V V JUJkJ anaj JEW June. 8AL18HURY, N.a TIJISDAY, FKIlftlAJtY C VOL. IV. NO. .91. the pro. f laid J pro. n force, e Court 'or aaij no The T kJ this ter iht itet. mi, ford. 1 I Ml. 4)11. ;er. w.mviaMamaujiav, MIMIt nr nilLO WIIITK, rMtk M - 'A I'awaaaf Swm, The !-fmi of the Weattfn Car,.) 10 IttWiar U M fofWal XW a year, ptytUU in aJvaare.' Adiftt tH he inawied a, fiftf ratita t "v r rrti. ' -- , r-rr tHiHH'iail.MSi iI.tfliLkJ'T. tl fxdit, IX the Will f"t bf BttcinWd lo. Htac of North-Carolina, It TIM R fOII D OCTf. (III'IIT liw awl Quarter & salons, J- nary Season. U '4 Aaron CaiuD t. Fran- cia C-uei ori-finl attachment, levied on Ur.U. It .jH rii mtm ntsfustion "f tl court, that the A ml ! in t)i c is no an inhabitant of th Ht.u, m therefore trl( rt4 l the court, that pubUatiyti Ik msde in the Western Caro li.tun for ill weeks, t'ui the 1i fendant appear , f re 'h- J .ciMuf our iirtt f'ouRty Conn of i h hld for the county of Rowan, oh that second Pi. m and 0 inrtT fcea.ona, to he Ict lrn fur the Monday afu r the fotrh Molar in March lull, r'Min'y of Itiitln rt fed, ' the court house l si al.sbiirv, and thi-n and 'Jirr pita , antvtr Il itli- rfur liim,oti i'i MmvUv aHrr Hie 4'li orl -iiwrl'i lie lull l rofiipuunt, otbrrwue tin Woi.'Uv of M itn nr l, ll.rn iJ iLrre lo pjcail I m bill will t. ".km pro coitfi-tM kflw( tlietn, Stale of North-Carolina. ' - Bow coevrr. IN fquhf, October Urm, 1xtw(vM KxKiHifr km! Ninry lut kfr, f. ZtUtUm Hunt. !ii4tuMtrlar U tb fctxMJ wm! cUi'tli, K crLt whkJl r t( Jaura MJumv Jj;c'J, alH a;' iacbtM, lUHmtl ;.,Uoa. Mfclk Jarkum, fro ;rkrn, P4- OiK, ' hmm :Mrt Wmmtf tut J i mint, Jtm UAlim ZTiWiU Knfftt a'vl luMnnah bit awiiwa ijuar. jjuiitj turam La, lMntl Irive, Mary , lUaiad i alto, amcf Huminrf and Mmry f bmimef j !, Iaa Jooea aal IMkit b'n ayifa. It appatrinf 10 tb rourt, Out tl JcfcodanU, John Jackaoo flarbutt Jiickaofi, Wch ackaorv Grtn Jaclu ton, Kdmund kan, (Hockard aitd IK- Sf bta mtfc, ITiogiaa and Nancy lot w!f, mium K4ijllli ami Muaaitnah bu wife.. rcd out of tbia niaic i it h ibercfort ordered, Utat publication If le fr tbe acaea bf ait vcka. in tbt U'caicrnL'arvlinitn, tltat ibrjr aniracb of ttirnj d a,rfcart at tbe nait Court of Equity to ia til aia raiait, ' Tilt CAt'jt'l. ' Thii animal hu ruit hit tpprar. nc upod tha fact f lh earth aioct or Baturaliit of ton Mi Mt a dea triptloo of Manmalil ; The roaicu Mm UruaAj U uwd, br'.UM, although in aaioDal.ltM njiuud tcau in ouoiT)er i yet, atrapp aa it nay ecen, oa Ignul&ni iuf jvf ytt teen area to iw..r. or U"mr. or j'HLfmrnt final aill b ei. 'enil up jint 'mi', anJ the matter tl.rcof alccrcni irix.iliiiy . S iinr-, ISAAC CR TON, c. e. Prire ! . RJ. ' itS and beard ca turi. t. rH(.P. I.Ot Kf, f . t a. Prr a.l. 1 50. it9T Htatc of Nortli-Curolina, TOEa coi'aif. ini'KT of f'b-M and JnH r Brttor-a, tU- J ciii' ' ltttt, . V. 18 J: Jrrrm ali th- Hm. M J. hi 1'imntont tml NalluuuVJ Tim i (,n: r't trcutra oi Naliianicl I iffimirtM, ami lii'tic al tta'-!iiiii1it iwtu-d ft. William 1 im tiii,i., aiiil :rturtd Irtird on lie trar! of land oi; I om n fork. In tbia eaar, il i onl.rrd by lb cur, t't iiibliianon be niadi in the Western furJi f'.r llirir i rkl aucrraairelv, that l!ir ! !rf, :i laiii iHu:n liit.mona, apprar a our n. t I'njrt f I'l.-a ai.d Qiiartrr .Sr.or.a , tu br b- Id (or lit count . f M'ikrs t tir t,. uf J Jftt of LtttT RKUAIMM; m the Pjal Office at Saba!)!?, Aortb t a-olina, on tbr I0(k 'tb. 1 8. '4 Marjrarrt Alliaon Ju'. a A ilama, 2 John Albright L il ian. oio I U .It..., a , (..arw. Ijrin ll.tra, '2 Jamri . Ilrjan, J N. A.Hrjaii John Klrkbiirn lobn l. lUllrv tl te C. ItalUrd ',t 'wr I), non Il-H'-ri-'i . . J' ''' lllfli mwn'on, on 'b- vrmul Monl"t -f m II rra in iIh-ii iti thi i. ( niili-iy tiu- in- ' np':i. rr plet to 'ru , or j n'jf I f- ill vi!l br iLVfiil fin.-' i; :r.. ' M ''. t(. M))l r. r. - . i n. J4, IH21. ( , , . iv 1 21 Shtc of Norlli-C'aroliiift, 8T' kl"" i I'l'NTT Cot I Cll r trriii, . D HI ao-i, r. M i'bam I imn it - . ; w rti r.it ( ii f j! tU' b'." "t iti!' 'I t oil f i! on mi. r r SiM'om, lie- .rin"ati tib una jim! I il I im i . I in ii.' .' d Judi- ni. I irnniicii, rrtiirn- Iruit nf lnd on f'.an I'ork. In tbia rrw , it i cr-lr-nl ! tin rwiH, IMal pun li. j'i'Mt hr nwilc in lu " fii' i rcroliliiali for tlnvo "'k', Mirr.-ii l, Tl.al tt t aaid defon- d .n', V r:;m n -tj.' ,r at or next "tjn- f 'ir:. nxl tj .artt r S ina to b brtd fur tbr comi.iv ul tt.ci, at tlie t m.rt llmiae iiH t.,crt;Arn ) fm.i hi, iiic atiomi utM.iui n wrrii nr. 1 1 -n I 'lu re to n pic Tt!..' property 4- vit .,f,i)r pii'Ito :ic,orj irimtnt bvUo fjn t ai'l be ctr. red (:'' him. It94 I t. K UHORK, r. r. CrrvMnlt i. J..-. 1 . IS. 'J. Yt t adv. gl 2J. State of North-Carolina, CAItAHHt'o COVTV. ftOt .t I'!. x iiul ; ir'i-r Scaaiona, Jan 1 n T;y Ti FTnrt' IUuiBraiLiha.Li;f Jolm S. MVnr ; .i"ii;ii l a!tach'i.cnt, leied on lauds. It iii;.i ar':iijr ' I' ccr ''nt tbc dfi-iidant in tlr. civ ia i ' an :n!ia' i ;.mt i.f tbia State, it il thcrefon' o -it .1, lia' p'lSVica'ion be made .lkWft-iunu!ii.,l"' rtcr f arobnian, giving r.o'ire to s:tT Oiiirt of I'liAi .'d M nr'ir una to be held for tiid coiii', a' ''. rnurt-b . in Conccrd, o-i I v tliirl VtOiiHa of ; A n- , to replevy. ;ilc:id, or fb imir, 'hk j idffn-rnt final will eiiUi.'d up axjiini l iT . .'lid rr-cution avar- del ucrordli plv. i.t: '!. II! Nr.c.c.l. ''.-ire I'M. S. Iaa Ifa t liron tn II i.ll. y !. xi'iii i llrandon, lln.r C n i-Ve v)ill..n Mik Col. Joli.i Il'andufi,j3 Jobn H rcard Jacob Hrown Danirl lldra Can liulhn. John f 'allow a J J;.bn Coa-.a (icorjre Ca. pbrll Hm, II. Cole Charlet Calberill Jraae (,'rrw Jacob ('imn Jvbn Campbell Aqnilla Cbiabira Jamri Caruibera plo pe "1.1 State of .North- 'ni '. , noic-a rm srv lOl UTof I'I. an ,y 'i- Sriiiot a, 0 .' ccmb.T trr, A. IV 18-J: I.:it. rd llai.. SaUy Cowan Joatpb Clwlftltrr Daniel Clodkhcr Jani-a(rr -Jacob t'riat Jamci t'uimingrham Jobn M. CIciMiioni Kaailalc Craw by Dhvid Craige Pollv Oi ler Allcll l.aaO TliarrtwfflTT Wni. C. f -ruby Stanley d.-llin. Hubert Duriium U m. I)( imam S'iii(! ra l(iifl!io Joeeptr DaVnf Mi lluvia. Itn'iin IJ.otta U ilbr I'.llia John I'.llt r. KrvdentL Ford Pet'-rF.-axcr Jainc Koril (irii f , FergmoD U rn. KU-mniiii); I i!iaa Fmchaa John Fi!ii r. Lev ia V. t.ivlonl eerand Jobn Smlts, adioinia'iMnra of Mi' !i-w . ) tiiliiban . Hinpea, i. tlie lirira at law of .i.iHlu Si.ipea, m G. .ice dee'd. It apc.iriii)( to tb K i 'sfartion of the tlciiri Gillaapie co-irt tliat William M on anil F.tiz;ibrt'i b;a if.', i jhn M. tiab.rd lit-ira at law of tliu saiJ Mi.ttln Sni,)..i. d cM-j Kt.bert Gillasiio are inlnh'.tavU ot anothrr State, it i th.-rt fire j ,m Oardncr ordi'e.l, tlr.it piiulicatioo be made in tlii Wra tern Carol'miun for a'.x weeks, a rcrive!, tint the aaid Willian Mimiii and F.luab. ili his wife, appear at tbe next Court of I'U-aa nml H rur SemionHtobe held tor tbe count v o stokca mi the aeeond M'nulav in March ne and either plead, a iaatt nr Hi niurio a:im . . uu, .nin mm.- u.c name will be taken pro coTXa(JTTmdTirrd RnaT3TriTrii nirtn. airjjxut JLlicni. IV37 M . rf."a. MOOttK. r. f; Girmanton, Jan. U, J'r.oeads. State of North-Cnrolina, j i TlOnF.RT M ( t)MB, executor of Mary sr 'X Comb, vf. Jane K. rr: caveat to a will. It appearing to tbe aatisfacion of the court, that Margaret, daughter of the late Itobert Morriaon, aince intermarried to aoine one to the court un known, Wylie Ilea ami Manaret hia wife, An drew M'l.rrran and Leena hia nife, and Jamea Johniton, are inhabitants of another itate i it it therefore ordere.-l, that publication be made ail wtka in the Western Carolinian, that they ap pear at our next court to be held forthe county or Mecklcnbvirp, -at th court Jionae in Cburlotte, on the fourth Monday' in Febru.iry next, and then " arid, there p1d or lemur, or. judfmen,wiH be : -test,-t:-Price adv. S'2- i94 ntin Paper, 0R gale at this office, by tbe ream; foolscap at three io!lrii, and pot at t didlan and fifty ccnt, par ream?" ca'let tilascock Mi xandir li. Geaina Fmi'.cis L. tiibaon Hamocl tiuitliu r Jacob (;. Gravel (it or'e W. Grmea. John lMlodgcna I hoiiua Ki ni Jaanci Kim .ud riitnUnb K.li.atrick Nancy P K.unoo alriai. L.!Lai. I."kC Ijoa'cr Margaret Una Casper Ungle rrancia Lingle r)amo I I ji' ay Jamea ltka Joackvn Lane laac Jv rtt Hiram 0 le, Eaq. f.lira 1-m.er Ki-rniaii lathem Frcebu'.il lxlga Joteph l-tbga. Ilrnrt U.lhr David M.'lrr 1'bouial Milh-r Jo!m M.Ihr, 2 Vforgt Miller Adam U.llrr J.-bn H. UcGehu Isaac Mrlt'tKim John Martin 1. :d Mctoiirr, g. A ldbuvl Mu-im II nrv Mtn Hobc'rt lc raly M illu-n Montgomery F-dward McMa.ly Wri. (.l.riM Morrill Pbir.p McLarjn Jobn McKnigbt JJm atorroa , 2. Fraiicia Netl.v, Fq. T homaa Nooe -Iroy Napier. Asa Uloter. Jesae rinkiton Anne I'inkston Ma) ileu & Pinkitoo Silas Peace Pleasant Peeler Diiud. Pmur W illiam frice Antony Putoe Garel or Jno. 1'ickler Jamea Palmer Jcsae Park. C R It Adam Ho-man Jo. ph Rxlgi, 2 Christ npher Itinehart Maralial Robardi John Hibinger Khodiaa t;iia.jr Peter llilcv Imia Kobfing Jacob Kincltart James Silhttnan Nathaniel hniith Hcnjamin Smitlt Jamea Smith George Sniih " W illiam btoke Robert Stoker Diiiicl Sink Fielding slater Iroy Smart John Stirewalt Wm. Stcphenaou AVm. II. Steelnun F.lizabeth "loan Elizabeth Sieel Garhari Nliolinbergcr '"tbkriea' bCota or aoppaied er to tutt, k propau raiea lUcil ia t noat ULnatual tad abdminalle war, agaiuit tie order "of ihe ctiutlluthn and eatabliahed Uwa cf nature. At ita firat apptaraocc. it raa a vrxil9 ruth. to what order ot aVimali ihia eitraordioanr creature be. longed ; aomc maiotaiDcd, that he mi?ht be claaaed with th Ccte.othera that he more properly belonged to the order tiruta. aod ao of the other five ordcra. Nonecould agree indeed al) were mistaken, for il hia tinct bee a aetertaioed, beyond all doubt orquea lion, that he belongs, to ao entirtjy new order, resembling the liumbtg and Bugbear, The Caueua arm first acco io this country, about filteen yeari acoi , to the people it was 4 str.ogf aight j they had never iccn a .y fftmg like u j- to it before. Aod thco loo, it came . n i t. . .1. n 10 B fj'iraiii'naixc o a , tarre rii us c konw tancther ita in. tetiti ' rrr good -.r evil" After per- f'rmifig a f- fantainc cats, and in dicating sxftie of in p'ipottica and q jiiim s, it ditappv arrdto the n i lit tle jov ol the people hie jealouaiei vere nataralU 1 Xtifd of aa animal o monitroua ia ize 4id muratrt.us-like . i l J 1 L I to appear. tire. It aa nupro ne imu gone I-. " Ihe tomb f the Cupuiett" li .it thiadisift, whir fi led ihe hcarti i t the people. Aainii reti Z-dt for the beaat hud gone on tomultipl) isller hii abominable faahional auJ another ot tliosc atnm da made ring the Lie war. fattfsrd, in Cnue in that qaaner, vh tomcd to ihe Bue-l' prooounced it to bethat animal but nearer approach nd ciamioatinti conviaccd all that d was not a mere Bugbear, which it to nearly resembled, 1ut a full blooded Caucui. Here it wai, this extraordinary animal Ih- - can to deveiope us true curat ter, and shew those reoomnua, poisonous and deadly q lalitiea, with which the beast is poasessed : here it first open. y manifested its antipathy to the vc 1 100, of the lUditrlausVuthorof Decora ilon cf Independence, the mail sidendir epoch In our political history, wit main!; proeucea by ib much reprobated cau cusl a? atem. Aa, after a wr laborious searcht I could not bn any account of Ihe proceedings 0 a caucus io 1190, it would add aomcitilng to the at-xk of otir nolitlml M4o t . if some one would fumiih them. tj ojnnaMs , thai there was a slanple informal undor- '""iT ,t- Mr nurr.lTitrnitflffirj-lrrJ prcaldca't abould receive Im same aup port aa Mr. j'ffrraon, designed for Pre sirlenl. Mr. Jt ffarson received Ct votes td Mr. Adam's 71 in IT96, and w.s unl venallv regarded as the democratic ran didate" for Prtaavlr nt, from the laat men lioned period. arS:hout cautua. And th fact is, lhal the UudcrttanJhrg had it) 00 produced that ttruggle in the house of re presciilatirra which seeminlvthrelened a dlisolution of the union. So much for the good of that caucus, if there was one. At all the rauciiatrs that hare been held. puMic 1 pUi'mn wi Mowed, not dirrelrd. Ike only attempt at the latter was made h 1 1 1 0 j and hsd it iot failed, as it did hy s small ntsioritt in the meeting, ihe Ara file would have pui the dictators down, as hey will fo in 1124. If thir opinions are intirfered ith iVit much ill blood and enmity will m excited by the procedure, and e hope that it will not be attamp Robert Smith, o'l MJ. . . John ilreekenrideaof Kv. C A. Itodney, of Dclaatart, Wm, Pinkoey.nfMd. . , llichard RnH. of Pi. , . Wm. Wlrt,ofVa. V . . IW II 4 nor 1111 1114 1117 fon ofrbe ra4inaaer(nral. On thi ib- jfcet ofth eauwiaalwaiwai lii4tljL. ten I Jirraented to tha llwifc- tit flrprearnfa' acstton. is appearance un it a piiCc called icvit. inr people had been accu.- it. at nrst tigni. 1767 Ituili Harris William Shaver Casper i lolaluiuaer .'PP P"nn Margaret flancs Robert Spance - John Harris John Simmom. Jamei Hunter Samuel Tomlin Joseph Hall Sally Thompson ttideott Harriaon WiaJJ!iJLh2'P' Henry llartman Elizabeth I ravn Samuel Hnglu y Cheater Hawks, 2 Jacob Holahouser Henry Hill Hannah Hill Henry 8. Hughey Allen C. Harbin Isnc Hill Lcroy Hiphtower Hcnjamin Iluie BilijtJLJlaslen. Louis Jacobs AVrnKiLjiQiica,, i. . . Wm 'rhomaioii. Richmond M all, 2 Marv Wall Francis A. Ward, 2 William Ward John Webb Henry Weaver John Waddle Jot-I Wren Jamea Wright larut-l Woois BeiljUtriin Wilson-.--Jane. Wood iidea 35auis-WTmns Jonathan Young. 3ir94 2041 . Sheriffs' J)eeds, "ITtOR land iJd by order of writ of venditioni JL eaponas, fcr aale at the pnnhng-ofnae. deep, quite too deep for the success ful travel of an animal borne down and consumed by ita own vain efforts in a bad cause : whether he will be, able to reach the place of his destination or not, is uncertain1 agd immaterial j he is doomed soon to give up the ghost j and the day of resurrection is not ap pointed unto hino. BurroN. CjuMwiwa eaiwaav 24.. ; iSKSSSii ' a V g m VT IT.. In a report of acomrniuecollhe senaie of New Vork, to whom were referred the resolutions of I enessee,it is said that " the election to the ptesidency, in the year CIIRONUI.oGICAI- The forowing hi of the principal Officers of the t'nited Stales Government, umlrr the Con sti'ution, has been eompiled froo, authentic s'ir res, and may be interesting to many, aa a eoa venient docuxtnt f'.r ipfrrence ; rat.lDiaT. Geo. WasMnq'on.t.f Va. appointed 1789 John Additi. f Mcssichusetts Thorn is Ji Person, of Va. . James Madison, of V. . . . James Monro. i'f Va vicr. racstoewTS. Jjhn Adam or Miss, appointed . 1789 I honua JwiTcfsoii, of Va. . . . 1797 Aaron Uurr. o New York, . . 1801 (irorge ('litiU'ti. of New York, - IBuS Di'd. April 20. 1112. EllmdKe (;erry.of Mais. . - - 1813 Dird, No 23. 1814. Daniel D. Tompkins, of N- Y- . 1817 svcaaTaatas or statb. Thorns J-ffern,pf Va. appointed 1789 Wrnond Randolph, of Va. . . . 1794 Timothy PicLerinn of Pa I79i Jobn rlsrshaJUof Va. - . . - 1800 J-iracs Msdisoni of Va 1 89 1 Robert Smith, of Md. - ... 1809 James Monroe, of Va. . . 1811 J.Q Adams, of Mats 1117 SKCRBTaRlIS tt THE TKIAILBT Alexander Hamilton, of N. Y- . 1789 . . . 1795 S.-muelTJexletTcf Mast. - IjSUL Albert Gallatin, of Pa 1802 Ceo. V. Tampbell. ofTenn. - . 1814 Alcxr. J. Dallas, of Pa 1814 VY ouH jCrewford, of Geo. . . 1817 PaaraDrrars DaavJssT,? 24.' Jul,, inu. J Sir I In oliedicnre In a rr so in Ion of thr H iuse of HepreuntatWes of the Uni ted Slates, at their last uisiotT, which "directed (he Po'maer Gencal io re port, al an early in liod of the next session of (Congress, what further meaauic are necessary to prorldr for $ morr rouiuMe Compensation to Drputt PoVinasurs c cordimr to the duties nd services render. d by Ihem," I nave the honor to report, hat Ihe p'esent mode of romnensatinr: Deputy Poktm.sters, by giving tlem a graduated er rent upon monrrs re ceived by thr m, is believed to he, in most Cases, the most equitable that can be adopted. So far as this couipensstion ettends, it is generally proportioned to thv labor required, and the responsibility incurred. liurs. rerc ir"1lesatr" itlei'i any other officers of the general govern ment. Dul, as competent persons to lit charge tne dunes o( Postmasters, have hern found willing to serve, in every part of the O'limry. and as the present embar rassment of this drpirtrrre rit requires the utmost economy in is eapenditures, it is believed Out lor public intrrrst would not, al this time, l promoted, by a gene ral increase of their compnaiion. A I8'l I small ad fit ion of pay to each postmaster, 1809 pic, and their habitation the Lonstitu. tun! It set up a howl which resoun ded tbrowghou thc-Jand uUojon, how- )jver sVolcott, of Conn. ever, discovered its irupotencv, when compared v.ilh the mighty atreugth of its adversary, the people : and again ikplkcd jt itahidmg place. Know ingthat ikv"erifooi had beettahsvn, it was believed he was the last of hia race who would appear amongst us. Dut, it is due to this animal to say, it is not incapable of Lrmiog attach ments it became enamoured in 1816, (when it again appeared) with a 1 hone of might 'ij bone at Washington, who was engaged with the Uld Virginia Horse Monroe, in drawing the politi cal wagon; on this arcasion, the Cau cus threw all the mighty weight on the Crawford side of the tongue j but not withstanding the odds, the Monroe took the iwingle-tree. It was on this occasion,' that' this remarkable non descript animal, from over exertion no doubt, took cold, which terminated in a fixed pulmanory, that has long IfjtreHvd-hia. dissolutJavrIftoiyjth- standingtfie" assiduous attentions . of t.hoseable Caucus Doctors, Messrs, Noah and 'liitchiev" tie- waa seen late ly in this city, on his way to Washing ton, pale, trembling, and emaciated. ilendraggrfj -Iowlyjahc?iLWa SECRlTAHIfS or WR.' r- Henry Knox, of Masi. appointed 1789 limothv Picketing. of h. . - 1794 James M Henry, of Md. . - 1796 Samue! Dexter, of Mass. . . . 1800 Roger Giibwold, of ('nn. . . 1801 Henry lh'arborn, of Mass. . . . 1801 William KuMicr, l Mass. . . 1802 John Aiusiror.g,of . . . 1813 Wm. H. Crawford. f Geo. . . 1815 Isaac Shelby, of Kentucky, . . 1817 (Did not accrpi ) J. C. Cidhc-uniofS. C. . . . - 1817 StCKK.TARItS or THE BAVT- v 'otf fbis dtpartiiK-nt a as not establixlied until the "Otb of April, 1798. being prior to that date a br. iicb of the war department. Geo. Cabot, of Mass. appointed Benjamin Stoddart, of Md. Uolwrt iimith, of Md. . . . Tacoh rtnwfitrii;tiitfrdrof-Ma would aflntel but little Uneht to the in dividual, whilst it would take fr-jin the receipts of the department an amount so considerable, as to render an appropria tion from t tic Treasury indispensable, t here aie, however, tome post offices wheie the labor it ?reat, arid the perqui sites so small, that,un:as additional com pensation be given, it is feared compe tent persons ennot long be found to dis charge the duties. 1 have endeavored, though unsuccess fully, to lit upoo some rul , which would give additional compensation, where it seems to be in.)isp usiblc, wiihoT ex tending the provision so far as to re tlef the amount objectionable. Il i belifscd that nopmviaien can be made, embracing a class of cases, ao as io give au increase of pay, in the just proportion which Ihe services require. There ate v.veral bundreT offices, at which puckages arc c!ittti'uted, for which no additional compensation is given. In tQmccaicjjtdjisjuty is very laborious, whilst theTpeTquTsi'es of rtroffice ersr vcry small. An increased per cent, upon 1798 1798 1802 101. Paul HimihbiuofS.C. - 1809 Willi nr. Jones, ol Pa. . . . . 1812 Bcnj. W'. GrowninshieM, of Mass.. B 14 Smith Thompson, ot N. Y. . . 18 IS S. L. Southard of N. J 1823 fOST-XASXP-KS GXKEBAt. Samuel Osgood, Mass. appointed Tfff9 Timoths Pickering, pf.Pa. . . . 1791 Joseph Habersham, of Geo- . . 1795 Gideon Granger, of Conn. . . , 1802 Return J., Meigs, of Ohio, - .1814 John McLean, of Ohio. . . . . 1823 eaiir jcsticis ov tbs siar.ai covbt. John Jay, of New-York, eppointed 1798 Wm. Gushing or Mass. . . . 1796 Oliver JilJswdrth, of Conn. . . 1796 John Jay, of N Y. . . - . 1800 John' MuraTjair,' of Va: .. ; - . v180i ATToiiwitroiWilatr" Wm. Bradford, of Pa. . - . 1789 Chaile Lec.ofVa. . . . - - 1795 Levi Lintohi) Mass jllwi the moneys received by each, would not graduate the pay in proportion to the ser vice: f eij(iredsi. at somt offKeswhich rtteivc not mote tharrS'WnhlVVmTcir' is at laborious as al others where more than g 1000 are received. If, in such ca nes, an increase of ten per rrnt. were given, the conipensa'ion to some would be more than six times greater than to others. More than seventy oflires distribute packages after ten o'clock at nighi, and befoie five in the morning. Postmasiera who discharge thi duty, are entitled to consideration, not only on account of the labor they pat form, but the untrasonablo hours in which they are requited to per form it. But, in these cases, tin addition al percent on the moneys received, would not do equal justice, as the disproportion , of compensation, for similar -services, would be as great as above stated. A specific sum given to each postmas- tieHcnh4mviswoulil not compensate in proporuott J aa the labor at some omceiTs terTKmes grea ter ihan at others. If the means ofeenmeiriwola14- authorize the measure, an increase of pay, to postmasters who separate packa- gTsTahctTci some other would be neither unjust nor impolitic ; but, at present, it seems to" be unnecessary to confine an provision for an increase, within very nar row Limits. . On a full consideration of the subject, it is believed that a special provision, in each case, where an increase of pay shall be deemed indispensable can be made with more justice to the postmaster, and less in jury to, the revenue of; t he de pa rt meni, thao ajny ot jiermixle which can be Hon. Hexkt Ci.at, " .bptaktr House of Representatives.

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