COMMUNICATION. mm The rrjiAnder oJmntm" 19 Arvtui U the Western Carolinian of Feb 3J, 1824, was cotitaintd the reply o ttrutus to Juniu, on the lubject of th amer.dcj Constitution, Junius bid cipresstd general and decided ap probation of the constitution, but en tcrtaioed the opinion that, in some res pects, it might have been better, lie pointed ''out these particular! i 1st Identifying the present Supreme Court 1 with ih Constitution, 1 bit be tho't at least impolitic, when, at that very juncture of time, a very considerable dissatisfaction nrcvailcd on the aubiect of that institution i some,, and proba My not a few, of it warm frienda had cbaod their opinion t and instruc . tions had been given to the members of) Assembly, from a very retpcctable department of the atate, to ue their exertions to have it done away. Th atricturea f Brutus consist of mrre as- ertion. What are they I Universal concession, of all acquainted with ju risprudence, that tbr Supreme Court it a moat retpcctable tribunal, Etc. frove this point, and then, and not till then, will juniui acknowledge the weight of authority. 2d. Juniui thought it improper that the cooilitutioo should make Raleigh forever the permanent teat of govern roent. He would tuppoie it sufficient to fax the aeat ol government by law j eaiily alterable, on every suitable emergency. I it at all, or generally, prcccdentcd in the United States to do otherwise f The warmest friends of the amended Constitution do sav, and will say, that this is an objection?! fea ture. However, had a diversity of opinion existed between Junius and Brutus in the two above particulars only, a reply would not have been made. Out under the 3d particular noticed by Junius, against the exclu sion of Ministers of the (iopel, while holding their p moral function, from a seat in the Legislature, Brutus has made an illiberal attack upon a body of men, virtuous, learned, and respecta ble, and ought to be replied to. The a a reply is maae, not oy way ol investi gation of a political question, but in ucjcncc oi wic injured. vv ncm Ministers of the Gospel shall be el ' . l :: i w r l . i gible or not to a seat in the Legisla ture if North-Carolina, is a matter of mere theory for were they permitted I am persuaded that very few of them Would ever exercise that pmilrgr This, Junius distinctly stated before he pleaded th it the Clergy had not for feited their common privileges of cit zrnship j and that no man, nor set men, had a right to take it from them He conceded that legislation was not in ordinary cases, their department and that, if left to themselves, they would, by their own discipline, rx dude their members from it. To this purpose the views and discipline o certain churc hes, high in respectability were .tdduced. To the same purpose our federal legislative department was - adverted to. r rom that department -it ----- 1 : : " . . -T--1-I Y me clerical cn 'racier is noi exueu The federal constitution has now been in operation between 30 and 40 years', and where is the intrusion,, where is the ambition, where is the pestiferous influence of the clerical department : The plea of Brutus, in vindication of the exclusion now on hand, is one that cannot be mistaken. It is neces sityj and necessity, founded On the badness of the character excluded. H e eays, "It is a melancholy truth, that clergymen have in all preceding ages ot the world, been the most cruel, un relenting Set of men." Let it be dis tiactlv noted, that this allegation must be considered as attaching to the Pro testant clergy, and to the clergy gener ally in .our own couotry i otherwise the argument wotdd he altogether im pertinent. But Brums is not done. He add other epithets to complete th feature- Keveneeful and bloody. The portraiture, in one view, stands thus : Most cruel, unrelenting, re vengeful and bloody. Sir, prove your premises, and your conclusion must .follow ; Prove your premesjaitgLiSit. clerffv. abashed bv their prostration oi character, will shrink From aTTcTaims to equal rights and privileges ; and will account the measure merciful, if they escape pains and imprisonment Prove your premises, and the good people of our country will sustain your attack ; and will express a lasitrig amen to that statute that confines their malignant operation. Support your premises, and you will emancipate the world from clerical influence, ar.J Introduce a new urdcr cf tiling. Man will recognize wolves in sheep's clothing, d will dulv realiae, that if they are so cruel unti unnleuting, so revengeful and bloody, that they cannot be trusted In the civil department, oeilhcr can they in the ecclesiastical. Thus a way will be paved for a state of things similar to that of revolutionary France, when they had changed the Sabbath day, levclledthcir churches with the ground, and wrote over their burylng-grounda, Thle is the place-of eternal sleep. It has been the case alrw man has been on the earth, until this day unit the character of the ministry of the gospel, and at the same . time you sink every thing ncrcd. Sir, prove your prcm-j a ..r. ih immiiaiinn of hrino - w, ...... .... . ..r-. slanderer of a body ol men, who, iilercatii oi sunacr a name oiincni iu point of intelligence, learning, virtue jminoui ind admited, aod will be s aiTd ability, need fear comparison with none other whatever. Juniui will duly respect evidence fmm any impartial quarter, hut will demur to the evidence of Gibbon and Hume, or any such deadly enemies of Christianity, and every thing of a moral and religious kind. Such testi.noo) ould be inadmissible in a court of justice, and must be demurred to be- fore the public. After the bLck col ors in which Brutus hs portrayed the character of the clergy, without dis crimination, lit professed respect for a truly pious clergyman, must be con. sidered a mere salvo, a tub thrown out to a what. Brutus, to support his allegations, that the clergy are cruel, revengeful and bloody, summons our attention to the flames of Geneva. He savs Cal vin, the great reformer, caused Serve tus to be burned at the stake, and Bolsec to be banished. These two men were profound scholars, and pat terns of piety at that time t and their only crime was that of propounding crtain questions to Calvin, in polrmic divinity, which he could not answer." or the sate of brevity, we pass over the case of Bolsec for the present j it is the less of the two crimes charged i and confine ourselves to the allegations gainst Calvin, in the case of Scrvetus. The charge is, th it Calvin had Serve-1 tus burnt at the stake, and for m rea son more plausible a private pique, viz : brcauc Servctus proposed certain questions in polemic divtm v that Calvin could r-ot answer, and that Servetus waa a man of eminent pieiv. Sir, prove all this by unexceptionable testimony, and we will concede the point, th at Calvin was as bad a man as you wish to represent him. Prove all this, r lie under the charge of being n invader of the rep- se of the tomb, a plunderer of the illustrious dead. Cotcmporary writers that were un friendly to Calvin, have not dared to assail his character with the viiulence of B rot us. If the above allegations had been literally true, Calvin must have sunk : but instead of that, he continued to hold a pre-eminent weight of cha racter, down to his dying day, not only at Geneva, but, to a large extent, throughout the protestant world. Ac cording to historical account, deemed coiTect,"thechirgt8nderiiic1i"SeN' vetus suffered, were, 1st. Saying in a book published, that the Bible vain. gloriously extolled the fertility of Ca naan, though indeed an uncultivated and barren country. 2d. His calling our God in three persons, a three- headed Cerberus. 3d. His asserting, that God was every thing, and every thing was God. According to impar tial history, these were the charges ex hibited, and these charges Servetus did not deny, but pleaded the right of toleration. This puts a new face on the matter. Sir, where is your evi dence that Servetus was a pious man. I heresy is evidence of piety, he has t. It blasphemy, viz : comparing the sacreddoctrine of the Trinity, to the dog of Hell, is evidence of piety, then was Servetus a pious man, etc. But whatever may have been the heresy of the unhappv man, we do not pprove of his suffering capital punish ment. Ihe laws on that subject, we brlif-ve wire unreasonably imvere. Rut uch laws were not peculiar to Gene va i but were, at that pcjiodvfeptixirnpn tothat "TOdyery Europe.. ccordiaK.towstoricaLJUCs. countj'so far was Calvin from wishing to find an occasion against Servetus, that he wrote to him, and warned him not to come to QeileiTa, for if he did,'irjn IIIC ( IIIUSl UC pciliuug. Calvin wished him to , recant; attd when this could not, be done, deplored is fate'. Before the unhappy man aul- In heathen mythology, the dog of IIciL fcrrd, tSe Swim Cantons were consul ted on the subject, and gave their opio in agmst him. Calvin's situation was delicate t Scrvctushad been under process for heresy id France j had es. raped from prison, and fled to Geneva. The Cnholica charged Calvin with holding dangtfous doctrines i had he been tunive in the case of Servctus, tney tooid have construed Into ao tl ' 1 4 . a . auiana wuh him in sentiment. Upon m wjiv,' u was not peculiarly the fault Calvin thai Servctus irrT4, it waa km fault f m times t and had Druu Jivtd at (bat day, be do doubU wools' nave been involved in the com mosicrrvr. ' The puilic will pardon the length of this paragraph. The. objret ii impr. ! tact t it is to trest away from the , . o while truth is venerated oo earth. The writer begs leave b repeat, and wihca it distinctly noted, diat it is not fir the ki of obtiioing toy legisla live privilege for the tlergi, in com m m ith all other men, that has in duced this reply. It is to repel a charge unexpected and unfounded, viz : that peculiar drpravity, and de- pnvityi dai gerous (o the interest of t'Cie ty.'.attachrs to that body ol men. Djes Brutus lerioislv believe, accor. ding to his own trato of "argumentation, that the clergy , in moral point of light, when cbmpaed with the medical and lw departments, stand so far on the bark groves'.' If he does, can he in- duce thimb(ic to believe with him Probab! since the diye of Thomas Paine, tltil Brutus made his sally from the pres the public has not witntssrd such an tjgrrssion on the clergy. Cer. . .i t tairtiv, iqmuM nave oern, ipnnan gra tia, that lit obtained admission before tne pubic. How very different the views that lrutus would impress upon the publlr, from that of the apostle Paul: '! eseech vou, brethren, to know thernwhich labored among )ou, and are ovr you in the Lord, and ad monish you and to esteem them very highly in, lore for their work a aakr. How very iiscordant his views from the spirit of .he times i when kings are becoming tfe nursing-fathers of the church, anc queens her nursing-mo thers : whet the christian world, al most with one consent, are sitting in deep consultation, to send the Bible, and its institutions, to the ends of the earth. Thirty years ao, during the volcanic explosions of France, when they violated every moral tie, such ef fusions would not have surprized us : we were then accustomed to the ebullitions of infidelity j but now, it is solitary and anomitous. But Brutus, not contented with aggression on the clerical department, turns his hand aginst the female character. He quotes, with approbation, a philoso pher, who lays, Thepaisiorj of re venge reigns most with priests and t a we nave no cioiiot, wm uuiy appreci ate this wanton aggression. - -"jtmiui. "' Febrvary 21, 1824. Virgima. The following summary of the pro ceeding of a meeting of the member of the Virginia Legislature, i taken from the Peters, burg Republican, and was communicated to the Editor by his correspondent at Richmond : " There was last night a meeting at the capitol, of the it embers of both branches of the legislature, for the purpose of agreeing I on the nomination of an Electoral ticket, j There were present of both houses, 1 60. i It was proposed and agreed to, that the names of the members should be called, and that each one should name the man of his choice, when called. The calling of the rll produced the following result: For Wm. II Crawford, 132 as President ; Adams 7, Jjckson 6, Macon 6, Clay 5 : For-A Gatlatirr as Vice PresidentH20rLn Cheves 30, Macon 10. 1 he meeting adjourned about 10 o'clock, till Wednesday evening, having made rfo nomination of electors" The great pugilistic contest between Sfiri-S " tbe .cb.myUi mt England," and the celebrated Langan, the trim pre tender, as ke was called, which created thiaiI world, and on which immense sums were women. Here they are marked, as , i nis sunjeci nas a very inieremng con about equal with the clergy, under the sideration, bul the reaull is nol ss yet domination of a foul and malignant known Intelligence from the same place, passion. The females of our country, 1 fnd thr0UJ?h lh' ame channf ' fivcrda u i . l . .... .... , later, states, that the treasurer of the llepeIngT contest which lasted two hour ana a haij, iir which tie astonishing number of 72 rounds were1 fought, resulted in favor of i ..... . i : . Om t of Mr. ' Cravfotd't Mloncet.-Mr: John Ridge, a Cherokee Indian, has inter married wuh Miss Sally B. Northrop, a maiden of Cornwall, in Connecticut. 10UKIT..Y NKW8. ijit&xt rMuM r.UMore. tVit pxri to tli 1 life vtiutofj Lut Mcci4 at Nc-Vork, by a U amuJ twm ltra. Tie MWinf eitracta ttn uie fma Kaf'York papers, smmJ trvm tin Patriot, (A t 31st tU ' . Tb Couriar of the 7th states that a ma sentsr from Francs U4 landed at Dover from an OD" bet. If is said lohsvebeen tha bearer of despatches, which were Im--Maieiy seal cffio London. The crew, ttT "Thl MfEZSWtfntMeSi known whether they sllueUd to tha fleet Intended against South America. The news from Madrid is to tha 3 1st of December. Tke long expected decree of amnesty wsi laid to be in the press. It la alsofeid that the four following eicep lions will be stipulated i I. 1 be officers of the Isle ol Leon of tha rank of Captain and above. 3. The persons who signed the deposition of the Kin at Seville. 3. All the Municipalities who prociatmea the Constitution be fere they were author ised so lo do by the King. 4 1 he mem bers of the minority of the Certes, whe at Cadis, voted against the liberty of hit Maieslv. The latest article from Madrid, is1 of Dec 31st, which says, treat changes hae been made in all the embassies j none of the ambassadors at their pon have chan ged, but the others have received new destinations. A paragraph of the prece ding day, give indications that the minis try were already rapidly approaching their downfall. Ii is truly ludicrous to observe the pets into which some ef the French Editors re oecsslonrlly hetrsyed by their dislike of the independent tone of our Chief Mugistrste. 1 hey do no confine their anger to Mr. Monroe, however, out ran amons; other things at the liberty of the A met lean Press. I he Etoile denounce the United Slates for having 500 public journals. It is matter of comprint,' says that paper,' (hot they are loo numertut in Europe.' How then are those in the new world to be tol- rsted I It is best then 10 signify imme diately that they must be reduced to ihe number which shall be fixed for them by the Fauxhourg St. Germain, or else de clare waf against 'he faction Americans- Spain is in a condition bordering on anarchy. The dubnded soldiery hive movtly taken refuge in ,the mountains, and seize all opportunities to rob individ uals snd molest the government officer. Spain will never be tranquil till her imbe cile ruler has shared the fate of many a belter roan. The Greeks, by all accounts go on well, and we think there i no question of their ultimate independence provided they are allowed to fight their own battles, unaided by the 14 Holy" Lords of Russia or France. CBEECe. The AuRsburjth Gazette, under date of Constantinople, Nov 30, say, alt the news from the MorelT agrees in stating that the Greek have had the entire ad vantage in the last campaign; inconse quence of which, 'the Divan is seriously engaged in discussing this very important question ;u Shall we hazard a new cam paign, or shall we treat with the Greeks a 1 . . ' porte has declared to the Divan that, in the sctuaj situation of its financestit.will be impossible shortly to levy a single pi astre. , Letters received at Venice from Creece, state that a Greek naval squadron took and destroyed several Turkish vessels be fore Missolunghi ; and having raited the blockade, began to transport troops to that fortress from Patras, where 6000 men were collected. Baltimore, Feb. 31. The ship of war John Adams, captain Dallas, with commodore Porter on board, and the steam galliot Sea Gull, Lieuten ant Voorhees, went to sea from Norfolk on Wednesday last, bound on a cruize, and for the West India station. - 1 be court martial on lieut. Kennon, at Norfolk, has closed its proceedings, and the accused was to make his defence on Thursday last. Patriot. The Legislature of Kentucky termina ted its annual session on the 8th ult. after having passed two hundred laws and agreed to twenty, resolutions. Nearly all the laws except ubout twenty are of a local and personal character: . Several resolu iionsxnr-'eoly,r,l,alhy lor the strug gles making by the Greeks for the right of self govermcnt, were passed by the same fc.iiaSV'ajiA';.'' --f.fS.rn m J Justice of the Peace in Pennsylvania, recently declared the militia law of that state unconntitutionaly and has given judg ment against a collector of militia fines accordingly. The laws of Pennsylvania must be in a sorry condition indeed if they are subject to nullity from the construc tion every Justice of the Peace in that state may put upon the constitution. Bait. Pat. SMi'JSlDMfB TtTSDAV MOUSING, MARCH 9, 1824. We art olH4 tM week to cmtit a dctiiM journal of the proccedinp of Cofiptt a tut. anary notice f the bark proceeding elaQl iMrrted Uouriwtt The House of IWprrM. Utive Ue beao pretty touch eccu.!, about three Weeks peat, wkh the diacuaMu of the Tarr)iR jet they have M fcttaronuj to dUctiie its main principle, bufha We a tn. appear be Various oputkne. sa to the nrviM. biliij ot tile hill's ultimately pMif. It not peas, we predict, unices greatly aOModad its features. AL1UBRT OALMTLY. Til gentleman having bean pot fwrU) it tl ndieal cmcus at w'aaliinfton, tut the tUti. fTiUJied olTice of Vice PrtsiJci4 of the t'fiiuj atate, liia pretension, Lis chancter, snoral ui political, have conefuently becueie Lugme fur public scrutiny. Yrvm our youth' npwtrd we have al ay been tauht to respect the aaita of Albert UtIUiin. XKluMgh be wa bum ia a foreign land, we could always dire ourclr(, of thote native Aanerkan prejudices Ltcb tr btttcriud from our Kcvolutioiiar nrt)jtiiiioa,i fo all reasonable le lift In in respcctiiif hi. imt ami htaioring liU tak at j but u he Im no lent liU name lo, and identifird bit politic! Ui. tunes with, a party ctanpuaed in a food drpte of meritleM Mpirantaand beartK'Mdcmajrnpiie it i due to the freemen of this Itrpubtir, ilut the whole charsfter of the 1uiuU be dt vc loped. With view, we alull, fmxu to time, five pubHcHy to aucb rtitlei a may tend to eibibtt, in it true clnn, t!ie p jliiicj conduct of Utie aptrii fureigm r, bo covet, the aecond office ui the (rift uf Ute .lavnVu people. Btkiw ia a khort article, which mty acrve to elicit inquiry on t be autjeet. vaea re wtMiieTee reaiicaa. A the u National Intelligencer of this morning hat kindly furnished a brief out line of Mr. Gallatin's political career, and as there appears a few prominent cir cumstance omitted, 1 should like the friends of that gentleman to finish the col ouring of the picture, lest it might be spoil ed by ome political daubcrt It this the same Albert Gallatin that acted Secretary to a meetingor disailected distillers in ( on nelUville, Fayette county, Pa. in the fall of 1793 and penned certain inflammatory resolutions denouncing the administration of Washington? and who wis afterward. furnished with a military escort by the I j ther of our Liberties, to bring said Albert to Head Quarters at Carlule t Should ibis be the unit Albert Gallatin, it will enable those to appreciate his merits, that had a hand in the wiitiik liikuaatCTioK. February 17th. LENHRAL JACKSON. Col. Chas. . .Mercer, a member of Congrc from Virginia, Laving been ci.tnittcd, by a rvU tive of Central H utfuntrtin, with the duty tt presenting to lien. Jirauia the fxitaf which the former tore, during the IUvolutotary r, the Colonel availed himself uf the annivcrwuy of the victory of Ni -Orleans to y thi lii-t compliment to the diitiiiguwhcd hero of tlut victory. It mutt be a grateful to the ft cling of Gen. Jackton, to be presented with relic w sacred as the fire-arm which the immortal father of hii county 's liberty wore, throughout long etmggle for the achievement of that liberty, u It n nonomble to thoac alio so justly appreciate the eminent ten ice of him ho ha bravely fowglit to rfcm,what our beloved WaaniaaToa devoted Lit life and spilt hie blood to achieve, fur u. 't he correspondence that took place on the presentation of the piHtlt, will be found on the first page of this day's paper. roa thi wiitsbb caBOLiausr. Mr. White: on looking oyer the col umns of your paper ol the 17th instant, I discovered that "a voter" of Davidson county has attempted by a misrepresenta tion of faCts. to make impressions, on the minds of the public," unfavorable to'our repreaentative, M iv Longer It iailJulf we owe to ourselves and the community, to watch strictly over the conduct of our public servants, and see that they do not iranscendohose. po werau eUiaieJnjestctL them with, or come short of those duties which we expected them to perform ; but it undoubtedly is an evidence of a, malig nant disposition lo give a false coloring to an innocent transaction, with on intentiun noj only to injure the individual at whom of the common mass of our citizens ; and induce them to believe their rights are fJPjinCrjngjedqnpn, when tJpUibg f 4ht description is- intendcd j -.' TJhKDaid!.on vutee'aaysr I.&ee'illalt5 1 our representative, Mr. Lung, has intro, I duced to Congress a measure to prevent .Masters liom separating man and wlte among our slaves;" and '.further states, that this proposition shews that Mr. Long has more humanirv than knowledge of the laws end constitution of the coun try.' The true facts of the case are, that the society of Quakers, at their yearly nice-. tini ueiu iist summcrm Guiiford coun-