cuumnig- t"ne DaHots it appeflrea 'A that Judge Spencer had a majority of one, 1 1 when' Mr. Dudley, as Chairman, modestly ll voted fprhimself, thereby making a tit IX. fl Wtit---CommodofePofer,S squzd II fon" is 'detained at Norfolkr.hv otilef ' Of Hthe Sec-iitnry tff the Navy, tmiil tf court U martial shall try Lieutenant B. Kennon, (" certain charges which the Commodore has preferred against him. ' . " ; I ,,.-: York Patriot. 1 4 , wimj6sTot n J- , Tl.a Secretary nf Vr J his Mf, . . t .1 .1. nth Wltfl Ofie Or IWO Ol meir iricinn ' row escape Ui evenln. In rrturninj; m. lift t .L. from a Urn party at nr. wins, in coachman drota up to the door amidst a ,timA rJ rarrLaees. and iust as Mr. and Mrs.' Clhoun wfra'Vpwi the point i irnilnv in. the horses took fright ana rn kt full meed for about hslf a mile, when the driver was thrown from his seat, and the csrritze dashed to pieces. 1 he horses cleared the wrrcki and hate not .u. k..n t.rd f Hid the Secrctarr l 11V w - - r ' and his Jdr been a moment sooner, It Is iuAh of them would have lost iholriW. The coachmsn wss coniJ Tiber ysiicrUy,Ub the horses attached to It. Another wreck wss found oppo site Ine Department of State, this morn Ing U. r.Statetman. waihix&tox,. 9. I j it night, bring the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, Mrs. Adams esve a splendid hull in honor of the occasion. when, as nearly as we can calculate, from 700 to I (XX) persons were present, tien eni Jackson entered the rooms ahot 8 o' clock, and proceeded with Mrs. Adorns through all the tuite of apartments which were thrown open to the company , to par hit respects, sod receive the congratula tions ol as iplendid aiem'jUce of betuty and fjkhion as we have ever witnetted. Hrjmblcun. A letter from Washington,' say M The answer of the Kieeutive to the call of Congress for information in relation to the Intention! of the Holy Alliance at to the South American Colonies, will be in luittantft that the ftubUt tofeiy will not permit them to give nil the information they have. I hve no doubt they have fittiiive and imftortaht information, and that whaLyou lately said about a pledge of the ifniUh government to resist the Allies U true. That pledge and the or igin of it it, probably, what the Executive cannot communicate." On the lit of January, Mr. Cuttit of Arlington, preientftd to Cen. Jackson the Military Pocket Telescope ued by Gen eral Washington in the war of the Revo lotion. Mr. C. had affixed to it a silver plate, with the following inscription : Krai, auctorii, rrt OMmiitii, Ltbrriihi. Mr. C. reqnetted and the Gen. pro mised to comply with the request that as he was childless, he would leave this Telescope, on his decease, as Alexander did his kingdom, " to the most worthy." M.VHKETS. Cluirlt ttn,Jan. 12 Upland Cotton iabeary s some fine lota are goinroff at, and, in acme in. atances, ahore our highest quotation ; but Very little is doing in t)theroc scrii'i(in, and puschas ers are still unwilling to meet tlie Views of the factor. Lplanda, 13 to 14. RIW-TOBK, 9. Cuitoni. Tliere has been, for a dy or two nast, ome inquiry after this article, for eiport. Fair I plsinl, if tha n-w rj, ana steady at 15 cent! i Louisianas, li to 17 1 lenntsaee, li to 14; and Alahama, 13 to 16. Hank notes; North-Carolina State Bank and branches, 3 to 3J ; Newhern and Cape Fear, 4 to 44 i SooUi-Carolina, 1 to 1 J. " Hx-erpeel, Dte. 5. Our Cotton market ha been in a dull and declining atate, throughout tbe last month. T"Xfayfcft"'..- Reernng to my lines of ?4ih Nov., I have only to say you muat not nlnp any Uplnnds but at the lowest prices of last sen son, nor any good clean, sound Sea Islands that ahall exceed lid per lb. laid down in Liverpool. FaytttruiUe Piicit, Jan. 15. Cotton, 12J to 13 s flour, fine, 3; auperfine,5J ; wheat, 90 cents ; whiskey, 3" a 4) ; peach bran dv, 45 a 50 ; apple do. 43 to 45 ; corn, 35 to 40 ; bacon, 9 a 10; aalt, Turks Island, 85 a 90 per bushel 1 molasses, 28 a 30; augar, muacovado, 10 to 10 51); cofl'ee, prime, green, 23 to 24 ; 2d and 3d quality, 22 a 23 ; tea, hyson, gl 20 a 1 25 ; flax seed, 80cta; tallow, 6 a 7; beeswax, 30 a 31; rice, 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs. ; iron, R4J to 5 pr. 100 lb. ; tobacco leaf, 3 a 4; manufactured, 5 to 20 pr. cwt. Cherav,Jan. 9. Cottos ; but a small quantity of this article has been at market during the last week. Inferior to fair 10 to 12 cents ; rood to prime 121-1 talXcenta... .. . . .- ,lnttli,. General Jathon.tmTht House -of- Rep resentatives of Alabama have passed a re solution, 39 to 18, recommending Cen. fackton to the people, .as the successor of Mr-Monroe ia the-oflice-oLPresidcnuijhe constitutioo, resoecftrltl'ote 'ti 1 1 l- . . r l ln 1 . 1 H .. .... ' . .... The Alabama State Bank bill has passed the Senate, 13 to 6. WASHINGTON, DKC II. " Gen. Jackson seems to be gaining very much in popularity upon all his acquain tance. Those who expect to meet him itih ntcvlfiing knife in one hand and a hat ter in the other, express mucn wijiiin to find a man of great amenity, of manners, and very gentlemanly in his deportment. It is said seme :'6f his . woa terer enemils have met him since be arrived, and buried the hatchet, " handle and all." . Tennenee ' Brtke r ' arc taxed g5,0p0 per annum. Any person who makes, a burinnt of buying and selling money of any delcrTption, is considered a" broker. iPvDaii'aiiiiiuiPii'o rr.NNntVAMA. Tlie Drmnrratle manAan f tla Ia-r'.ltur of rti)liaula JjcI'L s met tlnf en Ptnly evening, the 10th Unit at llarriJMJft wire they t4opt4tli followlnf r!utl4wit lietotved, That it be rtceramenJed to he Democratic chliens of Pennsylvania, to elect in the several Stflt'torUI districts, and in the city of Phl!adethii, and seve ral counties of the Staid, 1 Dumber of delegstss eqosl to the timber of Sena tors sod Henreseniatives tae ituia- ture.10 meet at IJUrmhttrt wliie9i(f if March nexh to ftfrm ai electoral ticket, to be supported by ihe democratic party, at the entuing election for Electors of President and Vice President, snd to adopt such measures as may be deemed ex pedient and proper on the occasion. Retolvrd, As it It Important that every county In the state should be represented In the proponed convention, that if any district or county shall fall to elert dele gate in the manner mentioned in the preceding re solution, it shall I conside red ss au'hotUitig the Democratic Sena ton and Repreaen'atives from surh dit trict or county, to attend snd art in said convention. Henlvfd, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Cbuti mn ond Scctetary, and puhliihed in all the Dem ocrat!", papers of the Jvute. J JO-KIMI LAWKENf K, CX. Jaat 'l oan, .Wjr. NKW.YOUK LKGfSl.AITltr. Tbe New V.rk Evening I'u.l of the 13th, saya 14 A letter from Albany as urei u that notwitbatauoi'i present ap permrs, the law will paaa for taking the appointment of the electors Irom the le gislature, where it ought ocvt to have been placed, and would ool hut from a temporary necessity, and rett rinv it to ihf firofitt. This our correspot.'!' tit writes will be done, in spite of thr uuexperted opposition of the governor, who is known to have intended as late si the Monriuv evening before tbe legUlaturr met, to re commend the passing of thr contempla ted law, but for reasons best knoun to himself and a few others, afterwards saw fit to change his mind and take :e uppo site course. It will, however, pjss in the a ku . I .... ..... ... . ..J .-I. Iv in the senate. allboutrh. at uresent.it is! believed there il a maioritv tlie other way. rev mm are to be found ihnt dure . ,! , . j ... . j .. reit the well known withei thrir tun ttitucntt COXCaRESS. Li Senate. Jan. 14 Mr. FaaaoT submitted the following resolution for coniJilcratian j . Rmtvrd. That the Committee on Kivl Af" fair be Instructed to inquire into the cxpedieri - ey of continuing the pensions heretofore gran - ted by biw to tbe widow a of perwMis alwin in the private armetl veaaela of the I niteil States, or who may have died in conaeqm-nce of any r. cident or casualty which occurred on board surh vessels, during the late war. Jan.- M .-The" following prthinn wns presented to-day, and refencd t By Mr. Branch, the pe:i:inn of John Hogg and others, of Fayettrville, and of J. G. Blount and other, of Washington. N. C. praying of the government inilem nity for French depredations, committed between the years 1793 and 1800. The Senate took up, in Committee of the Whole," the tiiir autRStfirnr 'tfie TW master General to diToniiime. at l.i- .!is cretion, the transportation ol the M il on , anv post routes where the neit proceeds! of sucb route shall not exceed per centum of the expenses thereon. Mr. Lanman moved that the 'till be laid on the table ; which was tarred t. Jan. 16. The following lesoiutiMi was laid on the table for consideration, by -W. Eaton ; Henlved, That the Committee on the Dis trict of Columbia inquire if any, ami wliat a mendments, alterations and imt)rovemiits, are necessary in the judicial code of said District. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Jan. 14. Mr. Nankin, from the Com mittee on the Public Lands, reported a bill firoyide Jqr theeinjmfhmevtof tlieWelt due'By pure'hluef7,fj)HMeWl3si ftritr. t the 1 at day of July, 1820 j r wbjcb was twice read and I commit ted. - Jan. 15. -Mr. McDuffie gave notice, that he would to-morrow all up the con sideration of the reported amendment of President and Vice-President of the Uni ted States Jan. 16. Mr. M'Lane from the Com mittee of Ways and Menns, .reported a bill making an appropriation towards the extinguishment of the Quapatr- i;le to the lands in the Territory of Arkansas, I wbkhseaa twiee read and Comfliitted. ! wir. iwciii caiieo up ine. coosiaerauon ot 1 i ,,. the resolution ofl'ered by hint some time since for appropriating a -ajwri lor pJuca- IIAII. in ' iA ,l,t... riiYiflorl lrkn1 A r.M, : .u n. 11 rcluscd to consider tire savnei Nicholas Van Dyke, nml ohn !. Clay ton, have beeri elected Sendlors in C-on- grcss, For the atjte Of De'uvjie. flrp.rtd ti.U Ur, t. f-tli, K Jtlrt oVmk, f.. ttf MttklcnUurg county, a(fl i f tar, lit M ( of tlM who M an rn part U tlis iWt "Uiat trd mcn'i fil.M 11 the dracandanta of aura failure, aarrt4!y itiU. tain and alacly Impruva titm rkb k ftry which ttiry have ht (jueathtd to thetn, Iwrrf be the Umg alumbcrt of tltoae who, with thtir to!, their trrtiorea, ami tUlr bbiod, olitalnrd the IndrpcntWaee of tlttte Vailed klatet ef Amer ica, .' taaarairatna. Vtvf ttlore, n ConcutA. f Illlf. uberiler hat (urmeil a CojHirtnerJiip JL iUi Nathaniel IMittoft, in Uie atereantile iMl-n(M)L ,i concord. a,mi einv. Konh Uiiiia,mlcnhr trm of -.iwf if suum wharre wtf are evening a ireau aaaontnem or DryGcodi, Cutlery, and IardM'are, selected with much care, in Hiiladalphle and Ncw.York, ami loijf(it on the brat tern. They dettgn to continue the buaineta at Conaord fir wime searsi arwl s Mr. Murphy will viaif the northern ettiet animally, to jmaire aowtliea, tltcir aMortment w ill be geneeal i awl ill lc ctatml nf at fair pr.ee. for e.Ji, or on cref t to rutiKifial enstomera, Tb'ie friemla anl the pubiic gtMraJly, arc rtprtu!ty invited to rail, eaantne oualitua, licar prirea, and ale fur Ihrm Ives. JUII.N Ml Ui'HY. mi John 31urplir. Iha nUfl, a' bis f in Maiilairy, a Urjrr aMnir, nl t4 t.M)l)n, t ant citij!eiia,torn anil nmi.tn tit oiile i o be (hsnuaed of uiniMiklly low jt'or rP,a, ur rron r- produce. 90 Titr. writ, knowm JACK, iO.'ZA, 1 ATEI-Y owned In Hooth I i Carolina, ill tta) at tbe stalilc nf tbe anlisrribrra in the town nf Cnneonl, ft. (.'arolina. tsxty .!.. hi U.c eek, rttiixlay escrfitel, then', wit the wiiwin i tlie truoti to riiimrnce the It of March, ami rml llie SWh nl July. '' i will hr let to inrt at IS dollars tlie cuton (luit may he iliM'liarjrcd itli fl, if psul within thr m'i,) 5 ilulUrt tbe aipjfle leap, (to hr ia'A (loan,) ami 15 t!o!lrs to iunrr, thr iiiwinuirr nnirry t hr piJ wbi'ti the itarr i diacovrn 'I to be with fW, r i, parted with h the nern put'iejt lnr. Farti-irlar trr will he tAcn uf ,i,uri lilt, in Wi tiling arfiih lit, hr. A A t IIDMC'-tlN, t.Koltt.K t.hV. Coveor'l. J.m. WA. Vu'Ol V.W of IVltT Ktltllt ol i't'ltT h.tifllfiium. ir I.I. ;uTons ilul' bird I fViilh-nnn. ir ilctM. ; ilul' bird to the t. of I'rter Ate rrqur 'ed to come I . , . , .. .. 1 -1 fyrw art! and mukr pavmrnt or bt fort- the lith of I'ebruar ; ali, thf luv. dentands asnut said emstc will please brinir them forward, dulv autiuiitirated. lor g them lorwaru, duly autiuiitirated, lor payment. JOHN LINN', Mmivi'tratnr. I Prr."iri r'.uvti.1, tun. 20, 1S24. 01W j Stute of Norlh-(nroliiKt HOWan coi'SiTT. olhre, 221 Jsnua-y, It24! Samurl jf Kdwar anh ttrf Mcshack lirntrr: I he defca.lant in the above caae, ami tle interea - 1 ted, w .11 take. notice, that on Monilay, the 16th "j day of Fcbmarv next, at my office," at the f wirt i Ifcni- in Salisbury, I will proceed to takr the ft X aermmt a.ihniilte.1 tome in aa.d case, relative to ,ivpv ghal he exemplt from all and ,ervilis the value of the nerrm-s mentioned in the bill ; -.: ' ,;,, j.v ne :mo. fi. !,.,, ,i;--V, . at which ti.nf ami place they will please to attend. 7120- ilrorkery. llrlilp'wootl ami 1 1 ecu, I .VI F. of the city of New-York, are now i nncmnirand receivini.', by late importations from the 1111 st approved manufactories in Eu rope, nil entire ami very extensive stock of ('bins, "1 Fart hen "j " which tlicv oiler bv t!ie orit-iiml invoice, or repac ked, at at lo prices at can be purchased in Charleston, oranvotlur eitv in 'lie I oiled States eountrv merchants and dealers in tiie article are rcspeclftdlv invited toesil and innpect for thpi'iselves, at tlioir warr-'iiic am! r . No. 281 King Street, opposite the Merrhant'i Hotel, f'harlestun, S. ('. hr. 2'.). 1H2 . ewtl'O Public Sale. TY virtue of a deed off rust from Joseph Man I He rrleDurr to 11a, we snail seji, on 1 uesiiav ine 17th day of February next, at the court-hoii.'ie in Snliaburv, t tract of LAND, on the waters of Crane creek, adjoining John W aller and others, containing 171 acres, be the same more or less, at a credit of six months. EZRA AI.I.EMONG, r.EOHC.K LOCKE, ..JRn:.2i..ia25. : 0191.- . JjLuk. OF aoescellcnt cjualityj will Wkept for sale coKantlv, at my kilnj"nc&r ttockfotd. Sur ry couty. My prices are 25 cents per bushel. by the w agon load, and 30 centa per bushel by tlie snaller quantity. JOSrWII.LlAM9,-w. Ar. 26, 1823. K6 (iroct're. IJcmcnt and AVlutnet, Ctmerof Queen li State Charletfon, S. C. "1 ir11-1 ,,ave c"tly on hant, tfarHrehoiit the season, a lnre assortment of I'imento (;inger Copperas Alum Glauber Salts Madder Plunder aij&liqtw... Lead, 8te. tie. Itum Brandy t.m 'M'i v M hich thev- sre I'etenwmtt" to self as nw the-- rnir pntsiMy be afTnrdnt, for vnh. Tnllow mid IVi.-esaX received liroavmViit, fir which the highest murket price wd' be allowed. ( ountn Merclumti wishing to purchaae Crvcmvi, will do well to call ahd exatpine for theijielvs. .Vv, 24. 11523. ' iS'Vw ' " Port. H. HoHV.nrlli, nAVItJ nta rrtftn.rrt ti, rn' t4 SlrtlMiry to tmiJit.t tt, r i- ad th'se hating il''niaixlt.eiil him tn frt idem I r nsmii!f awl all im huirbiri ta twhi tv ti"lf account or otprwif, Wi',1 fonfrf a ff tt t ill. Ifjf and atihf( the aaaia, oe or Mun tlw Uit of r-hrBff, K, H. Ilia dnrtny ,aa a Ur a4 fal a, nrtment of itieirura ami a! up ftifniuire, ilia bolr, of a part of wbtrh be mil ditjMist if, m reasonable trrma. for partkuUrt iwjuit e at till onVe, ' Ntititr. !J.peeariM in.W'jt.Mi Fnrl, H-,4llh U ('a, either by note nf Iwml or t nk arrin, dl call m iuhn el b-rtii, or A. H. Kin, in iturxaAion. autLmAc ryniirt Jv iU, Man a Cwirt, of iley mav eintrt nl lit ir aermmta plakaj i iIm I,mu mT an e.Tirr tut eolUe'ion, HhHrt rpir le pm.a. The wdm-riH, r sa iff aril their rmainin stork of (ImtU, now on hal, at a redneeil jne, fur ca'i, f.ttVS IS HfUDKH I II k CO. JUjnttmt Jut. 10, 124. Ip.1i9l fllllF. sitfrril.i'rrrrr1ftlh' iiifnrfr.ab'sHeiwIa J a.wl i the tniMie in ern1-r,fht be baa fonw. . . . . .. ,(i ,,,. in ,h . B . .-.I . '..., il. i. t.A. . , .... - . . - - - - - ' - " 'Sbose wlioiali tojfive l.im a f il!, jih'eo rail at Mr. Jamca II. LUrk'a. I'iiih c tit. I ''rria rountv. N.t'. t)l KUttM yu.U.. 14V A! THOIUTV. AS ACT cofirrni'ine; iliwiim l at'tij; duties of Tonnsge ami lip"1. BF. IT RNACTKI) Lw .V ,V,or- on. Ae Rrprtmrnintivri tht l'nrr-1 AVf.f ef tmrrttt in Cfngrrtt atirm'.lnl, I dat. Ii.m hd alter tlie first dy of January, one th and ilglit Immlrvd ami twentv4oor, during t tr ctntinu anee of this art, ami iimlerthe i;iitatnns here iusfl.r rnentioneft, so emrU f tl-r m enj ae'S impusing duties on the tnnnaj-t 1 vrwrU in the puHsuf tbe t'nited States, as in p adisrrim. mating dirty betwern foreign sr!a and rnr f the L'nitt-d States, it hereby aujfM rd it, so far at rrsrccta veawri truly ai d wholly belong, ing to itihjeeit orritirei.s i f thr Kingilmi i f the Nethrrlati'Ut of I'nissia j of the ln'f-ral Han seatic litirs of Uaiiiburf, lihrrk si J Hiviiimi j nf tbe Dukedom of ll nhur)f 1 "t'tii Knlgilum of Nota ; of the Kiugdum ol SanKni i, and of thr I'.ttijiirc of Kni.a. Hr. 2. .! htil f,rtthrnUtrl, Uiat so m'trh of 'he M-rrral ar: impiiiijf d'.lirs on fod'', war,-, ami in ri ' ai-il c, iitipurtnl intn tl t'ni ted Statf. .i 111 .'s,' a diaerin'V.ati'-g d'lty be. tw Jfvo !, irii,(i'i il i'.lo the t'm'nl Mat) tin lr' :; n ifKi, Hi d in ' I, of Yr t'. Mulet, 1 1 , and t'lf aaliir I !icr hv a inurinh'il, io (Ur as tlie Mme rr 1, t'n ;jroiiir or .aniji.tjr of j tin- Irrr.-nrii-, in fU'Onr, if ..in ifthe above j n-nlii net! r -i'Vna, ni-ll ,r.! 'Cc kimI n ami I tartii-'-s c mi i.n! In-, nr nmi iiwia!!, are, first 1 hi;iiel frf-ni a po.-t or 111 'lie .j.d I rnio- -'..& .... , ..t .1. ..!.. ;thr hn-, .jtirrtii! in ., ! t-., ,-vl ; wholly beh nj-i- p ti-e .hjr., ,r cit eti, i.f . eseii .:i t:.e MnmatHinv ks; te' riv,UH-' esfia of ,rh na'ii'ii mtiii nif. it, o lhaivifn 1U'-t- aa aiott.nd. produce and Ski. 3. .ind brilfi tlirf nr,-r-y,, 1 hat the sus pension ct the licr;iri n'.iii(,- iiMin uf 'i niiujja and impmt, in the two prccc'lmg k 'i'iih of this act preerib(L shall contimir. in H hah of ri,ru t,e aBote mentiiim-d iim'ioiis on rnnrii- ,,., , i ti, rr,.,.i. r,e ltl . ,,..r stf,-. .i.d tmlv n l u hutU helnnuv tothai l thereof, awl a!l roo.lt and m rchamlite. : r ,lc produce j sijt (,(jcn t, j tj,c portt of tin - I trf, ml imafirl-! uil J jmv o( nnpta ttf fhr tiM if natuinn in I'uri.nes. riwr- J j,,,. ,alMver. other or hiirin-r Umiim le- vied uiMin the sesaels and merchandise therein unponeii, Deiongm io me am jtrit or en.rrni of each of toe taid na'iiins repectivel. Mut if, in any of the territories in F.urt p , of r:tber of tbe said nations, anv such t)'n r.inimi'.mg du ty ahall, at anv time. In- imposed or lei o d on vessel wholly belonging to ritizent of 'he t'ni ted Sta t i, or on the nicn lindi( imported a afoiTtaid in then', then, and from that time, the said suspei.kion herein pretenbed !ull ceaao and determine, to tar aa n-tpi rit thr ti'i V and men-hanilis, iir norted into the I.'iiited "tatta in inem, 01 tucn n.ninnsj an'i an ine provitionj 01 the act imposing discriminating foreign tunno and impost ti;tiua m the l.nited Mutea, shsli re vive aHil be in full force, w ith regard to the laid nation. Sr.r. 4. And tr il furlU-r e.'i.;r,W, Hat, upon 1 satisfaeti rv rvidenec- beiiiirtiveii to tlie Frrsi- dint of the fnittnl States, bv the (riternmrnt of any foreign n.itioii, that no dincrinimatirig: du ties of tam.uge or impost are i.i.piwed or lied withi 1 be t).irt of the aid 1ikt11.11, iiion veswla hulJ bcleng'n.g to citizens of the I iiiled States, or upon nierebandiSi-, the prKjiice or m .muiac ture thereof, imported in the same, the Presi dent is iiereb) authorized to issue Iuh proclama- uon, declaring that uie toreign discriminating duties of tonnage and impost, within the I'luted States, arc, and shall be, suspended and discon tinued, so far as respects the vessels of the said nation, and the merchandise of its produce or manufacture, imported into the t'nited States in the same : the said suspension to take effect Vom -tlieinurtif mch trnt iftearionbcing"givTn to "' the Prt'sident of tlie t'lnteil States, and to con- timie so long as the reciprocal exemption ol res. !. "belttMrimr to the .cilizuns af. the l.'nited r 0.0 States, ami mercbiliae as afiiresaid, thereon laden, shall be continued, and no longer. H. CLAV, SiwnVer nf thp Home nf I'enrei nliitlvc,. 1 - ---1 ; -JOHN OAtf.I.ARIr, President of the Senate pro tempore. tr tuhington, Jan. 7, 1 824. Approved: JAMES MONROE. An act supplementary to the act, entitled "An act' for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt." UK IT ENACTED by th Senate mid floje of JirhreientiUirei aif tile United State af America in. Vonpeti uucmbled. That the "oath prescribed bv Hie act, entitled "An act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt," passed on the sixth day of January, AnOo Domini one thousand eicht hundred., uav he. in all ca.sei. administered to the person entitled to take ;tJio . sivne,eit)ier4iy any Judge of the Supreme Court of the I'nHeib Mtates, 'or by-tW 1itri-t Ju!g lor the District withui which such person inav be, or by anv person olr pefsuna conunissioned by anv Judge of the' Supreme Court, or the vA Uistrict Jiidge.fo'r tbtft pnrno-. Appriived : nutmnto, Jtui. 7, ltiJl. i