v'a are ...Cormed ih4t the mVeuM of -JJJ(a4 w,,,tllrow,Ri ,aj ,.iwlt.i ! nt likelf to b aiTalrt RMUnea tlWc)!cf,J3Ji.iH.furrd,Ji2;pf.Ct, u& . . a . m. . . , 1 M-c.bc.-cu.cw, .... II It nwui cinni.r.sroy eaicr..ufk i. rt.n M. IJamL 21 to 2J. slm-d 'lo 13 W lip.. have oITered torun wu, w.e co - j , l4 , t Soring, M H,nK'li.l(lMfri4urtor4W4TJi Whi.kev, rtlb. wXM-thcour '(MO W 3J cm . K. Hum, 36 i Apple L -tl.men of the 0Ulh, It U ell rlndy, J a Tobacco, lUntneky, ........ adauhree distinct offer, ml I'f'C .u, lueon. 7 to I unu i I lams 9 I at. Mr. Hrrion offers lo mw i ' o to V, i Baggm. k J"" L! rJn against hira.over MH( wcai " A rls of the courts selected, fc'lfl' J ?h !. ':n1 ? 1 i ..ir.-. . let. iM"f rMiiiiPii iwra mum, jui nurar, iia- ietin Eclipse, far woi, ViU7 to 9 WiCris 91 lot New orient, ,f ih"e7"Couri al Long, iTi1t(Tr6rirni to T, rnferW VlTicd iAarHngirrf Washington, agreeably to thi established 10 to TO Coffee, beat grsjen 73 eU. i lienor to rule of ib course it either I inJ, . r. n ' ' ' "y" " ' y MA prohlon b., Ueea m-de, from Etftf?A ft 1Kb party cirryinj what weight tnejr : dn.t Crorya Bii llilla, 1 a 3 prrccnt.dit. ibmk proper. Tho latter propoittlon, which appears to reavmablei Ix-injr rejected, leaves no probability whatever of race. Mt. In, In iliia county, on ThumUy the 19lb utt. by the Ikv. J. HUil'onl, Mr. B. 0etrg HMnnn, to li,Vnry ( ai. AUo, on the 12th ult. by lrufw EipreaiiofiiofdUappoint-! Benjamin HuaarU. Mr. T VfrgtM. men! conalitut the prefre to every an- -n, to MIm u AtBrm, Jikiie of thia nuncLlion by the friend of Mr. frafurd county. Alto, in CharloMe, on the 28th wit. by of lh caucus proceeding. From Hitch- John Ingram, Kaq.'Mr. H'ittiam An, to Mix ie to No4h from the Democratic Presa 1 Vttharin BrjnJ, both oTCturkHU. A, in to the N4ilonal Intellinencer, e have the ; WaJetboro! on the 12tb ult. by the Kcr. Mine sentence, as if by instinctive srticu. Mr, iMU br jtkn a. u: of Cheraw, to Utiont - vt are uitappoioiea in me i RttMMT. of the former DUce. d-uirh. U h papers retr,lnl by Hat'irJy'a m ers unuKily bams of IntttllftrKf. A fc srtkltt iH be timid below, all M Wa Uiat poatoMCS luutb InUrral. ( , , n A'n IV KUiifid ItflL Tb eommiitea of the lenate of New York, 04 tl iu.J'e1, baa reported unfavorably to pvlnfihe tboice of Elector! to the people of thai btata. H.l committee U eompoaej of McfV. IMWy, Mc Call ami HWer, all of tbem aos-s partiaani oftbewea eaiMlklate. lite wwMUe a -rr-. OwwUnt of Um'hm4 Ueut. fov. , who it S Notorious tmi s tk can. iWSTfrwaa not etpeetaJ ofbiai, ifu4 W vnuUl jtppotnt any others bat cauoaaitet on ttn COnv mitteei ami notiunf cue vm ci pre fed of mm t commit'ee, than (Vat tbey wotiW act totnry to the rigkte of tb propl. It ia contVientl; be lieved, bowevor, Uial tht lenatt sill not dkrt rrject.jl.bjl in fo( of Jbjc't at mJTwtt. which patsei the lower bouae with but w dia. n-ntinj voicca. Ifouc of Rntcrtalnmrnt fllllK ilitcfihrr Mitm hi frirlvU 1 liU l.h a l.Htrrtmnmrnt in II I ,' iv h xililt in frnrfkl, tint he I own of Concord, a frw riU aixitb-eMt of he court (hhim tilirra, with snnmittnl ltc Hon. ami s drs Vi pirate, b h"j lg merit a thars of public paironaft. Ivjunlmj can be had on reasonable terms by th week or yrw. JAMM II. I'LAkK. N. B. Ha baa alo received, a larfs and tie ant asMortment of New Goods. CWW, forrs 4, 1824, 5 TIIK WKUa KNOWN JACK, ATKUieprourrtyofJudfe 4 Muriihey. aill alaml Ibe tnsirtnf areann ermmriyrmf on the , lWi of Mrci, aiwl numbers that attended the caucus" ter of the lats Kobt. Troy, Eq. Alw, in Pitt- - There were not many attended as we j M Jt,, , by Kc, Mr Kol. From what we can rather of public sen nl Ar a saiktt a . ttaa-e ! nM, t . Pt I n m IllllCUl HHHI"JI""IHIHI (.IUHllir , ... . .1.- P.L U. cluded.lhe caucus candidate has ruined his ""rT - - . " ' ruin. AUo, at lloylctville, Lincoln county, on ause by tl.ia mode of nomination, and the j ,,unter '' ! """J caucus svtem is coniKned to the tomb ol i "'J w " drew Movie, Eq. of the former pLce. Alto, in Lincoln county, on the 17th ult. Captain .If. Alio, on the tame day, Daniel llnlman, foq. to Miu .If. iry fount. Alio, on Sunday the 2 2d, Col. "try H'itr, to M m CuiKarint llvfnrt, (Ltughter of Major General Scott and suite arrived 1 Abram Horner. A Ian, in thi county, on the 4th the Capntets. There is a general mur mur of disapprobation of the proceedinr, md a firm determination anions all panie UM, to Mia M,irfarH Crti to concent rale their lorces in oDootiiion to I the caucus adherent. Ball. Pal. it New Orleans on the 28th ult. Major Twiggs, with two companies ol United States Infantry, haa also arrived at New Orleans to be stationed there. Dwarf - man named Stevens, icH 0 rears, 34 pounds in weight, mea iuiiuk 37 I 9 inches hih, said lobe per fectly well formed, and of a manly ap pearance, is now exhibiting ai Portl ind in A. Y. Evening Pott. intt Mr. Mtkarl Switter, to Uim 'y Pink. iln. AUo, in thi county, on the 7th int. by Wm. H. Ilomll, F.. Mr. Chriitian Uwdman,a Mit Rot anna l'rtH. Alio, in thi ccxinly, on the 30th ultimo, by Jmr W. Hamuv, K. Mr. John Enin, to Mi Rebrrca Stmtrri. Alto, in thi county on the 7th int. by Moc A. Locke, lUq. Captain Henry S. Parker, to Mim Aunty Ptartt. .atne. On the 13th inM. the whole amount ol the (ireek Fund, in the hands of the I rea aurer, at New York", was about thirteen thoutand dollar i. Letters from the Sandwich Island, savs the Mercantile Advertiser, ute that a Russian fixate and two sloop of war, were cruizing on the N. W. t'oat in Ju ly, in quest, of American vessels, but they had notfallen in with any of them. The Londfn Luerary Gazette of the 13th December. Says: " A brrekpond ent 'assu es us, thit a native of Morocco, who acrompaniei M r. Lancaster to Ire larld, found the Jrish language perfectly injelligiblc, and was himielf understood by the people- 'The same person could ton verse with the Welsh, but' not so rca- A late Fnglish Paper states, that s butcher at Calais, killed a bullock which was reared on the"pTolhVoTAValerloo, nd orv opening bim found 1 3 mukket balls, two nails, and the button of a soldier's coat A". Y. Patriot. The Bridge building across the Pee Dre, at this place, is now passable for foot passengers. Chrraw Inlell. MARKETS. NEW-TORK. FEB- 28. JJafginjr We have nothing new to add thia week in either cotton bagging or osimburg j tlierc are many inquiries Bapginir, Cotton, 21 a 23 cenUtXfcmaburg 10 a 12c Ueana, (cask) g7 Buttle porter (gr,) 7 50 n8; Brfftd, Pilot 5 50 ; do. navy 3 25 Cracker 67. Ctttnn We do not alter our rutes. The sale . yerJirge, and principally for export to the Ctmltrvni UpTamlS 'and Alabama ranged at 14 a Ut Louisiana at 16 J aJ7. Little doing in other de ription. The transaction of the week embraced 2000 a 3000 bales. A CHAKLESTON. MARCH I. nume aatea or me lower qualities w iim-hlandt, and Miine mid Sontee Ctltont, have been made thia week, at from 18 to 20 cents. The" transactions in Upland, hare not nearly equalled those of the week previouti and good fair cottons, which had been held at 13 cents, have gone on" at 12 J cents. The finer qualities, noweyyr, for the French, market and Northern . nuuMUactotLca, fully suppqr'ed tie quotations in onr last ; say 14 to HJ :efjts.': i-fX f -- DiF.n, In this county, on HmtunUy, the 28th ult. the widow Aoiwy J'e. rtl 60 year. After a protracted illiicu, at hi lodging, in thi City, yesterday, the Hon. H ilUtm Lt Ball aged about 45, for several year paat, and at the time of hi death, a Hcpretcntative in Congrtu, from the 8tte of 1rginia. An. Intel. On Friday nigtit last, at hi reaidence in thi city, after a long illiieis. Col. Ctnttimt Frremnn, Auditor of the Treasury for the Navy Depart ment, aged 67. Col. F. wa an officer of the Army during the whole of the Revolutionary War, and from its commencement down to the termination of the late war with Great Britain. In Washington, Autauga county, Alabama, on the 28th of December last, after a hort illae, William Traxi; Kq. attorney at law, in the 24th year of his age. Mr. Travi wa a native ot thi county ; he received hi education under the initruction of the Iter. Jio. M. Wilson, of Ca barrus and at the University of thi State. He had been a citizen of Alabama two year previ ou to hi decease ; and had, by hi piety and rcr tkudc.rf.CQmluctconcilinted the friendship and esteem of all who knew him. In thia county, on the 4th inst. fStline, daugh ter of Jacob Travis, aged 4 years. In Lisburn, Antrim county, Ireland, on the 24th of Sept. 1823, John Htmetck, Ksq. in the 6lt year of hia age. This gentleman's decease was an afflictive dispensation to his connexion and friends. The traits of his character were particularly marked by all the good qualities which distinguiih the Irish people ; he was warm in his attachment generous to his friends, be nevolent to the needy, and enthusiastic in assert ing the rights and liberties of man, in whatver quarter of the globe he might chance to have his destinies ert, NEW WHOLESALE iMiin-nwRK smnn. Charletten, V. lTAV311,-'JBny-.SjrtW,-CJMITH k BOBBINS have just received, and O are now opening, 350 P.1CA iur.S, con- Hie sominatlon of Gov. Kdwarda, of Illinois (now a senator in Congrr) to b minister lo Mexico, baa been confirmed by tbe Senate. BSLTIMOat, MaaCM I. The ship Isabella! Cpt. Ixcdt, in 45 days from Liverpool, has arrive below, with 1911, dry. goods, he. to Alexander Brown and others. Sha brings pipers to the 1 5th January, which, we learn, con lain nothing of moment. Our list Lon don dates were to the I2ib A'to. rawing imi Va ltn of August) St my stable on Hugar Oack, erven miU south. cat from Char, tune i aivj will be let lo mare. at Ihrre, dollar the single Jt p, r jih at the tim'of service i R dollar the ason, pyble 5tli October lxt i aivt 40 4"lllf to Iwxirs a swaaw -wausJ, wbio will be eoon.Vred due whenever it i aacertamrd that the mart U with fal, or the property changed. to those aeqjainted with Pallifox, and have raised miiH-t fmm bim, it would be useless lo abl any thing more i sufTirr to state, bo is sure fil grttrr, tml hi. mule are large and likely, (.rist ear aill be taken, but will mil be liable fur arcidenttor rsrapes. J AMP'S IHNKINH. rruary 25, 1824 8itu3 The Osages have publicly disavowed .. , r . ,1,. ki,. and con demn the murder by some of ...... of the persons attached to tht hunting parties of .Major M'Klmurray anl M. liar vaque. So savs one of the Missionaries esident among them, in a le ter to a friend in Washington. A. Y. tut. Havana papers of the 16tb ult., state that the British ship war f beti. arrived thereon the 13th, in 8 days from Vera Cruz. The passengers stalad that the firing from the castle had ceased since December, and the inhabitants were re turning lo the (own. It is stated, also, that the government of Cuba are about to substitute the metalic currency of dollars and cents, ss money of account, in lieu of the imaginary denominations of pesos reals, kc. lb. tTirCTn3-TlrjTrmrMer2-s3 rhse r i ma it x mi r rvr4 fwrwaww ani) swiawtit i taw f at - w . a 1..L. w cs . r i I r . . . . -vuwaMW 1J I 11 AlaUJHIllat 1J B 39 mT s n1 sstrssnsa 3!ir?eiteKBraws . .-.- .' 1 iv .. "? -T. V: 6 T J: F.I'jETTEriU.P. I'nrCE.1, March 4. ' Cb(5n,'ll to 1? j flour, fine, 4f ; superfine,-? wheat, 85a 90 cents; whikev,33 a 35 ;, ptych brandy, 55 a 60 ; arple do. 50 to 55 ; corn, 42 to 45 ; bacon, 7a 8 ; g.dt, l urks Island, 75 a 80 per bushel jrtioliisses, 26a 28 j augar, muscovado, t) to 10 50; coflee, prime, green, 23 to 24 ; 2d and Birmingham and Sheffield Hardware ; and have also,' in Store, Smith tools and Bellows Steel i-nune Wbittemore cotton a"-1 Trace chains Vices Anvils Lead . Patent and Carolina Hoes 'i American & English mill and cross-cut Sawa German and c. a. hand Sawa Hand and mill Saw files Rasps common and patent Curry-comb German, English ana American Scythes . SK-iirjta. nd. IJa&Sjevea ....v.-. .. '"- I-" ... I Swing Iftid toilet Glasses Brushes and every other article in their line; which tiiey will scli on the most accommodating terms. Prices those of New-Ygrk and Philadelphia. Country Merchant are particularly invited to call. , 5it01 March 1, 1824. ' On the 20th of February, four Ameri can seamen arrived at 1 1 .vans from Cape Antonio, who stated tht they be lotted to an American brig captured off that place oy pirsies, wno nan inuracren tne cap tain ana mate. I ne seamen came on foot from the Cape, and were in a dis tressing situation. Ib. The Miles Standish, which lately arri ved at Plymouth, left Cadiz on the 29th December. The captain atates thai no Spanish men of war had sailed from that place for South America ; but 2 two-deck ers, a frigate, and a brig, were fitting out for Lima, with all expedition, and a hot press of men was going on. Ib. The Ijational Republican, published at Cincinnati, Ohio, contains a long letter f'om Mr. Gazlay, member of Congress from the district, in which he states his preference for General Jackson, and af firms that the general, if elected, will serve for one term only. He mentions that "a few busy office and place men, at Washington, intend to keep the office of President at their own disposal," and that M a Vice President of talents and standing, would be in their way in making a good bargain." Moniieur Gallatin, who is notoriously the greatest intriguer in the United States educated in the school of Talleyrand, is nominated by the Gag-Cauev$, for the second office in the country. A man who is also a foreigner, and has so little res pect for (he Constitution of the Repub lie, that he was the most influential per son who figured in the Pennsylvania in surrection. He came to this country, a fortune hunter i and at so late a period of lifer that he speaks ou"r-language very imperfectly. Will the people submit to have such a man rule over them ? Nation id pride, policy, honour all forbid it. Ac to London (Con.) Gazette. Caution.-. Counterfeit Ten Dollar Bill of the Bant qfQutA..CaroSnauwnrcz. Plantation for Hale. THF. subscriber offer for tale, a plantation on which be now resides 3 mile and a half from Charlotte, on the l- tVi road, containing i arr. J here are on tin lann, good build ing, of all kmU; tht necessary q"antity of til lable and meadow Und a good wtll is sunk near the barn, and an excellent sprmir on the lot. ITltl plantation an4 imoniycipcnt. Will ... ..,!, (.,, fur furl he r partic ulars apply to the subscriber, w the premises. JALUII Jl. LI.-V. .WarrAo, 1824. it'Wr New AMortmcnt riTlIF, tuWribrr list very rreenily rtVi1 1. ffxn I'IuIkIi Ij.lus n r1iiriit of Ihy (;.U, Cfttrry, n4 lUiillt urr, J),mr,ltct wliiih, with the assortnwni b t specie lo re- cei in a hort time, will rn.l.l dim lo aril at atisfactory prices 1 ha public r rpeclfultf invited to call, and t taniiiM for themsejv. f.DWAUU CHESS. SuLikury, Juf, 16, 1843. 79 ! Coppcrsniithin. The Copprrsmiihing, ami lin plats bnsina heretofore transacted by I). Cress sen, will iaj futiire b coiiducttd by me, at the same place, lltoae who favor m wiih their cutfoni, nay de pend on having their work dona wltfi rteatnrsa, durability and de.natc. r.uss n. i Kr.nn. "F6rto Pialio. Top SaliV " I ft HtTrSTr-STrrmdsnd Pirn, U flfre! j for aalr, very low. For terms, ate. apply to - MICHAEL KNOWN. ' SvHtiury, rA. I A, 1824. fi TIE subscriber respectfully inform hi eua. tomriw, and the public at Urvr, thai b baa just received from the city of Charleston, an elegant ami general assortment of woods woo listing, in part, of ry l9iU, Cutlery, 1irtrriet Smtittrrj, llifihtarf, Cnitkern, (Je. L't. all f which he il determined lo sell on arronv mwUting terms. DAVID 8TOl:KE. . ' f.WW, . 17, 1824. 3UV7 N. B. He also continue lo keep on band a general assortment of BOOK, via : Anne of Brittany lithrr'a Dnctrino Arithmetics la-tter VI nter Adams' Narrative of latrpb-'s Africa sotTerinr in Africa laicki-'a Eaavs American Htar. Bracenbridge's vovsge lo Houth-Amcrica Illsir'i hrmwins Bniwiiie of Budsbeck lUtlad romanua Hernhard'a lour life of Spencer 1-aw of I aen life of Waalungton I ctJfi from the Moun. lafe of Sir. Graham Life of Harriet NtcU life, of Fenil I Coarh Making. THE wibsenber beg leave to return his rrsteful acknoa h difTiM-iits to his frirmlt ami the nublir, for the v rv liberal patronage he ha received in his hue I business ; ami informs them, tint he has procured a number of ork- mrn rrom HhiUilr nlua am' Nrw-lork. wlucll enables him to finish work in a s' vle rarely ern in the western part of the state. He also ha a continual tupplv of materials of the best qual ity ami most fashionable pattern He intend keeping constantlv on Hand, at reduced prices for cash only. Sulkies s,ick ami I'annel tiigs Chariotees t'oarhees IjumUus Pha:n,, Ba rouches IjmUulets Caravans and Mail Ma' s of a superior construction. Kc pair done a tin tinetesi notice, and in the best manner. Ord- r from a distance thankfully received, and punc tually attended to. pi. t.. siuior.. CAoWaWe, .IfurcA 1,1824. ' 96 ceived in payment yesterday, by a gen tleman of this city. It is of the emission of May' 1824. It was tilacevered about two years since, that billa of this descrip tion had been forged, and an advertise ment was published by the Dank, calling their genuine ones inVtfrvoGldappea that some of the counterfeits are still abroad, and the public are, therefore, cau tioned to be on their guard against re- : Charleiton Courier Match 2. Jpurneymen Tai I WAN V to employ 2 or 3 journeymen Tai lors, who are good workmen and steady men j to wjiom good wagea and steady employ will be given. WM. DICKSON. iSaUtbnry, Marth 15, 1824 . 3it?3 hsl If Mansion Hotel, S.1 LIS BUNT, .YO NTH-C.tRn U.V.I, BT EDWARD YAHBHOl'GH : lTHO respertfullv informs the pub IT lie. snd hi friends, that he ha taken the extensive and elegant rs'ab- iment. situate! at the riortn corner ot the Coort-Houae, (lately occupied by Mr. James Hoie.) 1 he convenience of thi (dilation for business is equal to any ii the place, the House contains a number of private rooms well cakuU'ed for the accommodation of Traveller ami Bodrdcr i the Stable are cqnal, if not u penof, o any in the place, and attended to by obliging ami attentive Hostler i hi table and bar, will be supplied with the best the market affords i and the regulation of his Houc, uch a he hopes will givc entire satisfaction to those a ho may think proper to call on him: and be assures them, that no pain shall be (pared to render their tav comfortable and pleasing. Fehnmry 24, 1824. 95 Harrington ami jhofojr Life of Green on the North plc of Wellington Hinles various kind. Calebs In search of a wife Charlaiiagne Camp meeting Hymn Chalmers sermons Cavalier, (Novel) Christian Soldier Chap hook Comfort of old ge CharloUe Itmple Crook in the lM Coinuion prayer Book Copy enpl Conversation on Chem istry (,'icr m's ' )rat ion Lat in. Don Ctniotte Divin H orhip Dar in' y.oonomia Dugilale's Horace. F.oiirant' (iiiiile F.vminn triitertainment F.rsk in's Sermons F.rfii Id' Speaker F.lenieiils of Drawing. ' Family intnictor . Flon-nce Mct'arthey Family of Orteiihurg Fourfold stale of Grace ! Father' l ales . Frit Alvarrx. I German Prajer Book '.il HUs Ijtin Books. Mrljurin's Fssays Mavm's Monitor Manners and Customa of Nations Matincoort Marrow of the Church alinistrr'i llittrurtiou M sir's Ijitin Syntax Masonic "Minjr Dook. New 'Testament No Firlion No Cross, no Crwwn Natural History. OvhI's Metamorphosii. Parent ' Fneml PaiVlock't. Narrativo Pirate I'iljfruii's Jmirnal Power of Religion Pilgrim's Hv mm 1'iinlar'i I'lK in Pilron's l'nHresa Poem-, Original Preparation for Death. Rambles in Italy RS Rov Rise ami Progress Return of tlieeaa Ready Reckoner. Sass' Journey to Rome Smurker on the Revelation San!, a poem by Souihey T Mor,ranton Female Academy. HIS1 institution will ontinii' the current year under the, mariairement of the Rev. Cbauncey Eddy, Mr. Ed.and Mis Parkman, the same aa the last year.; . The discipline and course of studie are- the ame a thoc adopted in the most approved aeminarie of New England and New-Vork. The first quarter of the present year has al ready commenced, but admisioii ean be obtain, ed at any time, and the bills will be made out from the time of admission, ) A the object of the institution is the intellec tual, and reliffious improvement of the young Ladies the Instructor feel themselves bound to exercise an attentive guardianship over them, to check their deidrc far vulgar and degrading amusements and to direct their attention to such things as are calculated to refine the manners enlarge the mind and improve the heart. Good boarding can be obtaiuad, either at the Academv, with the Instructors, or in the imme diate vicinity, at the rate of eighty dollar per year. Terms 6 25 per quarter; or $5, when in atructiun jn Painting i not required j payable at the end of each quarter. MortantoH,F4.2l, 1824. 4i98 I Gi'lilstiiith' History of School and l.tfro)' re ports Spv, an Ameriran novel Trial for Conspiracy Trail's Sermon Thornton Abbey Talc of a Tub Thadden of Warsaw Tuckr ' t xtxdition Tavlor'a ralor 'J ravrN of a I'hiloso. pher Englaml Goldsmith's Komi German Hvmn Book (ierman Bible Greek I ritament General view of France, Hymn Books (variou kind) Hams' discourses on Masonry Halls' distiller i Henry's Travebin Can- The iiniversJ receipt Book. Wirts Life of Patrick Henry War in Florida Weems' Pamphlet Wilaon' Ruiistir WaahiiiRtnn'a le tter W-alker' Dictionary. Virvfil Delphini Velvet Cushion. Shoe-Shop removed. EBENEZER DICKSON, Shoemaker, wihe his frremlf-ame?vry body UeW kuow. that he haa removed into a new thop, a few var nearer to the court -house than hi old stand, and almost immediately opposite the Bank, on Main street, Salisbury. ,1urcA 2, 1824. 93 NOTA BEN A. I have now on hand, and intend keeping, a supply of the very best of kF..'MEtt and as I shallmake it a point to employ first rate work men, my frjends and tbe public may dcptmhip mti.'4rJI''voik re&telsnj:itrift' in the line of ShtmaHrrg; aa ever a done in the:!owwof ialisbu only engage to make a eWgwd'aiiutlurabre boot and shoe as any body else, but 1 further covenant w ith-all who may hed the sunshine of their patronage on my shop, to do their work as CHEAP, and, perhaps, a litlt d.taper, than my brother chips. EBENT.2BH DICKSON. ada Hall on Communion Home on Missions llumbold'.'s Spain I torace Delphini Harold the dauntless. Imitation ol Christ IMrrim, (a poem) Ivanhoe. John Decastro's history. Kendal's I ravels Voung'a Night thoughtl Knox's Essays "Zion's Pilgrim. Kcml worth, (NoveD i A Ian, writing and wrapping paper by the ream Valuable Land and Plantation FtiR S.4U.. TIHE subscriber will dispow of said land and I 1 Plantation, lying in MoniKomert cmnty, 1 on both aide of Beater Dam ( reek, li-Jf n.iie ! above the moeth of said cretk, n- n ile ahuvo the Narrowa .of-4h-- VaU' -con.atik;- 444 acres ell watered, uith a n.xl mill seat, vsiili a good dwelling.liotiae, with all other in c "ary nut-hmie; with evci llent apple ami peach or chards. Three othtr tracts, lying on the waters) of Uttle River, containing 6w arn s unimprov ed. Teriii may be known by applying to thfc -subscriber, on the piemiae. WEST HARRIS. VAmnrv 13, 1824. 3it97 THE WELL KNOWN JACK, 7JOaP7wV, IATELY owned, in South A Carotins will stand at our stable, one mile and a half from Concord, North Carolina, every day in the week, Sunday excepted, thro', out the season i Uie enaon to commence the 1st of March, and Civd the 20th of July. IMphin will be let to mares at 10 dollars the season but may be -dieUar(td witb.iLil paid wilhuiUie I. rtil 4..u V . u.iul .1 . i..IIb.ra In. ii.alir.i . fr.e . -tin,ei,vn'i.:.Mrnhv-i-&.li. than the B:are ia iliscovered to be with foal, or is bailed vi'h b.V tbe person putting heT. ' Tartieular rare wiMbe taken of mare left, in preventing accidents. &.e. ASA IHOMI'nON, K GEOIiCE CRY. CeMr,,23, 1824. I3i"03

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