Tin-: .mi'mi:. Vt'.l mi pd't'rr tned.lnng tlvra, ' for at Biurb w rilblinj Vut H tlcclbr) Nor, wi Csitnot soU ours.la, lay t, o'er win rj want direction, i We, I. out trades art fjre'J to write Of iris of Mam can) bt atinUnJ tor lv of ff we roust iciif, rM who lfl kri a" rii.tinf Wben eact U d, lU aolEer erica, Othello's oc-uplt)'i iron " H'kat can fly ttpoi - pies, aaJt, and pppt girt a a eat. Ami bf (Jit candid lU eonfeaa'd, ' ttVra fuft'd 10 mm what you read. I! auuibs (ltd satires, and all that You'd damn mit mildness wllk faint praiae, And. rail our papers very flat. I1IILTL'8.H In our papr, a few e kt back, a writer w bo adopted Die airnature at the bead of thia article, in replying; to aome etriettiret of another cor. reapotttlrnt of our, on the propoaed new Con a Kiit win, totik occaaion to uie Unjpijf of an Illiberal import, toaardt the whole body of the tkrfj. 1 be tkjffl of Ilrutoi," we approved 1 but no one could more except to hit mumnrr than we did. Our mile motive in firing pvib- j lirity to bia communication, waa a dcaire to toullify the ohjrctMiot to the new constitution. . r..M,rrMM. 0 Jlllliut,, In Ififti-dwhh the talent, and eo.il.1 ha ap.rcd the t n e, In rrpl) to " Juniua," e certainly hail the at.paaiaM to barijr up " Drutut" on our 51e of excepliuoalile papere. We rejrret now, not having eemarj l lie privilege of expunging the faulty prti of the piece. Hut aathe whole ,b gone to the workl tbmugh our columni, and, like loat lux, Cannot be recalled, we are dca runt of counteracting, aa far poaaible, it ewil tendency : it ia therefore w itli a w illing dia. position, ajJ a tliankful heart, me receive what followa, from an crteemed corrcapon dent: 1 COMMIMICATIO.I. CALVLV. Mr. White: I cni you some eitracts relative io the conduct of the Rreat Ger man Rrfrmrr towards his opponents and enemies. They are taken chiefly from ! that celebrated work, the 44 Edintnirg Ko cyclopedia," which hs been reprinted in tu editions in this country. Your read cr will, doubtless, look at them, and learn what cn be advanced in opposition to the assertion of " Brutus," in our paper of Feb 3d. Probably in some future paper, I ali.ill have something to say in defence of the tlngy whom be hat thrust at with the dagger of revenge. Ji is in tne following strain that the En cyclopedia eaks of the conduct of Cal vin. in the affair of Servetus i It w s altogether unworthy of such a mun, sod must he regarded as a blot in his otherwise great and good repu tatio. But while this is freely con ceded, Tt simil.ir concession cannot be made to the enemies of Calvin, with respect to that outrageous clamor which they have raised and propagated against him for his treatment of S r vetus j a cl.imor which seems to hav t arisen, not so morh from a calm con sideration of Cdvin's real demerit, as from an unreasonable prejudice against the man, transferred from the sstem : ofdoctfioc . v hie h.he, maintncdjir from a stroog feeling of hatred to in tolerance, urn hastened by a knowledge cf the circumstances of the case in question, and of the history of the times in which the obnoxious transac tion took place. Calvin, doubtless, went far wrong in sanctioning the pun ishment of Servetus ; but his error was the error of his age, and of his coun try ; and, in proof of this, a thousand facts ir.iftht be udduced. Heresy in religion was universally regarded as rauallyrrriminatwithtransgfessionso Ctvil luii); and puriistied with ihf same seventy, When, therefore, Calvin is repro- j bated for procuring the death of a her etic, he sufTtrs in common with all his sed upon him, is not because he acted wbrse than others, but because he did rot. surpass them in tolerance, as he did in every thing else. It should bt recollected, too, that the punishment . of heresy was not only permitted, BUT P0S1T1VFLY RIQJJIRED BY THE"1 CONSTITUTION OF pENEVA. " It appears, too, that the procee- dings -against Servetus received the -irpooasMi:'ftiflrirn)e-mw mt-- - nenteccleiastcs who then flourished.. The reformed Swisa cantons were un rrfmous in exhorting the council of . Gciieva to punish the. wicked won, and to put it out of his power to in crease heresy jFarel, Viret, Uurer, . lleza, Oecolampadius, and even the s.-prctc I iH-4tirc. And why iu .1 uU I' Cved In (ne ism crnsur s .1 in the lime ernaur tIi'i N only action wtio wa twIJ enuoi I t he only pcrionwlio was iwu enuu,; i knowa Eru'!,-r at Camn, uu 4 ten. drncy ti errr ia other omt cicntly itcouoc fr ihli drjarturc f'um the prevailing rntiinert. It may he fjnher remarkcJ, that Smrtu heretic ef a peculiar ct. I U did not merely rruinuio S Ktn'un ducirinr , but held principle and Ungjne. willi rn. pett to the oaiure of the S ipreme Be Li, (ttitwii Miiiuunted to bhaphemr. and were riot far. if they were at ail, removed from Atheism. Thia ii hin trtHtttrthg irrimflrtrTmTTlTrfTand utiitcuy air Med by-me writer who were very uofriendlv to Calein. Suc conJuct on the part o Servetu, a I of hereyt would be deemed at oat time m ire than enough to juttifythe ofhereay, would be deemed at tat ify the opinion of one whoaaid, that e'dt- aerved aomethinir worae th.n tkath. It ahould be noticed, alto. thtCalvin himiclf had been accused f error with reipcct f tne Trinity j arid tai, had he connived at Scrvetut, or d-att very ircntlv with him. the auaninona for. merlv entertained of hit own ortho- doiv. mieht have been revived and confirmed. And the perannal feelinir which, in thia view, he mut naturally have ciperienced. would be atrenph ened. bv rceullectino- that the doetrine fii Servrtii. rr.n, t nrr tU tlninilv of ud herenv, bth bv Papita and Pro. leitauti aid coni qucntly, tliai. con. involved the inspiration of the Krip tideriog the existing Ua and notiona turn j from an apprehension that the i'i regard to it, and the ftvnrablr op- ex iminai'un of these pointt would ex portunity whuh he had of checking it, . pose thera to the cont.gion ol scepu- any c.ildneti, or reluctance on his part, would have been construct! into a per fect indifference to Christianity at large. It is not true, however, that Calvin shewed any undue eagerness t-i procure the destrncli iti of Servetus. Much has been alleged to this pur. pose hy his enciucs ; but it has no f.mndation in fad. He acted in this rase as he uniformly did, from no par. I ly view, or paltry resentments, but from a strong sense of duty, and an ardent love t' truth. hat he did in it, i-idred, was done with his charac U-ristic steadiness and LrA. It is evi- dent, however, that his chief anxiety was, nnt to punish Servetus, but to make him retract his error. lie tried most earnestly and patuntiv to prevent the catastrophe which followed; but thiadestgn was frustrated by the oh - stinacy, the violence, and the impious language of Servetus himself. Even after this unhappy mun was condemn- cd, Calvin felt for him ; and though he could ant get the execution of the law suspended, endeavored, but in vain, to procure a remission of the more harsh and painful parts of the sentence. These observations are m.tde, not to excu'.pitc Calvin, or to juMily the use of the fire and fagg' t in de fence of the gospel, but merely to do justice to the memory of this great re former, and to moderate the hostility tnd lessen the confidence of his ene mies. "Although he hid his failings, which were chiefly those of a dogma tual and irritable temper, the genera! mdusFopiniorr of him isythat hewt 1 a mill ttrhMlaw W aaa-tall tl a STfl Stlai Aaiu ing eloqutnee, immense learning, ex traordinarv penetration, indefatigable industry, and fervent piety, placed him at the head of all the reformers." Even the language of Scaliger, usually so a ' parsimonious in praise, is scarcely too strong, when he says that Calvin was the most exalted character that had p. peared since the days of the. apostles ; and that, at the age of twenty-two, he was the most learned man in Europe. Such : etilogiu m s, f rom such m e n , should niake those entday, ashamrd, who never mertion the name of Calvin without a sneer. and who associate with it no ideas, bit AoseOigoiryQiQkraoceanclfaX naticisra." The following instances will also contribute to a correct knowledge of the character of Cnlvin. Thev are re corded in a late popular publicntiqn, "M emoirs of the life of Calvin, y J. Mackenzie.'' A woman, whom he (Calvin) had reproved puhUcl);, called him awicled man. Calvin avenged himself by ah-1 laimiijj fieF paroon oi inc cotmcif'wnrr had imprisoned, and intended to .pun ish her.?' : ,. .i Ami Perrin, whose life was very oisorderly, was. excommunicated, de prived of his place of counsellor, and condemned to two months imprison ment ; but although this man had al- ways f.KOjracj the fnemtri of Cat 4D I Urn the cause of nil l!t tryu- IjI.-i uliirS hi rt llr nrlirril TrLin i ' ' r ' g')v 5 vn.i.ir,, .Mnnn, ...aw(M.,r..w ,vuVr, mu j viiiii'ix i"mvuuii iu are mi morut encrry released from prison, md rtitnrct'to hU employment" This.ii iat Cuhint whom slander hit i Jilcfc again and again ! , ia.udij:aluiy I awl writ upon bUlomtt, If ItiMill Kul'fy can apar) U room, 1 hr f-lKiiU(ic iif thy ltiouarul tr v -! Klncli V-'iU hit. fc- -H'in A.0. I11 Mm.l7l3, Mr. Uwight wai called ia fill th; important au too 01 prcident o Y-M college. Ua enter. A .iuif.Att iiia iiU.ce. nc idudu m uiai.1. - ---rj r . . . . ptioe very relaitrd, and inbdcl prtncu plea geoerally f reeauni : 10 exur. pate a apirit ao tvrmcioua and fatal, ihe availed hiroicif ol an early and dc- ciaive opportunity. . r retiic oiipu tatioo wa an imnortant excriiie ol the aenior clan, tor lhi purpoie they were formed into a convenient num. ' ber of diviaiona two of whah dlpu- ted before htm every week in the pre- , aence l the other member. claaa, and of the rtaiden. gradua.ea. It waa the practice lor each duiaion to aijrce upon aeverd qoeatton', and thci refer them to the preaidcrl to iM1 led whi. h he tho jl?ht VTOQvr. Until allowed to dicu any qucatiun which cum. As infidelity was extensively prevalent in the sUtc and in the couu try, the effect of t'us course on the mind of the students had been unhap. py. It had led them to btlicvt, that their innructors were afraid to meet the question faith ; and that christuu- ity was ,s'j)jMrtrd by authority and not by argumcB'. One of the ques ! lions preaeoted bv the first division s this: i Are the Mrtplum of the OU iinJ Nnv Tittamem the Wo id of C:d?" I d thir surprise, tin prcai dent selected it lor discussion ; tld the in to write on wnich side they pleased, as he should not impute to , them -ny sentiments which they ad j vancrd as their own and requester those who should write on the neg,i i tive si le f the question, to collect and ! bring forward all the facts and argu ments which they could produce, en joining it upon them, h.wcver, to treat jthe tujfct with becoming respect and reverence. Most, if not all, of the membersof the division, came forward as the champions ! inf.dclity. Whe they hiJ finished the da cussion, he first examined the ground they had t .ken ; triumphantly refuted their ar cuments ; proved to them that their statements of facts was mistaken or ir relevant) and to their istonishment convinced them that their acquaintance with the subject uas whom iuperfitial After th'm he en.ered into a direct dc fence f (he divine rigin -f christian iiy, in a strain of powerful argument and animated eloquence which nothing could resist. T he effect upon the stu- 4deot-uaa ..electrical. From that mo ment infidelity was not only without a strong hold, but without a lurking place. To espouse her cause was now as unpopular, n before it had been to profess a belief a Christianity , unable to endure the exposure of argument, she fled from the retreats of learning, ashamed and disgraced. .VemoiVt Dr. height. Sntf Taiing. Every professed, inveterate, and incwable snulTtakef," at a moderate computation, takes one pinch' 4n ten- miuuteSr Kvery--pichy with the agreeable ceremony of blowing and wiping the nose, and other inciden tal circumstances, consume a minute and half. One minute-aod a half out of every ten, allowing sixteen hours to ynuff taking a day, amounts to two hours sM twenty-four minutes out of every natural day, or one dav out of every ten. One aay out of ten amount ., 'xtv-x day and a half in every ye$tr. Hente, if wj suppose the practice to be persis ted n forty years, two entire years of theanuuketyilc to ticklintr his nose, and two more to j UlU T 11J jj l. -Vas married, on the 25th nit. in Wil liamsburg township, HI by John W. l.ills, Esq. General John Edgar, an officer of the revolution, aged 90 years, to the amiable , and accomplished v Miss Eliza Stevens, aged U years I ! lorior Alcxandrr ton, - nA INti "ir j lh p(Hriu(i rcfrilltjr r(unil ij )r, ll.ikiili, a frw Ji r hirlU-t ul ilia I iMirl liHr, rtmunl to ru i-rn.iin-fil!)r ftUliliklMril liiititctf llir f" bcr he U rt-! Ii nut nnitnpily to all calla fur prttfraaional arrvicra, lie kaa in die almp rxl ply of ,V'.Z ! f hn h lie ill la;i be rr.l, lion imH pntfrMioiiaJI callcl a, to ftiniiJt In tlMwe to anl Itirin, aiomaiiiei wnn the iwfrkrj prt rliitioiu. New Oil .Mill. T1 f ORCR VtMil.r K r. pectfully Infuemt bia Vk frienda and the Jxiblie gtnttMy, that lie (ra II M nw ftrii '"-"w m v 1 of aa good a quality aa any U the OouuLry e Vtabe t mrcbaaw cpianuij m , Flax need. V fnw-t.lrtr-Kir-wilt ta-7i-nU per bti.liclll) ...1 M arill ria one btiahcl of aalt fuf two of flauccd. reoili In thia eertion of eountrjr, are repeated to aat all IM tey can, .... . l....t.i u i. aa tliey will aiaaye nna a reau- r,kn,ary 14, 1824. h95r Kan Away 17 ROM the auSacriber. a very TrfA imilatto r k. n.m.J t.KOItLiF- about 28 r-3(Hcri of are, awl between . feet tea Inch. i ami ai Irrt I'if4. rrv iliin and aoare. with a eery larrc roman noae, ery black hair, ren.bliia: dial of a white man'a, but Inclined to curl, and but lillle hr.l n ilw uDDtr lit) and point of the chin, chewt a rreat ileal of tobacco, I a jrd barber, houae aemnt and c-chman--in the Ut. a toleraiile carpemer ana nu-mer, "P"V " i:-;"? fact, be capable of turninjr hia band to any kind of labor ery hun.bW ami pUumMe. am! ran olffor no other eaute knoan to me, but the fear of rettine a wbippinr f drinkina; to an Inch be ia mmh aiblictcd to tahrnrvcr be can ret it. lia likely he may attempt to omplrSton be- en ne ten nv, a blue brood cloth coat ami a'.npe'l panta loons. Htfoniterlv belonavUto Sir. !imi attoT' ney at law, of Chatham cotmtv, Nortli-Carulina i then to itr. vim. tvton of Neabern, orth Carolina i then to Rruwn It Jama, also of New hern, of whom I bought him. He bail a mother and irlalioni living near PitisltoriHijfli, Chatham county, North-Carolina, ahcrc he aa when I bought him, and perhaps he may have made fur that aeetion of couutrv, or attempted to rvaeli the aeaboardt therefore, all nuateri arul oanera of Veaarla ar forrned from employing said boy, aa the law ill be rigorously enforced aiinM any one on whom the fact may be proven. One humlred dollars reward will be given il taken out of the. stale and lliervd to rnr on the Catawba, three miles above Landsforrt, Chester district, South-Carolina t or fifty dollars if taken out of the Mate and at- un d in any gaol, so thai I get him a)(a'n tent4ive dollars if taken in the Ktstr snd delivered lo mc as above, or secured so that I get him again. FKEiiKintK l. j. pri nr.. January 2i. H24 it06 VoWcc. ON the 19th and 2)th of March, at the resi lience of tle late Ir. Ateximh-r Schools, in Sloikaville, will be sold at I'tiMie Vendue. Urge aupplv ( MKIHCIVF.S, of d.fTervnt de. erintions lsn, ?hop Ftimiture ; also, lfooe!i Id and Kitchen Furniture, one tiig and llarntsa, three or four horses, csitlv, &e. Terms if aulc, a credit of nine n.ontlit; pureliisers giving bond and security. SsMt'KL McAFFPR. f-remfof. Feimary 23, IB'24. 3iiX$ All IVrsons I NDr.nTF.D to the estate of the late Dr. Alrx aiHii-r ."'f Hwit. arx m 'irvn io muse pav- 1 1 I ....1. Cl...l. ,. . L. ment anl fnoae liavinr elaini SfSinst aaid ra. tatc, arc -requested to prcst-nt thrm for ailju.st. ment, othtrwise this notice will he pled m bar. RAMI KL McAFFKr, re.w.or. Frhnmrv 2.1. 1804. :Vi96 THE WKLL KNOWN' JACK, do i.p n hy, TA1 ELY owned n South i furolln. u;it .i.....t . . LjT . 1 I ! i j i "ses. siauie, one nine and a nan Jd!.J froni Concord, North Carolina, even day in the week. Sunday eiceptid, thro' nut the season t the season to commence the 1st of March, and end the 2uth of Julv. IMthin will be let to mans at 10 dollars the Season (but may be discharged w ith 8, if paid within the season,) 5 dollar the sin trie lean, (to be paltPdow nand 1iirrllars to insure, the insurance money to he puid when the mare is discovered to be with foal, or is parted wi'h b the person putting- her. Partiriilar care w ill be taken of mares left, in preventing accide nt. &c. 1 iO ISl I !lr.liWV I.KOHGE UHY. 1824. 13i02 Concord, Jan. 23, Caution to (lit Public. AM. persons are forewarned from trading for, five several notea, viz one aga nst Jameai Ueid, SCr i2A; ohc do. on I'ctrr Drown. R4.f. and a credit of 3() on it ; one on .lan es Haih reentered up against him, and iht. niUter tbtreof Of gl-3 i and two 'olTicra.'.on 'CebTgeT flodge, . decreed accordihgTv." - - to the an.ounl or.j54.50, or tliereabojits. The above notes were ll in favor of Uank.l Feaaan. aiirm1e over to"W are cautioned against trading for any of the above notes, as they w ere all lost at the decease of William Fcairan : and if uti person has tra ded lor any of them, -is desired to niske it known- AHCHlHAUr-FKrAANv AWrtn, Frh 21, 1824. .Tityfif Valuable Land for Sale. THE subscriber will djspnsp of the (ollowving tracts of Lund, in Meckle'nbiirir countv, viz. One tract of 340 acres Ivjng on the Ca'f'v ricr. a n. - uvaaaicr imui and about 9 miles from Charlotte.. One tract-of 270 acres, in the name neighbor hood with the above. These lands arc admirahlr adapted to the iSuvttttmmmfmnl.-. all kinds of small irrain. ro tne.iormer iraci, o-iongs. some frimcrBolMHW' -anammatBia3au' speaking,,. It.es : well, and is finely tinibered and watered. As the I two tracts join, I v. ill scIKlicrii either separately or together. . . . Also, another tract ot 7UU acres, situated about 18 miles to the cast of Charlotte. This land is almost perfectly level, and Is not inferior to the best in that section of the county. . - . - THOMAS D. SMAHTTi' Charlotte, Jan. 25, 1824. 6:t?6- i;.Nii j;i htatkh laws. fay aCTifoaitr. AS ACT appropriating a certkinaim of n..Wll. ff l!i ft Ucf of D.nirt I). Tomplmt, Br. i r r.s w. i r.i y iju u j ii. .tmerit U t r tmi,Um That lh a,ftt. tary of lha 1 re saury be, and ha hereby U, a. Ihuriaed to pay to t)4i I I). Tompkins, Uta tun t mot of lha Iflsta of Nsw York, out of anr money In tb treasury, not othrrwtsa approiri, ate.1, iba sum of ihirty.At tbuusanil one hun dred and ninety dollars bi ing lha amount rr. Kd in favour of the asid l.ni 1 1). I vn-p. , by tht Accounting Hffkri fifth Tre an. rr.ln romi liai.ee wit. r c0"a , the aciii(s w wiiliri II. T HtL .... v trnof of lb Wat of w W. P- 'W twanty4rt febrwary, on lUouaand gUt . drtd and twnty4hrc. JiLnt fptsketof lha lloa of llcpWMntatlytf, - DANlF.f. t. TOMl'KINi,' Vk Frcaident of ike U. wtatta and fret dt-nt of the IWrwU. iTjWsjf.a, Jsw. 22.1B J. Approsedi JAklES MON'ROB. ' ' " . AN ACT to' autboriaa lha aurveying and ma king a road from a point opposite lu Mt mnhis, in the state of Tennessee, to Little Rock, la lb territory of Arkansas. Br. it rxACTru y ia w v Jtrbllni a lie Ull htatt JmfHta in t tarrrsf lutrmU J. I hat U Frt ident of the t otted huui be, and l. is hereby, authorised to anoolnt three Omniiswoe-ers, ho aliatl eiplore, survey ami mark out. In the n- eligible course, a road from a point on the light bank of the river Misaiasipp", opjfsitr to tba loan of Men. phis, in th atnte of I mm sate, to little Hock, in the temtorj of Arkanaas, and ssid Comm aaioners ahall n.ake out acci.rata plan of such aurveys, atcoii psnUd with Arid notes, snd certify s'ml transmit the same lo the ... : J . t t ki.i.n . Kit if L an. proves ol the aat survey, sha'l catise lb plats thereof to be deposited In il' Orni of tli I ressury of the t'nited Htatrs, and the aaUl rnad ahall be crmsidrred as estsbhslted ami accepted, Htr.2. ,14ltlfrtkrrnatfJ, TliatlhrJ road ahall b ocned and made undi-r the d.r, c. tinn of llur Presiilrtil of the t nitrd Htatea, hs i hereby authorised to employ the truopa of the United Mates in the completion, or assisting tie completion of aaid road. Hse, 3 And 4e it futthrr tmtrleU, That tit sad Commissioners slutll, each, Ix entitled to receive three dollars, ami their aetesnU one dollar aid filty Cinis, (.r each and eery day wh'ic!i they ahall be mccaanly en ployed, in the tspl-ieil r, S irveying sikI markit g, said roail : And, for il psiqMisc of eon.pensa'ing the f.)ressil Coinimt sitmers and their awirfanta, and fur opening aivl making said road, there ahall be, and l.errln to, aiipmpriBtcd, the sum of fifteen tltouaand doU lars,to be paid not of any money a in the Treas ury, not others isc appropriated. Aprros-ed: H aih.njlan, Jan. 51. 18J4. . State of North-Carolina, KOWAk COUKTT. IN Fquilv, t)c.t.lM.r tirni, HJ.'3.. Sherwood Kenned) and Nancy bis wife, v.. 7.ebuln Hunt, adminiytor of the gnoda Mld chattl, rR-hi'a ami cnefits which were of lames Hilton, dee'd. also, against John Jackson, Hartrun Jackson, Uche Jackson, fire-en Jackson, FA. tnutid Jackaon, Stockanl, and tletsy hi fc, Tbnmas and Nancy hi wife) also. James Hilton, Thomas F.ngh'sh and Susannah hia wife j also, James Lowe, Lianey laiwe, Abram Ixine, amel liwe, Marv laiwe, Ketiali lae ; also, James Hummer ami Mary I'lummeri also, Isaac Jones ami IMsev his wife. It appearing to the court, thut the defendauta, John Jackson, a L . . . . i t ii l . i I namuu j mason, ,cne aacsson, urvtn .:.. , . , I tnn K.litinn.1 l.rVin . . .. .'. aon, tlTiiiikl Jackson, Stnckarel and Int. aey his wife, Thontas and Vancv his ifa. 1 homas Kulish and Susannah his ifr, reside out f this Mate : it is tlicrefirr ordered, that publication he maile for the snare of si I weeks, in the W es'em Carolinian, that they and each of them do appear, at the next Court of F.qoity to he held for the county of Kowan, oil flic second Monday after the fourth Motidav iir March lu xt. " sal!shury, ami tl.en and there ph-a l, answer or demur to the bill of comnlaint. otherwise the .-it. I li'ill u Ml I... talrn i.ni ,...1...... iliam v 'oi vwmw o.iimun.m, and he'iird ex parte. C.P.OSGE LOL'Kl' r. & . Price arlv. S"J 3J. it97 State of North-Carolina, Bl'TII KRFORD COL'DTY- flOCTtT of I'K as and Quarter isi!ons, Jan. nary Session, 1824.....Asmn Camp vi. F'-an- j cis Coxe ; origniHl attachment, levied on Ian Is. 1 It aipearing to the satisfaction of the court, that ! .t 1 r . 1 . . .i . i ,, T T . . .. " ""' thia Nlils It sal tlataaawfsM nas.I,.tsawsl hw tit a ssiitst ! that rnlilicati'in he madi in ttic Wi-.ti rn I am. " S..S..W.S..W. w.sa, , v aT s..s.ww.,..t Ilinian for six weeks, that the defendant appear j before the J istici i of our next County Court tf i Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be holden for the county of Ittitherford, at the court bouse in Kutht rfordton, on the 3d Mowlav aOer the 4th Monday of Marcn neH, then and there to plead to issue, or demur, or iiiilu-ment final will be VkiK ISAAC CIlATONc.c. Price ndv. S2, it98 State of North-Carolina, STOKKB COUNTY. 10l'UTof Pleas and Qtiarter Sessions, l)e- J ccnihej-ltrnv A. 1). 1823 : LawitnccJJatt: serand John Stults, administrators of Matthew Snipes, r. the heirs at law of Vatthew Snipes, dee'd. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William Moon and Elizabeth his wifo, heirs at law of the said Matthew Snipes, d;c'd- , ; are inhabitants irf' ihtmUaa ku. It iaiheiefore ' tern Cnrolin'mn lor six weeks, successively, that the said William Moon and Elizabeth his wife, appear at the next (:ourl of Picas and Quarter Sessions tobe held for the county of Stokes on the second Monday in March next, and either plead, a iswef or amttrwwtlfMffit same w ill Im. taken tiEOCQlifiEso. an J. lu:aid eiL ! puTr;-wmsVvfieni. ,7 -iW-w WA I I , H. liiiuw, e. f, Grrmanton,Jan. 14, 1804 Pi ice adv. gfJ ' A Painplijct, ON the subject of the rresidential F.W'.ien, addressed to the ei'i'-eps of .VortliSiii 'via, i for sale at the ofllce of tlie Weslern Cwrolii sa, price ten cents. 3 s

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