TIT-SDAY MOItMNd, AP Hit, 6. 124. fr.OPl.K'S TICKET. We Irsrfl that Col. ftM f Haywood eounty, in accordance with the wialte of kit f. I- Jow-eituens, ha eonatnted to b candidate fr fclectof, on tht peopU't ticket, at Ik ensuing PrtMiW-rii lcctio) and Ui Bur inform ut that Col. WWa A rWr hat beta oml. Mtad, 4 th Mm ticket, fur the dial net com. eosed of the countir of Northampton, Hertford, " UtalMt'tUt.t urn MMwrmni- Kf meeting f t'1'"" of Wake county, farar bU to Cn, Jackson' flection aa rrt sident. 7V CtnmU government A gmvtmmrnt . iv rtpnr Hit bill in Congret fur obtaining th necea. tary turvryt on the subject of " Itoad and Cam ala," bat given rue to many Uam4 and elaborate epecchet, . lome of tkeae art ao very ingenious, at to baffle tht eotnprelitnaion of common mimUi and w doubt much wbetlicr certain of tka ort . . tonthemarlve understood their own "profound profundity of thought." M a observe that one of the member from North-Carolina, (Mr. gpalght) alao "rote to txpre kit opposition to the biiL Our reader can pther tke ground work of hit argument, from the following ex tract i " If (tay i he) tkit government had tprunr Into eiietence from a Malt f nmlwtV it had denred lu beinf immeriatcly from the ppl then, from ita very nature, it would have tk power contended for (tke power, wa auppoae, to turvey roadt and canalr.) it would have bem IrJierent, from tke very fiirmation of Ike pov. ernmcn,,, -Inatead of deriving iu ex Iftcoca immediately from tke ppt, it waa tail. d into brine; by fvmifnt I It it Die work of ecrertijTii (1j gtani of power ejr ltrm, fur their twn benrfi), and that of M people." Mordccai Mannaaaah Noak, tke Jew editor of tbe rancu$ "Advocate," kat often denied tkat tka finpl were capable of exc rciaing Ike right re- tained to them by tbe constitution but this is the ftrt time we remember to have krard it gravely advanced tkat tbe ff& bad no hand in tbe ettablialiment of our government ! On tke contrary, we had believed tkat all tke power tier delimited and defined, were derived fnm the peoplen.ind not, u Mr. ftpaight sayi, tke "grtnl mvertignt f" tur notions on tkit -eubjoct were takn from the conatitutiiMt itaalf. The very first words of tkat instrument are t "We, tke people of tbe United States" fce. "do ordain and establish tkit const itution," kc. But, according to Mr. Bpaight, " We, tbe peo ple," must have been mirtaken..the "gmf cornea from mtmignt .'" The are the her. etical, nristorratie opinions of n representative Of lOTth?esliiial mm. mk !! tarf, and, U despite of the known Withet of hit con ttitOentt, nru'ted with a desperate cabal at Washington, in attempting to palm upon the free people of the Republic, a man for chief - magistrate who, by Jut intrinaic worth could not unite one-fiAh of the people of the nation in bis support. The defeat of the tanemi ticket in North Carolina (which event every day renders more certain) will be the greater source of exultation to the advocates of the people's rights, and the friends of free elections, because of theun war rantable asmmption, by a majority of the papers (and, we presume, of tbe politicians too) in the Union, tkat our state 'is "safe" fur tke taucut candidate. We expected thus to be fingered about, (n paper ) like a nose of wax, by tke radicals and tke slaves of (Virginia domination j but we looked for a more courteous deportment from -tkose who profess to be the enemies of caucus supremacy. Tke " Kickmond Whig," a paper lately established, and hitherto con ducted with great ability and liberality, in ma king an estimate of the States tbe several can- didatea will get, says New-York, Virginia, Xnh Carttinn, Georgia, and Delaware, " may be tet Awe to him," (Mr. Crawford.) Not quite so fast, gentlemen .......dont " set us down," in tuck company, while we are able to stjd cr among our good friends, the people. Wait till after" November election ; and if It then appears that the suffrtiget of the free people of the state consign t to the humiliating station you now so unceremoniously point to, we will then (hit nt till (km) "ait down" atthe footstool of King .Caucus... r The RherifTt in South Carolina are elected to erve four year t the office, for this length of time, in the city of Charleston, is worth 15 or 20,000 dollars, clear money :" as it Is thus lu crative, it attainment it an object of considcra' ble importance to an individual, at well aa hit friend. About two month since, at an election held in Chrlfr ;a-n-l . . wmn Vleurf obtained a majority of 70 or 80 vote over Col. M. f. Keith $ but owing to ome informaKty in the return from one or two of the - pariahea, and the taking a few illegal rotes, the board, of manager declared the election void, and a new onr waa ordered. Accordingly, bn which resulted in the election of Col. Clearv by a majonty of 318 votes. From the time tbe se. cond election was ordered, until it took place, the Charleston paper teemed with electioneer ing publications, pro and con ome of which were uncommonly acrimonious. But tht clcc-: I.OH it tl'.W fff I l W !' I'.S nail'a- I t lilgrt raatim'U rrj..icrj at bring ft- I.rvtd fot diaagreraLUl necity of printing f.f tha adver parties, w4 shall be at the ar rival of that kaliyon perio-l, when th WJcn- W fn-o'M shall no longer ptrple our tram, ami disturb even our social tranquility. MlKtJiH Cnrnris-Tht Virginia 'confer ence conf ened In Petersburg, on the lSth ult. and terminated it session on tk 24th. , AH lb bouse of worship In tin torn were tendered to, and accepted by, the conference great num. ben of people attended on th preaching of the only bUhnp at thi conference, K gentrml conference bliti lit Id la Bilujaorf on the Ural Jay of May Best ifctapawapasspssaiiaaasBsasaa-M IJcut. X7, who was tried by a naval court, martial at Norfolk, has been honorably acquit ted. It if said tkat this affair hat drawn down upon tht head of tbe secretary of the navy, and Com, Porter, the warmest Indignation of tka friend of Lieut. K. A letter from an officer of tke V. . schooner Shark, Hate tkat a launch from tkat vessel waa lost in a gal of wind, by being stove on shore, at Vera Crux, South-America i and turttm, out of eighteen of her crew, were drowned. Capt. Steven, the commander of the Bhak, very nr rowly escaped a wstery grave. '0e There hai hern to day a contlderakle excitement in the Sente,on the auhjeel of the late minority Caucus. The vencra ble John Taylor of Caroline, who, uravi oui to the Ciocus, waa represented, by the friendi of that acbtmcat favorable to it, haa thia mornim: nut every doubt on that point to rest, by denounc ing the tau cut in the moat pointed and forcible man ncr. Thia republican patriarch denomi nated tbe caucui 41 the IVoMnfton Hull Dancef' and treated the distinction drawn by the advocate af the Caucus, between the private and official act of the mem bert of Congrest, a puerile and ineffi cient. H'attiington Krtiub. The bill for the revision of the dutiea on import (tariff hill to called) travel iowly through the House of Representa tive, and meet with many obstruction in it preat course of preparation for a discussion of it general principle, which hat as yet been only incidentally debated. If the bill passe the Houe of Represen tative, a it probably will we don't stv certinlv-the session will hardly termi nate befere tbe tint of June next. Hat. Intel. There are fythe Albsnr Advertiser) tf t at" OrM V k. ULdud thirty Jive newspupertt and out ol these there are but two, to far as our know" ledge extend, which ire opposed to giv ing the choice of electors to the people. And yet Mr. Livingston, Mr. Dudley, and Mr. Sudani, and Air. Stranahan, tnd others, in the senate, say thtyhave no evi ience that the fiecite detire a change t ! I The several proposition to amend the constitution of the United States, in re lation to the mode of electing electors of President, submitted to the senate during the present session, bate been indefinite postponed. Mr. Randolph has submitted a propo sition to reduce the wages of the members of the H. of R. to six dollars per day. Mr. R's gali appears to have overflowed more than ordinarily on this occasion. Petertburg. Refiub. We have accounla from France to the 31st of Feb. Spain continued agitated. Victory still attended the Greeks No other intelligence of striking interest is brought bv the recent arrival. The offire of 4th auditor of the treasu ry of the U. S. having recently become vacM by the death of Col. Freeman, it is suid there are upwards of one hundred applicants, (members of congress and others) to fill the vacancy. ib. An effort was made in the House of Representatives, yesteiday, by Mr. Allen of Mats, to call up his resolution to limit the duration of the present session, but the House refused to consider, iu Ia.all probability the session will continue until late in May ; notwithstanding the strenu ous opposition of -M r. R amiiilpK," w ho de precates the pestilential atmosphere of the chamber of Representatives, as much as travellers in Java dread an approach lo the failed Upartree H aiki-fiemb, To Corrthfiondentt. We must decline the pubGoation of " Brutus." a1jleFi84l!iec wige3, but are'hVfffi'ly0 in jurious to the cause of the Gospel dispensation.... and more particularly ao, when carried on thro' the' columns of a public journal like ours, which circulates among all classes of the community. We regret very much that " Brutua" should be PassAA,S tbe character of the clergy of the present day ; far he must, knew.that he thereby;, impairt the belief in the Holy oracle themselves. " Brutus" ia ' wrong, when he says that " Religion, or Christianity, so called, has stained the page of his tory deeper with blood than all the war that h.vt U-i't.'.l,' 6t ether ' 'V. ! rrc.tiur, of ll.e worM"...-.H waslUa abu.i of ii, lliat Cauwd all tlicfl '' 11 rror all tke e,;meacm:u-4bylheprirMko.dJ0i'i.apal crimracommiUJ b tbo prtra' ckiirtk. uotlior tiinrtanl other eountnt, are, by Drutus" ckargtd uMn IM clergy our Aa ami our country, uulnf tn u 'r , prrpostcroua, nl more variance U tb tpirit of our free inttitutKm. Wa have milted, lit tlu week' per, ( Journal of the proceeding of Congrew Tb most promineut part of what Ihey liava fne, i eotked in a few short article we kaveiopiad from the Waahington papera. , J uur paper Having bn bu4 eel ptiisiy ' to the receipt of the HiU Ufh r obHged to kfr their liirtk 4il next week, I The United State armor ( Spring field, Mass. has suffered a taw loss by Jlrel The lot it stimstrdtt gllXX) the building worth 10,000 and tbe pro perty In ll about MflOO. ' oWiwi CHtaLSTOf, 31. CttlHU-flori f ijt-ne e hat been in some de gree restored by 'our late Kk rs frm Eng land, and Uphuvf Cottont hive since evidently been In better rfnifst. 11 mi.HU q lalitirt, which Hal been previously kllinif at about li cents, ha e tinea in nt nuances, gone on at ( tiJ (n,(t j, , p,;nl memplov rat rale work 13J a UJ eenu. Hi kigliea and lowest qual- ( ,rn ,v fnfm, inj ,ne pibrie may depend tip. (ties, however, not apprarto bsvr va-ii.l In . on gciug u rMM 0rk excC4itel In my shop, price, and we Q)rrrf.ire eontnue tke estrrroe ,l,c ;nf ,j .sht'-mMnr, as ever was ilone in quotations a in t"ir last. t'turitr. Extract frm m l.tvr Priee Cttrtnl, Fth. 21. Cmltmn Ha'.s of I pla nK at If. 10, to 5 New-Orleans I to 4iJ j Ahtbwna an4 I en. or aw f. 10 toll price bsitly ma'niaiiMd, . ami not exprdrd to advance wilMMit an lm prwement in Ritglaml. TMr.TTtVU.hr. PHICT..,Mth 53 Cotton, 12J to 13 i flour, fine, 4 i snprfine,5 wheat, 83 a 90 centsi whiakey, JJ a J'j peack brandy, 53 a 60 1 apple do. 3J to 33 1 cm, 42 to 45 i.baCun, 7 a 8 1 salt, l urks Island, 75s 80 per biiiliel; nullipara, 26a 28 ; S'tgar, mn alo.9J to 10 30 eoflee, prime, green, 2.1 to 24, 2d ami 3l qiutity, 21 a 22 1 tea. hvaon, gl 2 1 a 125 1 flax seed, BOctSj tallowl$a7ibtt'Swax,3la32i rice, 3J to 4 per 10 lbs. i imn, 4 to 5 pr.lOO Ib. i tobacco leaf, 31 a 4 . manufactured, 3 a 2i pr. c t. .M.IRKlF.ri, In Lincoln county, on the. 24th Janmry, Cspt. Aaron Slierill, to Mist Polly pa it. Hie above niarriage has been hereti-fure ouMiaked in our paper, witk tke addition tkat the bride Wai inVce to the brulegroom j we WW again insert it, at the request of a subscriber, with the correction, that the young lady waa on I, niece to Capt. Sberill't former wife. The Comer fact waa communicated under a responsible name, accompanied by a request that it might be pub liahed i we did to. , If any of the partiet feel agrieved, and demand the name of him who to deliver l. up, in nler to exculpate ourseK-e In M'aahington City, by tbe Rev. Mr. Lucas, Mr. John Jmdg to Mia Mary CurtUnt AilanJ, both of that place. atoft Mfr contrive to grt plenty of land; For one. we mar Instance Jrwia Tomt But plump Uwer Ceria baa trick'd tbe wbole band, And shew n us a Jrnai that haa XCUand ! - i Wholesale HAT Store, 279 fine Street, pporitl the Merrknt'$ Uriel. WVUmtin & Start, OFFt.R to the public a general af.wrtmcnt of 1st, 2nd, tnd 3d omlitv blacland drab ltnver Hats, oval, bell and bigh crowna, and corti i shaped, wide snd natro brims, late fanhinns. A!o, Caator llata, ditto; mrn'a ai 1 youth's fine Rorsnt ditto, warranted elastic wi or proof ; men's and vnulh's Korain Hats, of it inf rior quality. All of which they warrant of their own manufacture. J Men's and bny't coarse, fine andvery fine black and drab wool Hats i moroeeweaps, from Philadelphia and New-York i latter's Trim mings, Bow Strings, and Brush, &c. &c. low for cah. C'AarViiis Jpril, 1824. 13itl2 NEW WHOLESALE IU R D- II Fi S IX) HE. Charleittm, i. C. A. 3 A k'inf. Street. . SMITH fc. BOBBINS have just received, and are now opining, 350 PACKAGES, con sisting of a gemral and choice assortment of Birmingham and Sheffield Hardware; and have also, in Store, : Smith tools ani Bellows, Steel Genuine Whittmiore cotton and wool Cards Trace chaina Vices, Anvils, Lad Patent and Carolna Hoea American & Englah mill and cross-cut Saw rtrmatt and caland dswa i i ,:n c. ci.. ', nMIIU Hill, llllll .?W I Rasps, common and patent Curry -combt German, English and American Scythe Wire and Hair fcievee flu and wrongM yaila- Hook, plate and raised Hin Swinir and toilet Glasses, Bribes, " snd every other article In thr fine t wbch tbey wiU Uan tie.most accomiVxIaimg terms. Prices, thow St e-iora m pbUiM-i nb'ia j rehanU are partictiHrN rivited to call. 4itOI fareA 1,1824. - - - Sale L Sale!. ri'SlIB Commissioners appointed bylhe Court a, or Pleas and Quarter Sessions fbnhe coun ty of Davidson, will exoose-to Dnbl sale, on llitrMdajrth'e ISthlofApTil nrtVthefemarnaVr i ,4fte,tota, WMPM a.JJifi.IeJB,AfJfe3on T?rmt of sale, si x, iw efve an" payment in equal instalments. . JOHN MONROE, ") JOHN CI.F.MMONS, S- CsMfiLiisntrt. DAVID COX. ManhTtmi. 3it'f) 1 , , Jnt Nottrc fp,fR f Vr, .j fllf (Ua sreoml and Ut limr, glv nodre to ali Uiw ind.-btrj to tl.s e...i, cither by .,. ... , . ... . u. nUcrw tbey will be plac.d in the bands of ua nucriij ior coiMtcuon. JOe.HU CAY, , ' r.uw. CRr.sK, ' Ti4 Krtculrrt. P.NMd Kawtnv tWkt irtn ltl al I Milll da ua i bvor by calling for settlement. edw. cHr.ti, Mmrth If, Krruln. Oi at Tuhlic H:i!e. 1 V7ILI. be eokl, at public sale, at the court. f , houH in Halib.iry, on rwLi Ik ft Stiy f Jpnltoxt, (it being the lu-U of Kuw. tOupcrior Court,) an elegant Vie, with plted der Hcbools. deceased. HAUIKL M'ArrEE, Krteut. MtrtK 7f, 1824. ' 3it0 Slioc-HIiop......wremorf(f. I7tlKKZEM UICKSO.V, bhnemaker, wiahee i bis fmtHla, and every ImmIv else, to know that b U removed into a new , a fe w ar s nearer to the court -houae than kit old stand, and almost immediately opposite the Hank, on Main ttrcct, tialiabury, NOTA mSK. I have now on hand, n 1 intend keeping, a aainnlv lk r.rv brat iif l.r'i I'll Hit i and at the tonof Haliabnrv. or in the Kta'e. I not only engage to make aa elegant and durable boota and shoes as any bly eUe, but I further covenant with all who may ahed the sunshine of tli irpatrtiliage on my shop, i do their work at CIIKAP. ainL perhaps, a Unit i luraher, than my brotW chips. EliENEZKB UICKSON. 03 VarrA?, IR24. House of Kntcrtainineiit. , t 'l'IK ubrribrr infonnt bis friendt (C. J I ami the public in general, that be D.haa opened s Ilium r.ntn-luinmrnt in the Town of Concord, s few rods totidi-eaat of the court-hiMiae j where, with unremitted atten tion, and a desire to plraae, he bopi-s to merit a share of public patronage. Hoarding can be had on reasonable terms, bv the week or year. JAMK H. CI.AKK. N. II. He has alao receiv 1 1, s lr?e and tic rant asutortment of nem GOODS Cancrrf, .Ifarr 4, 1824. 95" Plantntion for Sale. THE subacrilierotTrr for aale, s plantation on which he now reaidra, 3 miles ami a half foum CliarloMt. on the Lawyer's roail, containing 24J acres. There are on this farm, good build ings, of all kinds the neceaaarv q m.tit of til. table and meadow bind) a good well is sunk near tke barn, and an excellent spring on the lot. This plantation and improvements, will be sold on easy conditions. For further partic ular, apply to tbe subscriber, on the premises. JACOB Jl LIN. AUrck 8. 1824 ..ifuOr Tli tu "nr.LiL kMJWN JACK, 1()LP1IL, T ATELY owned in South J i Carolina, ill stand at our stable, one mile al a half r front HMM-ml, urtbt:aolin, every day in the week, Sunday excepted, thro'- on i me season i the aaon to commence the 1st of March, and end the 'JOth of July. JMbun will be let tu marea at lu dollars the season (but may be ilivlmrgcd with 8, if paid within th" season,) 5 dollar the aingle leap, (to be paid down,) and 15 dollars to insure, tlie insurance money to be paid ahen the msre is discovered to be with foal, or is parted with b the person putting her. Particular can- will be taken of marcs left, in preventing areiilents &,c. AHA IHOMHSON, GEORGE I RY. Ctnttrd, Jan. 23, 1K4. 13i'03 THE WELL KNOWN JACK, TATEthe property of Judge J Murnho, will stand the enauing season (commenting e.n the 10th of March,' and eiHiing on the did oi August; st my stable! on Sugar Creek, seven miles south-west from Char- lot, e and will be let to mares st three dollars the sinif'e leap, caah at tbe time of aervice ; five dollars the season, payable 15tli October neat : and 10 dollars to insure a mare with foal, which w ill be considered due whenever it is ascertained that the mare is with foal, or the property changed. I o those acquainted with Palhtox, and have rained mules from him, it would be uselesi to add anything more j suffice to state, he is a sure foul-iretter, and hi mules are large and likely. Great care will be taken, but will not be liable for accidents or escapes. JAMES DINKINS. Vatnory 25. 1824 8if03 W in coniniittetl to tlie Jail N Burke, county, N. C. on the. 19th of the present month, a negro mar), a a runaway, who tayt hit name it Jim, that he belortgt to Thomas Pool, of Spartanburir Dittrict, H. C. and that he left his master but a few dava before he (was apprehemled. He appears to be about 25 years of age, dark complexion, and of a ateiuler make. The owner ia requested to come for ward, prove Uis property, pay chargea and take him away, jOItrv l "OtTTTi n, wmr, Mirch VI, 18V. 3it0l State of North-Carolina, MECKLKHBUBO COUNTY. COURT of luity-amuel Roach, . Hugh. McDowell, James Moore, Andrew Heron, and others. In tin caae.it is ordered that publi cation be made for six weeks in the Western Car olinisnthat nntessJamea Moore and Andrew iieiv on, t91,oCbw!l!d"tdn,hi ffiP.pewJ the next Court M Taw and F,qutty to be held forTf ji the county Of Mecklenbttirg on the tn sronday after the 4th Monday in March next," and answ er or tlie bill will be taken pro confessey and beard ex parte, as to thera. it'l Price adv. 2. ). tt. PUNLAP, . ', . IU HATI'IIDAY H .MAIL. iw yoai MttCH 2o. fttfan. The Market ha inipruted for good lot tun i Witliin tht last few da)aalrs to aott t stent Were made, both fr tlpr!!im and home uh, 'fliarbaip salrt were 14 a 14. A alc of fair .Miiaiana Was mada at 16eeiit. t'p Umlt 13 a 14) i Tennr t I?) a 13) Loumsv aiuilairi AUbitlla l4J. ' ; twattaaBss " KKW.YOItK." ' i The Albtnv Daily Advertiser of March 9. iairwVe jeaterdty oUerved thi following notice po.tcd In the Atseoibl thander I ' The rnernbett nf the legilatirt fitendly to the electoral law, give notice that they inin f, befurn the leglsliture adjourn, to Issue an address rerornmrn' filng l their foniiltocnis to mrei In ton- ' . ; i i . in hiiiihim vein ton in ,'t toer or rrp inori. for the purpose of nominating Candidute for President and ice President, (lot rrnor and Lieutenant Cote rpof, and Pret ideniLl EUctort. March II, l4H ' " . We can state, on good authority, that . a great majority of the republics mem tier of the legitUttitc, will sign an ad d s of the above purport.. Cax. The National Gazette tiyt, trie ticket now offered throughout New-EngUnd, to the Republicans, is, John Quincy Adam fur piesidcnl, and General Jack son for Vice Preaidetil. I he sme will be p'o- posed in the state of N. Yoik. Good! Halt. t'at'M. Reverse it, and 'twill be better. X.J. taro. siz r rui rxBopr.. By the parket ship I'ortrs, Captain De CoM, from Liverpool, the editor of the N i'iorial Advocate has received hi regu lar file of London papers to the 23d of February, and Liverpool to the 34th, in clusive. ' The only important intelligence br this arrival it war bktw bkm aaoLaaa and At.oir.at. I he cue are tdid to be a refuaal on the part of the Dty to nuke reparation for an insult offered to the lonubr fl.g, and a declaration that ho would no longer obene the stij ul.itimt of the ncaty made by Lord Lxinoulh, prohibiting the taking of t hristian slaves. This little fUr will be soon ended. The Algerines have no sqtiar'ron their fortifications are not in tbe bcsl order, and the moment a Biiiih fleet appears before the town, thty will cui tf tho Dey's head, and send it to the Admiral at ..n expl nati'.n in full Ac. Advo. An oficial letter from Capt. Spencer, of thfc British navy, to tlie admiralty office, then fo lows stating that he bad captured an Algt rine brig of war, which had 17 Spaniards ou brd, whom the Algcrines were carrjing off into T he Greeks are progresMng with eve ry prppcct of final success j tbey have issued proposals for a loan of 800.000. and the tro.pectu observes" After a struggle of three years, distinguiOied by n serirs of triumphant successes, the ht dependence of the Greek nation has been eMabliahed, and there is every probability of its predv recognition by the different powers of Luiopc. FROM FHANCK. By the arrival at Boston of the britj Arctic, captain Law, in 25 days from Havre, the editors of the Boiton Patriot have received Fatii papers to the 22d February. Ihe intelligence tbey contain is apparently unimpoitant. It mostly relates U Spain, the situation of which appears still unsettled. In fact, the pa pers which ihev have seen contain little else than speculation-! upon (he condition of Spain and her probable c onduct in rela tion to South America, without bringing us to any definite result. The following alarming paragraph ia copied from " P. P. V. Dcgrand'a Boston Weekly Report:" "From Jirti rate tourer. -r a a is, 22d ria. 1824.-7? raur of Liberty never wot in greater danger The Aliie are determined to put it down in the United States, as well as in Europe and S. Amer ica, cost what it may. England is trcach croui to the cause of freedom ; Russia it powerful; France and Austria, Mi'tsrrvi- ent. Prepare yourselves to see a most formidable attack on the United States within a very few years. Spies will toon swarm all over your land." -Whatever danger liberty may ,he.in, in . ... Europe, we htive no fear for the afity of the liberty of the Uni ed Statu, either from the " formidable attacks," or swarms of Spies," so Icat fully act forth in the above. Baltimore J'alriof. ' Preiidential Fesf.We ropy the fol- ot Tuesday, 23d'ult. " Messrs. J. and P. Hone and Company sold testerdny by auction a large quantify of black silk ves- ' tings, lately imported from France, slam ped with preuy correct iikenesHt . of se?-.. eral of lh(Lcandidates for the presidency, with their names printed bcnentb thjeif busts.' . Stephen Clearwater has been commit- vw.t,.j.(oi,.- vtl.v-.a.2;ii'wvaii.-l'1ii-i-, Aaiti.ja,im.i-JjOiiy h-kh, ted to the count yjail, STnavairNelVorli, foTOe murder of 1 is the second murder that ha been com mitted in that county within the last three weeks.'

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