ni.rLixnu.Nrt on iiiK m;w ikak. It iuk mi.' mm A NF.W rf.Ani aiul pray Mt U new With him, or her, or ft", or you ' l)Cf reader, let' Cniwiilffl CouU it bt Ml, if ViCO tff Mill Riding on Fortune' aplrndid wheel. With Virtue trudging at her lirrl. Ami Cdhcie net up fur bigheat Udder t fray, wJUl U m are any k Kitravagant Ik food or dra -- Art OM ffitr't habit mended f Ttr pridt let high her towr ring mil f ""Uminrrtinlitjed from rich bmat f AoJ U tb reign of Avarice ended f flal IJlenrs been driven bene f llu full yielded 10 food KW flu Vila Intcmp'rajica departed f TUt Van!' now ecaaed to tickle f Art Prude lea prim, and Flirt Irs fkkl I Or Coquet mora (rut hearted f Doc tht mcthane cease to fret Over tht long untcttled debt, . Dot front (lit rich delinquent t Can PRINTERS et ticpe from ewe, And hope for punctual payment, where Their labor and their Ink vent I K Due Tune, with swift and ready pace, A Ira unprofitable race Pursue thi year, than all mar tract In vear that bare preceded? And when ht point to that jit at tea A borvle vaat eternity, Where we are bound a well at lie, la tbe great signal heeded t Hut alai ! what then U there new, That' worth thought to me or you. Or caute for gratulation f 'Ti but the dull old Merry o'crt The mimettl'i new, and nothing morei Time ha but changed it elation. That happy moment that thould find A heart renewed, a purer mind. Improving time and talent here u Would tuch a time reach me or you. That were a moment rich a new That were, indeed, a bleat 'NfcVV YEAR. MISCELLANEOUS. "Few, ud far between," arc the visit ol joy. . The recovery of a dear frieiid Ironi tlangcrou siikucss, the return of another alter long absence, the hrst moments ol happy love, when doubt and fear tiy bcioie the delicious certainly of mutual affection, the first tight oi one's offspring, or their nuble conduct in alter life : uicse arc a few of ihossJL' bright sunny spots,' which, if unshaded by counterpoising sorrows, glitter upon the wast ol human life. But rare, indeed, are ntynents of this description, and seldom are we able to resign ourselves to their full enjoy mrnt : they make not up the sum ol human life, and those are the wisest among us, who, seizing joy gratefully .Aiviiiiwiujj lunt nut lurwuru 10 u with any sanguine pcTuTiJns7 CHARACTER OF A BACIIF.LOfi. r BT a WIDOW. Mrs. Grant, in her notice of James IM'Phcrson, observes4 His heart nd temper were originally good his rtli- (riiwia rktmrirdc tirri 1 fn'jr unit...! o " i i t t and Hue! iialftvj jr but the primary causey that to much genius, taste, benevo lence, and prosperity did not produce or diffuse more happiness, was his liv ing a stranger to the comforts ol do. mesne life, from which unhappy con nexions excluded him. Tavern company, and bachelor cir. ties make men gross, callous, and awk ward j in short, disqualify them forsu- E error female society. Tiie more eart old bachelors of this class have, the mpre absurd and insignificant thev grow in the long run ; for when infir mity comes on, and fame, and business lose their attractions, they must needs have somebody to love and trust, and they become the dupes of wretched toad-eaters, and slaves to designing house-keepers." A young man having jentertained a tender passion for a voting woman, fell such insurmountable diffidence as to prevent his ever disclosing the same to the fair empress of his heart, resolved on nn expedient which would bring he business to an issue. He went to the 'clergyman and requested the banns n f marri:i(Ti mirrht hn ni.hlichprl. ar. ti'in was brought "fo". hef "ears', she was filled with astonishment, and went to him to n ent her restntment he bore the. sally with fortitude, observing that if she did not think proper to have him, he could goto the clergyman "ardj forbid the banns. After a moment s p;iur, die took wit in her anger, and aid, ' as Tt has beeri'done, it is a-pjty the shilling should be throxvn away. na T'l raiiril rit sr,rnei 19. rot ciMr. , " , 0 Juttir.U lt, Mr. John Jrvnirtd Mr. Jame Hum of the ter ind Ceorjo I.hlenbuif, snd Phillip Htidolph nd other, ftf Proidencf, stirtcl l ht on Tlnlduroi bout II o'thxklntherrtoniinihen.sf ter wsrm ehe, snd tht hound within Rftjr jr srd of him, ht eprsnj upon tht roof of tn oven, from thenc lo a shed, adjoin- Ing ibt hout rf Mr. Horne, and jump ' In it tht tecond itory window, without tSt knowledge of tht dog or hunlimen, who of coorat wtrt , fur a short tlmt, thrtwn out. Out t bori who ludtetn the occur renet, jravt InfarmiUon, when one of tht hunUmen neended tht shed, entered the rovra ihdcloic d th"ir!ndo."A-rf of the family just then entering tt tht door, sly Keynird took to tht chimney, with more speed than any soolerlin. After hiring been followed to the roof, on which (it prun from the chimney, tnd chited round it by tht tpommen, ht leaped among th4ianttmen on the ground, snd took orTfreh ; when the hounds being put on the trail, he give them i hard chae un lit near sun down, when he holed it the root of a hollow tree, which ht ascended to the fork, when, on a stick being shoved oi him, he took under the root, when he wdug out,no bugged. LEGIM.ATIO. The following very facetiously ridicule the practice of ovc r-lrgi.liting which is pcrhipi too prevalent here, a well a at St. Stephen. Tt lU Bllr tftU Morning CkrwitU : Sir: We have now, thanks to the wisdom of our Legislators, arrived at uch i hppy pas, that there it scarce ly an act of life, the due performance of which is not provided lor by act of Parliament. Something however re main! to be done t and I am assured by my very good friend Mr. M -, of G , that the following bills are to pass next session. I am, Sir, Sec. KCi TIMOTHT LOVELAW. An act to oblige Parents to blow their Children noses, or cause them to be blown by Nurse, Cook, Housemaid, Groom, Helper, or other proper and fit Person, three timci a day in summer, ana nine 1:1 winter, unucr the penalty a of, Sec. An act to prevent adults from iwl- lowing Cherry-stones, and giving Ma gistratcs suspecting the lame to be practised, the right of search into pri vate pUces. Penalties, (juant. siijf. An act to prevent cruelty to Flies, Black Deities, and Father Long-lrgs, with clause providing that Moths shall not approach within six inches tf any Wax, .Mould, Spermaceti, D'por other Candle, nor within three inches of any farthing Kushlight. An act regulating the size and weight of penny plum buns, and enacting that not less than six, ror exceeding eight greerv gooseberries, 'ia" he put into a penny tart, under thc-fenilty-of foriei- J " i if. . i ' .1 t u re, one nan toour ioru tne ivmg, me other to the inf-rmer. Also a clause for the better ordering of lollipon. An act to oblige persons to blow cool their hot hasty-puddings in the spoon, for the space of fiffen seconds before eating the same. 44 For that many and divers persons havcTbeen,gricvoiisly birrnedr8TaTded7and damaged, in tht ir mouths, tongues, gullets, windpipes, and stomachs, bv grredily, voraciously, hastily, gluttonously, eating and de. vouring, bolting and swallowing, hot hasty pudding," &c. &c. It is there fore here enacted, that all grown per sons and adults of an estate to hold a spoun, shall blow and puff such hasty pudding in a spoon for a space not un der fifteen seconds, under th penalty "f, &c. &C. An act to prevent Persons from ea ting Green Peas with two pronged Forks. " An Act to prevent Cruelty to Vis itor?, ..protubiting (he galloping of young Children admitted after dinner over the small-cloths of Visitors, spiU ling their wine, eating their fruit, foul- ingtheirwaist-coarpTiining their nee k - j cloths, kicking thr'u; shins, and calling them names, bawling, squalling, cry ing, roaring, or singing or spouting at ilic request of H,r parents or guardi ans, to the great detriment of social in tercourse and scandal of all good livers t all which things are hereby declared contrary to law, and punishable under -i r i t i tne .p.raruje nerewitn tramea ana en actedpfof preventi ug- children. Ah J he It further e'nacted. that more than 16 children be never, and in no case, permiWedror suffered to rush into the lining-room when the cloth is removed, but that such irrup tion hall be a riot, and quelled accor ding to law." I he Act goes on tosentf parents to the House of Correction, lor aiding and abetting in such tumults', and further regulates the size and thipe'of pp-boat, and the fashions and figure of coral. , An att t-J prevent glut tone from ea ting worsted stock tngf tallow csndlc, ten-peony nails, and case koive, etc. ELRVUT9 Of IMIYSIOGN'OMT. He who b?i a low forehead, and full of wrinklctL-will took like a monkey He who'hai a high forehead, will have hit cyrt under it, and will live all iha di)i of liii Lfc and thai la Infal lible. lit whohsi t long noif , will hare the'mere t! b!or and the better to handle A ftrcat mouth fiom ear n ear iig nines much foam ant no bridle j such are not hard-mouthed but atf-mouthed. A little mouth, drwn up likt a parse, denote darknrs within and trrtiioly looks more like1 a loop-hole than a window. Whoever his frtzler or blatk hair, will put the birber to much trouble and he who hat vermin, will often scratch his head. lit that is bitd, will hive no hair r and if he" happens to have any, it will nntheon the bald place.' Spirkling eyes will be very apt to shine. Wemen who have curious eyebrowi, will in all likelihood have eye'-lashes under them and will be beloved, if any body takes a liking to them. tee a woman, who has but one eye, you may certainly conclude that she has lost the other. They thai have small feet, will need but little shoes and will have a light pair of heek. He that las red hair, will never be without a f re-lock. raoH ni roariaia iitiittiii. I'SEFl'L RULES. Gallop when going to church, and walk slowly on your return. It ihowi your anxiety to reach it, and your re luctance to leave it. At any rate stay at home in the afternoon, to reflect on the discourse of the morning. Dress as thin as possible in the win ter. It strengthens the constitution and prevents colds. Uesides, a man who wears summer clothes in the win ter, will never get trusted, and he will escape both debts and duns. When fire is cried, stay at home and take care of yoursrlf j let it have its own way, and it will soon exhaust itself. iNeve r speak well of a person behind his back. It shows a nice discrimination of character, fend gives you an opportu nity to indulge in " the glorious privi- eges of finding fault. . In large parties, if you wish to raise your reputation for taste, persuade your fried, if he has a bad voice, to en- teruif .ihe...comp.aoy ..Lth...aa?.'.ng-i nd then cwmpel one who sings well to succeed him. It will prove yr ur friend ship to admonish him publicly. If you intend to get blue at a party, do it earlu in the evening. It shows that you are taking high ground s und you may chance to get the better ol others, ja being sober at the breaking up. tarlv rismtr is very injurious to young ladies ; it gives a vulgar fresh ness and bloom to the cheeks, quite un sentimental ; but They should keep lite hours at night and never rise in the morning until they can se the sun high enough to tell him how they ' hare his beams." They will soon attain a most interes ting pale and yellow hue of complex ion. In cold weather, take care to keep open doors and a hot fire. By roas ting your shins, you will gain on one side what you lose on the other. From the New-Ywrk Patriot. NEW-YORK. Our readers are already apprised that the Tennftgecrncrolutlonr agninst envrmnrhsrr been acted upon in tie Legislature of Y. York. We mate the following extracts from the debate in that Body,, on tAee resolutions, to shew the spirit ana temper existing in that great State, relative to t eaueu system, by mcans of w Inch the partisais of Wm. II. Crawford are striving t shuffle bin into the Presidential chair of the nation. Mr Pill regretted that the motion to was 'relattaTrt at this late hour to protract the discission, but his feelings would not let him :enin .longer silent he should not detail theTommitte'e long." The gen tleman rom. New-York (Mr. Wh'eaton) had supiseded him in many observations he had ntendetl to mase on ionRrcssion ul Caucuses ht was glad of it that gen tleman had most ably, and tp his mind satisfactorily illustrated the c'vils of such nominations that gentleman did not see iha tame evil tn Counlr and Stitt CiU eniei In hi olnln they ert equally re roitluu. To tht citizens of tht Stite, the proper choice of their eiecutive cu errs and representatives wis intereit t. nt a tht proper choice o iha Lhtt Macerate tif the Union for hi part he wit opposed to Ciucuei f every dectlption they were an .m. ted to muzilt tht People ht was grill fid to believe thai ih f beg" 10 ,l' The? re Incorrect In principle and rrictloa-rthe people are opposed lo them, n evidcrica r that, r, U me direct four attention to S-itTolk, to JUngi, to Uurf landt, to New-York, to Orange, to AUvf hany, to Schenectdy to Erie, to Mor.t gomery te Waihington, to Dutches. In Dutcheis, sir, we had lonjg groaneo under the despotitm of the grim king Kinsr CatiQui. W could endure It no Ion re r we entered into the cntet tnttnA Klm entrenched behind corns of Well paid, well disciplined regulars we found him sustained by talents, by wealth. nav more, sir. by an overbe irlng, proni rate and darine oirit of ambition. But, lr. with liberty nd principle for our mot to, with truth for our spear, the spear of Ithuricl, we smote tbe monster, and he I now lingering in the lat agonies of ditto lutlon, and hi adherent and supporter rhourn hi downfall, in sackcloth. . ' The new constitution, sir, has releised the People from host of el!ih and inter ested advisers ; they are left more free to art and judge for themseUei. 1 hey will no longer submit to dictation. They are daily becoming more opposed to the cau cut system. Thev are riht, and I shall rerord my vote against the resolutions before us. Mr. Caaar rose amidst loud calls for the queation. and observed that he wit not to be put down by call for the ques tion, lie thould hive supposed that in ttead of acting nn subject of this irn norlance in dumh show, gentlemen would feel the necessity of offering something to the house, which might en-ible u to render some sort of apology to our con stittirnts for this waste of our lime and o( ihcir money. The question now before the house docs not relate to county can, ciises. because in them there is a specific delegation of power frem the people They represent the people. Out Is that the case here ? We are now acting on subject which ha never been committed to u by any power, either express or im plied : and we are called upon to pan thee resolutions mum. Mr. C theh went into an able discussion of the coasti .mtionality of Congressional CaurussCs, which he contended were adverse, not on ly to the spirit of the constitution, but to the very principles en which a Kcpubli can government is founded. Mr. Tallmaogb remarkeJ that is we were about to establish by Legislative sanction an electornl college unknown to the f'onjititytion, he thought it was pro per to define its character, and prescribe the nnnnrr in which it should be atrn (led. He knew of no restrictions that had born made by any law of Congress. 1 1 ere were no guards agiunst corruption. l!.0!Lr.JSi!M-JA...T provision wns mhrie to secure apainst hiihrry and corruption by ade quate punishments! But in a Congres sional Caucus which Is to wield the nation, and to rive character to its great prinri pies of x)iicv, a svstem of barter might be int odureH, against which no security was provided. Lc Rcntlemcn contrast liifc-piiifulstim nf a-ibiiling, ibe oflet-ol which might in this State he punished as a biibe, with Mr (ffer of a fiiinion in France, and then ask themselves which was most corrupt. There were great principles involved in this subject. It drew after it important consc q'lences, well deserving the deep examination of the House. Mr. Ft ago proposed to amend the amendment, by adding " excluding ir regulars." Mr. HunnAnD fof Chcnnno, Editor of the Norwich Journal; wished to act un derstandinplv on this ?ibcct. The gen tleman from Dutchess (Mr. Tnllmadg) had seemed to nll'ide to a corrupt offer made by one of the Presidentiiil candi dates of a mission to France. If such an ofTcr had been m'-iiVi" he wisTieiTfo know it. It seemed to be the ish of some gentlemen to try the strenirth of their constitutions, if vyas then nearly 6 o'- ock, I and he wished to know what was the object of takinjt so many divisions ' He thought it was indecorous, and an in sult to the House hut he would stay Here until 6 o'clock in the morning if it was not sooner ' J I'or h-i.-rT-r. lV "lcl rjot be driven from it by that gen tleman. - ' Mr. Tali.madgf. remarked, that he certainly should not attempt to drive the 'ftfe h'nem an la s( tfpffo m "his put'p.ofc c. ""11 1 sons he would t:nderlaRe to anxe uno Hudibras would supply thereitsons. Mr,1 Tr thpvoceerted- in a strain of nnima ted qjoauencc, in which he enchrincd the nttchiion of a numerous auditory to per- ', WW. lectsstiiiness, tor nearly an hour. He plied to Mr. Flagg with pointed sarcasm, on the sulTjcctof " irregulars," -n'rid dedu ced the history of Caucuses, from the days cf Pontius, Pilate i 11Y AUTIIOMTY. MKsiU.liTION hrtUtion to an infrndad yt f the JUnjMi da Uf.;ll te tbt Vui btatt. The Marquii do ladVrette ling tiprru hi Intention to reviait I hi country, j RF.H0I.VF.I), hf If K'MI mmd ltuM tf lit, prirtntath lA V 'tiled Xluk tfJmrtU tH Cngrrtt itrmblrd, I1)t the l'rtlcnt b requested laeommunk a'e to him (jia aaMiraiM-t of graft ful and anVctionate attachment aull chcnslted for him by the Government and I'co. pie of tbe United htaiea, MJ llunkfT rM Ih.t, whencte, tl.a I'rttiiL n mkM hm Inform f tmmi-. a the Maru may b ready lo ambaij that National liliip, with tuiiabU acooniiaoila. ttona, be erjipUfed, to bring him te the L'nitd states. . . .. . t , ii. tLr, fpeakerot the Houa of Baprtarntallve, DANIEL I). TOMI'KINR, Vice frcaident of tbe V. Ktat an. I rreaident of the Seaate. tr)Jtfrn, Jmn. 21, 1173. " I . i . iiuni unviin Caution to the Public. VI.I. pcraon arc forewarned from Ave several note, vil i one agaiitat Jamrs KeUI, tT 13 i one do. on Peter Mi-own; flit, snd a credit of &3U on it i one on James liailry, of K13 23 1 and two other on George llodr. to lite amount of K 4 50, or thereabout. above noteawera all in favor of Daniel feagan, ami made over to William Pelgan. All prrwrna are cautioned against trading fur any of the above note, atthry were all lovt at the deer of William Fcaran i and if any rx-raun hat In. led for any of Uirm, ia draired to make St knot n to AHCIIiUALU rKAt.AN. H'wan, V. 21, IHU. 3itr Kan Awnjr FROM the uWribcr, a very light mulatto boy named CF.OItGK, ahiut 2H or 30 year of aire, and between five feet ten inches M ix feet higii, very thin and apare, with a very larjjw roman now, very black hair, revoihling that of a white man', hut inclined to curl, and but litiln beard on the upper Tip and point of the chin, chew a great ileal of tobacco, it a good burin r, a tolerable carpenter anil thoenatker. a very good house servant and coachman in tlie lit. ter capacity he was arrvmg when be ran o.Tj in fact, he is capable of turning Ida hand to at.r kiml of LW very hunJda and plausihlr. ati,'. ran ulT for no other cauae known to me, but L'ia fi-ar of getting a a hipping for drinking to an excrst, hi"!i he i much addicted to whenever he can tft ir. M i likely he may attempt to pa him If (nr a frr man, hi ctmiplcxion be. ing much in liii favor. He had on when he left me, a hl'ic bmd cloth coat and atriped pan', loons. He formerly belonged to Mr. Ihiffie attor. ney at law, of Chatham courHy, North CaMinj ; rhen to Mr. Wm. (taston bf NVwbrrn, North- Carofina: t'icn to Brown k jrvi, ali tf New. hern, of hom I boaght him. lr had a tnothrr and relation! living near Pittabnmugh, Chatham county, Nnrth-Camlina, where be was when I bought him; ami perhap he may have ma le fur that aretion of eotmtrv, or attempted to rrar'i tne aeatioinl ; therrtorc, all master ami ownrn of veiat's are f"rwamrl from unploving 'A boy, aa llic law will be ngtwuily entoree'I ag."t any one on w hom the fact mav be prven. Dm hiimlred dollar rcwanl will b given if tnk'T out of the utatc and delivered to nr on ttir Catawba, three mile above Iandfnrd,rhrt!tr diatrict. South-Carolina ; or fify dollar if takn out of the State and secured in any gaol, tn that I get Inm agam ; twenty-five UoIIara if taken :n the State and delivered to iim a l'jovc, i,r ocured so that I get him again. FHF.nEnitK i j. PKinr. JanvmvX, 1S24 ir9S State of North-Carolina, HO WAV COtXTT-i TSJLqwtx. tlrubbr term. a3iikxivr"! Keanetfy and Nancy hi wife, i t. Zt-htl-v-llimt, ailniiuistrator i.f the gooi'.a ami c!i.i"t', rifjbt and credit which were of Jamen Hilton, dee'd. ; a!o, against John ' Jackson, llarSi 't Jackson, Wvche Jackson, Green Jacksc", I. ! mimd Jackson, f tockanl, and Hetty hi, wife, I'homas and Nancy hi wife; a'", J:-mi s Hilton, Thomas Englis!i and .SiiMiin-ih hii wife; also, Jumcs Lowe, l.inney Ijiut, ibran I.owe , srnel F.owe, M.irv Low e. Ki-ziali I owe t arwi-JawrPhrmmPT anil Xlsryl'hmimer-; aky laaac Jone and Rctaev hi wife. It appcaria to the court, thul tiic di-fcailants Ji!n aikKUit, llarhutt Jackson, Wychc Jackson, Green Jack- son, Rdmnnd Jackson, Storlard and Bet- soy hi wife, Thomas anl Nanrv his w'fc, 'I'homas T.nglish and Susannah hii witi, ri( out of this Slate : it in therefore ordered., tli if publication be made for the ipce of six weeks, in the Western Carolinian, they and each of them do appear, atthV nett Court of Kquity t he held fir the county of Itowan, on the second Mnndny after the fourth Monday in March next, at Salisbury, and then and there plead, answer or demur to the hill nf complaint, othrrwisd th's said bill will be taken pro ronl'csso against them, and heard ex parte. GF.OItGE LOCKF., c. tm.i; Price 52 50. it97 State of North-Carolina, RUTH RHFOR P COUyTT. CtOl HT- of Plefis aikI Quarter ,' Session, Jan-. I uarj' Session, 1 S Aaron Canipt-. Fran cis Coxe ; original attachment, levied on lands. It appearing to thosatidfaction of .the court, that, the defendant ill this case i not an inhabitant of this !:de, it is therefore ordered bj that publication 'be made in the Webtern -Caro linian for sin weks, that the defendant apjwar before the Justices of our next County Court cf Pleas and Quitter Sessions, to be holdenforthe county of Hutljcrt'ord. nt tlie eourt-hMisc in Hislhf rf'.rjfw-on '' l Moikiav ner the 4'h Monday of Marcn ne1 i, then and lucre n inmn to issue, or demur, or indgmentMinal will be ervd up iitr;iiiMt hi.u, and t'io matter thcrc(f ccrewd arcn-ding-ly. v. V ifnws, I.1AU tK ' u.s, r. v. OV the. 19th arid 20th of .March, at t'le T dence of the- late I,)r. Alexander Schools, in Mockss-JMerwTlVlT'wSVulitie'ciiduCfc'a large supply of Mi'.JUClNKS, of difTercnt des criptions ; n!sOi'Smi Furniture ; also, Iloii'c'i"! re-i'd Kitchen "Tunii'tiTrey xne Gig and 1U rn( three or four horses, cattle, Stc. 1 erms ct a-. ', 'a' credit of nine montiis; purchasers giving bond and security. SAMT;FL -jrcAI-FF-K. Lw.'rf. 'nwr!'2.1, im. 5'i"6

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