n. ..frimtnt was lotumsnced, f ' r(U..lA tkt IIuol tteprsaentstire, .f M.)i,rlo d.y, com- " i . U the irvirotnr, it 10 ciote, :4h ;.;. .nrnoon.W o'clock. II w.. tended with h,wr lhn h7 IWipeted, doubl hthr,h UI be found eipedUnl lo persetersj to It fTbls llc(licnt wse relinquUhed by the lloow lo W of ftriri.1 It la now e-cticraflr bettered, that the .yUa. will terminate about the . e.atigstlon, thert appearing o te TitU era! dUpotUIon o put r'iitilnf stroke to that fflf iHiorf the" adjournment TV Mowi lrHicted on the Tariff Mil in the Seoaici biva been followed up bf third, by htch lb prospective duty of j cent on Lot ton Nigging it tiHcucn out. W understand, however, that the bill it not e entirely despaired of. ft it .aupposed, possible erent, tbt, to place ol tht fluuee on iron ann nemp which bare been ncreiUtljr etrkicn outi lower rule of duty on cub of thoe articles, may bod favor Uh tbe Senate We confetti however, that we ace little propect,at present, of that bill becoming a law, at this teuton, In an? shape. Nutional Intelligencer. Tbe debate on the Tariff bill it still con tinued in the Senate, where it baa under gone tome further amendments. ,0n Monday. Mr. Holmet, of Maine, moved to except " Rusi Holland, and Ravens Duck, from the duty of twenty five per cent ad vat. contemplated by the bill. This motion was negatived. Ave 31 Nays 38. Autiona Juurnal. Hroxil.TLl a set of r,ovc rome nt papers from Rio de Janeiro, from the 3d to 28th February it appears that the Emprrorof Braul received, in thoe twenty five da , thirty-three addresses from different cities and town, upon the disvduuon of the first Atembly. and praying him that tho project of a Constitution offered by him to the people, be con-ide re n and sworn lo as the Constitution of Brazil. It alo appears, that, on the 20th, La Maeicienne trrived from Brest, having on board Mr. 8. Maurice, at Serrrtarv of the French legation to the Brazilian Im perii I Court. He ann'tineed himself-in that eaparitr. to the Tr-itinj- ofTirer. Pernamburo, the most unsettled part of the country, wat reduced to order on the 7th February ; Bahia. or St. Salvador, baa also received the project of the new Cons'ii.rion in favorable manners; and tbe frlenda of the monarch prewtet, thai, before thro, months. Brsiil will appear, in the Europe an political circles, as well as the American, aa a free and indepen dent nation. From Hrvana. An arrival at Charles ton, brings Havana paper to the 16th inst. Markets remain the same as previ ous advices. Capt. Wilson, of the achr. George Washington, arrived at limns on the morning of the 15th inst. from Alvarado, end infrmed that on the Um inst. Mr. Andrews of Philadelphia, arrived at Al varado from Mexico, who informed that the convoy with which he travelled was attacked on the road from Mexico to Vera Cruz, by 35 armed men, nil well mounted, who robbed them of their all that Mr. Crawford,. ol Philadelphia,-was b ftVioVanchha't Mt. TMf, of 'Vera Cruz, was alo shot ; the rest of the pas aengert in companr, were beaten and bru ised very much. All the money, in the convoy (225,000) waa taken by the rob ben. A letter has been received in Charles ton, from our Consul at Havana, stating that an arrival at this place from AJvara do, ha brought the intelligencer that Mr Crawford, we believe a private agent who was travelling from the city of Mex ico to Vera Cruz, under convoy, with 3 5 AX) dollars in specie, had been attack 3d by a bund of Mountain Robbers, who after potsessine Ihemselvet of the Specie murdered Mr. Crawford, and part of his escort. Intel. A Barbadoes paper of the 18th March, mentions the arrival there of a brig from Cape Coast Castle, (Africa,) with an ac count of ihe. defeat of the English under tbe command of Sir Charles, McCarthy, by a numerous and powerful tribe of Ash antees. The British had marched against "c Asnaniees into me interior oi num lth the natives of Cape Coast and mer chant iftJjw.wWoce,KT direct to Coo- Mkl.i. t.ii: A -1 ... . . . osic, uiv isnamces capital, wnen tney were met on the 21st January, by a body of 10,000 of the former, and after a bloody engagement from 1 P. M. till sunset, were entirely defeated. This account orougniDy the fugitives whirta te turned to the Cape, and when the brig left oaUM4ts February roeiOM!frSCbar4 or apy of the merchants had been beard Of, and It raa :tmnA..J !.. :.t.. 11 massacreed . or taken nrioneit An V,M" "oree unoerwapt. Laing, was to pro ceed akainst the Aohant. TtT-BDAV MUIIMNU, MAY li, U?. " A Jam!" aJ-IJ be attended to in our Mt Iltve the sHtatW U Treal'JentiaJ H'let Oon. divert have b tb eicJ:t rcaurted lo by tbe advciM aartlet, toaacrtia) tl f"p Ut voice o tls Bvwnantou subject, and te pro mulM tht toiee e the wwU to a aaawiet btat au'itad te Ue prtaa view J li dlapMtaata. Hie eane facta bar be tn to arooaly fcanrtKO by tl.e eoiitendinf political mvftn ol tbe day, ..."v" in4wil dacrr each ut tbe carxLUtca nj to ria and depfeat tbyi protptctt t aucceat. Out f aO tbe snedrf we bave beard mart tone J, the en adopted is Dckvara. Maa te a uloila'sd to com ibe Marcat to a rial eiproata of tbe popular voice. A aweting of tbe ct'iM at Kent county, Drlaart, wu cailrd, 26th uh. to lake tbeir acnae on the subject nf tbe ftrudrtuy when, aiweng atber rctolulioaa, the follon inf wu aopled. Rfi'tlvtd, That tbe votes of the citizens now astcmhled, on the tubject of the next President of tbe United States, be taken by John Many and Jn Adorns, eviuire in twxet (or the purpove j and that the said votes be read out and publiihed t hi day. And that afierwardt the tal'l buxet be kept open f'r the reception of other volet until the 25th of May, next, at which time all the votes shall be publish ed. On motion, the above resolution wi agreed to j and after the vote of thi day had been receded and counted out, there appeared to for John Q. Adams Grn. Andrew Jack ton -William II- Crawford Robert G. Harper Scattering 99 votes. 25 r A 3 JOHN CUMMINS, Chairman, Arartrca M. I ma, Srcrriarf. ltoxr, .Ifiril 26, 1 We fear we arc violating the nnetity of prU vate correspondence, in piviry publicity to the fullowinj l)ort extract Troro a pnvate coramuni cation of an esteemed anj respected friend i but e are drainxis that the public, aa well a our. K'lvea, altuuld have tbe advantage of knowing the spotitaneooa sentiment of one whoae opin ion are mrtK knowing and wlto uttered these sentiment in the sincerity of bis heart : " I am sensible you have much matter pressing upon you, in consequence of the great political question, " Who shall hnve the 25.000 dollars?" Were all of my opin ion, they would drop every candidate, and leek tome Cincinnati Lrora the plough, who bat never aapirwd to iko ofiWo. Who ever it now elected, instead of inquiring of candidates for otnee, " It he honett is be capable f" tec. VViH inquire, 44 Did he support my election i" If things go on in this manner, old and infirm as I am, I shall, perhaps, outlive the constitution of my country. In mv humble opinion, no man is fit for this office, who. directly or indirectly, teckt it. 1 believe I mul turn politician, and write in favor of such a candidate. Tbe present business it but ittle better than the practice once adop ted, of telling the Roman Empire to the nignesi ouuier. Whatever cauae there may be for the fear which our Irieml aecma to entertain, we cannot indulge them to the exfewr he doc j fi.r we were taught in our youth, to believe that the if- frage the freemen our jtf 'tuaf rcrncdy for every distemper with which the body politic ia liable to be afflicted t ajd no event, since we have attained to riper years, has weakened our early impression on thi subject. If w e would seek, in a successor to Mr. Mon me, a second Cinci'nnufM, in w horn, among the present candidates, should we look for the greatest concentration of the characteristic, of that immortal Boman patnot ? In anawenng thia query, our nund i involuntarily uirecieu 10 General Andrev Juckion. In him we saw the unaspiring and distinguished private citizen, set tled on his rural estate, and peacefully cultiva ting the earth, when the tocsin of w ar aounded on the confines of our country, and its hrill blasts were re-echoed through the vallies of the interior. It wat at that time, when our beloved country wu assailed by foea without, and fuc tionists within when she needed the services of her best citizens, that Andrew Jackson was called from hia retirement, to direct our armies .- like a patriotic freeman, he obeytd the call of hia country he exchanged all the comfort of domestic ease and plenty, for the privations and dangers of the " tented field:" and he did not unbuckle his armour, till hia courage and skill, coupled with the bravery of his troops, had avenired the maisacre of our frontier inhabi chastisement oo those merciless savages and had repelled their more civilized,' but no less unmerciful, allies at Orleans. When our coun try was restored to peace, and freed from dan- ger, Jackson voluntarily retired, like the virtu- owe Cinannatm, ,to those rrwqttil domestic enjoyi- menta, w hich he had only left w hen the perila o-w.caJlcAJiinu Gen. Jackson never sought, never upirtd after anionic t and although he is now, perhaps, the most prominent candidate for the Presiden cy, be 'does not tevA-the office he has repeated ly 'declared, (at did tbe lamented Uvndet,) t!it the aftee t'dUt I wgl.t fr mr rrf!." Wba h fl l"t'd U, 8, trnaiof, it was eitrry to bit vIJmi ai4 tar- neat f ntrtaiirt but It IT wat bit trfdl that ao eltlitn, In a rri.tittUaa gwrmnnt, shutlJ d tliae terving kit eontry I any attia to bitk Cat country might tlcet bim, be stWnUd to their fuklMt, aai wtpw r rc. id whole Utx of Jtckton't If, ttttlwU tka aup poMl'uMi of bU Ulng 4bie otdy am. bitUM la te ariM bit eoonW, and bU gnatcat (lor te tee bar btppy and brotperou efo- Au-At a sauaUf kid la Otet con- tr. to tbU etata, on tbe !7t Ipnl, tbe aD per . vading fretiA'rntiaJ qucation w lat'talato epn- akJcraUuiw and a vwu aJyia lUramt i rtauh Wat th't i ( Can. Aadrrv Jack too, 7. . Ail LU ULcra, Not J At a pretty larjrt eoUeelioit of people, were attending a public salt, to the tout-wet ten prt of Orange county, on tba 26Utpri, a prt-alili nt must needs b made there ta i a they h Id an election, which turtiad out i fol low eth t An lrrw Jackson, Jnlin q. Adam, M. Crawford, Henry Clay, 97 votes 3 3 1 ThtMai J. Rfrrt, r.K. suember of tbe If of Krprraentstives of the U. 8. coogrcaa, f l'enn) lvania, I as written a letter to th Spe tr, r signing bit seat in that body. Mr. ger hav'ng received the appointment of t, ihanoti, ke. of the county of Northajaptori in that state, (which ia a very lucrative tfllee will very naturally account for bit reUnqaWiing' an hritiorilile sim) Imnnrtant Bit office aa tti- rr rr Motatir of portion of the tnmcn of America, to tbeir national legialaturt. .fonwuf aftdrt Ibe tfilabetj Cty Star Mate, that while a negro trader, (ia Hertford county, waa pig to the aouUiwasfl a gang Of nrgroe, ail negro fellows, armed wth guns, rushed from a thicket into the road, to rescue those in possession of the trader i betg unsroi- ed, be and a part '4 hi negroe fie for their lives. 1 'hi lawli-s and desperate gag, baa for aonie'timc been prouling about in be woods and of Gale county, and Ut adjacent country. A meetin? hat been held irthe town of Harritonsburg, Rotkinghan county, Va. at which John Q. Adamant recom mended for President, and Wit H. Craw ford for Vice President of United States. Ba4 vroRT T. Watts, Ut Secretary of Slate of the tttte ol ru:i Cirolina. hat been appointed, by the P esident of iK UuMcd (ho arlfice and consent of the Senate, to be Secretary o Legation to the Republic of Colombia vice C. S. Todd, declined. Extract of a letter from Rio Janeiro, 21. " Lord Cochrane is here, with a fleet destined for the blockade of Pernambuco, which place hss refused to acknowledge the authority of the emperor. It is said that lord C. has been recalled bv the Br gov't, with an offer of being reinstated in all bis former authority and high rank in (ne navy m p,iV)er 0y Jnjut,rv,.t w, a beautiful exm..,;on 0f Chinese time 8rj industry, a mulberry leaf becomes a Mile shawl. If the following statement be rf-irfiVWltXr, ffrd still or 'tirtkwj ,roof of what human ingetuity can ac- tomplish. In the manufactucof steel, an nrticle m.y be raised from cne halfpen ny ;o 35,000 guineas ! A pound of crude iron cost one half penny ; it is converted i- to steel, that steel is made into watch springs, every one of which is sold for hull a pti'mea, and weighs only the 10th ,f,er deducting for m f pmUi(J r fi0Q waste, there grains. It, therefore, uffords steel for 70,000 watch- springs, the value of which, at half a guinea each, is 35,000 guineas. .4ocA. Magazine. Steam Gun. Mr. Perkins, the inger out American, who baa been in Englard a fe years past,; making jmproyenvflU in the aftnlication of Steam to variousjur- nosea? has discovered a method of VP1)' ingit to the discharge of . It this m'ans, one hundred balls may be dtchar- ged per minute, or in fact, aa fast is they can be put into feedera ; and the tun-barrel may be tamed in any dtrectionr-7Soaie experiments were made many ye" ago, with a view of discharging coinon by Steam ; but, for tome cause or her, the plan waa pot carried ino execjfaon. A fire broke out last'Mondsy in a sta ble in Newcastle, Delaware.bclonging to James Richards, which sooncommunica ted to the whole of the housit on the low er side of Water street, aid a number on the ODDOSite side. Trere were 20 housea burnty besides a maribeh nf back buildings attached to mosyif not all of thsmv-Loss J57O5000?!; Grand Parade At a " Military mu ter lately in Georgia, a captain, two lieu tenents, and one private, composed the company! . tArrrrtmt.r. micks, M,t t, Cotton, UJto MJifl'rtir, fmr, 4J4ij tuper. lino, J a ii i whf at, hi a 9ycci.i hi.li7,hja 0 iw-sra brand;, 55 a &) tppt do. 50 to 55 torai. 4Ho4)Uron,6ia7li salt, t ur k i Ul.rHL TV a0 per butel j amiUawt, 26 a 28 sirr, mu. enaUj,l a 1U en,, green, ii to 21 1 34 and 3liiialii,31 a th tta.l.ys.jn.Vt.l 2 J a 1 35 fliseed,75attOcttiUllow,6 af beetwat. 3 1 a 32 1 rtca 3 1 to 4 per U0 Ux. Iron, 4 to J pr. tOU Jb.i tobacaoUsf, J a 4 meufctiireil,5a 30 pr. ewt CKJHLKSTO.Y PRICl. ALt J. Cotton, I. Msnd, 33 to 20, stained do. 14 to 17 i Maine do. 33 Saatac, 31 la 33 short tu pie, 14 a 14 Whiskey 37 a 31 eta i Bacon, 0 a r Ct. liana, la 9 Ied,9al0 Bagring, Dun dee and invernett, (42 inch,) 2J a XI i tonce, rrimo Croon, 31 1 Inf. tognnd, 17 a 19. Nortb-CaroCno Hank Billa, 31 a 4 ef cent dia. Ceorgla Bank Hdl, S j y-tt ust d,.-- -- Cunts The recent advice from FtrtaiwL and the opinion that tbe crop of I'plaada will be thorV bar bad e rVeorwblo tofluenca om the (VHton Market, A very Urp 'portion of the Uplands at present to store, hav changed hnl in the cmino of tbe week, tt an advance of about half a Cent per poumt, on previoua p ti er. Wo now quote tbo artkle 14 to 14 cent i In good demand. The estimated ttock on band, if thia description, 17,000 bale. Beware of Judaa i fur by hit art, Can act a very unrighteous part Toward paying debt, or ncrrr pay r All one I'm paid by too long dvlay. MAN of lata t)le, named Keie Flinn, waa brought before a ma-istra!e of CaKarm A county, o answer twodrmandsbv look account, one in faurof Saml. Pick'i,fof RJ9 5J one in behalf of James Pickens, fur fii. The de frndant' plea wu the nest thing to that of an honest ann' plea to a just debt statute of limitation) I therefore give him credit for hi punctual obedience to the la a of North-Carolina, notwithstanding I consider It my incum bent duty to caution all person who are in the habit of keeping book accounts, to make settle, ment pervious to their eoniing under the cogni sance of the said act, I furt'nr deem it nece are to give such dracriptinn uf tin gentleman, ttiat ha may be known whuhrrsoeter be goeth. This Finn is a man of an insinuating cast of mind j trie lo rank ttimelf In the society of gen tlemen who wear black coats and of imaginary reijiectahilitv ; '! affects himself to be a man uf sense. He weara a white kal on his h two boot on hi feet, a spur on each heel, and, bke league Oregan, baa a considerable hanker ing after public offices, both ecclesiastical and political : such as a member of the General As rmbly, Vjuire, or captain, &c. In suture, he differs from (rapn ; his head somewhat nichir the ground, lule Oragan' rtared like a My may-pole, mjt stirally above the rank of com mon men. To bring the nutter lo a prrintl, be differs enateriallv in hi dialect ; he left his brogue the pspist, while Teague Ora gan brought hi with him. My compliment to the gentleman, and I re main bis must obedient, bumble creditor, though paid by the statute of limitation. w riOHK.KT PICKENS. Frtn J'lulitdrlfMa. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friend and the public generally, that he ha just received the latest fashiona from London, by aray Of rnuairi)iua. wnncnna w uia , n-iui- ty, and the adjacent country, wishing fashiona ble clothes made, can now be accommodated by the subscriber on a abort notice. All order from a distance, for making any kind of gentle men' garments, will be punctually and eipedi IkmisK eiecuted, ami forwarded according to directions. Centlrmen are invited to give the subscriber's shop a fair trial; they will then be better able to judge whether he deserve their patronage or not. TIKIWAS V. CA.Ur. Slh,bry, Jfnil 19. 18M W. Mansion Hotel, S.tLlSBVRT, XORTIICtROLLYJ, BT EDWARD YAKnHOl'GH : "l IT Hf) repectfullv inform the pub T V lie, and hi friend, that he haa I taken tlie extensive alid elegant estab- lahment, situated at the north corner of the Court-llouac, (lately occupied by Mr. James Mpf -4 tH W veajenea; pf.ythiaysitattpii , nuaineas, is equal 10 any in uic piacc, i nc House contains a number of private rooms, w ell calculated for the accommodation of Traveller and Boarders ; the Stable are equal, if not su perior, to anv in the place, and attended to by obliging and attentive Hostler i hi table and bar, will be supplied w ith the best the market affords; and the regulation of his House, such as he hope will give entire satisfaction to those ho may think proper to call on him: and he assure them, that no pain iliall be spared to render their stay comfortable and pleasing. February ljf.'4. 9J FROM the subscriber, living in Cabarrus county, about three miles from Concord, a bav Horte. about 8 years old. blind of an eve. a little lame in the right hind foot, with a short tail, but carries it pretty well up. He went away from my stable on Friday the 16th inst. and ha been jeen..on Jthe.road, between Concord ..and Salisburyr Any pers'm who will stop said hoTse, and infoim me, sliall be reasonably rewarded, and all necessary charge paid. ROBERT HOS3. April 72, 1824. 203 Hops, wanted. THE subscriber will nay the highest price for I jb. any quaniuy oi uws mai may oe ucuv ered at hia Brewery in Salisbury, N. C. All those who have been in the practice of raising hops, are requested to continue their attention to the raising of that article, as they con always obtain a good price for them, in Salisbury. THOMAS HOLMES. Salidiirv, April 28, 1824. 3it'6 Negro Woman, for sale or hire. IOIt sale, a likely Negro Woman, about 24 y ears of age. She is a remarkably good ositioned negro ; can spin, do house-work, which will be olu with per. It not sold, this necrro woman will be hired, for the balance of the y Mfr bn'feTisSn Printer 01 this paper. - . . . . . Salinmiry, May 10, 18-14. a SlieriflV Deeds, jOR land told by order of writs of venditi exponas, far tale at die pTratinjf -oftwe. ifet J I Hr HATl'ItDAY'H MAIL. !) liitell grncrr of Uf flh, contain a M trr from (ka. i$tmm, to ebicb be ttt that Mr, Jwni "statement are unftiumb-di" that "no tuek UUrt f sa ever wr.ltsn by iifa" that bt did write to the f resident, recom mending him to appoint Col, Drayton, of South-Carohn. M the office of Sf cret7 of War, am gave hi bit ajvice also te the policy be should pnrwa) to tbe tc lection of biaeal.lnet frocala.Jack ton't ooa account of tbe ptatttr, end. be car. ougbt to know what be di 1 write-wt) ' have no doubt, that whea die letter ilar )f sliaH ' be pubKehed, a K will be,tlnatca4 of injuring him, k will raiae him at ill higher to puhlle tsti fnitlon, Tbe btter W'iw published, which if td dreaaed to Mr. atreiicr, will probably be given to pur neit rcrr-AI our Uteat datrt, cotton wat tell Ine in rayettevilk at 914 59 and g 14 60 1 ai4 to Charleston at from 14 lo gld. VASNIaOTOf, MAT S. Tbe Tcriff Dill is yet before the Sen ate, and every day adds to the number of amendments made to It, lo that body they have now become to numerout and important, that unlet the House of Rep resentaUves gives way, there is little pro bability of its becoming a law before tbe next Session. aaLIIOH, MAT II. F.tetution.O Friday tost, according; to sentence lcmuet Lewie was executeJ for aiding and assisting in the murder of Hinton I'uzh. The unfortunate mate factor persisted to the last, that he bad not inflicted any wound on the decessedt the tettimony of seversl witnesses not withstanding. We forbear to publish tho particular given to us in the presence vf tome of the Reverend Clergy of the City, for on the dead it might cast obloquy, and the living it might implicate still deeper in guilt. 'e deem it a duty, here to state, that Iewi lacked no tpirituil or temporal comfort, which hit situation do minded. From the officiil excise returns, fur nished by order of the House of Commons, every man, woman and child, in Ixndon, teems to drink, or. the average, two bar rels of beer a year. The quantity of strong beer brewed in England, in a year, would float all the navv in commmion. 31)' Debtors sled to come forwa 4 RE requested to come forward and settto their bonds and accounts, on or before the next Mecklenburr county court i otherwiae I sliall be under the disagreeable necessity of appealing to that dernier resort which the law baa pointed out to creditors. Dl'NCAN CAMPBF.LL. Charlotte, Miy 7, 18J4. 3it7 House nntl Lot, in Charlotte. FOR aale, on accommodating term, the boom and lot in the tow n of Charlotte, which ad joins Mr. John Irwin's store, on the north cor ner. Apply to JAMES TOKHKNCE. Vkariottr, May 7, 1824. '5 Land antl Negroes, lor Sale. flMIK subscriber, wishing to settle hi busi J nesa, offer for aalr, on moderate terms, a tract of land adjoining the town of Salisbury, containing by survey, 69J acres i part of whith Land is covered with fine timber, ami about four teen acres of excellent meadow ground i the balance ia cleared and under cultivauon. Also, another tract, lying about three and a half miles from Salisbury, well timbered with pine and oak, and lie convenient to tbe mills of Peter Bar ringer, Daniel Verble, and Jacob Fisher. and his sister about sixi an excellent new wag on and harness, for 4 horses ; also, another wag on, which haa been somewhat used. A further description of the above property i deemed unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase, may call at any time and judge for themselves. For terms, apply lo tho subscriber in Salitt bury. JOHN UKAKO.sen. SaUsiuty, May 12, 1824. 6it'10 N. B. Part of the above 69 j acres are in Town Lots. , Shoe-Shop removed. ' IBENEZER DICKSON, Shoemaker, wishes J hi friends, and every body else, to know that he haa removed into a new thop, a few yarda nearer to tlie court-house than hia old stand, and almost immediately opposite the Dank, on Main treet, Salisbury. NOTA BENE. I have now on hand, awl intend keeping, a supply of the very test of LEATHER; and aa 1 sliall make it a point to employ first rate work men, my friends and the public may depend up on getting as good work executed in my (hop, in the line of Skormaking, as ever was done m the town of Salisbury, or in the State. I not only engage to make as elegant and durable boota audsboei as. jnyJ)odjie..buU.Jurther covenant with all who may shed tlie sunshine of their patronage on my aliop, to do their work aa CHEAP, ami, perhaps a kill ilaper, than my brother chips. EBENEZER DICKSON. March 2, 1824. 94 State of North-Carolina, WILKCS COUNTY. ' COURT of Plea and Quarter Sessions, May. . Term, 1821 : Janu s Irwin re. John M'Cord . original attachment, levied on two tract of land; iv apocaruijj w mc vumi mai me ociennani liver out of this- stsrerir therefore ordered, " L that publication be made for three months in the ucBinn wrvnnn -irivi-'lTrcui II in TBI irf appear fc ' at the next couiity court to be held for the coun ty bf Wilkes, at tbe court-house hi tVilkesboroV on the fii-st Monday in August next, 'and replevy and plead to issue, or judgment will be entered against him fur plantift's demand. -it'18r Test: R, MARTIN, e. w. . e.

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