Till: Ml' HI'.. r y wiMi airitut, TDK HADICAl CAL'Ct'S. He mount ii La laWd, tU mouM bu crept 1 forth, PrutUim to Un east, to tli writ, sixl th north, That Caucus eounu ovire, thin thrc stor. Hmi phatant of ugrt, kfl dyed In the wool," Leflilmat democrat to And h tdt wont lre4 In tht rtep of thi tSool, ? I (UnouncM bjr the whole tiitjr-4 vo. lixtv-two I th number two mor thu three ' Who proml our freedom to guard; From rt'porti we had heard, expected torn " bOTe, Put murtirringfurcci fori hard, Sixty-two did I My i Oh ! their pardon I crave, Who ent in their vote by friend Be Mired Mi all fair, the vole thns to av,'. ' Of all uch, tf. could not attend. Sixty fuurirrujpt yniUer ! fire doien and four, Long nur you in hialory shine i Should you fail in your eiJorU, lit god nil dere, . And liberty weep at your hrieOs!y sttarhmcnt to tlicir interest onJ wel fare." In the iumm;r of 1824, firr the eitaWiihnKnt of peace, the Marquis v'uiteJ the United States, with an ac complished companion, Mom. dc Car imio, i Knight of Maha, and Captain of Dragoons, He armed on the 4th of August, and remained till the 24th of December duriag which time he travelled 1800 mile's twice viiited his adopted father, Wtihington, at Mount Vernon f traversed eight of the Ud'u ted Statcaf visited almoat every re markable military aoott aaiiiated at the forming treaty with the Six Ms.j harked toTftmu.tV nance, uU.o thnt of Indian., at Fort SchUtftrtirfl linentf Congress ppointed "a. Com- hhTMohawk, in company wuKlTiFdernltte of one memWlrom-eacftaUte, ;oncreia and from Fend. Mo receive tne marten, .. inM. LA r AYK ITK. Our readrri know that Congress liai ps unanimou resolve, authorising the President of the i niied Slates to employ alnpof the line to conrey thi distinguithed soldier of our Kevolu tion to America, whenever be may feel disposed to visit u. I hi i an honorable eatimony of the affectionate regard which American ought to frel for hi llWnm,. - ' - a"""" toMier of liberty j bi name will ever be cber- ialud in the btart of aO true republican. I he following brief iketch of hi charactrr, and of hi service in our cause, we are Mire mint be acceptable to all in whose bosoms there exiat a ingle (park of patriotism or noble feelings for if we love our liberties, we ought to love thuae brave men who helped to achieve them. M. Wnt. Cur. raov m tu.iw a mm. This illustrious man exhibited by his conduct a single examplr to all who sympathize in the misery and oppres sion of foreign nation. He did not, in 1776, content himself in declaim ing in behalf of the ons of liberty in America, as we waste our time in be half of the struggling Greek ; but the Marquis, at the age of nineteen, not only approved our cause, but deter mini! tojeopardize his life in the con- test fr our rights. In 1776 he communicated his inten lion to our then unacknowledged am bassadors at Paris j they failed not to encourare his intentions, justly coi eluding that his departure would aid our cause. News however waa soon received in France, that our army in New-Jersey, dwindled to a hinriful of 2000, had fled towards Philadelphia bclore the British forces, which a mounted to 30,000. Our cause then bectmc so desperate in the eves of Europe, that our commissioners were hardly able to hire a vessel to convey this nobleman to America i and they felt bound honestly to discourage his project. He, however, did not des pond, but from his own resources pur chased and fitted out a vessel to con vey him to America. This bold step engaged universal attention. Th French court despatched a vessel to restrain hia enterprize ; the orders for his return he disobeyed, and arrived in Charleston, S. C. He was receiv ed by Congress with marks of high respect. When he entered our mili tary service, he required that he ahould be permitted to serve at his own ex pense, and that he should begin his service as a volunteer. After joining the army, he lived with Washington and enj iyed his friendship. In thus leaving hia country, he exposed him self to the displeasure of his own court, at the same' time he tore him self away.from tne beloved partner offt1 his bosom, then in the state of do mestic solicitude. HirmiHtArjnervires" are familiar to everv well-informed American : he Duties from Congress sylvania, M.de Marbois, Consul Gen eral of France, and the Chevalier de Cararnirn The" ISlanroit delWmrtd o address in the French langinge to the Indian Chiefs, one of whom, in reply, exclaimed, " liehold this elt, receiv ed from our father MontCaLm, some twenty years ago, by our fathers j" thus showing how deep and lasting an impression .hid been made on the minds of the savage tribes by the ex ploits of the gallant Montcalm, who never encountered his equal in the Acid, till ha met Wolf on the Pljin of d Abraham. Fayette, seven years be- iVt, had been present at a council wimicnt savagca at rort jonnson. The Marquis, during this tour, was received in every town and vilUg with innumerable proofs of the sincere resDert nH nKii!nr (gratitude f( uur iiiitn. lie apeni several wceca in Boston and in New-York : at the latter city the disbanded officer of the Continental army gave a sumptuoua dinner in honour of their fellow sol dier. His reception inIioston was splendid, with the ringing of bells, salvos of artillery, public dinners and balls, shouts of the oeonle. and fire- works. On the 1 9h rf October, the anniversary of the surrender of Crn wallis, he was invited by the Govern or and the Legislature, then in ses sion, to meet the two houses in the senate room, to receive their congrat ulations on his safe. arrival in Ameri ca, and afterwards partook of a public dinner in Faneuil Hall. One of the we at so great an expense have purcha. scd for thent. 12. May America never be ao in sensible to merit as $9 past it unnoti. ccd. The Marquis then gave the conclu ding toasti ; . The town of Salem May the ele ment! compire to her prosperity, . The evening waa coaduded with a brilliant bill, at which the Marquis was present He extended hit tour as far east ward a PfmoQth. la DecrJbcr, 1T84, before he em- name of - Congress to take leave of him. Thry were inuructed to as- ... a . I entcrtaio a high sense 01 Ms abilities and teal to promote (he welfare of America, both here and 10 Europe j and that they will Dot ctase to feel an interest lo'whstever may concern his honor and prosperity, and that their best and kindest wishes will always at tend him.M The wise and virtuous Johw J AT, then just returned from his diplomatic labors 10 r ranee, was Lhair man of the Committee. The Marquis returned an elegant and eloquent an swer. which is entered 00 the Jour nals of Congress j in the course of it he observed. ' May this immense Temple'of'Freedom ever stand a les son to oppressors, an example to the oporess; oppressors, an ltd " :t-,di" of mankind! In Septenber, 1695, his son George Iraihtngitn Fayette, arrived in the United States, and was immediately taken usder the protection of Presi dent Washington, and placed in New. Jersey to be educated. In April fol lowW, Edward Litingtoo. then and now a ReureienUtive in Congress, in troduced a resolution to inquire into the Circumstances of the son, and re ceived from him an affecting and well wrif'en letter, expressing his gratitude for 'the kind attention of the Legisla ture of the United States, of the Pre sident, and of every person to whom! hr had been made known, and declar ing that he had no wants, and was as happy as he could be in his separation t r .1 .1 1 I 1 continued to serve till the surrender of Cornwallis. In November 1781 Con gress gave him permission to return to France, and expressed to him their exalted opinion "of his judgment, vi gilance, gallantry and'addrcss, and of his , merits atct military talents," and directed ' a pi-oper conveyance to be iurni6.hett-. !mm;4ogiiM -retum.vta The Marquis remained in France three years fin Apri1,' I783, Cbngres; by a resolve, expressed their satisfac tion ''with the reasons that have pre vailed with Maj. Gen. the Marquis dc la Fa'yette for his stay, in Europe, and have a high sense of hia constant toasts was. 13. This memorable day Sara- from his father, then involved in the tog and Yorktown." troubles of the French Revolution. At Providence, Newport, and Hart- Forty years have now elapsed since ford, he was received with similar the Marquis de la Fayette was in this marks of aitention. nation. How would it excite hi won He visited Sjlem on the 29th of der and admiration again to visit us, October, and was escorted into town behold populoua and polished cit- by the principal citizens, in carriages l'e flourishing on the spot where he and on horseback, -mid thronirs who men attenaeu a council wn uic sav icih uic air wiiii nccirnawuu. ni s " -..- his lodgings he was waited on by a de putation from the town and the conn. nental ..Ihcers, who presented to him an Address, to which he returned the following appropriate and courteous answer, which wecopytrom the man uscript in his own hand writing : " Gentlemen : From the early pen od when you generously joined in the Stcara Boat Maid of Orleans ' and thrai wAitrtate Store, i Offi. e at Chrraw, l)ecepi!er 22, 1523. riltlK Mld of Orleans (having been detained J. fr repair mra than month longrr thai! Mi tune ipecihed by written contract) hu com menced her regular trip to tlii place, nd rri- vtu tin day wiUi a valuaoU cargo 01 at loaat ' 130 tons Merchandize. Bh U to be regular trader between thi plane -m.I 'I . I.! - I ,ngers at ueorgetown, ami will top on the nr. r lor any fmporiant freight. fth I supplied wim itinera, ucn inner convenience m warrant ber owner In atatinr. eonAdentlr. Uiat he wiU be able to lay down good at either PK.'? iit JttVrt.fHfrtrfcm Ml la,8 to n-r nra have tirov'kled wharf and ware boute at both place, covenlcnt, tale aj)(i4inuer mnrr. Thrv will advance eh and ffwxl on CoWon ami produce hipped by her, and tillut cunomarv fommiwon, mj " "-' anv onlera' at Charlcton. Ballimore, IliiUdel. tuna. or new.iora. in cacii oi wihv. i.i.ifj l.tnlicd hmiaeai nj thev auticit the bfrtr1'1j.tMffffefortniIVt d their Whole .I. Htt at tlii nbtre. only mwu thev can i - . . . make it their interert to uae the one, and buy from the other. Connected with the above lliat. the mbam br have eUbCihcd It'htUtaU Xtm, ml a. ure their etutomcr a bberal courae of deahnr and fair price, very low, became tlieir goil have been and will be aelectrd from the princi pal markcta in the t'nited Waiea, and uwler all poMible airan'ge for buying low i ami their rofit ahall bt enargei who ngm rht aa to make it the lnteret ut country deal er nd other to get many of their aupplic from thi etablihmrnt. Ily the Maid of Or Iran, they have tlii day received one-fourth to one-third of their purrhaae, (h:th have been made'in New-Vork. Boeton. PhiUdelphla, and at aome of the principal numifaetorie i) the mulii of which will be received bv me nen trip of the rWt, aay about the 6th to the 8th of Jiiuary. Ilieir purcnaae run ( w ne iuiw ing lealing an'ielr, i : 5tX barr-loC tJ'bia. uxt i mt iiTxa, nonnero Kum i i do N. Drk ana do i 5 do Jamaica do i 5 do V. I. do i 30 do Su gar i 30 dn prime retailing molaaar i pi and r. cask .ognae RhumIv loglieaU (.in, 1a eria ami oilier Hinea, aome 7 vear old;) 100 piece Dundee Ha-ging, 42 in. t 2 bale twine 30 coil Kale k ; I'XJ bag CofTret 20 do pepper and pimento j 20 ton Hwrdr iron t 1 do Germun Steel i I do American do j 3 do plough miMild 2 do (hot j 1 do bar trad i 4 do llolluw W are, atwirted : 2 do hot, aiMirlrd i 20 hrg llupont KF. ainl FFF. Howdrri 150 do wrmii(ht and cut naih; 5tierte retailing Kice j 20eak chuear ; 4 tloi. Philadelphia mill an I rroaa cut 8awi; cakk of hammer, f.'amlina hoe, trace- chain, 1 row el, fce. Axes bumllr SpatU-a, Shov. els ami Frying pan i bote t'andli-a, Soap, w in- lowlilaui JDilox. W hittcirmrr' Cotton anH 100 do Wool Hit i 50 do Itoramor napt do j 50 do Reaver do Illk. and White i 20 do Children' morocco dn i Shoe in trunk and rate, abor ted j Crocker)' in cratr ; 20 barrela train or tanner ml ; 30 Nixon' patent cant iron i'loiigh, the brt patent in the I'nion, and w ell worthy the attention of the iil.ntrn; ?0 barrel Shal ami mackerel; 20 lo. Corn Kroonn; roc, point and duflil lllanket. IlKEU1, BUNNELL Si Ct. Chrrtty, Prr. 2i. H2. W HY Atrnioui TV. AN ACT to autliori4 the Lwnif o,,i ,i. Ing eenain l-yhlic l(,U I," uf. T'fc lomia, , ' - BK IT ENACTED , Ae SMt on4 R-ffiui4i$ ViuirJ Ktai t uJ Thi toast w originally written " General Waahingoa t" but the late Dr. Orne, one of the Committee, propoaed tliat " General" be expun ged, observing that W'aahington wa greater than any " General," intimating that Ilia name alone atruck every till dead." The amendment wa adopted. noble contest, your efforts have been so steady and liberal, that my regard tor this town dates with my attach. ment to the American cause. Im pressed with these sentiments, I can- notrbut be perfectly happy in this vis it, and in your flattcriofr welcome. " He pleased, gentlemen, to accept the thanks of a respectful and afftc TO YOUNG MEN. He that tilleth his land, (hall be aatisfied with bread; but he that followeth vain persons, i void of understanding. Pmerbt. Are vou a young Mechanic, Mer chant, Physician, or Lawyer, and about to establish yourself in life I If you are wise, look to your own resources alone, I and adopt all your measures accordit g- Honestly suit your style of living State of North-Carolina, STOKES COUHTT. lOl'RTof Pica and Quarter Session, De- J cembrrterm, A. I. 1823: lawrencr llau er and John Stulta, adminintrator of Muttlirw Snipe, vt. the heir at law of Matthew Snipe, dee'd. It appearing to the Mtiafaclion of tlie court that William Moon ami F.lixabeth hi wife, heir at law of the wid Mattliew Snipe, d c'd are inhahitants nf another State, it i therefore ordered, that publication be n ade in the Wet- tern Carolinian lor n weeks, succei'sivcr), that the said William Moon and F.lialn th his w ifc. apprar at the next Court of Hi an ami Qoartt r Sessions to be held forthe count vol Stakeson the second Monday in March next, and either plead, a-iswcr or demur to Vsid petition, otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex pane, sguinsi inem. it98 MATT. R. MOORF, r. r, Germanttn, Jan. H, 1824. Price adv. $2 7 4 r. f the United itate. be. snd he ulie'reby, oHd lo cauae to be opened, in the terWi t Honda, a public road from I'enobj Artine, commencing ,t tktr Point, on ,U M iy of Penaacola. ami niimln. .1.. . . " Trail tn tba Cow Funt, on Ue Choet.wlu me, , thence to the Ochcae, urr, 0 ,U X palachicola river i thence, in th. practkalde route, to the site of Fvn m, umQ. thence, a nearly tt pwcticltf tn the rJ tV river at 1'if oitai vAien navi aiwil b j,1li,lr aid dittincthr marked, a4 shtU be of tba widib 4 twenty -fiv feet. . - ; , 1. And k U fuHl tnarlrd. Thai rreiideiilbd, tndTrf u hereby utboruted li er ploy the troop of tba L'mUd llaica stationed Florula, In mwk nunner a be may tMnk nmiM in ihe eirnitdction, or aaaiing U lit umiU:uM. of aaid road. - Xe. 3. AndUitfurthtrtnoded, Tbat.f A,. fraying the expense of opening said r-w.1, ftlt um of twenty thousand dullars bv, and the oar la hereby, appropriated, to be pk! out cf any money in the Treasury, nototberwia sppre. priated. Dir. 4. And b if furthr tnarled. That tU President be, and be i berebv, authoriaed u cause to be surveyed and marked out, the most direct and practicable rout for a public rout from Cap table, paaaing by Chariott lUrhnf ami tlie Hay of Tampa, to I tie Punt wh. re it Buwaney over will be intersected by the rued to be opened from Penaacola to St, Augustine, and to cause to be eurveyrd and marked out, the route for a public road, from Cap Florida lo Ht Ajigustine. 8 e. 9. Ami bt il oritur tnarttd. That, lit rV. fraying the expense uf the urveys aforesaid, the turn of three thousand dollar be, and th same it hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of snv nionrf in th t n opriatcu. II. CLAV, -Speaker of the House of Uepreaentativtt DANIEL U. TOMPKINS, Vice Preidrnt of the If. State and President of th Senate. Wathinft.n. F,h. 2K, UU. Approved i JAMES UONROE. AN ACT to regulate the surveying of tlie pnu lie arui pnate land in lite souLucrn part U Alabania. r r.NACTKD ij th suufa,uirrj ,r prrTHimim tk Vmitrd S'tt.t tmrnca m Ctirrrtf tutrmUed, Thai all th lamts in the sate of Alabama ahall be rlacliri to the District of the Hurvevor of public land, in the ta!c of Alabama, and tlie surveying of ak fmblic and private lantls, in the aaid s'a'c, si all lereaftrr be irade under his direction! audit shall be the duty of the principal Deputy hur vevor of the district, east of the Island of New Orleans, and east of Pearl river, to return the plst of all private cUim within the State of Alabama, to the oflire of the said Surveyor. Approved: Hiuhinstin, ttb. H8,'l8JI. State of Nortli-Cnrolina, CABARHl'S COVNTV. Ol'HT of Picas ami Quarter Sessions, Jan uarv Term, 1824: David Hradshaw t. John 8. M'Curdv ; original attachment, levied on land. It appearing to the court that the defendant in thi case Is not an inhabitant of thi State, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made three month in the Western Carolinian, trivine notice to said defendant to appear at the next .ff.rtinn. hav. IS . n mn rnnihininu. may be to the town of Salem inexhaus a a a a lble sources Jbl happiness ann pros penty. lA MILITK.' H uraa then runrtril ihrnno-h an ... .. r-. , e' mmense concourse, to concert run, where bepartook of a.) elegant public Price advj.'g. i'04 ly. ,1 1 ' aa viilc s biiu ui il miaii s. ,w iiriisir m iuc tionate heart. And I prav God that 10 'our income, naving no rrgaru wnat- Court of ,.eM ana Qarter Session to be held he two elements uoon which vour ever to the splendor that surrounds you for aaid county, at the court-house in Concord, i . t s r i.i : nn nia fintvt Anr nv nf ann nan vt ia MiiaBmu id cuous in tne estaDiisnmeius oi your weaitnier , "f V , " 1 , , i r j -i- picau, or iiriuur, oincrwiac iiiuirneni nuai win or perhaps poorer but infatuated neigh- e t nterp(, , Rainit hi an,, tion lw,r. Dors. A lew years or patient aui-,eied acconiii.giv. Test . u. hunt, e. c. gence and strict economy may nflord you not only the comforts, but, should vou have a taste for them, even the ele gancies pf life. While, in the mean dinner afterwhieh the following toast time' those butterflies that fluted were jjiven, which we insert as a-me- around you with all the arrogance that mqrial ofpjhe opinions and feelings of usually attend the thoughtless yotariea ot tasnion ana pretenaers to nign me, 1. The United States. w D stnppea or meir piumage, ana 3 Cnncrres. Ilettnaked to a winter of wretchedness 3.-HisMost-Chriatian-Maiestvw ?n i ' i ... i 4. Washington. , . 00ye aav isea, ana go on in tne majes- . - i . r ' . i l . 5. The Governor and Common- y virtuous auigence ana persrver- wealth of Massachusetts. ance, turning neither to the. right hand fi Th Urmr w ho have bled inlnor the left.. . Give a deaf ear alike to I U . mntm rtf V I aai slli rs CaflWl ff K a OUT CUUSf BTKII OUUJJB Jivaauiv, twaau w.e 7." The friends of virtue and free scoffs and sneersotthelicentiousproud, .Inm. thro.,rhout the world. who want the moral tortitude temu P . . . . J . i.i .. r r. -. . i - 8. The late army ol the United iaie,anainereioreanewucpweyuui. QisMaYithewalliaoceavwhk piouslv observed in her prosperity t" ihe greatest men are men i aimpie lO:-?tar we never -withhold fromfmanBera. Parade. ..cerianonyJhoiK, government the essential powers of and a profusion of compliments are the dmnir ennrl. frnm n inloua aDorehen artifices of little minds, made use of to "O n 1 .1 t- -r I .. . . . r sion oJ domestic evil. . swell themselves into an appearance oi 11. May the future sons of Ameri- consequence, which nature has denied ca sufficiently prize the legacy which them. ------ a w State of North-Carolina, IIKCOLN COUNTT. COl'RT- of Plea and Quarter Sessions, Janu arv Term, 1804. Iloyle, Son, &i Coxe, vt. Samuel A. M'Ken?ie;' Oriijinnl attachment, lev ied in the hand of Iluli Kwinp and William Campbell, and on land. It appearing' to the satisfaction of the court, that Samuel A. M'Ken ic, the defendant, is nor an inhabitant of this state, it i therefore orderedby Court, that he appear at the County Court of IMras and4uar tei sessions to be held for Lincoln county, at the court-house in Monday after the fourth in March next, renkvv and plead to issue, or judgment by default will be entered against him : Ordered, that public, tion hereof be made three week successively ! th Western Carolinian. Witness. VAItl'Dl oritr.E, Prise ad. $1 3. i08. AN ACT to revive and oonfinue in force an c. entitled An srt filing the compensation of the SeOTry of the Senate and Clerk of Ihe lloue of Heprevntative of he t:lcrks tir ploied id thVir offii es, and of the Librarian." F. IT F.XACTKD l-v tlx Smalt and lleutr f Itrprrtnilutivn tf tU Vnilrd Slatei tf America in Cmp-ett attenbkd. That an act, paused the eighteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, enti'led "Anrf fixing the compensation of tlie Secretary of the Senate and Cletk of the House of Itepresenta live, nf the Clerk emplojed in thtir otrues and of the I jbrar ar," be, and the aame is herr- by declared to be mired, and continurd in force, untjl the first Uy cf Jnusrt', eijlitces Hundred a-id tueuty-six. Approved. U uthinpon, Teb. 20, ISZi. Stale of North-Carolina, BO WAN COUNTT. TN Equity, October term, 823......Shcnood Kennedy and Nancy hi ifc, vt. A-buloa Hunt, administrator of the goods and chattrls, rights and credits which were of James Hilton, dee'd. t also, against John Jackson. Ilarlm't Jackson, Wyche Jackson, Grceo Jackson, l'.d mund Jckon, . Stocktrd, and Hctny hi wife, Thorn and Naury hit wife: aho, Jamet Hilton, 1 homaa Knglisli and Susannah his wife; also, Jamc Love, Linney Ix)e, Abraui Ixve, amcl Lowe, Starr Lowe, Keziah Lowe i also, Jamc Plummer and Manr Plummer i also, ls.iac Jones and Bctarv hi wife. It annearin? to the court, that the defendants, John Jackson, Harhiitt Jackson, Wyche Jackson, Green Jack son, Edmund Jackson, Stockard and Bet sey hi ife, ' I" " Thomas and Nancy his wife, Thomas English and Susannah hi wife, reside out of thi State ; it is therefore ordered, tlwt publication be made for the sriuce of six weeks, in the Western Carolinian, that they and each of them do appear, at the next Court of Equity to be held for the county of Rowan, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, at SalUbiirv, and then and there plead, answer . or demur to the bill p.cpnplint, otherwise the aaid hill will he taken pro coiifyssG against them, and heard ex parte. Ur.ORGE LUCKr., e. & . S. Price adv. g2 53. : . itL. ... titatc of North-Carolina, niTTUcnvonn eonvTV. T.TncoTiifdn, oiTlrToIirlh: T TtOURT of Plea hnJtOTfWTSeSsirjTis; J uary Session, 1824...'.,Aaron Camp vi. rran cis Coxe i originR.1 attachment, levied on lands. It appearing to the intisrfaction of the court, tht the defendant In this ense hi not nrt Inhabitant of U 4. - -n- n - t- t j -' mirt. that publication be made iathe Western Caro. linian for ix weeks, that the defendant appear before the Justices of out next County Court f Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be holden for the county of ttutherfortl, at the .court-howse Kutherfonlton, on the 3d Monday after the -4th e:ul e. c. State of North-Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. apaiT.qiut'JaiDncLBpacb.vvnugK J. McDowell: Jameyioore -ARurewr i ttfld' ethers. ' In thi ease, it rt'owlered that catioa.he made for six week in the. Weste rn olinianthat unleasJame Moore and Andrew iler ft. two of thrrhfendants in thi ease, appear at the next Court of Law and Equity -to he hjeld for the county , of Mecklenburg on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, and answer or the bill will be taken pro conlesso, and heard ex parte, as to thera. it'l Price aov. gz. i. u. dl.m.ai', r. n. t. ii 1oik1v cf JJarcn ni-iL then jind Uierc to pk'iul litoMJ o demur, or jtidgme.it final wTH Ve a cit'rcti up aniMM nun, nnu uic iiiulk.i mv.w ueereea aeitiiMrw. wukjw Witness, ISAAC CBATON.r. Trice wiv. Jt;?. ;-mM ' ' "VTOTICE. I forewarn all persons from tra- S ding with my apprentice, Les Has t lb"" , who do so, may expect that the law Wi'l be enforced against their.. II. AI.M'MONU. .1urc r, l':t; 3ir9H