M i,.ulrrMa far. re entertainc! that the .!,ri!..ti will w b ma-le by thr people, hot I fit the h'ue l rrprrsrmu.r, ,1. il.a U of manv, Munr llt their f ,.n,!,.Ute stands no chance bcfre the pro- tU I vet ,r7 clamorou about the pre. ;... ' ms ila-a. Hut I Imp lit .-,pl will Uk up the eibject, and iUe.de fi . .1 .:.., U Jr-Hi tint mini .J lit iiiHu.if L m k Out wlahe he pea- . . . !., .4. rJT thi ...,,.., ar-l til 10 ! I" H-MIJJ w I ., ll.u K i that withe the election to go la Cn. .rr he re one nmnfro.i tame of lb state, would hs niore weight in that important elrc- 4ot that v,lrJ' '"'m h' prts m the umoa. i,w, thi-em like equality ? do-itttemlikB Hi. i.,,,!.!!, 1 ..I - -'- I lougine not.. Cathnn U no longer a can didate i he hat struck bit flag (at it w told end kHnvJ) to Grn. Jackon,on condition Jsrkeon's Mend woM auppon turn to Ut vice rrt dineyi end I understand U endeavoring to transfer b in nJ llirniigliiwt the inlonfcor itinplr. TUt Mr. Cll min 1 Uklny unr o- - UnMble pftrt in tha, I do not uji Ixii thit K mccll hii ippfbatiim, tlr it m doubt with ). I nop tin peopia M Korut-Ciroliiu will Hot Mbnit to m bvrauicd away at the. wul a fcv apmnf ptrtutnt, Tlim ) no pnon ii riiiliniurullf h the jarroftle Kf etjj government Id ipproprlita ItiO pub lic ro'iuejr to lucb iurioetf If tl.it b (fcd!cd In the fTiCKHiif e, there appear! to u no raiionii! douU to the expedi enc"fcf uch t meiiuret nd heref ty, we are aupported if tbe authoriiy of Mr. Crawford, ai already cited i for if the communication between different pna of the country, for the purple of com merce, be. tit t1me of peace, and for the iramportatlorj of men and munition In time of r, can be tfected without im 3 IDore' willina; atd ready to ckfwwlcilr the or bee. Jul ton, lit mi worth and eervicea ouBtrr'i came tbaa I an, but when it come to tnukinf l Prtaidoiit,! btg lew to pwuae, and lnwit Mpon havinf a mora) man, at least, to pre d over the desi inica of tliif nation. ' I am tor. ry to brtif ve that there aro aotnc persons tvt in mr district, that are an much opposed to Mr. Craarbrd, tuat tiiry would anpport altiost any nan ia opposition te him t for I d eonvienU uljr believe iiut it U the tmr intrrrsl of hi, tht wMtbern prople, to hare Crawford for our r,f t President., lie is not only npaitle, hut ht it and nofe are ronmrteM with our iner at. Besides, he iaoppoM-d to all those vain sprcul.j tkwvt tual are calculated to involvt tnd impovrr bh tits nation. Rome of Cmfurtfr friends mrt and drcwrsd tlieir nrtfrriice for him: if the friend of the other Candidates had have done likrwtte, k would have put an eid to mny cm- tratuctory rvporu ani a(tctncnt In ae wnpiprrs. wsprctiag the number of the frw -nda r tti J . fcrrnt caodulalost the reawm' titer have not done eo, ia very evident! for notwithstamGnr 0ie small number that mrt in caucus, I bstrjj axxbiPt' M'nT 'hat neither of the other can. Kdairt could Jiare mustered half the number. We that did mrtt, hive eiprcsKd a drcidrd preference for Crawford. Our opinion sre willicry known to the world j the peole are at liberty 16 acquiesce with ut, but certainly not sSouna to do en, . .. - 11ie Western Carolinian, I am informed, yi rreat many thinn ainuMt the caucus, but has nutted (Win the proceeding of that mcetina; in drts'd as they were. I am aorrr, inasmuch as the subject is so frequently noticed in that paper, tfiattbe readers have nut a full and correct statement, to enable them to take an impartial view of the nroeeedinp and object, nut it u to le refrwrted that it ia too common for newspa per to flvo only ON P. HID ft ofthe qo) sooscquentlt, tnatead of heiny what titer shmtM he, (the aouro tmfmm Hmn) rhev frtiittthr Only serve to confusw and mialeaui tha naimDecU I John Hide, Inr. by miarrpreaenUtion. ,4 .would tberwfcire Ceorfe Rnoi, advise all Caiwltd men to reason with themselves, James M oou. and Wk o fctav- My object is to have myself W m. Chunn, ani otfte'n undrntood, and leave lh people to J John ooper, decide, at I know they are capable of dulnir, John B utton, oomctly.z I Henry Keller, witb all due dcterence lor your wise tiitcn ftkni'I remain yourhumble aervt,- ' ... JOHN LONG, Jr. IV tU Bum. hhn Ltng, jr. Sit : I he Grand Jury of Rowan have the honor to acknowledge. the receipt of a. at . aa a your letter oi tne atn .iuirn, arcntn- panning; severs I newpiper." ana the Adrfrest Of the aHhiugloii 1-i.uru. --With youwe.feel jjratiScd by thr leumhini; condition of the Treasury ; but e are not yet convmrrd that it is thr fruit etthernf the wiwlom ol the present Secretary of that department, or of his pellicular edherentiin politir . We h.ve always viewed, our admirable aystem of revenue, at the ofuprinp; of the genius of Jiamilton, reared and matured by the con ttant care of Con(rre. Yet, admirable sit it, we do not think it perfect t on the eontra, so far from antkipt.ting, witb boTror7lhmheWwB; dcairuubn which some have predicted would aucceed revision of the TaritT, we are of opinion thate judicious revision thereof would not only tend to alleviate the present pecunia ry distresses of the people, but that it would enhance the revenue of tjovcin went, and strengthen the fabric of nation al independence. I In this, we have the co incidence of yourown favorite Secretary's opinion, which we cannot express better than by quoting his own words. Towards the -slow of bis last annual -reportt- after detailing the situation of the Treasury , he "II 1 "If itBedeemed advisable Metye iocreesed extension oracUyity.iahe.nq-. y or to aid in objects of internal im provement, it is beiieved that onch addi tional meafliraV roaVfeHuiredUnattJlc obtained by tjudicioui i revision ktjhe Ti Such a measure was recommended in the last annttal reporU with I view both to the increase of the revenue, and the &impnfiction"f ; its collection tand fur ner ciWf; experience have ten ded to strengthen the opinion then enter- tamea, mat us operation., wunoui oeing poilnjf, burdens upon the pepjile, the pol icy end wisdom of our government would (certainly be demonstrated by patronizing tucn improvcmentt, ine constitutional owU Uiiig removed' .' "' '. "" " i As regards the Greet $, who ire Strug gUoK In the sacred csu of liberty, and the itcptiblicaos of South America, who are threatened with re-subjection to the impious tyranny of a Spanish despot, we cordially spprdve the policy recommen ded in the dignified and energetic mes sage of our venerable President, to tbe present congress. ,. - The fast, though not least, interesting fact 0jpurJetterf en7 remains to be no liced, respecting tbe Presidential candi dites. It constitutes no part of the duty ... a . - oi this jury, to make either a new nom inatlon ol candidate, or to puhlith an ap proval or censure of the Washington eau cu nomination.. We are willing that our fellow citutnt should equally participate In all matters of this nature, and we have no dobbt but that the ' still small voice of the people of. North Carolina will, in due sea ton 'tie heard,' As to Genera Jack ton and Mr. Calhoun, we feel that the nation it largely indebted to them for their illustrious service in their coun trv'a cause t and we believe them to be in&nitelv above any attempt to barter for the suffrages of the people t and shout any effort of thi kind be made in N Carolina, from whatever source, we trust it will be met by the same indicant spir it of contempt which was lately menifes ted in Pennsylvania on a similar occasion With you, we deprecate the practice of hood'winkiui! the people, whether through the tnedi'im of newspapers or tettrr$, by exhibiting a partial picture of men and measures. " It is much to be regretted, too, that it is too common for Mrmben of Congress to rive roily-one side of tbe question j consequently, in stead of being what they should be (the source of information) they frequently cn- Jyserve to rotMead the unsuspecting, by rnitreDre eniaiion t We are, sir, respectfully, ymirs i John nr.hKTT, jr. nrfman. ir frcr trtrlimVi.jni, ta -rce tlirta tJ pi!ros. li u h a paper an 1 yet tlC Jroent aninj;-. mrnt virtully has that alT.-ct, b ttalu'ng the jiuLLcaOon to that p;'r S1"H. ' A new pp'K entitled tits " rreerrta,,cme t9 hand S wcrk ovtwo since i it hi pO'lulisd ia tha ton of llatifsi, In thia flute, by co, Mow. ard.11 iUbWe mo'w appears to fe, -On to all partie, Influenced try nono." ?a lite all altsorblng question of the I'rdcor he seem dipof4 to be particularly caufipua U wu at present, neither advocate not fcavtaM aa of um caadidAtea.' ,jn '' 'eaiabtstaa-iSrisre ?!' f l7.aA preUfa wears buiiWU kas bcA ji.am ia i:mtftns pt sji flsoripMwi, ; pn w Ilf H'H;lM) VY H MAIL. David Stewart, Henry 9. Parker, Wm.' Phillips c-remish VVelman, Mosre Ilrown, K. (.illctpif, John P. Hodgens. ...fOan.i PUBLIC SKYTTMEXT. The extensive and Increasing nopubuity of Gen. JuekttH it sufiViently manifest, without " catching at itrj H to make it appear more so. We have as little necessity aa we have inclina tion, to seite upon every trifling incident to sus tain the deserved confidence reposed in him by the pnftle : Tttit when erroneous opinions are not only held, but fnfmgvted, relative to the public sentiment in partieular sections of coun try, if is excusable yea, it is jurt and nere- m-y, to make public every occurrence which may tendto remove such nhiiorjnwtiona. Tor thee reasons, we give place to the following fact, which wrhavc from irrefragable authority. At a tnuU-r in ilkeshoro, Wilkee county, at !iicli many of the citUrns vf the tuwu and country attended, it waa proposed and agreed to take a vote to test the sentiments of those present, relative to the Presidential candidates : the result was, . . Jackson 50 Adams 9 Crawford ... None t Vantageotis to the revenue, salutary to the &flJHroej&fc, jrid b&neficjlto thetnauufac lures of the coumrrr"firT: Tr'Aa to the : fcheme of internal improve e4U, .sv4ii yott,aUi Crawford, arid advocated by all the other rcaiucutiai canaiaaiesj out one question . Hie National lntellisricer. and Washlnirton pity Caistte,- both advocate of the ernic. ' . Ed. Cart. THR LAWS. In addi'ion to what we have heretofore pub lished of the lawa of this Stste which were pa. sed at the last session of the General Assembly, We this week give place to a number of others i and shall in some subsequent paper, copy the re- maindor of those that possess a general impor tance or particular loeiJ interest. . . -r. It fyae long been a subject of complaint, that PUT, JfgillMr, dpea tnot provide for a more general dissemination of their Acta. IfLe pret ent mode of distributing them, in pamphlet form, tomgit feWy, much, (and, weihinaVXCry. justly, '4oo) complained of i and the publication of them in only tne paper, at the seat of govern ment, it found to be entirely insufficient to give the great body of the people that knowledge of tficjn,hTcheir diftie and righta aa freemen require they should possess. , ' Penalties are often exacted of persona, for violating the provisions onerous to the commwi i -.! - . . - - -1.- J..-l" L. It- V! ! uiai if ine iiuy oi crcry man iu maae jiiuiscu acq'iainted with the lawa, through the medi-omWftir5epe freeL Oebnle tOjsurwader one of tlieir dearest what km tit political doctrine they will coun tenanee by their patronage. Should the Stat paper Wd tentimenta derogatory to the politi cal ideas of a' portion of the citizens of the State, it v. ould certainly b repugnant to the apirit' of hr-hUdit has bee a pnmcpsi'X eunCneJ to the lower qualities, which hare gone ouat from 18 . as. a I to 74 cents some tew gwMi m nsvs orooght 21 cents-The lower oiultirs of CfiUnJt are con- aidered half a cent betfrr that) previous rate- Seieetions prime Iota will eomiMRd 14, and tavorite brand in tome lew titsuiwea, 1 J cents. Ah Feri-The New tork American of Saturdiy last, say I he votes of this Stste will not be gi'tn to Mr. Crawford, wire It within the B4ope of the most re mote probability that te can be made Pres ident, either by the electoral votes, or by the House of Kept tentative. Thli it vrlt underitood herr,nd W(f bt fetter ut deitoed brf irt nett Povembrr t which time we can assure the Richmond, and Washington, and AHany managtrs, that a majority will not be bund In our Legitla Hire; who will be wiitng to sacrifice their poltiral existence for a mere purpose ol throwing sway toe votes of the Mate, in a profitless effort to prop a sinkinr and un popular cause." Trial fur Murder. On . Wtdnesday last, LtmuH lewii was tried bdbre the Superior Court of this cotlnt) for the murder of Hinton Pugh, who us killed about 1 1 mile north o( thia plae oa" tbe 3d of May last, and found guilty. The trial of Oliver fsvit (brother of Lemuel) and Elizabeth Scott, charged with being accomplices in said crime. was, on motion ol their counsel, ordered to be removed to the Superior Court of Franklin, county. AarrA Slur. It Is proposed In several of tbe N. York papers, (o appropriate the amount of the Greek Fund accumulated in that city, to the purchase of the steam ship Robert rulion, and send her up the Mediterrane an as toon ss possible, so that the Creeks msy receive the benebt of the collections m - ' can oe ol assistance to them. We learn front the iUIslnh Kcgisttr, of last week, that Lemuel Liwli, (men tioned In a preceding column as convic ted of murder) was sentenced by tht Judge to be bong, on the 7th of May ncx! At tbe tsme term of the' Superior Court of Wake county, ItiiUrd JUntt was convicted of manslaughter, and sen tenced te be burnt In the hand. Alto, Jwflk Cok was convicted ol passing counterfeit money and sentenced to stand la the pillory one hour, be imprison cd it month, and pay ae of oa bun dies) dulliT 7. 5. Supreme Courf-The Xj. States Supreme Court adjourned on the 24th intt-after a laborious Session of about six weeks, during which trnie sixty two cases were disposed off leaving I IT atlll on. tbe docket, where they are likely to remain, not till doom's day perhaps, bu! more pro bably during the natural lives of many of he oarties concerned, counsel as well as clients, unless tbe organiiation bf the su- . . ll a . 1 aa. pre me court is matenaiiv cnng:n, wnicn appears to be "the wish of a port on of the present congress, if the jppa ently in terminable discussion of the briff bill. doea not defeat thai aa well al several other important measures in Imitation. Petersburg Hrfittliean. f tmoVr, The " Rfoorder," printed at Washington, In this state, sirs that a cow in that town has been delivered of a fine thrifty calf, which has no eves...... eye-lathes are perceptible, but no signs of an eye Uq be discovered. POBTRR'B RQUADROW. The U. S. ahip John Adams, and the Sea Gull, arrived at St Darts, on the 4th u't. from Norfolk, and sailed on the 8th for "St. Christophers officers and crew all well. The Svrcn at New York hat brought many letters from them. A let ter from an officer dated the ii, says M After rather a boisterous pssssge, we have arrived, all well, off St. Berts the Commodore is yet undetermined wheth er to anchor, as his only object in touching here appears to be to join the Gull nd obtsin information respecting Lolom blan and Spanish Privateers snd Pirates lie will, of course, be governed very much by such information as he may obtain. He intenda to give the W est Indies a good examination before he gets to Thompson's UUnd.M PERU. Advices received at Dlti more from Peru, to the 36ih of Decern ber, shews that the patriots under Santa Crut had not been defeated, but remained at Arica; that General Bouvsi had put down the faction of Aguero, whose troops had united with those under Bolivar j that Aguero and Ilerrera had been arrested, are to be sent to Europe, and an end put to intestine diacord in Peru; and that the Peruvian united patriot army, commanded by Bolivar, bad marched for Truxlllo. All internal difficulties arising from fac tion having been thus removed, it was ex pected that the patriots would soon suc ceed in exterminating all remains of Spanish royal government in Peru. After speaking for nearly teven hours Mr. Clay concluded his very eloquent snd argumentative observations in favor of the Una, at about two o'clock to day At present, we are only able to give a rapid, and, consequently, a very imper feet abstract of this most luminous arjru- nient, but we hope to bo enabled, hereaf ter, to give a full report of it. The bill may reach the senate by the middle of April, should it be allowed to pass the House of Representatives, which, we think, may be anticipated. IVath. Refiub. list of Ittcri Ur.MAfM.SO in U,e rM OfTtce at Sat.Uft, N. C. bn the Jlat d) of M.rr, A. I). 18X, I'rUr AH.nK-M J,mr H.oriid .IiiUih Kilpttfttk, iHmtl Leaior Mnin tfkiir Jhn Ad ma Ntoket Adrrton Marfaret All.ton. Titos, II rack ut U'ise Dm Conv.Ut Dutkharton l aty nille , t-onn Hstee Jno. I). It.lo h.c C. lUllard N. A, Itryaa Jol.a iiUokUni Jamee W. Mryan, t Jonathan llarber William liarbef Adam Deck Iprncerlleneoir-" u-":-"- t- Mr. St rone, of Pittsfield, Mast, has re cently published a Tragedy entitled " The Fall of Iturbide, or the Deliverer of Mex ico." James Carulbers l-rvy t'ambell John CaHgmn , . John Caurbenouf John CambeO William Chapman Joseph Cowan John Coats , Joseph Ceetlow John Carigan (eorge CambcQ fttanly Chaff. n Conrad Casper Oenj. Cowan A. II. Clisffin -Crastua Case. Aouiler Usvenpott John R. Ilonrl Joseph Dobbins. Ho. Elliott William eddreth Philip Kagle. Robert Poster Wm. Ptemminf Abraham Pex lohn M. r reefing fihef II. Ferguson. George W, Grimes Kamuiel Gardner James Grimes Hich'd. Gillespie Charlee Clover Cltarle Griffith Alex. P. Graham Joseph (raltam. Joseph Hall, 2 Jamea A. HendncU Jamea Hunter George lloover Henry llartman Henry llarriton Marv Hatch Kich'd. Harris Samuel Hiiifhey Rrywn Hotchkwe, 9 Denj. Ilurhry John Hyde Elisabeth lltcka Robert Johnston Louis Jacob John Johnston. John Knight W e mile UutU Thomu Kent Ilarra Kimble Knigtit AUs, t-kattnt ml t-tt. ky llarrnan Ulbm laa Lttialrr, 2 II i ram U. Lovcasy Jwph 111,(0. William Miller Wm. MonKomr Marialt M'kanile (rtrj1 MilUr 4 1 bi M'Lario . WilCsm M'Arge !an M'Makin pJwtkfMsdy ' st'r..r Jon Martin Jebe 11'Lunmy George M. Murr W llliam Mahaly John Mormw , Wward M'UeUf I.ancy ITIisler llsary Myers . John Martin Claris Morrill Jno. M'Nrely, 1 ' Jim. I). Norrt, 7 Vtmy Nspier. Hamuel I rice ' Antlntny Peeler Ssmuel P Phillipl Panoch Phillip Valentine Pence Jetae Park, flamuel Rtblua pttilip Hiee John Kidinger Itodiaa Kiley I.. R. Rose John Ried hathan Riley Harry II. Robleoa. Henry Rosaaman John Steel William Smith David Htewart Lcroy Smart George Hmith William 6tepbcntot Daniel Kwink Philip Shaver Willuun H. Steclmaa F.pes Spain Hubert npence John Sinimons (eorge Smith Edmund Southard John U'irewalt Jen-miah '-anundl. Hiram Turner Bamuci Injur Mr. Mary I odd Drnj.rcnnifon .. Mary A. Tawnseod. Robert Wood Richmond Wall, 1 Marv W all Joel W ren Jacob Wearer Abaol-m Wall James Wright. AUUKL REKVKS, P. M. List of Letters REMAINING in the Poet Office at Concord, North-Carolina, tbe 1st dirof April, ItCi. Benjamin Alexander Henry linker . lienry ieaaun. Bev. Elam J. Morrison Rev. Robert MCuIloch k'Knight, to Miss M.I R HI ED, In this county, by the Rev. James oh tbe 20th ult Mr. mitiam Cnbrm SaUf Fleming. Also in Cabarrus, lately, Mr. IBrtm Ctcbran, to Mis Jane Brrwn. , ' On the 33d ult. "by Anrew fiwicegood, Esq Mr. Matthew Sfmrki, to Miss JVy Jthnnn, daughter of Mr. Zacharilh Johnson, all of David son county. Joel B. Alexander Zenaa Alexander James Alexander Amos Alexander Hugb KfiCMl Mathew Alexander Jolin Laney Qt.t.k.ii A la unlakP la thia county, on tie 8th inst. by amet W.! n.ni 'l niven. Ramsay, Esq. Mr. Jain Carter, to Mia ifl Hu. List of Letters TJF.MAINING in the Post Office at Charlotte, 11 N, C. on the first dav of AoriL 1824. maj. I tlOS. A vvaiwlaa J-h. Ir Silas Alexander - Jonathan Harris. Edwin L. Alexsnder Wm. Jamison Phill Johnson. Matilda King John Knox Lets in Lincolnton. ON Wcdmiday, tbe 1 2th May next, wilt com. me nee tie sale of a number of lota in Lin. colnton.N. C.snd will continue from day today till finished, terms! a credit of twelve months upon bonds wiU approved security. BY COMMISSIONERS, vf.71,l824-. ..At'S Wholesale-HAT-Store," " 9 'if Strertr ppHiu VM MtrrAant'h HoteA. ITF.il to the pubUca. ft nersl lsaorttTicnt Jj VP of 1st, 2nd, and 3d quauw black and drab ' Beaver Hats, , i oval, bel and high crown, and cortes shaped, wide and narrow brima, late fi-Iiotta. Also, Castor Hata, ditttfj men'a ant youth's fine Roram ditto, warranted elastic sratlr .proof t men's and youth'a Roram Hats, of aninfcnor quality, ' All of Which they warrant their owr manufacturer"" Men'a and boya coarse, fine and vr fine black and drab wool Hats t morocco cas, from Philadelohia-and New-York i Hatter Trim- niing-i-Bew tfingsi'iB' IJhe;aWltfcHild tor cn-. ;, - . . l(Mmprq.WtemtM, oHPiaiioTfor Salcrrr A , FIRST rate aecond-hand J'lana,. la offered for tale, very low.1 For terms, &c. apply to J v , MICIIAl-l. UKQWIV Sahtbury, Fb. 16,1834. 93 Mary Bodkin Martin Rutner . Wm. nigha'm Hiram Baldwn, 2. Wm B. Cox WV Cook Sarah Cathey , Malcum D. Cannon Col. David Carr Job Cannon John Calock Jamea .OOPS Miss Sisan if. G. Clark Henry Marks John t.rowell H. TDoweH H. C. Labatt Ellenty Loror David Lawing Hiram I). I Jveiay, t. Wm. Maxwell Alexander M'Rae Phillemon Morria Andrew M'Miken " John Marfm Jamea M'Corkle Elizabeth Mintiro John M'Cullah B. L. Miller Hugh M'Kain w ' : wo . -- -- 1 Davii Crenshaw JeWCaslctt" Jon Crye. Ifcrvey Drake ane Hui JohnDenby,2 Robert Davidson John N. Davis. CUrlet Elms. Fannf, belonging to Mr.M'Kee Geo. Farley. JohnT.Gilmore James Gibson,, Alexander Hogan - Mr. Holmea ' Solomon Harris, 2 Elam Hunter FJitibeti. ttowartlva Robert Harris IUiiiiieLUnn!gn John Monteith. Caleb" M. Norwood -Hugh Neely. Robt. Parka. it Catharine Roaarf John Robison Peter Rape Thomas Mussel. . Reuben Shores John Smith " r' " Seth 8exton Joseph Stint Sarah Steven Joabua P. Smith Wm, ftammoD. 1 MillyTodd , Ebin TrUll. Aley Tatton . 1ikn Tr.fi Hattnew wanace, j Jamea Wallinar ' SeBTtSaom Howai""-"""" John L. Hendent5n W.n. Wynana Miles M. Hill. ' John Wilson, Alfred Harris Abiiab Alexander John Anderson Osmund Alexander. Alexander Bain Warren Rarker Elizabeth Benton Daniel Blaekwelder Josiah Bradshaw. Noah Corzinr, 2 Bamuel Conine Andrew Conine Huirh Campbell Thomu Ciser William Cenov William Ceaton. Alexander Dorton Owen Dry. JohrrTtlrt Mitchel Fleming William Fleming Robert Ferguson Allisop FUimnar Francis GUm William Glover. Mary Huie Dr. Elam Harris Abner Hagans Eli Honereut Catharine Hagf tr r ranaun iiarna John House. John Johnson Benjamin S. Johnson. Robert M'Cullorh Abraham I. Masters Jaa. k Arthur Meek Abraham C. M'Ree, 2 W illiam MClaren John MICinlry Hugh 8. MCalebt Archibald Morrison Rev. Geo. M'W barton Jamet MCaIebt. William NeweL Thomas Paainger Benjamin I'lunket Ezra Park. "MarylloIaiVd Jane Ruttel. Nathaniel Sims Christopher Sides Hmim-rl Shir Martha A. Smith Jobn Hugg Aa mith. Lewis Tucker Peter Teter. Francis 'auneroa. Z -Jamet D; stl.ite " Jamea Welch '. George Whitley. John Yawmani D. 8T0RKE, A. P.M. Last Notice! THR executors of D. Creaa, ten. dee'd. ,fbr tbe second and last time, give notice to all those indebted to tbe estate, either by note or book account, to come forward and -make nromnt payment, araintt the 5th oay of May. otherwise they will be placed in the band of the Sheriff for collection. . i JOSHUA CAY, .. J1t4 ... Executm. Persons harmff claim arsinst the UUt will do us a favor by calling for settlement. . j.- JUSHUA (Ml, . ... . EDW. CRESS, . M7riTfT7mf7 -imtmr- Was committed to the Jail N Burke county, J. J on the 19th of the oreaent month, a nerro'man, a a runaway. who aay hi name ia Jim, that he belongs to Tbomaa Pool, of Spartanburg District, 8. C. and that he left bii master but.a few dav before he was apprehended. He appears to be about 25 year of age, dark eompleaion, and f c alender ., make. 1 he owner ia requested to come for,' ward, prove hi property, pay charges and take him away. '."' W mmMmJuvmMinilil1rjL March il, IB 3T 3itOl lAtraplilcf. :.-3i' liri..,i-iitiWijW,Bi.,,;,l-J., ... .- T the subject of the Presidential Erection,' aHilressed to the citixena Of Norm-Carolina, i is for sale at the office of the Western Carolinitn, WM. SMITH, P. .V. lpicre tehcenta. -

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