,1 - 1 .. . 'A , . a. . 1 . ! '' ''..V v..;. - ' . 'n. l 1 -it f fi5. i ; ! 1 1 1 Mi r.. ''Tr-1 -'' tjii; Ml K. , VW te MTaier, Witt, fafce freedom, proudly ae 1 A ftiluMM ftjcet reclines beneath tLct The hitrtU of the Uluetrioua ree, Vfhb frrmbfr vcrJure, shall ena-rcath thee! DUoUy the Kin, with rate benign. O'er kim, in virtue's uum grown honey 1 WHoee seal in early youth was thine, M'noae etrongrat pulee beat for thy glory IWar eafrly of r the dubious flood . .. -Hint aha, bmI4 ourdarheet hour. To tlwcU ua from t tyrant's power. Full proud) may our banner veer, A ft J ill te brilliant tfripc attend, frj honor of the good and brate Of Wadtinfton'e and Frcedonj'i frleni. TO ENOINE. What coneeicucc, ey, U St In the When I a heart had one, To take away dial heart from nt, And to retain thy tn f Cor shame or pity now incline To pity loving part, Bithcr to aend me kindly thinev Or five me back my heart. Covet not both 1 but if tbou dot Kctolve to part with nei'her, Vtbv.yet to ihew that thou art juet. Take me and mine togvlher. INTERNAL EVIDENCE. A man of eubtlc reaennint eaked A peaaant, if he knew TTIwre aa the internal evidence That proved the Uible true. "Die terma of diiputatire art Had never reached hii car He laid liia hand upon hit hrart, And only answer' J, "ntat." Legislature f AVf CuroHna : In the ilouac of Commona, on the 16lh of December, on a resolution to repeal the genrral ticket law, and reatnre the dialrict ayatciay-nr. Ata Deal, of Iredell, made the following ipeech : Mr. Speaker: It is with no ordina. ry degree of embarrassment that I rise to make 1 few remarks on the resolu tion which I some days since had the honor to submit to the consider, tioo of this House. The resolution has for its object the repeal of a law which provides lor the clectioo of Electors for a President and Vice-President of the United States by a general ticket, aod in lieu .thereof to restore the district principle. In do ing this I trust I hare been influenced by the purest. principles of republican ism as well as believing it to be the de sire of my constituents, and not only those whom I have the honor to repre Tie nTpfcuTfhe mjority"oTlhe peopTeor the Stare. Sir, the time was once, when the But. ta onpca'.e tie rfotlr, whi diJ ai'jccssjmg LegUlature djf Tiny repealed the act of 18tlf aod enacted the lasr winch the resolution now pro poses to repeal 1 which, If possible, Is len times worse than the lortner, as it holds out the aubitance. To be iur, by way of saving ippearaacef, we are allowed erery fourth year in the month of November It to up to the polls with a slip of paper with the nam' s of fif teen persons written on it, iminceq of whom we hart never seen, which is as complete farce as was ever impo scd upon the diet of llolUad. Uut let us e oeruire how this' ticket is got ten wpi a) few of those men whom tns pople elect aotl send here to legislate for them, assemble together ii.wka.t is termed 1 caucus, and nominate fifteea men, publish their ticket, and call upon a Ji.... . the iree people 01 tnr state to sanctios their auraination. Emphatically spea inr. these caucuiing renilemeo hsve the subsuace of liberty, while the pt ple enjoy onlv the ahadow. la ant this courae aristocratic in ita oatire and operation, aod does it not tendco that end, of all the most to be dtp. Cited, via. to tle introduction of ars tocracy and monarchy into our coin- try f Here indeed, air, are the few governing the many. I venture to siy that under the present law, not one half of the people of the State know the day on which the election for elect ors is to take place. In the county to which I reside, there are but few votes given on that occasion. At two separate elections, where 291 votes for ntmbir of the legislature were taken, as I have been credibly informed, there were but 17 given for electors at the election for that purpose. Does not this clearly show how little interest the people take in that election. Per mit me here to introduce a quotation from the speech o( Mr. Pickens in Congress, when on the subject of the uniformity of elections ; this gentle man savs, " In elections by the people, in single districts, thr candidates will be well known to the voters j they can best judge by their own knowledge who may be entitled to their -confi dence. The choice flows most dirert- ly from the people, who need no dit- t - - TL. A lauon irom caucus. ire voter 1 not hampered by a general ticket c many names, some of whom he may no know, and others he may not like. The operation being confined withi narrow limits, the result being small, the public excitement cannot be great. The. exercise of suffrage originating with the people, it is inaccessible to corruption." It is a maxim univer sally admitted, that the bodv of the feople is honest and free from intrigue, t would be inconsistent indeed, to suppose that the people should feel an interest in injuring themselves j and I.03T nonia, Oue pertua rises In the morning at hall past tnae, another at six. If each live to be fifty years old, tke one will L a,.t .a oave enjoyed iixty-tnrre inoma&u eigVt hundred aau seventy. five hours, or tw9 thousand ix hundred and ttxlu one days more lua the other, Xi us suppose, that .'there Ire throughout Great UritaiaJone million five hun dred thousand, persona who rise at n quarter past nije, or later. , Of these, perhaps, nine hundred and fifty thou sand would, if pey rose at six, be use fully employed At this rate, fifty, is thousand dree hundred And forty, sil millions, riant hundred and seyen-y-flve ifcotnini touts, or six millions four hundred aad thirty-two thousand two hune'red and nioety-two year of individual improvement are lost to so ciety eecry half century, This it sup. posicg, that tnese nine nuauretl ana fifty thousand get up at a quarter past Dim, wneraaa tnousanoa am not leave their beds till eleven or twelve. All this tinse Is uninterrupted day. and cueapoed of hours in whttb the intellect is far.clearer and more fit for study, thant the rest of tke cUy, It must be remembered, too, that nothing conduces more to health, sud csnaequtntly to longevity, than early ruing Suppose, rjut of the above number f persons, five huodred thousand should 'jve four years longer thau they otherwise would have donr, vit. fifty four year instead of fifty j according to the ratio above, here are two mill ions more ytari of actual existence utterly wasted.nf piper, TIIEEA LOUSE. We have beo informed by Major Prideaux of thejMaryland Executive, that within a icy years past a singular species of insect, or vermin, had ap peared in the wters on the sea board of Worcester ccjuntv j which, entering by the mouth, in great numbers, thor oughly devours! the fish, which they find entangled y the rills to the gill nets ; but what is rciuai 'e, they do not brenk the slou so thai-though not a particle of thd interior remains, ex cept the bone, thr skin being filled with water, his the kppcarauce of being a plump fine fish, until taken up, it is found to be nothing but skin and bone. Is it not probable, that this piscivor ous depredator upon the hopes of the fisherman, is the sea louse, spoken of in Capt. Parry's last expedition iith North pole to which recourse was , L7N0nTir.CAR0LnfAa' Aa ar t rtuLL.Ii a Hup 1 w.r Uwrt of law and Equity In the County of P!Jn, arul to alter the time of bnUing Ue Superior and County Courte of Ctulfttrd, Itockiiigham and Caaaall, aud tle luperioe Court of Itokaa. Be It enacted In the General Assenu hly of the State of S'orth Carolina, and !. t ' I .... . ivtly, isy tiw to the contrary ootwith staodirg. And be it further enacted, Thtt the etsioas cf the Courts of Pleas anal Quarter Sessions for the county ef Davielson. shall be opened and held a. the third Monday f March, JUDf September and DccemVtr. in each aJ 1 n r nerevy enmiem pij me auinoniu 01 J"T$ " wnicq times all the bro. - . - -IH, .i. a ji a.- - e ' . I .... .. J .l . ' nit mumtc, aiui mere saau oc a oupe Hor Court of Law aad Court of Enui. ty, opened and held at the town of Lexington, 10 the county cf Davidson. 00 the third Monday after the fourth Monday to March next, and on the ki.J MJ.r'-U fourth Mn. dayja bepterober, and.oa the tame same are hereby repealed and this act shall be in force from and after the ratification thereof, Gortrnment of the U. Statu. J.UYUMT Ut, IM. PrttUrnl. J4MKS MOXHOE. IVc Pr$m'Jmi. DAMEJ. D. TOMI'IONJ. Srtrrlurir. cess aad other pracsedinps of ailJ court shall be made returnable vided that tine act shall not be In force ai.ttf akfa.. ol. . mm a uum autr me icmiqq 01 the Lourt r erne a 01 rieai and Huaricr Sessioui for said county. llaynoeTcl which courts shall have the same ju risdiction that the present Superior Courts of Law and Courts of Equity in the several counties in this State now have and exercise. And be if further enacted, Th'at the county of Davidson shall hereafter constitute a part of the fourth circuit, and the Judge nod Solicitor who shall attend the Superior Courts in said fniinlv 'akatl K mm-rli vrlw ntiit.fi I Sff , r , Drp.rtjncnt of gUU. Joh Q. A(Um( to the same pay for attending aaid DcMWiruent of the Treaaury, Wm.ll.Cre.lord. COurtS, that they arc now by Law en- Department of W ar, John C. Calhoun, titled to rer eive for nttrndine- other Su- lIartmeiit of the Navy, Rami. I.. SoutWd. , .... . r .... I Attorney tleneral. Mm, Wirt. And be it further enacted. That a John ManhaJl. Clerk, and Clerk and Muter iotlqui- roi Waalungnoo, y, both men of skill and probitr, and residents in the county of Davidson, clricl Duval, shall be appointed for the same by the Jcib try, Judfre attending the firat l.rm cf aiJ snMU, 1"PW. Court, they shall give bnds and secu rity, as directed by Law for such offi cers, nod take the oath prescribed for their qualification. The Count) Court of Davidson shall appoint thirty Ju rors to attend the said Court in the same manner as Jurors are appointed to attend ether Superior Courts in this State. iJ .:..., A. t.J Tt.-t -II eri imi um.e, .,t M,irr Oneral, John M'I.ean. civu causes uepenaing in me superior ,r4 AtUnt lWmier C . r t j f f t ... . I 1 A V.U1111 ui t.iw ina cquiiv tor nuwan, 1 '', the PUintilTs in which causes reaide in s. AM:?nt r"m r...;i. .... 1 1 11 .. icr VKiitrai, waviuson -ouaty, ana aiso an actions Vki-ffkri-, -Mr orn. r . . 1 . . I . . - 01 ejectment ana trespass, quare ciau-1 iiepartment r Mate i)am 1 ii;c.-i. OuArnw Owrf. Chief Juvttce, Aaaociate Justice. do. do. do. do. rirat Comptrvler, Jo-epli AnuVrSon. Hccond ComptroUVr, H chard tutu. lMiiira V Trrawry, First AuiUtor, Second Auditor, I bin Auditor, Fourth Auditor. ... . f ifth Auditor, 'Ireawirer, Itrrivtrr of the Treawrr, Coinnuauom r of the Ocn) mi Un! Dill itichard lljrriaoti. M ilhara le. Peter llancr. Cona'anf Freetnan. fttrph. I'lcaumtoti. Tlioma I . Tucker. Jotph Noure. t ..A Korgf ira:im. b'm. Bradley, jr. I'hinrjuIJrwlIi-y. sum freeit, f.r or concerning lands in s,tr,,r of ,,,c 'l-"7 )S.cc-lJ. Jon. 1 niu. "r . 1 I D partnitnt ol W ar Chrintr. Vamli-i enter. Drnartment of the Nv Cliarlca llav. Fuat Ciimplrnllcr'a OL'Ire John I sub. av.u..ov,ouui, .U4.. uw sranairrrcu, )pIMrtnirl of ,be Nm wun au process ana procceuings mere- in, to the Superior Court of Law I Second rirniplnilliVi ortire Knocli Krynol.U. f I ir.t &...!... .kilt.- it- ir . 1. 1 ....t.r..k..l tr.. .k. r..... i rirai AiKiiioraunice-Hiiiian. Parici r, . ' , . - 1 Heconu Auditor a (ItnccJain-a l.k--n. Davidson 1 and the provisions of the Third Auditor's Office Jimca Th .ti.;on. act passed in the year eighteen hun- Pmrth Auditor's office rhon II. t;.ile. drcd and s.x, entitled " An act amen. 'lfth Audit,.r'. ()flke-TlMBia, Ma.tin. . , ' , Irraaurrr itKRce Smnuet Itrovk. datory and supleraentary to an act, en- Race's Oflire Michael Nour. titled an Act fo-th tnfe convenieat Land. oflUa John U. aioor. - aalminiitratin.i nf Jnitir. unrl u!l nth- General Pmt Office Amlrew Coe. had, to make skeleton, of auch birds, or , tr acta supplemental thereto." for the TSal'? 'rlt iZiV 1 .1 1 . . .1 - - animais as tncy uestreu to preserve, oy appointment, summoning aud attend- To Great Ilritain, placing them under the ice, in the way of these ravenous devourers of fish and fesh ! American Farmer. that they should be corruptible, would be absurd, otherwise, as in the case of people of this State felt some interest a legislative choice, or caucus nomi L inthc;lectioo-of their. Chief MagaTBatranT:withtheserpnpm bar trite 1 but in consequence of the en- that of being perfectly convenient. acttnent of the law generally denomi- Repeal, then, the general ticket law, nated the electoral law of 1811, and the general ticket law of 1815, they have in a great measure lost their anxi ety, and iuterest in the election, which are necessary to preserve the purity of ur elective franchise, and an attach ment to our political institutions. I do not hesitate to say that the act of 1811 wrested directly from the people their highest privilege, . and, in my opinion, was an infraction of the Con stitution of the United States; and particular!) the second article of the aecond section, which says, "Each State s hull appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa jaiysiUjl'! inc tate may ' entu tied in the Congress. When the tra iners of that Constitution used the words " each state," they had an eye, -t to-the geographical situation otihe State, but to the people t consequently the people composing the State were to elect the Electors in auch way or manner as might be prescribed by the Legislature, For instance, it is the province of the Legislature tc direct the time, place and manner of holding elections for that purpose. But, air, what effect did the passage of that law produce upon the public mind? It was productive of .al most universal di saai isfaction, as.was abunttanfly ;eidMc.t; by . the protests of .many of the Grand Juries of the different counties through out the State j and not only this, many of those who voted for its passage, and were candidates at the succeeding election, were not re-elected, and some to my knowledge have never since been able to obtain a seat on this floor'. and a necessity for caucussing no long er exists. I will venture to say, that there is not a gentleman on this floor, but who will concede that the principle for w hich I contend is the most repub lican, the most correct. Yet they will oppose it, because, they know that it is not so convenient to subserve their views 1 and this is the true reason why they contend that the policy is not good. But they say that policy and expediency require a continuation of the general ticket law, as a retaliatory measure on those States which elect ia the same way. 1 would say to gen tlemen, if other States see proper to take from the people their dear bought liberties, is that any argument why the State of North-Carolina should deprive her cititens of their rights i No, sir, far from it. I am for resto ring to the people their rights and pri vilegesaDcLcxcitingJuthcirminds afresh, that interest which they once took in the election of the President and Vice-President of the United States. Mr. Speaker, were I certain that by voting against the repeal of the gen eral ticket law, I ahould secure to my favorite candidate the fifteen votes of this State, I would not do it. I have nothing to fear from the success of ei ther of the gentleman nomioated, as faef -ate air high .tmnded, ittfaorablj? men, anu sucn as our country cteii aoce of Jurors, lor the transmission Fr,n5e aod receipt of the records, proceedings fil,a;n and papers, for docketing and bringing Portugal, the causes forward for trial, for sum- Netherlands, ch. d'Aflairt, iY&-ning-wirneMes7 lucAt' and mesne process prior to the firsi c:hili, term of Davidson Superior Court, and Columbia, oeVrallv for all nthrr nnrnnae. r.la- Mexico, (vacant.) - ' ' . . 1 I Ctittut (Jrnrrnl tt Bariarf Vir. . Itichard Fttmh. JaTic llro n. Henry M'ddlcton. Ii:jrrv NtUon. Henry Dearborn. Att-x.'ll. Kvitt. -Chra. Ili.tt. jr. tar A. Ititd.iry. Hc.iian Allen. Hictiatd Anderaon. The .fr. Jacob Ilro n Major Ccnrnil. Kdmund P. Uainea llrijf. ticti. (and SI. C. by brevet.) Hinficld Scott 11. C. (and M. G. bv hrrvct.) i'honiaa M. Jrnup Quartermakter General. John K. Wool Inspector General. SKiruiel Archer Inapector (irncral. SmairFox.Tir. JTK. MItcHcLVof Philadelphia, one of the Physicians of the Alms House and Small Pox Hos pital, has published a statement, foun ded on his observation and that of Drr John Bell, which exhibits very strong ly the value of Vaccination as a pro tection against the fatal e fleets of this disease, although it shov s at the same time, that it does not entirely prevent the recurrence of the disease. The statement embraces 148 casea of small pox, or varioloid,- which have occurred at Philadelphia. Of these, 48 occur red in persons who had previously had the vaccine disease, and no one died. Eight cases occurred in persons who had previously had the small pox, and of this number four died. The other ninety-live cases occurred in persons who had previously had neither dis ease j and of these, 32 died and 41 recovered. Two of the persons who had thr amall nnt a urmnA ilm tnnlr 1 jtjtttuiajjillht tv ol btokes. shall be oDeoert and held wo n', oi rort.oiasmw. iimmsions those who took the disease after the vaccineltad bcen"Tainatcd recendr. Some of the mildest cases were in per son's who were vaccinated more than tffcntyyearsLago to honor i either of them no doubt wopld do equal justice to ihe United States. Then repeal this law, and let the people aay who their choice jst without a repeal of the law, there will not be an expression of the sentiments of a majority of the people. Eighteen cases of smnll pox have occurred at Lexington. We have not learned that any case has appeared there- in a person who had previously had the small pox or the kine'pock. A very singular circumstance re spectirig a case of divorce, hat recent ly occurred in the state of Illinois. The Kaskaskia paper contains at length and.. Johanna JLC.;VVagemanjcij rocliily"co mutually pray tag the legrtjature to re lease them from their vows. The le gislature in its wisdom granted their request; and ia three months after wards, the same parties took each oth er for better for worse, and were again united in the holy bands of matrimony . determination of the business of said Court, be, and the same are hereb) extended to the Superior Court ot Da- vtdson County the neglects :md lai lures of the several officers of the Su perior Courts of Rowan, and of the County Courts of Dav idson, shall be George Gibaon Commiwarv Gen. of Sub subject to the same penalties and lor- Nathan lowaon Paymaatcr General. feitures, as are prescribed for similar pI'I'U-s!; , ' tf.i , , ., Alex. Macomb Col. of t.tg. (and M. G. by bre- neglects and failures by the said act, vet.) and the said officers shall be entitled to Simon Hernard Aas?. Engineer, !tn(f. Gen. the same fees for their services as are eore "on.tori-Coloncl of Ordnance established by the said act for like ser Vices. A WOXDEIIFIL SHIP! And be it further enacted. That the tirnetfaUtkr,daudQiitbec.l)fc., 182.T Superior Courts of Law and Equity " Do you know I came out to Cann for the Counties hereafter mentioned, da to take the command, and carry shall be opened and held in each and home, an extraordiuary ship, ot a new every year, on the days lollowinc. to- construction, ana immense magnitude: on the fourth Monday hfter the fourth aa follows:, length- ot keel, 294 (vtt, ----- Monday of March, and on the fourth (with a flit bottom,) breadth of beam, j Monday after the fourth Monday of 50 feet, depth of hold 32 feet, length of tClit IIIKCI J tllC vmCI IUI VvWUI L JUI UIC nil. "Jp . 9 Ifct, .uu Hill W crossing the Atlantic about the latter in honor of the discoverer of the New World." county of Guilford, shall be opened measure 3,C0Q tons, or thereabouts, aod held on the fifth Monday after the with a fine clear run, fore and aft , and fourth Monday of March, and on the I have no doubt she will sail well she fifth Monday after the fourth Monday is to be rigged with four masts and bow. of September; the Superior Court for sprit, and is expected to be ready for the county ol Rockingham, ahnll be opened and held on the nh ritftruU after the fourth Monday of March, and on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday of September j and for the county of Caswell, on the seventh March,and on- th oveotH-Monday after the' fourth Monday of Septem ber j and all proceedings and process ofevery kind pending in, or issued from ihesaid last mentioned Superior Courts, shall stand continued -and be returnable to the days by this act pre scribed for holdjeg the same respect- ANF.CDOTK. An lrish tfa lyaiirig'mlrchwntralrata5"" fefUaxM-k.M.a,R4iuneran pntOJ'JTIiairrttf-iwlsr-:. Six jthiU r lings, sir In mydear country, my dr ling, you might buy ihtm for six pence a pare Why dont you remain in your own. country then ?' Because we have no soix-pencm, my jewel, said Pat. English paper .