7 .awrfu r haf isiiiinvyy. ti. tijksi).V junk ii, 1821. - - - VOL. V.J NO. 2(0. Br niirx) WI!ITK, - Jrfir A rw tht L1 Sintr. tereVur t m f llow i 7 Ire h.tUti jrfr, i yutaM, (I B.lvl. . ? tbt paper ditcimdnuirj, (except at tij eption mt H Editor y until all arrears-rr irr pait. r Adve rtiamenti ill bt Inserted it fifty cent tr jiiare rr tM Br insertion, Md lVtM) bv rmt fur eatfi auiaquni bni, AO Wtlen addreaard UIU falJuV, mutt M ftjxUJ, Of they will not be attended to. . til" , C'.1 1 ... . 1 1 f Jtl .Martin Y. llmtt, 71iawv A OOP ri thli lan uf iiif rroing tbe citiitn of Sahabury, and in vicinity, In fttxral, that b ha commenced tht tin part of Jobo t'ltman't bona, situated In .Hariet "trret, a lev duon from tM ua corner AU.pertontUidehitd to AW wnJf Tomw, u Guardian of ,1. MarAa, Irt requested to mit forward and make immrtli psymrpt. !,.-" t-th 1 t A. 3. Vorra at L- L I- . ' 11. .. . . as mw wmi f Kif,Tir IrXaMiaJl, krWl Jerrnbwd u collect hit anoney, or have )t arCored by c trt ,M. Afciiml.r Tumnct a au, tbortaed to tettle tnf krcMinla mmjm Tk ajuounli.jjiy.ikbu du tk taNrrWr.dartnf inw tn lorre montna, ami tn note, till b kft in im, M (rtnt fur n. durW tint time ' 1 M ii tbt Ut rtH tl.u via mJfl , rxl t 01 mi!! to, m tmwr iU nuke th; nrit. 11824. VT A. i, WOHkK. ; ' State of North-Carolina, MfcCOtH COCNTT SITEBTAtt Court of U, April term, It?4. David l!UlM-k. . Ninr HUL-V . A divorce. It ipntHnr to Dm- t'xfiu't ioi ef m MMrt, that .ncy Hfcik, .e dfnlit, m Ilntcrtninmcr. . p Urn MfKt', ti' -i,tl,i mrtWI I. of lili.rviiiir hi Cnr M jimt tb Ji!J,' fMiblrf- at Urj;. tht la i j Atwh rjiiri( bit tx'Mi, iu1 hH v J j 4 ftri rsic my W lor th KOioUMnn . . to. aM tSf othrrt bo tny M to fM M ''if; . Mi IIoum la In IriJjtii tuunij, urn n.in rond Iridihf frwi Hl'iAvy to Hlcm, by Uiir-jton, lie. twrNe liib-f from bJt.n, nrlrwn'ltlfiipoitr nJ tW'Mvfour from iMOifbHry, CkiI mrn tnvllf from umlb to "ortli, or frd nrtli lo Kxith, r invited tu call, f evrry conrtnirftr of prM'imrita (oa-thriu-x-lri a, fred for tbfr bonrt. It. will b kfTordcd thm i r in to rnrrnjioiiJ dtb t hr rnrml re. durd prtf t of proi U iwnt n otber nrrpMarira, Itovi mm n. Jm 1, li;4 13U2l tand and Ncrti'S, for Sale.' 'IMfl; tubai riHrr, wisUifrto nrt'lc lut biiai. 1 br, ofltrt fur talc on motlen'r t rma. a tract (if land fcliwininr vie town f lil)nrv. I of Uif Conrt-Huuae latere l. b pHparol d , " M ii'habiiant of Uilt Hae, it m tltrrtlorr enntaininf b aunty, C aem j pan of allied wrgrrwi or rmiri, u ni pitMicalwn be niade W NUM1 eoverM a-ifh Rfif.imbi-r.airfl bHii rinir. tbr Wratem Cahlii.ian f t tlnre wrrls that rn """' f eirrflr nt mradi ground i the ui.Hm the ik-frwiaiit apprirat tb nrif Hiipr. balance la clearrd aivl ndrr cultivation. Oan, b bppr to arcommdtf air rnt'lciucn ho are (lnKje J patrott bint in tut line of iMiatneai, in tiia ncattat and m4 fUiimiabl llyU, ot to plrme fancy,. He lat'en hi7cll, from Ii'm lunr tipcrlence, tbat tKew arr but lev, aay, in lL country, tbat can eurpa. bim ' mm rat aicaB ntciau, , Bui kfijrham, rrinc lulward A CW.lJ ian.i, aiMi Cwoonarahh of Virii.'-a, leltoCltliena, rriend, and free holder J A rfturrenc of tb aamk mln fol cHieHMJ lHuf drwve "mt" riom inv povtV aomr io year. ro, iKain compel! rot to tK luriougn j for I cannot conuM totonkldermyaclfio tht lfht of adcMil cr.T Dut no coniidertlon whatever could bv indurcd mt to leave Vaabin(ton, in long ai thado of doubt hung over the trtniicitoni of the trtttury j whlh I (amtn otberi) appointed to invritigaic. It Mat at my intunre, and not without tonlrrable reitin( on I be part of a mjri" of the committee, tbat the See rrlah t.ad the opportunity given him, to file )iia aniwer to the accuMtion ol Mr. Udird. I wit aatitflrd lhat iuitice to m tmuh to call Conf htin, I make n bumble if nder f rhy Mnlcea. I bav lived and bop to die frrrhnUrr, and vpeft I loae that illalfoctian, 1 thall 00 bnirer bave ant motive to la prodof be ing yawi lMhiwi , joiim itANmt.ni ornrv.it: ; In tLe eaeUion of hie wrk. 4 fair triad it all ; ntxl "d Uirre tn pb ad anewrr or drnmr le aaka, to prove the ahwe aaicrtion. Ilie l! .Jw. . '". ,tW .'" I-'Jnty,' tract. lv,,W.lH,ttbree.nd a halt .,,!, tJ f0re to be ptirvuen. at tbr '"r'V" time that it wouM eitite .ht bu at tb t'iiiii.liH,- in Ijnmlnton, on lU fuiirfb noma nc r n. t unn M.mmUv of Keptrmbrr Chanrri of ftahknt (tiall bv at riot I alteded to. to tlx aid p tituin.lt will be taken pro cunfi-tao. a a i.ri t pa-i. v itnrM. Lawaon llpi.,lrr. 7 110 rriecifullv infumii the pub 1 t.i br -Wb tear nf liwi nei.d nr ill tnr i siata. LAW 'A. II tM Hit SON Pnrr al. ftl 2J j a be baa left ewrmpofident fct tbo Pi.Uitl of' " e fk "d court, U Ijnonlnton, the 4S Columbia, ( wht be f-m) bu fc ml Wo i Hr the 4b Monday of March, 1824, b"n ',! t tiiMi- rilir j;.i, l.c 'J, ."flf WfStr a't.iitin to (xiviiirw, io r. C-ive a liberal ahare of rxihl pa roiix', hr ia determined iKi'hinr ia!l be lift und ,iic to remler Krnend aaiiifWin. Sm,iry, .Vo9 i, IH24. 206 Mansion Ilottl, LIIJSnUfir, X0kTf.C.U(il.L'.1, BY r.nWAKI) VAHBUOLtill: State of North-Carolina, kTCKV.t rOl'KTV. (lOftl r ,f rwly. April trrn., 1824. Waa. J brtb Williaoarm. by hrr nrit fncmL lb Km rii blrrta, it. Htbrrt VI Mianifcwi, Rid oth. era: o-.,f-i,al bill, for alt'monv, tr. Ilif cMirt briny aati.fird that the drfemUt, U4-t Wil. . ,lwlr wiiinn in1" nnirvol 'Hit . . t , ' " in-- Mini Ul 'lilt be, and b.a fnrnds tbat be haa .U.r, it tl.rrrfore ordeml, that i,.lir,.ior. be ' and Ike cwnvrnk s tn tlve mill, of I'rtrr liar, rinfrr, anirl Verblr, and Jacob KiJirr. A byi, a ncfro boy, about eurbt fra of ac. aixj mt utter about an i an riccllcw tir on and l,arrva, for 4 borae i aUs another aajf. on, which baa been torn hat aarJ. A furtbrr ilrarnpiion of the above property k WacJ uiiiiTt.iry, m iU.m i.lin (g , Aac, anay Call at any time ami jililfc for tbrirfrlvm. for tenna, at ply to the aibwlv in ftalie- Jry JMN BlvUli.aen, .Wi.iry, Mi9 12, 1824. I Git'IO N. B. Part of I Ik above 694 acHlrc n Town i .ota. Fnm 'hiUiirlf'Uii. P'lR anbarrilifr rr.'MTtfullv frirnd. ani! 'h.- pnhlic rrncrt taken the eiteoaivc and etexant erab- n ib- (. . x crka a eert-ively, .n the V e.'rm j" received -l.r la.crt fad, i n. fr.; of Mul Vlplua. Gcmlc-mri . aaa aaanc Hmiil iwnwr VI UK. 1 IUH. Ifllin. Ilittl Ih.laaa k. .1 - . a . . a.a ' "a BV lUIITir all IPC nCI h' , 'TT W ' occ"IT,1 Dr J""-- f Kity lo be Imblri. for lb. o-n,tv of . '- a.!j-ci n! ciH,p.rS - ... ..... .nUaii (ur aioai a, at ti.e riMirt-houar in (rf-manton, pn bunncaa, ia equal. to any P the place. Ihrltbe tiniHh Moa-Uy after the fonrih VlomUln ..,... ,.,-r u, pri.aie rooma, wril ptrn.hr r licit, and Dlca.l. ai.aarr or d, irmr in caK'"UeJ fir tbc accommodation of I ravelli ra and Roanlcra i the Slablrt are equal, if not an. prnor, to anv in the place, and attiulrd to by oMijfiiir; and attentive Hoatlcrtt hia table and bar, i be aupphrd ai'li tbr brat the market afl'.nl.i and the rrgulat mm of I. Mouae, audi a Tirlibpea wiTI five entirf atiaftt"on to t bote ', who may think proper to call on him : and he aaaurte tbrm, that no pain .lull be aparwd to vvndrr their atav cnir.forUule and pltaiiv. 1 Wmry24, la.U. V6 .1... L I. .L ii I . . ii.v urn, iiiq aanie win lie taarn pro conlrtao mi t'i them, and the cause be art dun for bearing' el parte. Copy from the n.inutra. le.t: JOHN C. BU M, r. m. t. Price adv. R.'. 6iM2 State of Norlh-Carolina. , C ftlMftRUS COrntTY. piOl RT of I'le .a and Quart, r Sci V7 Ter VholSft. HAT Store, 779 17itr'.V rrr, ififte the MrrtKir. HutH iona, April mi, 1824: t'alen H. Alrxandrr. Jan ca lickrna; original attachment, levird on I hI fce. It appcarti.K o court rtiat the eJefrmUnt in thia cae U not an inhabitant of tbia a'ate, it ia th. rrf-irr nnlm-it. thai mik Vi. 1 1 on be u ade three n.ontha in the If Vt'em for. OFFEB totne public a pr-n.ral aortmeM i V.L " V.f ' ,r',7,,(' O'-ientiant to appear, .j tmt o.i ....in 1.. li l . . . at the next l.ourt of fleaa and Ona- Kofe.ii.n. " ;,S 'lK Wia ar" I to b, held f.,r aaid etninty. at the crt-houae "in "c,i" rf " " " ""'" "i i.o..cnrd, on the third Monday of Julv n xt, to oral, bell and l.ith croa na, and enrta alianed. ' lrri!"',.v pbad,r demur, otherwiar Judirment !.l 1 . . . . 1 ' I A... I .11 I J . . . . . . .. wme ami narrow Dnma, laie u.nioin. i - .mo aiainn mm, anc execution AIo, Caator tla'a, ditto; m.-n'a ikI youth'al rocd acc.jn!n1(ly. 'tr : UA.MLL UULEJIAN. C. C. C. Price adv. H'16 i. forma hia , i bat he baa I ondoti, by it H.a mm. t y fakhioiia- imi latc.l by K onhra .1 "i-f ifrntlc j 1 J ripedi. i'inlin(f to in pve the then be o.r uii nr ntaat , ran new ur .in b the Mihvi.'.er on a abort noii i from a ili.'anrr, for inalt nt anv men's arn.enla, w.ll be punt-Mull liousiy rxecutr't, and furwjrdi I dirrc'Kina C nil. m n are invi', auhvribr. slu.p a fair trah thn brt'rr able to juibe abrllu-r hr '.nu their pamuiajrr oriMM , - IH'MA9 V, SOS. AnA.fti.-jf, .Ipril 9, 18J4. i2. Storu-IIoiHt' at Moclsville, TO T. fpilE aubarriber iahrs lo r at tlm followin(f I property, during mr rar. r 0r I'm of yeara, to wit ; A lot at Mix kiv,Ue. ttowan coun ty, on which a tpaciitia atorc-hon", a ih a (food cellar, and a larjr- twotory bwae, divided into convenient rid nacful apartmrnfl, are erected. .Wocknnt'e ia near about in the rei.tre of that Aathat part of country, both aa to fertility of soil and pormiatinn, ia not infrrior any, fine Itoram ditto, warranted elastic wator tinnf: men' and Tnuth'a V iram 'Uts, of an mf rinr quality. All of which tbey h arrant of their own manufacture. M.-n'a and boy 'a coarac. fine and rrr fine blck al drab wool UU; morocco capa, Inm' Philailclphia and Nea.Tork i Haiti r' Trim- tninp, Bow Stnnga, and Brushes, t.c. kc. low for cdi. CWVtrf, J;mt, 1 824. 1 3it 1 3 'IT.lC Ivjh'criber baa very rcceiuly rcccitcd I from l'iiiladelplua, an assortment ol ry Cotih, Cttllny, and UnnLiTiVf, Domritici which, with the ataortmcnt be expect to re ceive in a abort time, will enable him to aril at aaiidactory pricca. The public arr respectfully invited lo dill, and examine for themaelvea. KDWARU CHESS. SaUtbury, Mg. 16, 1823. 70 State of North-Carolina, li.Rra covhtt- rIOT'UTof fleaa and Quarter Scaaiona, May 1 T. rn., 1324 : Jumea Irwin w. John M'Cord'; oi iyinal attarhment, U?vied on two tracta of land. It appeaiinjr to the court that the defendant bvea out of this atate, it ia tbercfore ordered,' ma puoncatum be made for three montha in the ia notlnf. rfor anv, a nrofitaJile rilt mijfht be anticipated from a mercantile I all vra' Hot as it oueht lobe. ctUDlislimcnt at iliat place. Centlemen ia that buaincaa, and uy'i'iig a situation, are invited to call and view th premise, and juds'e for them, aelvee. ELIZABETH M. PKASON. MockniVt, Mat, 22, 1S24. 0 Coach Making. ririP. aubacriber bejra leave to return hia 1 patcful acknoU dements to hia frienda and the p'iblic, for the very liberal pitroiiagc he baa received in hia line of buainesa ; and ii forms them, that he ha procured a number of work .? the V ZZ cort to be held for the coun- K"' " V? " ty of H-;ika, at the court-house in Wilkeaboro', 'h ' rn P"."' t,he. ' ,,",c. " on the firat Mondav in Auptrt next, and rrplev, c"". m'u ' "T ? f T' ' n'" ' and plead to iawue or indtment w Ube Wered V M" p. t,ns. He intends .Kaii bim for plantifr'a demand. iflSr )'C" l hr reduced pneea .r, . D i.i..... i ior caau on ii; i. ainii 1 1(, C. W. I. C. j Conpersmithinff. The roppera riitltinir. and Tin Phile bnsinra ' . i. r : . .t ::: t' i.rrr oiore iranaacn-d Dy n. creta, acn. will n future be conducted b- me, at the same piace. Thoar who favor me with their custom, mav de. pind on bavinjr their work done w ith neatm-aa, durability and deviatch. t'.DWn. CIIF.SS. Dissolution. State of North-Carolina, A8H P. COUKTY MORT1IS DAKP.R, v$. Alexander Johnson, and .lamea Raker. Sen. it alia : rig-inal bill in Kquitv. Whrrcaa, it appt auto the atia faction of tbia court, that Holly fUker, relict of erenuah Baker, dee'd. Jamea B iker, keiihen I'aker, Lucy Ann Huker, Seeberrv Baker, Nan cy Huker, and Jeremmh Bakrr, infs at law of the aforeaaid Jercmiab ii, nuiaica, Mica anil ramici I .lira, Chariotera, (?oacbtta, Ijuidau. Hlmiona, Ha rouihes, Landaulets, Caravan, ami Vtail btagea, of a superior coiixtruction Kt-paira done at the ahortt si notice, and in the beat n aimer. Orders from a distance thankfully received, and punc tmdly attended to. J. G. UtUtsF.. fWfotte, .luc 1. 1824. 96 Coach Milking. v Hater, Nan- rpnF. subset iber oflera hia sen tec to the pub. ranta ai d be ira.j J 1C in ,hl. ,bove line, and flatter hiinarlf. Baker, ted., , fro, ,,g experience and readv application for aineaa, and abridge the labor of the Com miifce. If the Secretary conduct wa defcnMble, who could male that defence o properly ai tot party arcuved f If nth erwKe, it Vaa hi eh time tbat he ihould be dia-nivsed from a atalion of wbich hr waa unworthy. I cuiifeaa, that I wh not without some misgiving, that all waa no! right. Hold ji'K myaelf aloof from the intrigue and intriuuert of Waabine'.on, I had rem.ined a passive apettator of ihe acene, tuih i I hope never aain to witneat. Not that waa without a alight, a very alight pre ference in the choice of the evil ut mined to ui for our acceptance. I incli tied toward Mr. Crawfoid for some tea- aona which were private and personal. no with which it ia uiniecevwry to rouble you but chit fly, Ucauae you prcfertrd him to his compriiton, and be cause if he i elected be would, in a man ner, be ctnu clltd to throw himself into the hands of the least unsound of (he po lineal panic of tbc country t that he would by the force of circumauncea be constrained to act with ua (the people) wbiht rival candidate would by the tame force of circumauncea, be obliged to act against us, and with the tribe of ofTire biintet and bankrupt, that aeek lo sub Mat upon our industry and mean. I be number of these that infest WuibinRton, especially duting a first session of Con gress, and above all, about the termina tion of an administration, i joconcch able to those who have not seen the warm. I aaid, that I hod some misivinn, that Hut wr.cn 1 read the replv of Mr. Crawford, I had not a shadow of doubt remaining on my mind. It is the moil triumphant .nd ir resistible answer that ever met the accu nation of a base and prtjured infoimer. I have no doubt that there is not a mer cantile house in our Atlantic ciiirs, that has not lost a much heavier per centre on its western debt, than we have done, aince Mr. Crawford look charge of the vltsenaapyr even aupposiojr tht'twrn 1t0 due to be wholly lost. And it ia a nutter worthy of notice, that the very people al whose prayers and entreaties, and to save whom- from utter tuin be has puisued a certain line of conduct, have been his most virulent accusers and persecutors, for that conduct which ha contributed at once to their reliel, and at ihe aame time been serviceable to Government kv res cuing a larjre debt from the almost total loss which would have followed a rigid exercise of his authority. He haa avail ed himself of discretionary powers repo sed in bim by the law, for that purpose, and with that intent, to mitigate the se- Nestor, at ara, Uij If, HJ4. -..Jilt anwrnalont pfrvdotttoTr tf "in err""' judgment, contain, 1st. A tbara-t atrainai the ieleet cm otlttee, io ibt following wonS i " It waa at wir instance, and s.i miW iUrUs rmtut ai t.r fwn n aWl' fmmttn, I' ir .leerefary JUI tk .frl. airy rnn km H it lut wmtr U tU enunulm fMr, Mir 3dlv. A cbarrt truinM the President of ihe United Statei, in th folluwinj worst . . ' 1 kn'iw tort wel) the baatoeaa ami liwialitt of tle character iaf Kdwarda. (acH'-umVicVd U he is) to belie ad tliat l e would Lave iUrr.1 tn take .ich a measure, even covand by flight from the rearnttirnt of his Injured ruemr", mVaH t prtmtt fnlulitn m a.'i ftaurt. hr." 3dly. 'A premature and extra pjjicial opinion of the merit of the cae ui.de f invratiatailow. The chartf against the committee wl ably and isrciorily refuted bv lb) member individually, In ihclr idawj Ul the Ilutic, ia dy, and pto.i.miiceii aa and unfounded. They ! vrd, as well by the minutes of their prr fcillnj as by their un'lividrd drcUr.tion. that Mr. Randolph did nut nuke the motion in tht lommilee that Mr. Crawfoid should b allowed to file hta anvwat," but that it was made by Mr. Cat lor, of Nt w York. I'hry a!no showed by the tniiiutea of tlnir piocecdinu, thai the motion w. unan imoutiy adopted. And they further sta led, in their places, that there wa at no time any opposition lo the order, but that it wat, from the beginning, approved by all except Mr. Floyd, who doubled the) roricctnest of the courte, but who,bcfoit) the question waa taken on the motion, contented to it. It further appealed, by the statement of all the menilers of tho committee, that Mr. .Kan.lulpli was not In tht committee room when the motion of Mr. la) lor waa made, but tbat be came in afterwards. Who it now " the Parthian that thootl his poisoned arrows a. He flirv " M nthutfton H-pMicnn. en. t'ar il nisn, published in Salisbur for aix wei t,, ,or tl.c arort-Kud parlies to appear ana a'iwcr, pieau or drmur, cr tiulirmt nt, liro con it A V E drchmd actimr aaa nartnrr with John answer, ii a . - - ; -1. . . . . r " . nurpny, in the mcrran'ile bitsinea in C(;n. "' UKen Bframat them, and tbe cuuae 1 with hit consent, !ind.have relinrniished N J heard ex parte. W itnea .lamea llathorn, clerk e'ini tP-w part or portion Of the profit (if! cf the rourt of F.q'uity, for the county and atate ue concern of Murphy & Sutton. vuorcA 1BV4. 98 NATH'L. Sl'TTON. fUE auhaeriber hat formed a Copartnership witb'U".n;..n : .tt. ... 'I. .1, ... ,..1- IIICIK.IVI.C "HMne, a' Concord, Cabami coiinte, North Mfolina, nnder lhe firm of 'Murph U Jirown , miv openuj a trean assorrmeni ot Dry Good,' Cutlery and ITardwirt Wted with much can. .n pi.:i..ii-k:. ..i ft.. v . - - ' F .. ... 1 1 1 1. 1 III. mtu bo"PM on ,he bMt tePm- They pea n to continue the boainru i m yean, and u Mr. Murnhv will viit th lOnbjjM .it!.. risnor7f . r - e ami will be S,cf;t fa,r P" f or on credit, llair,n BI w'PtfUy invited to call. "wrrea. tnnv ur oouv r vi.w jp w ata 1 :: Jorin Murphy, . alto, at ) .to-. if'zZt-.- - . - rtmentof GOonsT. . ". f or country prodace. . .. l fc l . I al I a . a. I ii a vatia,(it fIIIVUc; alltll .lnilTH iL lit ohlrrd,thai pubhea-inn be made tn the ea- j rrril, w.fa.-.ion to tho.e who mav favor bim with their work. Crriajres of all deaeriptions, Pannel'd and Stick Gig, Sulkt ys, &c. made and repaired on reasonaMe term. SAM'L. LANOF.RS. Saluhw-yt .Ipv't 26 182. 204 N. H, Carriajtes, of ' ad ileacriptiont, - bought and sold, on commiaaion. P. St A jouriteyman wanted at the above bu- iresa, to whom good wajres will be (fiven. He will be emplmd on wood work, altojrether. 03" The subscriber keep two ti4 for Hire, whtrblflsraTHlJe-kt!ptTirinesa jdoreaaid, "March te 'rrtiT 1874 JAMKS Price adv. 50. HATHORN, e. & at. it'13 State of North-Carolina, (rood harneat, for the accommodation of those who may, at any time, w ith to ride on pleasure or on busines. 8. LANDERS. . . liwi i"li r n it. i,tr aiiKl a'araiu ivriiif-u: til Ilir a . a ear are intiabitanta ot another atate, it ia therefore;, ,llimb.V of Vr.r in t-.,-..i -...-:.. ... er,lv 01 ,ne nuileiinr's ol our western r i r..n.i. l -i . iciiow iiutrns, noose ciamours, naa nc taken a ciirlereut course, would have dis solved the present feeble and distracted adminiitration of our government; and, Ar'x m like, he is assailed by the very hounds that he has cherished and fed. I t on fess that Ibis base, unmanly con -spiraey against Mr. Crawford, s "given to my mind a degree of interest in the ensuing election, that ten days ago I 4dmUt-4n possible for-me to-fcrf . I shall rejtire in the discomfiuire of a plot got up, a I verily belice, in Washing ton, for his destruction : for know too well the baseness and timidity of the character of Edwards (self convicted as he is) to believe that he would have dared to take such a measure, even covered by flight from the resentment of hisinju ted enemy, without a promise of protec tion fiom a higher quarter and here I sav,-oirce for . aU, that I impute nothing unfair to any one of the candidate for the Presidency.' But how' have Ihe as persfotis'bf ttus JCIu'hittlalbT'beW'mVn' I5y the most temperate, passionless, mild, dignified and irrefragable exposure of their falsehood, without one harsh word towards their author. The pilot admonishes "me to end this letter. If the people f Virginia shall be STnKFSTOr'WTT. OUItT of KquRy, pril term. 1824. Reuben J Moore, William C. Moore, Matthew Moore, John Clayton and Khzabeth hia wife, John Moore, Prilly Moore, liabriel Moore, and Gideon Moore by hia Guard:au, r. Be njamin Hawkina and wife, and tbe Heira at Law of William fj I t a i .a . ..... a layior, ucceaaeii, ami oilier : Petition tor sale of real estate. The court being tatisfied that the defendants, Benjamin Hawkins and wife, and the Heirs at Law of William l av- lor, deceased, do not reaide within the limit of the atate, i ia therefore ordered, that nublica- skirt be made fee i week' anecesivelyi- in the VTetterrt Carolinian, tliat unfeaa thev annear at ,thyiS.1..pur for tii couoiy oi MOKea, at the courr-houae mtierman ton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to the bill, the tame will be taen proconfetao at to them, and the Cause bfset down for bcaruisr ex nt. r r .1 WUI l.Ol.l llic lUlllllll-S. Tett : JOHN C BLUM, e. w. a. Price adv. g2 50. . " 6t'W ... V4-' South Yadkin BrW ire. THE Commissioner appointed by Rowan County Court, to build a BuJgt over the South Yakin river.'netween the mouth pf Second Crei k and the Point, will receive proposals for building aaid Bridge. Person disponed to con tract for the tame, will apecify to ertlicf of the Comrtii8sjoiers. the.trrms on w hich thev can do the job., ContraxMlftfw iH undcrsts,riiatlieTe it to be a good ttone abutment at each e'fid of Me Brio,gea4rtone pier fo the ceiitrjB i the wliob; to be well thing-led and weatherboarded. The jndge wul require to be two hundixd feet long, ALrKKD MACAV, " JACOB FISHER. JOHN H. FKEELING, S-Cam'n. DAVID M'GUIHE, JOHN HEARD. jr. . &Uinry,JuneTt 1824. '09. CONNKC I ICL'T. Coventor WoLeoTT, in his rnessage to thr legislature of i. minertirut. re. urn mends the consideration ol an m nd- ment to the Constitution of Ihe L'ni-ed States, in reference lo the rhoire of elect ors of President' and Vice Pusidcnt. I he-amendmrnt port to require tmj Kltctors to meet on one day, In their re spective states, and there vote for three fimom, on one ticket, who shall he t itin nt of different statrn, but one tf which mat hr a citizen of their tvn State. That when Ihe ballots are collected, the per son on whom the highnt number of vote$ is found concent! ated, shall be declared Prtsidentof thtt'hited Stwtr t ibeiser-: son having the tec nd h ghett number of vote, to be Vice President and President of the Senate : -and tbe person having the third h ghit number uf volet, to bo Speaker of the House of Kiprc'cntaihcs, for the four years ensuing. When an equal number of votes happen to be con centrated upon two or mote persons. I ben the election inearh of the three elaite or gradrt, commencing with the highest, to be tn such cases, decided by a lot or lots, taken in the ptesence of the Senate and House of Representatives." OFFICE HUNTING. Mr. Clay, in a speech lately delivered by him on the Tariff question, thus al ludes to office hunters : M All the existing employments of so cietythe learned professions com merce agriculture are now overflowing. We stand in each other's way. Henco the want bf employnient. Hence the ea ger pursuit after -public stations, which I have before glanced at. I have been again shocked, during this session, by in stances BiolirftaTterrortaTes the vacancies existed.' The pulse of in cumbents, who happened to be Uiken ill, is not marked with more anxiety bv the attending physicians, than by those who desire to succeed them, though with very opposite feelings. Our old mend, tho lattliful sentinel, who hat stood so long at our door, and the gallantry of whose pat 'iotisrn deserve to be noticed, because it was displayed when tbat virtue was most rare anitipast.' wanted,.;Qr occasion, in this unfor unite city, became indisposed some weeks ago. The first interigence which I had or his dangerous illness, Was by an application for his'un vacaled place. hastened to assure my self of the extent of his danger, and was happy lo find that, the eagerness, of sue- ' cesilon outstripped the protest of disease." A i i 1 ll !' 4 ; t 1 ii t, 1 e? ,'t 1 '4 t j I ; ft t n A? I

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