'J h i JN MJl SALISBURY, N. C. TUKSDWAnUI, C, 182 L , NO. 200, . a W I ' - jmhp -a- 1 n I'M' HAL JACKSON iv . i it .- :-- u uLlraM of U HtrrUburc I IDS vw " " , 'convention, lotbeSrMla-citiniof U'ttW m the noHunnuofl w - in It.- J a.- 1 9 VaikMu luf kc rrcnucuu vi rarvrtt"1 "The Convention I AJciegaies, vanis. to form a electoral t'uktt, for V Lr.L. f-Pr-kMr and Vice President, have now performed that duty, nave'Uecti amnjiuiidj by this Coorention. wnnDm w r,rri thir scntimeots on the approach L Prlt'irnti.l Election. - It is a tub feet of momentous magnitude, and de- I ' ...... .V -f lkM in in (J me serium uciuuim AmcVicaa people "The dec'uioii may ;nnlve the Union and continued s- cendancy of the demot ratic party, and maf'vitUy allcct our loreign ana ao fnititf relations. i A nomination of candidate! for theie important office! hai been made by a small portion of the republican mem Krr .f Conirrei! i and the party hat been called upon to unite in their aup port, VVe do not deiign to attack the character! of individual! nominated at Wuhinrton. nor imDutrn the motive! w w srlitb rndied may highly rpcita- b!e gentlemen to enter into a caucui eomnosed of a im M minority of the re publican membera of Congress j we will only briefly, but frankly, declare our reaion fur duientiog from the notnioa A Congreiiional Caucui could never be defensible hut the echo of the voice of the great republican party of the Uion," It naa nitnerto eoniisica of i laree maioriryof the democntic membera of Congreis, composed of the frte'ndi of all the candidate! enter- ing into caucus, and surrendering their perianal predilection! on the altar ol republican ascendancy But, the late unprecedented assemblage waj holden in direct hostility with every us ge and priniie of the democratic party. It ha4nJ pirty object in view j it jtm not a meetinir to concentrate the party in luroort of the most deserving of the of' lingw odi vidialf - new - in -ucr disregard nd defince of the knon .wishei of the democratic party in Cop "gTeMpin throughout the Uini4 A v err-large, majority of .the demo ratic member! oi congress, muuruvcu uj either the known .wishei of their con itituenti, by their own disapprobstion of ngrsiooJuV a.ucu? TMainev under exiitioe clrcurn r 1 - that; when the leotimcnti of our lister ttitei art expreieea upun n r r.T recding at Washington, it! fnendi wtll find they ni ai enurciy Ujvintr. we hone, tif njflMrtfd tnn it is not only the right, but the duty, of tne rrpuoucan pnr, w yyw nomination of partial caucui, wc win now lubmit our reaaoni tor we oeci 44-4Uw ntcrtainrd by ihc.de m a 0 a of th.t body, during the try.f per, emphatically called tiv re. go f terror, which preceded the po tucam . on Of,800,hew..j.iealou..0 0np4rnt.f the raeri in the Seoite of the U mJ eutei, he wie chosen Judge of's Supreme Cort of Tennenee ant'it the doie of his military lerviccijCovernot of Floridat and is now reelected to the Srnaic of the Upio'a. ' V discharg era an undev'utinc democrat, not in name only, but alsu in practice and in principle. The present ii a period of awful tn.Mt m all Iff ntililirn vnvrrnmenti. They are every where, tiivadcd, by a formidasle combination i tyrants, fa ulting in their past aucccss, , Napfes, Portugal, and Spain,, are reiettled io the calm of despotism, aoJ the !orabre noaumentioiiyranoy ana supmi art elevated over th tombiofmartyri ml nat riots, and the ruins of Coasil . I'll, linhl tA tUtlooal govcrnracnn, ft-" Grecian liberty must oe ex'8cu aa " a lurch of discord thrown into the Ottoman moire.w The conflict be tween the oppresior and the oppressed, will not be coobuerl to r.uropc. fleet! and armici of the Jloly,Alliei em bark for American cati. American republic!, bordering upon our own country, must be sunjugneu. mc veteran patriot, who pricei over mc dcstu-iei of our country, has declared that we must resist, and the nation sanitions the declaration. Nor are we left to bl.nd conjecture, ai regards the Lichi in which this country is viewed by id d'SDOti in Europe. One of their Ambassadors lately declared in the of his country la the hour of danger, and the voice ol domestic lactioo tntc resounded from the hall of congress wai silenced by me matchless power, grandeur and moral influence of hia elodue.ke.' At t'c done of the war. th peace e!hV.isJ'inent wai organized hj h 4is at 1 1 I 4.4a i ,4ni;a Sccreta of the War Detriment, by the strict CfOontaiUityf rigid econo my, sod admirably i!tem which ho has introduced, he haa aaVed millions -. Baas in thr e Htinirv: and fearless j and his views of mtional policy are comprehensive, loundj libr al and enlightened. His principles and conduct having oeen unuormiy republican, he may be .lafely called one of the first men f the nation. S.irh are the candidaiel whom Fenn- sylvhoiaT respectfully pretcnts to the republican party or tne union, anu re- questa their coioperattoo, I he de mocratic party ihould concentrate up on candidate! fr the important na tions of President and Vice Prendent of the United Stateit Uh whom caa they unite with greater honr ana advantage to the country, and rooro assured cothdence oi success, inan Andrew JacktenjnA tyCf&!$Vl CIIAK1.V.H OULE, JOHN TlfXi- KOBEK I J. WALKEI itances, had refuaed to attend, and the minority ihould not have attempted to force them into nomination j or, when they had assembled, and discov. the naucitv of their- numbers, it o their Hutv to have adiourned. It tntAil not he auDDOsed that the friends - if- . . . .t: n.tiit4 4M OI all tne omcr canuiuaica wwu.v. their pretensions ; that the majority oniitl anhmit m the nomination of a vuuiva w minoritv. Sich a. meeting of th friends of an individual might distract and divide, but could never harmonize and unite the democratic party. - Hitli erto. in a contest between the federal and democratic parties Pennsylvania may have aubmitted to a general cau cus of the democratic memben. But, ali Ammm t nnt nnlv her richt buther duty, to oppose a nomination by a min oritv. without a sincle us see or prece dent to rest upon, violating the funda mental principles of democracy, and leading to the certain dissolution Of the renublicau oartv. : - Tht friends of the late nomination at -Washington would wisi to rest their awWDOoahelTexmbarast mocratic party, and triumphantly point . I I f ...... uI.tniili vp me proceedings oi aiaic cvn that " PnnsVlvahia. M a reCOT- .ttioTTbfieTnrathoTitr mate Junctions of legislative bodies are the enactment of, laws. ; As citizen, they have a right to entertain, and toj litical subject but it is to their ctM- stituenti, to the democratic party, tnai RenfeSentatiyes in Congress should look for their authority to nominate " etecutive officeriYv?Tlhe people are the only source of th elective sovereignty, agencies should be permitted to ton- troul. or.. d irec t. the ir wishes, 1. P ut, even a legislative exrjression had not been obtained from a sincle itate in fa vor of a partial Caucus, And we think moer.ev of Pennsylvania for Andrew Jackson,' i Preiidcnt, isnd John C. CMhoun, as Vice Preiidcnt of the United States. The nreaentis a most Interesting period in the history of our republic A contest must shoruy tae piacemai may severely test the durability of our free instituvons f one mat may shake the Union to its entrei At least four candidates are still contending for the Presidency. The friends oi eacn are ardent, aeaious, and active j and, as the crisis approaches, the public mind is Inflamed. The Union is no longer actuated by one soul, and bound to- -tKr hw nne rntirclv OI interest. - cat and aeetional prejudices are enli tJ. Bal th hostiU p-rtira are arr.v. miMlieir forcea with increasing aniroo sity. It becomes, then, a subject ol startling msgnitude, who smong tne candidates has the strongest hold upon the au ctions of the people, whose sue cess cyuld give most universal satisfac tion, and tend to harmonize and unite these discordant interests. It seems to be admitted, that, if the President was elected immeditely by the pcoplr, a - a I f I (ien. Jatkson would be trie successiui candidate. What alarmii'r C"ne quences would - follow, should any combination bp permitted to control the publ c will! An army oflegisla- ton, combined to witnnoia irom tne people the elective franchise, would be more formidable than the iword or the bayonet. The people would rise with recuper- ative energy : the reaction would be irresistible j the country would be ar- the elecrions to Congreas jone Lrancn ff the government would soon be placed in bitter opposition to another, and col- liaion-mighiensue. tnai wouiu renji me Union L asunder. 7 No man can be a pa- triot,"br a dem-CTar,-who wnuic ai mnini the 'dancerous experiment of suppressing the will of the people on so important a sunjeu, FrtTTwr-mv four-years noneJiulaSiL. cretary of the cabinet has been elevated to the Presidency. We do n.t objci t to the distinguished democrats who have holden, or are now contending ior this station, but we do object to the uninterrupted continuance of a Sccrr. ury dynasty. I he perina nas sujciy arrivedwhenra- prcsidtnL-ShouldJie elected from the ranks of the people. If it h.s not. how soon will the Secre taries claim, by usage and prescription ""WnUi,, of Madrid, 'that "the Uuiud Prude,Kr' ,H .T"0"'1 L,a were the source ol all the Kev. on was not soinvaiauiy sue- - , , . tlirKf.., lhe inimniirv DruiLiuica m cd all these important with grsat aDiiny, wun -usuuie'uic;ii7 u, reckless bfkardshipa'sf danger, or even el reputation, as in every sta tion, whether civil militsry, acted with fearlers derotiu to his. county's service, j : , ""Tbi? fhi-aetef''of to man has been so much rtistinderstod, as that of An drew Jaclhon. lie us been repre sented as i rash and diperate militar) chieftain, regardless the laws and ronstitutien of his coury, , No state- mrnr t mi.r- unfoundrlio fact. An drew Jachon is firm ad decisive in ftrnitinv hi nlans. but WUl'lOUS. tnl- - - n r ' dent j and deliberate in foming them and ro.l and collected ii the houf ol danger; If sue cess be aay criterion f sfciir and prudence, w imm Washinirton was not soinvaiably ccssfiil as the Hero i Orlcai. Vic mrv has alwavs oerched upo his si an dard. If he hai ever aeeied to be rash or orecioitate. it waiwhen his desperate situation require a resort tn ,nrrtrrtc measures. ' H has al- 0 - wavs been aent on dtspcrateenterpri ses, with means almost inattquate to success; compelled to rely a his own energy of character, and th resources of his own mind. If he h ever ap- neared to violate the lawi. v wai, that he might shield hil counti? from the most. awful calamity, llaj ne jiop nrd a day. oerhaps an hour to weigh the constitutional scrapie cf his ene- mies in me scaic oi icci ic.iiuiv v Orleans had been a pile of ruins; and its streets had flowed with American blood. Andrew Jarkson. when hi ' . . , mi- and secure, are very dissimilar, One fact spraVi a volume upon this sub. ifn that cannot be misunderstood. On the eve of the bmle of Orleans J Un tne eve or uic wm" i v. -- when alard diiaffrction pervaded I patriots whom a grateful people Uo . t . I - .-.-J - rrAvMrr iike to ' thai exalted station I the exclusive right of nomination, and from the powerful patronage, in their gift, may be but too likely to obtain it ? This artificial system of cabinet succes- . i v.- Pr-irhnr' ia little leS! datt- BIUII IV ftv vw.w-"-wi J , cerous and anti-republican than theUountry. hrrrdifarvmonarcniesoi turope. ti link in this chain . f successive secretary dynasties benotbrken now,tnen may we be fettered by it foreyeri' Andrew Jackson comes pure, untrammelled, nd unpledged, from the bosom ol the rarn1a ;rh iim ta oi an aaareaa wm ui permiuis !.10 sketch hivbrjlliant civil jnn miiitarv u- " Krn'f ViArii' tell in the Revolution t and Anrirrw .lACKSOi'. iuc iaai ou '. hi. tar, at the earlv aee of fourteen, uta wnnnrlfH and taken prisoner. H is subsequcntJnaiUtaqLferv icesjjtjs A. 11.. i-.- TUmi.' ar well known, and. duly appreciated, by than in military stations. At STery early age he was appointed Attorney General of he South West Territory j when that Teritory vras admitted into thTU bore an kbleand distinguished part in thr CosventiWtt' whicvframe4Xoi: .hef W raostlTiemoifati the Union. r iWj 797, he was elected the Erst RepfesVivtiye of Teonessee, in Congress t and in 1798. to the Senate of the United States, As a member d hradsof Kurnpe," How can we mistake the import of such a de- .a,iir.nr The 1 uds that darkly the skirts of our political horizon must soon burst. Let us then elett, as our chief magistrate, u soldier j . .....m.n All ihe otrer c-n- liu av-. ---- didites, however distmguisnea tneir nnlitlcal characters, are unknown to the great body of the people ; but io An- diew Jackson,' tftty wou.u ..... u,..,Ar, roi.fidcnce. No ooeof his competitors hss performed so many - f.ll-,1 .n mutif important serines, nwi distinguished stations, both civil and military, with greater aonny i discharge of every duty, aud such dc voed fidelity to his couniry. His claims upon the American people, are second only to those of the illustrious I I' Ststement of the commerce of esch st-te and territory, commenting rn ths first dy of Octolr, 1123. nd ending on the 30th September, 18.3. Statrt. Imfmrt: Maine 891644 N. IfjtnDthire 571770 17.607. 16U A veteran of the Revolution is now about to retire from the Presidency, Will vou refuse to elect, as his succes sor, the last of that immortal band oi aav's -- - h.. ritv. f;en. Jackson arrested a per son discovered exciiiog mutiny in his camp, and refused nun to tne civil au thor iv. t il Uikans was aecurra. For thirfTu.r, which-probaWv pr - served Orleans Iron destruction, ne was fined one thousand dollars, He submitted cheerfully, and paid the fine. Aa he retired from the court nouse, ne w.is met by the enthusiastic applause fa grateful people, who o.erea to re- f.mH the mmev. He r fused tort- Cc"! ve tf, admonishing the tk that the'u . . . ! L . I C .L . conduct eviSenceC a aisrejara i w.c law, and of the civil authority : that the example was dangeroui to the lib erties of the Republic; that the punish ment was inflicted by his country, and a. t a . . thn it was bis and their duty to sucnw conduct worthy of the rather ot our country. Otfr admirition ftr the victor of Orleans, is lost in our veneration for the victor over himself. .. It is at home., we must learn his . Waeter is a man t and ta his fellow citizens, rtsiding it) his vicinity, to all who .have ever Visited h hospitable mansion, tie more brilliant halo of mil- "V" - --- . ..... . itaryrenowi is forgotten, in tnemuo- -rraftianre cihianrivate virtues. . nis soul is the residence of all the softer affections tie. wncereriand i ardent Mts A rm t k at nssn. the iindandin- .1 .VMM " " dulgent protect-ihe affectionate hus- band the pracucu anu ptuicBawijj . v.:..: ; Wo navV rlrliberatelv COn- iTdered every pdftloohhebnTesen an1 nn the mok unauestion able authority, assure ourfellow citizens that it tr "p tftiiiag his atay at Washington thir winW-, the mists that calumny .and prcjud:e had at temptedtq throw arpund li i character, have Vanished, and he as become knowtt -..and' esteemed W th assembled wisdom of the nation, Io ".less for talejnts and Sf rvjees as a statesman and a soUreivin4& ging deportment.' " I ' ; Aa rpirirda thi- nnlltica of Andrew Jackson, theris is not one blot upon his mm m c . ' m ''mm km escutcheon, lie dm ever rrr rlevate to that exalted Station? Will vou erect the cold monuments ... . over the tomb of departed merit, and refuse to the living, the last (treat - v w debtxifL4Ptitud ever pay to Revolutionary services f U is this but the idle theme of boyish de clamation. ...has it lost its practical effi cacy, and hat ingratitude deadened too soon the feelings ol American citi zens : Pennsylvania, governed by no local pr sectionalprejujlices; prompted by noiuil.g UUI liil liailuuJi vunaiuv.a- tions; Pennsylvania, the most un 1 trusive in her claims for office, with out 'a sinclc officer, in th c .bmet or Judiciary at Washington, now asks the presidency, not lor a feunsylvanian, but for a citizen of Tennessee. Some of our aister states must yield the pre tensions of their candidates ; and who can ask for such sacrifices, if not the state tha has invariably made themr And for what candidate can they be asked, if not for Andrew Jac kson, who has obtained so many signal triumphs, rid made so many learmi sacrinces lor his country ! The democratic nartv of Pennsylva nia have, also recommended JOHN C.(CA LHOUN, of South Carolina, UnionrK the test of their strictest scrutiny. From his earliest voutb, he was dis- HHguishedlorisdcntacvoUQtLJo the fundamental principiea oi oemoc- racy. In the legislature oi nts.nauvr state, he was the eloquent ana mere nid advocate of nooular suffrage and universal education. During what is. called the wsr sessien of congreis, tr - . ' J 5 I was tne zealous, nrm anu ucicrnimcu suppotrterr of -the,Admihiatration . and whilst others were shrinking from re sponsibility, by -the most irresis ible appeal te arms; and as the chairman of the committee of foreign - relations, he drafted and rported the declaration of war. "He was the iteadfast friend Massachusetts Vermont Rnwle Inland Connet licut Ne York - -Nt Jersey -Pennsvlvania Delaware - - Maryland Dis. Columbia -Virginia - North-Carolina South Cat olina l.f orgia - - LouiiUna Alnbama- - Ohio MichiRsn Ter. , Horida ferritory 62,542 1,4.2 9i3 4i6,lC3 29,42 !,39 5 M 13 696,770 60, lit 4.96.. 7 275r083 681.810 188 958 2.419,101 67u,7o 4.283.125 135,770 161 4,808 Krinrti. 895 501 237 70 13.683 232 933144 483,061 19,038.990 26 Out 2,67.J9J 51817 6.030,229 8UI3J5 4.006.789 42-417 6.898 814 4 '-UO 6D 7,779.072 302,387 1,011 r,5io Total 877,579,367 71,699,030 Aat. Intel. Pubnc Debt of the United Stntet. V'Tnrnt of tlift Public Debt of the United States, on the 1st dsv of January, in each of to years, from 1791 to 1833, 'melinite. In 1791, 875 463 476 52 172, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, "1797, 1798, I799, 1 800, 1 80 1 , 1 803, 1 803, 1 804, 1 805, 18j6, 1 807, 1 808, I809, 18 10, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, -4816, 1817, -IBI8, 181V" 1850, 182.U 1832, 77.237,924 66 80,352 634 04 78.437.404 77 80,747.587 39) 83 762,162 07 - 8u64.47V 33 79.228,539 12 78.4u8.669 77 82.076 :94 35 83.03HOW 80 80 712 632 25 T7 054 686 30 86 427 130 88 82 3.3 150 50 75 723 ;70 66 69.3)8 39 64 65 196 317 57 57.02l.m2 0 35.-73 217 52 48,00 585 76 45 309737 90 55.96a 807 57 81,487.846 24 99J33 660 15 J2ZJ34,933. 74 133,491,965 16 J0?,46ff,533 85 "9429,6484 Of,0l5,566 15 89.987.4-'7 6-93,546-676-38 "90-,?7T77-S- Wational intelligencer Tb Worcester Yeomsn states, that there is in that town a copper coin of the, United States, dated 1792, on .wnico tne hail nf Washington Is impressed, and prefixes to the account the following sn- ecdotef 4 W nen te eurrenf emoi - United States was first establishesl, tha -limn un hrnupht. to President W ash- ittooLM.pprfib nn own iiftciit.s.. . iui 7 -- dered tne die to be4jroken-s new deTiee was substituted for the coinwhich has been preserved erer since." -c--

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