I COM.ItT.HS. SENATE. Mr(h 3 tlirce memorials were pre vented to the Senate this day, two from Georgia and on 4 from South-Carolina, against' the passage of the larlf bill a memorial wse also presented, from a so ciety of Shaking Quakers in the State o( Kew-VorV, against their performing mi Jitla duty, on account of their religious acruDlee t the Senate then took od the mi Jilatr annropriatlon Mil which came from the other house and after ineffectual at tempta to amend it, was read a third, lime hkAl then adlnurneo. March 4 J a bill wai reported, providing ;"T for certain pecuniary claims against the U. S.J a bill waa alto reported in addition to an act respecting the election or Pre si dent and Vice President! a resolution waa offered, requesting of the President, or the U.S. copiel of the Instructions glv en to our several ministers, to France, re latlve to spoliation committed by vessels a r ' w-.-w- - - - - r tion to the year 1800. . torr Si the above resolution was lorred to: the LIU relative to the transit ration of aped fa the U. S. vessels, waa . in i taken tip, and postponed to Wednesday -Adiottrned to Monday. Mmh 8 ( Monday ) on petition from :n i. wat tnii aa nrrwn rn airainai the tariff hill l a memorial waa presented from the legislature of Indiana praying v wis, ------ - - - - - - n -- relief for the purchasers of publie lands; a resolution was tHlered,' aothorlxlnjr the purchase of three copies of the journal of the old congress! tn Jot men too tip the several resolutions proposing a rnendments to the constitution of the U. S. a motion waa then m4de to postpone Indefinite!- the consideration thereof, on which a considerable debate arose, and the aenate adjourned without taking the quea tion of postponement. March 9 1 a message was received frum the President of the U. S. relative to cer tain official acta of the Governor of Ar kansas; a communication was rereivrd from thehon. Ninian Edtrardt, (lately ap pointed minister to Mexico.). resigning his seat in the aenate, and the President of the senate waa requeated to inform the Governor of Illinois of the resignation ; the senate resumed the consideration of the proposed amendments to the constitu tion or the U. S. ; after some conversa tion, they were ordered to lie on the fa7 ble a div or two ; the senate then took up the bill from the other house, making an appropriation f'r the purchase of cannon See. to arm the fortifications of the U. S. i tnd after etrenuous efforts to amend it. - and along debute. thereon, the bill was passed, 31 to 10, and ordered to be en crossed and read a third time, and the aen ite adjourned. March 10; the bill for supplying the fortifications with cannon, tec. was amen ded so as to extend ita provision to the purchase of field artillery, their carriages nd caisons, and then passed. The bill relative to the transportation of sperie in U- S. vessels of war, as amended, and ordered to be engrossed. . ALwJh.l I -t -4- txv KU1-T- ffnnrfp A -r4 the judiciary committee, relative to the supreme court of the U. S. A resolution was ntTrred, for the judiciary committee to inquire into the expediency of provi ding by law for the commencement of the next session of congress earlier than the usual period ; which waa laid over for consideration. A memorial was this day --- - - r i tMtMHi from Grfiofruu arainst the tmrr 1U BUI. Mach II; the resolution presented yesterday relative to the commencement of the next session of congress at an ear lier d;iv than usual, after being amended ao as to fix upon a day for terminatingthe nresent session, was agreed to by the aenate. The senate did not sit on Satur day. ) March 15, (Monday;) a memorial was this day presented from Georgia, against the tariff bill. The bill to establish uniform militia throughout the U. S. and - to provide for the discipline thereokjva - taken up ; and after a good deal of discus aion on the several sections of the bill, it was ordered to lie. .on table. . .' HOtJSK'Or BEPRtSEJfTATITES. March 3: the committee of elections made a report relative to the validity o Mr. Forsvthe's right to a aeat as a mem ' ber onhehouse7(be being'ltr'rf'rwhen he was elected ;) the committee, s report was in favor of the validitv of Mr For ay t he's election. The house took up the - tariff bill ; and being engaged an hour or two on the ritity on bar iron, adjourned, . within coming to an? decision. March 4; a bill wws- introduced, to ""encouratre vaccination," and twice read ... and committed the houae again took up the tariff bill and alter some time anent .jpoajMion ed from the Presideot of the U-. a. trans mitring information as to the number and position of the fortifications of the U.S. March 5 ; the. house spent the best part bf this day In debate on the tariff bill, but adjourned without coming to any decision thereon. . Mirch 6j; nmotionof Mr. Owen, of Alal)mj, a resolution was agreed to, di reeling the committee of wavs and means to Inrwire ln!o tta etneiency of refund1- In to GVcre Jlthrr, a certain sum of money improperly paid by Mm to the re ceiver tr the public moneys at St. Ste phens. A motion made, that the daily hour at which the house meeta, should be at II o'clock, (the lime now Is 13) but the motion was ordered to lie on the table. The house again took up the tariff bill! ix of eight items of it were this day ta fen in hand the proposed duties on some articles were Increased, end on others les sened t'nd the' boose adjourned, after laving made greater progress in me dim than on any. former day,, -.Marck ij after numerous petitions mtrm pr-mptfd, bll WM Introduced for the relief of George Fisher, which was twice read, and committed. A bill was reported respecting 'allenatwle read, am4 awajSMaaM!etBl A mJ inn f M P fnrk.a. ' pissi vuiistlllt icsj vi iiivsivii "a wt t the committee of war and means were Instructed to inquire into the expediency of reducing the number of Auditors, c,r secounting officers of government, and on motion of the same gentleman, the judiciary-committee were faatntcted o in quire Into' the expediency of prohibiting the employment of any person, except a cititen of the U. S. in an v department of government. The tariff bill was again taken up and after considerable debate, one-nf ctionofthe bill was stricken out-thls section of the bill was considered a pretty important one. and great efforta were made to retain it. After some other un important business, the house adjourned. March 9, Mr. Floyd offered a resolu tion, requesting of the President of the U. S information relative to the aernunt of the general and ataff officers of the r bit ; and a resolution was offered, request ing of the President a list of the n nnes of till officers of the armv who have been hnrtird, A joint resolution was intro dur.ed, authorizing the Presidm of the U. S to procure a "portrait of W ting ton, to be ptdnted by Rembrandt Peale, to be placed in the capitol. The house then took up the general appropriation hill r aevera! Ineffertual attempts were made to amend different items ol appro priation ; hut after a desultory debate, the v all failed, and the house adjourned March 10 ; a bill was reported relative to the distribution of arms to the militia. The home took up the general appropri ation bill; and alter considerable time spent therein, adjourned. March 1 1 a resolution was offered, for the purpose of fixing on a day for the ad- onrnment of congress, which was ordered to lie on the table, (and on the next day was rejected.) The resolution, previous ly offered, for changing the hour of meet ing of the house" from 12 10 ir octoek. was eslled up; but before any discussion was had ttureon, the honr for going into the orders of the day had arrived .and the appropriation bi'l was taken Up. which occupied jhe house the remainder of the day. . J March 15 a resolution was agreed to. directing the committee of commerce to inquire into the expediency of erecting a fifhr houte on Shell-castle Island, in Pam lico .Sound. NYtV The ftnrra appro priation hill was then taKen up, ana in was eneaired the whole of the re mainder of the day on it. March 13'A; the resolution, offered yesterdsv, in -flVct to compel the house to sit till four o'clock, was agreed to, aves 95. noes 89. The speaker laid before the house a report of the commissioners Nivv Hospitals. The house then took up the appropriation hill ; and after some progresrTnadeTheTeinfBdJouimery." AutA 15. (Monday ; a resolution was offered, instituting" an inquirv whether the atipulations of the commercial con vention between the U. S. and G. Britain have been contravened by either part. which was ordered to lie on the table A resolution was offered, ( y Mr. Cocke !) for the purpose of expediting the receipt of letters addressed to mem hers ot con gress: and an amendment thereto made and accepted by him, to extend the frank ine nrivileee of members. The house then took up the appropriation bill, and finally 'Went through withr it,-wfcrch--was passed and sent to the Senate. J he tar iff bill was then again taken into consul eration i and after sometimesTentttiere in, arid -bine amendmehts adopted", the house adjourned Extract of a letter to the Editort of the l-Ruhmoud Phruix 'dm a highlu rrtfuct. able grntlrman oj the State of AJw York, who it a member of the Legitlature oj that atatcy dated " ALBANY, MARCH 9, 1824. " Should the power of appointing Elect or be retained in the Legislature, Mr. Clay wilt get half the votes of the state ; tt all events Mr. Crawford hat no chance he will not get any part of this State. jnoi.a PHghtnot to hesi'ate in coming out for Liar, for they ought tq be satisfied ihatlCtiwfijfdtattnot be-elected." . r - , t If Mr. Clay is to srt one half the votes, who will get the other hair, f Jatkttn.....my be'. The Legislature of Maine has ad- journed, having passed an act giving to he People of that State the choice of Electors of President, by districts, (two of them to be chosen bj the People at arge.; MUMCATIONH. Ma f s vurui CASailaua, GWo UCl kUV. WITH Trn JJIDtM. At a preti large collection of Ladiei and gentlcm n, in the south western pari of Orange ciinty,on last Saturday, after some chatt'n on the Presidential Ques tion, It was -oposed that an election be held, txclulyfor the Utdirti and up on the tellerKountSng out the votes, the following wl found to be the result S 'for (neral Jack ion, - 38. . For JhaQ Adims, i .. - liars Ktvrr, MnrckM, 1834. tna til yiirii;) iinmir. rrr-rtrr- Mr, Whittt After yo severe rrtucitro An' rrtt m kT nter.c. 1 arAstmost afraid to mkiB0(htr .uemptiW if I 4'U the WW. John' Long.Vm. may think 1 neglect his addiess. I nust, therefore. retaVn a short answer, aid leave it to roil to rectify my r nimmM. But before I to further, I must say, "White, as criticising, ftli are such a nice hand! wlr nl try yourself on Mr ig'e piece. at ell as on nine? for it looks a little awkward, too. Perhaps, thy', It IS One af the privilegtt of honorable members f Congress, to write as much nonsenae s tbev please j while poor ak ward hands like mself, mast le expoffd or.'may b. yot have touc hed and polished him off a little, too Well, let it be ao I confess th.it mv hand is not ao well acquainted with whie pa per, as with the plough handle. N'o,'oiotne lo the point i Sometime 130, I wis looking over a newspaper, and noticed that Mr. Long had introduced a pe'iiion to frewi1' masters from separa ting man anf wife among their negroea. A; this was the first time I evecaaw of Mr. Long' jiaking any movement in Con i' (ess, it draw my particular notice. At first, the tang appeared well enough; hut a few minutes rc Or (tion aatisficd me that Mr. Loighad made a bad beginning and, for thi reason, I wrote the piece against his nUion. He has cbmebut and answered me.md tries to excuse himself s but I don't think his excuses are good ones. His fint excuse is, that he was rrquetted to da so. Now, Mr. Long. 1 ask you seriously, is this a sufficient ex cuse ? Ja a nrn, and more than that, is a member of Congress, bonnd to do a silly thing, ecu he is requested SO to do? i'uppose some 44 respectablesource' was to request you to urge congress to " . .1. , ,j1 - - , 1 pass a Jaw that no man anaii anouioj sen his land, ualesa he sells LsoldJ his ne eroes with it 1 would you do so f Now I sk if Congress rant as well do this, as to say that a master shall not sell his'negro man, unlea . he also sells, at the" Same time, and to the sime person, the negto woman loo f It is the grievous m'nfvrtunf of the Southern States, that they have slaves X' but eb 4ong-s thia Js ihe casei these slat es must be treated as property 1 and, aa tuch. neither Congress, nor Mr, lyong, nor Quaker-meetings, have any right to mednle in the business. But the next excuse Mr. Long oners, is, that if Congress was werej to meet the petition, he says it will would not jmr.t tm m ; V-v sofheen--egTjeT the constitution. Mr, MHig Is n far as regard tnv Southern negroes, for I have but a small stock of them and what I have, I would'ent sell, even to a shell bark quaker. Out as to the cousti tution, I can't say what one he reads, tho' I suspect it is not the one signed by Washington; for that one, I am sure, 4loilsJlj(reas iur.uaket'iect' 1ngfc,lb'"aay"man"ahalT"iiot sell b!a own property. Mr. Long seems to speak shout our Southern negroea, in a style as if he was were not from' the South. It is like ly he may not have the Southern interest much at heart i but he must not forget, that hi constituents are Southern people ; and that he represents the whitci, as well as the negroes It would be well enough for Mr. Long, when he offers petitions of this sort, to keep in mind what a noise was made in Congress when he first went there, about the "negroes of Missouri -and how the Vankies and Quakers wished to fix that business. 1 know, Mr. White, that I nm not . capable pf .holding , a hand against a Cangrtttman Jn 1 writing, otherwise I might call upon Mr. Long to answer some more of his doings, tmce the negro petition : that is, I saw his name on the list of the little caucus that was held one night last month. Certainly, Mr. Long was not requetted to do this by any Quaker-meeting, or any other 44 respectable source." I suppose he thinks that we people are not hi to elect a President, and that he would will set us right, But as his ob ject was to rtammend to his constituents, I hope he will let the rule wort both ways, and not get angry again, if one of his con stituents, in turn, recommenat to him, in iuture, .not., lojae, meddling with, negro petitions, and theaj? ,nAf-caucuses. P. S, Some 'Other writer, before Jd. Long came out, also tried to answer my piece 1 but he seems to make a poor hand at argument. He tries to excuse Mr. Long, by saying that one Mr. Stanley, done did the same thing j in this, how O, yea 1 we hare to "touch off' all the piece" we get, whether from a clodpate" or a congressman. im. laniinian. com: ever, you let l1m rifttit. Cut even if t1!i Mr, Stanley had done so, what does that signify I It will not justify the hon. Con gressman 1 and how do we know but tlili same Mr. Stanley miy be tome Yankee, or quaker i May be a ArAVy-quaker. ' fa tm WLTisv riasum. ' ItEWARC OF QUACKS I A case lately took place, by quackerrt in the vklnitv ttt I Jnrnlntnn. which had very dearly proved fatal 1 a round maniwhIch mmm "y 'f"m, of by the name of Valentine Hafner.the son of an honest farmer pf I , had been from nis inlancy auuci n aim , 1 . 1 Ziilrfity. .Having tried a Mt-mnf mean in endeavoring to get relieved from , ika aliaArder. but without effect, SOmC ojotningcsmniyjioiaa) imii wiii shot, for nine mornings Jn succession then, after tbe expiration of seven or eight davs, to repeat taking them, as above, for nine mornings more and again after the expiration of seven or eight days, to repeat the aame for nine morning 1 -who did so. taking,. in the whole, 343 aiiot I Some time after the first nine mornings on which he took the shot, be felt unwell in Ms bowel but was encouraged by some' person telling him that any medicine that would cure, must first make him worse before he could get better. However, it finally brought on coffee ftrctonum. After the com mencement of this disorder, a considera ble time elapsed before application was made for any regular medical aid ; but, at length, Doctor Simpson was called in when, to every appearance, the young man was la the extreme agonies of death when the hiccough, and every svmp torn of dissolution, we-e attendant ; but after having suffered the most excrucia ting torment that could be endured by a human creature, thiough the great ex eruon and unwearied attention of Doctor Simpson, and the blessing or divine Pro vidence, he waa relieved, and now appears to be fast recovering. Medical writers have enumerated lead among the most dangerous of mineral poison and the celebrated Doctor Thoma, in Speaking of them, aays, " tiie chief of the mineral poisons are Jnenic, Oxy muriate of Mercurv,and trad." This ought to be now generally known. . It appear! now to be high time that the Legislature of North-Carolina should m knma ifirird in thai admonition vSn them by the late Governor Branch, in one of his messages, and interpose some shield to guard the innocent and unsuspecting citizens against the machinations of Quackery i which not'onlv lewd xo tW I away the lives ol useful citizens, but like wise to defraud them of their property I he State of North Carolina hat now ar rived at that period in improvement and education, not to be behind - her aister States j she now requires practitionera of law to be examined by the Judges of the supreme court, before they can be ad mitted to the bar, and regulates their fees by law. And why not, also, establish a Medical Board, before "whom all prac t'nioners of Physic and Surgery should TOttd-Hr UammanbnTtIrTrt,W-wh6mr,, . 77?; h ahould obtain licencet before they should be permitted 10 practice, and by whom their fees should be regulated ? Great impositions have been practised upon the ignorant, not only by unskilful practice, but likewise in extravagant charges ; which ought to be remedied in some way. To shew the necessity of itatarl raubjote VMWiVarmtitW:' by one of trie modern sons of Esculapius, who has been practising for a number of years in this county, and who has amas sed a considerable property by his prac tice : and who, when he commenced here, (it is believed) could not spell more than one word in five correctly in hisprcscrip tionss and had never read more of the Latin and Greek languages than what he found on the labels of his master's medi cal furniture ; and without any regular scientific knowledge. The following is the bill which this doctor (if I may be so permitted to call hint"," made out-against a man who is in extreme poverty. who had received a wound in the belly by one of his neigh bors, but w hie b had been . sewn . up, by a man present before (ending for the doc tor, but in which he made some little al teration on hi arrival; and which, amoun ting to one hundred dolart, was sued for (bxforeiiustjce.pf the peace) and recov ered of the father of the young man who had inflicted the wound, who had humane ly assumed the payment of the doctor's1. bill- Tbe mileage on the first visit, did not exceed 7 or 8 miles, and the others not more than 9 or I0..v.vix 1 Mr. JL W. Dr. by aaatimseti J. C. Dr. te J. D. 1822:' . Oct. 2. Mileage, after higbt, and sewing1 up ;your wounds, and medicine 6 w ana aressinir - - 1 Milesee.-vislti an4 dressing wouwU, -10 , Ol. ohve 4 ol, Kecine 4a..- . 1 "'flhealve plait. iS'Z .'V.'.'Ll 4. Mileage, visit, and dressing wounds, 10 9. do. do. and medicine, ... - 10 do. do. do - .... -. 10 TJal. Sulph. 81. plast. S4 4 12, Mileage, visit, and dressing wounds, 12 16. Bal. sulph. ol. olive, ........ 1 - 1 Amount due, IQ0 yvU the legislature not interfere, and prevent mich imposture j1 Jn Enemy tt Impotttrt. - JJncolntothMarch'iO, 1824. EJillLWUllla . TIT.SDAY M0HNIN, MAncIf 30, TKOI'LE'l TlCKKf. VTt learn from tin palcigh Star, that a meet, Ing of the citiien of the Elettorst dlitrkt ron. posed of the counties of Halifax, Warren, Frank. tin ami Nash, ha been held at Warrentnni t , " aomlaated u a tndid.tt on tU .rrt. foe TJmeinr tJ - ' ..1 ' I TiM .'MK.. i'lll ... . - " . J Jtr'l.. i - . - . the meet'inf adjourned, tha fullowinf resolutiosj ru passed r Itf9-d .That the brilliant aerviees, tried nroner Dersoo I United lateti and that' tbi meeUne will ua their aafluence in aupportinf bis election to Uut office. , ... . . ' 'A new Stet in DanetngA Providence paper announces the departure from that city of a Mr. Montaes, who professed' to be dancing rasster. - It appears that he opened a dancing school at Providence, was well patronized, received Ms pay i advance, borrowed about twenty dollars of hi scholars, contracted other debts lo the mount of 300 dollars, then u tliftfi'd hit cable," and danced off, to the Jane of 44 tvrr the h'Utandfartvy"tit his scholars to take such 44 ttrfit" as they thought pro per, with regsrd to the 44 French leave" he had taken of them t and bis musicians to "whittle for their fiay." 1 Bait-Pat. MjHtieur Montact not only raorsisi t b a dancing matter, but waa practically aa adept at ' the business, as the good citiaenaof our towa can fully attest. Ha came to Salisbury, four or five years since, and opened a dine'mf school 1 and, 00 the faith of hi subscription paper, contracted debt to the amount of quadruple the sum subscribed to hi school 1 he did not, however, "dance tff from "here, till he ttai rcnd:red a "valuable consideration" to hi pst ron but those who ilttktd, fed and lodged hin had to put up whb the empty satisfaction t hick "Ma Ian" afford, in case of insolvent and abtttnding debtor. The Senate of New-Tork has by a vote of 17 to 14, rejected the bill f)f riving the eleo. tkm of Klcctor to the People, which patd the lower house almost unanimously only fire I dient;n If ,vutnt et wanting, of the corrupt intrigue of the caucus. ilea at Washington, with the Kcw-tork legisla ture, the conduct of tbe Senate of that 8tt fumialir it i In the morning of the day OQ vhicft the final vote on the Electoral law sva taken, resolution vu offered, and pmted, by a vote af 10 to 15,. declaring that "a law mjktto pass, restoring to the people the privilege of electing Elector of Preaident and Vice President." No doner was this decision known oat of doors, than tiie agents of the caucus commenced a most villainous tampering with the numbers: ami behold ! in tbe evening, lien the final vntt was taken, tw 8entor (Messrs. MaBarf :M 11 right, to their everlasting Infamy we record ..." 1 1 . 1 .l- cncpuci 01 uir pmpic Mic curti w una be to retain the appointment of Electors in tl;i Legislature, where the cauensites hope to bribe a sufficient number of members to effect their corrupt achrmcs. But this is a fatal infatus'.ins in tbem ; for, even if they get tiie vote of New York, it is a moral impossibility tor their candi didate to be elected; Our friend of the FayeltevilTe Oliserver, hi wrong in placing to the credit of Muntitiir Gallatin, twentvfre votes for Vice President, in the Harrisburg convention he received only ten, and those would nut hsve been given him, had the delegates been elected one month later. We trust the Editor of tha Observer will cor rect this error $ for we are frid, if there i too much consequence given to thi fugitive from the old world," that he may be so elated as to give us a second hand of the aame game Mon ieur Montaet has been playing off upon us. , , Tiie Editors of the National Intelligencer say that the residential Slectton-haatTrmMF our " liead.n ' Now if Jlessr. $lei and Season will accept a small tmendment to their declaration only to atrike out the wori? iead,?.nd insert, in lieu of it,ice we will " concur" with them ; fur the Presidential election certainly ha '" turned," or ttt, our nca against the rile in tfigraroT theTadlcsr partyrfof srhteh 4he Mcl Iigencer haa become theslayiah eulogist j) whose disorganizing and base schemes were not fully developed, until the discussion on the presiden tial question unmasked them, in all their naked turpitude,.- .And the We of November fieart wifl teach these editors (who bar baea fattening on treamry pap, till they have grown a insolent as Royal grooms) that threeifourths of the freemen of til atiorr hare i4 turnelw-their -heads," or-UMtiryWagaiM.the. svstem of fucDi dJcUtiim estb!lslicd,At Wiublnjton rjj We this week give place to'tie,thirl speech on W. Fishty antiaucu Itcsolu tion; and as we tliink our reader hsve np formed a pretty goodertimate of tire arguments, pro and con, on the ubject;We shall deelitj publishing any more of the speeche..i.""n'-!W some of the others, from their matter and m" ner, may be particularly wortliy of attention.

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