if f I draw up 4 rt)CctiMa remonstrance I .'-.lut the practice of tp4fiiii alavet !wh cf Hurt iJ wlfa. Ouo copy ' hicH wat ItsnJed to Mr. Lo'i with request that he would lay it before Con jrtst t and another copy wt drirercJ 10 Mr. John Sunler, of Newborn, ti Ij laid la fore tbe legislature of this hiatal both those gentlemen hate compiled with the wishes of the totlctr of Friendt I tod I (presume hail no acruptet at to ih legali ty or constitutionally of men If 4reff elng petition or remonstrance! wr ine Constitution of ithar tbe national Legif tattjrw t w M as, doei It follow of court that member It under any obligation to support every petition which be U requeued to Intro tJuce. , ' " " The DaUaoooUia Jbt-Jatleipjurt of hii address, caljt it Mr. Long't pe tition, or movement j" from which it ap pear he would with to imprcae It on the miodiof the people, thai it we wltocthcr a project of Mr. Long's that he was Dot only the p lit tone r himself, but that he handed la hit own petition t en absurdity whirb can have no effect on the mlndi of the Intelligent part of the community, but may sere to mislead the Common matt of the people hkh wat evidently the voter's intention, a raaisti. (We will aay a few words in Ihia ma ter, and tbtt wij our fingers, and leave the contro versy to " A Vler,H and m A Fanner." lpH min We cannot believe that "a voter" inien ded to " mislead" liis fcllow-citijwns we sou hi father suppose Kim to be misled i fur the bomtbrtd attic of hii piece, and more particu larly thaditj-iiniedsiid Canity syntax ofhiiavwM tcrlpt, VOulvJ indie te to the moat common un derstanding thai he ia but little acquainted a ith the rU and intritacira of politics, and much Icaa a ith tlie frm!a of legislation j u Out, con. acqucntly. Ins judgment of f n't actioni muat be founded upon the plain import of the Ian gutj-r they uac. And, ncundnm: M'i true, that Mr. Stanley presented the petition, at above ineiitioitcil, to the Legislature of thia Rule, at Ui but acaaion i but l.e did not do it tub ' lepirnmi and thereby aufTi-r an opinion to go abrad that be subscribed to ila creed : he ex plminrtl it, and ei posed the injustice and ruin out tendency of it demands. House of Kntcrtainincnt. , , raMir. wiDtcr.rK-r imurnia un trienoa ' 3 ' 1 i and the public in general, that he j V 3 .ha OOened a Ihiue f UnteriaimmrHl in the low n of Concord, a few rod amidi-east of' rigbtt have been ctlablithcd and enforced. i j i .. i l j 1 I. t t . !. j: . . ' t the court-ltotite ; there, with unrtrWitti-d atten tion, ami a dctire to pleaae, he hope to merit a ant(c ol public patronage. Rivtruing can be bad on rt-aaoiiablc tennt, bv the week or yrar. JAMK.S M. ( LAKH. N. B. He hat, lo reecivwl, a Urye and ele nul awaortiiient of New Goods, and a barrel of Hwcct Oranges ; which ma be bad on very reasonable term, for ca h. r.wrar., M.irtK 4, 1834. 96 THE WELL KNOWN JACK, IX. T ATKtlie property of Judge J1 JYrJ ' Mur)hev, will itand the )Vj f f enttii ijf traaon (omimencinfr ffA'tfyjion the JOiIloC. Mairh, and I'liJin on iii ljih of Aiifriiat) at my liable or Sugar Cr-ek, "ven mileatouth-weat from Cliac ljtte'i and will be let to marri at three dtdhtra the tinU; lcp, ch at the time of service i fie dollars the .season, payable 15th Orlobcr licit i a tit ! 10 dollars o insure a maw with foul, whirh will be ronsidcri'd due whenever it is ascertained that the mare ia with foal, or the properly changed. 1u those acquainted with Pallifnx, and have s";-laWeiiiiiut(is frunihinkf it auuld be uieh at to ailil any Uung niure ; sufTire to state, he is a mt tW-Rtttrr, and bit mulet are larjrr and Kkely. Great care will be taken, but will not be bablc. for accidenta or escapes. JAMES DIVKINS. Primary 2.5. 1824 8it'03 Plantation for Sale. THE subscriber oflVrt for tale, a plantation on uhirhhenow rcsiles. 3 milct and a half from Charlotte, on the lawyer's rond, containing acrta. Ilien- are on Una farm, tood build ings, of all kitult i the necratary qiiatititv of til lable and meadow land i a pood well is sunk near the barn, and an excellent spring on the lot. This plantation and improvements, will be sold on easy .conditions. For further partic uWvapply to the subscriber, on the premises. JACOB Jl UN. - Mirrf, 8, 1824. it99r Coach Making THE subscriber begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgments to hit friends .ua viic nir 111c irn nurmi iii..iik ' them, that he hat procured a number of work men from Philadelphia and New-York, which enable! him to finish work in a style rarely seen in the western part of tht itate. tie also hat a continual aupph of matt-Halt, of the bett qual ity and most fashionable patterns. He intends yr -,.1-. .,- .. inmii w ramcra pptH s for each only, Sulkies, Stick and Pannel liiga, Chartotci-s, Coachecs. I.andnus, I'hctnns, Fa rouche, landaulrts, Caravans and Mail Stages, of a superior construction, ftepairsdone at the hitt otke,al jothc.'best manner, tlrilers fr1)m''SHTitaiiev'U Charlotte, .Vatth 1, 1824. 96 All, Persons INDEBTED to the testate of the late Dr. Alex ander Schools, arc requested to make pay ment ; and those having claims againtt taid es tate, ure requested to present them for adjusU incnt,.othcrwise this notice will be pled in bar." 1'tlruarv 23, 1&4. 8 .My 'EL yiaFl'EE, r-'xecuor. . raw iai ratiaue euim. TOWN MCRTINQ. At it unusually large and retpectal meeting of the democratic citizens oft Philadelphia, convened l the county court home on Monday the I Ith of leu ruaiy, 1834, purtUant to public notice, Thomat Lei per, Utq, wat appoinfied cbtlrm.n, end William Duncan end KoU ert PattcrtoniMcrcttriet. The call having been read, end the ob ject of the meeting fully eiplalncd from the cbair, it wat, on motlun, :1Jt4mA. Tliat the Qu ' 'he nemet of the delegate re tented by the General Ward Committee be taken $rfi . Whereupon lhe'meetSnenproved of the eight dclegatet to the U-rrUburg con f irmurfTtrnirnefT jrht-4t ifnwvttr followtt.rhom- eral Ward Committee, at et Lclper, Gen. William Duncan, Samu el Diddle, Henry Ho-n, Jteph Worrel, John r. sulltrtn, Lewit Ruth and P.. btoerer. y. The following preamble and rendu tlont were offered by Ctorge M. DalSat Liq. read, anJ, on mutton, unanimuuty addled t W hereaa the attitude attumed by the government of (hit nation, friendly to the general liberty and independence of man kind, con for mi with the bett feelint and itctt policy of the American people, and dctervet their mott cordial co operation and tupporti And whereat, to maintain the piinciplet of the republic ag'lntt the intidiout mchinationt and violent effottt of krni'iya.ornbinationt, we thould, indi vidualiy and collectively, tacrifice every pcrtotial predilection, and strive to place the chief mat;ttrac of the country in the hand of our inott enlightened, vijluout, and faithful ciiizent ; And whereat, in the attainment of (hit object, an barmoni out and aimultaneout movement ol the Krcat demucraiic party of the United Statei, to u hit h, under Providence, the happinett a'ld K'or of this nation mutt be atcribed, would be alike the tafctt and moot effectual mcaatire J And whereat, the united voice of the democracy of Peitntylvania, to lone; and to justly ct tecmed for itt energy and dibinterested nett, may reatoiutly lc cipcctcd to pro duce, upon the other alatet of tbit Union, a talutary arid decisive effect i And where j at, it bett become the democratic party of Pennsylvania, under whote aupicet. es pecially, the pure principle ol popular to oe lore moti in vuiaicaunK mem iroiu outrage and usurpation : And whereas, a small minority of the republican members of Congress, in open cuutcmp: of toe cei tained will ol a large majoritv , have astern bled in caucut, and there, prostituting the formt of party p:oc ceding, lute nottiina ted a candidate lor the ofTue of PretiUcnt : And whereat it it expedient, in order si n.dly to defeat a project to subversive o,,l Boarder; the "tables art tj.ial, if not su fundamental principles, to concentrate the enetgv of all tound democrat! in favour of a single illustrious individual: There fore i Resolved, that this meeting earnestly recommend to their republican fellow cit itrns lhrouhout the nation, actively and cordially to join in electing ANDREW JAl KSON to the office of Piesidcni of, (he United States. Resolved. That we earnestly recom- mt.1 In tim r ..I nu I m ft btwillf Irk f Ul III V IIU V J ...v l.i-l. V a w .w i sylvanu- -AtrrrEarle offered the-follow me Teto- luiions,' which, on motion, and after con siderable discussion, were adopted : Resolved, I hat our delegates be re quested to ute their best exertions for having a fair convention at HarrUburg, and to sok-mnlv protest against the ad mission of members of the legislature, j without express unnointment by the peo I le, as well as against the aclmi'Slon ol leleKatea chose, under calls embracing j . ... . ; delegate only section of the democratic party. Resolved, I hat we approve of the re solutions and addiess adopted by the gen eral ward committee. Resolved. I hat the proceedings of this meeting be published iu the democratic.' newspapers of this stale. On motion, adjourned. THOMAS LE1PEK, Chairman ffm. thmran, Rebt. Pattewn, Secretaries. -tt . w... dine in I'hiladclphia. will be found in the follow- . m tx It aI. - n C, It, IUC BUIUIU". Hi.i-b"'" I"" HUT- eitract from the tneecn 01 Mr. uaiieis. uic ( tnoverof the preamble and resolution rt . In ofl'ering to the democratic Town Meeting held yestexdar. the preamble and two resolutions favourable to ih nom illation of Akdrew jACItON, Mr Daliat . .u. kx u A...,r. in wi...t sum uiai lie wita suuui n,niv..nii w ...... he believed was the good of the country, jp4 'he preservation of the republican ptiTlyTiM the magnitude otJW hicKkswffi lJarMcjK: lar friends, and perhaps his fellow citizens at large, could easily appreciate. A ciisis A. ia c,,.sl9 had, however, arrived, which appealed forcibly to the patriotic feelings of every 'tan attached to tne nstuutions ot tne niihi.H in ill.!.. Kafniir frrm fnrr'itm atr- . . . . ., r r i eommenueo ov ine nev. -nr. .nn-nai, nn uacii- conventional Har.isburg.on the fourth of fr m fce tnutpM of the p,.,,, r.rovc March neKt, unanimously to nominate Aelemy, to teach the ltm and Creek I-an-ANDRFW JA( KSDN at the Pretidcn-, jruatfra, and a part of the eeiences forone year, tial candidate of the democracy of Penn-, coinniencinir with the 15th Fvb. 1824, at 20dol. Lyear, . ' j r j." 7L .... .i.. F. Uirnsion, and Irora domestre usurpation, In addition lo the consideration, arising i from a hasty though not inaccurate view J J of oar fore!rt relation, It coulj not but be obvlout that we were ndangercd by certain unprecedented procffdlnr among ourcv(t. i Ha advance to the (aurti lately held at Wathington ltd of which Information had reached ua hut yesterday. It wat e Ciurut of a raiterabc and inlatu atcd minority, ttriving lu b"l the pracll cet and uuget of the republtCiQ party to their own purpotai, In dcitaice of the tente of that party, ind of an overwhelm ing majority, ascertained In tht mott uo questionable manner, and prrlalmed by twMtp nf men whflte teracly and tnteg rity could not be doubted. -'Look at it I but fouiteen out of'iwetKf four ttatet en joyed even the aembUnec'or e represen tation j five tlate, of Invnena population, and known to be avete to the proceed. Sot'HilcmJii fTtmrmh tute-tien tte Ke bul eighteen votet j and the other four, New-York, Virginia. North Caioli na, and Georgia, gave fifty ! Georgia alone voted at ttrotigly at Pennsylvania, South t arolina, Ohio, and Maryland, pot together; and one en'ire half of the vote given to the nominated canditlite-rould it e rrerlited I Came fiom two ttatet only, New Yark and N'irinia. Such a farce upon ike rrpre-entativo principle never at eiJiiiiited 'nlo.-e. fhit caurut wit the political engine against which l wa necetttry to (uictl, unreaina:ly. tht effoilt of ail men who value llii-ir nlut.and who will not blind ly, by a raurnructy, be cheated into their turrender. Mr. Ddlas taid that hit partiality for one dittinguithed tttieairttn at a Presi dential candidate, had aUavt been avow ed, and wat known to hi U titiren. Hit respect and atturhrrvenj Jir thai indi vidual, hit admiration of hit principle, hi perfect confidence in hltvirtnet and abili.iet, and hi deep tente f hi tervi cet to thit country, were onliminMied, and could never change. Bjt predilec tions mutt be sacrificed J the cause of the democratic party, was, in hi opinion, at stake i we mutt forego I0hordin;te dif fcrencet of opinion, and rally energetically around him who, while he lowned every (Ualib aiton that cn be den red in an American pilo, would letd ut, by hit merited popularity, safely through the storm. Mansion Hotel, S.iLlSBUHr, .YORTt-CAkOLLS:!, BY EDWAKO TAHBROUGII: JUt retnrctfullv Liformi the pub ... lic, ami us fnead, tliat lie ha lisliiiKiit, siiiialtd at tht iki-is oonwr of the Cniirt-llouw, (lately occupied by Mr. Jamet Huie.) I hr nou lenience of this agnation for butiness, it equal to snv i i the place, t he House contains a number of private rooms, well Calculated fur the arcutnmoda'ion of 1 rtvcller penor, to am in the place, and att. ndrd to by obli(ing and attentii-e MonlNrrti his talde ami bar, will be nplied with the beat the Uiarktt aflorU; and the ngulatioua of hit lloute, such as he hopes will give entire aatisfsction to those bo may think proper to call mi him : ard he asturet them, that nn paint ttail be aparid to render their stav romfortable and pleating. February It, 1824. 95 Tuition, on good Terms. f K. subscribers have employed Mr. H'm. F I 1'hama; a yiHinir man, who.ei.met well re- lit... .... L. & I . I lars per tcnolar. I lie srliool w ill oe continued, ii tuitable encouraL'ement can be had, for scv. TrttF vears. - CmnfbrtahlenaTdTnf'for 40 of SO acholara can be had, for from 5l to 60 dollars, in respectable and decent families, and the price not varied. We flatter ourselves that tbit tituation com bine! ua many advantage for an institution of thia kind, as perhaps any one in the wettern nr of eitlirr nf th rarnliuas. Il is near Fort i)fiXe, on the Yadkin River, in a wealthy and fertile settlement, where provision! of every its .i . r i i . mi can oe nan oa tne mosi ravoursDie lermii '''iVTi6 ".tlV. "Tn character, but few excel. Every attention will be paid to preserve the moralt and good treat ment of the Stodentt. Addresses made to the Post-Master at Fort Defiance, W'ilkea County, N. C. will be duly attended to. EDM. JUNES, THUS. LENOIR, - . , , BENJ. HOWARD, JOHN WiniERSPOON. FeiruarSf 14, 1824. . it96e , Morganton Female Academy. His ' Institution win. continue the curretit ypar under tne management ot tne uev i;nauncey r.ooy, ira. uy, anu mist rarauian, t h mA as tka loaf Vt , ' ; i B J.V."I IKrw.-itf.lr -v j Tbe discipline and course of studies are the same aa those adopted in tut most a proved of New Enrland and Netr-York. I'be first quarter of present vsr Hat ai- - ominenceu, out aamiaaion atite ooiain- td at any time, and the bills wil) bcijUade out trom tut time or admission As the object of the institution is t! intellec tual, and religious improvement of ie young Ladies the Instructor! feel themtctre bound to to check their desiret for -vulgar ajvd. cgraVlihg aniutemeltatlfr9 to direct their attefitt it to aoeh . 1. 1 , 1 . 1 . KACH . I . .I iiiiiiRs u are caicuiaieu it reniic iiiqiusiiiicrs, i .u. -.i : .i. I L ciliary ine uiiiu aim lllijji uic uic rap. Good boarding can be obtained, eitjer at 'the Academy, wtth the Instructors, or in tie imme diate vicinity, at the rate of eighty dollars per Terms, K6 25 per quarter j or KS.when in- struction In Painting is not required; payable at .i.. Pnd nf earh nn.rter MortrantntFei.2, 1824. 498 :a n H it few ptjwrt cama to bi'id by aalu't mailj why lb Mtua tuppl fsilr.l, we kaow not. What we did rteeite, eoouun nothing atw, of enrji-ftc, V hate, bowsvtr, made a fav ettrnta, to fill out thia column. LATE rUQM flUNCE. CliBLKtToa, rtl. 16. Uf the hrig Jmtablt Matilda, Capt. My art, we are put in possession of Parlt pa pert to the Fih of January, and Bordcaus pa pert to the 13th. borne eiiractt will be found below. Commarcial letter by thit arrival, to the ll ih. Jan. .notice no changes In the pneet of Cotton and Rice. H11 19 ne jmproving la. a e t I be I'arlt C' rf elegant culogium on the Presldem't mtttige to Congress. The sentiment! of Mr. Monroe with regard to the cola- nit. .ion of the American Continent, are tay ihcy, the Americana are in legitimate potteation of the Continent, and their ti tle to It could not be better founded if it Issued from the Vatican. I he Gusnir of the Two Sicilies ttyt that the late political conspiracy which was discovered there, wat framed in imi tation of the Carbonari, and that the name of Mmurt wat the rallying word of the confederacy. 1 he Madrid Gazelle of the 3d of Janu- arv, contain, several add.et.etof felid- . . . ... i t tation to the kinic, and a few new ap- poiiitmentt in the army but nothing of itnpotlance. .aaSa- Tbe I'clcrtbnrj (Virinis) Itrpubliran, holds the followine; language, with rcipcct to tlie Presidential election : , In relation lo the vote of N. C. we have no other meant of drawing a conclti tionT than that furnished by the several editors in that state. A majority of the papers, as far at we are enabled to ascer tain, are decidedlv in favor of Mr. Cal houn'a rlrcti n, and will doubtless, when (hey find that their favourite cannot suc ceed, either be neutral, or support Gen. Jackson, or some other man in opposition to Mr. L raw lord. In relation to Mr. Crawford, notwith standing the unanimity dbplaycd in his favor in Richmond, on Saturday night hist, our opinion is ' unaltered, that his chance is hofirlett. We have not seen a man, who was opposed to Mr Crawford before the conerestional caucus, but is fill ooDosed to him. The caucus by which he wat nominated, was too incon siderable to Kite t n imposing charac ter, and its recommendation will conse quently be disregarded. Mr. Matthew Hinton, a citizen of Johns ton county, met with a cruel death a few dava since. He went into a field, where brush and logs were burning, and Jiiu down for the purpose of warming him self. He, however, unfoitun ttly fell nsleep, und his clothes taking fire, he wat found next morning with bin flesh nearly all burnt off I ! Kaleigh Hrg. 2d m,t. CHIRAW, FEB. 27. We are happy to be able to state, that the tteam boat Pee Dee, whir h we men tioned in our last, as being sunk in the river, has been again floated, and that the damage it very inconsiderable. Intel ..JPt-r KreBL0tyf?lllI." been at maiket during the last week. I'mne, 13 cents,; ordinary, to good, II to 12 I cents. lb. caaaniTna. rta. 23. Cottnu. Extensive aalet of Upland Cotton have been eflected, at a reduction of J to j a cent in the pound on the pricet of the preceding week. The quantity receivtd during the week wat large, but the sales are believed to have been quite equal to it. The finer kimlt of Up lamlt, suited to the French market, are very scarce, when compared with the stock on hand 14 i, and in one instance 15 cents, were paid for a selection. Slander. Al the late Circuit Court, for Cayuga County, N. Y. the case of Parnel Moody vs. Elijah flakert excited a peculiai interests It concerned, the character of a young lady, which hid been slandered un der peculiar cin umslances. After a long investigation, during which the defendant made no attempts to prove the truth of the wordrfdTlhejurTTound a verdict fonhe- pliantiff for one thoutand four hundred and fifty dotlart, and cotlti fair warning to slanderers. In noticing, last week, a counterfeit gS note, on the Kewbern branch of the State Bank, we committed an error t which, although trifling of itself, max" be important to those concerned in moncyleling. The apurioua note wat made piVttbfe payable to J. Collins, whereas, we altotild have said that all uotpt of the State Bank, payable to Cuttint, ate on 1he Edenton branch. NOTICE. I forewarn all persons troni tra ding with my apprentice, Lex Bass t those who do o, may, expect that the law will Oe enforced against, them. II. ALI.EM.0Ab, Manh 7, 1824. ywa S fill I f. ccWbrstrd rsea horse, t Y 1 kf till hit Arthv. sill I f rVf tnl a part of lit t it U t.aJjurj , thia aeaaon. r.k. U, J8i4. HhooShop...... rtmorcd. 1? nr.Nr.zr.u dickjiom, HWmtktr, wUhe i hit fricrVl, arwl fvrry UmU tlaa, to know Uial ha hat appronmaivd ahowi 30 vtrdi m-srrr to the aanAafAw-,' (s our Migt.bwa In tb TOH h of H.lcm are polite enouifh ti rtU It,) and neaHy oppoaita the 'WIU Bank, on Main-atreet, NatiitMiry, MurJk1,U;i. .93 I have now on hatni, awl Intemt keeptng, a Wlpply of th Very brl of l.KM Ur.tt , an.1 as Brandies were ' nake it a point to employ nrw rate work I men, my friendt and tho publie may ilcnead an. tbn town of g.lijwrv. nr U tba i only egge' to make a elegsol and durable hoti ami shots at anbmly eUe. but I further '"' all who m.v ld l tb aonabtneut' CIIKAP, and, perhaps, a I Vnr, than my brothar chips. KHENEHH DICKSON. Jacob (liriatman, TtKKN thia opportunity of inform! nf hie (rie imU and the public generally, that hat baa commenced the Couch Mnlintr IStminess. ' In all itt Various brsnchra, and a ill enrsice (aa he hat receded the laatcsi fadiiona fnm tho "rth) ,0 n'"l nA reptir, in the mot approved ,mit k""U. rf i.,C,"..s V' ""' n'afrea, I'oat-Cosrhi s, kc. He alto earnrt on lhr Wi((m HMng b(liilir-, ,n y happy to mak ami repair all that tb public niay entmc to him. Ilia pneet sliall be pro. port ion ate ta the timet. I hose wl'n msv favor 1 him aitk their work, may rest sawirrd tint it will be elecuted with utativcia, durability and despatch. Thomas K. Clirintinan, Alto taket tint opportunity nf informing bis friendt and the public, that be has established the SiuWle U larnru .IfiH'ir AW , ami ia f rrpand to ilo all kind of joba in liUhiiain ta. le alto will furnish such at Whips, llridlra, Tnmkt ami Collar, on the moat reasonable term, fur raah or credit llioae wiihin to pur chase, will do well lo rail on lura. Hall- Slrrri, Sub m, ,. C Fib. 2, 18J4 it9Se VoUce. IIF.RKUV k'ivc notUr, that William Wan!, sen, ha potted on li v stray book, a maro I ami colt . the mare judged to be about 13 years old, hat a an. all ttr in tier forrhifl ami anino salille tpoti on ea h siil' of her back, and one very large one, ir! rvuit sirrvl colour the oth er s horse cult, s black colour, not cut, has a , small star in lua fnrehead, judged to be 2 years old last tpnng. Certified by me. IKII, S-n. On ike Kunrm for Ik ftinty f Sitka, .Y. I 'am lima. January 1, 1824. J.6 llVDCi'TU'rt. lleineiit and Whitwy, CtrnrrtfQwnLf Stole itrrrlt, CharUit, S. C. "Ilfll.L hive ctitantl) fin hand, throughout t ? the season, a laivi' ortnient of Su Cofl'ea Test Rum l-iuiento it'hgvr CopH-raa Alum filauhrr Kalrt Madilrr Powder and Shot Lead. ftr. I c. ' Urandy Gin W inet, of all kimlt Pepper Which thev are determined to at II at low at the can nouiblv be afforded, for en'b. Tallow j and Ucetwas received in payment, for which tbe Inghctt market price- will tie allowed, i oumry Mcrchanta wishing to purchase Grteerie; wiH do well to call and e limine for themselves. .AW 24. 1823. 13197 Vev ftlore, n Concord. t IHt subscriber has lornieda CffnAKiijjraliip I witJi Nathaniel Mutton, in the merrantilw butiness, at Concord, Cabamn county, Nurth Carolina, under the firm of Mirf-hy U where they are opening a fresh assortment of Dry Goods, Cutlery, und Hardware, selected with much care, in Philadelphia and New-York, and bought on the bett terma. They drtign to continue the business at Concord for some yean; and at Mr. Murphy will visit th norther citie annually, to procure supplies. their assortment will be general i and will be disposed of at fair prices tor cash, or on credit to punctual customers. 1 heir Inendt and the public generally, are retpectfully invited to rail, examine qualities, near prices, ami juoge r0r thcnml.ea. JOHN ML'RI'HY. January, 1824. John Murphy, Has also, at hit store in Salisbury, a large assortment of GOODS, to tuit citizens, town and country people 'o be disposed of wmsii-..s?y low " for cask, or country produce. 90 Valuahle Land for Hale. TTtdnhscrihrT-wiH disposeof tb following tracts of Land, in Mecklenburg county, via. One tract of 340 acrrt, lying on the Cataaba rtvr, bviuw me i ucsaaie r oru, and about 9 miles from Charlotte. One tract of 270 acres, in the. same neighbor- hood with the above. These binds are admirably adapted to the culture of carton, corn, and all kinds of small grain. To the former tract, belongt some ; prime bottom land. The whole, gili. fully . speaking, lies well, and it finely timbered and -watemL AtM either aeparaWly or toothr..:;-; s.rsa: i;: -':vAlcsttuolur."7.t about 18 inilet to the east of CharhJtte. Ibis " lindts almost perfectly level, and is not inferior I to the. best in that section of the'coitntv.-.. TH.OVIAS 11. SMARTT. -. Charhtte, Jan. 25, 1824. 6it96- l Sherilhi ' Heeds, 1J0R Und Suld by urler of wriu of venditioni , tponaa, for side at the printing-olKev. .

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