AROHH V v luArZ) JiJjluia-li BAUSIIUIIY, N.C.TUKSIUV, ay 18, 1821 VOL IV. NO. 200. ti. 4 . W Mil 1 r t. bt , flllfll DtPJULO VHITK, , TutUs lW Jami fW Uit4 Stem. uld Dr. 0. and whobow, u hi kith been appointed juttlcekf the mm. I ti peeled to attempt totnfa i; to tb for ncr iImi m ha hath dpi ;W ao opinlpo that esery county hatha up to regulate its own aundard. Tbi h- uHcl of L. SW W - - - -W WW W "W t'!i'lm.A l'Trrhnt bit si uncoiutftn, ok Oarvt ol W.. . against a ier. Memo-,) tobome cot pretend to decide j bar whether (reat skill it necessary to tJUUnguWo tfdenJtli from dropsy, or to rclim a patient from a simple case of strangulated htmi 'ttTffumm,.,- croEnU win However, a wan must be a wr stupid war.... in . : WoritvVifsfni'i-fr inhri.-ft'B-.lDO. kill ki hufnul . . "w I" ,. -"J ' I f.f I n. IT .S..J. i." .. eents for tah rihwqurnt one." 1 neen qutunea wnto ha but comroea All letters eJlrceMl to the Miton Boat m I ced. (of which only wrta iDokrn.t Uai ,-tJ mm it. :rt .,.4 t. j i I ail a. . i . i ii ' i .... rT""" wu,mn w auroica vs. . AU IDSI WSB IQieOOCfl In Clllnr Llf. u C. I aihti tk.. it. t I ' i .1. eaw. wee to .hew tb.t men Wfir!.;. f, . "n.a,r9 NiniVMmiCiMului. h , ' ...!.; :'. ' ' .l',mlVmm. wppcer iromirrf fnmuittf ,i Mr. Wktiti A publication eptred in ' T..!" L ...,m"' oui A0 ,r,c r Th .. bo.eer, U.mAjj. four paper of the I Jtb unimo. limned A ir w -"cmwn o. nr peo- m belnr 10 led into an or,,u At i. ... L I vIC ,v IDf SlDKCr Ol Iticn lhlnr. Ai f II... .Il-.j' . 1 . ' fnv-vwMrwrDia. ujmminir ill c f717 ill i-C2-:rViT.i "j Vr ucnucrwn noneiir.u uinr to aeeaiuch an irtMioua piece h tk. col r. "r.7"" fn.matieai , h.lf ,uhel that w.. euppoied b U i limna of tour newipeper aa that af the r:", " um" amen , end further, ih.t it ip4rl ih., Wtbof Mrnh lot, heeded "beware .f 1 :ZZ...u,..J.l...,. Wjor lUnder,o,,'e h.lfbu.bel. bhourf .. .-fcv.. ... ....iiucu w mNi, imalier than the tUitJ.rd m.uri.C I i coin count jr, wn Jvttt tlin ihdVuiuie measure of North (.Vol itc. JOHN' . VIKS,i.f i wouin now ask, wiicthrr riink...l i. wi ia L. II. krepinx a hnlf !uhc IV if II bj e Utile lartr r thn the umir rn cn.t.i .l . I LNCta DUU liniD IDS .L.i I. J nmv tf.wk k.j t ' ,B w oanMroua lor men to com -. fiaivai iiiu uu laicn wn id oruir inr .i "i u uaniccr oi uuacaerv. ai nrariiif n mi. . - " -..-- " m hii,HV......iL .1 i . . the c., of Valentine H.lner, and put the V Vfc" n,e ,.be r i ibe .,! ,r, public on their ruird erelnat the polaon- "TIZZVaITZS::' ? V " Pr kepP'ftl. e " "nd.rd hir cue eftecteor Lend, and of Quackery In Li" ';S7 ebic "e larger than directe t. .l. j '.l iKienceai (eiul lor which I am willinir in u. 1 of Phytic, without beina; dulf Qualified. LT W!nl Pro? "! r iUlttrai, miller pa, R3 for rraU. wM and the Uirlabtifi mterfer- " 7" .1 " . w?wlede. of i belieted nrrer w...eB ,o M.kiiU weOt-Kity a- the Innocent I u7 :,'',U;,:T, , ' A to ,h l""-ntnj: "f ' mUle, I fcno no unkutpecune; citizens irom such un- ; T a . I II n . ai ai kV at akurul practice, but like lie to put it out ' f the DOwernf nrrllrl.iri nt PK..!- I enem7 to moke what ehargea they may pleax, mini uu tin ii iriurv p ju-uce oi me I J"ne' r ' w.w vi.f. ltt.lWBW..UVHvlf tf 1 it t ..." .. ...w .... r..a.c cniracter quiry ,bout hi, education ) It known, o, uu. -ivrv rwir nan," ( he hh-t while in thr eml. f ih,nn,rf l.nni ...A I V. ... r !ii I .. ... . r - - ...... .......v..,; ...t.cmrc win not tnemil , heacnu Ifdafrr.4i, i . , i " r- -r Prill. I.M4.. I J . ' . r enj, ucs.uci niainuinincr U7e i.miiy, by Dr. U. To shew thii nereitity, the case atatcd wa made uae of (at to the high cbarfte) ai one in point, which was notorious bere, and loudly complained of. lVl -la., m . . ? . . i H r . "u . . ,r' "ue Mhfm bu' ' h be'.d b, i. . ,, no, a. an nr arly n much a thii Pi toimpoitor toipeak in hi-her ..dan.- when h. f,, ,.. of my friend,- kc. TbeD why I pr.ctire, (and at cr, ilnfe rrrm.ry he complain f - I in ... L ... , . . ... " - '' an ntmrji nuirrii o in writer had no intention of bnnir- iWH. I .k.ii ik-.-r..-. i... . - -. . - u.miun, lll.PVC iu IIMIC III now attempt to draw out the private con- Tbis prrtettded "fritnd io truth," lho it "rn o thU malignant defamer, every in) w.s turned away from thetnill upon t . I.ironiii. In akm. ai.ul ... I . . .... I appears it no other than thtt Dr. li him self, as the piece tent on for publication, containing the fulsome panerjrtrkk on bimtelf ia in hit own hand wiitinir) in which he virtually admit the case of J W. at ttated, in every thinjr material, to be aubstantially true, at to the bill of ac count, tte. but makes a IktJe quibbling as to the sewing up the wound, mileage, " fcc. The aervicet, in drettine, visits. medicine, fcc. are ttated in the account: and at to the distance in travelling, It can only he coniecturkl. where il hath not bern meatured, and IS vnerw matter uf opinion ; but the opinion Riven appear t be confirmed by the patient, J. W. wnu states, that in proving mileage for atten iir court, in . the village where Dr B- avenue to wnose tout appears to run .uinirion nf i;.hnn... -;.k-- ki' u ikM..,.k .i i r - ,... .c. ...i, ivui. annuel, alliu WHO llhhold hit Harfty bill, lion of female -irtue .Vu u "" ,hC !1W T'd no m-".pectbilit(wi,houiL1.incthe take hold on him. But a. far a. the pub- circumstance! to attend hi, mil at (irrcu ma- we concerned, we will ei.mine " v winiiwii. .I j , TCIlllCII'l lll'HSril nd who cannot even 0r family, by the owner, upo the com 7' fronHbo.dffama pf.iot of a number of respertafr ruMom in tuch an in.ioiout ert; and wat afterwards emtove l bv Forte Piano, for Pale. '. 4 PJJUTrate a-eorwJ4rvl Uoflerad m. iw mir, wfrj mm, war termt, he. '' MICIlAtL BKUW .Martin V. Wvi t, TAIIIQ IX of ftatisbury. and t vicinity. Im rtnWnL .L .1. . 1 . . - " .. ' " mm mm naa crnnmrnora Ilia - Tailoring itasinrg in part of luhn t'Uman't Immim, situated In Market Mtrect, a few donn from tha EM corner of tbv Cowrt-KoaM i heta kt m pnparwd am) wiu Dr Dftppr to accommouau any rent le man who art lUkiaed to patronie him in liia Cne of buameM, in the iH-aiett ami mo: fnlii'inkLle wyle. or to i.eue fairy. II flatter Litwlf. from hi. Wng etfeneipre, tlial there art but few, imnt, In the rounliy, that can aurpaa hint in the rsreutiitn of bia wurk. A fair trial u all be , i pnr the ahove aaer1ion. The Chanrft of fxhioii ili.ll be etriotly attemled to. a he baa left t corrTipondr nt in the Dittrict of! Columbia, (where he 11 laat from) whu will send mm uie lh on. on, in their regular aaaaoni. He hupci by kirict ancMion to huxinra. to rr- ceie a lilM-n.1 kl.nre f public pairiiure, ai he ii ipicrmine4 nwthini; .lull bt ltd urulone to rtivlcr (friieral MticTirtioa, New Amortmcnt Tlie SuWnlw-r bu very rteenily mtivti from 1'luWilbia, an aaaorlment Mrd-II en, a which, villi the iMrlJTwnt he ttpeeta to re, etivt U a short lime, will enable Wm to sail at Mtiafarionr prkea. Ilia titabtic ara aa.Mrtflilla m4 in 4wH.aa4 . f aal, . r.uvr ai tM,, &ii'jf, Jng,J 1123. ... u 7LI ..... '. , , Coppcnmitliing. The drtiperMtiithirir, sml Tla I'latc Ittslnetei heretufore tnncled bv D. Creet. tea. will in future br Conditcit t by me, ti tht same place. i iiiwe ih iior me wiiq weir cutfom, may ) peml on liili r their work dona with heatnea.. durability, and deapatch, . CUWD. CKr.S.t. Wlmlrttale HAT Ktore, 279 Aitc Sirrri, .mc iKf MerUnf Ihlci w & fttfttr, OS'PKH U. tk., p.U rnpil .kl4m ot lrt, ind, ami 3d nukiity black und drab lirav.T Hats, oal, bell and hipli crown, ami ortel ahaped, ana nun, urimt, lata 'athlona. AIo, Caitor ll.ti, ditto : iirrir't ami vonth'a Kortm il.lto, warranted claitic aa'rr proof j niTi'i hhJ jotith'a Uumm IUU, of an inf. nor qiiaii!). All of ahich Uiey warrant of their un n.inuuclurr. Mi ii'. and hov'a eoarw. ine am! verv blurk ami drab ool Hatai morocco capa, rhildcli,'ia and New-York j Hitter' I reairlra. hp nnl .'kapcorl fnp mmtl.. kA the estimation of Dr. B. himself ia only w-hm h,d,,ub,"ib,', being induced by one more. J. W. states that one of the T5 e"mP,e " K"t 2nd. Is it visit charted in the bill. he. Dr. B. mere- ina snouia prove an ac ly called on hit return from some other place, whrre he had been called on other business: the first visit is dated on the 3d October, 1822, and the last on the 12th of the same month, which will clearly shew thai the patient could not have remained lone in danger. Whether the man who replaced the intestines of J. V. and sew- ea up the wound, and who received noth ing for his services, or this rnretaiie hhymciun, ' was made the means of saving ri -nan life, is yet problematical : how bat may be, if the Doctor had con fined his charges within tbe bounds of reason, no complaint would have been made. Notwithstanding he justifies char gingthe father of the young man (who inflicted the wounds) thus, in such a case, yet he hath been heard (more than once) to say, that he himself would have done the same that the young man did,'had he been placed in the same circumstances. The writer of the piece of the 30th of March, had no intention to eulogize Dr. 8., or draw any comparison between him and Dr. B. ; as the regular, honest and gentlemanly deportment or the former, and his general success in practice, to Rether with his diplomas obtained frpm the most respectable institutions In the United State, are ; sufficient ia rcconv mend him, without my -feeble aid, or that of any other individual ; and bis name was only incidentally mentioned, as the Physician called on, in the case of V. Hather, which annears to have (riven of- -ience to this Dr.JWaDdiiailiJrawaJrom. him that malignant and unprovoked at tack upon Dr. S., and for which he (Dr. S.) hath advertised the author of the piece signed A friend to truth," at the court house door. V.4Btrri"Kln, u Aa I am no Physician, I will not pre sume to judge of the extent of the quali hcatior.8 of Dr. B. at nresent. nnr ,A mm. i: . . r ' 7 u may nave cost f anv to nae acouired thla r..r.,,.,ki. ... j:' ' ... :!'ian :m9 M mewioncd ??m l.whicbj had. never heard tether he hatlr been at4htenr Up6S ac- luirinir l i.j . " t - p i un luat - nu w i ana a. ia " . . a I i f .M .a k. n . J ! 1 1 I ... L. "TI. i ""r""' we w, .mine y,c, s. Vm. ,nJ wbo lftr1P(l, dii n.s puoiic cnaracter.oy asking the lollow- niiMed from his emtJov. ,he .,m. , - Cause. llr. II inmatim. ;-,.,t. ...I honorable man, when he wat a trustee of a rervnn ih.i t ti u.j .l:. . i.i . . ... . . . I - -1-"- nan inatii una - poor ..v.w.iik iuiiuhi i miiirr rtn VII ak .L i-.i. by which he had Dromiaed the navmrnl nfl .1... o l . r . . ., ' z r ' wm.r iu 0j. nc I'jhi ol lie ernin wai a considerable sum of money, erase or rnmnleil. ,k- , . r i if - u... ki. i.:. . r .. . ... ...v ui l, II. IU IIITC ""j,""! Mniaim sum suoscriora, or tuner II lobedonw wlrhuui iho mwiccnc or consent of the other Trustees, and then deliver it over to the Secretary, or other trustees or the Hoard, with the other subscribers remaining bound, man of from niii- m.nirk, Bo Mrinn. and Druilic. 4c. c. loa fur caili. L Aunr..n, ,f(w, 18:4. Hit 12 tit 1 nysician of Pennsylvania, who declared ahJ3! "!"n ' cer,ain art' if il vt" mX Co half dozen of farmers, I will count of 899 to be a 100, and receive the money when recovered i Many ques tions of this kind might be asked and an swered, which would develope the char acter of thit " Kr$,ectatle I'hytician but to which I shall not descend. Let us now examine, with candor and tmpnrtiulitv, the charges alleged against the private character of L. il. As to the billingsgate contained in Dr. B's com munication, I will pass over, and leave to some person of bis own stamp to esam inr ; neither shall I notice the dark and insidious hints by which he endeavors, in his usual malignant way, to cause it to he believed that there is something his mo desty will not permit him to relate 1 he first charge, therefore, which we will take notice of. is one charcim? L. H with " imposition," in keeping and selling " by a naif tmshef smaller' than" the" start' dard ot the county. What a dark and insidious charge is here ! that ever L. II. kept a half bushel to sell by less than the present standard half bushel of Lincoln county, or the legal standard of North- ( arohna, itfalte. There was once a half buahel kept by a former standard keeper, that was 65 cubic inches lareer than the legal or present standard as will appear from the tollowinir copy of record from the county court of Lincoln, viz i - " Agreeably to an order of the county court, made at October session, 1833, we, . I i i; j . , mo unaerugnca, ocine ouiy appointed as a committee to examine the standard half bushel in possession of the standard kce-peraIdtoantfrcrw.eTaRreeably-to summons, have met this 28ih December, 1823, at Lincoln ton, and do make the fol lowing report, viz: Upon examination and calculation, we find it contains 1154 larger than is required bract of Am. biy of 1741 : we find by said act of As sembly, a half bushel to contain IDSQ . i bic inches. (Signed) Daniel Hoke, Michael Rcinhardt, John Muahat, John Ramsour, - Jacob Forney, Lawson Hendenion. M It VVtmttMVi court. tWihi. i,: repqri Ot said Committee pteven j but this " iwo, miller." (as he it ll!..l ? m . . ' v.. it.., cviiMiou, i ri.i gum, agreed to pay it wnhounuir i -:n ii. now ri.. raver to tramlaie the Latin which tins r-ttire'obtt Phvician" hath Otmfi d. u'lfc h I detltMi fnr ki. w-- " wviw wv v Ue : " "- . aiuriut marrtcii rrhut vfii ';" Dr. tt. tint at thf tuccrtt if uriy one but hivur'f, (as I suppose he intended to use the word marcrteit.) . The word. " rrota'ui horridm," I presume havt been accidentally transposed, (as they ought to have occupied the place of a "friend to truth, and he translated a not iy tenant m f ti.. h f 1. . 1 a ... a wj f,r m in, j i nope ;ir. r,onor i am now ()onet with this wonder of the world,' and shall dismiss him and the subject forever. LAWSON BEKDEKSON'. Mail ,t, 1824. P. S. Mr. White: It is due to Dr. S. for me to de lare, thst he aad no knowl edge of the piece which appeared in your paper ot the 30th March last, before its piitilua'.ion in your paper. L. H. 1 I hope to, too ia. A Charleston paper of the 12th instant, states- ThaT "mhilTes " Joachim Murat, Esq., arrived in that city a few days se fore, on his way to East Florida." This voung man, we presume, is , the son of Murat, formerly King of Naples, and who, after his dethronement, was taken prison er, tried, and shot, in Calabria. Kine Murat married a sister of Napoleon's. The voung man is, of course, Napoleon's nephew, and consequently,. the nephe w jf Joseph Honaparte, who at present resvles in New Jersey, and who has been, . lif erent periods, King of Naples and King of Spain. It is matter worfhy of okservar tion, how calmly these royal persons move on through life in the boson of our Republic ; and it is a proud proof presen " A true copy from" the irerord : ' . (Signed) VAKDRY M'REE, c. c." And which said stands rd lis Irrfllrorl acsordingly but without tbe consent of the 'fa Utter, dated Ri Janeiro, Feb. 21. " VVe have in town tha Kmo-nf th Sindwich Islands; on his way to England, and, as is aaid. thence to the tIniiH States. He is accompanied br his Ouren. and a suit of ten person." - To nil whom it mav roncoru ! 1HMT the year 1786, (.en.'rhitherfi.rJ, ihrii a citirn nf How in county, ind a invmbcr of the Ixg-i.lnt'irc i ilit time Irom laid nmnty, in ordrr to accommodate hiiconnlrtuenta, brought on from the Secretary', oflice a great num ber of Stun- Cratu; of which a number yet re main on hand, hating never been called for or taken up. Thouc concerned, will call at the office of the ro Carolinian, in Sal'iabory, where the tit In arc now deposited t and by pay ing the fee due tlierron, may take poaaeation. tne fract pan'ed to William Alliton, for 233 srm, frmg on Ijmbrrth's creek j One do. achariah Adama, 48 j seres, joinint; Itioriiu Jone, tViltiam nobcrta, &c. One Jo. William Andcrjoo, 200 do. lying on iiuminjr crees j tne do. John Allen. 30 do. ly nr on Cub creek i One do. VTilliam Drown. 100 do. Ivintr Duck and Tliirtl cr ekij wnf ui. .-sicnoi tit-aver, iirj iio. lyinsr on r. I I a . JO i-oiu r, aier crets ; tnic .lo. Peter Dcim, 280 do. lying on Hunt. ing crera ; One do. Jo!m Itnlcr, 105 do. lying on couth ide Y.dkin river ; One do. Andrew Cochran, 198 do. lying on Mincrcca, water ol com watrrj One .do. (Jeorge Davidson, l6l do, lying on Davidson', creek : One do. Jacob Dice, 695 do. lying on Abbott'. crees ; One do. Robert Harkncas, 192 do. lyinr on t.. - L t la .- . O iu'.a rreca ana l l-.ll i One do. Jonathan Jones. 500 do. Ivincr CaMnCrctk, Do. do. 3J0 !o. lying on do. One do. Fam-iel 1 .owrj', ItC il ,, lying Hi tiling creek t One do. David Ixjan, 175 Uo. lying on Er win' creek , One do. Samuel Mt'ollum, 100 dt. hing on Uunuag-cistek'f-i-'.'' ixi. - ' ' ' One do. Richard Muore, 140 do. lying on both title Yadkin river) One do. William U'Duni-l, 92 do. lying oa carter i.reex ; One do. Hciru of William Newner. 200 do lying on the water of . Dutchman' creek i One do. Michael Fitter, 640 do. lyinir on tin water ol 'Lick creek : One do. Richard Parker. 150 do. Ivinir Rocky croek i One do. Jame Russell, 260 do. Ivinjr on both sides ElhV creek f - - - - One do. jRmes Smith, 200 do. lying on the north ide Yadkin river ; One do. John Scott, 160J do. joining Abram E.rrtny One do. William Smith, 50 do. lying on the waten of Third creek i One do. John Summers, 400 do. lying on fourth it fifth rr.1t. . Dissolution. IH AYE declined acting u t partner with Jobs Murphy, in tha mercantile butinrtt In Con cord, with hiarortaent, and have rr.inrnji.hfd all claim lo any nart or nortion of the cmfiti of the concern of Murphy k Motion. VH iVew fttore, Concord. 'I HE aubarribcr haa formed a Copartorrth'p I with llrown, in tbe mereanlilii husineaa, a Concord, Ci'iami county, North Carolina, under the firm of Murphy U Jl'-rwn whert they are o(cnig a firth atwwuucnl of Dry Gsodtf Cutlery and IIarthvaret Ims-mI with much ara, U ItnladclpUla and New.York.and bought on the be term. TVy dr.ign to continue the buwora. at OmcH fur wwne ytartj ami aa Mr. Murphy will ,it tlio northern citic. annually, to procure wpplit-k, their astortment will le general . trwl tin he Iikmh-iI of at fair price for cash, or on cw.L, lo pnnrtiiJ ctiktixner. Th-ir friend, and the public jenrrllv, are r.jwctfully invittd to call, rxamine (u!u.c, I tar pricea, and Jud(re for ibematlve. JOHN MlltfHY. Jolm Murphy, Ha aim, kt hi. .fore in MaLnirr, I larrw neorti,.ent of C.)(JI)S, to uit cilifen, town and rooi.try people i U be JiijioKil of unuauallylo, for caih, or i juntry prnduce. en "' jail w on i ND commuted k die jail in afi.burr, oil i t tiic . l lif t . a n -gt ucfi, who aay bi name i JIM. and that he waa nuvd in CImpwm coun ty, in tlii State, about 1 1 mile from Edenton, by Mr. Ijimb Creaty, flora thorn he wai bought by a negro trader by the name of Wm. Moore, waa. taken on uth, and in Darlington di.trict ran a ay. He ty he i about 40 year. oM, I very Hack, about 5 feet 6 inchti high, and will wri;1i ImxU ltO. Tha owner u deairrd to prove prop, erty, pay charges and take the nenroout of jtul. KAMI EL JOXES, iUnff. SuZlny,.VtC..1prili6,lKt. 4it06 Coach 31akin. fflfE nj()criler beiri leave to return hit X grateful acknowli-dgmt-nta to hi friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage ho ha received in hi line o holiness ; and inform them, that he ha procured a number of ork men from Philadelphia and Newark, which enable him to finish work in a style rarely een in the we. em part of the kate. He alio hat a continual supply of materiala, of the bc.t qual ity and mod tmliii rutili- puttrmt. He intends keepinif constantly on hsiuL at reduced pricet for cash only, Sulkies, giirk and I'annrl iS'.gs, Charioteer, Coachcci, landaus, Phxtons, lla rouches, laiMkuleU, Csravau and Mail Stages, oi' a Fuperior constroction. Repairs done at tha shortest notice, and in the be it manner. Ordcrt from a distance thankfully received, and punc tually attended to. J. ti. UOItMK. Charlvlte,M,irr 1, 1824. 96 Coach Making. rTWE nib ribcr offer his services to the pub X lie in the above line, and flatters himx lf, from Ionic expirirnce and .nrnly anolkstion lor a numoer ol yeai-a, in f.unipc and America, to on am Reedy creek : tine do. Abraham Welty, 77 do. lying on Eearcieck. W te4 My the-world f-the 0tgnity-n4 al- On i dowW Wiliams,300 dor Ij-inr-tm uc oi American cmzensnip. j'i ncrc that man attains the true standrd of his nature; where Kings and Princes, dives ted of the artificial circumtances by wnrcn tney were surrounded: find their proper level ; and where the imnciial Al exander, of Russia, separa d from the pomp, and glare, and authority, of men- l .. ... ' : -rtn, wouia nnd himself fstimatcd ac cording to instrinsic worth )f his person al faculties, and placed upot a par with an State of North-Carolina, C A R A RHUS COUNT!. COURT of Plea and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1824: Caleb P. Alexander. James Pickens; oritrinal attachme nt. 11 iA am lands, &c. It apnearina- to the court thai fh-. defendant in this case is not an inh.h this state, it is therefore ordered, th.r nnhlln.. tion be. made three month in the Wetter' Cur. ttiman, giving Notice to sattl d fcmlunt tw aonear . 1 a I. - A M i .f til m i. ut.uc.i vomx w.'jeaa ana Huarier Session to pe hcia for said county, at the court-house in Concord, on the, third Monday of July next, tp replevy, plead, or demur, otherwise Judgment final will be entered atrainst him. and execution awarded accordingly. Test : DAMEb COLEMAN, c. c. Price adv. g4. , v itl. Kive itcneral latisactiou taJliuw wlia ni Kn hlro Vitb' their work. Carriages of all descrintiona. Pannel'd ami Stick Ci, Sulkey s, ic. made and reoaired on reasonable tjrm. SAMX. LANDERS. .VoA'iiry, April 26, 182. 204 N. B. Carriages, of all description, bought and .old, on commisaion. P. S. A journeyman Wkntcd at the above bu sine, to whom good wiitfe will he (fiven. He will be employed on wood-work, altogether. . wVoUct?. W1IJ. be told, on Thursday of next Rowan county court, at the court-hoii in ul;. bury, a liktly mulatto irirl. alout 17 nr ih ... of age i also, a variety of medicine and .hop furniture, a doubJc-bam-l'd gun, and the car riage part of a litrht wairon : all belonr-inir to the estate of Doctor 1 hoi. R. Kiiflin. lUrM A credit until the first dav of January nail, tvill he given on aTTium aboveTotfrdoliars i all" urn under that amount, caul, Bond and imnrl Security will be required. JOHN J. S 1pm 28, 1824. RIFF1N, Adm'r. 3it'6 Caution. TCAVE a note of hand to llieram Harbeson, one HmV after data, fitr ri... k. I ..l p - , . l i'iiiuicu inuiON tyJ5ne dollars, duted about the 2.1 Rn,..mi.. cj,"ii . I "'uvi .witnessed by Avery Grant, wh eh llieram Harbison left intlie hands of Jas. Ash wh ...endprscd the. notcjo Ehap Sinoyer: Jhad' paid Smoyer fifty -eiglit dollar, which was cred rte.1 on .yd nok-.toffie'irme iff June, 1823 , since "" UitMJitye betatrarmsWal .fey. Mrn Harbe son ."creditors, and paid tbcTfiiH amount of tho " balance of the said, note, byVirtue of the gtrv ntshce. 1 have been informed some nrnnn ia trying to sell, this note : the Dublic is. tlier..fnra. cautioned; npt to purchaie sai(f'note a it hat been paxl. NICHOLAS WYCOFF. JAnwn ctunty, J, . C. April 24, 1824. 3i;'6

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