f v- 1 -J i - '1 4 1:- public Miid jtivlc welfare require! ol rue candor on ill ocxaa'woi aud 1 in compelled to lay to you, thai the . ejuircmeate of ihli worthy man ere not competent to the diecharge of the muU tiptied durtei of thU Department, I, therefore, hope he may not accept the appointment. I am fearful, if it doei, he will oot add much iplcudor to hit relent well-earntd Handing aia pub ic character. Should ht acrpt, rcit Mured that, it Ling II t remain io the army. It will affcrd mi great pleiiure id obeying jour or dm through hint, tod reader bit litaiUoa anj cjujy eaty and pleasant ai far ai 'drcumiuncci Will place it io mir power. I am aware of the dif&cultiea that surround you io the itleciion of your cabinet. Uut the plan you have adop ted, of miking all consideration! yield to the general weal, will bring you to retirement with the lalutitioos and ap fclauie of all lh virtuous, wiif, aud a a Uoino io ol Kcoinx ud pro.. perity that cannot be thai en by the convulsion of Europe. To this end you can calculate with corfi Je'.ce q my feeble cicrtiona, io long ai my constitution may permit me to he uir. ful. 1 have looked forward to fat hap. py period, when, under your guidance, our government would be In the full tide of auccciifut eiperimern" when I would rrtire from public lif-, and endeavour to regain a mm h-cnftebled consti uiion, Should you be properly iccofukd in your views, this period will arrive, ai soon at the measures ou art pi lor the defence of the frotu tier are carried into eSect, bv complr. ting those fortibc.tionathat have been and may be selected for iu defence, by erecting fout'drirt andarmirir, and organizingand clansinir the militia. Then, toe will have peace j for then we will be prepared frr war. Evtry man having a gun in hi hand, all Europe combined cannot hurt us. Thm, all the world will be anxioua to he at peace with usj because all will see we piauie oi au ine viriu'jui, wr, iuu. i jrood I and. ihould you be properly sc. Spain Poeaca rery little general inter conded by the Congreil of the United tiaminer of the 5 aj.. :tt k. ...t.j . Ki ,k, aara, the bleed faction which now so de-. wish peace with them, hut are prrpmd ! on under 'he direction ol K1isH, Pi ussi foi dtfr nee agaiprt those who attempt I an aid F'ench engineers, who, with a to infrinee .Mir national richt. fe Ameiican and I'-li.n, were the Accept a itranrea of my best wihrs, and believe me to be, respectfully, your m"it obedient rrva.r.t. - ANDMEW JACKSON. ... Jumm JUanr, Prtmitml . jtk UmlfdSiattt. T0BCMIT 91. IUU OPENLY LTF.I.LIC K.YCE. "Harris, arrived laat evening, in 42 djys , , . , ; from Liverpool. By this arrival the Ldt tor of the Commercial Advrrtiaer have rereived their regular supply of London and Liverpool papers, the former to thi 6;h of April, and tha latter to the S h, to gcther with Lord's andIndoti Snipping Lists to the 6ih inclusive. The Globe and Traveller, of the eTili states, that sev eral letters had been received bv the French Mail that morning, which allurV to a revived rumour thnt a Congress of the Allied Sovereigns would speedily be held at Paris. It is also stated that it is the wih of the French Gjve rnment, that the afr.ire of Sp-tin should be arrsngrd b the foreign minislera resident at Madrid. Taae.aewi-wsrppnitTo-oeirrniniw n mc ;jc tiod for occupation of .Spain by Fremh troops. It is not generally known, that bv the treaty signed between France and Spain, on the 9th Feb. lust, it was atipu lated that the French troopa should eva tuate the Spanish territory on the 1st July Mxt,uiless the allu- l powers ahoul.l de cine the contrary. I is understood, how ever, thut Ferdinand himaelf would solicit their ttay.' The London papers of the 6th contain a statement of the last quarterns revenue Up to the 5th, from which it appears that there is an-mcreaae in the- net revenue during the last year of 988 6 1 5. st and an Increase in the last quarter 1,321.403. ThtiuddtrioflloiombiariJiond.'Lhijve: been relieved from any further anxiety in consequence of a public notice of Mr. Hurtado. lecogniting the bonds issued by Mr. Zea, and aignifying hi readiness to give other bond signed by him in ex change. - Mr. James theNaval Historian, whose publication Caused the death of Capt. Collier, ha's received acasiiation at tbe hands of Sir John Phillemore. iny Jduu .jjea have Vvirly'.been rbhVhdtteif in Cork and Kilkentiy c unties, and twr The Miirquess of -VVellessly Was on a . tour "through Limericksand Cork. One of the London papers savs, this season Egt'pt will aentt thirtv thousand bags of Cotton to the United Kingdom, of which . the quality is" not infeiior to Sea Is land. 1 he cultivation, of sugar, SnBigo com, and ever) product, for which Eg)pt. by soil or climate, is so well adapted oc cupies the undivided attention of its pre- 1. , ' ..l.flf..,t,l,'.A. JtA.iG" ICM ruier, ina in miiuunuiii w.,... pj tha view! Of the Pacha are dispensed Uh, lie fiiidsth.t the cultivation of tha etna la Useful to the peopla, end, there fure,asscrii that Mahomet ntverintanded to prohibit tha conijipiptloo of any of hi ailraLts. Dr. Bryee of Edlnburg hn puUlshed be Monce adiptedln thliclij andcoua-i II conalsU vaccination th.oth-; arm fiorn tbaona fir.t vaccinated. If tha first has been perfect, both pulule! j .! JM a,M. L. L .I I tat- cm el lllttat 1 Will ! ! wirvij " - " I thU doei not take place, the constitution haa nnl harn nmnerlv alTecled. and It' mait be repeated. 1 hit It "simple" and Caty, and ought nevef to be neglected. It it tKertained that by a lecrel treaty villi tba Ou'cb, the UUnA of Hum4tra bai been ceded la fall aotercitv to' that Oovcrnioenitinreiuraiortheuiiilioputcd pi)iMon br the Eat India Comny of (he new MUltnvni at Sincaxrc, nd aome eiioie and unproStable ler ritorlal right on tne etl of VLUcca. I nt inicuiRrntw irum fnUl , . ' . , .,.,.,. , ji,,. bit minner to ejret, on tome pretence, the moM cmtpkuou of the tr fe liberal Deputies who rue fouod their wy into tht tmiependetit and repr.iable bo - df. The he, howeer failed lcint Cenrnl Fuy j and without a total dure- gard to teciltude, which U, however, bf no meana improtwWe, will htc to Iwall oi lima more aucceia at;inat M B. con- tant SpanUh letter, written br a prraon who ha recently travelled from Madrid to Cfiic, represent the coun'rv at in a most tntrnUiU aula, li U impossible to tra vel l If roads without a tiong escort, so ( numerou re the bandit'i) aitd perns undertaking purniea generallr wait for, and avail ihemvlvca of the pioieclion of French paitit of vllier moving from p,ce olthe 99th of May.it wa propo one point to another. po,f d tLt the voift of the Company THr oar r ft, he. The nes fi'.m (irrcc i to the 3J of MaTh ; though tlnle l.ter than previous advices, is iiitr resiioir. inasmur h as it asurrt ua of the continued tioe ol suc cess which attends the Oeck arms. The strife of the Castle af the Little D irdanr lies and of La panto, was carried ool foreiiirtiersvet enigedu iderthe ban ner of the Crov In F.pirut. Aria had f.llen into tha hands of the ('.rrek, and the irnur--ec'ion taT.lhe. fti)..ol Jsrodfa j toohrmed. , no r i'irF'.uCi W1 ins r.i.i. Rip.,..u w,, ,7 ,c withdrawal ol hi troopa rrom tne lo tres - ses of Crete, leaving the whole Mand in jnisrion orihc lirerf An account that filtv eight C,reek ve- et had arrived at the mou'h of the Dur P11""" .- ...... ..... -..v ) danelles had caused great comternation at Constantinople Florida. Accounts have been received Ht Pensacola, that the S eretary of the Navy had directed Com Porter, if the au uatiort of the service would permit, to despatch one of the vessels under his command, with instiuctions, to St. Au gustine, to take the public documents, the hooks and furniture, of the Legisla tive Council, from that place to St. Mark's, from thence to be conveyed to the new Seat of (irtvernmeol, at Tallahaiir, Gov ernor Duval hd gi information; l,hit. ra't1nteh1tdpforfed sho'tly to that pi ice, and have a town laid off, which would enable those who intended making est.ihltshmcnts there, to plsee their buil dings in a situation in which they would remain permanently. The U. S. frigate Constitution, Capt. Jacob Jenet, arrived at New York on Thursday from Gibraltar, whence she sailed on the I Oth ult. The Constitution has .been absent rather more than three years, having It ft Boaton on the Oth of May", 1 82 f, during" which lime' abe ha idled 35,150 mile a, . The, UAJ..ahip Cyane, Captain Creighton, arrived at Gibraltar on the 9th from New York, via France, all well. The widow of Ameri can Consul TstTtnTand lamlTyThavTf efuf n ed home in the Constitution. When the Constitution left Gibraltar, there was no new of a political nature. The officer and crew are in good health. The Con stitution was aground in the . East river for a short time on Thursday but was got off without injury. Bali. Pat. - It it atated, in one of the Kentucky irmrrrahy that there- ts"nor living? in the rrounry or Alien, arc? atate ot Kentucky, a (;irl, by the name of ratey Anderson, 8 r o-y ears-of ape v born without the least. ppearance of arms, who can card, spin, sew and knit, with a creat facility aa any child of ber age. How's the do it? J A traveller, passing through a Dutch town where the inhabitants had been buil- ling a new church, asked a boy, pointing o the old church, what building it was ? He answered UA cburch but it don't. GO aowj , 0ilLU3lDOTf3 ewJaj r.imr hoino, JcSfc a. 4th of-Juty. eitaena of SaJUury, and Its vicinity, ire to tit t to the CouftllwiM, m aatr . TW ' r . , f f"," T.T i' lairrI,l.th,b.rd.ycAnca. lafH. the 40, of Jul. III rw H ,.u.i Randolph, U Wis eMMMMa,1 e4 ;-Tb4T!riMr;Ne; 4," next j4--. , The htforfed eketch of tha tow of FaytUe. vile, we will, iat eheerfiJIy, ge a place tela ear eohimaa, aa tooa aa we cm wwka apace (HimKh fr It. ) rh kwg ronnuinicaUoii froca liacolntoa , attended to hi our urit. a rarawr0 atutl Im be attended o aait wtf tp, t irtftve fW THE TIMES. We tttrj df hr ionte on eipreaa a wlJi tht the rrcwJnlml Eleetion wu overi bo'h I ,;nr n f,l kinf tk. ih. Un I tK the rrrlrncy. Tet. wiuttu th- hj-ct ha beeoe, it la, neterthelcai, the I1-borlinf t..p of eerjr circle i tha potlti. 1 ral etrrtn of the kpdttive halt, and the noU , titte of the thoi.njom the ilver-hedcd m. iron, aitdtre blooming maiden the wrinkled ' U'v, tnd tie ruddy aliaa all, all Buet hire , much U auwlmueh to do, in makinf a Free- y,, rial tuch ia the atate of the poblic mind. " he hat turn may read." K'ov whether au this it pnpttT bteofnlnr, ia not for tha Printer to inquir i kts buaineaa Is to furnish his readera with tlf lidifira of the times." So here arc some i "Odir sa Taa wtrri'W caaatrata. , cflr4rtf k C: X. C. I At a eompnf mu-ter, held in this I should hr taken relative to tba neit Prei- ideni i which was agreed to. - .The result wja a folows t For (fn. Andrew Jackson, 63 votei JUQ Adams, 14 - Tm. II. Crawford, J , Ilenry Clay, 1 Extract letter frrm SiatetnlU, frrdrtt tuntf, . fa t Jtnlicmun in Mi platt, dutrJ ' STATlkTlLLR, M A f 30. " As you are so decided a friend to Jarktm, perhaps it may please you to .learn, that at a meeting of the Town Iromu.iit ai thU nlace. taat Thursday, it I WM prepM.d, afiar h tnuater was over, i0 (j,,. he vote ol the company on the ,'ridentiai election; the result was, , thirU Wftn TOtes for Jack, thirty-six , t. Adams, and onlilvtor-iix Craw- lordT This vote was taken without any pre wtous intngue or management, and, no , f(,uht,hews the real choice or the voters vtous intrigue or management, and, no in the vitinity of this place. Several persons belonging to the company, did not vote, because 'hey were l no far from the oftWr who made the proposition to understand it ; but who laid, afterwarda, that they would have voted for Jackson flamptnvWe, Surrg c. A. C.7 Maw 17, 1824. X Mr. Wbite, Sir: It having become fa;htonahle, of late, to test the strength of the Picsidentiil candidates, at mu ters and othet public gatherings, I tend you the-irtnilt, of aQ elec.tkf helcl W mis oy, on tne dismissal or iapt. nua spetn t company irom parade. It may noi he improper to remark, that there was no previous notice given, nor was there any exertion made to influence or obtain voter ; consequently, there were a number of person who did not vote, of whom (it wa candidly said by a friend of Crawford) a full proportion were for Jackson. Of the votes taken, there were For Andrew Jackson, 85 VV. H. Crawford, 16 John Quiney Adam. 8 4-It may also Very properly be observed, that within tbe last three weeks, there have been upwards of one hundred and fifty eirculart distributed at thi Post Of fice, from our Representative in Con graaM hoi very much respectedT and who may, with propriety, be aaid to " rrign in the heart of the people," his opinion on matters generally being im plicitly relied on) in which he' very can didly states his preference for Mr. Craw ford, and also the reasons which govern his choice, A decided opinion from to high authority, must be expected to have, and no doubt had, tome weight in the above result. ; ' You are at liberty to rnake such use of the above it you rnay think proper, for promoting the good cause, and oblige One a the People : .p- j-4rwT.iwiiTin" I. niiww '.j, w mui Lawis Wiuiaaia is the representative from that 4ialnctnMKa.aa. wttwk Letter! received at New-York from Alvarado ttate, that on the 3d of April there was a conspiracy dicovered at Mex ico in favor of Ytu bid a, and on the 4tb the leader of it was seized and beheaded. May such be the fate of all conspirators, in favor of either a crown or a civcOa. Tli tJcnUfi taf ettt M not, c.d ill It lt. jokndtyeJl; U faof of any ana of tha ia.liUuala k are aU op aa cd!ul t Li the rrvaidaatlal chair Ut I Ibat paper of thi 15ih. wt find the (Ukraine ankle bid, l art convinced, wu Bot pcrtnad without the moA dcItUrata caution, and a full conviction of tha torrtctntae of Ita deductlona. 1U tut and the Wr at ef our' atate oil! ! hi a tiul taoa,aowwcr they ay be divided trlth regud to atate pofcy. . PrfidrntUl Elettl-Vi UH N- cently beard of the aentimantiaf the peo ple on this i' I . rwtioeforthe State, and'thitioo in i way deserving full credit of the icdU ments of tbovt in our own helghuorhood or district, we have been for tome time satisfied, ao (bat we may confidently pra diet, that General Jackson will obtain tbe whole undivided vote or tbe State ai Fret ident, and John C. Calhoun aa Vice Pre Ident, and Ua they will obtain thit vote almost by acclamation or nearly unanim ous, there remiintscircely a doubt. The Caacut Ticket hat faded Into Insignifi cance, and It scarcely heard of except In ridicule. The faw doubtful and waver ing vote which heretofore existed, have become fiicd, and will be cheerfully giv en the Ceneral In consequence of the liberal and enlarged vlewt regarding the duties of the Chief Magistracy of the na tion, expressed eight yesrt ago, in a cor respondence with President Monroe, and which bat been forced on tbe public by hit enemiet, for tha purpose of injuring bit election. A'moi Gaxette. KaVLEJCU CAUCUS. The KJitort of tbe Balcigb Begtvter, ever since tba tmneu$ took place in Raleigh, Ut in ter, have labored hard to induce a belief that a mtjority of the members of the General Assem bly attended that secret conclave t and although it haa been satisfactorily shown that only a nil nority of the members attended, still the Regis ter haa asserted, and re-aertcd, to the contra ry it baa alternately claimed auch and auch members, until it has got down, a caame-mcn, every one who accidentally popped hia bead in to the bouse, to see what wu going on. A few week ago, the Register eaane out with a sepa rate paragraph, and dofrmaticany asserted that Dr. Worth and CoL Hunter, member from Guil ford county, were in the caucus. What author ity ther bad for the aaaertiost, will appear from the following note to tbe Editors of tba Raleigh Start Afeitri. Heltff Ijtwrence: A publication appeared in the Raleigh Reg iater of the Tth instant, stating that Dr. David Worth and myself were in the Caucus held by tome nf th menbr o tk CK octal Assembly last winter in Ha leigh. I know not who their informer i ; buthe la under a mistake. True it is, we were both present, at many ether ipecta ton were: thourh neither him nor my elf look-any bander part in their nomlirihnnpra do those of more favored portion! cf ationt, or any of their proceeding!, ei ther directly or indirectly. SAMUEL HUNTER, rat wistkbw ttioimif. A grand-juryman la kit rtfirttentalive in etngreu. We gat ) our. letter, winanme Jonaic It is aae unco gash and bonnie, , An coaxin ton, that aure auld Ilomie In flatterin atrain. Or tba fractioua wight iterk Sawnie, Gart speed your pen. Gude John, sin we've bin lang acquent. Allow me here to gie a hint t 8ie friends will mak ye aair repent, Gif ye gang .wfetar: -neyenkVdye fcfl yVercUinent The coaicM system. Return, my John, to your eetate. I wad na fash mysel a whit About this blether of the great i Ye'va no pretestaiona To what the mailt are striving at Say, poita and pensiona. Besides, I ween ye 're far more fit Under your vine nd tree to ait, Than gang abraid to shew ypur wit At Washington. An honest man ye are as yet But, tak care, John. I fea your head has gaun qtiKe dixxie, In thinking on that caueut hizzie : Your neebors aay y've bin too busy : Elect Fie ! John, y've far too frank a phizzy For sic a bearing. At length I must this letter seal j Glide, honeat man, I wish ye weel t Renounce wat Le and the deif, An' let the nation ' ' Chooee whom for President they will j - Ti's all vexation. M.O0O . laojr raa balo twik A gentleman of Rockingham county, in . letter to a- Iriend in this city, tavs. tar day-at M r, W.m. Ee welV in this coun- tya vote was taken on the Presidential question-j the result of which was, Jack ton gOt64, CaAwroao I." The wiifer adds, I have not a doubt but that four fifths of the citizena of thii county are a W m or JACKSON. Letter , to tbe Editor of the Star " At a petty mjiatcr, held in tbe upper end bf Greene counly, ch tha frit Saturday May, it the house ef Jtmct Jones, tbt compiny wfre requested to five ikir teniitnenit cn the pending PrtJdcntiai Election and, after a thort, but pprop4. ate addritt, delivered by Geo. Jfl1 Spelehl, axptanatory of the catd, and r. ther Inimical to tba raurvi and eautm fiv dUute, tha result of the vetei taken w(rt at fotlewii Far Gen. Andrew Jukson. 14 1 Joha Q. Adams, Sl Wra. II. Crtt! ford, li Another letter to tba retort tuut, that, a( a petty tmnr 0,,M'day,tu ,awtMaiiii at wtt. Mary Darnt's, n aI western - parf f Edgecombe county, g Eropoililon On made by Mr. Lawrtnca la w;U try U itrtngtb of the Cin.n.JatrJ now In nomination for tbe President,! which resulted at follows i For Ccn. A! draw Jackten, 54 John Q. Adamt, l, William II. Crawford 3. Extract of a letter from a gentleman t Haywood county, of great respecubilii, Io hit friend in tbla city.' M Io this ty, I do not think that Can, Jaixioa- ig lose a tingle vote. Ifibarebatuchavoie, I have not beard of it. 1 have no doub but that the People'a Ticket will get , large majority In our District." This number of the Western Carolinian nav swisre the fifth year of ita publication. KmA atl the dllllcultira, poniieal, arrslnd pecim. ry, incident to the eatahriahment and aurccMtuI continuance of a Newspaper, the Editor of th " Western Carol nian" baa beea ao aided, km. ted and support ad by the patronage of bis M. low-citiaena, Uut a aeaae of jrraiiiu.U im.prh him to ackaoledge tbe ohCgatiova be Uendf to them. Ibe generoua indulgence ertetxtrd to bin by those whose opinions on tba frttiJ-a. cy are in contravention to Io. 'w a plesaing j. dicatiow of the ctpawded mint la and eabrytd sUwa f esir aitiaaaav- Ka aurrr rvidrnc f t narrow and contracted mind can he girrn, tha an intolerant and persecuting course of eontkict Bigofry ever views as heretical, all creeds but its own i but divine truth and universal pli. thropy, never seek to " Frtvt thrir aWfrVaev rlkdr, " Bf aprth aowe mild IrnHh they are content that (Tie slow, but irrrtMlt frce of ressoning, should conquer tlie tftmn of the world. The Editor, thtrefore, feels fir ocular Jy thankful to those who magnanimovir enend to him their patronage, even at a sacnTic of individual opinion, lie asks of all, a cent, uance of support i but will cease to ask, 1ks hia labors may cease to aVsmw it Various circumstances having eompired ts create, at thia time, a pecuniary pressure npw ttk Editor, h ia cotvana I av i k. m. cr sua Blore.. publicly and dirrrtjj to ne, creditor. The necessity of Printera tatting uW aasirse, ia grcalar than iLat of any stint class of personal fnr their rneorae estart in very small itema, ahile their outgoes p in as lift the community. It appears that the political friends of Mr. Long in Chatham and Randolph counties, hir, with much ado, succeeded in getting up refpos ses to hia eaorm communications to the firsinl Juries of those counties. Tbe follow ing is froa the foreman of the Chatham Jury i T the Stn. Join Ling, jr. Dxaa Six: Acting at foreman of the Grand Jury of tbe Superior Court, I re ceived your communication! intended for that body. 1 invited mott of the respec table citizens of the county during the silling of tbe' Grand Jury, and requested ther wotild rnjse: ins htJPH your communication!, tbe Jury was al most unanimous. At the close of th Court, Mr. Ca awford lost but 2 or 3 votes out of the whole of the Jury, and a num ber of respectable citizen. HENRY jtOOhX. Tbe Jury of Randolph appear to be better drilled in the radical ranks i they respond mora freely to the caucus doctrine... .they aay : On the nutation who shall be our nxt President, there is but little diversity of opinion amongst tbe People ef thi" coun ty .. Tell that to tbe marine! 1 We U feeUentimcnti of gratitude towards Jackson, and delight to honor him. aye, and to foe for him, too for the important service rendered to hi country, as a m itary character i BUT we are induced W believe that he haa not had the aamt w vsmige ref siperlence in the civil depart mentor our government, that tome oi i other candidate! have ; and, therefore. nx so well qualified to discharge the impor tant dutieaof that office. This Grand Jury from the knowledge they have of character of Willi am H.CBAWFoao, be lieve h to bo a duty they owe to themsel and their country, to give him tneir n port." fSo aay you AIL U vi Alfred.- Jm Carter, ..,. Godfrey Luther, William Cbaroef, William Laughlin, John Cox, -Aatwav Riitl;-- .wW'Ulani Mgriy , ,,;& Robert Barker, John Preasnell, John Lewis, ' -William. Cox, - Jesse Arledge, Benjamin Saunders. Mr. Roflignac Is. elected Mayor ot J- r.i :.i;-.ol.t- Tkrrem" candidates for Aldermen were elected' all the Want.. Th emolument! ' 11 Mavne'a r,ffira. In N. llrleans. are iW amount to about 220,00a a year : J : 'X, 'A ' X a;;

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