WESTERN WAR VOL. V. tULiSliUKY.N.C. TUESDAY, JUPH 8, mu "" n ill j po. 20a. Drrmu) white, i tHi n , hi pwr diconibiud, inrept at tba actios uf tkt Tauter) wiiil arrrafra er paid. AlvcrtWiMMi a 18 V iMiic at f Ar cents Cust fur the firti UaertioA, and twewtr-flvt ta lur eeb tulaKwewt ni, AU UtUjrt addrtwu-d U Lb TAUx, rrntst aw ptotd, or Ujry will aot be attended to. Gen. Jarlion and Mr. Monroe. CwrrrtfuUnti arts Cn'l Jutlrn ju Mr Qcyy ef a iH'er from Mr. Monro to General jatltoM, daietl wat&Mif-oa, veccmbtr it, 1110. ( Diss Si j I have, since mr latt lo yog lad pleasure of melting two Irticrt from you, the last, of tut I3ih of Novrtn Wr. f he advantage of Ike lata treaties wiih the Indians i ii.rklcuIiMe . One of tha benefits consists in putting en end to til diaaatisfattion oo the prt of I'cnnri ace, pros ceding from the former treaty. Thit bat been done on very moderate terms. Aooibii consists in enabling iha gove.nmcnl 'o bilnj-jo market a Ure r.4f of valuable t,.d, whereby tkt pub lir debt may b considerably ditch irged A third in extending our settlements ekag the Mississippi mi towards th Mo bile, whereby great strength wilt or ad ded to our Union in quarters where it is mot I wanted. At too our pojHjIation gains a decided pre pond rnce in those regions, r.ssi Florida will hardly be con aidcred by Sp.in at part of her domin loas, and no iner power would accept it from her at a Rift. Our attitude will dai ly become mere imposing on all the Spanish dominions, and, indeed, on those of other power in in neighboring ends. If il kecpt ihrm in kkk1 order, in ur relations i'h tHrm, that alone will br an important consequcticc. I Uc com municated what you vhitve autrKeated ia ipecting Ceneril Coffee an'l Urut (iudt Jen, to the Pretident, who it, I tn tttit fed, veil ditpotrd lo promote their tie wt. Il it erjr i;rtif in tome to receive four opinion on all tunjectt on which 7u iil have the rooH:iesi to comniuni tit-tnnm-ajiwf ,k utmat nnfidenca in toe tounnnevt of vou' jud( rnant and purirr ef our lntmhn. I will give you mv aentimrnit on Die inter tiinr tuhjrct In queinon, tikeoita. aith ou' rettrve. . I agree wiin you, tlerided If, ia the principle ihit the Chief Mrl Irate ought not to be the hed of a party, but the head of lite nation itnclf. 1 am, alto, of opinion that tle members of the Federal pasty, who left it in the Ute war, and gallantly terved their countijr in the ""'t 'if o u'""1 tt,jplJitrnKitm and Machmnt to free jrovernmrnt tie tbe'u to the highest rohfidrnre. In dreidiug, however, how a new Adminit traiion ought to he formed, admitting the result to correspond with the wishes of Ba friends, many mntidenfions claim at tention, at, on a preprr estininfe of them, much mar depend of the tucres of thtt AdmlnTalratlon, and even of the Hepub linn cause. We bare, heretofote, been divided into fwo great parties. (hat some of the leaders of the Federal parly entertained principles unfriendly to our at stem of government I have been thor oughly '. nnvineed ; and thm they meant to work change in it, by taking advantage of fvtrable -ttrcumtunres. I am equally atiified. It ftjpprned that I was mem ker of Congress, undrr the Confedera tion, just before the change nude by the adoption of the present Constitution ; and, afterwards, of the Senate, beginning shortly after its adoption. In the former, I served three years, and, in the latter, rather longer term. In these stations, I saw indications of the'kind suggt sted. It was an epoch at which the views of toen were most likely to unfold them etlvetr tt, if any-thing fbvotable to a fcher toned government was to be ob tained, that was the time. I he move- wenrirr Francetendedraltor thenrtoeat the opinions and principles of men, which were disclosed in a manner to leave no doubt on my mind of whnt 1 have sue gested. ; No darlne attempt was ever nade, because there was no opportunity wr it. I thought that Washington was apposed to their achenuit, and not being able to take him with them, that the" were forced to work, in regard to him, underhanded, using his name and afanH- ws. permitted, to serve - tlwir- purposes. he opposftion, which was carried on iib great firfnnesr, checked the rtreer f this party, and kept it within moderate limits. Many of the circumstances on )hich my opinion is founded, took place debate and in societv, and therefore "d no place in any public documents. m satisfied, hnwever, that sufiicient Pfoaf exists, founded on facts and pin- of dhiingulshed bdivUnals which, became public, to justify thai wblcn I had furmed. Tha coatast between tha panlet nerir cetttd, from In caramencemcnl to the nrM il. d I think thtt It can tx i !.',' a reaud. saw the height tr whlr h the af aoaitkm wa urn al in ikVfatt war) tha cmbarfasiment il gsre to I ha' govern ma nt j the 1ll tt to the enemr. Tht victory at New Or leans, for which we owe to much to you, tod to tha gallant freemen who foughi under you, and tha honorable peace which took place at that time, bve checked tha oppoti'ion. If they have o; oterwhelmed it. I mar add that thedtr ing meaauretof iha Hartford Cotivenuon, which unfolded riewt which had ken long befotf entertain'-d, hut -never to ful lr understood, contributed, also, in eminent degree, to reiu e it ppp i i n ty lit present ttate. Il i uitder tucti t tr cumtuiiret thii the elei 'ion of a tocrrt tor of Mr. Mivm hat taken pUci. and ht a rear Administration it lo com iwence lit service. I he demon hit been made by the Itepublicau pattr, tup poking thji it hat turcredrd, atidofaprr ton knows lobe drvo-ed lo that cause. to trull he act ? How organize tht Ad miiua'ratioao far as depends on him, when In that tttion f Hnw fill tha vacan cies ciiting at the lime t Mr candid opinion ia, that the danger ous pvpotrt which I hare adverted lo, were never adopted, if iher wer knon, tpiLullr in the full client, by any large portion of the federal p irtr , but were cut? fined lo certain teadert, and they p'inci SjIIt to the Fattwatd. the m-nl .td triotic conduct of a great ptf pii-tiw ol that ptrtr in Ike other fates, I mihht, perhapt. tir, of all, wh had an npportu nitv of ditplaing it.it t Cotivinrini; (nool of ihi-. fict B it fill. Southcn and Kas tt-rn fedrrtlitt have hen coonc' ted to grther at a prtr. have acted tonhe r hrrrtofore, and, alihongh their coo1mi ht been difTc rent, of Ijte eijrjji. jet be dirinni')u beiwren rt tu'limit and f-dcr.litH, rvm in the Nouiwft an I Middle nd Wc lern Sit-t. htiol bern policy ba adoptsd to It f tht only fiflVr enta between tit seems to be, ha w ft thill thai spirit ba indulged1 In the onte i sM it will make yog hort.uhly acaintfd with my views on this lit,tlf Irporjut w4f that I htte wtirte m . tn fVesly owJ, Qfjhe t en'hrns o(.wlHim you have spoken. I think yosj U,tf which I gsvaMtn proof wAeaj In Ihe IV nanmenl ef War, by plarlnif him Ute lioard of InVeis for rllcyMing mn-i erpyr ting atrrem of diMiplirc for the .nnf, and. afitrwar't, by oth lokint ).(un dencr; ami I add, will pltiMjrc. iktj ah.HiM be gntifird, 'igrig He lfl init .Hid cjtui j(Mvei t'rd, to fioJ i opportu'iity, a p'o.r li ne hre4rttr; vttonli) th Y aaritta lie 6, HIT. Dill 3 I htve Iha pleasure a tr knowledge the receipt of your MtecAf the U h Darrmher UU whick kava rttd with ('eat Interest and much tatlif.r tton Your Ide i of Jht Impartafica ef the lata acquired territory fram the (nolawt. It certainly , coned tod ail lh impoe tanrt yoti attach to It will be rralited f he sooner thtae laadt are brought into maiati, permanent aecurnv V ulr rn o woat i oeero mott lmtortm, i th i mr niui tiuiuie pari 01 Hip Unton. thit country once aettled, our forintatint of defence in ihe lower tountry completid.all Kurapa will ceatc to loos at li with an eve to conuum . a I..M.I. Ik. 4.. l ...... . ... I ' " 7 "7 ' V' , I here It no other point, America united. " ' ' , . ' i thai com and hlj'ii r't.'Hct for Inns In i'ir f'j m -Moti o an adnioUt ration, it rpcrt io me th prl triple imi'ii to tln Atlirr, ,1 lr.t,i.d II1 th- l.r1of t I)pitt'nt,l. r l.rtr jfH' loui.j hmlil be tkrn fioin th fui y.'e! etiorito he t'l.ion. the' Kt, bt tKl lle, the South, atfj the Wett. 1'kit piimitdr thould hot Ke dherel to. (rrt combined Fur ope Can aspect to In vadt with tuirett. emerjiiriet and trai.triht.tni t.rrni w.iuld tUttt jUkti'r a ileprne f'om m Out it would prnlut C a, t ff' t iw at tend to it, whn prrtir.toir tarh p.rt of the U'tinn would be ffV.ntJ ly it; and Ihe kiigw.rrlKe jf local de its, ami meant. wh. h woujd be thereto Lroiight into ihe cahi iet, would br usc'A. am no wise coropruinitted in reipM to any one, hut fret o art, hrnild I h.e to act, atcorditiK ' mt jti lrnrnt , in which I m tl'4nknj for the optnont of my fnrndt, and particularly ymj's. On the suhjrrt of fotii6r tions, or w.iik fir Ihe drtt nee of the 'Otst mH frontirr, an arrrnttemet ha larly hern made, hr re Pioidcnt, with hich I wih von to He well arqiinted. Ynu havr, hi rttufore, I presume. h -n ppri srrl. that (.en. llrrnard. of the French . or)s of Kiii.i irerv under Ihe recom' meniUii.il of fl n. ..rette, nd inn o'lK-rnl grr.t IMliii tion in Fulce, had f'lllv done awav. lo tvr iff I 'o r, e "ffrird his e'icek to the Unrd Statrv ttovernni.nl, and tecure it fn.m future danger, otihi not its decided fitcndt. ho stood firm in the d.y o' IMjI. lo be piinci,1v tehrd on' V,m not the a sociation of anr of their opponntt in the administration. iielf wound iheit feelings, or, al leatt, of verr many of thrm. to the injur of the republican reuse f flight it not ho ronsidercd, hy the other pity. us an-offerof rompron.ive with tiinu, which would letscn the ignommv due to ihe -ml I it' ihr p ridmt liad hren authot B d. b rtmlii ion of Congest, to c tpt them, if) n k ni rank ta the grade of ihe t hit I of nur 1,'orpt. This rrtnlu lian being t oinnunlrt(t ia Or. Bcr natfl, nv tne lulr Vrretary of War, to whom he whs Known, he time rrver in comi limre with the iniiation rhich ac romojnlerf It. From Mr. Call. tin he bround leifeM, -tating that he wat Ihe r vmth in rank in ihe rorpi, and inferi councilt which produced the Hartfoid i nr ,mt 'n reputtion and tilentt, if nm ( onven'ion,nd therabv have a tendenct nr,t- required much deli, acy in the anvnermen1, to take advantage of his knnwiuiire vn experience, in a manne to revive that ptrtr on itt former p'inci tnm and plea My imprcttion is, that the dmin l1fi.il c ia'i a' 'nfni'TiTir thitiiA ml. alfjjjji:!, on the re publican part, indulging toward the other a tpirit of moderation, and evincing a desire to ducrimin.ite between it vmrm bers. and to bring ihe whole into the re . the repretelitativ, U((ffi r J ' 'IT T u "r,Y" ih -he candor of . fri,d I am niui h gra'ified that ou raitived h'm at I lr.temlcd It wat Ihe purett fiiemUhip for you liiditldtullv, combined ailh ihe good of our countrt, that dicta- I'd the liberty I look in writing you The impoittikce of the station tou were ahout to nil lo our country and rourself, the injury in reputation that the chief m.tfuirtie mar sustain, from the acts ol a weak niittWiry, the vatioiit intcretts 'that will arie to terommetid for offi'C their favorite Candidate, and, fmm cxpe flence in the Ute war, the nitvchief that did aiiif to our national character hi ickeiHat or wcaknrtt, induced me to give you my candid opinion on the irn portinre of the character that should fill thit offii e. I bad marjr. for thit puipote, the moM extensive n.quiry in mr pwer, from the ntot impartial tourtrt, lor the most fit character, co-nliinitifj twiste, Aon or, and tnrrxv, with ialmt$, and all united in the individual named. I am full impressed with the proprie ty at welt at the policy you have pointed out of taking the heads of department from the four trand tectiont of the Uni ted States, where etch section csn afford a character of equal fitness; where that csnnol be (!ane, fitness, and not locality, ught to govern ihe executive being en'itied to the best talents, when rombi ned with other necessary qualifications that the vnion ran afford. I have rredt with much satisfaction, that part of your letter on the rise, pro gems, and policy, of the Federalists. It ia, in wr opinion, tviuet exposition- 1 am free lo declare, had I commanded the military department where Ihe Hart ford Convention met, if it had been the last act of my life, I thould have pun nished the thice principal leaders of 'he pattv. I am certain an independent I'Hfrrrrrigs, of Ihe ofiVtr. of our own corps, who had rendered such useful ser vi e, stid were entitled to the confidence and protection ol their country. Ihe " , , i a. af courts that ba was nor wall fitted fort stormy tea. 1 was Immediately branded aith tha epithet Fderslisi,snd ymi slid. Out I trust, when compared with li t good old edtfct, of tha trea Ming know a by Its fruit, It wt unjuttly srplitcl to ei ther. To con: Me. . me riear air. my hole iiar, wt ti ran on yoor eutrd ' against Amtrkaft McnproriinaVlhat ye niight ricrcisa your own judirrrtcnt It) ihe choice of your own ministry, by which Vnu would elide smoothly through fouf adminitirtiion, with honor lo yoursetl ind benefit to yaur country, litis was my motive j (hit Iha first with of mr heatt, to tee youwhen I ant In retire ment, endesvoring to nursa a broken ane) debilitated constitution, admlnlttering iha Lovernmcni with the full approla'i'n of all good men, pursuing an undulating course, alone dictated br four own inde pendent, matured judgment. Present Mrs. J. and mvsell respecful y to rour lady, nd accept for yourself our best wishet, and believe me to ba your most obedient tervant, AMiHr.vr j wesson. Tht Hon. Jiaia Motaat, tr. Copy of a letter from Mr. Monroe, dat J WtaVf nigton, Mareh Ivt, to ta. Jtcktoa. Data Sir i I wrote you a abort letter Utaly by Cn. Bernard, and intended la have written you another, but had not time j indeed, to contlaatly have I beeQ engaged, in highly impertant business that 1 have not had a moment for mr friends. In the course cf l.tt summer, th President offered the Department of War lo Mr. ( lay, who then decline it. sine it was known that the suffrages of my fellow ciuiens had decided ih my favor, I reserved to hiiolha offer, which he has again drr lined. My mind was immedi ately fixed on ou. though I doubted whether I eight lo with lo draw you from the command rf the army of the South, where, in case of any emereener, no one- could supply your place. At thit mo ment, our friend Mr. I amp&ell, called, and informed me that you wished me not to nominate vou- In thit state, 1 hav letolred ta nominate a a a a ihoughj il it uncertain whether he will serve. Hit expeiience, and long and mrtitvrioul ttrvieri, give him a cltim over younger men, in that state. I- shall tske a person for the Depart ment of State from tha Eisiwarrl ; wnd Mr Adams claims, by long service, il our diplomatic concerns, sppesrlri'g to en title him to the preference, supported by hit acknowledged abilities and inter rity, hit nomination will go to the Sen - a.at tit ate. Mr. Crawford, it it expected, win remain in the Treasury. After all that has been stid, I have th night that I mblican fold, as rjuietk iosible I ' ""npemei.t adopted will, I think, ac Mny .men, very dis'inguished for their 1 complish. fu'ly , noih obj ctt. He Pres tnlentsl are of opinion, that the existem e ! ''!' n' h" it'Mi'ti'ed a Board of Ofl'ners of Ihe federal panv is necessary to kerp j " consul ol fi.e mevber&, two ol high union and order in the republican raols; . r-:'k n the corpi, General BernaeoV one that it, that free government cannot ex 'Ki' eer at ecn station, ot voung vadt isl without parties, f hi is not my opin ' drn- f,jr example, al Ne'w-Otleaiis,) and ion. I hat the ancient Republics were i tNc. nv-l ffi. er com.mandin there alwavs divided into parties, that 'he Kn lisb government is maintained by an np - ... .1 t.j i . . arrep.,hle 'o Mmjtjrh - a t i i a s t liailWIIII CI tJtlSfti t wt twtawaiiK ta-v s-r was. J t.bl,.h,,.g ru e, and regulation, for Ihe of s -f h .,myofheLn,,edS,a:e.. 1 het. kind ,ni f r Wtt, oi nun, niiuitgii inncu leurraiikis, air really monarchists, and traitors to the constituted government. But, 1 am ol opinion that there are men called federal lata that are honest, virtuous, and really attached to nur govet anient, atid.aIibouin (hey differ in many respects and opinions with Ihe republicans, still they will rrsk every thing in its defence. It is, there fore, a favorite adage with me, that the tree is known by its fruit Fxperi svhosr dutv it i nnde to examine the whole coast, and report such works as are position, that is. bv the existence of ajr'e'',7 f 1 r defence, to the ' hiel party in opposition to the ministry I j Engineer, who shall report the same iu nc nirreiarv oi v ar, wiwi nis rem.'a well know. Out, I think the cause of these divisions i to be found in certain defeclsof those governments, rafter than in human nature; and that we have h-p pily avoided those defects in our system The first object is, to save the cui, which can be done by those who are devo ted to il anlv, and, of course, by kc.i ping them together ; or, in other wofds, by not disgusting them, by too hastv an act of liberality to the other party, thereby breaking the generous spitit of the re publican party, and keeping alive that of the . federal The second is, to prevent the re-orirnlxUonAnd JtuvaLcLuhe federal party, which if my hypothesis is true, that the existence of party is notne cessary to free government, and ihe oth er opinion which I have Advanced is well founded, that the great body of the feder al party are republican, will not be found Impracticable To accomplish both objects, and thereby exterminate all party divisions in our country, and give new strength and sUhiiity to. our eaauy-executed. I am, nevertheless, de cidedly of opinion that it may be U ne, ami should- thf -epemen-sfrv.l,-:.hall cortclude that, its, fjilure a irnput ible more to the want ot' correct knowledge of ll circumstances rUiminn sttcntion, and of sound judgment in the measures edop ted, than tn anv other cause! I aure". I think, perfectly, with you. in ihe. grind otijt ft, that moder?iiii should Ik- sitev. t9 the federal oartj, aud even a genaruoa to b' UM lt-tore the ftestdent. Mritre and i nticn are spoken 6f, for the iwn first, who, with Orn. Bernard, will con 'inue till the service is performed ; the two Utter will riunge wuh the fctHlinn The General commanding each division will he offi itlly apprised of this arr. nge ment, that he m?y be present, when he pleases, and give such aid as he urn think fit. 'be attention of the Board will be directed to the inland front krs, likewise. In this way, if is thought that the feel intra of no one cn be hurt. We shall have four of our cfficers, in every consul tation, against one foreigner, so that, if the opinion of the Ufer become of an essenti.il use, it mtlit be hy his convin ring his colleagues, when they differ, that lie hat reason on his side. L have seen Gen. B' rnard, and find him a modest, unas.itnng man, who preferred our country, in the -present sute of France to any in Europe, in some of which he was offered employment, and in any of which be.jiiMKhiprob8.blk hvrj, fojind jt. Ht iriiderstarids: thaf he is never to have r r,imm;ind of the corps, but alwas LsiH rank second in ik.- m J his letter, you will perceive, is highly f nnfilential "a re latioii which I wish 1 ays to exist between" ui. Write me. us you have done, without reserveand. Ihe more Soothe more gratifying yout bnvminications will be. With great reaped and ainfiere regard, yotiw, JAMBS MONRO quarter, By this arrsngement, there can he no cause to suspect any unMr combination for improper put poses. Ea h member ill stand on his own merit, snd the people respect us all, arcprdingjo our conduct. -To "each, I will ac impariinlly, and of each, expect the performance of his 'u ty. While I am here. I shall make tha administration, fitst, for the tountry and its cause ; secondly, to give effect lo the .... . ... .... ...v ...R... ...v .w ..., fo(. (he ttfm of mf pmment, no, 0f .... .i ..u, ...m.,,.. , ,ggrandiiemeni of any one iouucm, who err tne crcaicsi irienaa 101 j rmm Ihj.ll rnimtiir. t M.-I1I . ImIi In Ita tin . I ...a. - . - r i . c- . f r l o I ! I""1. itnre. i ne aenait oi nume naa a aem i JAMES MONKOE, P'onius; America nas ncrt. vvnen, .i t i i . . :.l - i tneieiorr, i sre a rnaracicr, wnn roaniy firmness, rive hit oninion. but when lAfHVtLLE, MARCH 8. 18lf. r i ' a . . ovetruled ty a majority, fly to support Dear Str l I had the plcasuie this thai mjotily, protecting the eagles of day ol receiving your letter of the 1st his country, and the security of its inde- iost That by Gen. Bernard I have pendent rights, I care no, by what namelnot received, I learn by this day s bo is called; I believe him to be a true m,;i d,,, ne fias reached Knoxvillc, American, wormy tne connoence oi nis anj ,,il k, nn i0 - few diva. country, ana oi every gooa man. urn a charjetet will never do tn act injurious to his country. Such is the character given roe cf Colonel D. Believing in the rrcomnirndanon, I was, and Still am, My friend Judge Campbell was inv . structed, and fully authorised, to make the communication to you that he did,-nd,-l ho)e,-g4ve you fully my confident he is well qualified to fill the reasons for my determination and oflke with credit to himaelf and benefit ta wishes on that au'bjet t. his country, and to aid you in the arduoua I have no hesitation in saying you itition a great ful country hat called you have made the best selection to fill the to fill. Permit me to add, that names, of Department of State that could be themselves, are but bubbles, and some mafi,. Mr. Ariima. in the hour of itnes used for the most wicked puipo j;..i,-;tl l..n aM hplrtmata.. nrl I will name one instance. I have, . '-;. j u:. .nlntment will" once upon a time, been denounced as al - , , . t .!r . I ;tlrMl n.tii.ral a a 1 1 c f r 1 1 1 m cdcrU-U .wm.U .tm lewhen I name v-" " "T Til - t .,B...ft.iM,.T 1 .Jifr,rmntmi"xnHm - f,wKwFstns'atit-'-'-- he eue. When your country put up r'- ;."'r" oitr riinie in onnosition to Mr: M; f was mation than -..-.. Htrts. S neUhoseawhgm.Oi. ence, and lor reason mat, in me event oil win, wun a virtuous zri, utstoaigw war, which was then probable, you would I the duties of the.r.ffice Us far- aa his abilities will enable him. 1 cannot li -.guise to you my opinion on this oc shioh my anxious solicitude tor your - steer the vessel of state with more ener cv. Ice. frc ; that Mr. M. was one of the best of men, and a great civilian, I always Sought i but I always believed that m- oind of a philosopher cou.d nol dvtcll oi Wood aud carnage wilt, any composure, in declining the ftppvinuaent ef Sterttarf fWar.' i t 4 a . f a 4 . i I; ! f ; s 'i i l sM i i I f si: si '.r V .t. 5. il' A 41 ' i . 4 i H it "ft 11 .p. . f r . - a i

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