( UMMIJNICATJONB. i ui( t, or nth rr.QpLtu At p rtul rucetlnp; of i he cltltrnt c Mrckh f. Mjri'j.Hln Charlotte! on Wed riM.taf the inh of February last, (btloj Court Week,) for the purpose of adopt In; tome plan to ascertain the tns v , tht people relating to the President! question, the folio in j resolution were lusted lit. Hetotvtd, that general meeting or the c intent of Mecklenburg end clti ' km of the district, be requested to attend . In Charlotte, on the J!r$t Wednetday e1 firll next, to trpreta their opinion rel tlve tq bo ought to be our nett Presl dent, end to adopt torn me at u res in re Ution thereto, at the common good majr In their estimation, require. 3d. Retitved, that the foregoing be published tn the Western Carolinian JAMES PORTER, C karma. Tmnai J. Pete, Set'). Mink 6VA, 1833. (Notwithstanding the above meeting ia called a partial one, we Warn that a large collect inn of people attended it i and that the friends of Gen. Jackton vere decidedly the meat numeroua at tb meeting. Wathngton City, Feb. 38, 1 834. To the Editor of the Weatcrn Carolinian i Sia i In looking uer sour paper of the 1710 mat. which tome gentleman, un known to mc, hat been kind enough to favor me with, I am aorry to tee that tome person who wrket over the signs ture of 4 a voter," hat evidenced a ditpo anion to mitrepreieni met and conse- nmmtm -1-- . - - idea of my haviuic attempted something in Congrets, by which they were to be aerioualy affected. If this wai the 6rt attempt that had been made on the tame principle, I thould perhaps not think it Decenary to notice it; but with a view of preventing improper impiessions being made on the minds of houett men, who would not with to be milled, nor take un due eirrptiont, ar.d for their satisfaction , exclusively. I state, that since I left home there bat been, from a respectable aource, committed to my charge the memorial that Ihit voter mutt have allution to, in hit tarcattic publication, accompanied with a requett to tubmit it to Congress. In conformity with my duty aa the rrpre tentative and organ of a free people, I complied with the requett, without any apprehention of infringing upon the con ttiiution, (as the honorable voter seem to , think.) Therefore, having done nothing more than every randid man will at once see and readily acknowledge wat my bound a n duty, I hope thit honourable voter will not be seriously alarmed, and I could with that he would cease to unnecessarily a Iarm his neigbours ; for I can atture him. that if the wishes of the memorialists should ever he met by Congress, thjt neither the constitution, himself, nor his Southern negroes, will be affected there by- JOHN LONG, Jr. rertlf regret that ay portion of lh rrusteci should be willing to adopt tucti measures as will, mott probably, render it imputable to have a retpectable col lege, when our population and resources ma be a Utile increased. , . a Tamil. CONGRESS. The limit of a weekly paper are Insufficient te give any tiling like a detailed journal of the proceedings of Congress, and, at the same time, to do Justice to other subjects that urgently claim our attention. Indeed, the daily papers at the teat of government, are coruteiitly com. plaining of the want of room for the Insertion of their congressional reports. In a weekly Journal, like ours, therefore, we are compelled to epitomise the proceedings i and it is with much difficulty we are enabled, by this court to give a connected Idea of what our represen tative aervanta arc doing i but there is no oaier alternative, we mutt either Cull the beat fruit, or reject the whole tree. In the following retrospective view of the proceedings of the national legislature,we have endeavored to collect wnatcver appeared of most immediate interest to our readot. . - Ltklor H'nirrn CtroUnian. mi thi wtsTta carousus. Mr. li'hi'e: It appears that a very se rious misunderstanding has taken place among the I rustee of the VVettern Col If SKM4TK. Feb. 16 A petition ws prrened from a company of volunteer artillerists, in Pennsylvania, praving thee might be re ceived into the service of the U. St.itet. forth purpose of improving themselves in military tactict. Frb 17 ; most of the business of this day, ws of a private na ture, frb. 18; the prescient enmmuni catcd a report of the Secretary of the Na vy. rrutit.a o .k. i .: i pendituret of the naval service. The military committee reported a bill to pro vide for the implement and discipline of the militia of the United Sines. A bill wat reported, to provide for the rs tinguishment of the debt due to the U- Statet, by the purrhaters of public lands. Frb. 19 ; the bill for the final set lenient of land claim in the territory of Florida, rame from the other house, and wt agreed to by the Senate. Frb. 20; the Senate wai engaged nearlv the whole of thit day, on the bill establishing a nuil hrough the territory of Florida, from St. Augustine to Pentatola ; the bill was nallv ordered to a third reading ; adjour ned to Monday. Frb. 23 a communi cation from the Secretary of War, rela live to expenditures in the Indian depart ment, wat received and read ; and a com munication from the PM-ofTire denart ment, relative to the number of clerkt employed therein, was also received and red. Frb 24 ; a message, of considers ble length, was received from the Preti dent of the U. S,. relative to the payment of the Massachusetts militia, for services during the late war ; which was read, and ordered to be printed. Frb. 25 : a bill was reported for the better security of public moneys in the hands of marshals, clerks, and attorneys. The bill to repeal, in pah, a former act to lessen the com pensution of marshals, clerkt and attor neys, in certain cases, was read the third time, and passed. Frb. 26; a resolution was agreed to, instituting an inquiry into the expediency of attending the judiciary law ; the remainder of the day the Senate for luUittenre of the si my, 169,847 forage fur bilkers, 39,136 1 for the re cruliing service, I J, 8 'Wj for the purcha sing drpaitmcnt, 141,137 49 1 It wai tiatca litre, that, in purchasing clothing for the army, a preference wat always given to American mungfciurea, unlets the public would mtte rUlly uffcr there by ij for woollens, pfioo j fuf u, mt(. cal and hospital detriment, 10,000 j for the quarter matter s-nerel't department, nvfwi inrauaiiioikieitpensetat West Point, for outhouse officet, plate for diplomat, kc !3.40r nd for the pur chase oft far! allied tn th lOfiOO. , Ifatl'tj one thus far in the bill, the bout etfxjiiicd. Frb. SO i state ment of the Mr of tbe Dank of the U. Statea. w.a received from the Secretary of tbe 7"ritu7 a Hit of the unproduc tive posHff for the year 1123, wat received frm the I'ott-Matter General j the committee of rlectiont reported un favoraby to Mr. Ballf'i retaining hit seat at a member of the house of represents live a the resolution was ordered to lie on the Uble t a desultory and spirited debate arose among nembers, pn a resolution rcbtive to the tanfT, which lasted till the Speaker called the house to take up the military appropriation bill the bill wat Further filled up, at followt i lor contin xrnriet in the army, 870,000; armories 360,000 ordnance tcrvire. 42.000 for revolutionary pensions, 1,391,716 39 ; for invalid, widow and orphans of soldiers, 313 174 41; and arrears in war depart ment, 3 6 000 40. The house refused to take up the tariff bil! this day, but adjour ned over to Moaday. Frb 23 ; a bill wat reported, to tecure the accountability of r,Vi,''Jir?iiirir,o) authorizing ihe laing HI,!,., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1834. We Invite the attention of our readrrt to the debate, la the House of Commons of our last Legislature, oaj Mr, Fisheri un' -caucus reaok lions, which we have this week commenced, on tbe first page of the paper. 1 tfanngaged in private petitions, claims, j . . la i im .a . "J lege. It w-, the uncontradi. ted opinion c. rto. n ; me aenate was orcupi a ofthebourd. at their latt September mee nearly halt tnu day, on yie military ap tine, that :he last annual meeting would propriation bill more particularly on t I . a be mcely nominal, with a view of keep ing up the charter, till some fortunate occurrence thould justify them tn pro ceeding. We are not informed that ei ther Congress, or our own General As j tembly, have, on any condition, promised to crive. us assistance or that any wealthy individual have proposed to'endow the How the item relative io the military Academy at West Point ; it was finally postponed for 3 or 4 weeks. March I ; a preamble and resolutions of the legislature of Imli ana, expressing their approbation of the remark of the President of the U. S. in his message to Congress, relative to the struggle of the (ireeks for liberty, and relative to the interference of the Holy out of certain roads in the territory of Florida, were both passed and sent to the Senate for concurrence. I he house took up the tariff bi Mr. Martindale, of N. York, moved to strike out trie enacting clause of it, md mate a speech of 3 or 3 hours to length agatntt hi own motion, which created a good deal of excitement among members; Mr. M. finally tat down, before finishing hit tpeerh and the house received iw messages from the Proident of the U. S. on reUme to Ihe rules and regulations of the army, compiled bf Gen. Scott, another relative lo the boundary line of the territory caf Arkansas, another rela tivr to the expense of transporting 300 troops to the mouth of the Columbia river on the Pacific ocean, and the o'her relative to the .Matanchusett militia claims. Frb. 34; two memorials were this day presented, on the subject of the tariff, fnjer 'onK desultory, and amniuiut moni"us fletw, ""e nousc ciary erx ilttee were instructed to in quire wha: other provisions are necessary foi securing the payment in o the I reasu ry of fines and forfeitures, which accrue to the U- S. and remain in Ihe hands o the clerks, marshals, tec. The tariff bill was again taken up ; and after consider able debate, the house adjourned to Mon day. Marth I ; the house adjourned thit day, immediately after the members had assembled, in order to prepare for the fu neral of Mr. Mm. 1st Ball, a representa live from jirginw, who died on Sunday THE PUESIDENCV. Our readers kav already been lrfbrmad, thai iL.'a held. In th various cwnlia, for deUptas, ho were to meet to Harriaburf, the teat of s government of that lute, on th 4th Inat. for the purpose of nominating candidate for Eke. . - ... a. . . tors, to vote ir President tnu vice rnaiocni, at tk ensuing Presidential election. In moat of th counties, at the elecuons, pretty sharp contests took place between the frsrtxU of the two Presidential candidates (snd tbe only onet who had any chance of success in tlist state, On. Jknn and Mr. CoMwi. That acrimony of temper which a warm strife at th pof!e al wayt ertatea, waa engendered between the friendt of these two cambMates, who had before ae happily harmonised in political sentiment, ami whose undivided etertiona had, tbe last araaon. gained to signal a Republican aacendancy in that commonwealib. It waa at this Juncture, when the election for delegate! waa going on, and the ianie hanging in doubt, that the meeting took place in Philadelphia, an account of which we pubfished but wetk, and at which the friends of Mr. C!hun mtrt nobly and magnanimoualy came forwsnl, snd proposed to waive their pe onal choice, and unite with their reDublican Drctnren in favor oi Uen. Jocim, n woom, n llu. nr mwn u nrflfcltflKTl i n then, have things changed r J he 30th of Alliance in the concerns of South Ameri Mirch will happen on the-wlefc imme- The Senate adjourned at an early diately preceding the meetiBa of Pres hvterv. which will reiideric erv tncon hour on this day, to attend the tune ral of Mr. Ball, of the House of Repre sentatives, who died, on Sunday the 29th UlV i .,. , H0CSK OF RBPRRSXNTATITES- Feb. 16; the house did but little this day, except receiving and referring pe titions, remonstrances, Sec. The tariff rUPfery venient for those who might be Wheeled to attend both those meetings ; and, in deed, very few of the rest can spare time from iheir other duties, to spend a week at Lincolnton, on business which they have found cannot be done If these notices and appointments which I bill was taken up, tmd discussed, but no h:vc anpared. have not opieinated in a I decision had thereon. . rrb. 17; one want of rerollection, they must' haveJbri memorial from Virginia, against the I a their object the baptism of tome petty J riff bill, and two from New-York, in favor crammar school, or some mushroom utademy, with the dignified name of Col rl.nnv ill. cita tvKrro vol I dIruSC and nothintr greater can be produced. 6v the fund which the Trusteescbmmand. Those who subscribed to the funds bf the Western College, understood that of it, were presented this day ; the house again went into a committee of the whole on the bill, but came to no decision on U Feb. 18, a bTIFwas reportedi6rlheTfr lief of certain distillers in the U. States, I he Speaker laid before the house a let ter from the Secretary of the Navy, Irarrs- thfit Mibscrintions were a trial of their I milling a statement of the appropriation! atrenirth: and itTITisunlveB'aTIy'cn bf aed that they are insufficient, many of the me U. S for the year?! 823, 5cc. One pe subicribers consider them-elvet released tition in favor of the tariff, was this day from obligation to pay their subscriptions, presented, from Vermont ; and the said Any attempt, therefore, to conptl pa- bill was taken up by tbib house, and some . , menu will be iitied as an act of outrage discussion had thereon, when the house flp iinst ihosr taws wnren oueni to uHiuiaoiuuuieu. . cu. i , iuc toiiimmcc. -the rommunity together. way Brwmeans were instructed to inquire J have always found that the most ef- whether the passage f the Tariff bill fectuul way of accomplishing any public would diminiri theevinue of the United businets, is to attempt -it with the appro- States ; and if so; what jcourse it should be bation o( those who have tobeafHhe aur-i expedient to pursue, (to supply tne oen . . . tm . . a al la I af ... tk Sl den of it j and the most effectual way to ciency. I he fjouse thjen took up the mil-just published, trom vvauer s great uic ition bill; the sum appro- nonary, a selection oi iwu ui uuee mou defeat anv uroiect, is to attempt lo force itary appfobriation freemen to do what they are determined I priated lor the use of tjie military acade they will not do. I therefore most sin-J my at West Point, wasig99 4,307 0 ct. j 8TUBB0BN " FACTS." I. Of the 361 members of Congress m a a aa a Mr. irawtorti a votes amounted to no more than tiny two in Caucus. 2. With the addition of two votes bv proxy, hit whole number of votes appear cd to be but sixty-four. 3. ThisJra:iagiDsLhi.mJ97 votes. and a majoritt against him of one hun dred and itriy-lAree votet. 4. from tm ttatet he had no vote. 5. From five states, he had but one vote each. . 6. from two states, he had but two votes each. 7. From three atatei, he had but three votes each I. From the remaining four state, he had a majority in three only ' 9. Three ttatet cannot elect a Presi dent. 10. .No man of "sound mind" in the country can now believe Mr. Crawford will be President, 11. Unless the National Intelligencer can make it appear that three forms a ma jority of twenty four. Lithotomy.Ve have witnetsed with much pleasure the return of a little boy, aged -4 yeara-and 9-nwmhtr (the-son of Mr. tamuel CiarJt, of Beaufort county, in this State,) from Philadelphia, who lately tubmitted lo thjt, most important turgi- cal operation-.. 4 bw operation was per formed by Dr. Phvsic in 2 1-2 minutes;. and the child confined but five weeks, and is now in perfect health. We have had the curiosity to examine the Stone ex tracted from the bladder. It is a round oblong, of a hard. texture, with several sharp iwytf- w the, bodyjni iehgth 3 1-4, inches, in circumference 4 j-, anu weigneu penny, wtignig jo WA -I . . aV grains. daemon uaz. Mr. L. White, of Philadelphia, hss was fotrwl, the republican party could most bar moniomly concentrate their support. We have omitted, till now, making any re mark on the proceeding! of the Philadelphia meeting, for the purpose of ascertaining wheth er the movement was the effect of sober judg ment, guided by principle, or whether it was caused by that eflrrvcacence of popular will, o characteristic of a city popubxe. The last information from Pennsylvania, confirms mir firt imprraaion, and must satisfy every unpre Judiced mind, that the step Mr. Calhoun's friends hae taken in that Stile, was prompted by that (baintrrettedncs which has uniformly character ised their conduct throughout the w hole discus ion of the Presidential question. They taw that a schism would be created among the re publicans, if they prrsiatrd, with a blind teal, to push tbe claims of their fcvorite i they taw that the raucumlrt were unwearied in their ef forts to produce this schism, thinking that if they could diude the friends of Jackson and Calhoun, and excite embittered feelings be tween them, they might turn a current in favor of the caucus candidate : they saw all these movements of the enemies of the people, and nobly determined to sacrifice personal feelings on the ahar of principle, and thereby defeat tbe scheme! and intrigues of the agents of the rad ical caucus at Washington. Many persons, especially among the caucusitet, appeared to think it dubious what effect the proceedings in Philadelphia woukl have in the interior of the state ; but the last information dissipates all doubts the friends of Mr Cal-ltoovin- U the counties, Jiave responded to the sentiments of their brethren in the citj, (or w ill speedily do so,) and have cordially united in favor of Gen. Jackson ; so that the 28 electoral votes of Pennsylvania are, safe for Jackson, and no human effort can gain one of them fur the caucus candidate. The people of Pcnnsylvanis, however, still cherish all that respect and admiration for Mr. ale nts, bis' decision Btat a ft v mor namet nl romplt it, ja support of (hit tkket, let us ill lurmoniourf-, unite let ut defeat th projects of th rfti J rial rourw, by voting for the peopU'i iU ltf elevating the re tOUtnt to the PrethtiJ chair of our countrythat count 7 wbi h ),4 vahantly and tueceaaTutl fought to defend, M well against th merciless tavtg(0f th wdde,. nets, at th mildest Invader of our country the plain of Orleans, I declaring ear determination to ajyoesi the sleet Ion of Gen. Jackton In prefmne to the ether twe dininguUhed candidate who ara m. aW. Jrs rh dictation of a eaknu, Uf, - a -, reader thai w meaa not to (Irparage IV cWna of either of these gentlemen f but, oa the eon. trsrr, w have a high regard and reipeef f. their talents, and especially for the distinguiahed ' ervicea and unblemished character of tlx for. mer.........we tliouM not repine to tea either of them advanced to th highest office under our government 1 but we ask their friendt to answer ut, in the language of candor, whether they believe that cither Mr. A dame or Mr. Clay cm succeed, in thi State, against tlie caucus ticket f Wt believe they cannot.-. .and we think the rt fleeting portion of their friends are well assured of i. And, taking it for granted that they are, we will again ask them, whether they do not believe tlia? Juctn it now the only man who can beat tbe caucus ticket, in A'trtk-CartUnnt Ami, if so, whether they woujd not rather vote far Jackson, than see the Electoral vot of the State given up to a despicable caucus t ALBERT (1AI.LATIN". In the caucus w hich the members of the Vir. ginia Legialature held to nominate candidates was ereateH among the members, when ,1,Tn Gatlntin w u pmpoaed aa a candidate for Vice. President. Mr. Braxton said, "he waa not pre. pared to vote for Mr. Gallatin. He wat aorry he had lived king enough I $re a firei 'gnfr at. inatrd fr r imfurlcni an Jir f" But it Wat enntrnded by tbowe who supported Mr. CaUa. tin's nomination, ilia they ought not to incur the risk of losing the vote of Pennsylvania to Mr. Crawford, by turning their backs on her wit distinguished citizen, (Mr. Gallatin) te Vice President ; that upon Pennsylvania mainly de pended the election of the nest President and that, therefore, that State ought to be roncilii- ed, ami induced to aupport Mr. Traa ford. Now if the Virginia poli'iciins flatter thrmvlvrs with Ihe idea of cajoling the respectable State of Pennsylvania, into a support of the radical esn- lidate, by such artifieei, they will, in the sequel. find thenitcivea moat egrt giotioly cheated in their hopes. Since the meeting in Philadelphia, numerous expressions of the public voice have been heard of, from various parts of the State 1 all of which harmonize with the srntimenti of the Philadelphia meet n? Indeed, thero ran. not be a doubt but the llarrishiirg convent ion will nominate Ji.cton by a unanimous vote. At a meeting in one of tbe counties in that State, where Gen. Jackton wu recommended fur President, Juhn C. Cattm was unanimous? recommended as Vice President. sand words, which are liable to be mit- pronounced. Nx? Journal. Calhoun, which his briffiaji of character, and his sotlcst integrity, at fint inspired thm with. As an evidence of their regard for him, it appears probable they will support him for Vice President ; be lias already been recommended, in different parti of the- state, for that office. We believe ours was the first -piper in this Stute, which came out openly and undisguised!)' in favor of the xlaimi of Mr. Calhoun to th Presidency. From the moment the question wu started, "Who ought to succeed Mr. Monroe aa chief magistrate of the United States" we turned our eyes to Mn C. Calhoun we thought we taw in him a man whose primitive and con sistent republicanism, whose vigorous intellect ! and highly cultivated mind, and whose enlight ened views of national policy, eminently quali fied him to guiaV the destinies of thit mighty and increasing Republic and we ttill think to. But our attachment to an individual, in a political sense, ia not of that bigoted aUaip. which, nurks the character of the tybject or vaual of kinocv authority 1 we were raised and educated " after the ttrictest rule of" republicanism, and were y tanSht that tnindblet were paramount tn every thing else, in a republican government that they formed the pedestal, upon which our inimitable representative system of government rests. Could we still sustain our favorite candi date, consistently with the harmony and union. of the people, We would invoke divine aid in ctomgso ij Taut ItliM now becprri nbfetWe fofe of Peri diminishes his prospects, that we should be fool hardy, indeed, still to urge hit friendt to support him, at thit time. We now feel bdund to yield his claims; and co-operate with thft friends of Gen., JACKSON, in supporting Electors who will1 vote for him, in opposiiion to the caucus ticket. The renple't Ticket is now nearly formed in this WEIlSTKirs SPELLING BOOK. We notice in the Saratoga (N. Y.) Stntintl, an article marked, as an indication fir us to r"py it, w e suppose) in which there is the following paragraph: " An attempt has recently hern mn!c br tbe proprietors ef Webster's Sptlling Hook, to obtain an injunction agsirM F. F. Marshall, the effects of which would lie to prohibit him from publishing and vending his newlv invented, and, we may add. vastly iroproved Spelling Cook. This application, we understand, has been re fused by Judge-Skinner, andre believe -very justly too." Of E. F. Marshall's newlv invented Speltinf book, we know but little, never having seen but one copy ; and we doubt whe'her a fiftieth part of the citizens of North-Carolina have been even at lucky at we have, in thit respect. Our northern brethren may therefore quiet their fears, which an imagined monopoly on the part of the proprietors of Webstcr't Spelling-book teems to have excited. .Our ancestors, to the third and fourth generation, were taught their rudiments from llebtter and, although other elementary books are worming them. selves into use, we don't know that Marthalft Spelling book it used at all in this section of the Vn'uii. sfjs " BACHELOR Considerable pleasantry took place in Congress hall, during a debate, on the 19th ultimo, relative to an appropriation - p. r-,y- ir.T 1 J J 1 for the United States Military. Academy5" at West Point. Mr. tFa'JSeld, of Mary land, having observed, " that he spoke in favor of the school from no nersonal or fiaren'al feelings, as, he tlianked f leaverr, he still enjoved a statef tingle bletted nett ;" Mr. Floyd, in reply, remarked that " he was happy to' observe the gentleman was Verv Ihdnkful even Tor tiie tmalett bletting" The Legislature of Alabama hat apoin- ted' tTownwsront to ernploy a competent personand ttfus t an tt, to examine and ta1ke"an acciira'a survey of the Muscle Shoals and Colbert's Shoals, and ascertain the practicability iinrj best mode of improving the naviga tion of the Tennessee river. .Ilubama. f.aier.

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