f a4 Tit vtW-Iuat trTMt, as THK TOMB OP NAPOLEON, ft'riilen i inwlMi wM rtuntty Utiiol Sttinl , Itienj, is hi i return ft t1frtt. . Iorn U th ruck and boundless is the wave, 'hert Ilia srlerj titters duf Napoleon' rav A esttled deep the sea fur ever pour A requiem round those solitary tttores ? No tender brother ttood beside bit bed. No weeping contort held hit drooping head ( A few 4 follower, faithful to the but, . ( Wetch'd the quick changet that hit face o'ercaM i flaw tlit fii'd eye with liifjfering tut rt view " IIU boy' bright portrait, u he bade adieu t - Itm mi.L with iflluU-JL,- , lA en armies," and !r'd. v' And U thii all that now remains of thee, . A limple ahrine beneath willow tree f Ncaruno imall fount in yonder glen of freen, Where chlTi stupendous guard ihe ttxrtrt scenr, And strangers tread ith neiaelcat step the glade) Led tlie rude echo should thy rest invade i Creat ahade of fame ! where bath thy spirit flee! i Id the dark region of the enknwwn dead? Where it the arm which ruled, with wondrout power, O'er kinp ard kingdoms, in happier hour t Where it the form, which on yon Alpine height Hie Italian realm beheld with pale affright? Which eeem'd to travel over apace end time, The jrue of crowd the wonder of each clime j While Europe trembling taw with hopeless eye, The w.ngM artillery like a whirUind fly f Where it he now ' Go tk tbe watchman there, Whose armor glistens in the midnight air i He pointt in ailenre toUie lonely tomb, Where Berfrand wepfin agonuing gloom ! Oft wiU the pilgrim to the eatt pause here. Muse- on thii imx I'fl thed a pitying tear. That hit vasl genius and hit mighty mind Should tink by mercenary foct confin'd. Oft will the torn of ocran check the oar And drop their anchor near thii tainted ahore, Thro' tlit dark timling valley tlnwly turn, And'pcntive gaae at great Napoleon't urn. Here many a tongue will pay the tribute due To Bertnuid't heart, to loyal and to true : Who ahar'd hit glory, and who thar'd hit grief, A voluntary etile with hit chttf. Here F.ngland't genin yet may weep the day TV illmtriout captive frit her cruel tway, And lingering died, with tlow consuming pain, : Aim to ftnjrhmd an eternal stain 1 - .. Farewell, great chieftain ' Thy Immortal .tame Standi yet unrivall'd on the rollt of fame. Lorn is the rock and boundless it the wave, Yet glory 's auubsaons rett upon Uiy grave ! aeiow. ON A SCI LT.. frhe following linet, by lM Byron, are hardly inferior to IlWcl'a medilationt in the Look on it broken arch, itt ruin'd wall, Itt chainbcrt detolale and porti f ml : Yet, thit wai once ambitien'i airy hall, The teat of thought, the palace of the aoul. Behold thro' each lack-luatre eye-lew hole, The gay recete of wiklom, and of it. Can all that taint, aage, tophitt ever rit People h; lonclt towei itt tenement refit MISCELLANKOIS. Webster's Dhtionarj.l in in i mat?d in a Nev-H ven paper, that Noah Weliver, F,.q. intends to pru cetd to Knlanil, lor the purpose ol pubiishiog the hrge Dictionary lie promised in his nmall nnr, 18 years ago,' in that country. Not uhstand ing the peculiarities of Mr, Webster, some of which no English ear or ev can well approve, we have no doubt, if he bestowed the attention to thr subject of which he has evinced the capacity, that he will produce a work, which will find its way to a rank in literature near the side of the gigantic Johnson. Peak's Washington. Mr. Rem brandt Peale has recently finished a Portrait of Washington, which has re ceived the most Unqudificd approba tion from all that have seen it, and is pronounced by Judge Marshall to be the most perfect rescmbl mce of him that he has ever seen. Few men could be more i irttimately -acquainted, with the General than the Judge. . FronLjnngljihpr There is, in the church of Walton on Thames, a curious instrument, pre sented to the parish, about a century and a half ago, by a person of somt consequence at that time, whose name VhS Cuester. It was intended totx sjorn ;s a punishment by the lair sex, who had ben guilty of- defamation Ittw of singular construction, and when fixed, one p rt enters the mouth, which pTev "efttf the OTSTbility' of artkuktLon. It Dears Tnimrrrpwn r - " Cheater 'present Walton with a bridle, - - - To curb womeu't tonguet that talk idle." Its presentation arose from the cir cumstance of the individual whose name it bears losing -a valuable estatr through the instrumentality of a gos lipiog woman.- English paper, y inr.v ygwc. t The commcrtial emporium ei our 'country ii at thii period in n unuual prosperous condition. To demon urate this, U it only ncceiiary to state that between two and thru thousand buildings are now going up h ihc city among which are ten or twelve pleodid edifice! for religioui wonhip, and a merchant' Kichange to cost nearly million of doltart At the done of the ensuing aeaon there will have been expended on the; Battery, S.t . . . . . I .1 ft.UK.aaf. ! MWbMM tnat moil granu inu uca.miu. enade) more thm R2fKJ,00(), It i an aatonithing fct that "trie ficil conccrtu'0f landiCQ fcet cby) whh very few of the city alone, are more Important 'lUill Dl y tlUirr nutianen Aw-th than the civil rxpenditurra -f jnv two, tr v'lMt wl enable ui to give further tatea in the Union, Thi U proved! priicularnf thit nnel experiment in by a reference to the wonderful open- (hit qtrtAj Mlt'iough the grologiral ciooa of-the-XIurporaU'jP.dufi"g in phrnnrtrna t.at lord by the liborioua gle fortnight, up to the 2d I hruary Utt, in which the ch rccoptt ani'tun ted to the enormout turn of W. ,U SO Expeoditurea in the aaine periu-1. I ; ' fi ' ft j " The aam ratio of receipti wo.i'J crire the extra-.rdinarv turn of three m.lliona; four hundred thim-thne thousand, three hundred .ifc.y.,rvrn . . j n n 34-100 dollar., C-ty revenue per -n. num. A recent N. . (.ffttajirak - ing oi tne commerce, olncrvc tn.ti out of the I irge number of vrtteU men in port, not one was unemployed and if twice tlie number were to arrive, em ployment would be found for all. It continues: " New York is going for the whole f and if Congrets let ut alone, the Government will be suppli ed with thr meant of supporting all its eaUblishments by the commmr of this place. It would be the he ight -d ouducss, o tariff ut out of existence. " Cheraw Intelligencer. Vegetable Milk. In addition to the vegetable bread, vrgetahle butt "nj cabbage tree, which have been lr- uht to light bv rrcent travel!'-!, wr.imw learo by the Gazrtte de Santa, f the 23 th July last, that M. de JlombkU his discovered in that region m tree which ahyndantly affords a rn'illt-ftiicf"," similar in its properties to the milk of animals, and employed for tlie omnc purposes. This I q id whirh was drank by Humboldt, is st:itrd to be derived from the pulo de lccie, (r de Vjcn, a tree which grows al ntd.t.itiy in the mountains above Pinquitn, t 4 the north east of Mar.cay, a ill ut 10 liu.. scsses the same physical q-nlnies s that of the cow, with this only .dilf.r t nee, that it is'a little viscous ; it ha the same taste lso as row's milk. A young gjrl from the country, late ly on a visit to a Mr. H , a Qua ker, was prevailed on to accompany him to meeting. It happened to be 4 silent one ; none of the brethren be ing moved by the Spirit, to utter a syl lable. When Mr. 11 leh the meeting-house with his young friend, ie asked her. " How dost thou like the meeting?" to which nhe pettishly replied, u Like it! why 1 cn see no sense in it to go and sit lor whole hours together without spenk'ng a word it is enough to kill the devil ' Yea, my dear," rejoined thi QuaKer," that is just what we warn. The London Globe and Traveller says, " We hive been informed (and we think from the n.'tnrs given us us authority, our readers may consider the information true,) that the author of Waverly has contracted with hm bookseller to furnish him' with 3 nov els a year for 3 years, and that he is to have 1 0,000 a year for the supply, and that four novels have actually been delivered as per contract. ' The Paris editors in speaking of the complaints of the English that their style, of writing has degenerated sine; the days of Burke, observe, thit it is generally conceded that Washington living, an American, is one of the best models of the present day as an fc-n-lish writer; and that the Sketch Book nnd Bracebridge Hall, are worthy of an Addison and a Goldsmith, for their purity, and elegance of style. Trom the Ntw-Haven Remitter. Rats. Some time since one of Itiv family was sick, and we set a candle in a low candlestick in the fire place in the same room. AtJfttrt midnight we were alarmed in consequence oi tne House being fiffedfwBK sniote, and on searching for the cause, it appeared that a raf-had taken the lighted candle out of the candlestick, and dragged it under the floor,- which set fire to the louse and would have consumed it had not the fire been timely discovered. Itfertstirtg txperimerJ..Z,U the poorfiu-ic yard of thu city, a com mutt; of he corporation U employed in b ing ihc earth, In March cf ourt : of good water. They have pro- Cetiu the depth ofiOO feet without uccdit and in the whole of the de- icenthave found but 3 or 3 feet nf itonq bed of lime-itonrf 250 feet the surface. Some 70 or 80 - rww bcio feet own. 40 feet below the bed nf eiinet river, a flu entity of marine thelli j werctfo ,nd i 'the whole knlr of the lit a . a . ' , earithroujh which the'machina hai , nad oiovini? tu gcneiAi wv v i , p taimo, - nl .bDrH to be very numeroui or trntii. -(J4. uaz. H Jrrn (r h t,'M.wi, ht the beau tiful r1iiior (fl'rriV,e I'.emt, ltelr I PU ''"' " ' rt-y ty Mr. Wiley, U 1 ,w ' ' '" P" ') '" ' K !. ! ' ."S" the- a ue terun th4l h- publithed thr . p.( ( , . w . lhe e t?eUie p,pCr a,U printing! , MY. Com Adv. Three sidles hive teen lately made in New-Yffk for dit ingtiiohcd indii' u alt in Sotjh America, which, for coatli ness and beauty, exceed any article of the kind eer manufactured in thit coun try. IV pi ice of each, witb the bridle, will beaboui 8200. Tht common council of Ititton have .tppoited n committee io direct letter in twfdf of 'he rit council to Gen- La Fuyetfc. requesting him. if not in onve nient J)n hit ontempl led visit to the U Mates' io land in that place, and to stture ii'n it his reception will he worthy of il.r riy which has ever held in the high st carnation the ervies and sacrifices ol theidopie I n of Washington. THE CJtfci'.K HOT. Cepj. Pii4lge, ut toe military school, at Nuwich. ermoiit, hat generously of fried tt Mippi'M and educate at his own expenic, the (iieek boy who arrived in tliii rismtrv year, and whne parents .nil six bioiliirs were murdered by the 1'uruk at be io. JV v Yvrk fiufter. Priscn Limit. lb? Legislature f ,, . j - , artiar. i g the limits oi mh county to be the pri vy) l:0'ii)d, and prohibiting the im prisonment of any white woman for debt. auii-r ucxrrvinr Ulirmion.ln Ol lem, Mais, the Poor House is a ourr e of income to the amount of Sl,30() per annum. In Quincv, Mass. th 11 .c .1 r .1. ' i laouis ji iiiosr oi inc poor wno were aide to do any thing, not only suppor ted tie sick and infirm, but also nai the interest of the debt contracted for the e'ecti-m of a suitable house, arid every year a part of the principal o that debt. A lew Tngedy, entitled Supersti- tton, ly a gentleman of Philadelphia, is exiected to be produced in a few days. At is stated, by those who have read the manuscript ; to be the best play ever written in America. From 'he Savannah Georgian. A soc ictvias been formed at Athens, Alabama, ftr the suppression of elec- ttoneertne, ind the members bind themselves bv their individual signa lures to an obligation rot to vote for, or support any candidal for public of fice who may use fraudulent or unjust means, by treating or by" deception, bv himself or his friend to obtain suf frages. "Old V rginia" revolting ! Mr. Adams and General Jackson are, at present, tie most prominent candi datesndJlevgsLeyeMullyiide the votes of the other three. We pre tend not to any skill in divination, and therefore vi 1 1 not undertake to calculate which of tie two will gather up the great est nuirdyr of dp relin " Our pre cnt Impret"00 ,hat x'r. Adam will be the stecensful candidate, aim u .... ..-j best 'lib our wishes that he should be; I bm; i h e is not we can onl y sa y , that we do no entertain any of the fear which we hsre heard expressed at the .sugges trorr f Gekn!fc being lclated r te v Ute fwdeuuf i. QnJbe contrary ehaye eyericonlidence in nis naeiuy mmiciu tion b the public good, in any situation in wfich his fellow citizens may place him. We prefer Mr. Adams to him for no oiler reason than because he is a more expecenced and accomplished statesman. J Mbrolf: (Firginia) Iltrtdd. iorlo Piano, for fsatc. flltS r rate eecond-hand I'iuM, la ofTered for late, Very low. For tenne, lie. apjily to MICIIAFX Iiituvr 8aMry, '.4. 18, 1824. 91 Halo of Land, for Taxe. f piIE following tmct i of I And, in flurke emin. L tr. will be aold at nuhlie tale, in the town of Uorranton. on Raturdar. the 7l day of June nr it, unlrat the Use due I hereon lor the year 1831 and 1822, are paid previous to that dayH....,yli. " ' " "' A tract bclongSng to Ceorge Thorn naon, 100 acres, lying on Ward 'a Branch, for 1821 One do. FJixabcth Tbompeon, SQ acrea, rying on b,-fordo. t head oiMuWy creek, for 1121. for f e year 1822 1 ConraxJ Lyons, iw acrea. Nil eaetk, One ilti. John A da ma, 137 acres lying on Ibe taiere of Kain creek. On do. !aid Bnly, 70 aere. lying on the watetof MuiMy creek. ' One d... Jamet Mt'own, 100 acres lying on ftilter creek. tine do. Thomas WCown, 140 wres 0g on do. ' One do. Th9t M'Kemie, 100 acres lying on Muddy Creek. One do. William Twigs 100 acres lymg on the waiert of udd creek. One do. Holomon Williams 20 acres lying on tbe waters of Muddy en-ek. tme do. Jamet Branch, 1U0 acres ly''ng n the watcrt of t'nper (,'reek. One .Io. Daniel Keely, 200 acres lying on the water, of Hinvall. - One do. Michael Puncher, If) acres lying on the aa'rrt f ('anoc creek. tine do. Jcac Smith, 80 acres King on Ca nor cretk. One do. Itfijamin Wite, 80 acres lying " the watert of I'aitdt't creek tine do. William' Oavis 2'0 acres lying on ihe alert of John't river and l.ooae creek. One do. Ann IWdcr, JO acres b i"'g on tlie watrrt if erek. One di. Jacob Johnaon, 2o0 acrS ty'"! on I main jt ctetk. For 11 and 1822 s Reuben Stallions 200 acres b''ig on tiie watert of l.ooae creek. j One do. Klizal.rth Winkle, 111 acres lying on U)e watert of Loose crerk. One do. David Sinirrrfclt, 100 acres lying on the watert of the south fork of t'atawba. Alexander M;ombs'of New-York. 1S.330 acres ing on the eaatern boundary of Uurke coun'.y, not listed for 1822. H. IIRITTAIN, Hherif. Murch 21, 1821 &t0i State of .North-Carolina, WII KKS COl'IITT. St'PEIUtlU Court, 'm Fcjuitv. Waugh and Finler, vi. Charlea P. Oordon, Zacharah H. (...rdoii, Jam? n.lnyoV, Ceorge W. Gordon, Thninaa I'. S'jpplerjind Tttbfrea bit wife, John Bron jLud1ar hit wife, and Sarah Gordon ; Origin! bill, and hill of injunction. It appear inir to the tat'ufaction of the court, that the de- frmUiit are the inhabi'anti of another stale, ordered, therefore, liat Diiblication be made in th. V extern Carolinian for til weeks requiring thr aid defi-nduntt to awar at the nni "iurt of Equity, 1o be held for the county of Wilkes at thcrtmrt-limite in Wilkctboro', on the arcond Monday in cptcmber neV, -l rt-.l. answer . .h-iiiur io aJm qui, or jildjrmcnt pro roiiti-mo will be taken, and the tain net fur hearing ex p irir. O. It vmUlUVc n. . Price adv, S2. if03 State of North-Carolina, BINCOMBF. CWtMTT- SITERIOR Court of Ijiw, fall term. lfc... Joab leandcr and Robert Krwin, execu tors of William Brattic, vi. William Mritlain and Marifaivt Beattie, executor and exicutrix nl W alter Beattie, dee'd. It appearing to the tat iafaction of the court, that there i not prrvinal ettate to u'iafy the judn-ent nbtair.ed in thi Cite, and (but William Mull and Matilda hit wifr, Davi.1 K. Beattie, Walter I,. Beattie, and .lane Beattie, heirs at law of the s.-ii.l W al'cr Beattir, retile without the limit of this State: it is ordered, that publication be made three weekt in the Wettcrn Carolinian, giving notice to the said he;rs to appear at a Superior Court of I jiw to be htld for Buncombe county, at the court-house, on the second Monday after thr 4th Monday in March next, then and there to the cauie, if any thty may have, why execu tion should not ime against the real ettate of the said Walter lkatlic, dee'd. to aatiafy thit judgment. Test, ROBERT HENRY, Ctt Price adv. gl 75. it0 State of North-Carolina, BUNCOMBR COtKTY. tOt'NTY Court, January term. 1824: .Toah J Alexander and Robert F.rwin, executors of William Beattie, to the use of John V4. Thomas, r. H ilham Britiain and Margaret Beattie, exec utor and executrix of Walter Bi-attie. It an peuring to the satisfaction of the court, that the personal estate of the testator in the hands of his executor and executrix, it insufficient to sat isfy the judgment in thit case : ordered, that. publication be made in the vt estern t arohnian three weeks, piinir notice to William Hall and Mutildu his wife, Hand K. Beattie, Walter I Beattie, and Jane Beattie, heirs at law of the said Walter Beattie, dee'd. ; (who are not inhab itaiifs of thit State) 16 appear ar'a 'counTy'court to be held for Buncombe county, at the court house in rAshcville, on the second Monday after the 4th Moiuluv in Larch next, then and there to shew cause, if anv they may have, why exe- etition should not issue against the rtaTesTaTeof the taid Walter Beattie, dee'd. to autisty the judgment in thit case. Test, JOHN MILLER, c. a. c. Price adv. SI 75. it'O Kroto North-Carolina. CABARHUS tUUHT. CtOURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jan ) uarv Term. 1824 : David Bradshaw vt. John S. M'CurV.'Vonglharattachm It aDnearincr to the court that the defendant in this case ia not an inhabitant of this State, it is theMfere-deredihar publication be 'made tnree nionuia in inc ciu iiiimii, ki.imk notiei to'saTd'fdhiaa'hT toappirar, tf thi nextj Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county, at the court-house in Concord, on the third Monday of April next, to replevy, . . A - 1..A . 'll plead, or aemur, oinerwisc juujroieni nnai win hi entered up against him, and execution awar ded accordindy. Test : M. HUNT, c. e. c. Price advt. $4; i'W I I HAVE declined acting at a partner with J(,,a Murphy, in the mercantile buwnrat la L'o. eonl, with hii content, and have relimpiithed fl claime to any part or portion if the profits of the concern or Murphy ft; Sutton, 03 , furtik 32, 182. NATH'L. 8UT10.V. ftv fttort, in ConcottA, 'PIIE eubteriher hee formed Copartnenhie I with William lirown, in tbe mercantile butinees Concord, CaSarrut 'county, North. Carotins under the ftrw of Murphf U Jlrwt whrre they are openig a fretb aortmcntf jDry Goods, Cutlery and Hardware. selected with much ear. In rHJtrWJ," J' drt'g?i to" ContliMie the buaineae at Concord ft tome year i and a Mr, Murphy will yiwtili northern c'ulee annually, to procure eutmW Itirlf Setuiwin lit will Ire gawcrwli aiwl will ditMaed of at fair price for eaah, or on credit, to punctual customers. Their friends and tie miblie renerallv. are rciDecifullv Invito d to eatL examine qualiUca, bear prices end wn fut thctiuwlycs JOHN MIKl'IIV. Jolin 3Iufpliy la alto, at hit ttore in Haliahury, t Urge aaortmeiil of (iOODH, to suit eitir.ens town ami country neotile i to be diinoted of unutuallv low ! for eaah, ereoiintry produce. New Assortment. T'lR auhaeriber hat very recently receiytd from Philadelphia, an aaeortmciil of Ay (iifiU, Cutlery, and Hai d- It urr, Domtttic t which, with the assortment he espectt to re. ceire in a thort time, will enable him to tell at aaiiafactory pricet. I he public are rctpectfullr invited to call, and examine for themtrlvrt. F.DW AUU CRKSS. SuUibury, Aug. 16, 18.M. 70 Coppers tnitliinjj. The Coppertmithing. and Tin Plate buaineu, heretofore tranaactrd by D. Creaa, ten. will in future h conducted by me, at the tame plare. ITioar who favor m with their cualnm, may n-nd on having their work done with neatness durability and deapatch. F.DW'D. CUKSS. Coach Making. THE ihtcriler begt leave to return hit grateful acknowledgment! to hit frirndi and the public, for the very liberal patronage bt hat received in hit lite of buaineu i and inform them, that he hat procured a number of work men from Philadelphia and New-York, whick enable him to finish work in a style rarely acta in the western part nf the tlate. He alto hat a continual tupoly of materials of the bet qual ity and most faakiotuble patterns. He intends keeping couttantly on hand, at reduced pricet for cash only, Sulkies Slick "bikT Pannel Vf l hariotees Coaehees IjiimUus Phrtiins Ba rouches lAmlaulrtt, Caravans and Mail Stages of a superior contnietion. Itepaira done at tlie thort rtt notice, and in the bett manner. Order from a dUtance thankfully received, and punc tually attended to. J. C. MORSE. Charhttr, .Vntch 1, 1 824. 96 Uemont nnd .Wliilner, Corner ffh,m li Sttttt itrertt. Vharleittn. 8. C, UJWX. hiee constantly on hand, throughout the tcason, a larjre awJirtmtiU of ufi-ar Cnflee I eat !tirr Pimento Ginger Copperas Alum Brandy till w incs of all kindj (ilanber SaJt Sladilcr Powder and Shot Pepper Iad, Ut. &e. Whirh Iher are 'Vtertnined to tell ax low a they ran posaihly he ttfTnrded, for tath. 1 allow ind Hcfn received in payment, for which ti.e highest market price, will h; allowed. Country Merchants uishih to pirn l.a.vr Grirniet, do well to c:dl and exuminc for tremtelvet. ,Vr. 2-1. 1KJJ. 13t00 Fulton Turnpike Kontl. TN pursuance of an act of the General Assem bly of North-Carolina, pased at Raleigh, the 22d day of December, 1823, authorising the making a Turnpike Ituad from Asheville, by the Warm Springs, to the Tennessee line, and Io oharter a company for that purpose. We th" underwritten aubscribt-rs commissioners appoin ted by laid act, do hereby give public notice, that books are now open at Asheville, for' the purpose of receiving auhseriptinns for stock in said Koad, which books will be kept in the han:l of Geo. Swain, F.sfj. where all those who wish to become stockholders will please apply. The utility of making this Road, it it presu med, is to obvimit to all, that it it unnecessary to say any thing on the ttihject ; and as there can be no doubt that the stock will be the most advantageous perhaps of any in the state, it it highly preiumable it will be tneedily taken up. It wili, therefore, be well for those who wish to become interested, fo'niake ispeedy appltcatieni as the books will be closed, and the company organized, a 4 toon as the amount of fifteen thousand dollars is subscribed ; of which turn, there is already five thousand taken by the state. ' Cfcft--.RWA1JJ..-...--....,..., JAM F.S PATTOV, y Cimmiimtnen. SAM'L. CHCNN, S JtthrvWe, March 22, 1824. -- 4U02 Ulanston Hotel, S.1LISBUKT, .VORTIl-C.1ROU.yJ, EDWARD YAHBltOtTGH : . . 117 HO respectfully informs the pub (KlA f V lie,, and hi,. friends, that bt hj li'shinent, "situated at the north corMP'Or' fti Court-House,, (lately occupied by Mr. Jnmrt Huie.) The. convenience of this Situation fi'f biisiness i -eua to .aiiy..ia-.the..plapet Tlie House containt s number of private rooms well calculated for the accommodation of Traveller and Boarders i the. Stabletarequal, if not tn periW, t wv4n' 'rbei.plaee. wMLattcndfiL h!ing ;ianjl.AttefltiKt il.Qstleri his table sJ bar, will be supplied With the 'best tne mara1 affords i and the refi-ulations of his House, tucii a he hopes will give entire satisfaction to those a ho may think proper to call on him : and be assures them, that no pains shall be spared to render their stay comfortable and pleasing. February 24, 1824. VJ -