Tin; mi hi:. , i-okm. roeta of otd, when o Inipired, arm, nkd Nilmt drt w TVy ut .r glowing charma wr Atti, And sang of all they kntw. - Not m tbir ton rmmJcH band tacit, airong in virtue, draws A lucid illi dcnt band, And paints tier through tlx gatua, 4,0. M b U It, that oa Emma's check Tha bUlIoO,aattU rose f Dcauw rvi u rnn la Mk A pls vpoa "be? buUnds om. tTTUS. 3iisceu4Vm:ou. THE ALMANAC Of LIFE. The prore wive stage of auna ex. Jttence, bears a striking analogy to the vicissitudes of the leasoos, comprising la each aucceediog month the period of seven yean i a calculation which euppositiously extends the duration of life to the advanced age of eighty-lour, bcyocd which all mint be dreary blank, neither profitable to ourselves, nor desirable to otheri . Jmuary. lafAaiCT. This month, which commence! our year, may just ly be compared with the iafant state of men, whose faculties are yet in em bryo. I he sunshine of joy irradiates but transiently it illumes his early days wiJi glances of pleasure unsub stantial and evanescent tedious night of helplessness aod ignorance ef faces the impressions made during the day. Artificial warmth, invigorating food, and refreshing sleep, are all that he requires or finds tolace in. February. From 7 to 14. The had of iutellect now expand to imbibe the gm'nl ravs of instruction, which the all-cheering lummjry of Spring noumhc s into blooms of early promise. All is caity -md plaurr t nature tp- ! pears ditked in vivid delightful col ors, variegated, freh, and blooming no gl wm d trkcus the surrounding at tractej they oltcure his roioo, Mir.'itfmaVj-t jolt i that Ms ratihly course it his virtues, and the m'ufuriuncs they I alio rm, and iluc he it about to rest occssion burst unexpectedly upon him, from all his labour astonishing and appalling him even in the moment of pleasure and exultation, MORAL DUTIES. lf perceives that th day of licentious It is painful to us alt, we know, to enjoyment is short thst a tang win. lie down at night, and think the duties ter of remorse may succeed and hap- of the day have not been dyne,- It Is py Is it for him If he profit by the bint more painful to close ine year, and to which the season Itself affords. think that It has been wasted in Idle. Jala, 13 to 49, The bright days oeM nJ foU ' nul h,, " de,r toT ou le VarCDI' 'or If you of summer arc now passioga way with he the feelings of those who lie down huy what you do not need, you soon swiftness, unnoticed. The tempting iastupoB ibJ ol dcaUi, and look may nave need to atllyour nectua Iruiu have been plucked from the uluPB w',r P" w" -tr- !vlnr ihem hire and uniltfv, membrance of goodness I who can re. otheri of later growth now bend fse.J caM Heheii swate4 an J powr sifju-. TSnwaAasW o cr&Ma CrM m Btith lb ltiitiAU. burthen. . Tha ha. misemployed and $r .! .. has beta got In, the com Is ripe for the grave In the uobsppy and to memorable aickle.and the afterKropof grass begins UP00 ich o "r will be ihed, tad wjnUr of ua0( wbtB he eorD the utliui, If you would wealth, think cf saving as well as getting. The mines rc....L a t ti 1 i oi kivuui imcnc couiu noi mane iter rich, whose out-goes aro more than a Iter incomes. It often costs more to maintain one vice, than to bring up two children. If goods are sola ever so cheap, an you do not need them, they are too Tin. U HI to shoot from the earth. It is bow do memorial of virtue raised. win ant tka r1iv mrr !f ravri hv that man is drawing towards the bar. J Aaanon. J ieVere cold in France, the wolves made vest of his happiness. Most of the I ' I dreadful ravag's in the fields, andrush- pleasure! which he once pursued withl Since the first or January, 1823, thej.j wjtj, fcr0cit j even upon man. One aviditv. have lost their test. Those o seal service of the United States hsLf hese ravenius beasts, after havinr who have too early wasted their taleoti ,0ltt by death, the following number broken the window, entered cottage remain neglected at aa uaelesa encum- of officer! t 3 captains,! lieutenants, 3 j he Forest of Orte, near Aegou braoceon the face of the earth, while surgeons, 2 pursers, 3 chaplains, 17 ime. Two children, one lix and the those who hive preserved their snoralsnjiahipmeo, 3 sailing-master, 1 boat-J 0,hfr cht years of eg, were reposing uneortupted, and suffered their j'udg. S gunners I captain or ma- f.n the bed, in the abseoce of their ments to be matured by experience, rines, 3 lieutenants of mariner, 1 car- rnothrr, who had gone in aearch of I wood to kindle a fire. Meeting with no resistance,' the wolf leaped upon the bed. and avucht to destroy his delicate prey t aeizid with a sudden fright, the and aougbt after as precious fruits, are penter, 1 sail-maker t total, 46. ustly appreciated for thsir superior excellence. At this period alsa, man beholds a new generation rising to per- CM. Cturkr, 8APIRNT CASt ISTRT. petuste its virtues i bis tender offspring I , A female slave cot.drm'.ed to death two little hovs crept under the cover calls for all his carei and atteation i he in Virginia, died alter setitrn- j but n nd held it closely without draw. ooka anxiously forward to the period previous ts execution, and in the mran inir a breath so near was tre Ccsh of its growth and improvement, in the I time, was delivered of a child. J he I which had enticed him, that not being fond hope that it will not only rladden t,0,rernor guvely submits to the I.r- able to attain it instantly, the murder his own heart, but contribute to theg''atur' whether, under these cir-l 0ua animal became more furious, and general benefit of society. cumstances, ihe child U not the pre- began to destroy the coveting with his Artif. 9 to J6. The yellow Pert.T ' "he fciaie. When this ncvel teeth, trifling s was this obMaele, it tinta of autumn now begin to check T,rry ,Ul he answered by the Com nevertheless preserved the lives of our exultation, add remind us that mUtce of the Virginia Legislature, it these innocent children. A large aid earthly bliss is not p the aspect of nature ual ehanre. ao doea His cheeks begin to furrow, his locks ,r?m, '? oper - preserving the wolfat more than a hundred yards frm turn rrav. and the bloom of healthful I child's life. According to the maxim the housr, whither the mother was vigour ure exertion weatena ins intellectual pow era, which have now passed the peri od of improvement. The winter of 1 1 itvl 4 i e,Ht,,ny, h,rt Ullk, T tft,, If W.lr,t lirmm J.nhlnr. U f il.a M-minta uf Hi4j.-nnirni.Kl J,A,n iLion Ub h,m4s ifi-s fur timlaM Joke fl.son. .m M l tha l.iimpMif Ub limilt ria t r-lf4 In my Undt by tul J'iinf I. f ))k. ton, as bit grnU Mt4 U, U.Trfur, bt.r '". tba union fiiymcou ra mU by XU tlif. aton.!; ot Tthmvy nt, Uinff bi Iba tk of lluwui cuty Court. fiOfn mA4 Iwrr arranirraieaU la Uut tn.L U.i ImihcJiua. 1 aftrr tW um ll iuch bmit UI b put A. Wf.tiTt, 8tato of North-Carolina, J vtmbar StMltfits, 1121 UkHm t:u,?S' t. li'ohard A. tl'Hati Oninnul atUebmcm. UrU4 in Iba hutdtot Tv Akuntrr, nrniWiaa. It ipptarinf to tlia court tht UiS dclamUnt ! tbit cwa U not sn inhabitant of tbia But i H ia ohbjrrj that publication I pud all weeks la the Weiurn Carolinian, rivliif aotiea to the aa'4 defetxtant to tppu at Uia ast aovrt of PIcU smj Quarter Brtaiona, to ba bclj for att4 cotjntr, at tli eourt-twuaa In CbarkMte, an tha 4th Monday in Ftbrnarr naxt, to ttpUry, pWad to lwie, or demur, ptktrw'iaa JuJpMoi Anal -.it. ... j . . . ill be entered ar ainat him. A ccpr j teat. ISAAC ALCXANDtlf, c.aue. Prlrt ar. R3. Mi a rcramu ua inai . .o v.... ........ .. permanent and as ball be communicated to our readera. faithful dg, who bad followed their undergoes a grad- the ,cntcncc f death destruc- mother, returned in time to deliver s the face of man. t,ve of he mother, it would scarcely them he ha l siented the track cf the gray, and the bloom of healthful I child'a life. According to the maxim the housr, whither the mother was ir fadea from bit cheeks. Pleat, of the civil law, it might perhaps ad- returning slowly, lOidcd w ith fazzots: e fatigues his relaxed frame, and m'1 a 0ut wnf thr the child should he ran with the quir':neis of the stag j crtion weakenahis intellectual pow- Bot a wel1 " lhe mo,her j since,! he entered like a lion, and falling up. "jiartut tequilur ventrtm" Stato of Norlh-Cnrolina, MicRiaaaoao cocvtv. C10URT of Hm and Quarter Scomom, Ka J vember Seationa, 18Z3i M'Hion AUen, v. Sermor Tajlor i Orlpnal attachment, levied rm nerro boy Peler, now coofinad U tha public jail uf Mrcklcnburf county i It appearing to the court that the itcfcnuant in uia raae ia not an inhabitant of tJ.it State, it ia ordered that publication ba puila fur aii weelra in tb tVes tern Carolinian, printed in Bfiljurv, N. C. giv. inr notice to Uia aatd defendant to appear at the m it Court of Plcaa and Quarter ftcwionalo be kekl for aaid county, at Uia cort4toua La Charlirttr, on lha fourth Mnnday in February next, to plead lo iatue, replevy or !cmur,oOirr. ie julnient final winbeenlcrtd aptintSkira. A copy i test, HAAC ALEXAMIJIR, e.a.e. Pritt atv. R2. it9 J mosphere i every thiol preaata on the i i .i . . ... I la the adreniu senses with the chirm of novelty , all Z ITul K h,k Northtm "e finU MoS . , .. ill I WIUI llklll IV 111. 41VUI. Ul IUI IIIK I ... COLD COI VTRT. Ta the adrenlurei of tome Ruatian explorer is gaictv, iindiiturbtd and enihautiog. Mmch. t-i til. This month is generally ushered in with boisterous winds and nipping frosts. The help lens mariner beholds his vessel wreck ed upon the very rocks which bind hia much-loved home.' Vegetation per ishes through severe and untimely iraita j ana aeiugiog rains, acsccnaing with impetuous force, crush the spring, ing blade, aod despoil the beauty of the gy parterre. Even thus do the rude passions of man's foul break forth w ith resistless force- at this- cnsetrled period of rxistence, wrecking the fra gile bark of youth. The tide of dissi pation sweeps away the principles of virtue, which have not had time to takr root, and every noble energy is blighted by the destructive influence of bad example. " Arf. 21 287 Sunshine and thowcrs now prevail alternately: the fruits of a good education appear em erging from the beauteous blossom but hs yet they arecrude and imper fect. Nature appear in her most love, ly gjrh a few passing clouds may ob scure tb- horizon, but they soon dis charge themselves and piss away. S- do the temporal-) sorrows of youth disappear, leaving no painful recollec tions on the mind ; like the refreshing rain which falls upon the earth, reviving drooping nature, do the trivial dis appointments of this early state serve but to render hope's perspective more alarming. TCT;miHJnT-JVby -far yvf v ture now wears a Ireshcr bloom; the . .. r . ffafdrnt "are luxuriant v n rn witn ' o ' ' . - 4? flowers, the trees are covered wjth Jo liage, and the swelling corn begins to fill the ear. So ia the body of msn cunout itatementa : " It was now, says the narrator, " almost imposaible to fell timber up0B the rth ,he dog covered with on the animil. who had endeavored to secrete himself in an ousrure corner, he sei7ed thr base wretch hv the throat, and dragging him to the door, stran gled him instantly. The alarm of the mother on her return, wan indescriba ble. She beheld the wolf stretched wnicn waaas nara as menaicncs useu ,lU h(, . .nnfil t.r ., i . i .i i , . except it was perieciiy ory ana ia me drcn Observing the distress of gretto tne noart ot spring and aummer, when all was gaiety and mirth. They seem to have receded with equal rapidity, and the present hour too is wasted in unprofitable re- an .aa oat's eat at -n rl 4-liata0tatsJ at. a 1 S -m tQ0 gret severity, the hatrhei, on his mistress, the dog ran towards her September. to 63.-Thrs is the Ts V": fh the most energetic solicirudr, period of rest and recreation and revelry, when the season . tv. u . :. 11 vitii J uiirni ia iwt 111, iiiui TL . Cf .... f .k ..I J I o i n -a endeavored to intimate to her, that she r - i feastine ? 1 . . w..,.. ,hfn returning to the bed, lie thrust " l in ihi? nntn air. which fomoelied ua to t . ... . . of labour I . 1 7-Y . , r inianeaa repesieuiv unuer ine cover- . t- ..jFke many holidays, much against our - inA Kv'ihef moat inriaa1 atma hi fill al V i a w a a aa w w w w w i e dava arc conaidranlr ahortrned.l ..... . , I r - ' " i a .a a . t a r a a i Man now begin, to seek refuge from rKKxAZ Z WM ere, that which she held oppressive care, aod gloom appre. 'm;' ,? " ? L I Y mo8t dear' Thc mothfr PPM. " . ... 7 . 7 V breathe through a handkerchief: you .n,i --f-nft;n(, u-. ,rmKt;,r Lnrl hensions, in convu al hilaritr and un- i - -" -iri,tr t.t ajnd extending her trembling hand, dis- , , , . hnd yoiirseii immediately aurfounaed rn-Pia,Tii "n"r7-'TrTfiv.-ii?-iT-ih- limited indulgence at the soc.al board. . atm.n. f ftnm c? cred. ,hat hfr .cIlTJrcn wcTc. " hia harvest of knowl- ."J " 'V ' , " Tf. " V ' T hough deprived ol motion ; she h.s- nrcain arsu ine ucai uj your uuuy, wnitu a t a s 1 STV the mind disclose tnemseives. nc indulges io luxurious pleasures, and contributes to the gratification of oth ers by the exertion of his useful and agreeable qualities, f June. 35 to 42. The aummer is now before us j we begin to gather the fruits ; and already some of the spring gathered edge, his toil is at an end, and he proudly exults in his vast acquisition, without reflecting how soon he may be called upon to render up a just ac count, and see his baasted stores transferred to other. incloses jou in a mist, and consists of small nodules of hoar ice. Breathing causes a noise like tear-th had recovtml thcir fctnSfSt ,,, ing of coarse paper, or the breaking of, Uinlv rfCOUnfcd ,h(. (,,ncr to liliu iwiga, aiiu Apiiuu uitaui ia immTdiatel condensed in the fine sub- tened to restore them there was ytt time ; a moment's delav would h.ive rendered the attempt useless. When ev ch Stute of North-Carolina, lixcci covtt- St'Pr.fCOrt Cotrt jf Law, eu.'j?r Ten. 18Z1. V.vy Huoper rt. Jutbiia llooptri prtitiw for ditorcr. It appearing to Uie latw fiu'tlon tf the eourt, that ohua flooper, l i!( ftmlant, it not an inhabitant of thie Stair, it ia tlierrlitre orIfrt'l by taut four, that rubbcatMHi he' niaile Tirer months in lha ItaU-igti War and tVetcrn CaroliiiUn, pi ine; tKrCc" lo the drfen. daiit, that he appear a' the nett fupenor Omri of Law to be held fur thr county of IJnonlu, at the court .houae in Iinelnon,on die fourth Won day after the 4lh Monday In Starch ret, theo ami there to aniwer, plead, or t'emur to the aatd petition, ntherwiae it will be taken pro confetw, and adjudfred accordingly. M'itnraa. laaton Memleraon, clerk of aaid court, at office, tlie fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in Sep. tember, A. I). 18X1. and in the forty-eighth ) ear of thc Independence of the V. Btatre. LAWN. HENDBBSO.V: Prire adr. ?U S'nigt Ottsler.6i to 70,The fields ,t;ince mentioned above. The north now appear dreary -the hedges bire Lrn Lights arc tonrtaot, and very bi illi- no meioay nn me gtove, dui ruue ant ? thcy 8ecB1 cj09e , y0(lj Ind gornc. hol:rg winds sweep the earth, and acaftr the straggling leaves in every direciion. TTius also is man by this time stripped of his external graces, he becomes morose and sullen ; his op. ncarance no longer diffuses cheerful ness j he neither pleases nor is pleased. times hear them thoot along' : tlity as sume an amazing diversity of shapes; and the Tungoose consider them a spirits at variance, fighting in the air." vtaa Tea aaia (it.) rmi. they bad been exposed, the manner in wTdch the wolf had enfefcd,ttT'r their wonderful preservation. The fitlifu! animal, pleaded in having s,ivtd the lives of thr?e little inncent, by hia eager carets gave ample testimorv that his joy was fully equal to that of his mistress, A doctor was asked, whether Lis !..:....... r Lj ! .m i i. A Curiositu For four c,r five IP",en.l ,c " f"c, . 1 ''T" Ih ..m. of rtltmiivhrfikauinr u V... f, , 'litre it nss. anawertd lie: "cut trie his devoted head, scattering his dear- wfl. hetrd from a particular snot un-If"'" wenfej Jint. eat connexions; friend after friend der the floor of Mr. S. Hay's shop in drops off, and is swept away he re- this borough. One day last week, the mains disconsolate ana cneeriess. .-.Jfwember. 70 to 77. Gloom and stroy their nest, where they found desolation how extend thdr dejressing foltr'Tats," about half grown, firmly, influence every-veatige of cultivation held together by their -tails, which is 'buried beneath the Jeep enensting kept tbem from moving, as they could snow the meandering stream ia sound not all agree upon going one course. in icy fetters, and heavy tog obstures Their tads were ao completely knotted A person nked Zcno the philoso boys took up the floor, in order tode- pher, if wise men ever fell in love. I His answer wa, " If wise men do not fall in .love, beautiful women must be very unlortunatc. npenect oriectwnoc-rais-iu-c: - "rirl - 6- "UT . -.7 : 7 for horse-rscinR was a specious one, formed, and the strongest energies of T impenetrable darkness , even thus are one onhemootdotTscarfrhej (ha( )f im . tTmxmm the faculties of man beclouded at this others without losing his tail; which it advanced period. The hoary frost of appeared, on examination, one had age settles ort his head the, warn done, s there were five taija and but 1 current of life freezes in his veins t his four rats. senses become torpid, No ray of in telligence illumes the gloom which sur. DELICATE COMPLIMENT. j rounds htm no genial warmth ream- A voung lady being addressed bv n mates his palsied frame. . J gentleman much elder ilU tierelf, oh- Dectmber. 77 to 84. Behold now served to him, the only abjection obscure the sun, even at noon-dav ; thj life of man, with the season, ; draw-prhtch she had to a union with him, tviviOiglniMC a close?- No materiai -change was the 4ffoI)akUity:McV)ng!be nas laxcn piace in ine aspect oi xnings, inier, aou icaviij v.v " yet even this dreaded -epoch is moct I ro wa4?LwJfi!coatoj tolerable than the nrecedincr. for the! the followiiis: ineepious and delicate1 fruits of his good works, or begin td4 pains and privations of mortality seem complimentary reply : il Blessed is the sky j and thunder, in an unexpec mnmmf. buritts over rir heads; - 1 hns j ckea man already prepare to gather the r i ft! J t. dread the punishment of his transgres- aion. JThe simple hopes and pleasures cf vniith fjcl 'anr! wither in rrmfm. 'pear their termination. A fresh'spring man that, hath a virtuous wife, for the ' . I . .... a ' a a 44 will appear and vegetation flourish 1 number of his days thall be doublet., anew and why should not the just J Eccl. xxxiii. In a debate iti the t.rpnk!a1ure of Ver mont, on a law against horMvrac injr, Mr. Pifrpont justly remarked'4 that lhe pre Sfnfn of orfh-Cftrolina. aiKcxLEaarao cocxtt.' ROREKT MTOMIt, executor of Mary !'. frr,b. xi. Jane Kerr: caveat torn will. It appearing lo the aatiifaction of the court, that Manraret, daughter of the late Robert Morriton, tince intermarried to tome one to the court n- knoan. Wvlie Ilea and Marwrct hia aife. An. drew JfTerraTTivl Tfnrhlrs1ft!rnd Jawo Johniton, are inhrbittiita of another atate i it ia thrrefore ordfrrd, that puhlicaiion be made ail wet ki in the Wctrrn Cjirolinijn, that tliev an. pear at our neit c'Hisi to be held for the county of Merkleiihurc, at the court-hoiwe In Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in February next, and the and there plead or demur, or judgment will bo entered according to the plaintilFa demand. fly order of eotirt. TtfcUISAAC-ALHXAXDEIl, eH, f Pnoe adv. 2. i94 State of Xortli-Carolina, LtVCOLX rofSTT. SfPF.KIOH Couit of Uw, October Temv 1821., Flirt ItevingTS ti. Himeon l!Tin(ri p.-tilinn for divorce. It apnearirf in U aatiw faction of the court, that himeon Itrvingt, tl defcnlant,1t not an inhabitant cf th Mate, it is therefore onlertd by the court, that publication he made three mon'thi in the ludvifh htar and Weitern (Jarolinian, giving notice to Uie defend ant, that he appear at the next Superior Conrt of l-aw to bo held fur Lincoln coi'.ntr. at the ctMirt.hoosc in Lincolnton, on the 4Ui Monday afier the 4th Monday of Starch next, then and there to answer, plead, or demur to aaid peti tion, otherwise it will be taken pro confeato. and adjudged accordingly. Witneaa, Lawaon Henderson, clerk of aaid court, at office, the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, Aril. and trrtusmh-yeatrMUeJi4eon-; dence of the United State. .-3mt9ie, ifA.w'N: iienherson. he believed (hot the practke degraded the breed ofmm:mot tban it impioved that of7for7a." -The Iessrs. Schuylers, of Tinyi have in their possession a Pig, r.f the eim breedr three years old, whirh veiliK int tre hundred' and thirtu-lv.'0 fionntts ' He measures nine foet in feiiRth, two feet five inches aerosvtheback, nd round the girth seven feet two inches i- If.not-iojd This winter, ib fiig will-lte J,en4 tfttKC5fc Voik in the. spring. A evYork V. .-'. - """"" " The President -nno 'Directors rf ine Rank of the United States on the 5?h insf . declared a dividend cf two and a. Itti 'J fier cent, on the capital "sto V for the Ul i motiihs Da!timprePntr!ot Stute of North-Carolina, , : ROWAN COVKTV. TN Equity, October term, 1828 1 James BalrH, aTWttrrWssMngtorT Haird by hi guaf dian Jamea Haird, tVilliam Crook and Rebecoa his wife, John Agnew and Catharine hia wife, Jamei Thompson and Margaret hia wife, Join Steel; William Fullerton and Catharine his wife, James Steel and Jane Steel, -rfnJJane Trip lot, Thomas Steel an infant under the age of twenty-one years, Thomas and John Haird in. fanta under the ag of twenty-ono venr Wil- estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant in this case are citi zens of another a'ate, it is therefore ordeVetf," that pblicat6n'e''niadeToflhrfwwhsic. 'eefiif ?lvWM IVesfcrrr ralraiaiiri'oraaid de fendants to appcarat our next Court of Equity, to be hell the'counTyof 'UaWinrat'it.eTtmrt liotiat SaTTahjhryf w.lh ectmd llofSf " ;Gfee,,; the fourth Monday in March next, i.nd plead, an swer or demur to said petition, otherwise itiB he taken pro cohfeaso, anJhesid ex parte. , C.EO.JJ.()OJCF-, C.M.E. Orfi'aS, 1S: (rao A. i TS-J SnlP V

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