POLITICAL. mU cr ray Lett Ju Jgmtnt, jrour iwtf r. inz advocation of them all notUii KituHMiwrrt hat n yfl lu standing. Upon the probable tendeo. (if, UJa4, uy win mr f-nri " ty of untried measure, we mi be ex- aiT,ir) tb uiiW tpUiUi of the WiU Mb pected to dilTsr. Without istumio Uif,jr,ournprentaUvebCmgrtiMtbt to myself any better opacity to esti- Grand Jury of Bowse county, el ih no Im mate iht character of proposition. iub- axmlt imvtr of the Jury to ut r(.iW i milted to the deliberation of Cong re. Wr. m forth J'!mt-r, thanyou possess, 1 must claim, at least, bkh tppoart U Ui Patior! Inunifrrwr of to be credited for ordinary .crutiny in- tU 34 but ind vUck Mr. Uf Km rr)ticitl to the luljccti upon which It limy w t copy i we do so i and should have lon duty to ict under all the repon.ibili 'to, had s the reoie bee a4. Mr, Long ties of my Italian, The illumination Us uwrtd , through a private cbtnucl, Df debate, the amy fauthorilier, ind - wore oat ixiinUd :, )n bit Dum)o to W(h wrcttling btweee ih friends and .. ...... jv r : 1 r ' tit. measure, wnicn..arc all iffiDurtant lubtect. nar not unreaoobiy be liimrviu-d tn ifflnirt mm a triflmiv art. w.n know, (a. be b---rtJj be beEm.) l i rreprmDutivci of tha tW tbt UapuUtioa of " ktnbf will oot lint I i i i i our door. Ha know that oT wages are paid I ' r. , ut by ail or sevte bundrad Uuffipnt freemea , , j . V T. cNortWW.M. and tha adjnlVat .Lom d "b,J ' 10 dC,de' . Th" C0 public arrant (or -hireling, if bo Eke. tbe ught, perhap., .. moat ca ter better) a proud to ukaowledge ", bespeak the opoioai of a re a.lr. UtmCHmm. preieniaiife, canaiaiy onerea w inoae M whom he represents, at le.st a very To the Centkmra eonpoainf tht Cnnd Jury careful and Impartial examination. ' of Bowm luporior Court, la North Carolina, To youraclrei, gentlemen, I cheerful, at tba spriiif Term, 1821. ly leave it to say whether, io your re wtaaiaaraa crrr.arau 7), 1821 pi tO my letter, you each of you m- Centlemcn: When I made my com- turcly weighed and contested the ub- fnunication to you on the 29th of jects contained in it before you aave March laat, I only acted in conformity your veto. It is not my present object, with my established usage since I have to trouble you with an argumentative had the honor of being your Reprrsen- replication to sustain the correctness of tattve in Congress. I h ve adopted and the views which 1 disclosed to you in continued the practice, not only from my letter. Neither leisure nor space a belief that it was my duty, but from permit me to dt so. Cut, as 1 think pctauaaiou that my cooslitucfitl requlr it easy to gireyou pUioer aod fuller fa oi rac o lummuoitaic vo incm, suiemeni oi reasons, in nppusition to freely and dicidrdly, my opinion on those measures, at some convenient subjects deeply involving tbe best in- time I may do ao. terests of this nation. To address ev Had my letter and your reply not cry individual singly in my district been published, and made the subject was utterly impracticable. To ap of disingenuous comment and infer, pmach as near, however, to that gen. eacc, by certain acute partizin Edi cralmodeofcommunicatiooaslnsight, tors, I should not have troubled you was ray inducement to select you aod as I now do. They have attempted to tile Grand Juries of the other Cuunties show that I have lent myself to a great which I represent, as the respectable and finished system of intrigue,' to dr. channels to diffuse my views among ceive the people, and defraud them mr fellow-citizens. Grand Jurors are of their weight in the selection of our elected from every section of the next Chief Magistrate. They have counties in which they reside, and stepped in officiously between the re. have usually extensive intercourse prcsentative and his constituents, and with their neighbors. 1 have the con. charged that representative with weak, aolaiion of believing that my comma, ness and folly, for having honestly in. nicaiions, thus male, have been gen formed those whose servant he was, rally received with satisfaction. In sentiments which he entertained, and each and all of them, I have been the path Jie had trodden, in their scr crapulous to avoid offensive dictation vices, thatthay might advisedly judge and wilful distortion of the truth. In of the fidelity of his conduct, and the the spirit of so accountable steward, nature of his policy. Now, I dii- inteot upon the honest performance of claim all agency in intrigue, and shall a very sacred trust, I have sought to continue to make free communications disclose to those who have constituted to my constituents, in- the face of the me their Representative my apprehen- battery of hireling presses. Of my ion of the state of the iuterests which opinions in relation to Mr. Caaw. of Ms Mes Ji, aod tence, too. the i:a prtiofi Uch has been heiped upon the llia urate, and through Mm, upon Iht people of the Unlietl Stales, wnot rtprtientatVe h Is. We ire rnutb mis' uktu la th tharat r and spirit of lh American people, If bis unprecedented courte can tend to seive the cause of Mr. Crai6rd. Ut. Morot'a sdmlnlttratlon Is desrvc('ly populil and we tr coovb ced, tbst If this couri o msultlag to tbe Chief Magatrate tji degrading to tbe oatlon be peieored in, tbe people oill rsllr roan! Uu eovemment and th coeratia pJot,it ill bead, aod put down till friaL . Urn r sou ten or n. From tnEfab jj.ptrs to tU STch Mb, recti Stt at N'-Vitk,k tho atila Londuo. A Utter from AlUant, Sp!n, dated. March 6, Mrs" A Dutch squadron, con ns tI wtiritt iiMi4f, Mr. SJitorl In teruiing the columfj a i a . I .1 oi your valuable paper, iacn i rertfts in mr cottave ilmott crerr week, I am not ailiiile diverted it the vsrietlet. Con . they had charged me to promote, and the rights which they had deputed me to iriard. Into my motives no ob lique designs of decorating one public rnan with unmerited honors, or de rotating from another by unjust re flections, have ever entered. But, in the performance of his incidental ser vice to my constituents, I knew full well that, in some parts of my district, I should be subject to misrepresents Uon Whit X detailed, as ,thc cunten- cy 01 opinions araoninuac whii wnuui I cod verse d, -aod as the result of my own best reflections, I foresaw might be onthankfully received by some whom I have the honor to represent, and perhaps, turned to my prejudice. Writing, however, as I did, as the Rep. resentative of a free people, but able to judge, I determined not to be deterred from attending to every portion of my district, believing that there were some -inH neighborhoods f ho would wish a free interchaoge.of ideas, .mt'&.a.'iflew to forming correct opinions. I did rot, in addressing you, gentlemen, de. ign or expect to prrvoke a controver sy upon any of tlv great topics to which I adverted. If my opinions aod ""Itatetnenta rmised you-lxinvrstigatf for yourselves, and stimulated you to tbe most rigid examination of the grounds upon which 1 had rested them, my object would be accomplished. For the reply to my letters which you were pleased to send me, 1 give you my thanks. Although in that reply ,you j.jin issue with me upon every opinion which J had uttered, yet the decocu.ni. of your style in the expres sion of your ihsaem'-rsliiiiinl)Ojrc'C9; 'urmiiog .;th.udiredTrom. me in the mere spirit of ap7I6wcd'nTfirSU' diction. True it is, that your bare de nial of the justice of my views, did not ahake my couviction of their propriety, Vht I expressed in. relation to the policy of this country on the Greek Question, the South American Ques tion, the Internal Improvement. Bill, and the Tariff, I still cherish as the re- roRD'a fitness for the Presidency, I have nothing to retract. My letter to you I humbly conceive will not bear the constructon which some Editors have been pleased to give it, respec ting the Presidential Candidates. I certainly meant nothing disrespectful of them, much farther was it from me to diffuse insidious misrepresentations against any of them. My observations were intended to apply to my concep lB9liUbemDaScmeBt f thetraci rgedrat :ttk ; by - i Court Martiatj : ihd tive friends, and to shew my decided preference of Mr. Crawford.-- This I clearly had m right to exprooa. Your obedient servant. JOHN LONG, jun. fta da Kalrlrft '' - T, , C,r)or, or Judjo fcOarai, sn enser in ,raiviu, w ..... .... r-.Aor of Ilrtnois. He bad pnWus!y betnA j'1 h Supreme Court of KtnicV, and lately a senator irom nu- .1 aV. A L a awaaai MSWlaiPhftKta not 4 rm - foribe Imperste aod correct manner in .kUt k diacharrtd bis duties. Ilia ....... f . i ... judicul'ptntons ate irtqucouf uuotou m all the ourts b the country. His gen eral ckrae'er, m judge end a ftobtkian, ia Infaor to few, ai to abilur, an equal to Ibaof any man in the community for Its cetency and purity. j fitrsctofi letter from a member of conrts to a gentleman in Albany. Mhould the state olNcw-iera give hervote (or Mr. Crawford, be cannot be eloted, his fa'e is sealed. I regret it, for be.s a vorthr mn, and but for the zeal fni (rends, bad a prospect ol success He la no tbe man of my choice, but per aooallr I 'eel (riendlv to him. From pre- rnt avpaarsnces. I think myself justified in SJini Sir. Adams r Gen. Jackson will be the niit nretident. Should there be no chtict by tbe electoral colleges, (anJ I thiik probable there will not be) Hems. Alans, Jackaon aod Crawford will, I tling, be the candidates from which tbe tout of representauves will hare to mie i selection. SbsuJd it so happen, Ma Adams' election maybe con Mdered ce4in." Tha worCa'Kusi always improperly spelt I: sbjuld not be Caueu but Catut, after the el.t robber of that name, the son of Vuiin and this it seen in the similitude cf characters, and habits of the two. Caculwas a noted roblxr, and per turbator of tfk publi- peace -and to is Cau cus CaeuVof men:t were all by niht, and cnncealel br derp darknets and to are thoe of Caucus Witness WashinR ton snd Richfinnd. Cacus kept his abode in a dark cat, into which ho drew back wards by the tail, butU and tatvri. Cau cu it found nl Xa ftw deep rlowra, otiw drawt after him butt and tatvr: Cacus laid hold an that which belongs to others, without retard to rieht. And so does Caucus. There It no doubt then, that tbe orthography of tbe Utter is wrong. firginia Herald. htlnsr of shin of the line, two ff leads talned therein l sod as Ibire nolMnr par and smaller toaselt, ire cruising cut thehicular to do it present, bating CnUhed coatl against the Alfteriees. Tbe ibip f bort and rsturned from my nd fritatcswert in sight of ibis place on flougb bsndlci to my evening Cre ilJc, the Uiblmt." It bst taken up tbi idea to write you a Tbe Sardinian vetaal Murrv. Mortes. f fct which re corroborated by Bailf from Letbom to AleUri. with a carro of observation, and which petbsps msv not aaval stores sod a diamond crown for the bare a bad euect, although written la my i .... m . Mca am not mucn paper snd letters nart occo Z . 7. Vi r ...A iA iLa iiil. Thee contain se- world, i recouen i vi wr I tVI V Wowwar - - . I Gen. William Hull has commenced, in the Boston newspapers, a aeries of Let ters, entitled u Memoirs of the Campaign of ;he Nortbweatem Army, in the year 1113." Of that Army, most of our read ers will remember, and none, we presume, are ignorant, Gen. Hull was the Com mander. His Campaign was closed by what was considered, at that time, a dis grace ful surrender of the Post of Detroit, by which his wkole Army became prison ers of war. lie was himself carried pris oner to Montreal, and, on being exchan- f BOX TI DILAWABB WATCUA. It appears to be the order of tbe day at Washington, among the partisans of Mr. Crawford, to insult and bully the Pre sident of the United States. The Geor gia delegation have addressed a letter to hiroin which they sssume thebrdlv and dictatorial style ot a master to his vassal ; and the object of which it to compel him, in violation of right and humanity, to drive some unfortunate Indians from their land which lie within the limits of Geor gia. Mr. Walter Lowrie, a Senator from Pennsylvania, having first divulged, and as there is every rea&onlo telle ve,rntsre' presented a confidential conversation with the President, undertakes to menace him with the disclosure of a private letter, which, according to his own account of the matter, woutd seem to have been stolen from the President's files. In the Houte of Representatives, too, we find the same tone of insult, seasoned with nc small por tion of scurrility,, maintained by the friends of Mr. Crawford. The speeches oftr. Floyd and Mr. Forsyth on theme' moriaforMr.''awarari,'on Monday .last, wooWURri days offi . ' inVi:. ::rrfSriy"siTri pany laiibuur. nil. 11119 t.iuiciicc, iiicw coarse and vulgar ebullitions, indicate a loseing game on the part of the actors in the drama. Mr Monroe, who has bad a better, opportunity than any other man in ;he nation bf knowing the fitness of Mr. Crawford for the Presidency v does nbt, it seems, consider him qualified for that high office. Hence the pangs and tirocs sentenced to be shot. Bf the clemency of the executive, his forfeit was forgiven him ; and now, after the lapse of twelve years, he comes before the world in tbe character of a historian of, that disas trous campaign. The letter spromise to be of great length, and we shall not pro bably be able to copy them. They wilt be republished, however, by many papers, from the Boton Statesman and the Bos ton Courier, in one or the other of which, they originally appear. Ml. Intell. locis i7th. - We understand that a person calling hitoself Lou the ,17A of France, has mad his appearance in this city. - The facts he stated are historically true, hut whether the circumstances In relation to his ow life, ire correct or not, we are not suRVientty acquainted with them to sayr-HW-features-are-said to.bejcry much those of the Bourbon family, his ge cor-esponds with what the Dauphin's would hive been, and several incidents he mentiejs of bis earlv life, serve to ren der his tab at least plausible. He states, , we undertand, that he was carried off from the ttwet of the 'temple in great set1 crecy, brought up anion the Alps, and. afterwards sent to the Island of Cuba, where he leaded the trade of a carpen ter, and wher he has been till he camo to th tr couwfyv - He reifind4o ,ho w certain markspn his head, which he aays hiisisrer, tWfl will at once recoenise, and to this la he has written.rthrough i ; gentleman of Washington, stating the circumstances and events of his life. Aftei this brief statement, e leave it to our readers to J J ! t l AMnM kk M.M aciermine, wncuicr mn piavni uo comfiot. an impostor, or a legitimate Dour boa. .e;la Journal. Dey, bat bees captured aod carried into ikwerd wd clumsy nyle. . Tar Jlona paper, end letter, have been long.r defined fc iMt - amnesty. 1 ne prtesu, H n aaio, are i-'7"-'r 7"" r stimulating tbopesssntry to mamcre tbe I. a fact , Mr. Uo r, tojnM day I. eonstltutlonsllstr Tbe French author!- mora fraught with tlce ind folly than any tie. had forbidden tha entrance Into Bar- other within roy recol ectloo. Tbera celona, of tbe member, of the Criminal -a. a Urn. when haugbtiaes. and vanity Tribanal established by tha Baron d'Er- were itrangen In these pert.i bufnow, oles, at tbe Seu dUrgel. ! $ b.f itole upon th. people, Utters from Vittoria, dated March 1 4, and with them, have brought a lamenta opon tbe authority of which we can rely, ble change Jn or country. There was statei that at Lognmo ind Ochandlaoo a lime, and not far distant, when our very wriou. disturbance, bave arisen be- daughter, could spin and weave their tween tbotroopaend tbi Spanish peas- garments, knit tbelr father istocklog, snd snts-tbe IstterUing stimulated to ei- "end to culinary anaiwi out now ikoso cesses by the priests. Several were kill- days are past! and the hour, therein- ed and wounded. PT0 " I ""ws .tupo0ns, A privste letter from MadHd, dated are now tpenua long .no udvckqim ivis u w ii .k.i ik. p.lffn Mini- its. dancing ptrties, card playing, talking ters retident in tbst c.pital had strongly about neighbor D i s new gipsey, Mits C remonstrated with Ferdinand upon hit fine plaid silk, gold necklsces and lockets, delay of the amnesty. Tbe Marquis of wisning ior ...r. ...,.7 .ar, Campo Saogrado had left lor Barcelona, to arrive with his late fashionsble stock and was the bearer, it is said, of a repri oL goods, to supple them with silks, a- mand for tha Baron d'Eroles, upon the lino, crapes, Leghorn hats, c. And irouod of bis having refused to diaband there wa. alto a ume, r Mor, wnen bis army, and refoitnif to repair to Ma- Utile girls of the age of 14 and I J could drid when he received tbe order, of Gov learn their book, at kmoi. ana maae ve ernment to that effect. ry good scholars but, indeed, I am sorry A par.gr.ph from Ode,.., dated Feb- ar n T J " ".r , I inr nn. era the arrive .t I., tnev think ruary 3J, suies, that letters irom on- ; ' - . , . . tantinopla confirm what h.d been .a- themselves young w omen ; .n d ins e dof nounced, concerning tbe illness of Said, converting on literature, their whole top Effendi, tbe delays M. de Mlnziacky bsd i bou he be,ux met with In his oeeociatlons, and tbe re- Permit me to state another detestable proacbes which tbe Grand Vitier bad ad tce or which there is a class oi ine com. dressed to Lord Strangford rejecting the munity guilty i it is a kind of haughunets assisunce tbe Greeks received from Eng- that causes them to have and utter con land. People are now anxious to know tempt .nd abhorrence for the industrious; hew Said. Effendi will receive M. de and if a man is a mechsnic, aitnougn ne MinxUky, whose conciliating character may be one of the most respectable per is well known In Constantinople. Saida sons in tbe neighborhood, be is not Took- Effendi, is a conning and .well informed ed upon, io tbe eyes of that class or peo Turk; It is pottible that he msy con- pie, .. worthy of society i they view him, trive some pretence for granting the eve- to use their own language, as M not of the cuation of the principalities of Moldavia first class j- and, in tbelr own estimation, and Watlachia, which the Porte bad re- think themselves far superior. New Mr. r.ied to the Internuncio of Austria, in Editor, do you not think with me, that KSe omstftat rt filth VAwaaMkAk f ft 1 ft- fa naaaTaW eX ealeftaU f kiiuN ktci suited St. IIVIW "0 V V II ilVVVIHUV't ' - IS, - - 14 even sfnrnied that Saida Effendi must for transatlantics, than Americans f that bave declared to Lord Strangford, some they should be held io the Lion's gratp, time ago, that he considered the evacua-1 rather than te recunco unuer me cooung lion of these prioripalities a. a satisfac tion due to Russia." We have been favoured with the peru sal of a printed letter, dated Nuremberg, March 19, which contains favourable in telligence for the Greek cause. It ap pears that Ismael Pacha had marched against OmerVrione,and completely de feated htm, so that he is now master of the c4 ,, Professor Oimstrp, of two bank, or the Upper Aspropwemo, the University of North Carolina, has as shades of tbe Eagles' wide spreading wings Thus far have I intruded on your pa tience; and Is I have been laboring all dav, I feel fatigued, and will bid you adieu. - AM OLD MAR. Vet, yea...iith all my heart, yea. asms. ccrt.ined that a fine illuminating gat may be obtained from cotton seed. The produce of gas from a bushel of seed, it -more than double the average product of the same quantity of New Castle Coal, and greatly exceeds that in illuminating where he communicates with the Greek General Longos, who had been sent by Prince Maurocordsto with reinforce ments for Ren'ina, whilst a Greek corps and reserve has been established near Zapmdi.upon the road to Prevesa, which umernaa strongly garrisoned, in order oer. It nartaket of the nuritv and panto, w-hrclf the Tfirli fiTve mucn a! iUnce, inIeed thil Med l known v, heart. An Ottoman corps, which marched tbound. from Thessaly in the beginning of Feb- Xhe exprlment lre.dy m.de indue. r..y, .r Acmy, ..,., u,aui tbe belief that among all substancea hith by the Greeks, and entirely cut to pieces. erto ,ried for iHumiDauon, this article The artillery, horses, baggage, fcc, fell wl found the moit eligible, especi into the hands of the conquerors. tjIy foP our l0Uthern cities, where cotton Tbe negociation. for the surrender of Kti ctn ba obuined a Ter. trifling ex Patrss are broken off by the Turkish gar- p:nse . and he ide, ,ugjested that this nson, which has .till provision for sev- artice mar poibly become of consider er.I months. ,ble value for exportation. Tha v A steam packet, built on Annesly and quintity 0f Ie.d .mounting to many mil Lowerby s patent, ran on the 3 1 st of Jan- Uons of mndy that are annually accumu uary, between Hull and Selby, no less ated in our cotton districts, forming a pile than one. hundred and sixty five miles in ,,most ,nd ,ometimes noxious, twelvehoursl This is, at the rate of al- woud U h .ford materials for uiu.1 u, iCCU ..our. . illuminating every city in the U. state. Sir George Ralph Collier, K. C. B., a j, U expecied that Mr. Olmsted will Captain in the Royal Navy, put an end to ,i,nP,l rMr K5. VrnM-imenti and i.:. i:r- .u. 0..1. -r i L u r a,.u M. u7 wiwi"K KienUGc results on this subject tf ins uiaiiia uui wiiii a pisiui, wim.ll lie &0 ly.A 1 n m mnm.nt r f fpen... in .ntta.. r . .s j I Letters from rommndnre PoaTIB to uueiito w-auiuoacvcrcnurea pattea . " :. , . " , , . ,y. on his official conduct in JameV NaTal theecret.ry tbavydattdjt : History." He was a son of Admiral Col- sna the 1,8th and Thomson s Islanc the Her, and had for some time been labour- ISth inst, recapitulate the placet which, ing under occasional fits of ment.l irrita- ,n lhl8 cJwie h ,haJ touched; tate that tion. I The stricture, in Jame.' History, """"I!" naa iouhu ....-, Uuded to, is the account which is there bad seen evidence, that they had been at give.. - -e "-.-: - L toTil-f1 fflh16 fMeCJplce of rendei- frtgate Cons, tmion, ana me prizes, no . to6k rteltef alnong we. Cyane and Levant, from the Bnnih Co,orado; RU, and that he should ' TLSfS'SS: bi. barge, and boat.'in pursuit of hr- atPortef;Pf.y.Hslandof bt. J,go, during ? South side offo- tbe late war. The attack censures Capt. J";" ,LyBiracv'-wl mtmll 11 Sn? nVe, X The Sish 1 . . r.--..-A...-,. ...... ion? nrevaiicu bei upon the Amenc.nomCea.JwB; -4krfcihMiiitt.'iieiiibll. of I rt' The juice of a common strawberry, Brhu) forcef tt thc Isle 0f Fine., ba J without any previous preparation what- have n informed, caused a dispr10;. ever, dinolves the tartareous encrusta- Qf lne gang. Nothing but the presence tion. on the teeth, and makes thc breath strong and active farce can keeft" ' iwcet and agreeable. ia order." . .