3 Fv CAffiOMOTAN. SUA .111 N V(1l. IV. 8.VLI8nUItY,N.C.TUI UtCIl 2. 1821. NO. 1 9S. T i IS) AY, M j . - . - - -t ..- T Vl I I H' .1 MMTII lUVniW WII.TlV paytoie in aAatlke f aroliiuili will A lrcrtia.-intf.ii 31 be Inserted at fifty tents par nr iu i liM iwcrtmw, sod 1 went; G mwi pit fain auijaequrnt on. ' AH letter klilrrwcj to the Editor, must b siwitj wr wry will ws aOsiaUd 8tenm Uoat Maid of Orleans Cheap Wholesale Store QfirtuiUlV.RWV, rilllK Ui4 of OrUana (having been detained X r rrpain nvira than a month Umgtt titan Um time iM-c fled by written entrct) Cm com anancra nr rtguiaf tnpa to tins plafr, atc rn fed thU day with t valuable carp of at h ut 130 tons Merchandize. She ii li be a rtfulir irub-r bvtwen tLie place ami CltaHe-aon, touching for frelglii ami wa aertifera at Ceorgrlowa, and will atop on the riv. cr for any important frrigliia. lia ia euppliad with Ugliter. ami auch other conveniences aa warrait hrr Owner In t'ating, conftilcntly, that the will be able to lay dowa gond at cither 1are, in the lowest tUte of the Kiver, in S lo 10 days i anl o a fair river fnxn to 0 dajs. Her owner have provided wharfs and ware. ItouM-t at both places, covenicnt, afe and under rorr, l"lrv UI a4a .. r ' UJ arVi Uu j4rtr" r fcr u" ror a cuatoniarv rofitn..-Mn. I hey will ewrOite anv ord-r at Charleston, Baltimore, Philailrl- Ehia, or Ne .Yrl4 in each of VxU places t!iey v ennhllfJitd boiiesi ami tlwy aotirit the pohlic patronaf-e fur this Boat and their Whole al More at llis pUer, dy so far aa lley can make it their interest to uac the one, and buy from the other. -- - l onnrcied with the abwve Itoat, tU aubacri ben hae evtabfialied a Aai Stf, awl a nre their customer a liberal eonn of dealii ami fair pricrt, very low, because iheir gouU have hern bimIwIII be selected from Ihe princi pal market in the I'nited tttatea, ad under all poMible advaii aR-s for buying low i ami their profit shall be chrr-d with a light hand, so light u to make it the interr-rf of country deal ers ami others to git many of their suppbew from this eatahliihinent. By the Mail of Or leans, thev have this day received oorJoorlli to oncthird'of their mirrhaaes, (ahich have been made in New-York, ItofAon, Philadelphia, jid at some t4 the priori pal manolactories f) the rl h'.f h m 111 be received bv the next trip of the IVitt, ay about the 6th loibc h of Janoarv. 1 lieir putcnaae eonai w m ..---in-f Idling articles, via: 300 barrela of Whie k v i 20 hhd. wrtlwrn Hum i 5 do N OrU ans do ; 3 trv amalra 001W,I. -Ut ,ln ftu . fare 3J do prime retailing molaises i pipes and np rmka Cotrnae nralklv i llon'ieaila Gin, Ma- dcria and other Wines, (some 7 years, oldj) luO piece Urrndee Bagging. 43 m. 2 Dates iwine hn rn'.la Bte Uone t 130 ban Co flee I 20 do pepper and pimento i 20 lob !U edet iron I do trman Meeij I ao American iWiJu .."-" ntoukU V 2"do"shot TT do b.tr lead 4 do Hollow Ware, assorted i 2 do ahot, aaaortcd j 20 Kep Dononts FF. and FIT. Powder, 150 do wrought and cut nails , 5 tierces retailing Rice , 30 caaka chtee, 4 doz. Philadelphia mill ah 1 croa cut t'ai eak hammer, Carolina hoes, Irace ehs'ms Trowels, kc. A ves, bundle Spades, Shov els, an I Frying pan , boae Caiulh , Moan, w in dow Ilia , JO dox. W hittcmore's Cotton Canla , ifKi .In Wool Itatai 50 do Rorainor nantdo, 50 do It. aver do Hlk. and White , 'JO do Children'a mnmrmiliu h1" t",t "" I tetl , t'rockery in crates , 20 barrels train or tanner's oil , 30 Nixon's patent cast iron Hlougha, the best patent in the Union, aiui wen wonny the attention of the planters, 20 barrels Shad and n arUrel; 20 doe. Corn llrooms, rote, point and duflil WanVcts. BF.KRS, BUNNELL k CO. CAerrw, Dee. 22, 1823. 196 V :r d UhhU 4aid for Cotton, Wheat, VlaxewUdn Hides, and most kind of pnxl-ice. Jacob Cliristman, S.1LE.V. Stelct county, Xtrth-CantUna, TVKES this opportunity of informing hit friends awl the public generally, Uut be . has commenced the Coach Making Business, in all ita various branches, and will (aa he has received the latest fashions from the north) to make and repair, in the moat approved fashion, all kinds of Coaches, Gig. Sulkeya, Stages, Post-Coaches, &c. He also carriea on the Wagon Making business , whtre he will be happv to make 'and repair all that the public may entrust to him. His prices ahall be pro ' portionate to the times. -Those who inaJtlkjAt " liimilhThcTrwwk may rest . assured that it will -be executed with neat ncsSj-dunibilUyAnd d(ispatchZZ.,---r--,rT - - - Tlioriias K. Cliristman, " Also takes this opportunity of informing hit frienda and the public, that he ha catabhshed 'eSadtftetr ffumwi MarnnT-iftmMi, aim i renared to do all kinds of iobs in his business. Ii le also will furnish auch as Whips, Bridles, Tmnka and Collars, on the most reasonable terms, for cash or credit. Those wishing to pur chasewjH do well to call on him. IIIERrBf givo notice, thut WilliRm Ward, sen. has posted on mv strajr book, a mare --itfr. he-i iukeAtabttabouU2.yrars ha-Uft-i liiJWeMaoipeJ : very i'ctieslMiQtK cr a horse colt, a black colour,. itot cut, has a small star in Ala JorchcaA judgedo. be 2 year old last spring. Certified by me. . JAS. MAri('lN, Sen. ' OheoftheltuucrniftrKe.tounty Jituueryl, 1824. ' n a. a COXdllKSS ' Stnate. Ftb 4. Mr. Holme of Maine, from the committee oo the Judiciary, rr pried a bill In further addition to an a w e ton which red, find patted Io'ai "And ft ading. . - . Vi. I Mr. FimJIey presented three memorials of chiient'of Philadelphia, pfennig ttmm QilteiiaT- , , . . Mr. rlndlay 114 on the table retolu lion ef ihe Legislature of Pennsylvania, Instructing their senators, and requesting their IteprctrnUtlvet, in Longrrt. to ue ibelr efforts to obtain tuch reitin of the exltting I ariff, ei will lend lo encour age the domestic manufactures of the country. . Mr. Hayne presented ihe memorial of the I barnber of Commerce of Charleston, S. C. preying ihe establishment of en uni form lyttem of bnkrup' cr . VI. 6. The Scnjie were engaged the greater part oi to day In ditcuising Ike till providing for the building often sloops of war. A. 6. Mr. John Taylor, re elected a Senator from the Stale of Virginia ap peered end look kit acat. Mr. Johnston, of K v. pretented ihe pe tition of WiliUm I'bornton, Supcrintcn -Mvt Of the jN'.CO' Olh;X.rill.U uuiiKiii io in-'1' - Comniit'ce on r'innc. The Senate returned the unlwisnea business of Friday laa:, ocmk the bill re ported by the committer on Nasal affaire, uthoriting the building of an ad U'iou-I number of wloop of war for the naval er vice of the United State. In nurttunce of a tuteUon whicn had been made by Mr Smjth, Mr. Bar barbour moved to fill Ihe blank for the appropriation, with JJO.000 rtollirt for ihe piet-nt year, ana juuwj t nuMly for the three ucrecding year riiU wa airrced lo, and the out was or dered lobe engrossed and read a third time. . . fib. 10 The Annual Report of the Cbmmtioner of the Sinking Fund, wat received, and read. 1 lh hill authorizing the building ol an additional number of tloop of war, for the naval service of the United Statei, wai read the third time and patted. The Senate, at In committee of the whole, Mr. Runlet in the chair, procee ded to consider the bill better to teture the accountability of public officer, and othert. 1 he first section of ihe bill provide, that no salary, eompentation, or emolu ment, shall be paid to.iny perwa who it, or thai! be, Indebted to ihe United Stalet, until tuch person hat accounted for, and paid Into the Treasury, all tumt for which he may be so indebted. The seiond tcrtion makes it the duty of every accountable officer who, in m king pavment lo ihe United States, i. by la W authorized to retain hjt fees, or ta larv. out of the money for which he is ac- rnuntahlr; and thi is inrlrhtrd V 'h United Statet, lo pay over, at the tune required by law for hit payments and ac coutdability, all hit feet and emoluments, until he ahull have discharged the turn lbrMcfrhei indebted t od makeaii the duty of the Treaaury Department, at a certain time in each year, to isive no tice to tuch officers, of the tumt due from ihenu and makee it the dutv of collec tort, and other officers, to withhold the pay of the persona employed by them, until their debts to the government ate discharged. The third section providet that no per ton shall be appointed to any oflire, which entitles him, in any way, to receive, and makes it hit duty to account for public moneyt, who thull, at the lime of such appointment, be indebted to the United States. The fourth section makes it the dutv of the President of the United States to communicate .to,, f ongrcssj Jn the first week xiLcachetaioni the names of "per son7wii65eT)ay" h i withheld ? under ihe provisions of rhis"MtvTi"'lle"mct. due, kc. with a proviso, that in all cases where the pay of any person it withheld, it shall be the duty of the Accounting Of fleet s of the I reasuryTlf-demanded by the person, to report, forthwith, to the Treasury Department, the balance; and it thall be the duty of such agent, within sixty days thereafter, to order tuit to be his securities. . "'Feb. II. .Mr. Jackson from the com mittee on military affairt, reported the bill for the gradual tupply of cannon, bomtti-and- howitE, the fortifications. isitlrwrrawttdnirat 'The biif barter tb;sttfef Bilify of piibnc"bfjBcefr"a read .the third time, passed, and sent to the other House. . Feb. 12 Mr. Johnston, of rty. from the militarr committee. reDorteda bill for the relief : of Alfred Moore and Sterling n, ttno prty mr ns p-jn-sm f iv . r . dollars, for blacktmitb ork Itrnltkcd the I enncttee eolunteert. . mrattoaaiutT run if. The, Sena'e Uk otf the toidcrtlon rr'', t-iirodured If vornonof K., lo abolisli n,r.il.4fi for j,,. After tome debate en ttW ), pottponcd to Monday) Ihe ItUh-, P,b. 13. The til to authiM the Ortra freiHrnrBf "ihr Oitted JXatcrTntiorantirtltf to he made a miili a'y ri road, f mm St Philip, on the rivet t Mitaiitioii!. to .hn i'i i plantation, it an auxiliary tohe defence of New Crtcant j teal read Se hird timet and patrd. HOUSE Of HF.MtESRN fATlVF-S Fib. 41 he Speaker Uld before the House a letter from he Serrrlary of Wr, transmitting fatemtiiia of all cotdractt made byihe War D. pat ment in the year 1 823 f which wa oidcred to lie on Ihe able. The Speaker alto Idd b fore ihe House a communication fmn the Secretary of he Treasury, accompnvint a statement exhibi'i ig ihe duties accruing on mer chandise imported and drawbacks pave bh on mrrbndlie exported, duiing the ver li;0. 1821, and 1822 which were aid nn the l.il.le. Mr.Cotke, (i dling lw lt.,. , bv ion respecting the I'ea rtth,i JtArm4 up and ad-ipti d ( TKRML IMralTKMKXTS. The ..uinriiM. went into a com mittee of the wh.de. roof, of Lonn. in ih chair, on the bill faking provision, kc. on rrtd and caiul.' Mr. Kitet rom;letl hit remark in optoitbn to Ihe bill. , Mr. Buckner followed, on the oppottte tide. Mr. M'Duflir, of Soifh Carolina, next took the fl-Of in tuppo ol the bill, who. at 4oV-ck, rieldrd to a roci m for ri ,inK aiwl, the eummittle having obtained leave 'o it again ' The If 0 awtjonrnel. tKieSRAL IMrRilVtMRNTS- M s Thr'fl.ueretolvcd itself into a committee of the whole, VI r. Foot in the chair, on the bill! for ob aining Ihe nrcrtary surveys, esimatrs, KC. tor roadt and ranaU- Mr. M Duffi - concluded the tpeech he com mem ed .tsc'ftjv- Mr. Spattcht, of North Carolina, then snoke in onoosition to the bill Mr. Remold' of Tennessee delivered hit sentiments in favor of the passage of the bill. Mr. T A. South rose, and commenced course of remark in opposition to the bill, which he continued till 4 o'clock, when he ave way for a motion for rising. The committee rote accordingly, and, having reported progrest, obtained leave to sit attain. Fib. 6 Mr. Forward from the com mittee on Minuficturct, reported a bill lavint: a dut on ulet of merchandiie at ,.n,l fr.r nthrr purpotct ; which wa twice read and rtfirred lo a commit tee of the whole on the Mate of the Union Mr. Abbot, of Georgia, in compliance will) dirertions of the Legislature ol that irsfcVofTered the foUowiug-ioint-rcsolu. tion : Rrtnhtd, (c. Tliat the following amendment of the Constitution of the l-nited SUtes be pro poidto tlicLepisUiuK-s ofthe several state, iz: Hut 'o prt of the Const'tution of the I'nited State ouuh' to be eonstruecl. or shall be construct, to authorize the importation or in irn ts nt anv piM-m of color into anv one or the United States contrary to the laws of such state. The resolution was twice read and re ferred to a committee ofthe whole house on the stttc of union. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The liVuse then .went into a committee of the whole, Mr. Foot in the chair, on the bill for obtaining the necessary plans, estimates, Itc on roads and canals. Mr. A. Smyth, of Virginia, resumed, nA (-nnriiiHrd .he argument he com mcnasd -iesteradj jn -opposition to lb, btll. .1 '.r He was followed -by -Mr. Gazlayof Ohio, who spoke in support ofthe p:in cinle and expediency of the bill. ... .... . t . j Mr. Nealc ol Marylano, sucreeai" . GyToirniFsTmrslQ Whn Mr. N eoncluded, a eeieral ca for the question resounded from all quar ters ofthe House; when Mr. Livingston, of Louisiana, eoto, and requested that the committee might rise. ' The committee then roe, and obtained leave to tit again. ', Feb. 9 Mr. F. Johnfton, from the rommitlee on thef tost Office and I'ost RoadsTTe ported a bill to reduce int.i on. DcHrtm wt s'litb;' commuted. On motion of Mr, Vlangurn, 'it w's L, fo.Tut the Committee on the Post Office and Post Hoads inquire into the expedicn- tv nf Mtahlkliine a twist route from Italciirli, H. C. to Haywood in the rotmlyof Chatham. Mr. H'lcklifJa offered t retilutlon di rectlng an inquiry, by a Selec Com-nlttce, wiist larther stept it wti proper for the government lo take in lelatlon Ij the im provemeot of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.-- - . IMTItRAL IMrBOf.aMtVT.' bats resumed the consideration ol five f8 port of ihe committee of the whole, on m m m M . I a ai i Ow timates. kc. In relation to Roads and La Halt. I. . ' - . . Mr. Randolph moved that the con side ration of Ihe bill be indefinitely postponed, and, on hit motion, the yes and oayt were ordered to be taken upon it. 1 he ouettion wa then taken on inde NJnlie pot'H)nement, and decided Yeat, 86-Nayt, 113. So the House refuted to postpone the b.. The question wit then put on engrot tint the lull for alhird reading and the ye and nayt Ving called for by Mr. M'Coy, ttood at follows i Yea, 115 Nayt, 8ft. So the bill wat ordered to be engrossed and read third time. ths Taairr bill. Mr. Ttxl men moved that the Ihute go into a committee of the whole on the ttaie or the Union, wtn a view to uac up the bill forth. revUton oi im ". ffentfor mr my i tne e,,..v.,, hone the boue will do no tut h iIhiik- The qtietton was then put on Mr. Tod motion, and carried. Yea 93, Na 82. The House accordingly went into a eommjt ee of the whole on the ttate of the Union. Mr.Cotidict in Ihe Chair, and. on motion of Mr. TojJ, took up Ihe I arifT Bill ; which wai twice reau in p" Clerk's table. Some progress bavins been made in the reading On motion of Mr. Webster, The committee rose, reported progrets, nd had leave to i( Rin. F,b. 1 1 Mr. Flod pretented the fol lowing i which wat Lid on the table : " HeJitd, That the President of the United State be requested to inform thi li'Misf, whe Ihcr the rule and rrgibtions, compiled by - b Srntt- fur the rofernmont of the army, and repealed by an act of Cnngrr of the 7tU ik? ir. nnw rnforc.d i.i the army, or any part, thereof and by what authority the same haa been adopted and enforced." On motion of lr. Foot, ol N. Y. il was Benhrd, That the committee on military af r.'.M K inatmcted to inouire into Ihe expedien cy of retlueing the term of service in the militia of the I'nited Statea from 43 to 4iJvear. tel. ccpt in caaes of inrasion or insurrection.' - tm c Taairr. - On motion of .Mr. l od, the house went into committee of the whole, Mr. Con did in the chair, on the bill to amend the several acts for Imposing dutiet on im port. Mr. Tod the chairman of the commit tee who reported the bill, delivered at large the general viewtof the comroif.ee in favor of ihe bill. Frb. 1 3 The resolution offered yet terday by Mr. Floyd, wat taken up, and heinu- amended on motion of Mr. Rich, was agreed to in the following form : Jtenhrd, That the President of the United Stalr.he reauested to inform thi House, wheth er the nih-s and regiilatiohs eonipiled by Gen eral Scott tor the governmen in mc arm, arc now enforced in the army, or any part then-of, ami by what authority the Mine has been adop- ted and enforced. THE T RIFF- Mr. Cambrelcng presented to the bouse a schedule of the articles proposed lo be taxed bv the bill now before the commit tee, which he wished to be printed. The house then resolved itself into a committee, on the bill to amend the sev eral acts for imposing duties on imports, Mr. Condict in the chair. After a short aid desultory debate, in which eleven or twelve members paiticipatcd, the house adjourned. Ftb. 13 Mr. Hemphill, from the com- 1 j mittee on roads and canals, reported a bill ; kutborizintr the subscription, of stock in Th. Deiaware-and Che sapeake.Cnal Com pany ; uliich was iwice read and co'mn.it ted. . . Mr. Cocke called up the consideration of the bill lor appointing two additional rerommitted to the committee on Indian Affuirs. TE TARIFF. On the motion of Mr. Tod, the house iljain went into a committee of the whole, Mr. Condict in the chair, on the bill to i mend the several acts for imposing du ies on imports. I he immediate question, depending from yesferdiVVwas vn the:,oHoit--of'Mf- the adaittot,rpppt u ..ujM v . v y. luties now existing on the importation ol Ihtilied -spirits,) and insef iiug in lieu thereof fifty per centum. I he debate on this motion was rcsu mcd Aft. Tom!inon, of Conn, delivered hit tentlmentt at length in opposition to It. I he rjutttl-Mt wat then I. ken on Mr. Tract ' tainUth atid decided in the nega tive, by .,lgc lllajoliiy. -The .iu:'iu mm recurred on the , mo Ion of M(, Fiw.of (inn. to strike out I'iCJVb'alr nf-lhcfltUit- bfinosiny art In. tilled apiHii) and, brina; ukrn, Wat de- . a a f a.aW ... . aW ia i ha na-ma. mi toie a m l. Mr. (larnettt of V'a- moved lo ttiiktt out of the bill the rUue in the following word,, sit t "Ori oranuet, fifty cents per hundred i on lemons, twenty five cents per hundred ( oh timet, ten cents per hundred. After debate, this motion wat negatived. Ar. Conner, of North Carolina, Ibeo moved lo strike out thirty per centum ad valorem on all nunulacturet of wool, tnd insert in lieu thereof, twenty five percent. I hit motion wat negatived, 106 votes lofl. Mr. Brent of Louisiana, moved to mend the bill, by ttriking out Ihe clause which proposet lo lay a duly or 6 ctnte per yard, on all cotton bagint; imported. The motion gave rise to a debate which lasted till the usual hour for adjournment. a raa wntfca ciauusua, A French uJ"y"V h V.tvat ff ingher hu'-b ind't brother ha.l married a tery lundsnme lady, with a great fortune, was mightily out oi nuinor ; insommh, that the perfectly hated all that spoke in commendation of her . .ii i new aitur-in-law. Ana neanng ner husband also commrntl her at a very beautiful winvn, the bribed a servant in that I. dv's family to poison her j but he discovering the design, nd the ladv hr'inir renroathrd for it bv the husband, she poisoned herself, and died. Eu)' the word tX fiends, procurer of sad cents, And only good w hen she herself torments. Plutarch compares envious persons to cupping-glasses, which ever drw the wort humors of the b.dy to them. Like flies, they retort onlv t the raw and corrupt purtt of the bodv r if they light on a tuuud part, m v. t I. uv blowing upon ttr till llirv have d.spo sed it to putrefaction. When ! mui could find no fault with lh- face in the picture ,f Venun, he pi. krd a q .aritl with her tlippert. -And io jii den lent peraons, when they cannot blame the nStaner. will vet represent the cir cumstance of men's best anions with prejudice. The black shadow ia still oh.rrvrd tr wait unon those who have been the most illustrious for virtue, or remarkable Tr some kiod of perfec tion : and to exult in cither, h it been an unpardonable crime. Thr nun "" hehnld with pain Another's joys, and sicken at his gain. The man unable to control his ire. Shall wish undone w hat hate and w rath inspire. Anger's a short phrenxy : then subdue Your pasuions, or vo ir paitioni eonqurr you j Unless) your reason holds the guiilui,; reins And bend the tyrant in cw-rcivc ehaiii. When Aristides, t remark ble for his inviolable artjcomrnt i Justice, sv.i tried bv the neoolc at A then , and te condemned to banishment, a peasant nn:i-niiainted with the person oi Aria- i tides, applied to htm to vote agaiust Aristides: "Has he done you any " said Aristides. " thatvou are ---o, --- t J for punishing him in this manner ? " fCo," replied the countryman ; " I don't even know him j but I am tired and angry with hearing every one call him the Just." Mutuis, a citizen of Rome, was no ted to be of.Jucb;.aa envi6i,s and ma-:. icVotefii'tn'spsTt da v observing him to be verj: sd," said : " F.ithcr some great evil has happened to. Mutius, or some great good tcntnother1 Camlvser kUg f Persia, seeing his brother Smerdis draw a stronger bow than any of the " soldiers in his army. was able to do, was so inflamed with envy against him, that he caused him to be slain. J. -)8e- Furtht benrfit of the (iretk. young m .n una. imiM Lone d in. New .. York., for i((,iipavmiit. oAiisWs billJor. ni nTfTnsbtsinetT preKrfHwtttiit'-. MS0a- It is stated that there are six hundred and thir-ty-ninc wiiiuws iu the town of Newport, (It. I.) being one-twelfih ofjhc popitlarion of that twn. "I

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