. t i i a X it 'i ' 'sf $ n rm:r.Mi m;h. i-l V.v a tt.uoi'K, . Th jMikil f 1 1 Jamts Cr' ; pr, C;:. If mhill. hi armed et ,"- ffoin JJrpool, whcnre the ssiU.I la ll I7lh of December. Dy tMtatriftl U i'JU ert of the 'Corooierild Advertiser have rrccUr J fit1 of London pspert to th iJih.'inJ Utrtpwl to ih I7(h. Th rom Important rttcl of Intelli gence U tbe change in the Spanish Mln- ' liirr, ThU event took pi. n the JJ of December. The MarquJtCate Imjo, apx4ntd prim Minister llertdia U appointed minister of Juitlc j Don ! rpn-de t-Cnz, minister orwarruon Lul1,opc IMItfcru. minuter i ll susd VIUlt PejUs oi-4ho Council. It It but iWt time since v announced tba appointment of Stft to th of!i. of print mioler, Ferdinand hat ' lent hit beloved fonfeisor bck to th JJitbopHc of Tortots. ' Cat Irujo. al though man of more talent, yet his prin ciplei, It it aaiJ, ire not roor liberal than the reverend statesman" who preceded Mn. . Letter from Adrid.ef lb SOth of Nov. apeak of lb organisation of the ar-mr- ibe King ha oiJcred, that all tub ilumt and private i b are raarriedi at well a thoa who eolUicd voluntarily for th time that the war thould continue, ull b cii! to tbeir boiuet. Aadrid i nil h atat of fermentation. An or-d-r ha been published prohibiting the in hsbi'ante from converting on political euoiedt. lerdinind it aau) to have pronounced tle ;vojeci of the Law of Amnesty, (the ciii.'f artlelca of whith are to bring to tri al .1! prron wSo held any office duiltig the Itrsolutiou.; too rigorou ! of Sp,i-i u io favor of thii bloody tribunal Smill band of vuerillat ei exist in mmy p.rt of Spain, and in ei runt the intern, urii' The Pri Cuet are to ttie I J;h of Dc- CemVr. I lo fi.tt detachment of the T.va' Gund, r. ..Mn fror. Spain, bItfd u on ouciioK- il.c French v4l 1 he ofli crrconinian Jinr, invtr them knrrl down Aficr a abort plater to llir (ioJ af armt. tner i oe izuu and made the air rctound with tbe criea of ' Luif lire the King ! and " L live Frn-e J" ft i Mated that there 't menv French offjrenlu the armf of the Pha of Lpt, wno hate introduced ih; Lu root an tactic. I he i e.arr love 70CO per von a confined in priMin at l.ilon, for politic! ofTencca Uv tbe liM adticea front St. Petenbury;, (tara tiir LoodJn Son,) the reiaUoni be twren thiU Court and the Dutch govern mrm, trem to be more clotely united, and tht ihe two eoernmftiU are com mitted torach fr.cr to aid and support r ui'iaiid to rtiu posseiMon of South A.aciica. ' Gen. JACKSOX. Tt t' Etw tfth irntern CtmUan .- Sia : iicun tbjt )our roliiunt are ... I a . 1 . ,. trill . lui r ,'-. u' rl III. I nn . i nnt Ai. ' ' ' : - uii poseii, nvr imnv ratio I. to irtve ontv r.ne aiu nf the (Juevon. rrUting to tiie P'tti drvt a Flrction, unw me to transmit to Jy.tbejMcJpcljup of the Kevolu'ion. AnDar. Jackok 1 he pccple eall for it at vcur band ; not ti'nvaii!inj the aamc has been disput tin ;lv rrjreted bjr some of tbe Editors i.i the Souihrrn Mifofiuiit, becttuae it waa -presented bp a plain BACK COUITRIMAH. P. S. It is hoped tdat the Carolina De mocrats uill not be behind their Pennsyl taria brethren. j The "incloaed," alliided to above, in a pam phlet of 16 pages, containinj; tlte proceeding, aildrt, Sic. of a meeting of the citiaent of the citV i f i'itlbi!rj;, Tcnnr. 1 ania, fuvoraiile to tbe 'election uf General Jackson to the preaidency. No one, we can aafcly affirm, baa livelier feci- injra of gratitude for the aervictt of tbe hero of Orli-ana, or would more cheerfully contribute to thi kitiliy fconot ofhjVome tW we would j it; therefore altogether pratultoua and unne ceisary a uv corrcipondeot to requ'ire of tu, in iio pfctemptarj' jiionoi tUiKk. Countrymaa d( -, what fte a willingly concede aa he doea, or mi v one eke ever did. It ia true our regard -iienrJaekaon'remlnenr eT vice, r ana atern political integrity, ia not marked by that head Jong ci al which has been manifested bv some of Dia ir eiKU) lor we believe tuat no man, nor any 'iaf-, can in any way 6e ao etTectaally promo, ted as by a firm, but temperate and consistent courw. If a " Hack Countryman" reads out paper, he must hare aeen that we commenced . ; V i publiHliiiig extrjicta from the pamphlet above j alluded to, a- week or two since, and mentioned. VStr that we ahnntd toirtitiu;' " t in" Th" aubachutnt A' prellminerj question presents it- I e.lf on. the threshold of this examination, j" BP'i threatens topreclude our further in-, , 1 'vesiiatioi). J he question is one of mo ! ' tneinous-irt.portto Ihe liberties of ;lhis Coiuilry aVw the Peofile or Cungm e- l,t($ ir tnJ.lcnit V.'e Lita It a i'r.'it ial.arcM In tb ptoj.te time, to u .iniiutc cand !!ra f)r the eUtUt r-Tiveai ; perli'lf far tiatioit ao dln!'1 n! im portani at tbe Praiidcnrf of lha Cnl m The freedom or tlaetUan It the main pillar of republican princlj.lat ane! th an cli'.r of oif tUU o4 pwlIiktU .!ei tic. an lae my lurrerxUr tlit privilrj ,...! lh hIa f the frm both way re tain tba nam of Democrat, but have gr aver ahaidre4 the trirc!plet. Sucli a Kovtrnment It In fact an arU'ocricy, a tninvhetdcd detnotinn, tU more danrer out If matktd urider the garb of demo cracy. Apply lbo fit prJnelile to Jhe prtientn'iuwOwAn juenpi IVD9 making to procure a nomination or Prcti deut br our reprttentatlvei In Centre i nomiinaor!udflfii'l)nl'P3 attembfed, and ampowered Congreit to namintte a President, or wat Utt rvMJf at lha period of it election, tr hat It since been inttructed I W atk the people of this and other dittrlctt to 17, when you elected your representatitee to Con rreva. did you surrender into their hands the right of nominatine; a President, or did f ou rctert a to yourselves this laetU roatle privilege f - We "kjbe advocates of coogrcstional nomination, to tell us, when, or how the people have abandoned the right of suffrage f Tler esanot a"o it. Our eppoacntt point to the pastj, at the best guides to the future 1 incompe tent to defend tucb a course at conaiatcnt with democratic principle, tbej adduce tbe nominations of Jefferson, Jlfadiaon. and JUoaroe, to sanction the usurpation. Let them not retreat behind tbe shelter of ancient usae and authority. It it the very language of the tvrsnt Ferdinand againat the crtnit'futio"! liberty of Spain. It U the rampart whiih preserves invul ntrH'e the drtnotism of Europe. It was , .mii ircteii au,ufo' by tne Amer ican torict 10 sanction Dritish arzrettiout. Parliament have esrrriked the power of umg the rolo;iits, therefore, Parliament re lawful! poterd of the right. Con Kre hive aclccid our Prcidcnt, there fore, Conrcas may lawfully continue to do ao. The mere eaercite of power can never confer right. But, we deny that Congress ev;r made sucb a nomination as is now contempt ited. When Tliomaa Jeffersoo was nominated by a Democra tic Ccnrrcai, lhto partie were nearly balanced, and tka united Demoerscy of the untera pointe.r to Thoma. JefTeraon. aa the campeuto of J. Adamt. This nomination yra nothing more than pro- maiguig the will of tbe whole Demorr.v tic party. .VaJiton wtt nominated during the embargo anj the war, and in acror dance with the known wiahet of Demo crary. Monroe in 1816, wat the known candidate of the Democratic party, but so nearly wat his nomination defeated, in defiance of the voice of the people, b a congrettioual caucus, that the "eld mode". w abandoned by the nation in 1820, and Jamas .lUnroe nominated by a Democratic cnernow in Pennsylvania; r.iucu nomimitions have aio been aban doned in our tute elettient. In 1820. KindUy- wis no:iir.atcdfor'the Covrr- nor a clur, and J. A. ouulxe, in 1823. Sy drlcute conventions. Now all the 1 iflNuiuaii. 1 ivi .lie 1 iramiuiT vie tun I ... 1 ,..,.!. 1 . . r.,- .1.. d : ... .... isiiricj tJt i:ti'cr' IV. jac uuui. jii. j i .. n.i.i ...... Tnr I)i mjcucs of the union is divided be' ween tl.eni t!ie corneal is for individuals, and the qtietto'i to be decided shall eongren nt t' r frof-ae select the man But the "oT'I'mocTe" thus reproba fed, is not only antt-De mccratic, but a palpa ble violation of the constitution, which closet tbe door against congressional in- crfercncc, not by mere silent prohibition but by actually disqualifying members of Congress from serving as electors of President. By what authority dotbey nurpthe privilege of virtually electing a President unauthoritcd. bv the people, and prohibited by the constitution : Ctil it a recommendation, or any other cloak for usurpation you mar choose te assume for it, it either produces the election of their candidate, or it does not. If it does not, the nomination is worse than idle ; but if it docs, then have congress, who cannot serve at electors, in fact elected a President, and suppressed the voice of the people. Why hss congress been thus careful); excluded from thia important trust f Among otner reasons, Lecause the very same inrien who hud previously given their votes to a particular -candidate, might be caHedj on as the constitutional iudjres in the last resort. The reason is equally strong against a congressional J nniiwliorVwbkbthe amewembTST who had previously pledged their support to a particular candidate, might be called on constitutionally to decide a question wliicb they had prejudged.. With as much propriety might a suitor in court place his counsel on the bench to decide tbe fate of his adversary. Will the peo ple look on as silent spectators, and per mit the constitution to be thus openly in vaded by tbe very men whom they1 have chbseh afvd "who have k worn Yb preserve intiolStt ?Tf the a President is jjoopie. luiu mic iiauua uj tuuicas, ucic will their usurpations cease f Not until one encroachment rapidly succecdingano ilier, will leave but the semblance of a re publican government. The people may perhaps still be permitted to drop bits of paper jnt the ballot-box, but it will be no-! X 0 we l!iu : firta. The r vluot dvcren have bre.i rrglitrrad, and C'fr,ftt already announce,! .th PreJIcnu iSuiU aelartlon canbat In the tajiiru;'' of our eoti'lu?iin be'fia and equal. In acme state, the Democratic party will beentirely unrepresented. In other, emSnclng a large portion of many other ttattt, their ok will b equally unheard. In tuth conclave, Pnnrl vania would v tut 9 yotes, an 4 Vir. glala II; Tbeujh in ait rlrtilwi by the people, Penatylunia it yl enUUed to 4 more, volte that Virginia, thus actually iotioc; al of thevotea of Pennsylvania. " s . , Cvil Rights ard JltUgloxu Prhiltgti, yVt fo"ruJy rnortifieal (saya tK lialdraarc. 'Aricrlcao-cfJlituk) to inform ovr rndr that th house of delecatei pf MarytanU has rryexrithe act (hch U4 prctloutly raise d th tenatr Mte eiteed t all the ciutcna of Mtrjltfd the tame civil tight snd religioua privileges that are enjoyed under the cmitttntioo ol the United SiHtn ! F 9rto ftttr dele atei ef the people Ayr, at thi enlightened day, voted aialnst removing this odious and oppressive feature from our atate (ODStilutlOO ! fThfeture of th ManUnd eonatitvlMm. ao irwch aid ao Juetly eomplaind of, fLVranchiwa uSe -Jenying them any particirtoa in j b, but auhjrc'a them to all tbe pen- ahiea o an infringement of tboa that ar mad fcrlbea lACor. NOTn-CARO!.IN, t'MVKRHrTTv We are pleated i her that the true tee of onr UMvcrttry. lately appropriated three thnatand dolLrt for the pirchae of a philoaopfcictl apparatus fr the use of the instittiM, n1 like sum for the increase of itapubuc library. Such lib ri.lt v on tht p-. rt i f its trus tee towards or univeraitv, will aoon rrn der it srrorMl t f rollce in the union. We are g!d t lod th' the number of i'.s ttudentt coiUiuc to in rre. ftaUigh lirgittrr. Th editor of ti Pom Cibson Correa- pondent threaten !.U ile.iqornl aurncri- oer most fver.-r. that " iltbey dv not make pay meut on r before the firat day of 1 ribni" Mtt h M h , " .have to L'gi'Iat'i. 7e Lrc'tisture of AU b.uiM, at it last tetion. ped seven law divorcing marriel coopirs " purling asunder" thMe ho hail fnmicrlv been joined together. Such a number uf ap plications nf this kii.d. wat i't to have been amir!pted ,u,in ihe vixitiiful, we may almost tar. Ir infant Stale of Ala bam a. . m From tbe lt of J.a.u .rv, 182.tothe 1st of Januarv, lit? I, the numttei of deal in Charleston. muu!Uf! to 8U; of whkK number, 164 ueic white persona, natives of this tjt, I r foreinneis. m; 70 from other fMr of thr Union-; ISiUert of ron sumpricn. 26 ol bilious fee'- 24 o! conn-' try fevn , and SS of old a.e : 217 wee under 3 Ve r of .'Re, 101 between 20 end 12-lH-Utaen 5a end to, 3 brtween 90 and ICO, and I over 100. ' he greatest numbi-r!ied in tiie nioivlt of June, being 1 10, and the h-usl the month of Dt-rem ber, being 40. In July there weie 87 deathrrA Hgff 4rT57arirf "tri" SepiemHer 60. Of the whole number of deaths 217 were w.-itr males arid 132 white females, the rcf black and colored Mrnit Potfirn. Yi s'rptljr as a young lad wjj eoin t te of the banks, for Messrs. Meri'tt & Dart, lo make a dt-pos it of glsoo, be w as met by a fellow ex pert at buim ss, v ho ook the bank book from the lad. and told him lo run back to the store, where he was wauted, and ilia! Ae (the vri-in would do the bunk business ; whirir tun rlo'ie, suuecss fullv and atisfactoii! to himself. Hut aurh fellow a cannot long e ape the vraj of justice, and wo exer' ere long to see him ia the criminal's bx of our sesiont. A. r. Gnrtte, I St A uit. Mr. IF S. Tanner of J'nibtdelphiai hi reoBMa1or" )ublisfiinc acription, a lare sheet .Map. of Ivv)drn tireeceT the phtol wjucn re to n p 4 nronriatedinaid f -theOrr ekaW'lliir prjee of it will be $2. the, copy, and'tlie eny;ravLnK to be commrnccd as toon as 42aubseribeireitirrrif; Xeve an& Chivalry. In Lee county. Virginia, two negroes, rjvafs in love, Utely met to decide theii qtiarrls with powder and ball; and at the rst exchange of shot, one of the amorous "African. insjtantly leii iiteiess, dui ni opponent intereo a few days. The f..ir ny rupn whose charms captivated the chivelriiis lover, and caus ed the effusion of gallant blood, was .bond- maid briCd wo rd Penntneton, jo w horn a) -la otiO "or tne sable. JiaTne-wa a servant. PJitpknQt. ftffcd'gernSe: that muskets were substituted for those more fashionable engines of destruction. In Palermo, Maine, died a child of Mr. Lewis Saban, arcd 5 weeks, weighing one pound and a. half! .OiVJiTirJID'JJUJWa Tt'f.mAr MoiiMM, rr.fiui'Anr u, nu, W IlOSfJlil Or THE CUttKl. Tbe ciiiaea of Mecklenburg, m diuhgiithd fr their pttriotUm la the revolutionary etruggte for ladrpendraee, etil! rviJeMe, every area. eioo, a hallowed attachment te the print IpUi of freedom. Tbe enaaly sUnd wbidi th anodarn Gr-kt are now making againat tba Invader of t!etr andTtlt aauriUrcr of their bnuuti, ha eiciud Lt thi eatery, th mot Be! fctb Hg of eytnpauiy M thif behaJf, aM Cb jaeet ardent wUhe for thu aueeeat. A a yV.0 maiuAfUtli of JimI? h fltV JhU Wfjfatn at, Mr. VaU'a, by tba citjitn of Chariotu and Ha vicinity, on WtdMwur evening, the lltfi inat. wb a bandaoane eolkrtion wae ra4 la U of tbe gloria Cause, Heoy, tbia eeca aion, vied with the nobler atx, in eontributing their rait to th eUndard of freedom, e CUUrnaof lallalmryof Rowan of North I Carolina L-.."ro thoe aad di Kkewta.. The j - gitlwrt eon of the patriots slrea" of our aUter I couary of Mecklenhurr, have nobly led the way j in tbi, as they ever hm don on all occaaiooa I that called for tbe exercw of lh betl feeling ' of Chriatiaa ayanpathy, and ll tireCcat and moat ! devotion to th rihta of man throughout h universe 1 It ua all, then, in the name of ! hununity, follow the eiampl act by rmr patri- otie aeighbora, and testify to the whole world. that American freemen, whit they recline easy aid secure la th Up of C'lefv, ire alive to the uffrring ami oppression of their fillow Chris tiana. In whatever 0tarter of the habiuble gl'b they may be located.) tA. Ifm. Car. VOICF. OF THE rEOPLTS. Pureuant to puhlie nofare givm, a very nu mermia ami rrapectahle asseioldae of ti Peo ple from every part of Koar, anj a number from Davidton, lofiV a tbe Court-House in Salisbury, on the 13h insf. fr the piu-posc of bringing forward a crd date on the 71f' Tukri. 71e meeting aa oryaniitd by the ap pointment of Col. Jri VVr aa cbwrman, and tfifuUn C.Jtn, Eaq. arcretary. After a free and liberal discussion, in which many gentlemen participated, the following reanlution ware Bdop'ed 1 Hftvtd That this meeting esteem John (file, Esq. a suitable peron to be offered at a can didate on the People' Ticket, for thi district 5 and a sur.h. they recommegd bin. to 'he fieemen of North-Carolina. KrnS-rd, I hat this meeting disapprove of l.he practice of eaucussing, whether by the members of ConKrcts, or of tbe State Leitlatures. Hrk'ihrd That the proceeding of the meeting be published in the Western Carolinian. J. riSHEIt, CKattman. H. C. Jojren, Recrrlary. Tt was our intention to accompany the official report o the proceedings of tne meeting tiw mentMined, with aome explanatory remarks; led out the oripin of a (uuru, and distinct but just aa we had commenced putting in type y marked its fe a Mi res. He laid that cau the facia which we had briefly aketched off, a cuses were held bv the rrfirnrnta- frlend-rMgtr.glr fommuhtcaTeaeutToiBg, which ao fully antkipatea what we wished to say on the subject, and ao nearly accorde with caucuses were forbidden by the spirit of ourobaervaUonof what occurred at the meet- ,ho federal constitution ; but that, by the ngjbt.-e availflumlvta of ihe kindness of l?PI!?i?IteL?Iour .aye.constitulionithf,. our friend, and quote hia langiiage, in prefer- f,etP'e tH timet hare a right tossstm-enceto.nythingofourown.-X We tyther. He advened to the forma- m. Hon of the ruueut luktt last winter, at The meeting; being orennijed, Major Kaleigh. He said that the people hail John M'Cklland explained, in a few per- 'bree alternatives set before them : cither tinent observations, the nature and object t0 TOt ff the ticket dUtatrd to them by of inaia'intr on the necessity of union lhe caucus, or to start a ticket of their among the friends of the people's rights, n. The people would triumph if ther nd deprecating in strong terms, the dan- Prood trne to their own cause. Already rerous and insidious practice of caueuung. do the taucuitr see it; and their only He concluded bv nominating JohkCilrs, Pf' now are, to dividr thr firfilrt by tq. as the cindidate on the People's Tiling p separate ticket for Ceneral 1 icket for Klector, in the district com- Jarkson, and thus to give the caucus Ticket posed of Rowim, Davidson, and Mont- chance to sneak in. He hoped that the gomery counties. People were awake to their true, interests, I he chairman observed, that it would be nd would not be duped by' a stratagem satisfactory to the meeting, to hear fiom Mr. (;i'e n flerbration of his sentiment mi the Presidential Question t thereupon j Mr. dies addressed the meeting. Hel observed, that as thckinclhessof a friendjmee,nr hid proposed him as a candidate on the! Mr. Hargrpvt replied, that it would h People's Ticket, it was a respect whichhhe more erTectual way to.gd up aeparaie kowed io hit fellow citizen present tol tic1e for each candidate, if it were desi'a- cdnfjwiththeinfimatron from the chair t he should do' so with pleasure ; and the more freeW, because he thought the pco- plrhadBnlrshleTTtghrio cal! upon i nose wnorrinerea io innir service, iori" an expresibi 'of their view upon any! presaion of their view upon any I suhjeet connecte'd with their agency, lie j wpuW therrfufe answer them in the spir-J it .of .trulh and .-candour. He said, that, of tbefiveentleme.rj who acp now before the American people as candidate for .President, his jirt choice was Johh C. Calhoub, and his arc.nrf Cen. Anobbw JACBsosr.: And th.u should he bo hepor- ed with a teat in the Electoral CollcgeXpeTr would-endeavor by his vote to secure the 4djee4ion to iecure the j m in no event wouia ne ennanger tne inter est of both, by votinjr for the weaker. He regretted that he was prevented by indiv position irom entering more luuy into tne subject'of the relative merits of the sev eral candidates, and from assigning his reasJhs lor the preference he gavn these ret, tic bv a. IT wat sure he ttnsj j fy his opinions, by reason and arguments that would b sustained by the meeting. f r, T. P. Ivtt made e fervent and pa trSatl appeal to hie fallow ilzn, in fa. tor (f the pcople'i ticket, and aaWaiing the present nomination. M im an old man, (said ha) but a few atrpt from th crave. WItkin a few yean pilt, many of th able and patriotic tltlrrhiof tUt touoty, who had labored In the timet of th revolution, hv gone down to the tomb. If they wer elite at thii time, I would not have raited my feeble voice at thii meeting. 1 lea here many tf my orotaer ijrmerij I know they wllr listen to (he'volc of reason 'and einerienee. AltBough J ranaxW 'ttarvsv S"t wlrk -lltf I ftit'Ajtf-atory, J hope wiUi illofLyJ ray age and revolutionary aervieti may I at tfa a t m. . ' eiaira a privilege beyond my mem., Yea, fellow cuin, I hive epillcd tny blod for th dear right of rrettom I have teen one vatt conflagration on the face of thi land i I have teen the heroes, like Shadrsek end hit brother, that marched through th fiery fumare, and cart led with them the palladium of Merit. And after th good fight was done, and all wit over, w looked back rejoklng at th danger w bad escaped, and around ut we hailed our country a happy land. Tliit it what we have done for you these are the bles sing we have bequeathed you and w should be aorrjr to ae them surrendered to b eeucut ! If the people are incapable of taking care of their liUrty, in vain lid we fight, in yam did we bleed ! If they are thut capable, It' them not barter their rights to a eelf-made power a power thl is constantly growing by the fore e of custom. Think htrt for a moment of tha force of custom j it it sly and secret t but It ia mighty. What, but twenty-three year ago, wat looked upon aa hartwle recommendation, hat already assumed a fearful aspect ; it looka like dictation ; am by the force of custom, it miy herome, and no doubt, if not pnt down, it wit be come, atiiohilt dictation Then pstsive fc obedience and non resistance will bt preached p j and nothing ef our llepub lic will rsitt but the name." Mr. Maray avowed himself decidedly for Mr. Calhoun j but he thought the no tice had been toe short, and that the meeting had best ac'journ till nest M.w Court, that an opportunity might he given Ihe people to attend from Davidson and Montgomery counties. Mr. J. Hendrrton replied,-that thie meeting did not prevent the people of the other counties from holding similar mee ting ; that if they should deem them ne ressary, it would be more convenient to i assemble in their own counties. At all events, the notice had keen sufficient to draw together thi larfce assemblage, from every Miction of Rowan, and a number of ' respectable gentlemen from Davidson. Mr. Marty's proposition wat overruled. In consequence of in Inqniry being made concerning the practice of caucus ing Mr. C. Flhrr arose, and aJdrerd th meeting at considerable Ienrrth. He nom tivrt of thperDln ; hiTT fni( meeting of the Profile themselves. That poor. nr. Alexander then propmul to rr tbe strength of the two gentlemen pre- 'erred by .Mr. Giles, py a divuion.ol the - hie to try -the etrength of eirhereparte 'y but he-was sure the friends of neither f these gentlemen i wished such a course; thsrli was only called for by ihe friends vrwwiom. Mr. Alexander's nr. Alexander a proposition was re- jected, by a large majority. sal '. - ; Tlli Bale5(rh Be.ter mention, a remartiMe inirttnceof he,,thfu,nei, afcma, idingin Jthf . m , , ' , : ?f n ?l'r,on ,nd h w,fff Susannah, "' " )T rr' '."'ir-T v - numner, ana nave ncur Jel (aa a dcaUvin the family!. Havio j given place to a pretty lenjrby speck on the outside of to-day'a paper, we are obliged to crowd out all the Congreaa news, and a Rood deal of other matter, in order to make room for it "Hack Cotintrymaii' the proceedings of the people, and a small space fornttr I'oncript, II? iltrac -It ct.i Lid'. enc1 isr Itdtf tai) in or Iti -en e i ten nde Vien Juth Mode f.i'u ral f w ort an d i. neru W11 ,1 It t at I ' .4 t1 v 4' e ,C) k ii e i K o