: COVMU.MCATIO.I, T lb tkt H'fii-n Curimiun, . Sir l II it practice sanctioned b long usage, to acknowledge i be reception of i St JvCt . IUl ifiUiJ DJTt IIilkcu itir in to do to, 1 eannol tell urUi it was, tbst Ar, Crawford wsi I pr'rtf Ctd msn, end they tlii) it In pity 10 him and lilt friend. 1 he eecond letter dfendt Mr. Craw, fnrfi from the tharire ef federalism, which fvor. t iDfcUtlf of lclicr end to tvli, ,nm- tvttnti has unrenerouslr press ibt liH iftwi feel of obligation t,,rge4 upon tiro. The proof in our correspondent! but Ihe writer ltr0Dg0f fcl. Innocence, that Ihe tnost or four letter which I have Uteljr had iU lcrupUioue mrnx be snitfied, not that p'e.sire of reccMng, his chosen lo con-. thf UgUtit nidresi It any ether than cel Ms name, and I am not tuflklent- fcjcri tddress every wonl anj icntl y vemnt In b literary productione or BfM to M Cin perceive, it In ttrict m rowempomlesto know their works UDil00fihibelrprlnclpUt-buthrnut br thrir race. I lop mr unknown tor- MtUl that, elibouth It It a federal respondent W eeUiM o receive ray iddrttt, yet Ar. Crawford, who aided In acknowledgment! through yoJWulpe- lts production, ! notwithstanding , Br per. Should he object to IhU method or 0W jt t t0 i rack versatility hewhf mr good breeding, uH Mm iti heti (httK mm it en ecfrr politician. the fault, if any. ot fleptrune; irum me Th hlr( kttr defendi bit. Crawford cuttoroary cwurte, it cbergeawe on mm- from bf lnirjc 0r imrfpie; It reaiy irlf. v I paint me to read thit letter, to ob terra My letter writer Ktt out with a rooti wilh wJu, difficulty the wrker deeceidi dolorous complaint of tne in osage anu ,0 ,he jevej0f (;0f a.rke. But jrhat precuilon which he tnott truuitomlj I rtjM m fcclinic to their Hgheit licb, Leaped on the Hon. wrn. u. rw- jt t0 ,,,11 he condeiini dewfortf ford j a Rentlemiti, whoe eitlted tilenU t0CMTr a lotihtome lod, aMfoflguii nt ttinuet hve rle d hirrii 11 A Mjrt, j,,a. ctih 1 hi nr. exiled hk txctUentv. : : . 1 . . . . .t . tt 1. 1 "" .. to he l.ir iitim 10 ine throuffkout hie Dohtiol rc wwen we trar or this commonwealth. I, too, Mr. Kdltor, he etroif ubjectloot to ell UUk ml bue of Mr. Crawford, or anr other mn : hut ir I mliuke not, the writer hat different niotWe rrom mine J for, accor dinsc to hit reaof(injf in the of Co r ror Clarke, if he can only make it be 1elieed that Mr. Crawford ii abuted, ill ire4ted and peneculedi if, I tat ,he can, b any mum mke thit fact be firmly a moment oninn n(cur ui mu" J)id you eer, Air. Prlatet hear of "a Jagoa" prowioff out of a tuni tree Doet not its eifitence, 00 he conirarjr, alwiya auppoae tome degr of vn$oud urn, of corruption io the hert of the ubitance wbicb produce It! Urioudf , it appeart to me, tl.at alihoujh fr. Ctaw ford ma not be chargeable in aor degree with intrigue, yet hi adwate lj ui feated, in hU second letter, that he ia hetieved, ii, of itself, will injure him the aupport of Georgia, whether the perte- ittJe j0 wh roijr b tif r rution be merited or uamrritcd. Ad ctjjf(j mtVMgtmrnt. And bow doethe e l.um-n nature ia eerr where the tame, CXite from ,ng cnirc In thit letter (d, to the honor thereof, it at ttrongljr yhtt forh. br calllne UDon a number movml br fitv at by ain.o I nr other ofl D ...... rii.iu v.aticir buv m it compotin p-iria) the iiiference it al ,.!.:. k hther or not they have .. .. r ' F,in" been nractUed on h th Seretar. fWi tilde cm be brought to the tupport or U. .,. .. l 'j .a auuuuiBi in at a w urn 1111 1 il' uh anna man Mr. Crawford, when added to the votariet err tied by bit ret I mcriu, or, ir you pl'ate, by hit talrnii and hi services, hi elevation will be turr it teem to m? vmiewhat remarkable, that thit author, after hint: taken up hit prn to refuif 1 he calumniiort or Mr. ('raw ford, thould be able to find to few objections and to few ;cifi:ationt. 1, ho mind my own aff.iiri, have, by one meant or other, heard nuny more than pur, which are all ihe charges he can rike and tcrape ; aod, even for tome of thrm he hss to dig among tilth and dirt enough, quite to ditgutt his delicacy. 1 do not intend, sir, to attempt to disprove any or the arguments which he so tri- agemtnt re predicated of Afr. Crawford that it ia intimated that the procedure is so indelicate, so open, and so grott, that, at ia the cite or John Anderson, it it ca pthte or judicial adjudication? The fourth letter embraces the subject or J7r. Crawford a oapability to perform the duties or President of the United States; and unquestionably proves (if a ttrtiont prove any thing) that he is a good, yet, an ciceilent lawyer; that he is at leatt a tolerable schoolmaster ; and that he is a man or plainness and or economy ; and finally, of good morals and finUhed edu cation. Be it so. I have no mind at all 10 provoke cither the Secretary or his eham ftlfiffV I havw tif tin anl iAm fAa ri a . impMntlr urge, in favor of the man or oIs def nd ba , h.ich ,ice. I wish that all be says may lha yt ,or man Xq be true ; I have no desiie to be convinced, that man holding the station that he does, ' is destitute of those merits which he at tributes to Mr. Crawford, much less, that he possesses the disqualifications which it is the object or the author to deny and disprove. It is not, therefore, with any drtign or fastening the imputations on Mr. Crawford, that I shall make any stric tures on those letters, but merely (to evince tii t l.nvrever, pure and iuimatuUte Mr. I '.. vfVd may be, he is unfortunate in tli- irwanre i and, like miny other wor ihv men, ii likely to sufUr by the unakil- -fulncav or his advocate. Our letter wri'er, in his first letter, takes such a deadly aim at Mr. ..M'Duffie, been h m,By mineMf conducte(J: For any President or the United States who has so far conformed to the reigning honorablr practice, as to take away by design, the life or his fellow mm. Dut at I here publicly decline all concern in duels, I will not unnecessarily provoke the letter writer, nor yet Mr. Crawford, by any ex amination or hit claimt io this caso ; for I can very well suppose the delineation to be a correct one, and yet believe that there are other persons in the Union as well or better qualified for the trust un der consideration. Incejiclubion leJjmejnfkejMe-QbserJ vation : I dislike the tealout spirit in which the contest for the Presidency has ntw eypeirtd u!rb!y evideat it.at ia rh!au. likely 10 be tncounteted in sue acc,from more qtiartart than ne, wi be of no very contemptible chirttter. ' tii a oatut. An article from Constantinople of Oct 3S, J observes 1 Whilst the joumalt ol Smyrna and tbtir contemporariet were tntounclng the drfcit of the Creekt, the lai :r gained a aignal victory at fjptl, en Um lt of Oct. and following diys, over tncchapetalt Albanete or Skodra The lot) of the Turk 1 were 3000 men. The Cricks had 200 men killed and I S women ton he Etolian femelet have formed corp wncfc do not yield ti valor to their but bares ad hrwHM. . hit a curious fact, observe! Lai fafet, (Win Seneca a Mtdta, the chorot dit tlactly predicu lha diKovery of America, which, took place hoo years atier inai mrii wit wrhlen. In the nattare here alluded to, Il it laid," A new tiphyt. a ton of the etrth, will, in tgtt to come, discov er rcanatv regions towtrdt the West, and Tkole will no longer be the eitremity of the universe. , fn t time he lias hd him for a mark. nothing to him, nor to his purpose, anv further than he can make it be believed that he is managed by Mr. Calhoun. Now it appeared to this gentleman neces- ia st a? 1 sary, 1 suppose, to at tacit anq souse r. Calhoun in some shape or other, for this plain reason, that Calhoun miKht be V thr tpjv of that elevation which he de sires for Crawford. Here is one blunder, that he should, because he is persecuted, think it necessary to become persecutor in his turn. I wonder that he has no rears of exciting that same pity and compassion in favor ol Calhoun, which, in the outset, lie bespoke for Crawford. I do not under stand that there was any impropriety in the instituting the jngmrjcallcd for by ir. M Duffle; the offence seems to be, that it should be set on foot by tovkg "iV'IJiiffief at the' Instance and undcf the influence of ytunz Calhoun ! I suppose both of those gentlemen have attained the ace required by Ihe laws or their coun my own part, I approve or the conduct of Lhe J'riend of Jr. Adams, in this sec tion, who. relying on the superior qualifi cations or their favorite, do not think it necessaiy, in order to establish his claims, to diminish the character of either of his competitors. Partial as I am to this tru ly great man, I should feel my confidence preatly diminished, if his frien?)s wtw dr iven to such methods of supporting his claims. a farmem. L.ITEST FROM EUItOPK. The packet ship William Thompson ar rived at N. York rrom Liverpool, haing be,n obliged to put into Cork, where she wat detained until the 13th Dec. B thit arrival the editors of the Commert ijl Advertiser have received .copious file or THE SUPREME COURT of tide State, which had been In twofi for five weeks In KaWigti adjourned m Saturday, the 31t uhiaM. We publiah below, the deeiaiont of the Court In mch eaaet a appear te be of b tertat to oar reader. JoUah Turner adm'r. . Wis. Whit ted ciecutor and Lrm. Wbitted ex'r Fouity Orange. Decree In favor of Compljinintt, referred to the Clerk to allot and civide accordingly. David ll'Vlillan v. Noble Doldeo and David Mrert Equii Ouncombe. It t ordered that aurvey and putt of the Kt4 In controverty he made and iTUd In th cause before a final dcirte can be nule) Ji et C. Deatty v. Jimes F. LI lie Equ rrom Hutherford. The oriitinal agre nent between purties not bring filed the cause was continued for the sm Jo 1 rkwmn adm'r. v. J4mes Green lee tinV. and Crurlrs M'Dowell adm'r. F.dji'y from Hutke. Report to ihe Clcrlj filed arrording to the order of ref rreni ut this term, time till next term to exirpt to the same. , Job EJhir v- John Rsy, from Ashe Rule for a new tritl mde absolute. I rtrn.,t t lanry and others v. James B- Dukey and others, trom Orange. Rule for a lew tritl discharged, and iugdment afTirmjd with rosts. lvevn L. t, raves v. Konert Mliott, from Uuthcrford. Judgment affirmed with cists. Solcmon Craves v. Sarah B. Carter, rom Ciswcll- R:'e for a new trial made abtolarf. - - - . Hie President, Directors Ic Co. or the Bank of Cape Fer v. James Seawelf, from CumlKi land. Rule for a new trial nude ah.iuie. Philip Kiler r. A'el Bowles, from Stokes. Rule far a new trial made abso lute. Thomas Knight v. Joseph Dobson and others -Equity from Burke. Decree that the sale or the land wat fraudulent that the defendant who purchased .holds, the same in trust for the payment or the c6mpljant't demand. Decree that the (a I t tastt It fore a final decrte 9 a U made in ihe rt, fJanismln 3. Br iitaln t . Wm. D. Smith rrem Uuntombe. Rule for 1 new tria made absolute. Charles Datoach, to the use of Hunter r. Robert Work edm'f. from Iredell continued for amendment of the trtoa eript of the record. JimetM,Intire,iei,rt..JohnCarion,i ea'rt. from Wilkr t. Rule for a new irU; discharged. The act of 1715 relative to limiting actions against dead meo'i e. titet, it a tir to an action-e gainst an etecu toi di ion lor. Thompson Hunt 9. Charles fialn. from istut. On argument the rule mado abr solute, and certiorari ordered. Francis L. Hawks, Esq. of Newbern, re appointed Reponer of the caiet dec! did in the Supreme Court. English anJ lush pipers to the latest I Vtll:rimmrTrt oTrtrrrd same be sold to satisfy the debt due the complainant. Joah Akxandet y. .John B. Hutchinson, from Mecklenburg. Kule lor a new tri al made absolute. Den on Dem. of Tegsn Tosse v. Rogers and Browr.,from Buncombe. Rule gran ted on the Clerk of the Super! jr Court to shew cause wherefore an attachment should not be granted. Od the return or the service of the rule, it is enlarged un til the next term. John Yorke v. James Criswell, from Iredell. The appeal not bring filed within the three first days or tiir term, is ordeti d to be ui ken from the (! cket. Solomon Jicob v. John Fartal, from Iredell. Rule for a new trial madt abso lute. The Governor, &c. to the use of Cham bers v taat yea aiw-voaa aat4. " We have received from Washington several letters. The amount of the Intel ire nee imparled to ut, and it may be re ceived as authentic, is as follows 1 The riends of Mr. Clay kavt had a meeting io relation to a eaotus, and hnt positively derided thai they would attend one, un- ess for the purpose or debating its netted, by voting against any recommendation by the members of Congress. belher the atler course would be adopted, or wheth er the unconstitutional measure should be defeated by absenting them Ivet, was not finally decided upon. 1 he fri-nds of Mr. Adams were also to meet during the pre sent week, for the same purpose, i. -. to determine whether they should doom the caucut to a positive or1 negative death ; or, io other word, whether they thould kill the monster, or let it kill itself" The following is from atjrentlemaq whoae mean of obtaining correct ?ilrrmatim ara of the beat kind, and who would not knowingly miarrprrwnt. In addition to which, what he here atatta i confirmed by a letter from a mem ber of Congma from Maryland, ainl one from western member, now before ui.IUlt. Pal. Kxlratt lo thr Editor. wasniaoTO. j a jr. 31. The report ef Mi of ISO members of Congress being willing to go into caucus is entirely incorrect. You ae authorised to aay distinctly, that according to the best estimate that can be made, rrem great pains to find th'e truth or rctt. there are 181 members of Congress oppoted to a caucua nomination, 67 in favor, and 1 undetermined, (total 258, the whole num ber or membera exclusive or two candid ate!, and the senator in place of Mr. Brown) thai of thtae fT, a pari are fad V-ralit and that of the aame 67, tome republicans will not vote for Mr. Craw ford, or reel bound by the result or any nomination. These are facts, and important ones; and they ought to be known, There is a lyttrm of misrepresentation on the sub ject, which ought to be put down. The confident (one of the National Intrlligcn cer is the tone or pdicu. It is intended to keep up a delusion, in order to influence some- of- the-jnoro-timid f-a a cutictn nomination is the sole hope of Crawford's friends- QABiUgiDUiaVg I oOe" TV? an IS Uniiui'11 tt nt 1 m . . . w , . Mi,.i,iu, , i.jiiiuniii I, iois 7 C-aiMj CJUCUS. ' W are Informed, from Various njrea, tbi there probably will be a narw at vVuhlnvtoa. and we have It from sources alifl bettar, that if there It a caucus, it will be held by the rW W ALONE! and that It will disgrace thoa vbe attend U, In the ruination of the people, we cannot for a moment doubt, Ifore are, la all, JW ftica-tWrs of Congrtati of tltoaa. it ia Mf aaertalned that m kwdr4 4 4gkit are opposed l 0ines4 wW not ltJ compoaed of more iba WAry membors Uun art NO WIT ? i JI PRECIOUS COXTESSIOXf , 11e National InlelHgencer publiahe si an. onymout letter frore Ncw-Tork, die tetitimema of which the Kdiura very much applaud. 11e writer ia atrenuoua fr a tautm 1 he tya " tmat the caucu will iL-tifnalf, in d ie time, Ihi Republican candidate wh it it Jill tit rfmir Uia nut fcxir yean. Thia writer mutt be an ktnet radical, truly 1 there it no hypocritical eaut alnMit im 1 he baa "let the eat out of ibe Lag," an.) caifcbMly avows the principle by which the cau. cutlet are guided. He adrni'a, in effect, that the pth are mere ImIomii, according to tlie taucvt aehool of politiea. Ila fervently prava that the rn.cn will detignat a "candidate, who W to fill the chair," ic. He aay nothing about the people' tinting tike Prcaidrnt o, no! the rnncut ia the legitimate, anvcreig-n pow er, which ia to take all this trouble off their bands. Ihmirl Parkf, who wa U warh intimated waa the autW -f a aerie of arurrilloni picr a ptibliJird iii tlt Rrgittcr and other rjlicil pa. pen, oer the ignature of "Ciui," denief havi'g ever written Uiem. lie deniaa, aU, having expentlrd the public money for la tat o n iie. Dut what degree of credit to attach t Mr. Taikcr1 dcclarslion, we (rare to a tia. iopte puhlic to decide, afier aeuaintinf tlie a with the fact, that he i charged on the hooka (.f the Treaurv ai defiulter, to a Urge inxxm', for which there U now a Miit pending aaini him in the I'nilcd S'a'ea court) ami that tie Washington K-puhliran Jonici hit declaration-, to hi teeth, axl cliallenjfri him lo alutint la'.e them, if he can. -The Judget-of ; tlic-Superior" Courts, have allotted the Circuits amonir them selves lor the present year, as follows : Tdrnton, Newbern, Wilmington, Raleigh, llillkbnrrmgh, llorgaiiton, Spring. nuljftr, Daniel, Norwood, Paston, Donne II, Nash. .luiumn. I'axtou, Donne II, Nah, Daniel, Norwood. Railjrer. Rulrigh Star. dates ; but the news has principally been anticipated by other arrivals especially those from lLvre and Gibraltar Sfiain and hrr late Colaniet. The london editors were ull busily en- ryo-qnfifyhem-forhestticm-they j gaged in diseussin; the addresaof tho R occupy. But let it ue proper or improp er, the result, it is said, was honorable to Mr Crawford ; and .tinl ss ( alhouh i; ii ,-nk as well a you.g he 4iught to hiye kn n that it would so turn out. But I suppose, we rruy constJec this as the coun terpirt or the organization of a press agi.uist Mr. Crawford, as shewing the viiioro, rather than the skill, of the. prompter. I should not have mentioned the. sup siaii minister, eount Pozzo dt Borga, to the king or Spain. The general impression seemed to be that the term 4 vast domin ions, used by the count, had a direct refer ence to the late Spanish American colon ief. London pspers of the 7th of Dec. were received in Cork on the 1 1 th. The only news deserving of notice, seem" to say the king or Spain still cherishes the hope of re-conquenng the south American colon p7c&i?ct:dc -&ctount-of DjU nor. a ptrin man iikc me., can see tiate present sucn a picture 01 me rxisung but a little of the surface of political mat ters ; the main springs are as far from our comprehension, as are the wheels and other machine of a patent lever. But J think I read enough last winter about state of Spain, as leaves not a shadow of doubt, ir any doubt could have remained, that that kin grip m is in the most deplorable condition to which an afflicted country could hate been reduced even by t,hat most thoie documeids, to prove to me, beyond I fearful scourge of natiops, jacobinism itainly aa Mr. Charles! is of course from abroad that 1-erdir It inHnd any doubt, that as certainly ewallpws three sworda at once, so certain- would expect the adequate aid for carry fy did' those document! suppress them- ing his detins into t fieri, but it has ere - rRiniiTni. ria. 5. Ctttout. In Uplands the sales, compared with previous weeka, were much more limited moatly'at 13 ami 1.14 rents lallhrMiph, a here. tofore, there are those which will command 15 cenK for the French market. The quantity of thit description, which has come in inre the tiol'ln,- has li.-n ltta than nitirht hi.v h-n Thomas Wiiherspuon, from i expected; and thi circimatance haa aided in J f 1 . I . a . .1 . t a. ' r.fmml 0v im mm m a rt A Im tin a-irtiniittt aK itY jyi I at.4 j it, aawait, iiUf 10 tan iifiitr, w iiivm is now gaining ground, that the crop of the pre tent "VeafiTrt the Carolina and Georgia, will be consiilerahly hort of that of the years prece. ding. Cturier, John Fesningioii v. Daniel Burnet r.qtuty from Chatham - Ii.jum liun dis solved. Alexander Long v. Lewi Beard's ei'r. from Howan. Decree according to the t?riTHnt-f hm tiV. ' '. r .. Brvetly Daniel v. Duncan M'Rae Equity from Wake. Decree that in junction be made perpetuA Alexander Luran executed a note to the c.ompluinmt, Daniel, nrgotiable ht the Bank of ihe Upited Stjtesi at Kuvette villc, which w indoird in blank by Daniel, and afterwards, at Lucat, the defenftani lndoi the note was discounted for the benefit of the drawer, 1 who failed to nay. .' be -Al TKTTi:riU.E-PRtZSrrtl- Cotton, 12 to 12J j flour, fine,5i superfine, J 1 h at, 9) c nta ; whiskey, 3"J a 40 ; pcai h bran dv, 4J a 50 ; apple do. 43 to 45 1 com, 42 to 45 ; hucon, 7 a 8 ; suit, Turks lalaod, 80 a 85 per hiiaUelt molAiHoa, 26a28; Uigur, muscovado, 10 to 10 50; coflee, prime, arrecn, 2.1 to 24 ; 2d and 3d quality, 21 a 22 tea, hyson, gl 20 a 1 25 ; flax- iced, 80 ct tallow, 6 a 7 i beetw ax, 30 a 3 1 ; nee, the rrouest oT; 350 to4 per 100 lbs., imu. 4J e , t .om... feed it iii bJank I tobacco leat.J a j manufactured, 5 to 20 pr.cwt. uVa ttC"n ivtri 1 astir u iii'il , iiu L v sj ii 1 nuu n aai 11 t moiiivi eauw tained judme nt. for Uie bniount, paid the Bank. The opinion or the Court is, that M'Rae be enjoined h to one hfflf of the note that the endorsers are co-securities. . VViliiam pavidsonv. John Beard, from Mecklenburg. Kuicforancw trial made absolute. Amos Pra'.or v. Andirw Miller Equi ty from Rutherford. Order of rurvey CIIERAIV PRICES, Jan. 30. Cotton, 10 a 13 pts. 1 Flotir, new, per bar- 'j!,. 5to 6 j . Corn, bushel 35, 49 .cents (' Osi, 30 to 35 Ct. 1 reS f to au ct. ; vni kev, gal. 40 to 45 cts. I.Apple Brandy, 40. to 45 ; TobaccoJ 3 to 4 j Bceswajc, lb. 29 ct. j Tallow, 4 to 5 els. 1 Bacon, 9 to 12 cts. Lard, 7 to 10 eta. Mutter, 12-to 20 cts.) Hagjrinjr, 25 to 30 cts. ; Iron, 5 to 6dols.s Salt, bush. 95 cts. ; Sugar, 10 to 13 dnls ; Coffee, lb. 25 to 28 rts. Twine, b. 45 to 50 ct. 1 MolaMet, 35 to 45. Accounts from all quarters tend l den're the prices of cotton, but prime lots still sell at 13 cent In tin town. , Intr"ijmrer. rxirirTiov J.tCrSOX .1.YD C.tlMOU.Y. The friends ef Wm. II. Crawford, find ing that all is lost with them in North Carjlina, unless they can de'ue soma new scheme lo delude the people, air making ue of a good deal ef utwUrhaui work to Induce the Fiend of Gen. Jack son to start a separate ticket Their plan is, M to divide ind-conquer ,they think if three tlckett are started, that then the tuuut ticket may possibly succeed. But, in this, they will Ive wofully disappointed. The friends or the Hero or New-Orleans are not to be duped in thit ttyle ; they un derstand their interest and that of the State too well, to be taken in br such shallow artifices. On the Peofile'i Tickrt, of those already announced, there tre scv- feral avowed friends of Jackson, and no doubt there will he still others. The gen crsl understanding ia, thit the People's Ticket will go for the man whu is strong est! orwho Cin most likely . bcathc Hti c Candida teTbe he'jickson, or Calhoun, or Adams. In the grest State or Penn sylvania, the friende of Jackson and Cal houn are acting together in the most friendly m inner; and, in a great measure, it depends on that Slate which or the two will be supported. If Pennsylvania de cides for Jackson, then It will be worth nhile making a push for him ; buj if that state goes against him, then he ran pos sibly have no chance, and til his interest will go to his friend, Calhoun. So like wise as regards Mr. Calhoun. The friends or Jackson and Calhoun are acting on firineifilc j they are opposed to eucuing, lo radieattm, and to Y m. II. Crawford i they must continue toact together on prin ciple, or the euueutitet and radicals will beat them. Let the friends, then, of those fwo disitnguished Caridjdates,cominue, Bs they have all along done, lo act together heart and hand, in support of the People Ticket. Let them remember, that the scheme of the eaueutitet is, 44 to divide and conquer." And, that our motto may hg former irtt he words-of-VVaHingww, u united we stund, divided we fall. If wc, the people, are true to ourselves, our ticket wil' triumph, by an overwhelming majority. A friend to Jackson. -e0e. rnn raa witsbw ciaaurns. Ar. rAtitir i' un the list or the toucut ticket, I observe the name of Henry Sea wit, of Woke. If I am not mistaken, this guntleman holds tin office under the U. Suies. for teuling the price of the ne groes stolen by the-firitistkurinjf u last war,. Now, sir, certainly Mr. Scswcll does hot it peel to be chosen an Elector or, bow can he ret.xiver that part of the constitution which esys, " No Senator, or Representative, or person holding an office- of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed n elector." 1 un well aw ire, th it some of ktr. Seawell's fiicnd's get ever it, by saui, t!ut there ) 1 ,t i t

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