,1 I r.TTr.riu.r. rnrjr.t, r,, v. Hour. fmr.4l I soiirrf.ne.J V J cam i wl.i-k., .u J'l a f) I ppl t. WW'il 4' " r . , .Jr. Turk Island. 7J W pr m..l.-t"fl 2Hi urr, muscovado, 10 feu if i . - i cofr.r. prim e green, " " w lo 4 per M U. i Irtm, g4j to J pr. 100 & f hf co leaf.3 1 i manufactured, i to 20 pr. e 1 ii ifinirn In Rutherford county, on the 25ib of Jnury ... Ui. John Coontr. K. to Mi Cecelia 'JlutWr. ' 1 f-2r- lb'',A' T" ' lurry, J-Uffrnrr t " q. tur. roerlr Lincoln county. " Alio, otf the urn J.y,bf A -rod rron, T.j. Mr. Jne 1 Thomp son, to Wdkln, daughter of Mr, Wilkin, fcfj. oil of tlwi tUjniiyXnrtiilTI !ly wood county, K. C. Ai 1m teswlenee in Wilkes I wm(;nth t Jth ult. if dropsy, Mr. ,tJU Futrr, In the COth year of hit age. He vu tlie youngest child of eleven, til born at unghj birth i end hi it lb Ant death, in thit extraordinary long-lived (ami. ly. The remaining ten art alt in utual fowl health the eldett now- in hi Ml It year. At en early ge the deceased entered into the Revo. lutionary service and in several arduous cam. paign, discharged bit duty faithfully, ami wat honourably discharged aliorlly after the rapture of Cornwall at York Town, Va, where he act- d hit part. On the death of hit father, he re Veiled a handsome property, which he improved ml ad.led to i the proceel of which he bu Vised with hospitality ami charity to many, and Jwin long be remembered by hit fnVnda ami ei- In the neighborhood of Jonesville, Surry jCfMinty, in thit Htatc, on the 13th inst. Mr. Jamt t'fWrW-r, aged about 7S year. He wat a aober. muustrioMt ami moral man. Mansion Hotel, SALisnuR r, .vonm- c.wnux.t, or F.mVAKD Y.OtnitOlT.H: UMIO rertTtfullv inform the pub. W r,e, and liii friendi, that he h taken the exteniive 'd ekrant eb. Mime n. aituatrd at the north corner of the Curt-Himc, (la'ely occupied by Mr. Jamet lime.) Ine convenience of thit aituation Tor hunncM, it eiud to any i t the plare. The Uwitr contain! a ntimhcr of private room, well cilcula'eil for the accommodation of Travellrrt and Boarder i the Stable are equal, if not tu mor, to anv in the nlacr. and attended to br lblrjritr ami attentive llojticr; hit tabic and .ar, w ill be tiipplicd w.th the brtt tne maraet idorUn: and the repilationt of hi tlotite, Mich he hoD ill rive entire tatiafaction to thote iJho may think proper to call on him? and he awnret them, that no paint atiaii be tparea 10 rrnder their tay comfortable and pkawng Tuition, on good Term. fTHE ubcriber have employed Mr. IFm. F. J Ihtmnt, a youn man, w ho come well re commemled bv the Her. Mr. MuUnt, hi teach ef. and the Trustee of the Fleaaant Crov Academy, to teach the I-atin and Greek Lan ruatfea, and a part of the aciencev for one year, cotnmcncinfr with the 15th Fi b. 1824, at SOdol hn per cholar. The tchool w ill be continued. ifuita'ile encourarement ctn be hail, for lev. era! v ar. Comfortable boarding for 40 or 30 choUr can be had, for from 53 to 60 dollars, in reaiKcUble and decent fafyiSc,- md the price not varied. We flatter ourtelvc t!at tlii situation com binct at many advantafjea for an institution of thit kiiuL at perhapt anv one in the wcttero part of either of the Carolina. It i near Fort lirhance, on tae latum niver, in a wcaiui) ami fertile tcitlement, where provimont of rverj- kin 1 can be had on the mint favourable term for health, none can exceed it ; and for moral character, hut few excel. Kvery attention wi be paid to preserve the moral and etxid treat ment of the Students. Addreaact made to the Post-Master at Fort rv fiancr, Wilkc County N. U. will be duly attended to.- KDM. .I()NF.. Tilt). l.KNOIR, DF.N'J. I10U AHO, JOHN Wn ilF.RSPOOV. r.-hniaru 14, 1S24. it96r VV Feb. 23, 1824. THE ccjebrnted race horae, by old Sir Archy, will stand a part of his time in Salisbury, thit acason. 3i97 3Iornton Female Academy. IIS Institution will continue the current year under the management of the Rev. Chatinccy Eddy, Mr. Eddy, and Mias.Parkman, the tame aa the last year. -Tlie discipline and course of sfudienire: the mme ii tfiote'adflpted m the- moat apprwed 'MnuVttlcT:fif :j(:Enland and New. York. 1 he first quarter of the present year h 1- reauy commenceu, nut admission can oe oniuin ed at nny time, and the bills will be made out from the time of admission. AteTTecrbrfhe'1nnitnrf0Tr T the intellec tual, and relifrioue improvement of the iounjr Ladies the Instructors U t I themselvet bound to exercise an attentive guardianship over thenv- to check their desiit for vulgar and degrading enlarge the mind and improve the heart ' Good boarding can be obtained, cither tit the Academy, with the Instructor, or in the imme diate vicinity, at the rate. of ijj'jtjvdollars per yearr- Terms, 25 per quartcrj or g.5, when in ifructibnj at Jhe end of each quarter. " Forte Piano, for Ssile. 4 FHIST rate seconddiand Piavo, isolTend 1 V tor sahvvery low: For. terms, &r; applv to . MICHAr. nitOWN. ' 1 $uUburi;Ffb. 0, 1824. . 97. , -tr.N'. JACKV'. Ittruilt m iht I'HIihttrg 'tfl.L,. f, lb full win rvol ittvnt were cd b iht mettint;i lif,.hrJ, Thtt tl.it rnrellnt re com mend to lh De mocrttlc KepuUlcati friend ef Andrew Jckon It tU Htatt, i bbld meeting In their repectif coun lit i, nd elect o men dclejraH they iro entitled to NcpreMntie in the lower houM f th btH LlUture, to I c ontenilon for tht purpo of nomlna lini( in electoral ticket for the .State, friendly to Andrew inlvm. JiXttirgrilin'ftoii tht pltteT end'tlTe ihha AtnndtT In Martb nest for holding nut convention. : Cirtutar-UynZ been pDolntei br err hrgt and repectll meetlnif of uemocretK JUpuWicane -f-AIJeahn count?, ftvortbla to the election of An drew Jckon to the- PreUdenlLl chair, com mil le e to correspond with other im lr rtmimhttirind1ndlytfo!Deroo- trati frirtidly to lha tame object, we in cIoe you copy of our resolution, and CBrnett.'r reciueit your immediate co one rtiion. 1 he dele cation vtem ha been - hitherto successfully purued in Penn lvani4,and it, in our ouinion. clearly preferable to any other mode nf nomina tion. Although the voice of Penntrlva- nia ha been loudly expreed In for of Andrew J-ckton, yet hit nomination by a nemocratic delegate convention, U per hap vita to hit tucceu. Conerei will in all, probability nominate a President, shortly alter the commencement X V pprorhinK aetuon, and immene eier ion will be nttde to carry the candidate son. It i therefor extremely desirable that our force should be concentrated. nd Jackson announced by a delegate con vention at the Democratic candidate of Pennsylvania. Such a nomination wouid not only aerure to him the vote of this State, but would, we hope, have the hap piest effect on hi propcct throughout the Union. If Jackwn should be nomi listed by timilar convention in the other Stale, in opposition to the caurut candi l.ite, we khotild deem it a moM important tep toward hi tu ces. We wrrr ell Iht lufifiortcri (J Mr. Shulzr't election, many ol ut a members of committees, and we would lincenly deprecate a de tuocratic opposition to Jackson in this Slate. Dm iMon in our ranks would again ensue, and the gloriou victoiy we have just obtained, might be changed into the most lamentable defeat. We have re commended Huntingdon t the place, and the third Monday in March next a the time for holding a convention to nominate an electoral ticket favorable to (ieneral Jackson. Permit us most earnestly to tolir it your aid in immediately convening a Democratic meeting in your county, for the purpose of tending delegate to meet those selected by this county, at the time and pbee above recommended. Your immediate and zealous cooperation is of incalculable importance to our suc cess. Had a Demoeratic'mecting in any other county selected a different time and place, their democratic fellow citizens ol Alleghany would have most heartily con curred. Our only object is, that there should be no disagreement on that sub ject. A difference of opinion, even a to miner points, might frustrate an object so desirable to us all. The prospects of Gen. J ickson s success are daily increaa- .U.03tfl'Xi,M,Jra,o Jig Ruutd.Hf I'.ftninj' I ttL A large mrrtlnjr of tf dmoriiuc cioitM of n,;u.-y.;, im that ?r m n. nit, wit, i al which W til rtwlved tht' lh frirwlt of Mr, CB.i l Gen, Jackaoaia-oold unite ia upport of one of tho two ftaUmca, fur the FresioWj, Among the dch-jV tkt were elected to U Cnaveirtion, whitb ll to hH at llarrislMirf , to nominate Ejector Mt i tingle on U favorable to any J the tWidatcwxept , above mentioned. , The peofi of the real stale w l,nnyim-, ia mU ippor. In; either Cl!miii or Jacktorvnd, A tr9 preltjr eonfulenf, rill NorthrrJlia, enhrai t- 'Mcd U a aclnv whicH they k p?ri Bow In' cotrtemplatioii..whaA it, ! tfivLU th tUfAT, i people, and Induce tht friovl of Jackton foVrotSer cbi tart a teprte ticket, to fh they (tint eaoeu. lUt) may aJip In betweea the two." Hat we cannot believe that the tru friend of the vie. fbT at Ortrinv win ba-fSstttd by thit device of their political enemy i fur Jackson's ilwnca of f ctting the vote of tl peope't electors, U too root, for hi friend to puraut a course that w ill enable the caucus ticket to asxeed. lioe-Sliop....,..rrmorff. T1 hrvr Tin iin imu .i. . Ii' '" '" ",,, r.wamtkrr. iIif I J tin fnrrv!, tr lr,rr rt Inxlr rlw. la S,.,.. ...a. . ' . - - - lli f T "( (tt Wir ne.s(,lMrt in Hie 10H H i4 iilrm are polite ,y', in f,t ( s .( iwarly erft the TAP tit o' atun-4rr-t, ali)ury, Munk 2, ir:.' p) NOTA DK.VA. I hava now on n.L ami intn.l V fffltfl9 ipply of the very bett of trTlir.H , ami a I iiall m.k it a point loran.loy first rata work. men, my friend and tli public may rf riwl . on gettmr; m pm work eote. hi my sUn, n tte line of AWwJi(,r, M tvrr M j, n the Iowa of ll.k.iry. or in tl.a .i.i. i only rnnst to tnake a elcinoi ano outwtn boots ami shoe a any body clae, but I further covenant with ail who may abed the iiufiin of ronageon my shop, to &i tlxir vh k at ami, rHrrhap. a hire i imfe, thin my ipa, r.H.r..r.K uiur). Xevr (limU, A fire broke out In fUkigh, fie 22d ult. which consumed seven or eight buulinp, before it wa arreted In it projre, I: originated in a blackamith liop. In contcqoeaoa of thit arci. dent, tlx cawporali'M of Raleigh have Awbiaklen all person from building any blackimith Soot, or bake-!iop, within certain Emit of the city. rf JE toWribrr rrtnectfully Inform hit en. f-Momrr. ami the onblie at krre. that he ha j"t Vcrrrrd -.i.4Uty..t?.Cljarlrtri, an eiegti ami gtrwraJ a timcrit of tou is, con. 'tinjt'yn part, of Drf CA, Cutlery, f'WCn SmUlfty, U,iJmitA trtkvt'i, Ut. If. aJI i a whiy, he it detrrminrd to s- ll on si-rotn-mo-b.tii.gSrmt. 1 A '1 1 81'iihKE. frW.VA. ir, 1824. Jit'XS N. It. Ilailwi eoritinuet to krrp on hand a grner! awrtmrnt of U0i)K, vu ; Xer A mo rime nt. ril:ir, a.d,vriler ha trry f.rn-ly rffll I fr plolad. I,,b.a, an U liirh, with th iwnrtixrnt U tipert to re. cri in abort lime, w. ril,, t.m In tell at Mtiyri nry prkt. The publ.e are rrtprc'fuJly inv.ud to call, and t u.. U lhn.j,. ' tUWhM thr.HI,' 3ubiafj , Af. I rt, 1 821. it Conpcritmitliinjr. The feiiiperwiiithihf , il 1 in 'Uit builne, brretufor Irarmrtad by l. ( r.t aen, , m future W emvluctrd by me, at the t.m i.,,. . -. -...... nr.- m inrirroxom, n, tie. durabilitv and (etwe. MH). rlKa. . The Raleigh Register inform ot that a hom'd murder wa eomr it'ed about 15 milr tooth of tfaiKung near her own door, after nfct wiiU1 ligtUr J torch in her Lands, wat shot di-'ad by rime peron urkno.n. The hatband of Mr ollint immrdiatrly ran to the doot, and beard the fiMitttrp of the murderer, mskii.g hit es cape i but the night vu to dark. Hut no one ni in pursuit. CHaBLtSTOv, yrn. 20. From France Commercial Inrrr by the ahip Ores, are to the 4th Jmuirv. A jle of New Upland Cotton, from New- York, '200 bales) had been made as low 26 3 4 soot. The consumption of Cotton in France the last vear had been less thin the pre ceding oneattributed to the Spmish tr, the cold season, Sec Thf beginning of the new year, however, fro xl the man factories in full operation the demand for Cottons steady, and the stork on hand, micularly of the lower qualities, not arge. Mr. Parish, Consul of the V. Slates, passed through Strasburg on the 33d December, on his journey from Pari to Vienna. It is stated that the sister of the Duchess of Urrri, i going to contract i marriage with Don Miguel, of Portugal. -Letters from Rome, dated the IGih Dec. state that the health of th? Pope is till in a precarious state. Fetes are atill continued to be given in miny parts of France, for the glory ac quired by the French arms under the Duke of Angouteme, it the late campaign in Spain. " CounVr. Chering new from GKEECF.. The London Mortiing Herald, of Jan uary 6th, states, that the doubts that had m . ... . . ia .r.l ... ing. He certainly will receive the vote'Deen mrown upon tne account u me m of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and'val advantages obtained by the Greeks Tennessee ; and if nominated bv a demo rratic convention in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana, would probably unite in promoling his success. His election discouraging prospect of deleat. I his argument it powerfully nrgedagDinM him by the friends of the other candidate. Now is the time to exhibit our strength, and demonstrate to the Union that Penn sylvania at least will rally round the stan over the Turks, are removed, by the later arrivals. The Turkish fleet is said to have been obliged to lay up at Constanti nople, for repiirs. A letter from the bis lirtnenrTBecrrifritHisly injuied W-44ikdjnifal datedpn Jhoard his jhip. the Muulv, on the hrst ot uctoiu r. con firms the defeat of the Turkish fleet, in the laat week of September, whiih the Greek had found an opportunity to at tack, in separate divisions, with their fire ships. The naval powe of the Captain dard of the Here of Orleans. We are Pacha is thus accounted lr 1 1 1 urkisn engaged in the glor ious cause of an inflcx-1 ships were destroyed, one frigate of 24 ible democrat and incorruptible patriot, a guns was captured, 15 were at mat pcu- cause that merits our moM zealous and od blockaded in the Gulph of -N olo, anu active support. We shall be greatly gra the remainder had fled, in great confusion, Acne of llrkury .rittntirtiiw ArtinV N'irra'ive of tufTrring in Africa Amrrkai HUr. Brarriibridgt'i vogc to tooth- tn.cr.u Blair, l-rtturc, Bltir frfiMin, Rmw:p.iiClU t--nemtifcMl't lour llarrinirton and tliify on the North pole llibles, variout kiiHlt. Carl, ht in trarcb of a wife Charlatiagne Camp meeting Hymn Chalmer't rnont Cavalier, (Novel) Christian Soldier Chap Hooka Comfortt of ohl age Charlotte Temple Crook in the lt Common prayer Book Copv Si ri)' Conversation on Chem ist ry Cicero'iOrationt laitin. Don Uuixottc Divin Worship Iarin't Xoonomia Dugdale't llorarr. Fniigrant't Guide lening entertainment Krskiti't Sermont Ofirhl't Speaker KJcmcntt of Drawing. Family Instructor Florence Mrt'srthey Family of Ortcnbnrg Fourfold ttate of Grace Fathrr't Talet Felil Alvarez, (rman Prayer Cooka Gil lllat (ioldamith't History of F.nglaml Ciohlsmith't Home German Hvmn Bookt German lliblra Greek 1 estamenta General vic of France. Ihnin Bixjks, (various kindi) llarrik' discourset on Ma,mirv IhlU' diitiller Hi-nr) 't Travel in Can a la Mall on rommunion llonie mi Mimiont llinilol(l''t Spain Horace Dclphini Harold the dauntless. Iiiiilatiou ol Christ llderiin.Japoctn) Ivanhoe. ' - John Ui-castro's history. Kendal'a Travel Knox's Essays -Kendworth, (Novel) Also, writing and wrapping paper by the ream Luther's iKiefrine IOtr Writer f.airihi sfrira lyprke's lUatl I ale of Kpenccr Law of I ien Ufe of W.shington letter from the Moon. tant lf. e stM.iUPHh.m Ife of Fennrl Life of t.rern of Wriltngton latin IVxikt. Mclamriii's Kat Maton't Monitor Mannrr nd Custom of Nation Matincourt Marrow of the Church plinister't Instniriiont Mair't laitin SyntsI Wttonic Hong Hook. New Testamtnta No Fietion No Cross, no Cr n NatorJ Hitory. Ovid's Mrtsmorphosit. I'arrnt's Friend I'aildock't Narrative 1'ir.ttc Filgrim's Jiiomil l'nrer of Religion I'ilgrim't llvnitit Pimlar't Poemt I'ilgrim't I'rorrt Poems, Original Preparation for Death. Ramble in Italy Rob Rov Rise ami Progress Return of the Jew Ri-ailv Reckoners. Sass' Journey to Kme bmockcr on the Reve lation . Saul, a poem Ly So'uthey Schnal ami Lefroy't rc' porta I Spv, an American novel Trial for Conip rary Trail'a Sermons Thornton Abbey Tale of a Tub Thaddeus of Warsaw Tuckev ' F.xpedition Taylor'a irtor Trave ls of a Philosopher The universal receipt Hook. Wirta life of Patrick Henry War in Florida Weems' Pamphlets Wilson's Russia Washington's I .otters Walker s Dictionary,. Vinri Dtdidiini 'I. Velvet Cushion. Ywinp'n N'ght thoughts Ziou's Pilgrim. UrurcrUfia Ikmcnt nntl Ulihuty,' frrn tUty" QLlnl fV T. f. 1 1T1LL ha ron-rantly orTTtand, llirVMrjtjrJOT f r the acsKn, a lartv assort mnt of ugsr i ouenio 4 ' torlee fringrr Tea t'oppera Rum Akim . Brandy t.li!x-r fait k (in Mailder Wine, of all kind Pepper I'uwdrr anr?t!Mt Iad, &.c. he. tt hirh they are determined to sell a low at ihry can powlily be aH'orileil, for ratk. Tallow ami lleetwts received in payment, for w hirh tli higfiest market price will be allowed. Country" Merchants wishing to porch tifrrr,,,, will do well to call and caamirte for theniatNc. .',.. 24. 182.1. 3tV7 The large antl IM-Hiitiful Jlorso i:.gi. ;:, MM. s'iihI ih's enn in Sal.ph' Witt r-4f ,t 'jiff n 1 ttr.bortrcl rounti. fjrwi)fi tTr.fe horse fUitftri In dm l) tte in-pcr'nl liorsa Arch Duke, and eantc out of the i!am of the ui.rrpiallrd noise Sir Archie. All otln-r partic ulars will S made known in banubills, in a short time. F.iigWer't gr tt site, high farm, tnd uncom mon teed, I lioe willelpim the sii.n'ion of gentle mrsi alio are fnd of large and fine liorsre. UK IUIII) C. WARD. SirjV. W. lH-'4. 24 Vtw fttovc, n 1'mc(nn. rMIIF. sobsrrJ'er has formed a Copartnership I as it!, Nailismrl Sutton, in lite riiTraii'ile l)Uiiwt, at Concord, Cabarrus roim'i, N'i'rth Carolina, under the linn of .lf..v I' uttn here they are njirning a freh irtnieni of Drif Cooit-u Ciillrty, on J Hardware, rlreted villi much fare, in I lii! Irlp'ua am! New -York, nd bought i the best ti niii. I hey ileign t continue tlie buiinrM at Conronl for soin eri anl as Mr. Murph ill '"it the northern cities ainnially, to procure sop'die, their aswirtmrnt w ill he general i and t"lll bo ilt;x,cl of t'iir prirt fir cash, or on credit to punctual customer. I In ir friends awl the public generally, are rispcc'.fully inncl o call, csau.ine qualities, bear price, and judge for themselves. JOHN Ml Itl'IIY. JjnMfirv, 1824. John Murphy, IIj a!to, at his store in Salisbury, a Isrgw aawirtment of GOODS, to suit citiena, tow q and country pctple i fo be disposed of ununiallv low for rash, or eoonrry produce. 9t Nm IioIus W. (Jaither's Fstute. 1 iriLL br sold, on Monday the Hib day of y v March nest, at the house of the late Nich olas W. tiaithcr, dc'd. all the personal proper ty of aaiil dee'd. eonaisting of Jltrtri, lf, and Civ, .VArcp , a large qua 'it it y of Corn, Fodder, Hay, Le. two wagons and gears; four Stills and one lloilcr, w ith the still vessels i implements of husbandry, household and kitchen furniture, with a number of articles here not mentioned. At the tame time and place, w ill be hired for the lutlaitre of the year upwards of twenty likily Negme. and the Plantation rented, the sale to continue from day to d.iy, until all is sold. Terms uf sale made known on that ih, liv THUS. Mc.NK.KIA, , . . , A.K.JONES, M,mm,tntm. Vfrrswrj 17tlK-JL Jit '.'6 tified to hear from you immediately on this important subject. Respectfully your Democratic friends, and fellow citizens, Chartrt Krnnry, .' . Andrew Scott, Edward Patched, Thtmai -'Brown, Juhn Irwin,' " Jotrph Cooper, Bott H rlkinti -r -Dvid Blair, Joiefih Gqzzam, "". (. Piu, B.J. Walker, Samuel flare, Committee of Correspondence. It appears that While hesitating to tend mini tier of Obtervation to Greece, we ere credited abroad, with, having sent a Lnglish, of Boston, known for the ver satility of his genius, his character, his faith, and his pursuits, recently a Gener al in the Mussulman army, has arrived at Constantinople from this country, as it is said, ta conclude a treaty (of alliance it liopedT between the SubTime Portcand Watl.lffL'tp'li.'-l.s. k.jrwa .. ...af-a' - vfmwmivmmmMmimii'nr:'- '- ' , Judge Archer, lias been nominated by the people of one of the districts in Ma ryland, for Presidential Elector. He is friendly to Mr. Calhoun. for the Dardanelles, where they are know n to have arrived. Letter dated on the 9th Dec. w ere re ceived in London from Odessa, by which information from Constantinople to the Tst, was cotrimunleated. -Th. Ciiptain Pacha had arrived in the Dardanelles, with a part of his fli-et, the reminder oj which i accounted for above, and ie had been ordered to appear at Constantinople, and to give an account to the government nf-rheyee-if-dantap;e.ahich the Sub- lime Empire had reaped from the exer cise of his naval talents during his sum mer's cruise. .('. Ti.. Cmnci. I distress of trie Tnrs is said to be extreme and they have en obliged to adulterate the currency. An 'Xtraordinary Divan had been held, hnd I . . . a t" ' 1L Vuluublc Land and IMantntion FOR SALE. fllHK subscriber will dispose of said land and J. Plantatisn, lying in Montgomery county, on both siilei of Beaver Dam Creek, half mile above the niM'tli of said creek, one mile above the Narrowi of the Yadkin i containing 448 acres, well fatered, with a good mill seat, with a good dwrlling-liouse, with all other necessary out-liouse'i with excellent apple and peach or. chards. Three other tracts, lying on the water of Little ttiver, containing 600 acres, unimprov ed;" Ts tftay-be-ltnownW applying io the. ubscr?t-'r, on toe premise. ' - WEST HARRIS. F&ruarv 1", 1824. - - oit06 All person indebted to the estate of N W. (iaither, dee'd., are requested to make immedi. ate pavment ; and those having claim against the aanl estate, are requested to present Uiem (br ae-itlenient, within the time piescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pled in bar of recovery. V. M. and A. R. J. and'VVallachui State of North-Carolina, CAtlARKl'S COUNTY. OTTTtT "Of" Ptrarand -tinaetee Kuaaiona, Jaa.. lary Term, 1824 : David Ilradshaw r. John S. M'Curdv : orirrinal attachmrni . !: J tni. It appearing to the court th.it the defendaiil in this rnr- is not an iiJiahitant of this State, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made tim e months in the Western Carolinian, giving notice to said defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for suit i county, at the court-house in Concord, State of North-Carolina, MP.CKLP.NHl'RG COUNTY. (tOI'RT of Kquitv Samuel Roach, r: Hugh J McDowell, James Moure, Andrew Heron, and others. In this case, it is ordered that publi cation be made for six weeks in the Western Car olinian that unless Jamet Moore and Andrew Her n, two of the defendants in this case, appear at the next Court of Iaw and Fruity to he held for thercotrtitr of - Mrrklenboag on -the 6lb Monday -after the 4th Motidavin March next, and answer or the bill w iiT be t At ii pro coiifctso, and heard em parte, as to them. D. It. DUNI.AP, e. m. i. " Price adv. g2. : il'O Sta t ? oCNort 1 t-Caroina . the result is stated to have been deter mination to propose an amnesty fo the Greeks, and to olTer to nlace them ntu'ci (Jovernors of their otvn, like Mol-irfLtji'du-gainyi i Imu, u..u u-1-jnlt . I dcrljaccoMing'y. I csi t -m: iy- f yj Vnte iht,JJ. I t Kfftl w mt'vrv ("tOI'RT r.l !'le;is and Quarter Sessions Janu J arv Term, 1834. Iloyle, Son, &. Coxe, vt. Samuel A.,MKcnzie. Original attachment, lev ied in the handa of Hugh Ruing arid William Campbell,' :mtt on lands. It appearing to the aatiifacti:ui of the court, that Samuel A. M'Ken-zi.-, the lU-femlant, is not an inhabitant of this st.ie, it is therefore ordered oy t .ourt, tnat ha ou the third Monday ot April next, to replevy, i t ap u tf , imnf. t;l(lirt f .tas an(j Qllar., plead, (.rtetnur, .wiierwiatjungnieni niiui "u,( Hcum!i u be held for Lincoln county, at court-house in Lincoluton, on the fourth i'03 The thermometer at 1iuTiriigton7T?fin"b'rirr on the 5th ult. stood at ?.:! degree below zero at tunrise, and at 9 o'clock about 13. The air wa perfectlv'stiU and stretie. FrTi7rmM . .......... ..- - i ! I VJOMPTI.Y txecuted at tins olUcc, in a styl I. ' i f workmanship ccirre.poiiding with the iiiiprovcBients !' t':r j.rt-p;it fc- midavftef tbetKitrttt in March -ne:t.-iTnl!iw ttnitriPi.'worgjitlKnK'jit will ' b iitemt arainsFtiim t Orden-d,- tbatpubbc-':' TKrti 'heri of bB-tnadAlM-at:ei;kaUS,CC.?i!t,cjj;, in the Western Carolinian. Witness, VAROUY M'RKK, r e Price adv. gt 25. it9T.

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