w HAN. 1M 4 VOL IV. HAMHI1UUY, N. C. TUKSIUY, IKIUtUAllY 3, 1821. NO. 191. MITIC nrPIIIM) WIHTK, llUhtt A lw iK L'mttJ State. Tl irrma of the Wtiifm Carotinta) will (Wrrtftrr t M rUU I V r year, payable la advance. AW;' mentt HI b inaerteJ at f.rt V c perdue for fa Cm .4Mws, tt Iwewrn CCnt ar IK! sinarijtic,il PW., All Lfttm tddrcJ t ite Ed.tor, must be ptl fmiit, or they ill not be i1ivlcl to. l&lurntion. fllllR trustee of the Pleasant Retreat AeadV A my, in lif-ltmt. N. C. have aoeeeeded in V .1 n . ' I . . t - . I.. procuring aismncr rnncipas i raiorr w ""('I" th plat of the Her. icAm MosUt. vis t Mr. -ftfesj It. Mrttalf. a rmduaie of llamde Sydney Ciller. Va. who i rwnnfMrnkd by Dr. Ci- ing, the President of al4 College, M I M f una acfpltunAitk awn tfiarsnrr, ana ewineBtiy qualified lo teach in oar beat puhhe school, and under whom the exercise or tai Acaemy have commenced. Boarding can be lial la the village and l' vj. einii), on reasonable term. The price of tui tion arc m follow., via r For teaching tb dead I-angiiagc and higher branches of science, 0 per acvwon fur Knglih tuition, via i reading, ttn'mg and arithmetic, gl per acasMM. From the healthy aitiution of Uiia Academy, lha moral ami ind.iatrioo eliaraeter of tint cili irni of the villarc and ite vicinity, lotrrt her with the eminent qualification of the teacher, H i believed to be an eligible place lor tr runca tion of youth i and winch the Truster hope viU be patroiuaeu or an rnngntenea puDoc. Mr OTlrrol the buH of rniees. kSi' JACOB r'OKNKY, A-rV Steam lloat Maid of Orleans, (7fffp Wholesale Slore. njr, at ciif.raw,) 2' 1823. C f 111 F. Maid trf Hlrrn (lialn hrcn detained L fir repair more tlun a rrvint Li longer than th' time .jMTifiril hr fit'rn contract) liaiconv tnriK-rd her rrfpilir trip tottii. plcr, am! arri. tciI thUday ith a tkluaiilc cargo ot at kat 130 tons Mrrrliantlize. fhe it to he a rrinilar trader brlwrcn tbi place an I Clmrloton, tmiching for frrigbt aitd pat. ,h-nrr at r or ret oo, and ill itop on the nv rr for inifxrtnt frcigtitt. Mie ia eupplied iih l.igiitrn, and inch other convenience! a a arrant hrr nwneri in atating, ronliilently, that lie will be aMe to lay d-wn gnodi at cither rlee, in the It.wrtt Hate of ib It er. in 8 to ID dart t arc I on a fair river from 4 to 6 daya. Her ownera have provided wharf and mare lionac at bMh plurea, covenient, (afe and under cover. Thev will ailvance eah ami romi on Cotton ami pnwltice ahipped by her, and acll for a cnatomarv eommiuon. rhry will eieeute air orJrra aa CiwSMtoit, rntU'.nun, PbJUkl- nhia,or Nrw.ork, in each of which place they huc ettahlithed Iitiv; and they aolicit the public, patronage for tlitt Boat and their H'hole wle Store a! ttiU place, only an (ar aa they can make U tbir intuval to use the one, and buy from the other. Connected with the aWe Jin', the tubarri bcra have eatahU.lird a U'HolrtaU Sture, and av aurc their cuatonicra a liberal cotirae of dralinr and fair prkca, very low, because their goods hnve been ami will be elccted from the princi p( rr.arkrta in the 1'nitrd States and under all poovible adran'agea flr buvTiig low j- and their prof.t ahall be charged with a light hand, an iig'it a to make it the intercut of country deal era and other to get many of their aupplie from thia eUbi;hment. Hy the Maid of Or lean, they have thi tbiy received one-fourth to ot'e-third of tluir nun-hava, (which have been made in New-Yotk. Iloaton, I'hiladelphia, and at nome of the prinripHl manut'actorie i) the rt'tidiic of which will be nceiviMl by the next trip of the Boat, ay about Uk 6tb to' the 8th of Jaiiuarv. Their purchase coniiit of the follow ing leading articles viz : 200 barrela of Wlii. kry ; 2J IiTkU. northern Rum ; 5 do N. Orlcant do 5 (lo Jamaica do i S do YY. I. do; 20 do Su gar 3U do prime retailing molaaae ; pipe and 3r. eaik Cognac Bramlv Hotheads (iin, Ma eria and other Winee, (tome 7 year old;) 100 piece Dundee Bagging, A2 in. ; 1 bale twine ; , 20 coil Bale Hope ; 100 bag Coffee , 20 do pepper and pimento ; 20 ton Swede iron i 1 do tierman Steel ; J do Amencan do ; 3 do plough moulds ; 2 do allot i 1 do bar lead i do Hollow H'are, aborted ; 2 do ahot, aMorted ; 20 Kegs Duponti FF. and FFF. Powder; 150 4a wrought and cut nail ; 5 tierce retailing Kice t 20cakf cheeac) 4 dox. Philadelphia mill and cro cut saw cask of htmmen, Carolina hoes, trace chain. Trowels, kc. Axra, bundles Spade, Shov el, and Frying pan ; boxe Candle, Soap, win- . flow Glasei 50 doi. Whittemore's Cotton Card; 100 do Wool Mats; 50 do Horamor napt do ; 50 . da neaver.ila.BJL aud. White .20 do Children' moroccro'u'oT'oennnihlfa' iftdCsei, assor ted i Crockery in cratea i 20 barrel train or tanner oil r 30 fiiiton riatrnt eaM won I'UmgU, the oet patent mbe Union, and well wortny the attention of the planters ; 20 barrels Shad and mackerel; 20 doz. Corn Brooms; rose, point and duffil Blanketa. BRERS,- BUNNELL fc CtV- CV-nv, J5ec. 22, 1823. t96 Cash and Goods paid for Cotton, Wheat Flax -need, dry Hide, and moat kinda of produce State of North-Carolina, ROWAtT COCNTT. EQUITY office, 22d January, 1824: Samuel Kdwarda tert Mcaback Gentry: The defendant in the above case, and thoae intere. ted, will take notice, that on Monday, the 16th lay of February next, at rhy office, at the court house in Salisbury, I will proceed to take the account submitted tome innaid caae, relative to -'th'cNhdne of the egroe mentioned in -tlio- bill t at which time and place they will please to attend.""" -: . 9X;i-,A.GT4rf:.ljOCKEets.,a.v Slierifls' Deeds, FOR land ald by order of writ of venditioni exponas, for tide at tbc priutinjr-office. TUB HANKS. It a ill be recollected by our reader, that, at that rotnmrnemetit of Ut'tr4on of tie larf General Aaaenibly, a reaolntion waa a-hpud, appoint In j a committee to inquire into the coo Crn of the Ili.nhof thi tute. The f.llow. Ing H tl. funclu4ft of t that aaiitec, on lha awbjrd Cf ether ailh an clpo itioti of U aiTalrt f tboae corporation, com mainirtted ll.rotigj (U baacU of the I'uMU Ireaaurcri MFrom t tlew of the ttaitmcn'j fur nUhed tr the Public Treaiorer, your committee ar el opinion, that h trl bank! In Ibi Slate ere row managed with muclt ptudence and ability; and thai br (radullf withdrawing their notei Irom circulaUon,ther are appreacbint tcondi lion, thai may enable litem to meet with promptitude all ibe demand that ahall be made upon them. On thia cipectation your committee couia 'onCJcntly rctf but that the unfort'in four trade above alluded t . lc it con tJuue, erer aubicct oi r , .traor dinary drafta from abroa' ate of preparation lo meet them leasen tbeir ability to comply wi ti raaloo al demaoaa at nome. 1 'U)- . m- mittee are of opinion, tl.- he calla of, our citizene for ipciu, iwauli from the evil juit adverted to, and ia prb clpt1f conBned lo tkoee, who. bating in the cotirte of buaineaa contracted debt in other State, are required lo pay specie or Dank paper at a discount. Thi dia count, which forma the measure of depre ciation, hat hitherto been fluctuating, and ia now but little more than the utual rate of exchange. But vour committee are ol opinion that thia depreciation of ;he pa per of our Hjnks, in the Slate to the . i. t . . . l . i lion n m ut cannui wun propneiy uc ai - lnmito.1 to anr doubta of the aolvency or ability ol the Uankt to redeem their notei with terie ; for thev are pertuaded that auch a cause would have produced a much grea'er effect, and that instead of alterna ling between eight and five per cent, the paper of our Dankt would have ceased to circulate at any price. Vour committee are of opinion,-that the depressed charac ter of our Dank paper i principally ow in it to the fact, that there i no sufficient tendency in the course of rur commerce with other States, to restore it to us when it hat once found a circulation abroad ; and where it must ever be in tome degree an article rf speculation, and its value in the market dependent on the quantity on hand, and the demand for specie. From thi view of the subiect, four commute, .rr l.nahl- lo anneal an. ! . . P . . ' .1 gisiauve provision mat wouia, in tneir s . - t r -a . a a t -a opinion, be calculated to remove the evil, which mutt continue to exist, in a grea- ter or less degree, to long at the several FVtnka in rmr Slat. hll rirenlat. rh.,r nolesv in . amount equal to the demands! " .. w-.-.w ........ and nccesities ol the people. " Keapectlullr tuomitted, "W1L1JS ALSTON, Ch'n. To the honorable the Grnrral Mirmbly of tilt uiutr I .rvrid vurvu'iu. Gentlemen : In obedience to a Resolu ion of the last General Attembly, I do myself the honor herewith to lay before you the Statements or Exposes of the af fairs of the three several Banks of this State ;uur of which statements apply to the Banks of Cape Fear and Newbern, and go to shew the condition or situation of those corporations at the djtes of the I declarations of the two last Dividends made by them respectively, vii. on the 7 tat r.f rmf I 001 r.A nn In. k r.( Vint VI l WW I u . ail .1 vi iu gvni ui vUirvs a v a uvj mi V ry ytwasf tanvai not quartet ly statements, which would have been preferred, could they be made up with equal accuracy and precision ; hut frnm several hind-rimr muses, snrh as the failure of the timely arrival of re turns from the distinct Branches, Sec. Sec this wat totind to be difficult and incon-1 venient. 1 he fifth or remaining state-1 menteCjU.r9tKtq. the State ; Bank I exclusively, and shews its situation or. condition up lo the fimcnt day t It will be recollected, that the Banks first above mentioned declare their divi dends on the 30th of June, and 3 1st of December, in each and every year ; and that the State Bank makes its dividends on the first Mondays in June and Decern ber in each year; circumstances which will account for the half-yearly expose or statement ol the all airs of the latter, be ing brought forward to and ending at a later period tban thoae of the former. In regard to the Bank last mentioned, one statement only was thought sufficient, in asmuch at that comet up to the firetent timei but if a statement or expose for the six TTtqntha-immediately preceding the first Monday in" June 'tasl, shall be con sidered atbfiog likewise useful, it thall I j a it I iviiitin rmDrcirunv. iirniipmrn. vnur i 7, . obedient servant, JOHN HAYWOOD, P. T.vwV. Jtaleith, 24M ,Yv, 1S23, Cm'v1 A Mtult Jtanh tf A 'it,CrHnu Noteaincirfwlaiiiri, j RfW.MJ IhM 10 forrign liaoka, . I UXJ 71 Due fof IfebuaU, . " l7im (r4 The b larva ronalMa of - l Raaerred lo cover - 1 bae on obt k lUnkirg Ifouate, by reaolation lite, 1S3TL Wpkta aubjeti lo diVMicad ou Dec. 1872, 8ij:a o 174,t3 17 CR. Specie, Foreign fund, vie. 491,376 8 J KicUanre,U.IUor Bank Note ana Bank Credita, 2J5.397 1$ K74.97 Bond and Kote discounted. Check k Bill on Bank in N. C. 3J.4 1J tU,'J6 11 150)41 31 Due by the fctate of N. Carolina. Heal Katate, 'ii. Bank Lot and House ami lamia ml llouaca taken for debta, 'M. ! Uik A'wv. 1823. nAtWOOU, CIUrr. Ximte r CeaAM ( Bik f ttpFtmr, n TvJuj iA31t Dee. Hj. DR. Capital htock paid in, r8R,2O0 Bank notca in circulation, 61. '14 Depostte or euma due to individual, 103,765 24 1252 50 45. .35 77 44.94 04 I)ivileml unebumed. I le to Bank. ''r1' wl l(m 0T aurplua. $,(S(')7 53 8C.538 f 71.H19 HV 3:.::j i Vi:.,xh 63 r:.f.,5i2 r.6 i rn Amount of Specie on hand. Keal Fctate, N'"1 f Kxehange on hand. Due by Bank in account. Note of Bank on hand. Debt on discounted note ami judgment, t,li,7 55 I hereby certify that the bve ute mcnt exhibits the true ttate orcondition of the Dank of Cape Fear, on 3Ut De- Ueraber, 1822. W. ANDERSON, Caihitr. MtnJtj the 30M Jini-, 18Z3. DR. Capital Stock paid in, 7H8,i00 WW ""a Han. m circulation, 5r5,lu0 ,KPow."- or tum uu lo I l . - ! inniVkdiisI. V9.?17 38 14,394 682 57,160 SI ,5.7,953 38 n.vidend. unnaid. Amount iue to Banks Profit and Lota, or surplus. g--', ... nf 0,her Bank on band, R31,977 I Amount due by Bank, in account, 93,112 115,089 98 "6,843 68 I ww-ll a n . I a "J,,toJ "cnange on nana. Debt, consistinc of Note dis counted and judgments. 1,241,361 f.2 SliiJr.'.'iJ J8 T hereby certify that the loregorng statement is correct. W; ANDERSON. CuMer. Statement if the affuin the Bank of .Xrmbern, i, l&u. DH To ?ehu due the Bauk bX bonJ 1,518,717 n . i . . , tjtttf Rai Estate, 40,050 1J7.1U5 Specie, Foreign fund, other than Specie, Notes of other Bank, Bill of Ex- change k deposits in other Banks, 72,197 Sl,r71,234 CR. 1V Stock, 800,000 221.6il 6A317 97,282 "cpoaita and duties Note in circulation, ' Balance, Si, 771,2541 M. C. STEPHENS, Cashier, c, , , , - , J Junt30,lWU. DR. Debts due the Bank by bond and dote, 1,502,600 3,15 40,050 128,090 Bank property other than real estate, Real Estate, Specie, Foreign funds, other than specie. ,i Notes of other Banks, Bill of Ex. change, &c. 63,016 S1,7J6,940 CR. Stock, Deposits und.dcbtV- icaiuim utrn n. j,. ,'Si,"W-' M. C . IN St.NAlE, , Jan. 1 9 1r. lxwry presented the memorial 01 eunarr mertnante erxi un nerwritera of the city 01 rhlUdelpbla, on the subject 01 rrencH spoliations 1 re ferred te (he "commhuo on rreljn ReU tiont. Mr. Smith from the committee of Pi nance, reported bill which came from the other Houte, authoriung the com mittione rs cf the Sinking Fund to pur chase the aeven per cent, stock of the United States in the year 1834, with a trifling amendment. On the motion of Mr. S. the bill was taken up for consider a t ion in committee of the whole, reported to the Senate, and patted to a third read mg. Subsequently, by general content, Ihe bill pad Irs third reading, wat pasted at amended, and tent bark to the other Mouse. Jan. 20. The bill which originated in the Senate, explanatory of an art, entitled " An acl f-ir the relief of the oflkert, vol unteers, and other pertont, engaged in the late campaign against the Seminole Indians," passed 4th May, 1823, wat read the third tirne,and pasted. Mr. Van llmen gave notice that he should ask Irjve, on Thursday next, to introduce a joint resolution, proposing an amendment lo the constitution of the United Si:,tet, on the tubject of the pow er of Congrrss to make rtMdt and canals. The report of the committee "n CUimt, unfavorable to Ihe petition of Hanson Kelly, of North-Carolina, was taken up for consideration. This petitioner claim an additions sum of niottev, which he states to br due him. tinder a contract with the Marsh! ol North-Carolina, for supplying r.tionsto prisoner! during the Lie war. A motion of Mr. Macon to re verie the report of the committee, pre vailed ; t".d the report was re-comniined, with instructions to prepare a bill for the relief of the piti'.ionri . IIOtSK OP HKI'HF.SKN TAT IVES. FKKSIDEMIAL ULrCTIOM. Jan. 17. On motion of Mr. M'DulTie. the House went into a committee of the hole on the state of the Union, on the resolution by him reported from a select committee, for i-mending the Constitution of the United States, respecting the choice of llicitoi of president and V ice Presi dent. Mr. M'Duflre delivered af length his views on the measures embraced in the resolutions, and occupiid the fl mr until four o i lock : when the comrniitee rose and the House xdiourned to Monday Jan. 19 Mr. H-jvd, from the commit 1ee to whom the stibiert was referred reported a biil to authorize iho occupy linn of the Columbia r.r Oregon river which was tire read, and committed. THI". (iRl'lt t)i rsff o y . The House then went into a committee of the whole, Mr. Taylor in the c nir on the resolution some time since ofl'erci bv Mr. Webster, which is, io the words following ; tfiilml. That provision ought to be made by law for deftaxinir the exnencc incident to the . appointment of n Agent, or Commissioner, to tireece, whenever the president ahall deem it exprdu nt to ii ake such appointment I he resolution having been read Mr ebster rose and delivered hit viewn on the suSject to the house in a lengthy and able speech ; when the house adjourned. Jan. CO. Mr. Cocke, from the com mittee on Indian AfLirs, reported a bill, providing f r the appointment of two In- diitn agents, in addition to those already provided for by law, aud fixing their com I nentation : which was twice read, and committed. ' Mr. Crowninshield, from the comrnii tee of Naval AlTnirs, reported a bill au- thoiizing the buildinp; of ten sloops of war; which was twice read and commit ted. V RCtljlt DR. t A rAVETTE. - Mr? Mt clue -lrm the. conuntttetv.tO'. whom the subject wat referred, reported 4menxluaenl..la..lhe.-TctolutioiL respec ting the Marquis de la Fayette, striking out the preamble and all that followt the word " Netoivrd" and tubstuuttng the following.! That the Marquis De Lafayette ha ving expressed his intention to visit this country, the President be requested to communicate to him the assurances ol grateful and affectionate attachment still chemhed towards him hy the govern ment ami people of the United.States. " And be it further Retolved, That, as a mark of national respect, ihe President cause to be held in readinca a ship of the line, and invite the Marquis to take pas sage herein, whenerer his disposition to visit''th1scoumfiiiea .T he-iuiion...being:4m.L,. :!iiotitineeWTtemd joani "1"" ""t if inously in the atiu tyiative ; anti me reso lution :ts amended, wa.s ordered to be en- ,'rr3srJ lor a ihird reading- the oaarg eaitc On motion of Mr. Webster, the? Houte then retolved Itself lno a committer of the whole on the ttate of lie Union, Mr. Taylor In the e hair, Mr. Clav ofTrre I the Mloalng, wiilch he desired to lay on the table fr consld erattkant-' ... -r,. , Krthf4 ly rO flmnlf end f ,,( K'ftrt mMivn tlU UJt4 Vtnlrti ( mft atwm. hlrHf That the people of ihrae t a'M n- ter, without keriout Irqiiitlude, anr firrible ii)terp":ti"n, by the Allied Power of F.urope, in behalf of apain, to reduce lo their former subjection, those parts of the continent of Amer. ara, which have proelaimed and established for Ihemselvea, respectiveJ', IntlrpetMlrnt iscrn- mew, and which have been aoUmnly rtcog. ni4 by the t nitl Hates. The rommittee of the whole hiving resumed the consideration of the resolu tion recommending an apprnpristion to defray theexpenteof a mission tofireexe, Messrt. rointetf, Randolph, ( uthbert, and Clay, delivered their tentimentt on the tubject ; when ihe house adjourned. NAVY OF Ttir. I'M! ED STATE. Extract from a rt-rtort of Ihe rotnmiasioriera of the Navy, date'd 13h of Nov. 182J. YttA f H'ttr in Ctrnmittn, 10, 182J. Franklin, thip of the line, Pacific. United States 44 Vr? X" KleXt tf,t s rranxitn Constitution, 44 Mediterranean Congre-, 36 .n,u(, H'.h AmenU. Cne, 24 Mediterranean John Adam, 24 Writ Indir Ontario, In tledlrmutean Erie, IS Mediter-anean Peaciek, 1 West Indie Hornet, IS Wert Indie Spark, brig, 14 W1 Indie Nonsuch, 12 Mrditerranrsn Por;Mie, 12 Surveying Florida Coast Dilihin. : Pacific (rumpus, 1 W'ctt ItH'.ie bhark, 12 W i-rt Indies NervpituUititn. X sliip of thr line, 2 44 gun frigates, 1 ,6 (run fri(s'r, 2 44 fruit htris, 4 II gun sloops I 14 ifuu brig,5 12 irun schooner Total 16. In rommixinn, speria'lv quippeil for t'ie tup. prrssion of Piracy, 1 kicatu galhot, S a Hull i H small schooiiiRS viz liir, houn l, J:i( ksll. Fox, Wild I 'at, Bragle, Ferret, Weaxle. and Terrier i 5 bsres, u. Vtn-piilo, liiuit. Midge, Sand Fly, and (.llinit r ; 1 trantiort ship, Decoy. Veneli in OriLnury .t.'iinrjr I(jn. Indepmlrtee, liip of the br.e, Wash'ntrtnn,' do. Columhtia (Jo. 1 he hulls of these ships are in good order; though it otild he proper to examine tHir lvflm lrf'H M"n'in; to sea. Their upper decks and works require some caulking.. Delaware, ship of the line, North-Carolina, do. Ohio, do. Have never been in Communion j hulls in goodorderj Ixtt'oms ooM requiri ex animation Kefe tle k to ami tin ir impcf works and decks would probably reipurc soma caulking. Cuerrier, 44, require repairs. Java, 44, ver)' much derated. Constellation, if req'iires some repair. Macedonian, Zfi, do. F'.ilton, steam frigate, used as a receiving vcsel. J ' " Atcrr, eln. in gxxl wer atteh, Aip, lo. n.ixh decayed. Hrtufitu!ation. 6 ships of the line, 2 44 gun fripates, 2 36 do. ; 1 steam f'ijra'e, used as a receiving vessel ; 1 receiving ship, and the Asp, a small Nchooner, utterly usrlc sa. Shif)t on the tvchi, the Iin'. 1 at Portsmouth, rMild be launched in 60 Jays. 1 a' Boston, do. do. .10 1 at do. do. do. 9(1 1 at Philadelphia do. do. 180 1 at Gosport, V. do. do. 120 Fneitrf nf the FTrtt VUitt. 1 at Washington could be launched in .IO day. I at do do. do. 90, 1 at Philadelphia do. do. 30 1 at New.York, do. do. 30 1 at Portsmouth, do. do. .30 Heeiifntuhitiii. 5 ships of the line, 5 fripate. Nbtx. The above vrsaehi could, if required for service, be launched in the rime respectively stated i but their equipment would take a con siderable longur time. These vessels are building under the law for the gradual increase of the Navy. : and the fol- lowing were also built under the law : Colum bus, Delaware, North Carolina, and Ohio, ships of the line. Making the number built and building at fol lows : 3 ships of the hue, and 5 frigates of the first clasa. The TTtahirront-pa'tirM-by the Le giU ture of Alabama, proposiog General Jack, son as T suitable csndidattrfc'r President of the United States; have been returned to that body with the Governor's dissent, as a matter "not fairly within the legiti-matet',,-ft-c'?'h'al'0,u l'nehiate Dan 1. of Alabama Jias been located at Ca- hawba. Milledgeville Hec. The Cadets at the West Point Military Academv have presented, through Lieu- enant Leilie, the Ircssurer, 463 dollars to the Greek Fund in New York ; the offi cers and instructors of that institution have Uo given 140 dollars ; the hlusiciant and citizens at West Point have presented 63 dollars ; making in all 67 1 dollars. We " a re sorroy to observe, that the the country. inVestthcstrr, Petith and other places, its nrotrrrss is said to bo tlarmit:. M.t. Intel!.

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