m nit cosVtNIIO.V. n, interest a by a c w. k u .prv H ., , . . . .... xii Uduce lUm twee V nWtit to this "' rt-irl . u lltt Section 11 IU. 11U fcewewt, fcaa tWite p JM-, hmb recollected that the eon. mii Mcncx Lkb took place U W.lcJh bet hn,vanftdri the afpoovuivent of Jet. aftui at the eneuing Auguat election, t eseet gala la lUWgfc ! November Mil, to crplrt tJto work. Te that the rtspectWe count tourte ahould eppoiat Inepetlwri lo attend the polk of, U eaaci where they have neglected 10 to do, the county eonoitteei should mike The ftttmf of NofiS-CPoCn will surely pet m rata, their tlforta in (hi ell important ork, elee having- brought it so near comple tion. Should they do eu, they would, in den km, b likened unto U man ia tlic fable, who, after having, with immense toil and labor, rotlc4 stone up steep ascent, carelessly luosencd Ilia hold, end permitted It to roll do a again. Within the past year, We perceive that the people of Virginia have also caught the spirit of reform, and are mw In a fair ay to bave cownlioe called. The Virginia Legislature, at itt lait ftroMon, did what our Legislature hate laayt refuted p do they let the quest'.! II go to the people, "Contention, or nof onvrMion F The result of the Vote, at far U ascertained, ia fjvro( a convention, by an overwhelming majority. Contrary to what haa herrUifure been customary, Virginia, on this occaaion, i fiUrwt'f M but if our fneiult in the r'aal do not rclai their opposition, alie mv otitairip ua intbe aaJutary work of rrform. At will be teen by hi letter heretofore puLHahed in tb papw r, the iIlutriouf Jrfrrttn ia openly and warmly r Conventioih not only admitting the juaiirf, but urging the necrtaity of the mcawirc. He duet not partake of those idle fears, bich seem ao much to alatn some of our fi icrula in the East, that the people will defray themsrKrsM J fear they certainly are, if, in mli'v, they art entertained, which we can hardly bel'.i e. It if the doctrine of the " llolv All ancr." that the people ire unfit to jrorern thrmsrlrrt ; ai.d the Lifiern fiJki are actii g on the same 1f-rrx...'a.Kym. fsve n wont enemic.H Yft will only add, that it it wnru tilk'u nua, to suppose that s free people, in the pres. CM day of Tight a'd Itioahdgr, will dn any thing to injure thrmselvri: and evrn if tliry aliotild do it, thry have a riht to dispose of them. Ives u tbi y plcane. e- SIGNS OF THE TIMES. At a General Court Martial of the officers of ie 1st Kit an regiment of North-Carolina Mi Iilia, eurftem d in the town pi 8alibury, on Fri day, the 11th day of June, 1IW4 after the busi. nesa pertaining to their official capacity had been concluded, it was, on aupprstion, agred that the sentiments of the officers on the Pres idential question be taken. Som conversation ensued as to the menner of proceeding, snd it j having "been settled that the vote be taken vita vece, the result was aa follows : For Gen. Andrew Jackon, 63 Hob. John Q. Adums, 13 Hon. Wm, II. Crawford, 3 Hun. De M itt Clinton, 3 Ifou. laingdon Chevrs, 1 Resolutions were thereupon offered, and adop ted, nem, can. in the words folios ing, to wit : m Rmlivil, by the officers of the 1st Rowan regiment of North-Carolina militia, in General Court Martial assembled. That, while it ia with a proud satisfaction we ace ao many eminent citi zens of our country, whose merits and talents hare designated them as candidates for the most distinguished honors of the Republic, we view the age, the political experiences the "military eervices, snd the incorruptible integrity of Gen. Undrew. Jack-ton, as more signally claiming our support for the Chief Magistracy of the nation, than any other candidate now before the public. "Itenhed, That we will use 9nr best exer tions to Mctrretheeleetlon of the Pnpkr Tirkti, in opposition to the eauevi ticket believing that the success of the former would be a triumph of the people, while that of the latter would in dicate a prevalence of political intrigue dcro r to the character of a free people." HI It JAM H. KKKRy Ti . Camd. and Pres. Court Mar. T"t : pHI10 W.,t, Advocate r.n.n u,Urdajr' Ma7 29th' at muster of BcaL'JT'8 con,Pa"y' ve .ucattie Ford. I. nroln mt. s. aur,-A : :.,.t. ::t": " t"HJr wnn regard to the next President. theCvnC,0mpany,beinS drawn int line, me vote was air. . - i.Hii , wocn mere were orJacksons 7, For Crawford, 3 "tha rlVT U the more """peeled, and me more hnnn...ki -l. " . nd good sen.- r Ti "'"""cnce s ther "w?tf'hnpany, inasmuch rearc within the, bound, of that - yu.uic io mo inaepenacnce tomptor uter.lwirm prtlaMcf Mr ( Nwfudiha haft ttn .ctustorucd to citrtiM conslJenhU lufluentt on iuch rr.sloftl. IJut With rCgitd 10 th DH IieJctml elccttt,tb j'.ptt Mem r 4,u4 to iMk 1r thtmulin. 'trt they cMMe,ind io v ia 1 tf Bobodr. Whenever my on rmlj ,t;t. IIne,d.Lt tht tcoiI Mklnr ht his Mr. Criwlord don 19 eotltU hint to M Pieildtnt of tht United Suter It b V-r r-HT-'iT thin on CttiUoT hit Mom rhtuh t It..i ike ills ftgl U Ji-i, lar thi f ountif j all know 01 he 11 v hoodi and ilaudcrt pfopKtecJ agilnM him, because be standi In tht way of designing faction, who seem resolved, If possible, iu force Ir. Crawford upwrlhe people President. Verily, they may reap their reward. It hi been laid by the friend tf Mr. Crawford, that, it the members of Congresi have now returned home, matter! will change, end the mem ber! will persuade tht people to vote ai they please. Uul we think the people hite more independence than lobe led h ihit manner. We think it more pro bable that the people will convert the membeia of Congress tt io favour of (it n. Jackson, than that those gentlemen should persuade the people to vole for Mr. Cpwivrd. The people have a cogent method of logick which thou gentlemen find quite irresistible. The matter ii now Mrlv to be teited, whether the people of North Carolina ill go for ( ravord and Caucnt,oi Jck 4H jtid Llbriljra-fur the d'n lalion nf irtell ia off.ee, and men tee king oftkes, or for the tights of the eo)le at home ; in fine, for the couch Ucktt o: the Acte' Tuktt. .trrat, 9lk Junt, Ifci. Ml. White: Dclitir.K '.lut wu are fiiMed to publish any thine favourable to the election of (ien. Ja(kn,n ai t'resi drn I have ben indu rd to s'ate the foLowirig farts: On S4turd week Um there wa a muster in tie neighborhood of the I'liasant Gardens; the comp-nv ronsisttd r f upwards of one hundred men, beside! spectators i there was a request nude by the Captain that a gentleman precr.t should explain to the companv whit the taucui was, Itc. The gentle nun very briefly, though latisfactotily , explained the raticui principle, and show eil whai wis intmdrd to be effected by the last caucus at Washington, he. The gentleman, among other rrirMrki, infor med the compsny who Mr. (ai.L4ti m ws.j and took occavion to v something "".we rnenis ind claims of the respective candidate, r..w n. it . tr... proposed to take the vote of his company : the result n as follows: Andrew JjcAson, 113 W H. Cnwford, QO J g. Adams, 00 CLy, Ditto. At a company muster in the town of Charlotte, Meckh-nburjr county, North-Carolina, on Satur- ,he I2,, m , ro,e WM ,,senon the Pre- sidential question the result iu as follows : ... Gciu Andrew Jackson, 95 Hon. John Qui kv AJams, 38 Hon. William II. Crawford, 1 At a muster, about 8 miles north of Hillshoro' Orant co'inty, in this state, on the 39th ult. a vote was tukin on the Presidential question : John Q. Ailnn.s got 47 Andrew JacksiHi W o.. II. Crawford 32 3 Dan'u I Kuffner, Esq. of Kenhawa county, Vir ginia, who was appointed b the Kithmoiid cau cus, a committeeman to further the FJection of Mr. Crawtord, has declined serving on that com mittee, as he is opposed to all caucus intrigues j he is in favor of Mr. Adams' election. Artr Forir .Governor Yates has issu i i n I . : . . A .. . r f m ea nia rrniiamanin iu ivii.chc ...c r. islature of New Yoik.on Mondav the 2d day of August inx,lor the ftirpose ot taking into considcraiion the propriety Ol Iterine the mode ofchoosmc Mt.torsi)! -rTJdTrirind'ViceTre since expressed our confidence that rei ther the-Governor. r.or the Legislature would be able to hold out against the f.eo tic of that lUte. Aa. Journal. Irr parsctnee of th lato act on internal improvement, the executive, n is saic, has directed a lurvey ol tne propose route of the Chesapeakejnd Ohio Canal, to its termination on the Western waters, and thence to Lake Erie. General Ber nar is at the head of the Commission, and Capt. Poussivand Mr. Suhitkh are said to accompanyJ- The ctisDursemems of the tily of New York, taking the average of four years, amounted to 683,99$ dollars annuullv, :wnj'!J t he tiu rse m e n I a of the state, up- amounted to 459.671 dollars annually. in loi.o, tne total disbursements of the great state-of Penpsylvania, were. estima ted at 494.000 .; and during the same year, the wealthy state of-. Massachusetts only disbursed X122, 135 : while the cttv oi xxew-jtom, lor the bUfcrecmg yfar, paid from their treasury 860.278 collars, MvYerkfiufier, r t set k . - . " A Ut fVira Wytsm:a, !TrTl cis'y, to the tA Anrt of the lUUigh tJl st awietrr of one of the battaUae t 0e avUie of fliywcwL a vote wsa take di frssidea- a a m lUl oirstio wtxatt app ae .ae . aVrd perwne vol- i M Oe. jumuimlf Mie maa fascbUd, anJ h4 wai fce . Callioua, Mr. Lvr(e baa returned to the hsident the purloined answer of tliat venerable if sgia. trato to Gen. JatkaoA. Ihit U 1 VKeJ sdn.is. aiow that it was Ike rightful prornj of Mr, Monroe, and that Mr. towrWoi4 never to bu a re Ce'e de'- aaat rt, tome im we oer advise Mrf Wtfirni (t'lp letters, ke. closely lucked eptakenex, "dUtmguiahed iaitiviiluals ViVtblm,y j,tf. take of bis hospitality, but eke arc ol ,lllt, in the camp." Ky ettracU in tolsy'a paper, It 0 be n that (ioV. Yates, of Nsw.Yofk, ku Uued a f kunatioa, calling cm the meatbera of the IsgV Uture of that lute, to bold an eitre srwion, oA . i. . J . . . m l!.. . .1 the 3d ef A a gnat nest. The object of this ri treordJnarjr call of the fogtaature, the (.". ai lege, Is to rt store to the people the choice of electors of President and Vce President, the fgiilature having chosen tbem I a number of years past. Our readers will recoiled, that ibn aarne flovernor, in his measure to the fsgiils tore, at their hurt session, dicouraged f vinr, to the people the right be ia niw so aniioua they should enjoy, The sloop of war Peacock, Capt. Car ter, was struck with lightning, af ki, April 33, in !it. 39, longitude 13. The fore acwl m.in.a! were srrrckae, and four aeanien kitted. Se serai otiei s were hadlr burnt, but were e spotted toon to recover. franklin Goittte Grirral Cuffrmre Te Methodist lienenl t'onfTeme, which Jil isern bled h bil'imorc. elected fir Ret. Jth lie Sour, od the Hev. hlija i iiadmif. as Bii hops in the Mrtho'it. l.mopal Chuith; aho. the Hiv. Nithn Hangs. nrl the Hev Dr. tinory.'W'k k'e.nts, to reside in Ne York ; and thr Hev. Mr tin Nuier, book acnt, to icaide in Cin cintuiii. 1 A new weekly work callld the " Ccto mul Advocate,'' has Leen commenced at , Quecnston, Upper Cu.nada.and is tube forwarded prituiiouilr to seveial dis'in guivhed individuals in Frame. F.ngljnu, the Colonies, and the United States Among those to whom they ate vdiires sed in the United Stales, are i.e Pttai dent, Vice PieMdent.and Messrs. Ai'an.s. Governor Di val, d Ftoilda, has re ceived instruction from the Secretary ol War, to aelecl and send to Washington, some of the most distinguished Chiefs cf the Florida Indians, on a vis.ii to tbc President. The fifteenth and sixteenth Cantos of Dn Juan, have been published in Lon don- I hey are said to be to destitute of any talent, that it is now senouslv doubt ed whether they can proceed from the pen of Lord Btkow. i The last Number of f" umir JILga me, contains a Review of a Poem in the French Language, in ten Cip'os, called Xupol on, attributed to Joeph Kon MUTE, and published, it it uui. in Phil adelphit. It is vpoken of as containing some occasional ijood thoughts, but. as being, on the whole, a prosait o-poeiieal histoiy of the late F.mperor. F.I TE TTF, VII. I.F. PRICES, June 10 Cotton, 14 to 15 ; flour, fine, 4; sni riine, 4 25 a 4 50; a heat, SV cents; whiskt-v, 3J a 32 s neach brandv. 55 a 6; apple do. io to 55 s wm.to45,bac..n,Ca;aah , I urU Idand, . ......i . i.u .,.,r m c04,d0t9i a coffee, prime, green. 22to .'3. , 2ti , 3dquali',20a22i tea,hvon, ?,1 20 a 1 20; fiaxseed, 75 a 8 ) cs; tallow, 6; beeswax, 31 3.'i nee jj toe p.-r iw.i imn. ? o j ,,r. pr. cwt. CIURLESTOX" PRICES, June 7. Cotton, S. Island, 2.1 to 30, sin .1 do. 14 to 1; siaine OO. n.ee, t .o ... - ole. 144 a 164 Whiakey SSaaOcts ; iiacon, o a y ri . llama. 10a 11 : Lard. 10 104 Hhi!k'"'K. dtTind tnTcrnessr(4i rne,)-4i-w-iii-ofl Prime Green, 20 aO J Inf to goo.1, 17 a 1. North-Carolina Bank Bills, 2 a 3 per"1 dia.t Georgia Bank Bills 1J a ?f per cer ' Cape Fear and Newbern, 4 a 4j per ce- U1S- Csfianr. There has been much anio1"'" the Cotton market this week, ad -w' advance our quotations w puv;" " a Iof ccmii wnicti is d.ir a cent lithe pound i W advance our -quotations of pUvn 10 J over former ratei. Thii impmvnent, both in '; nrice and deman.l. haa Kn ncAinnil bv the ! fiimness evinced bv holders of lite ' article in Europe-; the certainty, which nlv appears to . eiist aa to the deficiency of our ps; the con- duuJiwf 6f exchanire all unitinir toeetl. they ' togetlif, tuey iiave imparted a life and act Why not bare witnessed in some week , ., I . ' Cheating At the spring lerm of the Superior ( otirt of Petersburg W a man by the name of Joseph Sane, was con victed of cheating at cards, aid sentenced to 12 months' impiisonmentb jail, and lo pay a fine of 40 dollars. ' L ft a 4 eW h kit AUh it 4 ' uir In Ctnfrr.l, I ka fu wtsl, my blythssome blatda, Ye wi' the Ac4 ar heme haa U.J, Or ca'J him kindly to your aid , 0 fie upoa vm tTt ridicule that honeat Lad, Our member Jonny, I'm lure he ae'tr yet anekt ye akalthi He ha been true, and falthfu' baitb i fe kt to wrong him, should be Ui'h, IJy wonl or Wtter l"or glir j I looae LI m,on my aith YH ft no betur. Wi' a' your canting, quti an' fun. Ye ken na harm that he has done i Kjdcnt an' study a the s-ia " Has been hie course j And should )ou cbsnge Urn, youtl get one That may be worse, You say at anlinr '"'s na cannie, Awl etss ilie l i iivwth auW Barney, Xu he., fwf t or money i V III.', jcn'rc mtakeni fie never yet nked help ol mv To save b s fl scon. 've had)0'ir VI ilhe, ' "' Charlie Mi'V, ehile Uv did tmr us firly, Au' f,'d te phsK ua. Lit in' ri'iv John d'inr (.iit) the ssme t An' tho )ou often baste him rly, He's as to btali t. Your fteot'ish Isre, je hae so mao'd it, I doubt he timia unh ratand it. fie is na tollman, aor nsnr such i Rut gif you're udt-a, are wrote to please him, To nlagiip, to puiir, or to lasliru, Uie l to hiuj. OCIft time, in uuicn. Br an arrival from llvre, (France) at New-Yoik, information had been renived that Georgia culton hvl risen in price A cit'iien of lUndolph" ii received, and shall be attended to. M.iHHir.h, In Burke county, on the 8ib inat. by Cyrus P. Conntllv, F.si. Mr. auiv Htwman to Miss .7iiuA ButUtt, daughter of Juahua Balluu, 1. all of said ci-unt). In Imfcll county, on the 3l instant, by Vim. King, fat). Mr. ium M'L'i-mack, to Miia II Hen Cray 1)1 K II, On Saturday, the ith mat. in Rowan countr, of a lingering sickness, Mary June lime, )oung- tst daughter nf 1r. Wm Ituie, late fmm Moore cvunti.aged scen years and three months. She departed this life calm and serene, having h.v.H--Y .ioTnrrtiTarl(ing ter)outh, alie appesred to nsta correct views of the im mortality of the aoullhat 'he soul would ei ist bijoinl the wrtik of mal'rr ami ih crush of aorkls. Such are 'he peculiar blessinvs of i n j (iopel light. " llcr soul wsi made of s Pitea ; and ber tongue " Was s it and gentle aa her soul." June 1 ?, lrf?4. ioirii tTin. Near (H-rmsnton, Stokes count i, on the 14th ult. Isaac Dslton, r.sq. in the 65ih tear ot his At Montgomery, Alahama, on the 16th April hurt, Mr. Ckarlet Pram-font, brother of the ac- cretar) of the tr aur) , aged about 47 vrars. On M'ediK.-sdv tnoming W, at the rtsidrnce ..r'l . f ...... r - ... iiviii. irr.rrrux, C.SO. in HSU'lpI, Ol 111111' mation of the bain, Mrs. Rebecca lladirer, cm- . " sort of Judge Radgt r, and daughter ol the late Gov. Turner. A Stolen Letter ! ilVF, Iiunili"t .L,ll, r-u.l -:n t- : - huill'l''' 'Lilly Mal X F ftir ai.v iiilcirniation that uut lead to the detection of the Our mho s'olc a k-tter, written durinif the rsion of the last legislature, direct ed to a n.enibcr ot im lamilv, and p lire I in the post-oftice in Haleigh, directed to Charlotte. An infamous stul unprincipled scoundrel, hav- , "1 " 7 1 . ' ng the exterior, and claiming to himself the ciJu,Mmi) rc4c(,r, uill be aaare of 'he grounds upon which nv susiiriois have arisen. '1 he letter is at present in ni) pJsscimion. THOMAS G. POLK. n'Jrmttd, 12M June, 1824. Bar Iron and' Costings. rpHK undersigned has for sale, at his Fur- I nace, a complete assortment of Jfir Iron. km CattiiiFi ; which he will barter for such -collnlrv .)nMlllc(. WM,,A ,he Mm- as heretofore. W hen cash is paid to the amount of five dollars, or upwards, a discount of one- . ,... ., . . .' . ... . " fifth vrilThe made oil wii-TrpivmefiT: JOSKHH GRAHAM. Yetuviut Furnace Jut 15, 18'.'4, 4itl4 State of North-Carolina, IRKDELl. COUNTY. c OURT of I'less and Quarter Sessions May - - " Conner , Ornirinal atturhmem, iriurnt, t. it term, Ia!4. John rieshit,. rt. l.harle I) i8 ordered by the court, that the detendant, j fulm is not an inhabitant of this Stale) nk Ins n IIIOHUIIHIll Ul una Jiani .iiv ..in i,r..i... ti.. nut t.-rm f thiH r.nirt. i answer miltJ to be hi Id for the count) 'aforesaid, at the court- house in Statesvillc, on the third Monday in riie.. plau:t .Ml be iitraespariC7ann - - ivejtiMicmTwi - w..Kwf It is further ordered, that tins notice be pub. lished for three months in. the Western Caro linian. Test": - R. S1MONTO.V, CVk. Price adv. g4. -' " t'-23 Forte Piano, for ale. A FIRST rate second-hand Piano, is offered for sale, very low. For terms, &c. apply to MICHAEL It ROW. Mhburp, Ft. 16, m. 4 Ill HATt' It HAY'S MAI la. new voai, Kit 10-Weire favored with Gibraltar pijxrs to the 1st of My, ' inclusive, krouitht by the Pharos. Koth ing is m!J in ibtm respecting tht aSalrt at Algiers. ' Count Bourimmt, commander of tht ' French troops in Npln, left Madrid on tht 30th of April, for Pail. - oifaLTAi,araiL 3 6-A convention, relative to the continuance of tht French Iroopt in Spain, was allied at Madrid en the 9th fit February list, by tht Spenlsh Mili. t, Fi.r.ien AlUi and iht TTehch AmSsanor, rtrr-remi vyw. Catholic Majesit n the 27th of the imt month. The Convemionchlelly atipulatcst That his Most Chtistian Majesty, la king Into cbe side rat ion the losses sustain ed by Spain, undertakes to maintain hii troops at his own eipensertht Rpenlih flovernment merely paying bt diffarenct between the peace and the wir establish ment, which haa been calculated to amount, for the whole of the troops left in Spain, to two millions of francs tr month, to allowed from tht firit of Ut ccmbcr, 1833. WHt0T0. It'll U. The C'.mmlrirr fnvttiigatitn has been assiduously engaged, sinre our last, in tho eiminiiiiof great number of witnesses, in relation to the ma'.ters rrlcricd lo it- It is sVid that the most clear and posi tive proof iiat dvrn edd'iced, showing that I'Mtni of considerable sum of mooes eete nude by the Se. rttsri of the l'reiurv, ir. I8T.J. seetl of the bnks In the vl t ,S M'. an. t)J part of wh.. hanot been yet tf pai l ; and that a prt of what rrmains un- pull. H IS ascervaiiico, i ripaid at all- Aa. Journal. Mr. Cravonr, hr-ilih We are infor med by a gen'lenwn who visi-ed Mr. Crawford yesterday, that he la much better." We have the pleasure to stite, that tho health of Mr Crawford haa materially improved within the last ten or twelve days, and is now better than it has been for some months past. Dr. Patter, a sery eminent medical gentleman of Balti more, has visited Mr. Criwford'several times. On his first interview', he pro- nounccd him to be in no danger j on hii list, that he was Iree trom Disease, aim with nothing but debility to recover from, which he is in a fair way of doinj. Ml. InleB. Fjtmet tfa letter tf a grntlrwnn in PUI.nUI fluu, iUard " .uaaia, Aprd 27ih. "Gen. LaFavrtte has concluded logo lo the United Statri. T he old gentleman says he i: at a loss to express his feelings iijkvi the occasion. He, however, de clines the honor of going in a national hip, and will tak iasa;c in one of tho H ue Packets. !! is not quiie certain i whit time Ir will tmliatk, hut I think some time in June o- July." Phiiadttfih a Gazette. On Friday evening, the 4th inst. n mee ting of the fri r(i l Mr. Aaiams his hoi 'en at the Si. itc house, ii Newport, fur the purpose ol orgaiiiz.iion to promote the lection of Mr. A. lima. The mee- ,mk3 attended br persona from everf ! . . itr town in the sta;e, Vcterl excepted. khode-lsland paper. The call of the New-York Legixlaturo makes the fiuek Tail hiv their heads use wutea ciob.iges. 1 heir faces look ai blue as the blue lights of the Hartford Convention..- .SatiomU Democrat, FAI L OF LIMA. &C Captain Chattoh, of the schooner Expiess, arrived here this morning m 14 days from Jamaica, reports, that account! had been received at that place from the Spanish Main, bringing information that Lima und Callao had both fallen into the bands of the Royalists. The Royalist force was computed at about 9000 men, being 2000 more than the force of the Patriots. Another engagement wai short ly lo take? place and fears were enter tained of the defeat of the Patriots. Bait. Pat.- 9ih intt. Wc-undcrctamLlhat Judge Vaw Nyss, of New York, declines accepting the of fice of rvtinh Auditor of the Treasury, to which he was lately appointed. Aatienal Intell. Orders have been received at Norfolk . - r . a k . at t im irom in. " . ' immediate eouiDment oflhr. Nohth Ca It- A 74 .()W y ln at ,nat ard, (0 be - , r . . . -f-1 t reaov for sea in ninety das. . The ob ject ol luting out tl.is vessel is not Known ; but rumour, which is always ready to solve-all-ilOAiblful . qgsstioas, says, she h tcro'efinTni'e: biinging to th'iS United States tne Mar finis l.Vr AYRTTE. - To Journciiien Sliotiinakers. IWJSlf o employ. a few"joumeym'en Shoe muktrs, immedi-tely i good wages arid stea dy employment will bo given. ASA THOMPSON. Cinvrd, Mot 24, 1824. '09 s" -1. y t IN : t , Hi in i I 2 h ' i ii is

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