! i mu-vmy roucr, la ll.e erctli of Mr. Poinsett, lu coii f,rcn. M the rcaoJuikin la provide fur lull Jon to Greece, It the folio irijj Impor tant Information, developing lb view of universal despotism etuertslncd ty the emptier of Nutate . ' The envoy tf the mperor of Rum!, tent lo foiwr.luUN I rrdwand mi hit re w oration 10 the fultiese of hit legitimate mhoiir,or, ia oilier wni, to Ui4 riitht jjf lf unulilnj .titer .hit mljiccUUI ..... I "1 ... i '. . . t.t.n ..j - om toinrvis hi iir wtnrt y nil vv Jhtt'tr lml I' I'fjtit lW rnjuyrtt kit tuhjrtu U Entire may it fjlrnjrj it hi dominion In Anrrica, In reply to our rati for Informaiiou upon the aubjrr i, , J'rttUmt indirtttty till A moM' sVicJ mvvtmtnl ugmnti Jmnua it In it afifpthtniUd. Indeed, we mat tee the norm -gathering U wU (lit kint of tbc timet." CetlllTO, J4. 54. CWin This staple wa ten did lunar the firt part of lsi week, but n the eonrhi. ion (here was consinVrsbU- exrlvr'y hi t plint I 13 a 13J fur J'kkI Uir sth-ctiuna. ir, CVi. , . 34, Ct, The Ixiiinraa doing wss aoisri, but he price r?i ordinary to fair finalities went M. ly supported. We continue our rin (or up. lamia, wiili th remark tSC there art but few parcels that will command over 14 ent, though asks wens mmm during the vetk at Hi eodtJ foe uport. We rtdu Ui mm Ibr bu Ala bama. . Cl.tsivt, 1J a IJJ Tennrwte 131 a 13, At I meeting of tk numbrn of tjaj Ltgitliturf of Massachusetts, oA t?wiV Mums, Ltfj. wai unanimously recoin- mended to th people of ih Uuiud State , at candidate fur the I'rrtidetil'a thalri t the tnplniUn cf Mr. Monro 'a term Am oi omrc. fyoru of tlo Chrc " 'PitC. Mirrfia Ut p'.rtn MftkWn. 1 t'i'ift I krrua aii ! auniMt, a4 tha fetj'N'urijr il nr'aiM HH4ili (ljna, k't in. ntt M rr tU wliM-h U vit pla la Wcklnirtf mnif, on f rvU, K 1 th U. Mrel on lit nm rH, Ulw Milium H. KUituuUr't an LhirlHi. riKtr rs th hour oT 7 arij i o'clock thtinr. A IxifM of F,H k At UMrviacM of a Halt. 8ule! VulnaliU) Inml fur Kale HAVING puniae4 t!it pPt'Vt- reotly ortbM of Ilia Court llouaL A vMrtit lo awt prrmanetitlx catahllalirf Wlf, tltrra ( lH-re ht ia rvxly to atuwl iiil to tt rIU for pni(caikl Mrrviora ilru In Lit ImiO a rxxl aUpply of MmHi ipt MU m will aliya be rra-lr. whee not vnif) calu-il akr. tofurnitb to thtiM uku wail Ihriik accointmiu-N riV lha IrHTlHirwI.-(the .I.;) 1 Mrli flMR vlt)trriK J! , ,hr ...lln- W h.it, (!. C.wt.n.Monrrtapp.Hiiird ti lV X lfi, 4I,U M-rVU t..rf r.-. .h, mi. off Ihe Iowa t4 Istmgian, , m lHwmm t.my, , f4(, ff Uj , (m r,.U w.ll pro-r4 10 o,k. of the U. In 14 To..., h,,, , fe. Bliu-i ,U, !, I .n-krif. '.,rJ, t-lj-Hn.njf tba t. 1 H tmirl lUMi, at p..bh ,h.Hl( 9 m,l (rt, , ttwlin. Mu u mm tliti.UaJ K.h.I . f . ll.a . im il ml ..... p,riM-, ptk'ii in iitrve ''inii-m,oi it li and atghUce ntouLU, tKiuni court, iolbe tl'U. JHV MOMIOIJ,-" JOIIV tl.r.MMONS,C.-W.-.. IMVIU cox, S V. 4, 1H34. 3,9 :..The Kililora of lha IlilUlwinnnh Ikrr. ofir ami Milum (r(lf, !.! rre tU lor (wo uKerUont, and furwaAl Uieir axooaU to Ihia oILca for pnnut. Thrt Utilt trt .l t.inbti' a Upltd to th ml'urw of tS; rara, anl all k .i lt of antatl Kain. Te 1hl lmrf tre, t"luflg aone prima UuHotn UmI. 11m IihU-, tll) peaking, lira vt'l, an I la nnrly ttrt '. rl .! Mcr4, A if 14 io irnjoin, I llidl them Alan, niilirr tract of 7IM trr atiurl Tmt II m.let JH'.a .4 of Hirl-fr'. t Uol U mM n "i I ' if I, i-il ii'M infvr'vr oi the bet' til tJuf a -1it uf rtr riiitf . with the ceririiMoni. " Jacob riirixtinan, rilAKKH tlt'ia opportunity of infunuine; lii ( 1 fnentli an. Hie puLU gtuciidty, that lie :T t ,.. I I itf llf nnr fri(M r, ti oei r a vaj 1 i' 1 1 avt i1''! " w , atatff A ff .t'lVPM I,. A ....!... I in 1 uy ;i.4iutll.li. . l,,if-ftl,ri ,,c Uattat faahioM from thr f1,IK iwMiyiiCorl are authoriwil loctntrM t nolfi) 10 iiLr a'Mf r f..r, in Hit mm! appro'! VaHkm Ihr i a kmm ltVir tnit hrn on lha a t,r uuii.inir iu Ara.K nura in i,narmu.-. r ,um. a LttxU of uir i l t.itra. Hl,i irrmiars imi "irirr The National Intrl.irncer of the S3 I tit. containtoconifitui.i' li-n rrconintru flinK Almk.t Callatimi Lq. for the ' ice Prcaidcicy. CITY K NKW.VOIIK. WilliMin Poulctnic. j'ni it. Icen elec led, by the ( onunoii t 'o' il.to lie Mator of the l-ity of N-Yoik, for the cn.uing year. The Wattiioi'ion correaiMxiiUnt of the - - ---- 1 mi , uri ten iitna-ut inmr arn mic. or . hi.r.-a. J n.tlrt. fcr. lie mrimri nn l.c folloWiitK I'cvrnpijoii of the per thrra0.wtl two atorva lion a atone f.mn.(iU Af.iU MaLin oiiau.rM! l. ft he will .r aoiul fi -rarat.re uf tiji i!iliii;u'uhrd jLtM, At to partiiion a!t in card, an I upp to male .vl rtt.air all thai lliv Hillie peronHi-e 1 t'U ui R.n ioli.h h -te hd . haemnt ory f.tr r!lr, ftc uiftcr !ir frmale Vu,r,lt, to fcm. Hit pricra tliall U pn, M,trel...tp .hoMlil. I hi la thai I i'"1""- ia.H ....i...a pro,...l, lwf,i,r...-r ta ll t....ra. Ihoae wl-o may fator .. , .. I" and nm w t.ie .e of Uir U i.l Imir. , ,;in ,t. thrlr ai.rk. mav rrat aM.rrl lliat it f aaritr-t H.rti.n ,. h; r,,ci,1.I b fM.rf ,e tutultU nrttis j,,, Mld .ml tSe Salanre n w " wv -i 1 , -m ut. fiici.iarra, u nu 11 rq ui nun n lie II, i"r mr Jrrii'f li ....... 1 ..i i .1 I . ... i---. . ..i.i .-ii ' trrur accu arrrtw wni;r.i irtii 1 :i n a i ca.pt mn aura K-panuciv, iw ai irinir. Vit the weatern rifl- s pmnipi '" " " "'" " '"'"'K '"' ''- I. Irtrllcll. amltKin ll.r mjl k ! ilUr ci.Vj.X. j to ba aoittrMU J lor VuIiuMl' I'luilnlioii fur Sale. ,fW I", anliarri'iiT ' eiiliniiard !V tlie I 1 uf llrnry ftrin r, ti o II ih. Imla of the tVnwtt i'le nf tW- mit iniiif 6iarrti oni'.'M ! itf ihe lant ia rir liu,in, . iiual to y on iha in !1 il. i.ri.Mia liratu li.. ami mill inf. Vvlkin H i f. cmUinilif 6i arrti on.-.'lii it . . . .I' . .. llf- . ril the laattat fai Lca'Klfi pair, in li 1. i, all IliimU ol I u.i li a, . tt-nrj mill br u.'Jl'C I 1.... -i' . . ImII hit. HiulnliJt api-ara. tt.ia inter, j . -,u '.- r..r...i. ..ti ,.- ..,.;,t. TliomnA K. (!liritman, rrt- tt riM. nunrii a. I ho au!c-ib'r nillrii I'lt- nln't on, i'!i al' iHo jitp'irtrnanri t tlt-r iinto h Utnmg, In H- nnt iio'al Pnbl'C . ir'i'in, on IV prrw a , H JHtU ii'tl Ki Lniar n 1 on tl u filt-win trr i.a: 1'ial t'n purrhaarr li:l H' tlx - n on thr ilt 'if hn jnirclia . file hurJrt if iltjlam, to In naiil, rmt hair in ""' ear, and 'hr oiltrr Imll m n trara. Monl ami aTnntt aill be r nnirrd frun Hie pii !. in a Ui c i.rab Minimi, will 4 Imr 1 -to hit til iwi.and flt liouri ftir'c .( ; from u til n l,i. lr k of hjii. lit1 will, riUtxin, drprtirfa conpl Oi.uslv hl,iiit toHie two ajtiinlln lr PP" -r ' l, cotered wi'h v uiir ttotaiitrv 411(1 war tned at loitniti wit It Utkc fl linn wxk t 7'o;A-orA. In couwcqitrnre of h inn red an aJterliariiitnt in toor parr, o few etching au"'. rca;ttctini; the dioro? cry of acute (or the tooth arhr, when produced by it !ecy, I wa ind-ired t. 1 - projci 1 thrtc ir f-.ur im ne alnne the oiM iiti aamull i.lof the Muir .ffu. ,,P"I in Ili.ni..d. i.MKvIt, hia tidon apptjintta portion of it, tltmuh ' drria, w-U, hi. toi.e, hia .rKiimeot. the nicdiunfcf atnll pin e of roiton J b, "torr, .ic .11 oyyr 4 iimnlv waiurated and pUed in the hoifow of the lm"' . uul,i ,H: " Ar, ', lhr tooth, .n ihaUni.tirnna irlirf n nhi tin-1 I online liofTte lli.u . The momeiil ht ed. I can only uttiihute tbie wfnidtrful fiid certain remedy hr a inoM inirnsclt ditiretaiiiK pain 10 the oMerul 4inixor luiic and 4riitop!ic 'uliutt ol the l..i ir, and aa auch l arnto'lv rccuiiitnriid it to the uMetition of the aufl'ci ine . Itrint; con- -tutted fioru expctientc that the turc ia CClLaiD 4lld C.TltlU.l. on it or run utLitTto tct;l Utt Ui it l. r"rroury2, iH -L List .t 'i it. PI VI.AP, iiyr a l. I'r thr t 'til nt iif iir inonrl ; tl(al taiotl A Ik tuli'.-a li.it iijMiHimiijr of mlorminf hia of the Liila will be l, 1 co on thr d. 1 jir-frrt-rU and tlit poblis, that Ka ratabltalitd chav. 'lt(l 'l, tb Sad'Ut 1 An -"I Muhmf Uimnmi, ainlia; Kirxufr f llrnry fnn-r, drt'J. pn pn d t i da all kimla of ji.ba in hibnaintat. Frh,, I8M. 3it9l. Mr ali iM Tiirtnili aiicli aa wlntit, Ilrvllra, 1 III II" tit, the hum tlut ordiiurilt puvnili tlinnuh the h'HiMr. 4 1 once tulidt the niotiKiii Hie Ural hn'cof hit alirili pipe la htuid, (here it uothinK- ilc to liC4r." MAtMMt ii il.- ' 111 til a i.1 in, uil Marjfarrl VlliMili Joint A'lan s 1 Jt hn tSr.jf ;tt Ui,im i'iii Jantt Ai" rrn.n V illiaiii .nU rwtn. I nn !- .; .lamca U 1 1 1 a 1 k. 3 N. A. Hrj.,11 John H Urkl.ii i Juliii I) ,allcw Hin I . lUilard l.i tlSj m ire , M l .r lh t l ilt. ; I lii.n. A KnA J.'l.t l kiln i d l.ln.lijiH K I .a'lH. Nai4- I Im.1. 'ton Hiirv, 18.'. CUF.RJW H HU ES, Jan. 23. Cotton, Ma 12 en. 1 lloir, new, per bar rel, J to g6 1 Conw bualicl i to 4J crnta 1 (lata, 3J to j3 ct. 1 I'eaa, 4.1 to $'i eta. ( t Ma ker, pj. 41 o 45 eta. ; Apple Uran-fv, 40 tn4f ( To6.cco, i to 4 i Ikeaaat, lbV ct'a. s t allow, 4 to J eta. : Hacon, 'J to i ct. t 1-ir.l, 7 to 10 eta. ftntter, Jt to 'JO cti: ; tTjyr'nf , 'Jl to 3 rU. 1 Iron. 5 to 6 iltK ; Salt. huah. V3 rta. t Snjpir, 10 .10 li dol , CoHre, lb. 23 lo 28 ct. ; T me, lb. S to 5J cts. Molatsea, ii to 45. CU.INLF.ST0.Y MICHX. Jim. 24. Cotton, S. lubnd, 22 to 23, Kain. .1 do. 12 to Ifij fWre, 18 10 21 1 ahort a)Ie. 12 to 14 1 lice. &2j a 2 87 1 inferior to good R2j a 2 50) Vbiakry, (Penn.') 35 a 37 eta. t N. B. Hum, 38 1 Apple Bnuuly, 40 cenla.) 1'obaccis Ken tuck)'i (ieorjf'a, Kayettctille, kc. 4 to 5 ; Bcea aval, 32 to 33 tenia , Tallow. 7 ; llrrf, Hot ton Met, 10 1 No. 1, 8 a 9 ; prime k No. 2, 6 to 7 1 Mackarel, No. 2, 5J 1 No. 3. 4 ; Haron, 7 to 10ct.i ll.ma.lla Ui lArd, Vto 11 1 lle'-, Dundee k Invrrut tH, (42 inch) 72 a"24 ett. 1 1' x niacPrand) H a 1 10 cr tral.t Holland ('.in, l to 110 ett. per (fallon i Iron, ltusai- k Sweijoa, 4 to 4 100 lh i Knliah o 1 Salt, I jveroot-l - cnarat'i 4-.S-W-47 eit. r r hinlii .UJ1 arkl.ljaA. 49 a 50 ; Sucar, Havana M'hiti . 12 to M ; Hrown. fi to hj t M-.iarovado, "i to 10; t. ('roil 10 11: Nt Orleana, 8 to 10; Inferior, 8 a 9J Itefincd I .oaf Riiptr, 16 to 2)i Cnfli e, Uott pr'rn 21 e. : Infer, lo jjood. 18 a ) eta. i IV a, llv aou 95 to 105 rta. per lb. Hum, Jan. a 1 rii, nvr ri. j M eat Imlia, 65 tU. j Molaast-a, ( . I.) ?i to 25 tt. j IllacU lVppcr. 20 eta. ; Pimtn to, 22 tta. N irth-Camlina ll.tnV f tills, 4 ) a 5 per rent, dit.t lieotyia Kank Hills 4 i a 5 per cent. dia. AJ-lruif of a Irtlftfim Ihr rub''irr f lu I'tM, f jj, wn C'r. dulrj la, Jun. itH. ; llnllip ltro n 44 The first coition. 3Ka topiia. of the Wni. Bradlry Pilot, ia ll old j and cutler ate received J for teveral hundred more. The m;i tmd Yliuttn III itk idiiioi. i. in Ii-ikU hi fite (iifJtrtni p'iut ' t-0. John Htandon, 2 iii tile t here, and will be out in fifteen j j.,, 11, riinl data. ErrQia til t at cd aa tun lc ri : Jaeob Rmn pecied." I t hi loA writ for Amnitau I '"''I H,,c lueimuie l Ldtn,r Duli Murt J'uiriot. , . :, " J joiin ' num. ay ..... J John V,cmn Mr. EaatbtKn, of Newotk, hat JUt ! (UM.rjr. Ca i pbell puniiilii ' u (t'amutic flifm in three atft, j Um. II. Cole rntttlrtt Hvjt hr, Frwn Vac notice taken. Charlea Cathtriil r :. . l.. v-..v.i. .nrt ik. 1 J w t:rew Oi II III '. HI." . V .M,v, auu iiiv j known pottitiil lalcntol Mr. L.atiburn, we anticipate the ndiiitiuii of another Hott er to tolumbia't literary vrcall. Frtm Curacao. lly the hriv; llebecca and Sallv, at New York, the editori of the N. V. (ifcHle have received Curacao pa heiato Hit 25th ult. The lirilisli line of l4tilc thip (jlouctttcr, captain l.ille, Utt fi out Jjiu.iiia, lud anied at Cjracao hating a Untrli tchooncr wi ll her at a prue, with 250 netrroct on board from Africa, cuptuttd by the schooner Union,! Allen Caae Tnd sent trreitt boVliao ayttcAulv-l.u Jarob Coon John Campbell Aqudla Ch dliiro Jamra Canitht ra Peter Cam Sallv Cowan Joarph Clodfelter Daniel Ckxlielter JaAtet Carr Jacob Crrtt Jamra Cunningham John M. Clemniona Itawlale Craw by David Craige Ptilly Crider M.IKNlf.li, In thii town, on tiie 3d inst. by the IleT. Dr. Treeman, Mr. Jfvthew Ickr, to Wist Suiann .1. Fulton, dauffhter of Capt. John Fulton. At Williamkburh, Illinois On.VaAn Edgar, of Nt wJtraey, an officer of the revolution, agrfd 72 years, to M'im Eliza .SYr-wii, aed 14 yeara. . ,. ;' mm, "IrrSahrin.-tnrthe-iStltdtT Mr, Jlewm JJaaav aged 72 yeara 1 he vaa. a loitlier in the r.tvolu tionary war. ;,.7 . Alsom Salem, on the 31st ultimo, Mr. ( hri. ttfJuir Keith, atd 62 yean. He a rote early in an existing treaty between iho iwocoun tilts. Ctpt.tin Sabiston at Norfolk, in 30 days ftotn Montr go Hay informs, that reat niprelienaioiit were entertained at the I'.nisu of St. Jainea, (about 7 milts fioin Munico Ha) .) of an in-iUt reclioii anions ihc Harks. Several ol the linglcadcrs were tktn up and sent away. Deucli intms oT aohlieis were ttatioiifd on boatd the ship Hull. King at St. Jamtt ; the mcic hunts and citizens gtneully were toiptlied to take ut arms. 1 boa. Chaffin Whi7C:t0Mbf Stanley Chaffiil'. Hubert Durham Win. Denham Saundcrt Douaho Jotrph Davit , Fliza Davit. Kobin Kliotte U ill.e Kill John LUcr. Frederick Ford Peter Feazer Janira Konl Urf.f W.-Ferirnton l m. Fk'iuniing Tobiax Kurchaa John Fithtr. Iaia . (iaylord Ji e ttilli ban M m. (jence Kicliard Uillatpie John HUtbard , H0bc.1i (iitlai)ie SIR GKKCOH M'CiKECOR. 1'he N liotial Iniciiigtiitt-t , of the 29th it Iiimov ut , ilut . t he . vv eJl . known JjJ;-.. Grrtror siill reniiles at Ponva : has set TuiiMt ir vp as KT.ig. 4ncTTia"ippwriteir',"'"" Ct)Wtrraroni'"WKe- Kmgliuniotig tiijiI'Vf0; v 1 i it AirrttrT-1 a, W: '""H10 &UCCH; 1 Francis I., t.ibaon . .l.., - ...... -' I ,.AC,,b 1; ljrxv,. Thennorniniroir-thfr day of hit Aicaaae, appar. Catton.l2tulii-L;flQur.lt,te.5i tiiperfiny,5j) 1 Oorge Wtiyjgiyja cutty in good health; -while in hjaaid, he ft 11 clown, was taken to bed, and in Wo hours after, be died, w ithout tjwaking a wont, or opening hit eye, which made it doubly afflicting to his iamily.;, eowwcmcAfn. On the 15th uft. at hia teat in Warren county, 1 n the 57th year of hie ajre, the Hon. Jamtt Tuiiur. This highly respected and excellent J man, had filled the moat important officet in his J native State, lie terved five years as a mem- l.er of the State LegTsrature. ;" In Uie year 1102 he was elected Ooveruor, ana served the UOn- "tiwttionlciisaod.io& the United States and was re-elected for the t ext six years, but ill health occasioned him to vacate his aeat a jear previoutto the expiration of that period. From this time lie lived as a private citizen, fulfilling all the duties, hich ftmily, frietidiy, and aocjul connectiotts, culled kim.ty perfonB. Ualeir;h Register. I in at, VU cents j inisae s-'J aj; peacn 01 an- join, tiodgena dy, 45 a So j apple do. 4J to 45 1 corn, 42 to 45 ; , Kxhard Harris bacon, 7 a 8; salt, 1 urks Ulaml, 80 a 85 per1 Huh Harris btisbtl ; HicUhsi , 26a 28; sugar, muscovado, 10 Casper HoNliointer to KfSVi; coffVe; prime, grten, 23 to 24 ; 2d and Margaret Haiiea 3d(tiality, 2l aiit tea, hyson, gl 2J a 1 25 1 flax- John Harris ' sccd,80ct tallow, 6a7;beisax,3.la 31; rice, ' James Hunter . .. 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs. i iron, g4f to 5 pr. 100 lb. 1 Jose jih Hall toharco leaf, 3 a 4; maniitaeturt'd, 3 to JO pr. cwt. Longevity. A respondent states, that there are now living in and near New Yorkf four brother autL oue -ulscwr, (na ritesf thtal Suie of 4b iol lowing ge, 72, 78, 86. 88. and 92 yeara, making al together 416 years, and making an aver-sgtoHnnn Negro Woman to Hire, 17I0 the-remainder of the year. She is a first . rate band, either for the kitchen or field. It would be preferred to hii hor in the Country. Apply to the Printer. liideon llarriaon llcnry llartniail Pamuel Hnghy Chester Hawks, 2 Jarob HoUhouser Henri? Hill Hannah HtU ilehry S, Hughey AHewi Harbin IsMsJlilt: Leroy Hightbwer DcMjamin Huie IliMy .D. Ila.lcn. Louis Jacobs Wm. S. Jones, 1 Isasc D. Jones John JoUiMuq. Mar ait Im-.u u. laaal' f.inv.r M.rfartt I inn l'a,pi r lale FiaiKH Li i. le Saiiiui I I '.' ty James L.e JoarkWu I. int la if lvrt' Hi-am D. loe, !. F.haa Lamer lit rman I. it I. m Frerlaod j!gti Juaepb jr Iil.4. Hrnrt WiUr David Mill-r 'l l.oin.ta M Her John 4dle-, 2 Cteorge Miller Adam Hilltrr John s, McOliu Isaac McHroom -John Martin David Mctiuire, 2. Addland Moore Ilury Ul tra . Koberl McXealy William Montgomery Kdward Mtllady Mrt. Clarissa Murrlll 1'liilip Mcljirin John McKniglit John Morrow, 2. Francis Neely, Larfj. 1 linnias Nooe lroy Napier. Asa Olover. Jeaae Pinkston Anne Pinkaton Havdrn k l'iukstou HiUa Peace l'leaaant Peeler Dinah I'iwir - Wtlhacwn Antony Futoe (iaret or Jno. Piiiic-r James Painter Jeaae Park. L. K. Uoae , Adam Ha inan Joseph Hml;.'ll, 2 Christotiher Kim ItarV Marshal Hohardj John Hibin'jr Khodiaa Id Icy Peter Hiley Iamiis ICoblmg Jacob Hiuclikit Jamrs SilLuun Nathaniel Smith Ilenjamin Smith James Smilh tieorge Smilh M illiam Stokt-a Mobert siitktr l),t.iiel Sw 1 ' ik Fermghrter '- - -Iniy Smart J ub.il ., Slij ett'uTt ' ' " M m. Stepheiiwin W m. H. Stcilman F.liz.tbeth Sloan F.liwbeth Steel TrarTiarrTholinberjre: Charles W. Stitt V illiam Shaver Fiops Spaan KtSjert Spence Jolit Sininains. Samuel Tomlin Sally Thompson Wm. H. Thompson F.luabeVi 1 ravia Wm Thtmason. Hiclniioi.it. Wail, 2 Marti' M all Franeis A.Hvard, 2 AV'Uuajn.YVkid. John Webb ON' Tuewlav. Iie I7ih of Frbnun nett, (he itMf ka l uiaav f V Uvirwti,! 'l he auicl, at tit court .hmi.. in ftaliih'irv, "it lih- I era) ami arrommodating terms, Ihrrr labinhltt KP.GKO MK, belonging totbetatatc M Uo. 1. k 11. ....... ,1. r'A HK that cnlrrtth into my abeep flmk or feld ,lffir;fp, U U hkk u, tlttuttd to at thr Kate or hurt, ia the owner j hot be j tlut clin.b.th over the wah ia a Ui.ef rr n.bbrr: ( , N La 111 IT, . hlminiruttr. anl aoeh Ita bet n there alrvatlv. AikI a araii. r o ,Mi ;;o- Ininks a'til Collars, on the mos' reasonable terms, for cath or rrvdil. TTioa ait'ung to pur chaar, w ill o w li to rail OD lom. A..a). V'sW, Sul- m. V. V. ttf4r Positive Derlarution ! gi r ill thry not loilow, but they aill turn from liuu. 1 his pjrable spake the ow nrr uf the flock to the allege. I tlii u s or robbers. Again t stv unto vim, I am tltr owner of the tlurii. and all ! tlia' rome b. li.rr ine are thieves tint r'tblu rs. And aoeh are hhi that t ike otv Unibs ami dnve ny ewis ovi r tiie rrerk, ami carry the laintit and put litem into tie vheat house; ai.d irr as 1 1. (la1 ne lila' 1 'in i.f 1 If unioeeiil lambs. And I ipitk tli (itrjiilr to um 1b.1t took 111 v lambs, 11 What taiitnan or . n of you, luring -an h'tn ilit I ilii-i p and ' o l ltle Umbs anil sIkhUiI lost Iwiiewis and two lambs, and find tiMir two Stale of North-Carolina, M0 w A h COl'KTt TN l.qnitv, k-i,her term, fl2.1., , Sherwood Kennedy and Nancv Ins -, t. yrhnl n II jut, administrate i the g''i ami tli."els, nhts and rmhts h;ch were of lans Hilton, dee'd. ; lo, Sra:nst Joint Jatktn, llatbutt Jackson, tell 'ackson, lirei 11 Jackson, VaI mntnl Jarkson, 'toikar,!, s'i-1 lie t ay hit wfe, -- I li'tiui and allly h; wife, alvi, James llihou, ' hoon.s Ki(;l sli t'wl Snsanns ' his wife; also, James L,e, l.innrv laiwc, Aliraru ewta, a 'til ml the two lambs, would i;ot go and l.ote, Samel Lowe, Mir Uie, keuh I nwr ; It. nil till M11 foond tlicm; and when ton found also, Jam. a 'iiii,;i r ami Mar) Phumner; Jso, them, one was given to a friend, the othrr told ls.iac Jonrt and Hctsey Ins wife. It aiir.rinjr for a Idle 1,'iniii'K, to lengtbrli the tail of onr Ao thr cm rt, that t1 r ih fcndaiits, lu'in Ja ks'in, sou's coat. Hy the rtpnxif of the old Ktntlf- flrbutt J.ickon, Vt y the Jack mr, t.rtnJark. nian and the old aon, yoo might not to have son, Pdimiiiil Jackson, inekjo; an-Hlet. done it. Now if my two little lambs are nut sey his wife, I homas and Nanrv '.i, w ifr, aen hoii.e, I w ill go and lake them UfMjii my 1 hinas F.ngliah and us.1 talt his w ili , n h tliotidlers, and bring them hoote, n-joicing ! on of llns it. it is 1L1 -1 fun untertil. t'.iat llie prr.aeher of Hopewell's lamentation tf' publication hr --de fr lUa it oliix U'.iks, his lambs, aicainat the ladv I D , on Clerk's tnthe Mrstrmt:arlinian, l!tat hev and afh of Creek, llrckleuburg county. Puid, 2. Itclurn tbem ; I, PKO I KM. New Assortment. fflllF. suhsrriber haa very recently reetivtd L from Philadelphia, an assortment of Jhii (id; Cutlery, und ui 1- II urr, Jhmeitu t which, with the ssortinent he expects to re reive in a short time, will enable him to sell at taliifartnry prices. 1 he public are reaprctfully iui ilcd to ell, and examine for thrmaelvea. KDM AKU CHESS. Hu!iiburt, ,iu. 16, 18io. (oMpcrsmitliiii'. I 'The Cuppersmilhing, and Tin Plate business, 1 hnlMil.ifin-f lnfliit.irli.il liv I). CreiH. sen u ill in I future be conducted hv me, at the same ti!a7c. t'mrt, thw4 Ui4iUo. W niade in tllC.Mil!yrjl ... . ' ...... t. . ll.Ud b - ....I. t.. I Ik iit 11 hn l-.viirmi.ui . 1 1. .. ...t ..n. ,...-, I.. i.arui. tan, ht uiirr .iiki ,11111 ..i i., na them do appear, at hc nrtt (tooil o l ipiity to he held for the county of Howan, isfhe ocoik1 Monday after the fourth M'MHlav in tlwvfb next, at Salisbury, and then and there plea Cpwer or di mur li 'he hill of coniplmnt. otht rw isAjhe aa'nl bill will be 'alien pro confetao again it tlietaw and lieard ts parte. l.r.OUGE LOtKi; r. k at. a. Price adv. 2 50. itf7 State of North-Carolina, STORKS COUKl T. flOI'HT of Pleas ami Quarter Stfious, De. J ermber term, A. D. 1823 : Jeremiah (iib son, fi. M'illitm 1'immons and Nathaniel Tint mont: writ rxeruted on Nathaniel Timniont, and Judicial attachment issued ft. Wilhain Itm mons, and returned U vied on one trart of land on 1 own fork. In this ease, it is ordered ht the u ir custom. pend tin liitin,j their work dune with nca'ni it, durabilitr a:id dispatch. F.DWD. CliKSS. T:iL Nntiro. OS Tuesday of our February Court, I will attend at one of Mr. Mai c'ltei ' tvnis, for the purpose of settling s II debts tint it. rnunts for or aeainst the eslau- of the Hon. Frarris laieke, tlec'd. 1 horn- !-o purchased at tl,e unit, art' reminded tnat titeir lintiiare nearlv or about due; and the money on them, aa well as on those on hand alius decease, t exprrted. Also, those indetiTf,(f to Col. John nranrlon, sen. fiiay have mi opjiorlutnty of paying their notes on that davv Also, those indebted to myself by hook account, the sard difendant Willium 1 imnmns, appeal- at our next Court of Pleas and Cj.i.irter Srasions to he hi hi for the county of btokes, nt the Vimri Moose iu lit rnianton. on ike Mo,.Uy of March next, then aoti them lo r plevy the pro perty levied upon, or plead 1o tario, or ji'dg uieut hv default will hr enteted against linn. it4 M A I f. at. MOOHK, r. e. (irrmi.iun,Ji.n. 14,1823. Price adv 25. State of North-Carolina, tOCRI tTOKt.S COUSTV- of I'll ..sand Ui. after Sessions, De- ctmber term, A. It. IHJ3: Jeniii.sli Gib son, rt. William ruiimons and Nathaniel lim. mons; writ executed on V. I iinmnna, i.id Judi. or otlit-rwiae, arp requested to make rial attachment issued rt Wm. 1 iiuiiiona, re'im- pavitieiit. thirty days fruce, and no longer, ed levied on one tract ol land on loan Fork. M4KU'eu.tw.aU.ut'lhe An In this caae, it is ordered hv the court, that pub. old proverb seems applicable to the present lieitTon bt : maden "the" WeWrrntranrfi-ritan tor- notice : t stiicn in iinie aares mm-. i nose nree wees socctsssiveiv,. max tue saiu aeien-. conr.ernwJ wUi at any fate, tlo well to take the dant, William Timmons, appear at our next ItiuL Jan. 29, 1824. JOHN SCOTT. 3it93 rrHF. suhscriher 'has formed a Copartnership I with Nathaniel Sutton, in the mercantile business, at Conrord, Cabarrus countv, North Carolina, under the firm of Murphy it Svitvn ; where they are opeiiingalret.il assortment of Dry Goods, Cutlery, and Hardware, selected with much care, in Philadelphia and New-York, and hotight oij the brtt terms. 1 hey design to continue the busiffrsi at Conrord for nolo jears; and as Mr. Murphy will visit the northern' cities annually, to procure supplies, their asiortment will he general ; and will be I ilis)0fc(l nt at fair price for rath, or on credit ,JrautWj'nictiVat customer, Therr trie mis slnd th- Hpnrv Wearer osumm. jrStititMtMiamWM j -.- - . i . i..... . -.... .i ;...i r..- John WaAUe ' - ' examine tpia.iuva,. near jiitcra, ijim Jiu(;c tor jnmiufx, tot. . - I IK' James Wright Israel Woodt Ilenjamin Wilson Jane Womlsidct Francis William Jonathan Young. SAUL tL IitliVE-j, r. M .lohii Murjiliv, ' list also, at his store in Saliabury, a large sasormrfrut of (iOOIS t '!it citixers, town'snd rjHiiiHi-y people ; to be thspt s -d vi uluiaiintl) low i; cil., -ut taan'r; ;. loUutt. ' Vo Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for-the county of Stokes, at the Court House in Germauton, on the second Monday of March next, then snd there to replevy the property le vied upon, or plead to issue, or judgment by do- fatl!t;witt be entered-against him. UM VIA IT. It. M00RK,r.c. Vermanton, Jan. 14, 1823. Price adv. gl 25. ( State of North-Carolina, STplCM COUMTV. jOCHTof Ph Vs and Quarter Sessions, De. J ctmber term, A. D,182.J: Ijiwreace Hau- er and John Stults, administrators of Matthew Snipes, rt. thp heirs at law of Ma'thew Snipes, dee'd. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William Moon snd Kli.alietli his ufe, heirs at law of the said Matthew Snipes, di c'd are inhabitants of another State, it ia then-tone ordered, that publication tc "rtiade mtjie "tt'e'sV'5 l' teWteailWiea'it the jajLllilliaiA. JAKUJt)ii.. Kli.2a.heth his w ife, a ipear ar the-ne it- voBrt'Of--- Hea amt-yjtrer Sessions to be lurid lor the count vol Stokes on the second Monday in March next, und either pl ad. swer or denmrto aaid prptiou, btherwuie the same will be- tkken pro conkaao, and heard ex parte, sgaintV then). ' . i97 MATT. K. Mt'flK, r. r, Gniiiunftn, Jan., HHli. ' t rite adv. J : !

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