r i t 1 i.:: t i it... il It , nsew tiie hope op Tire wicked asd Jct. Tli hop of the Wf 11 A moment shall tlut it, ( TVben the brtaih of Jrhovah la wrath has o'crpast hi Sik the smoke that ti wieds la their fury are Ush'.ng6 ' ' Or foam on the ocean, when the tempests are (Uililnf -It ttt-tmi It not Us triumphs are o'er. And the place that ooce kneir h, shall know It jm more. But U bop of deyW It established for ever, And that trust shall f3-nr-. . J. Tie Ilrarene at the voles of his thunder Buy shake,' r The earth at the flash of his f.ftitnliif may tjnake, But iLcir bop and their truat ahaJI be ever the - same, ' . ' Vnfading, onchanrlnf JiaaTia'i bit name. mlta. Low In the rale, wheta streamlet ran, Ami under a tree reclined, A pilgrim measured Ilia wit of a roan, By thinking on wemanklnd. ' Ob ! a woman hat kilting eve a," be cried, "And a aofl bewitching amile, TVUh a thousand, thousand charms beside, Our kmc! to beguile. Wsrk ee7 glance that confirm her sway Note, too, each dimpU'i power Look on ber tip ho the young love play, Like beea on the honied lover! . . nWi Ma of Sweetst ami wa This truth for a conatant nils . Cnchantkig woman can always make The wise at man a fool" taoa na wasaissrea lirciucu. Crawford fa) UMng up, quoth Jack t True, Dill rcpCe," hit batk aa SSSST. tmmn na vairaa ersTta tumi. Whipping the Devil artund a Stump . In the county of Northampton, state of Pennsylvania, there ia a little retai. Icr of proff (spirituous liquors) who hat been fined by the proper authority, ior sewing ny tne gwf or nail pint, without license. Now ! In order to evade the law. he Applies to the tin-merchant who happened to be there, for advice to help bim out of the acrape. The Tin-Merchant, for the price of a week board, aoon taught our re- tailer what to do indeed, what is it that t tin-trader can t do f They put their heada together, and made a ttn tube e xac tly one y ard in length, and of the thiikness to hold one pint of rum. This they marked off 12 yard, 3-4 yard, and half 1-4 Just as pedlars of tape and calico h.ivr their yard sticks marked off". Nou, when a traveller steps in to "wet hit n-Witle" he civilly says, Muter Land lard, I'd thank ye for about 1-2 a yard, or t4 jut according to the length ot the " Red Lane" length of throat. No sooner said, than done, the land ;: Iofdr with solemn Me p, moves- on, and reaches down, from behind his bottles, the tin yard tube and measures out 1-2 a yard, or 1-4, as the case may he, of the wet ttuffoi the 0 1 be joufui; The travttler sends It down the red lanet vulgarly called drinks it, pays down the casht and travels awar. Friend Printer, if this is not "whip ping the Devil around a stump, I don t know what is. N. B." The New-England folks have a saying, that three Philadelphia Lawyers are a match for the very Devil himself, and. that they are able to un ravel any knotty point, let it be ever so hard. ,Now, I would just civilly ask ; toch three Lawyers,' whether this man, ..who. sells rpm by the yard, instead of by. the cill. or half pint as the law says, -can leaned or not fined LA 1000 dol. -jar Jee.wiiiDe. given. In conclusion, we will inform, that the business has become so profitable, that the. tiivmercbant and the tavern . keeper have entered into a co-partner- ship. Indeed! their custom increa ses so fast, that the firm begin already to hold up their heads, ard talk big talk very strongly of taking out a pat rnf so that I would advise our wie ones in Congress, to keep a good look Out when these sellers of rum, by the tatt,come.tQ the City of Washington, lor their patent, rJ6n, Pa: Feb. 25. " ""Ameeting of thtfMembers of the Legis lature of Virginia, favourable totheelec tlon ofMr:rayJ8ldent of the UM ted States, Was held at Richmond on the 8th inst. The numberDresent jant sta ted, n Electoral "Ticket was agreed upon, and two gentlemen appointed to frame a suitable address to the people of Virginia, ' which" is published in the Richmond Phenixyol the llthinst. T.DTT0RUI, ATlCAJfX.' No coBdition in lite is without its eviU no station In sotiety free from perplexities. The rich are hmaned with the cares of accumulation and preservation the poor arc d'uturbed by actual waot or prospective misery. Those la authority dread the loss of power and those ia subjection Ian. guish with envy. All this, the moral ist will inform us, arises from the ta per fection of human nature. May be it ii so. But of all situations among civilized mortals, not even excepting the schoolmaster, or the parish priest no one deserves so Utile envy as that of a newspaper editor. He. poor drudge, is aupjjused to pvtsesa neither t wilt-r- nis own nor tne smallest portion oi sen sibility. His readers, with two or three hundred, or perhaps as many thousand different tastes, eipect a enny scant and uniform application to eaclf of those tastes, of as many multlfart a a a 'a ti ous and nign-apicea reiisnes. tvr rsr) ing appetite must be duly excited and satisfied. Sentimental mises long for poetry dandies crave the la test fashions p'liticasters fatten on battles and revolutions wliwprms want anecdotes censors snap at ed itorial paragraphs gossips devour scandal merchants derive sustenance from ship-news, and hypochondriacs from deaths 'Id maids and bachelors smack their parchment abia over the marriages weatherwisea okout for squalls, and plnchfists and pickpockets lor the s'ate o! the ifoch and so on, cum muHiM auuaa inpntium. Nantucket Inquirer. 1-1 - M I M n a . jw jinaconaa, i ne Baltimore Morning Chronicle . states, that Dr. Ayres has Iatelv brougSt home from our African colony, a serpent of the Anaconda species, which frequently grow to so extraordinary size as to swallow tygers, lions and oxen, whole, slier atrangling them, rhe Doctor is said to have seen one of these mon sters, the dead body of which was found among the rocks of Meisurado, that -measured 56 feet long. "Sheep and goats belonging to the colony, had been frequently missed, which is attri buted to the presence of this unwel come visiter. Trade with the African Colony. We have been frequently asked what are he articles of trade brought from the Colony at.Measurado, and have ascer tained that they consist principally of Klrphants Teeth, said to be of suDe- nor quality of rice, and also of hides - . . ' a f various animals, generally verv small, particularly those of the Ox. There can be little-doubt- but thatr4n the COUraa of few ?r- a Vrrv e tensive ana proniaoie iraue win uc ried on between this country and that part of Africa settled by emigrants from the United States. Bah. Morn. Chronicle. The- AwavKUiswTbe- distinguished zeal of the Unitai Fratrum in propaga ting the Gospel amongst the Heathen Nations, and especially to the wretch ed natives of our own 'forests, has beep lmg known and duly estimated by the Christian World. We have lately teamed, that the Females of this bene volent Society at Salem, in this State, about two years ago, formed them selves into a Society, for extending the blessings of the Gospel to the colour ed population in that part of the coun try. For this purpose, a Meeting House was built, in which Religious Service is performed once a fortnight by the Rev.. Abraham Steine-, a venerable Minister of. the -Moravian Church. The fruits of these exertions, are, at present, we understand, a'regu- lar,ancLord 80 members, among whom are 3 com municants and lObaptized adults. So that the pious work of these benevolent females will, in time, no doubt be re- ytittfcRaliigfrRrgltter. From the New-York Patriot. In the debate which recently took place in the Pennsylvania Legislature, on -the bill for taxing bachtlort, the epithet of ' wretched beingin was p. plied by some of the married gentle men j when a sturdy old bachelor said he scorned the epithet, and "would rather faaytf a pair of featherihreeehea lorced upon him, and be set to hatch jng eggs, than to be married as some men .were married.'' Mr. Wise thought bachelors pretty well taxed al ready j he read a section of the tax law, showing that cows, hogs, horses, single freemen without occupation, geese, and geldings, were enumerated as taxablcs. rtin caucus ;cSm1 M Ti r..!L.ln lufita kill Kf.-t Ik- markujle fcl, that st th late Cnwford Caucu , there were only 8 members of the hoUs of representatives present from 30 suks. Stnahn. fteprmnta&vtt, UIn, N. IM Jilre, Mi taetta, Vemwi Drlawari ' Ohio, , , Imliana, IIIinN, ' ' KentucVf, ' tmiia'ana, MiMMri, ' Alabama, : MiaMwinpL IS fitatt trilhtnl Rhode-liland, Nona Cmmeetlctit, 1 Pennaytvania, 1 Maryland, 2 8. Carolina. None 20 &o had tight New.yor, l ' Virginia, , 1 N. CVoIini, Nona Georgia, 2 Total, 14 32 Seaaton, 14 129 24 flutes. Total preaent, 66 Injfavor of the Caucus, 55 179 2 Ddiit Bail and TatnalL (Protiea) Mijority againtt the Caucus, or who er ibient from Uta Caueua, 127 " Bt vMi statement which you may de pend oi a accurate In all its parts, it is mnife4 that there weie ffiten ttatet which nd not a jungle member of the House of Keretenta'ives present. There were twenty ttaln which, taken together, had onhcitfit Representatives present. There were jhree ttatet, vis. Virginia, North Carolila and New-York, who had a ma jority of the whole Caucus. And I will add, thira were at least eighteen oi the members of the Caucus, who voted for Mr. Crat ford in oppoaition to the known withes o( the states they represent. I will mention as sn ctample, the members from Maine, Xev-Jertey, Ohio, Illinoii, South Cbro&na and fenjuylvuniiu ' " The vote Riven to Gen. Jackson in the Calcus,is claimed by Mr. Markley, of Pcnosylvanis ; the two votes Riven for Mr. Adams by two of the members Irora New-York, Messrs. Ttson and Frost ; and the rote for Mr. Macon, by Arthur Smith, of Virginia. All the rest of the mem bers present, must therefore have voted for Mr. Crawford. It will b for the peo ple to say what weight ia due to such a -1 - ' - - - .1! 1- . -'. la meeunjr, as mis one ming ia cruuu, u ts unexampled. NEWSPAPERS. : It has been ascertained by the Post master General, that there are 599 na w aptt p rs- published. in the. Unit cd States, viz: talc 12 il 9 23 8 137 18 In Georgia " nutans lllinoia MiMourl Kentucky Tennetaee Mississippi 14 48 'I 6 Muaachutetta Wiode Island Conm-cticnt Vermont New-York New-Jeraer 18 7 -.Penniilvsnia.. J 10 Delaware f- 4 MaryUnd 22 Virginia 35 N. Carolina 12 . S. Carolina 12 Alabama .10 hnana - 8 Michigan Dirt. Columbia 1 8 Toatal 599 This number is ascertained, with the town or village in which each paper is published. There are probably a few scattering papers not yet reported to the Department. YOUNG NAPOLEON. Young Mfioleon ia not permitted to ac company his imperial mother to her pal act at Parma ;' his residence is fixed at Schoenbrunn, near Vienna, where, pre viously to his entering that capital, Buo naparte first saw the portrait of Maria Louisa. " Law of Aorin Carolina. An Act au'triorizing 'certain TiniTtationi of Slaves r.-T fcyaec! of wrhingv iww Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of horlh-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of TArdrteTharveiyimitiatirtnTyi deed or writing, of a slave or slaves, hereafter made, which limitation if contained in a last will or testament be good and effectual as an executory devise or bequest, shall be, and is here by declared to be a good and effectual limitation in remainder of such slave ot-Jsves ; - -; II. And be it further enacted by the ituihority tifoYefaidf Xhal any limita tionnTade or eserved to ; the grantor;" vendor or donor, in any such deed or writing of a slave or slaves, shall be good and effectual in law : Provided, such limitation., had it been made to another person, would be rood and effectual, according to the first section of this act. V III. Be it further enacted, That all vaiaaar. . amrr. 2 Nona f Nma 8 do. do, 1 J 'do, do. , f 1 do. None do. ""J I do. 15 i I do. . 4 l do. ... 2 wnef do. ' ' 14 -j. 4". ,d. doi do. I - do. do. i . . . . S t 2 ' 2J 1 2 9 ttfmtniativii. la , w 14 9 9 6 5 1 such deeds cr wntingt'ihaU be Vrttness ed, proved and registered, as other written conveyances of slaves are or miy be byjaw required to be witness ed, proved and registered, Aa Act to authorUe the pirment of money to Clerks of Courts of Record, in certain caacs. Be it enacted bu the General Anem bla of the State of North-Caroliiia. and J -r- -j - - - - r , t it hereby enacted hi the authority of m. a m it. a a I tne tamet i nat it snail ana may oe lawful for the Defendant or Defend, ants against w y nnal juUgmeo. or decree for the payment of money shall or may be rendered or. made, Jy eov Court of record la thia State, to pay the whole or anjr part of the Judg ment or decree to tne ciers oi me a - - - - - . ii ri .1 Court in" which Hid judgment or decree Shall or may be rendered or made, at any time after the rendering of such" judgment; r the making of such decree, although no execution shall or roar have issued to enforce the payment of such judgment or decree i and such payment of money shall be as good and available to the party making the tame, as if made to the Sheriff or other legal officer, under and by virtue of an execution issued on such judg ment or decree. 1 1. And be it further enacted, That the Clerks of Courts of record to whom any money shall or may bo paid to sa tisfy in whole or in part, any final judg ment or decree, shall pay the same to the party or parties entitled;, to receive the same, under the same rules and penalties as if the same had been paid into his office, under and by virtue of an execution issued on such final judg ment or decree. An Act concerning the public land in the coun ty of Haywood. Be it enacted, Ifc. That the erecting a building or buildings on the public lands in the county of Haywood, re served by the .commissioners, under an act of Assembly passed in the year 1819, Chapter 997, and the cutting or removing ti-nber from, or cultivating the said land,-shall -be, and ther-are hereby made indictable offences, in the Inferior and Superior Courts ol said county, and punishable by fine at the discretion of the Court before which the conviction takes place. II. Be it further enacted, .That whenever any person or persons shall be in possession of any part of said land, it shall be the duty of the Sher iff of Haywood county, and he is here by requested, to give notice in writing to such person or persons, command ing them to depart therefrom forth. Wltn I ani II SUCn peraonor pcrsuns in a a possession, upon oeing so notinee, shall not, witnin two wecta aner me v tt r r- : - -T-:- -r- - time of notice, remove there from, 'the Sheriff is hereby empowered and re quired to remove him, her or them, immediately j and, if it shall be neces sary, to summon his posse comitatus to aid and assist him in so doing. Iff ArtIk It f.irlltvtnrtrfj TVi a .h h wYtK, j s - tmA - JLf naywooa county, io give tnis act in charge to the. Grand Jury, at each and every term f the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for said county. An Act to appoint Commissioners to view and lay out a Road from Salisbury to Beattic's Ford, on the Catawba. Be it enacted bu the General Assem bly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority tf the tame. 1 hat Alexander lorrencc and Hugh Brawly, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to view and lay off a public road from Salisbury to Beattie s Ford, on the Catawba river, on the best ground the intervening country will nfford j and the Said Commissioners shall 'certify two fair plaisof the road so laid. Off and .marked by them, and le.onje an each of the Courts of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions of Rowan and Iredell counties, and when thus certified and filed. the said -Courts-shall -appoint overseers on said road in their respec- live counties, ana it snau oe opened and kept up as other public roads, II. And be tt further enacted, Thai the said Cotntnissioner's- shall each re ceive two dollire per. day during, the; time they are employed in laying out said roadr which shall be paid the.m. by the County Trustee of their respective counties vi." . An Act for the relief of Female Debtors. Bt ' it enacteftMf the General Assem bly of the State of North-Carolina, and it it hereby enacted by the authority of the tame, 1 hat f rom and alter the pas sing of this act, no female whatever shall be imprisoned for debt ; any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Mofanion fomalo Academy. T J1II11 Institution will eontinua the eurrsnt a. yer under the msnamrnt f the Chiurwrey rVl.ly, Mrs, F.iUI.and I!m Parknian! Uia same as the list yrsr. Tlia disriplin and course of atudles are tl am as ttnsa al(ijtd In ttia most approtoi aeminarlrs f New iln(rtand and Nsw.Yorlc, , llrst quarter of the present year haa si. ready commenced, but admission can ba otjtain. ad at any time, and the bills will ba made ot front the tima of admission. As the object of tha Inatitatlon (a the InteTlee. I us I, and talifrtoua Improvament of tha ycmn Ladies, tha Instructors feel themselves biryt i fierce an attenlaruardin,.;r m-r amusementa, and to direct their attention to sucb thinjrs as are calculated to refine tha manoare, enUrjf tha mind and Improve the Jif srt, Good bosnlinjr can ba obtained, either at Uia AcaJcmr. with tha Instructors, or In the (mm. ,tl-- tleinlty, at llu rate tit flftif AtAUr fV vear. Terms, gd 2J per quarter i or 3, when la. at met ion in PainUnf ia not required i payabla at tha end of each qnsrtef. - House of Entertainment m m f PUB aubacriber Informs bis friemla L and the public In renerat, that he 11 I Thas opened a fftnut f Jhntertadnmmt In tha I own of Concord, a fw rmla southeast of tha court-house where, with unremitted attf o. lion, and a desire to please, ba hopes to merit a ahart of public patronaga. Boarding1 canba bad on reasonable Urma, by the week or year. JAMES H. CLARK. , V. B. ITa baa also received, a larp and cle rant assortment of new GOODS. Ctnemrd, Martk i, 1824. ' 96 State of Nortli-Corolina, MBCKLERBCaO COOMTT." ' COUBT of fjulty Samuel Roach, t. Hugh McDowell, James Moore, Andrew Heron, and others. In this caae.it U ordered taatput.6. cation be made for sis weeks laiha Western Vmr. olinianthat unless Jamea Moore and Andrew I Icr. on, two of tha defrndanta in thia ease, appear at the next Court of Law and Equity to ba held for the county of Mecklenburg on the fch Monday after the 4th Monday in March nest, and ansa ee or the bill will be taken procottfeasu, and beard ei parte, as to them. it'l Prica adv. fc2. n. W. DEWLAP. e,.i. State of North-Carolina, cabarrvs eovTT. COURT of Pleu and quarter Sessions, Jan. uary Term, 1824 1 Dsvkl Dradshaw M.John 8. MCurdy i original attachment, levied on lands, h appearing to tha court that tha defendant in this ease is not an inhabitant of thia State, K ia therefore ordered, that publication ba mads threa months in the Western Carolinian, giving notice to said defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county, at the eourt-houac in Concord, on the third Monday of April neit, to replevy, plead, or demur, otherwise Judgment final wilt be entered up agaiast bim, and eiecntioo awaN ded accordinglr. Teat i M. HUNT, c. C c. Price adn. 4. 104 State of North-Carolina, BCWCOMSB couaTt. "1 COUXTT Court, January term, 1874 1 JoaV Alexander and Robert. Era in, ticeutors Jt William Beattie, to.lbe uae of Joh n M.'Tbonias-. t. William Brittain and Margaret Reatue, exec wtorwd executrix of. Walter. BeattielL ap, pearing to the aatisfaction of tha court, that the personal estate of the testator in the hands of hit executor and executrix, la insufficient to sat isfy the iudrment in thia case: ordered, tint tpobticatitm bVmade hi (ha Waataaw Carolinisn- tnree weeks, gmng notice to W illiam Hall and Matilda bis wife, David K. Beattie, Walter L. Ilea'tie, and Jane Beartie, heirs at Uw vf the said Walter Beattie, dee'd. i (a-ho are kit inliab Hants of this Stste) to appear at a county court to be held for Buncombe county, at the court house in Asheville, on the seeond Monday alter the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to shew cause, if any they may have, why exe- - cyxn ,,,ouM n,,t IMne ,?,mrt ,h real estate of juugmeni in tins case Test, JOHN MILLER, c. a. e. Price adv. gl 75. 110 State of North-Carolina, BUKCOXBE COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court of Uw. fall term. 1821. Joab Alexander and Robert Erwin, execu. ton of William Beattie, v$. William Brittain and Margaret Beattie, executor and executrix of Walter Beattie, dee'd. It appearing to the sat isfaction of the court, that there ia not personal estate to satisfy the judgment .obtained in this case, and that William HaJI and Matilda his wife, David K. Beattie, Walter L.' Beattie, and Jams Beattie, heirs at law of the said Walter Beattie,' reside without the limits of this State i it ia ordered, that publication be made three weeks in the Western Carolinian, riving notice to the said heirs to appear at a Superior Court of Law to be held for Buncombe county, at the cnurt-hu0.se, on the second Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to shew pause, if"aiiy they may' hare, why exectti " tion should not issue sgaiiist the real estate of the-saM" Walter Betti judgment. Test, BOBERT nEVTlV, CU Price adv. gl 75. it'O - J Statrmf-N orth-Carolimif WltKES county. SUPERIOR Court, in Equity. Wi Finley, vs. Charles P. Gordon, Za auffh and Zacbarah II. Gordon, James, It. Gordon, GCorire W. Gordon, Thomaa T. Nappicr and Rebecca hie wife, John Brown and Marv his wife, and Sarah Gordon i Orig4nl kill, ami bill at injimatioiw-.lt appear, ing to the satisfaction of the court, that the de fendants are the inhabitants of another state, ordered, therefore; -that pnblication bemade in the U estern Carolinian for six weeks, requiring ;oun tkeSF 6ohd Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to said hill, or jftdgmentpw confess will.be taken, and the same set for hearing ex. parte. - 0. BRRETT c. n. t. Price adv. S2. it'03 M.I .. t. I Writing Paper, ' : ' TJTOR aale at this office, by the ream? foolscap X at three aoIUra, and pot at two dollars and fifty cents, per ream. tnc said dcrcmlams to appear at the, next t of Piu!tv."Toe'n1d for h ewnnfy of Wi at the court-house in WilkosVoro'I'on the se

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