COMMt'MCVliONH. (Ort fir prrunU of lb ewaeiuiucalMin brio, Wl itwugSt f eotpnMf U aita a fw rt awk, by ay fcf dnt fr" the r! commended lo be tairti by U.e friends of Mr. AJjoU. Us author to be what he P"" tVa. a true friend 10 that candidate's election I but the vmn we reflect m It, the stronger la f .1. -a t. a lilfiil vtrtl WIT luijimun umt n - " m lUt rank Caucus principle sre bldJn bet kill ell lu eanctiavinlooi prvfftfm of Mrntu and lmrrtlal.ty. We therefore gift I, aa we ft. Itlrid it r and Hop, , n wpraaaatatfva la fTc.a noteple charge as with Utng t-m-tiJiJ.) ... f IUI4I. Jlr, Printer l As the time drsws ief When we are to Choose I Dose persons wno are to vote for President end Vic Presi dent, lbs subject becomes more inters st ir... mnA imnnr tha Burner out produc tions to which the sntlclpatlon of that event bia given birth, almost every in? n which tho pretention of the several candidates csn be placed, has been hibited by some one of other of their friends, of of their fori. One would think Ihtt tho propriety or lmpropritr f supporting the nuetu ticket, sbout which tbe greatest scu.Ua hit been nude, it by this lime tuftkierylr eifted. 1' tee mi to me, however, thai there U in observation or two on thia subject, and fled to more weight and prominence than they have hitherto occupied. It certainly if very strong objection to tbe nomination of Preildent by tbe invlra of Con pre it. that the Constitu tion nuke the House of Representatives m PUt-tni-a of tbat officer. It is t.lV Mll-I -- - " ntnuKivdl a tunnosable case, and the members of the caucus themselves have rfitnn the aunnoaition.thst their recont- loendation would hive ioBuence enough, at least, to bring the csndidatc rerom tnendetl by them within the number pre- . . . r i scribed by the constitution, out oi intra they miy be called upon ultimately te choose tbe President : and if they should succeed is fir as to bring their candidate before the bouse of rapresenta'ives. and ... a M . ahould there have weight, ii.uuence or jiumbera enough on their side, te plsce him in the presidential chair, wouifl it net be evident that Congress made the Pres kkntf Let the friends of the caucus take their choice of sides, In this dilemma: It can Hot,, by any possibility, happen but that such nomination will be improper. If the ticket recommended by it succeeds, it does so at the expense of tbe constitu tion ; if it fails, it then proves itself to be Useless, and makes its authors ridiculous before the nstion and before tbe world. ... a ,f ihtt. mthnd nf irrur- inic the election of one amongst a nutn UC wi i -- i for d.ngeroua corruption and bribery. Jl would be Impertinent to insist on this point at this time, as Iris to be hoped that all those who are now candidates for the presidrncy, are men of too much purity to bJ'trr for it. But as it is our cotuman ded duty to pray that e may not he led into temptation, I think it would be pru dent in us to oppose the establishment of prindple that is ch.rge.ble with open jnj an eitensive door for corruption, andj "of throwing- in the way of future appli cants a strong temptation, by sinister means to mount the chair of slate. It i really hih time that we should set our faces resolutely against a piactice fraught with so much mischief, before it claims to be a precedent, and to rank with those aacient usages that, under the application of common la," defy the future as taults of time. But although for these, and other rea sons that might be assigned, I am oppo sed to the caucus ticket, 1 am not much better pleased with what is termed the people's ticket. Thjs is an absurd at tempt to amalgamate very discordant ma terials i it calculates so to swell and distort our apprehensions of the caucut, and our fears of the success of the candidate re commended bv it, as to make us entirely forget the vast disparity there is between the remaining candidates. The friends f t riav. nf Mr. Jackson, and of Mr. mmM- - m w v J - ' Adams, sre required to make a common cause against the adherents of .Mr.. Craw ford. This course, independent of the spice of persecution visible on its fore head, is,' in my opinion, luble to strong objections For my ownparT7oemg"Tom scientiously of opinion that Mr. Crawford is greyly preferable to Mr. Jackson, I Should be glad to know by what method of reasoning it is, that I im expected ,to reconcile it to myself to vott for a ticket, every man of which, for aught I know, will vote for Jackson, ana yet violate no pledge that they have given to the public ? JJv this means, it might, and probably would, happen that I should give my sup port to the man who-is, in my opini, of all that are in nomination, least qualified fnr tht imnnrtant trust. -;j"Iti vnnecessary ibjkV-IfthldinMsl on the danger there is, that an electoral college thus composed, would destroy the only argument in favor of the general ticket law, by scattering their votes among the candidates which are allowed them to select from, becaUse I think there is still greater danger of their uniting in the sup norV of u man nit intended by the aujor- iif of the people"i to bo promoted- - if i ai.nul.I ka itJ what remeJy I projser I would reply, "IHi all due res pect for tbe opinions oi ww.r,,, r . . t't .i. - ....1t.r.t male litendsoi escn oi mo out irparste ticnet v.-m,, l the friendiof Mr. Adams loss no lime in dolni so. I shall, no flouw, oe 1010 that ths effect of lucb conduct lll be, ilr ket will succeed, so ur UB 1" ' , , . at leist ss to give tbs tots of this state to Craoford, snd that It is oi pir cy for sli those that sre opposed to Ms .(...U. nnlla III order tO defeat thf rns-getic efforts that sre making to ! .... .w. n..1irl randtnalfl. uuuaiuiuuii" in . f .lnral !nrwcate SUCB S result, tt, si U would bt perfectly fair end pro, ptr thai be should luvs tot vote stste, if tho number of thoso who prefer km mn numerous than sre the friends of ony one of the others, ! csnnot v...rnM. Ktliithat It Is necessary tnai the friends of Mr. Adams, In particular, should be thrown Into s kina i nooge mAm iiK iK aunnorters of Gen. Jack vvui rr son snd Mr. Clay, thereby giving the vote Y tka ai.ia in loait one of them, who weuld, if he had been voted for slnglv. have been beaten by the tresiury canoi- Although ! em sincerely desirous thst km. AJmmi ahould be elevated to the presidency, from sn honest belief tht his til.nti and acauirements sre necessarily ' . 7 . r .lLJ required by the circumstances oi mei times, sad the lorelgn reunonsoi ine ITniift Kiatat at thia neriod, vet I have no desire that any man should be tricked into bis support, who believes, the while, tht ha k aunnortina- Gen. Jackson, or Mr. CUf . I shall be more readily believed. hra I assart, that I am rqdallv unll ling that the votes intended for him should, In effect, ro to support either ol the nihara. It has been ssked, if the electors are to have no discretion ? I answer, none ! A cats has been upposed, that electors, chosen with a view of supporting some one of the candidates, might, when as sembled, find that the man they had cho sen was dead, or had declined. But ex treme cases prove nothing. Doubtless, in such a case, the electors would have a discretion, and must select from the re maining candidates, such man as they ap proved, or ss they supposed would best suit . their -constituents -not excepting Mr. Crawford. For if the electors are to have any diacretion of choice, I see no reason wht. after awallowine two sbiurdi ties.thev should be prohibited from taking in the only one that remains. After thus viewing every side of thi. important subject, allow me to repeat my earnest hope, that the friends of Mr. Ad ama, in every part of the state, will set about immediately to ascertain whether the person designated in their immediate neighborhood aa one of the people's elec tors, will support Mr. Adams, if elected and if so, Ut the fact be announced in the oublie orintai and where itlurns oUrotb wise, let them immediately announce th name of some person in their electoral district who will pledge himself to sup port him. a rasma. ros Taa waariaa eouti. Mr.'WhitV: In "your piper of the 4h inst. there is a call from the proper offi rer, upon the Board of Trustees of the Western College, to meet at Lincolnton on the 1st Wednesday of June ; which call, it is hoped, will be duly regarded because, 1st. There is good ground to believe that the meeting will not be an abortive n one, but will be respectable in point of numbers. Sd. lecause measures of sn important kind are contemplated st the ensuing meeting. 3d. IWame ths measure of founding a College is important to our section of country, and identified with tne oesi inter est of both civil and religious society- So (unanimouslv) said our great meeting at Lincolnten, August, 1821 : which con vention . was composed of the greatest weight of talent, of influence and charac ter, that was ever convened in the wes tern part of North-Carolina. 4th. Because the measure is one of practicable kind,' So (unanimously) said the same luminous convention. Sth-Because-our-pledge ia-bsfore the public, that every due exertion shall be made to prosecute and complete this great object. - Resolutions embracing these three last particulars, viz : the necessity, the prac ticability, and that we would daily prose-, cute the measure, in order to its accom plishment, being duly considered by said convention, were unanimously adopted. A veteran, wearing the scars of honor, in ss4staiit)indpAde try, tnade' the motion that the record be nade, unanimously adopted"-' -which Lni1oe, i.C.Eordingljri. .Was the measure, necessary tnen r . is It not ss necessary now I . Have.-we alrea dy a public seat of learning in our state I Had we hot the same hen I Is there any state in the Union 'possessing the popula tion of North Carolina, that has not more than one public seat of learning ? Look at old Enghiid, with her population of ten millions of inhabitants, snd her two uni versities, isnprMng uesr forty collcfe-? ok st Scotlnd with Mr one miuwn nui half of Inhabitants, end her fmir unit er sltieisndtoirgts,ftc,kc. Thus wehnd that our jUer mte, end the l'.urepesn cobnttlcs th.t have sriscn high in point of learning, anl science, snd religion, ere our put ems In lbs object that ws sre now pursuing Was ths measure practicable then f fid Is it not practicable yet ? Tbi writer gfcnti that mat let I sre not ss gooo raw as hen. hut nevertheless bt il fully of tbe telnbo thst tho measure Is slto- ' . . mm a . .a ...a gelharprscticsWs- runonoint smoum of ens Mndred thouund dollars would be ..,r.rti.i, - A fyHHilatioa of sbout two hund'ed thousand ought to be considered as litereitea in me intuiuiwu above lumt would be but fifty cents s . 0 . .a a .s it... B . . W a hesd.Uul aamiltnas me snixe-ivuriu. of th people would do nothlnk. Then said Am would be but two dollars bead. We aiy fail for want or will, but not lor win or ebility. . Vhl shall we say of our solemn pledge Lai it be deserted by that auguit conven tion end '.particularly by the Board or Tsstees, without Involving consequences ofs serious kind f Csn the object evepo- rt Into smoke, snd the spirit ol sn anx ina and renerous oublie, not be broken davn bv disappointment, snd evaporate wth it f Can the ohject Tall to the grouno ad our honor net fall with it ? Shall it be kid that a pueiile spirit msrks the West ? 4t we meet in deliberation, that we pro pose lofty things, that we promise and pedgs, but alt evaporate into smoke f 1 ht Hter hopes that the cnouing mee ting ollbe Board of I rustees will be duly attendH and that measures of an effi cient kiitl will be adopted A TRUSTEE. .May iy8:4. The aoonal Gaactte has given some interesiirjf information concerning lbs conditionani character of ths Cherokess in 1823, fan the official report to tbe Department of War ; from which we ex tract the Ipllowingi The lanjs vhich remain to the Chero keas in tha State of Georgia, amount to 6,156,800 acres, generally of good soil, and in a 'fire healthy climate. Their number wys upwards of 11,000. They posssed 5 cr 600 negro slaves, snd pro pert! in hones, cattle, sheep, ploughs, milli tec. climated at about 2600,000. In mr,Q. hn a census was taken of theim they lad 65 villages and towns. A nart of them, sbout 3000, migrated in 1818 to the Arkansas territory. They had been nnceded by others, and alto g-ther the lumber in that territory in 1819. was connuted at 6000. The char acterof the Cherokces, says Dr. Morse, for courage, fidelity, hospitality, snd desnliness, stsnds high. They are gen rallr of a verr rood aPDoarance, and v f - - mm civil in their whole demeanour. The lanmiaee of the United States Commis s'toners thenuiD833,jriPe?ple mo have never seen you, know but Ilt- i.V of vour nmeress in the arts of civilized life, and of the regular and becoming manner in which your anirs are conduct ed. Your improvements reflect the greatest credit upon yourselves. Your conduct as a nation has been peaceable and harmless." T he Cherokecs possess well cultivated farms, substantial houses and good roads. In the middle and lower part of the na tion, there is scarcely a family that does not understand the use of the card and the spinning wheel. Weaving and knit ting are common among the females Most families cultivate from 10, SO, 30 to 40 acres, without tbe assistance of ne groes. Seme manufacture clothing from the cotton nised in their own fields. It is said that one half of them are mixed blood, from alliances or intercourse with the Georgians as well as others. Several of their chiefs, and those particularly, whose names are subscribed to ths cor respondence with the commissioners of the United States, sre men of strong and acute understandings, quite competent to argue their own case as it has been argu ed. In the. report to the Secretary of War ( 1 822,) of Dr. Morse, he says of the Cherokees that they are in circumstances favourable to be educated where they are ; t be raised to the rank and privileges of cu'sens, snd merged in the mass of the natbn. In the beginning , of August, 1821, the number of pupils belonging to the Cherokee school otTIrainerdrwis 104 ; &t boys and 42 girls'; who, besides heinir iriktriirttrf tn varinut branches nf a 1 w, , . common English education, were taught' a a a . a generally thu rural and domestic arts. The establishment of Brainerd was be gun in 1 8IT. In 1822, 29,boys and 18 girls, Christians, who could read and write, and accustomed to useful labours, had been sent borne from the school. The nation is governedby a Grind Coun cil, dutritolted into .comrgtttwhat-as semble to legislate once . a year. There are District and Circuit Juderes appointed for the- purpose of settling- all coutrover-K sies. The Urambtmon oi the legislative, judicial and executive powers of govern ment, is made with skill and judgment. It is such a body oi fellow creatures that the government of Georgia threatens with extinction, unless they consent, to abandon, their ancient patrimony, to" set- UC DCyonu UIO wuausipyij m iub ucigu- WhooJ fcf trl'xiof !: Jl0,n they must be soon engsgea in t lienor nating wars, snd wkare sucb of ire not sdvanced In clvllitation, will U sure lo relapse Into urunsro io corns werely buntars end warriors, , Mr. D.niTT, or N. H i rf"C Ttrlff debate, moved lb Impose duty oo stills, ir bis object ws to "' nue, bli preposed Wsys snd Mesns were very Injudicious for bo ought to know w.t atfr brethren would raise soother rebellion If ! 9 an Whiskey. A Ut of that son ougm never to be imposed, unless sdequatt pro .i.u. Ka mad In the hill, that H thall k- ,n.ri lihout rebellion of tsr snd festheri i for it costs sn enormous sum of money to mtrch n srmy into met coon, try lo quell rsvolt. It cost President Wsmi-OToe lifiOOfiOO to put dow6 CALLAI IN'S rebellion. Whenever we want s snug little waf sn within our nothlnr to do but to Ul Whisker for that will raise s rebellion .a nnlrk aa eantharldes Will rslS t blister. A hlskey tax raises tbe people but it will never rslse money-Mmi uiwn CONVENTION. Aa tha time la approaching, whe the free mca of Nortb-CaroBna wiB be eaued upon to vote on the propriety of eaUing s ww"-, to amend our elate convolution, we sUH hence forward devote a portion of our columns to the ducii-ion of that subject We thii week give place to a letter from the venerable Tkmai Jtfrrtn, which " to pointedly oa the mer- it of the oueation, tliat we Uke a pwamre in recommending il to the attentive perusal of our readers. " ... We are favored with the following letter ad AmMA tn rrntLrmin of Uiia Citv. The im portance of tba mbirct, and tbe eharaeirr of . I til . ! .1 L. m.tAl timfiMllut IU BUlnOT, win mnw w m mw a I U nUun . Lnquirrr. uiTiciua. arais 19, is.'. Dear Sir ; I received in due lime your favor of tha 12th. reQuestine my opinion a - on the proposition to call a convention for amending the constitution oi me sine. That this ahould not be perlect csnnw he a aubiectof wonder, when it is consid rrH that ours wis not onlv the first of the American atatesbut the first nation in the world, at least within the records of histo ry, which peaceably, by its wise men formed, cm free deliberstions, s constitu tion of government for itself, snd deposit ed it in writinr smong their arcnives, "O -, .". readr and ooen to the aDDeal of every cit ixen. The other states, who successively formed constitutions for themselves also, had the benefit of ou.' outline, and have made on it doubtless successive improve ments. One, in the very outset, and which has been sdopted in every subse fluent constitution, wss to lsy its founds tion in the authority of the nation. -To our convention no special authority has been delegated by the people to form s !xrmanent constitution, over which their successors TiTIegistarion-rtcmrd have-no Dower of alteration. 1 hey had been elected for the ordinary purposes of leeis lation only, and at a time when the estab lishment of a new government had not been proposed or contemplated. . Al though, therefore, they gave to this act the title of a constitution, yet it could not hi mora than an act of the leirislation. sub ject, "it i their other ictr were, lo altera tion br their successors. It has been said indeed that the acquiescence of the peo a t pie has supplied the want el original pow er. But it is a dangerous lesson to say to them, whenever your functionaries exercise unlawful authority over you, if you do not go into actual resistance, it will be deemed acquiescence, and confir mation.' Besides, no authority has deci ded whether the resistance must be in stantaneous? When the richt to resist tJ ceases ? or whether it has yet ceased r Of the twenty lour states now organised, twenty three have disapproved our doc trine and example, and have deemed the formal authority of their people a neces sary foundation for a constitution. Another defect which has been correct ed by most of the other states is, that the basis of our constitution is in opposition tp the principle of equal political rights, refusing to all but freeholders any parti cipation in the natural right ef self gov ernment. It believed, tor example, that a very great majority of the militia on whom the burthen of military duty was imposca 111 MIC laic war, ntic men unrepresented in the legislature which im nosed this burthen UDon them. How ever nature may, by mental or physical ...M a '(. 1 disqualincations, nave mat sen imams ana the weaker sex for the protection, rather than the direction of government, yet among the men who either pay, or fight Tor their country, no line of right can be drawn. The exclusion of a majority of our freemen is merely arbitrary, and an wnrpjtiun-'vjf-the -irrinority over themtr jority. For U is believed that the non freeholders compose the majority of our irecf auU maleiU2eft$ And even among- our citizens who par- ticipate in the representative; privilege, the equality of political rights is entirely prostrated by our constitution. Upon what nrincinle of risrht or reason can anv one justify the giving to every, citizen of Warwick as much weight in, the govern ment as to 22 equal citizens in Loudon I Anl slmitir Inequities stnssg Uis e!jif f counties! If ibee fundamental principle! are ef no Importance In sctual govcra. menu, then no principles sre Important, snd It IS ss wen i "j"y ma oitpojj, tion, good or ill, of en administration, M on the provision! of constitution. I shall not enter into details of im.!!, defects i although others there doubtless sre the reformation oi some oi which might greatly lessen the expenses of government, Improve Its organisation, and sdd lo the wisdom of its sdrelnlnrs- lion in sll Ita parts. But thess things J lesvs to others, not permitting myself 9 . . . t t- .l . . i:.t., . . I . t .. tsts siues in me puuiiiai juikjihoi ma Amw,t vlliinrlf scouUsce in the iauL lutioni of my country, perfect or Itiptr. leet, and ytins ii a uui y io icara iutir nw dificstions to those who sre to live tinder ibern. and art to participate of tbe rood a a S . - M . . . . 1 ad or evil tbey may. produce. The present generation nave the ssme ngnt to sell rmirntncnt which the psst one has exer cised for itielf i snd, in the full vigor of body and mind, are more able to judge for themselves tbsn those who sre sink- in it unuer ina wane oi ooia. ii m acnu ef our citixens on the question of s con vention csn be fairly snd luiiy taken, its result will, I am sure, bo wis snd salu tary i snd far from srrogstiog the oRics of advice, no one will more passively ac quiesce in it than myself. Retiring, therefore, to the tranquility called for by Increasing years snd debility, 1 wish not to intermeddle In this question; snd te my prayers for the general good, I hats only to sdd sssursnce to yourself of mj great esteem and respect. 1111 jctrr.Hau.-v. Extract of a letter, from a gentleman ialUr. ford county, to lua friend m Kateigh, Uu4 the 27th ApriL " I should be warranted in sayinr, thst nine-tenths of this county are in iavor of Gen. Jackson, and dates the same. Os lo. I understaad, they sre much divided between Jackson, Crawford snd Adams." CRARLKSTOV, MAT 12, 18J4. Theshlo Cunova, Capt. Whitsst, ar rived yesterday in 3$ days. from Havre, brings Commercial sccouots to tbe I Gib ull. Ifavrt, Mril 3. My respects were of the 31st ull since when, there has beea no chanee in our market. Cottons mir still be had at my last quotations Up lands, 25; 3 23 1 Sea Islands, 43 a 56." Tat Carres. The smount of sub scription to the Greek fund, in the United States, is ssid to exceed thtrtytix thoumni dollart ! - BETTER LATE, THAN KETE.. "The New York Aroericsn of the oth inst. informs us tbst s rumour has reached them by the aleam-boal from Albany, that Gov. Yatea meditate! call of the Legisla ture, for the purpose'of recomroendin; the parsing of the electoral law ! ! The grbundHsigned for this alteration oliicii is, that the governor in declining to recora mend ita passage belore, was on the pre sumption and belief, that Congress wwld have taken some ueciaive steps lor etieci inr such sn amendment to the constitution of the U. S, ss would render the mode uf choosing electors uniform throughout the Union. Tbe senato of the U. States ha ncr declined to set on the ettbtetU and the people of N. York having pkinly sSgtiifird their wish to have a voice In tbe approicn ine choice of the chief magistrate ef tbe country, the governor, yielding, as it h said, to this reasonable desire, has aeicr mined en the step above referred to. The above is only a rumor : but there still p pears some foundation for It i inasmuch a po Gov. Vatca has been abandoned by the veiy p ions who induced him to act so Jesuitical a prt in regard to the Electoral law. MKW-TOtC, MAT 8" From Portugal Capt. Budd, of the ... a ' - - 1 . - lni!m nil snip iary Ann, arnvcu m """k" t ITtK nit in 11 itara fmm Lisbon, con- SiSrf I I Ml Ul mtt wm aa,iw,M - C m iL. a..M.arf ik ssieiniinntinn Oi the Primo Minister of Portugal was at 111 111s S.11E iciiuii siiaiL sisr tributed to the king's second sorii ana t" th ro'nhtrVwaain a stare of commotio 1 The olTicers and troops bad positively re fused serving under Marshal uercsio.... who had irrxonsequence been deprived his command. Tho people evinced th f.1inr nf hnstilitV tOWtrol IIIC WllliCU Ula) ww.. j Isnguage adopted by the President m n message to Congress. Gaeette j nc uoguia juuih 'ut' , of March 14th, gives us the addrcn Col. II a a itT0 , the Chiel uomm"i- of the British Commission to tne y?vc ment of Colombia. In this sddres finrl ik fnllnurinir naia(re i assisi iapain 111 ictuun'itn'-ii tries. Let not the profile of Colombi tertatn the leat Qhhrchcntion ef wilt Jin J a tontiaht and Jirm friend Mr. George Holmev of the firm Holmes and Wright, .of Elialew tj N; C, fell suddenly in th street m, town on the 24th instant, and hanjedw. expired.

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