tin; Mi ni:. rae ti twa urittti aat. If 1rre not fur ll aplriwfid tgM 11it tremble from yoe kcauUoue Mar, flow dark would be tlx furro uf night, Careering in ber dmly car. ' TS ihu enlivening Woman cheers Man' gloomttat hour Uh fcmj cart, ' When naught of kindred Me appears ' To tooth tht pang c deep dittrea. gi -...,., . , .. ..... F . , And fit Low eft kit recllcw heart Neglect ktf in lilt rt'f l Of bLuM Hi only In aAicnWt wnarl , , -We truly know what Womaa k Then wherefore, Man, forget that friend : When ForuM' brlghtet planets Un f , He member, wbea their beautle end. How dark tk night tltal must bo thiat. But likeet thou tf ihoughtlc roe That sport's anuaj the fuuataju' brink, Jior heed tb rill that glide below, hut care lit limpid wave to drink. . Mot w whra sjM the desert heat the fceU the paint of third begin i Ob I tbea the bitterest draught were twe To slake tko fire that burnt within. to, bra with grief and care of pre it, How aooq rt fly to Woman' arm, And, suppliant roind bergencroue breast, Ftftt our woe fur Deautj't charms. T1IE 8ETORT COCBTEOUS. Two neighbor lawyer, clever fclluwt, One UeVd a book, and one a bellow. Their name pcrhapt you'd like U knov i tUt, onethe other Joe. Joe tent a meeaag to KHa, Fur Etpinmtt AT Friu i Thi answer back Elia arnt, tl'i tJSc he nerer lent ( JBut Joe might call if that auuld in. And in bit office trail it through. It chanced Ella on the morrow, To Joe hit aWfare aent to borrow. Vy btPru, tell my worthy friend, 8ay Joe, U a hit I never ItvI t But he may call, if be' inclined to, And all day, if he' a mind to. F.PITAPII, On a gmttma ithtte name wee FT in. By death' impartial ar) the a mowi Poor hat he lie beneath this (tone On him mrafoKune oA did frown Yet Hatt ne'er wan ed foe a rrtvn When many year of constant w ear .j. Had made hianrr somewhat bare, Peath aaw, and pitying hi misltap, . Hu given him here go'id Ung nap. B INTERNAL IMPROVE3IEXT8. won Taa aaiaiaa atauraa. LY GEXERAl ASSEMBLY, 1823. The Joint Committee of Internal Improve-! ncntt, upon the Iteaolntioa instructing- them to inquire into the espetCency of retaining in the employment of the State the present Engineer, and die propriety of keeping up and autuining the Hoard of Internal lmprovementa, Report: That they are of opinion that economy, in the true signification of that word, should be dostly adhc red to in all Republican Governments, ously avoided. Out your committee I are further of opinion, thai the sumeltisfied that noae lf these considera considerations which should influence tions would be sufficient, if nothing those to whose hand J the people hvc I committcd their treasure, to guard i from the invasions of pnIthrifta anJ of ihla orUlT and b aatiat hava his loaves, should likewise prompt them offering. And yoar committee think to expend it with liberality upon all that even he will have no reason to ob aucb objects as are evidently calculated ject to the Internal Improvement of to promote the prosperity . and happirjthe State. It is true that present ex- viaf iit8ehra ' they represent. Of U.the :bjecta to which the pecu uiary; resources of the State can prop erly be directed, vour committee deem atone sa important an that of facilitating Y m. trA mnA inter mur n( if inhahi- Cants by the improvement of its roausT and rivers. This opinion is not the crude product of momentary rcflrctionj but has been matured in the delibera tions of the wisest heads, and hasjieen reduced to nractical use bv almost every nation at all conspicuous in history, or" at present exAsting,upon the globe. The advantages resuuiog from Inter sal Improvement are so manifest as . - " LL acarcelv Co be doubted by any one. If it is admitted, (as it must be) that en lightening the public mind is one of the most impart ant duties which the Le gislative body are required to perform, vour com tittee believe that nothinican -An. nerdv aiwt flvrriiallv tend to the r f " ' .,-.-- ;..v the Intereal Improvement of the State. Tlie bu is polished by attrition : nothing so ef fectually developes the latent powers of the mind, as intercourse Awith our own species; the faculty which it po, cesses of multiplying ideas, by combi nation and analysis, gives great im portance to every species of informal tie which it canac.uiir, ( cutter how bumblr,) tod It must suite every on, with a momr nt a reHetlion, mat lif the inhabitant tf each section of tho State were krwcht It wert to each othir door, each would necct lariif commuoicate to iht other infor mation upon a rreat variety of tb jetti, Almoit rrery aection f our ctuntry prittnU okircU to the view lot ''dreamt of in the phiIoophjr of L..k.. a. i.i A ,v. ;.t.,tAn IwHicIiTaTiaturalljr'cxcitrtI by aViocii lion with our fclUw-men. No matt aa rv w it v f (titj ciilU"VM willioffto hold th lowett. od Urn CwiuateU with any thing ihort of the bighett rank of lotcllirvaco araonr thoic with whom they associate. En Urging man'i inhere of action must likewise increase the objects of emu lation, and of coune increase the sum. ulus to individual improvcroeot. . No oce ia ignonot of the effect of travel, linf, in improving the mind and man ner, tad no one of anw observation but mutt hive remarked the fact, how snuch Utter informed ate the iuaior membert. aa well as the leads of famU lies, residing on freqisated ' reads, than other persons dweling even ia the sasne neighborhood and posses sing equal pecuaiary advintages. 1 he happiness of rxvple is intu matcly connected with their Intelli gence, md therefore the latemal Im. provement of the State, by tending to enlighten, must likewise tend to pro- mote the happiness of its inhabitants. Knr it erTreta U UavoaVme? tka ban- pinesa of the State would not stop nere. hi an, either as an individual or as a community, is measurably hap py in proportion to his independence. II our ayttrm of Internal Improve ment wa properly pursued, no Dor- lion of the elobe? would approach a state of independence more neatly than ourselve. iSorth-Larnlwa, the fifth State in population, is scarcely third in internal resources t but from the want of public ' spirit to call her "resources into exercise, she who might lift her head among the proudest, is compelled to sit in humility, the subject of scorn and a bye-word'. Uut your committee feel an honest pride in looking back upon the exer tions ot our Legislature, for several years past, and with the most pleasing anticipation of those which are to fal low, for the removal of this evil, so galling to their nndfj rrind xoTnorttfy tng to their patriotism. V6ur committee have with pain re. marked, and with shame acknowledge, that there is an unfortunate jealousy subsisting between the eastern and western sections of the btate, calctl- la'ed to mar the happiness and pros- perity of the whole, and which your committee confidently believe will en- tirely vanish when the system of In- terr.al Improvement shall hjve- been completed. Habits of daily inter- course will produce a fraternity of feeling between the inhabitants of the different sections, and the silver cord - " ... ... . . But Vour committee are perfectly sa- could besaid upon the score of pecu- Iniarv in'erest. Mammon is the god penses must oe incurred, ana mucn time may etapse before a very Urge gain can be realized. But is not this the case with every individual scheme for money making? And does it not i?TJ!eJa?Li?!,Pt?e n 'ArSer tne 8Um invested, and the greater- the -ultimate gain, the more distant i the period of harvestx it it unnecessary-to;o-ter into nr process of reasoning to shew the vast pecuniary advantages that would result to the State from the completion of our scheme of Internal Improvement : with those who do not see it, it is vain to reason, and with those who do, reasoning is unneces sary i, it must be manifest to aU, that the injfl jx of State and individual wealth, upon the consummation of this most desirable obje'et, is beyond all cal culation. And that the works were all practicable, no man whose eye has yer ver hirwn corpiietd, can for a moment: Joj take up any history, and there see re counted what has beendone by man hitherto: let him converse with any traveller, end hear him tell of the mighty monuments of human skill and power which he has witnessed, and his doubts must vanish. - When the im mortal Washington had retired to Iiis from tie tTl afll ho. bora iA th devolution, wt hd al OlOlt laid, to her thi wealJi aa ls first act was to unlock inexhamtitli aource tl national respectability i and she hi lot permitted it to be n. De Wilt Clinton ha opened in vC immortalix his name i hlnuelf by connecting th the Internal Improve- meet of N? York and certain It 1. that the latitat Improvement of New or will rue her to state of na tional iofloeiU and apleodor, sufliCient to excite m envy of iom proudest oddUcbiea in Europe And we wauld aaKwhat U there tq binder our pursuing tie same course, end Hen will unqvVtionably end ia the . . i ... . . . . i same result f such inducement and such example ly why should we hesitate I Your corVmiitee appeal to ike. good sea if, libeHtlity and State pride which bractrric Acir Irg'ulj live brethren, to say whether pie would be satisfied that your iommitue should recommend ihcta to abandon, at this time, a system promising such golden fruits V- Whether they would wish us to say, that the State of North Carolina shall return to the Egyptian darkness with which her prospect have been so long becloud1, and relinquish all hopes of ameliorating her conditioo? Whether they wou!f wiihtopronounc die money already expended by the State a dead loss a that we shall make no use of the experience it hs pur chasd for as, and relinquish our un dertaking at the very moment we are prepared for hi accomplishment f We think we : hatard "nothing in saying tney would ot. If, then, internal Improvement is not to be abandoned, shall we nut out of our hands kSe only means of prose lining ii wiui cqici t ii we civil r.n gmeer is dischargrd, who is to super intend, examine ud& value the work and materials at the Flats below Wil mington i The State has entered into a contract with Messrs. TwvW and Williams for $ 1 5,000. to accomplish this work 1 they are not boond to fin ith it till November next, and whe ther superintended or uot, the Sutc wm nave iq pay me money. Who u . 'II I - a war. there, then, but the Civil Enejnctr who madethe contrac:, within our knowledge,1 able to decide upon its lit eral fulfilment f Who is to bupttiti ter.d the completion of the Clubloot and Harlow Creek Cai-al l -1 nui.wotk the Civil Etrgineer found in a b u statcj money and labor wasicO, (.ta upon all other work not under h sipVmtcn nee.) He informed-the Company A once that it would take 23,000 to finish their work. They suppled that 15,000 would d". Thrti.hhht ot the wrk has been dont, and 10,000 mure are wanting: this testa thi lcu racy ol the Civil Engineer talcu'u- tionx, (as is observed bv the 15 ard ol Internal Improvements in their last - annual Report.) Thi Company ask 85,000 more of the State, which we doubt not will be granted. If the Civil Engineci is disthaigedrrhU'sw witl most probably be wasted t if he is act, there is no question it will he worth more to the State than so much Bank atock. ... It oppears satisfactory to your com mittee, arKf. nUJ to doubt to the Le gislature in general, that it is to the interest of the State to subscribe to the ftoanoke Navigation Company, a fur ther sum to enable them to unite the Canal at Weldon's Orchard with the river. It is very important that this work should be done with skill. The present Civil Engineer has already saved to that Company a large sum of money, and your committee think that for it,. ill materially .depaid y the fact, whether or not the mcu ty id to be applied under the direction ol iht Civil Engineer. The General Aasembl) is aware that the Board of Internal lm provementa had contracted with a gen tleman for improving the navigation ot Broad River, that the contrac has been violated and is considered at an eud. A settlement must tke place with that gentleman) his work must be eximi aed and values' and this can only be done by a person poseing propn qualificationa There are ' llkewi. three.,' mpoa'ant roads td be laid ott, viz t the tirnpike road from Ashvil1 Ashville::tyithe:Hicknr)t!nht Kutherfordton i and the road "from Huntsvilleby rGap iCiyiltothe Virginia line. Besidfes these, eTTTvitt pro bably be other work; all requiring some skilful person to lav out; super intend and Talue. We V.ve already had ample evidence In our pa6t expe rience, of the folly of placing yorks in r.ar,?e Slat the hanls of men who Itnow aoiliiflg about it. Has not the incredible wate of money, end the general failure of our schemes, ar'nen from that very ihingf There Is no species of talent or education more rare than that which qualifies a man for the important du ties ef a Civil Engineer, All the expenditures to any amount made in Internal Improvements were ?r:vious to the arrival of the Civil lagincer j since that time no prlations have been msde( and his time la been otinpied la making surveys and taking other mfaiurcj preparatory to the prosecution of the works J hence it is that the community sees so little done. ' The State is sew ready to do something effective f and can it be pol icy for ui to rtturt to the very path which has hitherto led us to ruin and to disappointment!1. Hut your com tnittee would further remark, that if the policy of retaining the Civil Engi neer were more doubtful than they be lieve It to he, the State is bound by her contract with Mr. Fultun, to give him six months notice of her intention to discbsrge him $ which will be half the time intervening between this and the aexf session of the Legislature at which lime a fairer experiment of his utility will have been made, and the Leg ulature caa act with more propriety upon the question. Mr Fulton felt this article of his sgreement with, the State obligatory upon him, and abso lutely refused the same salary from the State of Virginia which he receives from us. This fsct also goes to shew to the State, that the professional mer its of Mr. Fulton are not overvalued by us for it is to be borne in mind, that Mr. Moore, the late Civil E' gi neer of Virginia, and Mr. Fultcn, had aa interview off Roanoke, and on the death of Mr. Moore, (and doubtless from the manner in which Mr. Fulton had been spoken of by him) the State of Virginia offered the vacant situation to Mr. Fulton, with the same salary which he received in this State. Mr. Futton declined ; and shall it be said that the State is less bound by her con tract than an individjaU that she will for the paltry consideration of S3,50O, do an act which an individual spurned at i Your committee beg leave to csll the attention of the General Assembly to the reduction ia the expenses of the Board of Internal Improvements, by vh raaignatiw af Mr, Brr, iha Assistant Engineer. Your committee cannot forbear to express their high conl-dence in the wisdom and prudence of the present Board of Internal lmprovementa, which they think will afford us ample security against the recommendation of any measures not within the corn- pan of the moans provided by the General Assembly for that body. Your committee respectfully recom mend to the General Assembly the propriety of the State s petSrvering in her liberal and enlightened policy of Internal Improvements That for that purpose, the Legis- lature proceed to the election of a Board of Internal Improvements, with power to emplcv a Civil Engineer. j Your eom mittethavi n g turned th eir attention to this all-important subject, confess themselves unable fully to ex press their deep sense of its vital in terest to this State : They therefore pray their Legislative brethren to give the system a fair trial. Let it not he said that the Legislature of 1623 came like a Might upon the opening pros pects of their State that they with Vandal bands pulled down the foun dations of that fair edifice which their predecessors had been rearing with so aoITcuude. .. SpaTeuje svstem one year -longer t-if nothing i done during the pre scut year, then may you with more propriety lift up your voice against it. We look upon this aa a crisis in the affairs of our State t if any thing i now done to retard tb: course of Internal Improvement, we believe it would be long ere it v ould recver from the stroke j an exptri- mrnt ot one year more, would, -' m a wr think, satisfy us all, that our tempo rary expenditures will ultimately pro luce incalculable gain. In Uliulf of the committee of Ifiter- iial..Im.prv,m.t;nis..... JAMES MERAKE,? - . r rob'j StUaNgk, $ tmnnttet. 11 .Mr. .Samuel Danjjs, printer, a native of Boston, who left Baltimore in 1816, in Gen. Mina's expedition to Spanish Amer ica, arrived at Newport during last mowlvj in the brig Forest ; and h;i tommenrec', in the Providence papetS) '"tin ucrount of the occurrcrees t!uring !iis Ir 1JMTISI BTATKfV LAWH. ai AVTHnaiTI-.l AS ACT autlrU!ig the Cmrn'iotr af u linking fUBl to purchaa tho tcvro per cent, tfork of the United fltatra. In tho year I8?4 f. IT tKACTKO h Me ,W tndll, Arif in Cnget mH-t,lJ, That, Hit Com mltwowert of h Kinking Fund be, and they arw hereby, authorWd 10 piirrhaat, during the var ono thouatnd tlfht hundred anJ twentyliwr, iny atnek of tlie l'nit4 Vtalea, bearing an Inter. r't of seven per centum per annum, not tireed Ing tto turn of eljrhl aUwn ait buadrad aa4 taa thnuaand thJlara, npoo aucaj Unm they ma iWnfc prtiprt, wot eiretng the f.flwir.)f rate thovt tha principal turn pumWetl, tka) m ttfyi ' ' . TvT aU sueb stock at tbry may purchaat b. lurw tut nm nay m Apm wvai, at a mi not 01 carding two dollar fur every aura uf ono hun dred dollar, la aulUtioa Ut tho Inter! which would kavo accrued on (iiat day pon tlia tail stock i ' " Fur all such atock whlck they may pnrcbaat between taw Irtt day of April and tho firat daf of July next, at a rate not e weeding rvrtity-nv cent on every turn of on hufwtml dollar, In Hit Ion to the Intereat which would have aecro td on th day laat meationed i For all aucb stock which they may pirrchaao betwetn tho first day of July and the Brat day of October awal, at a rat not exceeding, on ev ery sum of one hundred doltara, tho amount of intereat which would bavt accrued on tho day laat mentioned i and For all auch stock which they may purrhaeo between tha firat day of Oetobar nest and uto ftret day of January, ono thouaand ei(fht hun dred and twenty-five, at a rata not exceeding the principal and tha intereat which ahall bavo accrued at the day of purchase. Bar. 3 Jn4UuttrtJtmturJ. Thrt the aij Commiaakmer art hereby autboritcd to anako uck purahaaca, under th foregoing rrilrirtion, at u-h time and place a they ny deem moot eipedient, out of any money In the Treaaury, hevvtofav apprpnaUl W th mWrnptioti of the public debt, or oat of any mawry ia tho Treaaury not otherwiat anpropriated. H. CLAV, fpealer of the Ifoua of ReprmntaUvea JfMW CAIIJJVni,' PreMnf of the ftenato pro tempore. FT tuiptn, Jn. '22, 1124. , a . I. ntipfl .gfwnrm I AN ACT making a partial appropriation for die year ono thouaand eight hundred and twenty mr. BE rr EXACTT.D the SmHnnl ttw Jlepreteltjlire the United SttUrt JmeHta in Ctntrmt $mb!t4. That the aum of two hundred ail aiitvvt thouMnd one hun dred and forty dollar he, tml the anntc ia, here, by. appropriated, for the eompemation print d bV law to tl Senate and llouie of Itrprctcnta i .1 a .i l . . r o,1M rf CofAl tmI ,utH the eontinrrnt exnenae thereof i and that tHeam be pmi out ot any mne)S in th Treaaur, not othrrwie pprnpriatod ' natfUnptm.Ja-ul'iiKtWi. Approved. AN ACT further extending the terta"o?Tlf f- ii nl a t tha wiitawa aixl ahillnaWAf oflfibrn, aramen, and marine, w ho died ia tho ' public aervie. BE TT ENACTED VaW' -warr mi Jftaar Rrfmenlativrt .ft VhUed State fjmer ita in Ctarnrt onrmUeJ, That, in all caaro where provision h been made bv law for fivo yean' half pay to the widow and children of officer. eamen, and marine, who were killed in battle, or who died lathe naval aervkeof tho United State, during the late wan and, aim, in all eaar where provnin bai been made for el- tending the term for five yean, in addition to the fret term of five year, tho aaUl provision Hall be further evtewfed 'or an additional Urn of five yean, to commence at the end of tho acrond term of five yean, in each eaar, repec tiely, making the provUiooconal tofif.eeayean naii pavt wnicn inau on pau vui 01 ine iuri (ion shaU cease, (c m the catiaea mentioned in the laa a providinfr the ame, reapectively. Rr. 2. And he it farther tnatti That from tnl after the paatinr of thi ct, tle art, entitlt " An act to anient! and explain an act raving pen. aiona to Ute orphans and willow wf prtoo f'j" in the public or private armed veaaela ef tit I'nited States," pasaed March the third, ono thouaand eight hundred and aevrnteen, be, and the aame ianereby, repealed! Prnvitti if, aawew er, 1 hat nothing in thia act contained ahall k eonatrued t prevent the ptyment of ny pew iiion already granted, until the full expintma of the period thereof i nor to aflect or impair the riglitsof any person or penon which may have at crued during the cxictence of the act hereby repealed a aforesaid. Wathingttn, Jan. 22, 1 82-k Approval. THE 'WELL KX(NVX JACK, DQLPHLV f-YSr- T-ATEtiV wned 4n-9outk- Xi Carolina, will stand at the table ofuieubscriberui the town of Concord, N. Carolina, ever Uav hi tue week, Suridav excepted, thro'. out the aeaaon ; the eason to commence the lt of March, and end the 20tb of JuW. ArurilLJjeJellcirnsrti U f floH!rJ!! eaon (but may be diacharged with 8, if paid w ithin the season.) 5 dollar the single leap, (to be paid down,) and 15 dollar to insure, the inru-ance money to be paid when the mare is discovered to be with foal, or ia parted with by the peWon putting her. Particular care will be taken of mares kit, in preventing accidents, fce. ASA THOMPtfUW, ; GEORGE t'RT. CWaivf. fan, 83, ItfoV iTitg ' Estate of Peter Eddlcman, jr. ALLrrBonrlndSbtedtothee xL Eddleman. Ir. dcc'tl. are renurted to come. WcfbreThFISh'olTe in demand against id estate will please bring them forward," duly authenticated, for" payment T :JO!lN 'IJIS'N, Mimnhtrnt. Jfirt-tin emf?Tan. 20,4824. '3i92 .i. i. , i- i ' ' .. i ' .. Printinp;, of every desefiption, PROMPllrV executed at this odlce, in a style" .of wnrkmanhip corresponding with the improvement of rhe prctent day.