MB TtEMlAY MOKNINH, MAY 2J, tiklUNIIKTI. ' The rmmunlf itlofi frwn the Grand Jury f ' . I A . I I . . I . JtO Sil, rfttX) 10 Un r w UN prrjiarru fuHleL'ncy of matter for this week's papsri it tUtl Bud pi I " t. , He "extract from M ratios) of Dr. Hedge," 4 11m lUrmit, No. 3," ere unavoidably laid ever tUl our Mit. OtDUfAIIOif. Ordains V M en Ivar-gelut,' at Morganton, Burke county, oa the first day of May.lbe Iter. H rr ,f "''-"'" Kroontii delivered by the lUf. Henry If. Kerr, end the charge b U Bey. Joseph D. Kilpatrkk. , ceaaeatcaTta. lift observe, In tht fayettevllle Observer of the 13th ins, a memorial, and torn remark ac tpropanylng It, relative to a Tina of stage from raycltevllle to Newport, Sit Tennessl-e, to pan by ehher slirmryee Charlotte, liwouliUon, Morgsnton, Asheville, ke. In our at at, or some subsequent number, we ahall notice this auhjrct. It U of vital importance to Salisbury, that the line ahould pass through here In its courte. Tha whole of the correspondence between Mr. Monroe and On. Jackson, which took place in 1118 and 1817, relative to the Presi. tint's formation of bia Cabinet, is published in the National Intelligenct of the 13th Inst. We ahall five thia correspondence a place in our columns, aa soon as we find room. Instead of attaching blame and suspicion upon it author, it mutt tend to confirm and increaac the confi dence hitherto reposed! in Monroe and Jack eon, and endear them still more to the American people. COUNTY CONCERNS. At the May terra of Rowan County Court, .held in thia town laat week, the fallowing conn, ty officer! were appointed ('hat let Fither, Eaq. Sheriff1 of the counts, vice Pamurl Jones Esq. who declined a re-election i Cspt. J K Fulton, re-elected County Trustee i Samuel Ismlry, Esq commissioner of public building i Ifjlliam B. rTi!n and Philo H At'fr, Coroner j ami Daniel Clarv, Eaq. Auctioneer. The Magistrates composing the court, fixed the county tax at 30 crnti tbr poll, and S centi for every hundred dollar vxhie of real -estate. The court also rrsolrrd, in pursuance of an act of the laat Genera) Assembly, to proceed in building a Bridge over the South Yadkin river, between the mouth of Secoed Creek and the Point, and appointed Meaars. John II. Frcelingi Jacob Fisher, John Beard, jr. Alfred Macav.and David MacGuire, commiuionert to contract for and euperintend the work i to defray tlie ex penae of which, a tax of 40 centi the poll, and t Cents for every hundred dotlara value of real estate, vu asescd upon the county : thia as sessment will ran about twenty -three or twenty-four hundred dollar ; which, it ia estimated, will be sufficient to build the Bridge complete. We recollect, when it wat firat announced that Dr. Vance, of the Morpnton Dialrict, waa elected ta CongrtM,the " Milton Gajeette came out with a fulaome panegyric on the char acter and talent of the Doctor, claiming hit election aa a triumph of Crawfortltm. We thought, at the time, the Doctor would not thank thia "thumb paper." for "damning him with ita tint preiae ," ami the aequel liaa realized our preaumption. About three or four w eek aince, the Gazette contained an editorial article, abu aing the Doctor in the groatcit terma. Tlii conduct in the Milton paper, it very raaily ac counted for i Dr. Vance ia not a mucvnle , all the promiaca, the flatteriea, and the threat of the majority of the delegation from North-Carolina, could not bring him over to their radical achemes: hence, the detraction and villifying ahuae of the caucu presaca. The Doctor has written a letter to the editor of the Milton pa per, in which he ha given them a merited chat ttaemtnt: they cannot aoon recover from the amarting which hi bitter irony and aarcasm ha inflicted upon them. Thia ltason, we presume, Will teach them never again to claim a a caucu intriguer, and besmear with their sickening eu logy, one who is an incorruptible friend and rrewiontw of the ,PE0PLE, ,;..not of a tjtcTioa ! MORE INDICATIONS. In pursuance of our determination to publish "Whatever we could gather, evincive of the pub Ec sentiment on the Presidential question, we ive, below, the remit of a canvas at a meet ing of the citizens of Lincoln county. W'e know it is father a negative evidence of the goodness of a cause, to see its advocates vailing themselves of every little adventitious ciraumrtance that fall in their way, to sustain fheir premise but on the all-pervading ques tion of the Presidency, there is so great a di. v'rsity of sentiment throughout the Union, that there is no method by which to come at any thing like a correct expression of the national JjclipgQibe suhjectthe.t than th ptie that, is "ate, becoming, fashionable, Jria : takipg..tb.c sense of the peojde, at their assemblages, through out the whole confederacy. ma ths wasraair cinouviix. -Mr. White-: That Gen. Jackson is the most popular candidate for the Presidency In the wtltcnl j art cf tU tit,U toool dciit to trjulre Initaiicri it prove the lame. The people appear elinosl unani mous h icwarCinglhe meritorious) they appear resolved to place In the presUcn ttai chalr the man whe hat defended their tights txitb la tlvll and military capacity. And they look upon Jackson aa ibclr fitid and their protector in the hour of danger. At collection of many of the repulll co cltir.cn in the vkinity of Uncoinlon. on the i8th tilt. motion was made to try the tote of iboae present, rclaiivf to the presidential question. The - name a of those who art considered candidate were read by .the chairman to 0 tinm bjv, and aeveral remark! belnr made br different 'ptrtoni, on thrtneriti of the)r f voHie candidate they voted, tVve voer, at fol'owa t For Andrew Jackaon, John Q. Adam, WUliam 11. Crawford, Henry Clay, 17 9 5 I Gen, JUvtrfy DanUt,mr Adjutant General, has teen w -appointed by the trridcnt of the I'nitcd States Marahal of thia ntate. 11ii ia Gen. Panlcfi IA term, which ia a longer pe riod than any marahal in the United State ka held the oflke. THE HALEU.H CAICUS. A correapofrU nt of the Fayettevillr Oharrver, denica, in poaitive lerma, that a goodly nuniUr of the member of the laat General Aawmbly, who are claimed aa having attended the ronrai in Kakigh, laat winter, wrre tn that nocturnal conclave. We will publiah lb piece entire, neat week. surry cou.vnr. It w31 be seen by what follows, that the launch old county of Surry ia steadfast in tbr true faith, not withstanding the estrangement from political orthodoiy of some of her truant sons, who have taken tip with strange doc trines, bave mingled in itrungt company, and have become enamoured of Sraasts people. We, the Grand Jurors for the count of Surry, believing tha' the great services and independent character of General ,1ndrtv Jackton, entitle him to the best reward that the people cn confer, do recommend him aa a proper person for Prriideivt of the United States. Jtlas 14M, 1124. W. W SUr.rrF.KD, rireman. Ashty Johnston, Jamea tJunrua, F.lza Me frock., Wm. tieavia, Daniel Davis, Jsmcs Robertson. John Hughes, P. Snow, Daniel Coclierltan, Davis Holder, Spencer Holder, Islie Dennie, 4th of Jtilr. A numhor of the respectable citizens of Lmcolnton and the vicinity, convened at the court house on Saturday, the 19th ultimo, for the purpose of electing an Or at or, a reader of the Declaration of Inde pendence, and a committee of arrange ments, for celebrating the anniversary ofourNational Independence. The fol low ina; appoinrmehls were"made ; Juebh .1. M. Bmvrd, Orator. Juhn D. Jhke, Reader of the Declaration of Independence. Rev. Joseph E. Bell, Maj. John R. Harty, Col. Daniel Hoke, Daniel Shuford, Col. John Hoke, C. E. Reinhardt, Robert II. Burton, Esq. Jacob Ramsour, Br. James Hiving, IHvid Ramsour, snd Henry Fulenwitjerr- Jacob Forney, Evjrs. tesontfce arrangement, It wat resolved, that, as the Kloiiou and ever to be remembered 4th of July will, this year, hsppen on Sunday, the cel ebration take place on Monday following. WASHINOTOV, MAT 12. The Congrrtt. Prom the disposition evidenced yesterday, in the House of Representatives, to await the arrival of Mr. Edwards, we infer that Congress will not adjourn at an earlier day than that we formerly mentioned the 1st of June. The joint resolution autooriiing the adjournment was again laid on the ta ble. In the Senate, the Tariff bill has, at length, passed through committee of the whole. That body has made some, and will probablv make further, alterations in it, before it is finally passed. National Journal. , .. ...... From the National Intelligencer. Another bill, embracing an important principle connected with the power of ngTesocrappropruteTnoney-tor-the purpose of Internal Improvement, was yesterday passed to its third reading, in the House of Representatives, by a large majority. It propose to appropriate money for experiments towards facilita ting the navigation of the Rivers of the West ah object of great interest to the Western country, whose wishes and feel ings the House has thus evidenced a de? cided disposition to consult and9 propiti- MARRIED, ' In Wilkes county, on the 12th inst. by the Rev. John Mushat, Capt. Samuel r. Patterien, ol Wilkesbbro'r, to Misa "t?rtpne';P; Jsrtiri; dsiughr tcrof Gen. Edmtjnd Jones, of Wilkes county. Ob Thursday, the 13th inst. by the Rev James Hill. Capt. Robert Black-turn, to Miss J'olfy A. Sherrill, daughter of Mr. Michael Shefrill, at Sherrill's Ferd.-rll ef Lincoln county, la IaMuU toyti'y, on lL 23'h alilme, ly J, llfV. John R..hinm, the itjv, A4r lt.Mri. , pMtor of the Traahytiiae (.1twrh U lay. tavil!, t M'.as Mitrf yd, dayghtsr of Oft. Graham, of IJitcolfi riMy. eirfr-.., . - Diuti ! thU town, on the 34th WvUnt, Mrs JVe rH Vrew4 wife of Dort. ftrpve U FrrsnI, and daughwrof the laUGeiJota Steele. Sl dots) ha It fni to our M tereeerd saor unejulvocJ and decisive eviUne of the power of rehgion, U removbif tlte ' trrer of death, thaw was displayed U tlte ssat tnenetrts of this liceth-nt woman. n de saVridiaeof her days, with t mind of tmrommon itcn;et formed for rtBahlrtfthf purest f njoymcnk of tr,"and bleswd with a large altar of its OfajsWa, she met the approaches of oVatb wttft a rVfaea and Rirtitude, which reKgiosi akme can insure. Cir- cumatance of a peculiar nature, prwvu to her that she bad but few hour to lve. In this situation, the peace of mind, the enk and cheerful resigns' ioi to tlte w of Heavk , the gentle and almost divine counsels and liwonU tions that f-D from her dying lii the ieetly tenure and affeetionste-aoticit'i'le for tHeiw, hilar her owe last, great snd solemn 4ng wss appro hing her elrames snd strvtrh of miml, snd mrrkneas sod composure of j.irit, which continued until tlte laat espiring moUnt, shed a mild raTiancc over her dying teisxl proclaimrd to all who witrtesaed the seenrabst here is in religion, in tlte region of Jeajt, a rtoriots and happy reality. One of her amen ding physicians informed the writerof th it no tice, thai ahe repeatedly remarked that, "it was not Kin : to die snd that, flaf ajjri she would w illingly he longer, fir tha sal of her Imjs- (anl and chillren, ami that she night do some good in the worhl, yrt, if it ws tk? will of Gwd, site frit pr rfrctly willing to dr pal." After ta ' ing a aolcmn anil sffVrtionate lee of each in. diridual of her family, and dnrrestrs, slie gently "fell salrep in Jesus' leaving to her surviring relatives and friends, s delightful sasuranfe that she has gone " to join the general smb1y and church of the first born, who asmesare writ ten in Hcsven." We are awtrcthat, from the pride of philosophy, or from that insensibibty arising from a long course of siccraaful vice, infidi Is have, sometimes, met tie but closing scene w ith apparent composuKi but there is a ide diffVience between the pomposure of the infidel snd the Chrittian ; between the unpious ruerililies of a Hume, jesting fbout his crossing the Sty a, and "that peace of snind ihich paas- eth a'l understandine," that irradiates the coun tenance, and those eipresaims of confidence and joy that fall Cram the Ids of the dying christian. On hearing the former, we feel min i led emotions of horror a"d ttgret j In witness ing the litter, we are led to eiclaim, " Blessed sre the dead, who die m the Lordi" and our fervent prayer to Heaven is, "I.et me die the death of the rigbeo,ia,-and let my last end be like hia." While theae reflection offer to the minds of the sfflicted husband and widowed mother of the deceaaad, consolation and sup port, which nothing else cosld sfford, they ought to prove a powerful indtcme itt to all the females of her acquaintance, UU go and do hkewittJpjeek an interest in 1st Redeemer, w ho csn thus " mske dying beia" softer lhah downy pillows j" and who, ami! all life's com plicated ills will ever meet them with the cheer ing promise, " Fear not, for I am with thee i be not dismayed, for I am thy God." CSSHTWICATIS. J!n, Died, In Montgomery county, on MOiday, the 3d Inst. Mrs. Carta') JTinda A and, o Wednesday, the 13th inst. her husband, Mr. Simuel Alnilall. They both died tuddenly, with an attack of pleurisy. FAYETTETILLF. PRICES, May 13. Cotton, 131 to H; flour, fine, 4; superfine, 4 25 a 4 50 1 wheat, 85 a 90 cenU ; whiskey, 35 a 40 : pesch brandy, 55 a 60; apple do. 50 to 55 ; corn, 42 to 45 1 bacon, 6J a 7 ; salt, Turks Islard, 70 a 80 per bushel t molasses 26 a 28; sugar, mta covado, 94 a 10 j i coffee, prime, green, 22 to 21 ; 2d ami 3d quality, 21 a 22 tea, hyson, $1 20 al 20 : flaxseed, 75 a 80 cU: tallow, 6 a 7 ; beeswax, 3 1 a 32 ; rice 3 J to 4 per 100 lbs. i iron, 4 J to 5 p. 100 lb. ; tobacco leaf. 31 a 4s manufactured, 5 iW pr. cwt, Qbterver. CHARLESTON' PRICES, May 10. Cotton, S. Island, 23 to 28, stained do, U to 17; Maine do. 22; Santee, 21 to 22; short ita pie, 14 a 16 W hiskey 25 a 26 cts. ; Bacon, $ s 7 cts. ; Hams 8 a 9 ; Lard, 9 a 10 1 Barging, Dtm dee and lnrerncs -(43 inch,) 83 a 25 ; Coffee, Prime Green. 20 20 J : Inf. to good, 17 a 19. North-CaroKna Bank Bills 2J a 4 percent Uis. ; Georgia Bank Bills 2j per cent. dis. Cotton. In Uplands the sales hav been principally f thw finer qualities for tlteFrench market, which have commanded 1'6 cents Holders of all descriptions however, are firm, and present prices likely to be sustaine. Regimental Orders. THE officers of the First Regiment of Rowan Militia, are ordered to appetr in the town of Salisbury, on Friday, the 11th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ?ach dftcer equipped with a good rifle or Shot gun, and supplied with si r blank cartridges to be instructed in Die man ual exercise and field evolutiors. liy order of Wuaw H. Kasai Col. Com'dt. - 1st Reg't. Rowan Militia. JAS. W. RAMSAY, Adft. , Caution. I: ;ilEREBT lore warn slT perioni frctrn triditif for a note of hand given by myself to Jacob Holler, for S100; said note beinir fraudulently obtained by aaid Holler, I am therefore determin ed not to pay the same. . HUGH M'KNIGHT, Sen. Salhburtf, Maf,18, 1824. 2it'8 sl'ouri-lfoiisr, in Concord. t f 111 F. ramm'iM;nrrt I building a fourl b'tUi 1 for Cabarnj CMioty, ,!) mrt In (Unx tx i, n Katurdar, lU 7hh mat. to rir bmtxil. iwim mu wn oi aaui coun lwiaa- tha nan to be rooimNcc4 by the mi.tlU of Ji,, arvl to be csmrrt tm wmfrr h supennlrfKUne ti Meaara. Jacob tireaalt and aamt Undey. AniiAn c. m m rr," t.M)U(,r. Ki.un. J At SI INF. WALT, JOHN Mllr.. ' urui'riu iir tf-r VC-n'r. m m mm 9 1 eVoUce. A tXMsroniSmhrbte4te AlesanderTorrewce. la Ouardia of 4. . irr, are ri(sd to cwme forwaH sod mske Immediate piymen or give new notes, payable la A. J. MU, as be as now taken at the avtte ssi accounts out of the hands of hi former (Murdian, and is oV- termlned to couec( bis money, or bava it se ewred or new nou. atr. AiesaiMler Torrence ta a. Ihuriaed to settle any arcnunla or twHea. TUe amount of sny debts due the subaenber, durmf the nest three months, and all aotrs, will be left with him, a arent for me, durins? that time. This is the last call that vi II be made amltf no attended to, an officer will snake the west A. J. WORKE. .Ma9li,l82i. W - Estate of Thoinat Maxwell. THE subscriber having qualified as adminis trator an the estate of 1 bomaa Maxwell, desires all persons having claims against said es tate, to make litem known to the administrator within the lime prescrlbsd by Isw, otherwise their recovery will be barred i and all persons indebted to the estate, are notified to make payment without delay. JOHN il. FUEF.USn, Mm'r. Muj 21, 18J4. it'V Kntitte of John llani1. ' r JIIIE sultscriW having qualified a alminia I tra'or On the estate ol John Daniel, dee'd. requests sll persons havinr lUp'atvIs srainst the eatate of the said deceased, to bring them in, properly authenticated, aiihin the time pre. sbribed by law, otherwise they wdl be debarred recovery of the same, pursuant lo st ol Aasem bly i and atl ncraona w ho are indebted to the state, a ill make pavm-nt imnrliately, JOHN H. F H F. F. U N ( 1, Adnfr. Jlay 31, 1324. 1y Five cents Howard. RANAWAV from the subscriber, on Ihe 2th ultimo, sn spprentice boy, nanK-d John M. Wilson, about twenty years cf age. AH persons are cautioned not to eir.pl") aaid apprentice, as the law in that case ill be enforced. The above reward will le paid to any person drlir. ering asid spprentice tt me in lncoln count), near Martin 'a Ferry, on the Clawba river. RU11EK I' A. RA I IE. .If.iy 13. 1824 lt9 My Delitors sted to come forwi 9 A RE requested to come forward sad settle V th eir bonds aaxl accounts on or before the next Mecklenburg county court, otherwise I shall he under the disagreeable necessity of appealing to that dernier resort which the law has pointcu out 10 creditors. DUNCAN CAMrBF.LI Charlotte, May 7, 18i4. 3it7 8hoe-Shop removed. ERENEZER DICKSON, Shoemaker, wishes his fricmU, and every body else, to know that he has removed into a new hp, a few ysrts nearer to the court-house than hia old.stand, anil almost immediately opposite the Bank, on Main street, Salisbury. NOTA BFA'K. J have now on hand, and intend keeping, a supply of the very best of LEATHER . ami as I shall make it a point to employ first rste work men, my friends and the public may depend up on getting as good work executed in my shop, in the line of Shot-making, as ever wss done in the town of Salisbury, or in the State. I not only engage to make as elegant and durable boots and shoes aa any body else, but I further covenant with all who may shed the sunshine of their patronsge on my shop, to do their work as CHEAP, and, perhaps a little uprr, than my brother cuips. EUENEER DICKSON. Mart 2, 1824. V4 State of North-Carolina, STOKES COUNTY COURT of Equity, A pril term, 1 824. Reuben Moore. William C. Moore. Matthew Moore. John Clavtou Itnd Kl zabcth his wife, John Moore, Polly Moore, Gabriel Moore, snd Gideon Moore by his Guardian, r. Benjamin Hawkins and wife, and the Heirs st Law of William Taylor, deceased, and others : Petition for sale of real estate. The court being satisfied that the defendants Benjamin Hawkins and wife, and the Heirs at law of William Tay lor, deceased, do not reside within the limits of the state, it is therefore ordered, that public. tion be made for six weeks successively, in the W estern Caroliiuun thai unless Ahey appear at the next Court of Equity to be holdcn for the county of Stokes, at the court-house in German ton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to the bill, the same will be taken pro confesso aa to tbenvaMl 4h ausa b act down for beating ex parte. Copy from the minutes Test: JUIIJN C. BLUM, c. x. a. Price adv. g2 50. . 6it'12 State of North-Carolina, STOKrS COUKTT. fi OUR r of Equity, April term, 1824. Eliza- beth Williamson, by her next friend, Wil liam Childress' t. Robert Williamson, and oth ers : original bill, for allimony, fcc. The court being satisfied that the defendant, Robert Wil liamson, does not reside withui the limit of this slate, it is therefore ordered; that publiciilToH lJe made fnr six weeks successively, in the Western Carolinian, that" Unless he appear at the next Cotitof Kqoity - to be-Jiolde n tor .tlte coun4yos Stokes 'at the court-house in Gcrmanton, on- fhe fourth Monday" after thd fourth Monday "in 1 September next, and plead, answer or demur to the bill, the same will be taken pro confesso as to them, and the Cause be set down for bearing' ex parte. Copy from the minutes; lest: JUH. l. liJULST, r. x. x. Prick adv. g2. 6itl2 r1 ' t4 . llf HATlimAVH MAIL. 1 he prtre U CO r r OS, h ayeuc ill, oa Uif I7ihU. wsagU J, tofllJ 7J. The Davidaoa Vtr," as t't't'th i lata fur se Insenlos) In th'n week's pspef t h slisU rs) in alt wcrk, if we ran task rormt. The KaCoital tnlt!lr;inrf of the I4(h Jerp contain a lung communication fm ajr. Craw, lufd, vifiihVating Umstlf igstM the chsrge con tained in Mr. Edwards memorial. These two d.s UnguUlicJ men ire now fully at Uue one or the other smist b ruinsd, we should auppu, let the result ins ws it mav. We are smtoua to see the rtport of the omi4ile of Itirirgsilun, finally passed this Hill, after tsrious ifif portant amendments, by vote of 3S to 31., Mr. IJoyd, of Maryland, beinr the only member of that body absent. It re mains to be seen whether the House will agree to the amendments of the Senate! If they do not, and the merits of the Hill should again become subject of discus sion, at this iu period of the Session, it is hsrdly probata thai it will past in any shape -Jialtonal Journal. The chsrge has been repeatedly made, thai Gen. Jackn was a high tariff man i the follow, ing vote in tlte Srnate is an etTectusI ft flit alio o of that malicious charge i The following were the Yeas and Nayi upon the motion made in Ihe Senate on Tuesday, by Mr. Afaeon, to strike out'the proposed duty of four and half centi per square yard upon fcrre fogging t Yra Messrs. Dsruour, Branch, Clay ton, I.llu-tt, Gaillard, llaync, Holmes of Maine, Holmes of Miss. Juclton, Henry JiShnson, Josiali S. Johnson, Kelly, King of Ala. King, of New-York, Lloyd, of Md. Lloyd, of Mass. Macon. Mills, IV rot. Smith, Taylor, of Va. Van Hurcn, Van l)kr. Ware, and Williams 2 J. ays Messrs. Darton, Hell, Benton, Brown, Chandler, D'Wolf, Uickerson, Kaion, Ed ward, I'indlav, Johnson of Ken. Knight, Laumnn, 1twrie, M Ilvaine, No ble, Palmer, ugles, Seymour, Talbot, Taylor, of ImJ. Thomas 22. Congm An effort w made in tb House of Hepresentativrs on the Nth inst. to Hx the djy of adjournment; and failed 99 to 87. Mr. Cook of Illinois staled in reply to a question addressed to him, that iu his opinion, Mr. Edwarda might be expected to reach Washington on the 2 Id or 24ih of May. It is proba ble, Congress will not adjourn before the 11 of June. Piraa'et are still pretty frequent otTth coast of Porto Hico those who commit them belong to the island, and come of ia opeo boats, often adding murder to piracy. They are sometimes detected, and hung seven or eight at a time. Haltig h Jtrf. Extract oj a letter, tilted narfrr't Ferry, May 8. " A dreadful calamity happened at thia place, this morning, before day. Tho work shop which contains a principal part of the machinery, ahd ht which upwards of two hundred workmen were employed, was entirely consumed by fire. The building was about 150 feet Iohr, by 50 wide. It will be a loss to the United States of from 80 to 8 1 00,000, and to the work men of from 10 to 220,000, in conse quence of being thrown out of work. Se ven hundred finished muskets, besides an immense quantity of materials, were en tirely dcalioyed. Bait. Patriot BALTIMORE, MAT 12. Uy the arrival of the ship He, Dun gan, in 47 days from Buenos Avrea, we learn that previous to the aailingnf Hope, a report had reached Buenos Ayres from an undoubted source, that the Indians had made an attack on Ihe Governor of Santa Fee, and had defeated and nearly destroy ed the whole of his army. They were becoming extremely troublesome in thq neighborhood of Buenos Ayres, and per sons owning estates 30 to 50 leagues from the city, felt extremely apprehen sive they would be attacked. Some are reported lo be destroyed Patriot. Chili. Accounts have been received from Valparaiso to the 1 3th February -letter of that date, from a highly respec table source, stated that the cropR in Chi li were not good. Capt, M'Rae, of the ship Constitution, arrived Xdri!kxm .Sunday fom JUtnt-- evideo, informs that General Lrcor, en tered that city on the 2d March, and hoist ed the flag of ihe Emperor of Brszila. The Portuguese troops embarked the lat ter part of February for Lisbon Caution. JOHN It. TODD, is forbidden to nay a ncte of hand, for the amount of R10, which he rave hand, for the amount of R10, which h roe on the 18tli day of February, 1823, as said; note has been fraudulently obtkinsd ftnm mc. Nejrro W oman, fop sale or hire. a .lilt min- utriv.aeon. WMmat:-mmi.r!r . years of age. She is s i remarkably, cpotl . dlspositionc'd negro j can spin, do liousc-wtlrk, tec. She has it Child, about two years of are, which will be sold with her. If not sold, this negro Womah will be hired, fyr Ihe balance of the year, oil reasonable terms, lmjuire of the Printer of this paper. - SuZiburv,Miu 10, 1324. 'j

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