r TTTVT MAN. VOL. IV. 10,4824. NO. 103. WTUn'mmom-r ATD)n 4 ' raitna llrfrr.LO wiiitk. i4i.vw tfiu u Vi4Bwft Tw Urm of the Ww ww 4U Hcrrvftrr be f .IJows i a"- 'JV1 Advertisements ill be inserted a. CNy cents per square lor tin tnt Insertion, and twenty-fire hwi ior tso pioscijueni one, . . All letters addressed tn the Witor, must be ft-fxtM, or they j!l not be attended to. .' State of North-Carolina,- 0W4SJ COCXTT. '" ' 1 EQUITY fUce, 224 January, HJ4i Samuel J Rdvards wan Stcshscjt Cental 11m defendant til the above case, aivd those inlcrr. ted, will take notice, that on Monday the 16th day of February pelt, at my office, at tbe court house in ftsliifnirv, I will proceed to tak the sccount subm'itccf (o me la said ease, relative to tlx value of the negroes mtntioned In the bill at w'ikli time and place they will please to attend. 3)2 r.RORCE LOCKE, e. . a. State of North-Carolina, CABARNVS COCRTT. COURT of Plena and Qusfer Session, Jan. uary Term, 1 024 1 David Ursdsnaw t. John 8. M tardy j original aUschmetil, levied on land. It appearing to the court that the defendant in this eaae is DM an inhabitant of this'ste. it ia tltcrefore ordered, that publication be made threo months in the H' m.m Cf-tliuA. fifing notice tj id defendant to aprsr at the nest Court of Mom and WuarUr Peaaions to be held for aaid county, at the court-house in Concord, on the third Monday of April next, to rcplevr, plead, or demur, otherwise judgment final will he entered up against hitn, avd execution awar ded accordingly. Teati M. Ut NT, e. e. a. fric adrt. 4. iU3 State of North-Carolina, MKCKLft nt R(1 COtTT. riOUltr of Mesa and Q.mrVr ,Seion, No- J rember ywiona, M2.1: ( harlca F. lloul. Ricnanl S. flet: Orimnal atUchmeht. 1 Je led in the hawUof Pan Alexander, rwnuhee 1 It appearing to the court that the defendant ia 1 thiae ia unt an inhnli'iUnl .Tll,!a At.l- . il Im ordered thai publication be made ail wetks is (tie Western Corolinian, eiriiur notice to the r said defrndairftn appear at the "neit cwm of l'Jeat and Qmrnr hcaaion. to be held for aajd county, at. the cooit-li .ttc in Diarkitte, on tSe 4th Monday in Febnianr neit, to replcry, plead to issue, or demur, others iae judgment final will be entered afainat bim. A copy teat, ISAAC ALEXAN'DKH, c.m.c. Pne Jr. R2. '93 State or North-Carolinji, MaiaLkgvini t'outTT- COl!R r of Pleas and Quwur. geu'.on. No-n-mber 5cssionv 182Jt- WJvm All n, Scymor Taylor : Original attacl.mrnt, levied os ncero boy Peter, now confined in the public jail ')( Mecklenburg county s It appearing to the court that the defendant in this enne i not an inhabitant of thi State, it il nnh-rrd that paDlici'ion be made fir six week in the We, tern Carolinian, printed in Suliilmry, N. C. g:v. 5p notice to the aaid defendant to appear at the neit Court of !lcaa and Qurtcr Scaiion to be held for aaij coontv, at the court-house is Charlotte, on the fourth Monh) in Febninn- next, to picau to iwir, replevy r .lemur, tuner-, w. i... v. -h.... ....... A copy : test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, c.n.e. State of North-Carolnia, MKCKf.KWBVRG Cot'KTT. ROBERT MTOMH, executor of Mary r-' Comb, t. Jane Kerr : carat to a will. It appearing to the aat'wfaction of the court, that , Margaret, daughter of the bte Uobert Morrison, since ititcrmarned to some one to (lie court un known, Wylic Uea and Margnret hi wife, An drew M'Lerran and Lcena his wife, snd James Jolinton,a5re inhabitant of snother state i it is therefore ordered, that publication be made six weeks in the Western Caroliuiin, thst they ap- j peir at our next court to be iicbl lor tne county of Mecklenburg, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in February next, and then and there plead or demur, or judgment will be entered according to the plaintifPs demand. By trdcrof court. Test, ISAAC ALEXANDF.lt, c. n. s. Price adv. $2. i94 ' House and Lot for Sata rttEuliscrlber wishes to sell Tiis house snd JL-fefo n-thx.toTO by himself, ss s tavern. The estatjilishiiieDtJ so generally known,, that it wmihi be of little service to dese ribe it parricufcirly litis, perhsns, the most eligible stand for a public houne in the r wertern psrt of North-Carolina j it ia within 80 i ) r' ine court-house in Salisbury j is laie nu ewtivewiem, auHfiitww wn-auHUinga. A very tnoilerate price will be taken for the ea- I' tablishmenr, and pavment made eauv. Any ' - ... .' v.... .. :u J. 'ii jicnun w j.ihiikj w iurviHisr, n iu uu wen in ai'- . plv soon, ss the subscriber is how determined to tf sell, and remove to his farm in the country. Lct ten directed to tlie subscriber, hi Salisbury. N. C. will be duly attended to. JOHM HOWARD, Stn. . SaMitry, JVc. 2, 1823. 83 A Pamphlet, ON the Subject of the Presidential Election, addressed to the citizens of North-Csrolin, i for sale at the cilice of die Western Carolinian, 1WioMe''m,?fP t j AF a good cjuahty, for sale at thiaofllcei some K . i w at one dollar twenty-five cents, and a larger kind at two dollars, per ream. ! ' Vrriting Paper, 'e at onc'Dy therenmj' foolscap . j A at three dollars, and pot at two dollars and t fifv swrit per ream: . - CtoctTita. Hemcnt and VIitncr. CfHf t Dacca U Slatt ttrtrti. - - w r t r we aiaavB. a larjre aaauiireetn of CUfio i fctnpr Teaa ' , . . Copperas ' Horn . Alum ' Drand : Cilauher.Balla W . ad.kr ' Winee, of all kind I'owdcr nd Jhur"- repfier Lead. Lc. tut. M blch thev are determined to aril aa W u trier can poetibly be afTorded, for nth. Tallow and fk-cewag received in payment, for whirb the niKnear mar in pnc iU oe aJIovrd. Countrt Merchants wlihinr to nurchaae Cwm. kih do eli to call and eiamine foe liiematKee. U. 18ZJ. I3t9ft Steam IJoat 3Iaid of Orleans, - - ate Cheap Wholesale Store. Offttni CHKRAW,; i ' Are. 72, 1823. C fllllR Itaid of Orleani (harinf; been detained L for repair more than a month lonrrr than the time aiHrcdted by written contract) hueom mencrd her regular tripe to thie place, and arri. red tl.ii day with taluaolo Cargt ot at Iraat 130 ton 3IVrchandize. the is to be a rerular trailer bet wren this nUe sad Charlraton. tnorbinr fur frelrht aitd ma. I v for anv immirl.ni frriirli. M, ; nnnl,.,i with LiLtcrt, ami mch othr eonvenience aa warrant her owner in atatine. eonfukntlv. thil ahe will hc ahle to lay down jpwda at either place, in the kmet Hate of the Kim, in 8 to 10 daya j arvl on a fiur rirer from 4 to 6 dava. Her o nrrt have provided wharfi and are. hnff at both place, cwenient, eatf and nndt-r uto'T. Tl.cy uiU alvncr cii and good on Cotron and prtKlurc !iippl by her, rd II for a cnuimarv commiaion. Ihey will rtrciite any onlT at ChHcton, Baltimore, Pluladi-I- r"it or ,-VrR, in each of which plcrtbrj ' ",Jr eeionaiira nc-m, ant tliry ao'icit the publ patronage for t!,i Dt snd their Whole sale Store st this plsee, only so far u the csn make it thrir interest to ue the one, and buy from the other. Conncled with the shore Host, the snbcri. bcra bane cetabCaiurd iFHrnU and s sure their cuatomers a liberal course of dealins and Wr prices, very low, tx cauac their goods have been and will be aelectrd from the princi pal markcta in the t'nited Mates and under all pnaible advan'arc for bnving low ; and their imBl shall be cliaryed with a ht hand, so light ss to mske it the interest of country deal ers and when to (jet manyTif their suppKcs from this eetablishmetit. By the Jtaid of )r- UuOO. thmp V .ki- Amp iiiJ - t -fc- onc-tliiid of their purchaaca, j( which have been mn& in Kew-Tor, Boston, rix'Uwlelphia, and at some of the prindnsl marmfactoriet;) the reaidue of which will he received hy the neit trip of the Boat, aay about the 6th to the 8th of January. Hieir purchase conaiat of Hie folios injr h sding srlicica, viz : 2X) barrel of Whis key ; 29 Midi, northern Rum , S doS. Orleans do ; 5 do Jamaica do ; 5 do W. I. do 2() do Su- j pn i 30 do prime retailing molasaei; pipes and 3r. cnk Cognac Rraixlv j llogsliciui Gin, Ma eria and othtr Wines, (tome 7 year old:) 100 pu era Dundee Hanging, ii in. t 2 bale twine 30 coils Hale Hope ; 1'JO b ColTee; 20 do p.ppt.r ,n,j p;n,ento ; CO ton. Sweden imn ; 1 do ti.riran steel, i iio mencan do i 3 do nlotieh moulds i 2 do ahot 1 1 do bar lead i 4 do Hollow t are, aasotcd s 2 do shot, aaaorted ; 20 Krgs Ihipont FK. and FFF. Powder ; 1 JO do wrought andnit nails r Stirrers retsilirifricer 2Wesiks cheese ; 4 dor.. Philadelphia mill ami cross cut JSwj csaks ot hammers, Carolina hoes, trace- cluins. Trow els, &c. Axe bundle Spade, Shov. els and Frying pan ; boscs Candles, Soap, win- dow Ola; Sodoz. Whittc more ' Cotton Cards; 1 1X1 lo V ool llati j 50 do llorain or napt do ; 50 do B'aver do Blk. and White ; 20 do Children's morocco do Shoes in trunk and cases, assor ted; Crockery in crstes i 20 barrel trsin or tanner's oil s 30 Nixon' putcnt csst iron Ploughs, the best patent in the Cnion, and well worthy thu" attention of the planter i 20 barrel fhad and mackerel; 20 doz. Corn Brooms; rose, point and dnffil Blanket. BF.KHS, BUNNELL k CO. CAcro, Per. 22, 1823. . t96 Cash and Goods paid for Cotton, Wheat, rwx-Hced,dry Hides, am! most kinds ot produce, Yadkin Navigation Company. T17HF.REAS, the bond tsken hy me a an - f v agent nf thrf compsny, - hsre been trans reiTedbyjyMcrv to HirsTn Jennings, in payment oT iihe sceonrttH ordJenmngsMl John Htxon, spsinst the company and tor the amount o( which hbrids, Hirhm Jehhirtgs, for himself and John Hlxon, hat heretofore limited receipts to the Company; which bond have again been placed in my hands by said Jennings for collec lion, as hi syenU .Aaft'cs is, therefore, hereby given, that unTJaa payments are mide""bjrihe third Monday of February next, being in the week of Rowan county Court, or some satisfac tory arrangement to that end, that immediate ly after that time all such bonds will be put ia suit. 9t92 A. NESBITT, Xuv, 25, 1 833. J)srtiUtforH. JrmUngt. Strayed or Stolen, FROM the subscriber, on the 25th December last, a Dajiple Grey MJJtE, about 15 hand high.-slemler formed, with a gear behind each shoulder, with a tail rather longer than common iar.h.faead lonir hh. Also, at thr aamr time, a amhll JBuv JPsiKjv-tRmarkably Cut,pcejlj4Qrt ana roach mane ; no other marks or brands re- eollectedi'' - - - - Any person'returning said mare and horse, or giving any satisfactory information of the isme, to the subscriber, at Society Hill, 3. C. shall receive a suitable reward, together with the thatiks of the owner. DAVID. B. BF.LL. -8init.g Jank 9, 124, ' JW2 rai ran avoif Jr, Ml i B ailoeinj Re tok M lowing iixiiiriet throiiS the rjtium of your l"" tine eptr,yeu ill eotiV artWle f. WO our old s-J sliaeeee U taawaa. 1 1 T What Ii the rtaeort tfl I6tt4 peo ple wMull.faUtVoV)B thtvuih vvould toiwcr thefr pulomUueri -3. What it tbe Dri'ple which ct Rlcs tome mtrji wh ihty form lecia lom that areyjuriAJi U partici, tmtfl. ting to comrson avnir. tod irreconcil - l ' w able to theAlictitct of cooicieacef 3. Wha is M reaiea that certain mechanic cip1ain of the pressure of thciimesillibcrality of the public, ftnd want cfetnployraeot, when they can al ly hod it convenient to leave i profi. table job to lounge about the taverns ? 4. V hat is the It mod that, whencv er r pretty.ficrd beau is to be seen in the Culp;t, the fcnle part of the con gregation is increased in the ratio of tiity two and a half per ceotf 5. Why da some people estimate a nWi resptcuhilitv bv his apparrcl. his talents by hitrsrafiotjanu his wea" by his qu page i .e. W'ht ii the reason th.if eertam a a micli .ins. li.urr in the t' to''- r "caih buMncsMo.ircdif, name one price for ao jrude Jd charge ao cither? 7. Whv ia nnl rvrrv .tie vilL ge of two or three hu-xlrrd nti, oc- casionally furninh. ri st itHh' " d' dnilies itnd a fe pupixn Ptrol the streets t night, wh d halloo, Wov horns, scrape ei6" sf a serenade ar every con" d charm all nature . . y t ..it .i ith thr $i'trt cirvtoi "ijiow, ine winds )1.?" I. Uatisthr reastmthatsorr.epeo. pie sJutc y-u with wartflprofcsi nsof frieoilsh'ip, ho io sreret arc r mploi r d in lo backbiting, and every DHitrmpji- We artifice to destroy your icputatioo and living? 9. VVhv do the people appcint repre sent tve to make laws for .fair own bernefit, in preference t thai of their consiituTiis i 10. What is the reason that certain gentlemen of the bar do not rxamine their rlaims before they are -put into the shcrifTs hands for collection, Irst pcradventurc, some of the delinquent might prove to be their creditors ? It. What is the reason thttnmeprr lor.n, who have the reputation of being the moat worthy and useful citizens, are religiously scrupulous against de voting a few shillings to relieve a fel low being in distress ? A GOOD STORT. Among the first settler of Bruns wick MinCj was Djnicl Mulrolm, a man of undaunted courage, and n inveterate enemy of the Indians, who guve him the name Sur;urnumby,i.e. very stronj; man. Enrly in the spring he ventured alone into the forest for the purpose of splitting rails from the spruce, not apprehensive of the return of the Indians so early in the icason. While engaged in his work, and having opened a log with small wedges about half Us length, he was sui priced by Indi ans, who crept up and secured his imitktt, standing by hi side. (Siir jmnniby,' said the chief,4 now me got you ; lonj? me want you: you Ion? time speak Indian, long time worry him ; me have got you now, look up stream to Canada.' 4 Well,' said Malcolm, with true sang froid, 4 you have me ; hut just help me opm this Ior before Igo tLThf .!'iihe in number, agreed. Malcolm prepared a large woo7rerruedge7 carefully droie ifrtook'oufhrs smM ved' pes nd told the IndUnsto po: in their fin gers to the partially clefted wood, and help to pull it open: they did; he then sudden ly struck out his blunt wedge and toe alas tic wood instaniiy closed, fast on their fin glrsTand tel.eCured Ihenn DELUSION ! Asa Wild, of Amsterdam, N. Y. has published an account of a glorious -vision presented to him by the Almighty, in which he ssys, the Lord told him that the millennium was near ; that in seven years there would be scarce a sinner to be fmind on earth; and that within thai time twn thirds of the inhabitants of the wrjd would be destroyed by wars, famine, pestilence, to Isil piarucuIarly,,oiHhc vatious tlenom i!??fewng" Ctmstians, alt of whoro have become extremely corrupt, and now constitute the New Testament Babylon. In their stead a new denomi nation is to bo raised up of small learning, who will have higher authority, superior inspiration, ana greater nounessunan was . a ' a ever experienced before. ludgrl CONGItE89...fi Senate. . Jan. 33 A comraurjlcation was re ceivc4 from the Legislature of the Sute of Indiana, praying e donation of Undst-or grasit of a certain per tentage on the sV.s of public lands, lor the purpose of making a Canal from Lake Erie to tbe river Web asb. , ReferrtsJ to the Committee on Roads end Canals. The bill from the House of Reprtsen tativei luthorldnf road to be made from Memphis', in Tennessee, to Little Rock, f the territory of Arkansas, was read the IhVd time, and passed. Mr. Jackson from tbe Committee on Military Affairs, reported bill author! sing the laying Mil and making a mjlita ry road from r'crt St. Philip to New Or leans, snd makiigspproprlation therefor; which bill was csd, and passed to a se cond reading, and the report and docu menu were orrered to be printed. Jan. 24 Tie Senate did not sit to-day. Jun. 26-.Ur Smith gave notice that he sUuld to rorrow ask leave to Intro d tic" a hill, making appropriation for the gradual armrfntnt of the new fortresses of the United States. Mr. Hsyoe, from the Select Commit tee to whom, wts referred re solution from the House of ReDrtsentitJves. oro vtitne lor the sending ot a shipot the line to convey the Marquis Lafayette to Amer ira, reported a new resolution on the sub ject, as an amendment to tne one iram ihe other House. 1 Ma resolution rs fue st the President of the United State to eipress to the Marquis the grateful assurance of the respect and gratitude of the government towards him and also authorizes the President, whenever the Marquis intention to visit this country shall lie made known to him. to aend a public veel to convey that distinguished individual io the land to which, in early life, he had rendered such eminent ser vices. It was unanimout!' passed to be engros ;edt and rend the third time ; and, subse quently, had its third reading, by general consent, snd passed. Jan. 27 -In pursuance of notice given yesterday, Mr. Smith asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill lor the gradual supply of cannon, bombs, and howitters for the new fortifications. The bill was read, and passed to a second reading. The bill to aholirft imfiritonmntt fur debi was taken up, and made the order of the dy for Friday next. IIOrSE OF REPWF.SKNrATIVES. Jan. 23 Mr. M'l.sne, from the Com miMee-of Waya and Means, reported a bill making appropriations for the support of Government lor the year 184 ; and a bill making appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the year 1824; which were twice read, and com mitred. Mr. Condict, of New Jersey, submitted for consideration the following rcsolu tions : 44 HetQli-ed. That the Committee of Ns val Affairs be instructed to inquire how far it may comport with the public good to change the mode of compensation to Navy Officer, substituting a gross sum per unnum in lieu of all ellowances now made- 44 Hcnolved, That the committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire how far it may be expedient and proper to change tbe mode of payment to army officers, substituting a gross sum per an num in lieu of such pay and emoluments as re now allowed." On motion of Mr. Vance, of North Ca rolina, it was Kettlvcd, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be directed to inquire into the expediency of discontin uing the post route from Yorkvillc, in comle -county,, in .Iforth ( Carolina nd transporiirtg the mail, weekly, from'Lin co'nton, by Moore's Mill, in Rutherford county, lo Rtitherfordton, North Carolina. On motion of Mr. Conway, it was Ketolvei, That tbe Committee on In dlarTAffaira be irTbTrucIedTO"1nqu1rr Into the expediency of authorizing the Presi- d'jnt of the United Ststes to purchase of the Indian tribes west of the state of Mis souri and territory of Arkansas and Mich igan, as much territory as will be suficient to give room for those tribes of Indians Within the present states and territories, who may wish to migrate westwardly. THE GBKEK qURSTIOsT. The JJouse then again resolved itself inter a Committee of tW' whole," Mr.".'Ty-' lor injhe xjiairc the Un- ioik afldJrejumcjJ the consideration of MfcWelwte agent to . Greece, nd the amendment ; thereto proposed by Mt. Poinsett, which proposes to limit tbe resolve to the ex- prenion of a sentiment decisively favora ble to tbe Greek cause . ' . Mr Cutbbert, (who had, by the custom of the House, tho right 'to fie flw. hav Ing moved that the committee rise,, delivered this sentiments to the house h was followed by Mr. Clay, and Mr. , Randolphjwheri the house adjourned. " Jan. 24 Mr. n )d laid on the Ue the fllowag, fur comidciatkw on Moo day neit i : ; r ' " feaoA-r, That the PreMent U re quested to cause to be laid before this House an estimate of the eipence which would be Incurred by transporting the troops now at tbe Ceurall Bluffs io tbe mouth of ike Columbia or Oregon rivers. Til 0EII ,1'BSTIOV. The House then again resolved itself into i committee of tbe whole, Mr. Tay lor in the chair, on Mr. Webairr'a reso lution, for sending an agent lo Greece and the amendment thereto proposed by Mr. Poinsett, which proposes to limit the resolve te the exprestionrof sentiment decisively favorable to the CVeck cause. Mr. Randolph then rose and made speech of some length, and was followed b Messrs. Webster, Fuller, Daniel, and Clay t when the House adjourned. Jan. 26. -Numerous petitions wero J resented j among which was one from ohn Wilcox and others, praying Con gress to take measures to perpetuate peaco between this country and Great oiuain. Mr. Livermore In presenting this pe tition, aaid, that he feared tbatthc object of it, however desirable, was unattaina ble, by any act of legislation ; vet, as the petition was couched in respectful tertna, lie had not refused to present it to the Mouse. The House then resolved itself into a committee of the whole.on Mr. Webster's and Mr. Poinsett's mot ions respecting the Greeks ; Mr. Taylor in the rhair hen Mr. A. Smyth of Virginia, cVlitered his sentiments against tbe resolutions, in a speech which ocsupied the H use till three o'clock. Mr. Rich, of Vermont, said, I at he would respectfully suggrat to tho com mittee, whelherr considering the diversi- ty of opinion which was known lo exist, it would not lie advisable lo rise without taking the question, cither on the amend ment offered b the member from South Carolina, or tlie original resolution. And with so understanding that, unless in the . course of the session, something should occur to create greater unanimity, the ' subject should' not be fun her pressed up on their .attention. In order to obtain the sense of the members on thi point, Mr. R. said, he would more that Ihe com mittee rise, and he submitted that mo tion. Tle motion pre v,iled, area 131. Jan. 57.Mr. Webster, from tlie com mittee on the Judiciary, reported a bill more effectually to provide for the pun ishment of certain crimes against the United States, and for other purposes ; which was twice read and committed. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Mercer, (cslling on the President for certain information touching the suppres sion of the Slave Trade,) was culled up and agreed to. , On moiion of Mr. Livingston, it was Neiolved, That the committee on the Post Office and Post Roads consider and report on Ihe propriety of establishing s more direct communication between the seat of government and the city of New Orieans. Mr. Hemphill moved to postpone the orders of the day, to ukc up Ihe bill for. obtaining the necessary sureys, Ice. on roads and canals. The motion was car riedayes 105. Mr. McLane, of Delaware, then deliv ered his sentiments, at considerable length, on the constitutional question in volved in the bill. At the lequest of Mr. Archer, of Va. the committee then rose, reported pro gress, and had leave to siLagain, WUDSOK, (k. T) JAN. IS. - Cttrimt fatt. In one ward of this ritf, there were 11 and a Tew cetits'sulvscrt- bed for the relief of the unfortunate suf ferers who had lost their all at Wiseasset andrtlna fourwrr fellow tm7ensvand -had been reduced to the last extremity of wretchedness and misery, by a destructive conflagration; but for the relief of the Greeks, who live upwards of 4,000, miles off, and of whom we know little either of their Christianity or civilization, this same ward has given about 200. I he max im, that 4 Charity begins at home,' appears -to hnve been reversed in this instance So much stronger is enthusiasm than syaa- patby. '," HTirg. '-- Monitor of ; the 6th inst-tsy the. bilt which passed the Senate Scme iime since, to continue the burning system in rela tion tQ tbe Commonwealth's paper, un derwen; a change in the House of Repre sentatives last week : It is intended to call in the "paper .t the nte of one per cei U per month and x it ui."

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