i v I.'! (-1- ; r .-- i .'! f? i "1 J1 .-.V: r r .1 . i '.! 1 i. j-1! .1 i ', I' ttl V. . (': V s- , s - 1 riii. ll'wlV I 4 I l. Wlf rii!RM. 1tYrWr art f.W ami Uut)' brv Cat aim Hit ptlir ri m t Ami love can break lu youthful vow, .Aadicfaf tirtte'itWr. Yc ll U lru i tht worU can ehsnft . And kindred Mm! ffft 'Jln4 tome bteoint a dwell'mf stranjo -Jk borJ yf nrr" Yrs4t U tni the flowers of nor Mjr pcruii m their bloom, Ami glowinf hands I be pah nujr slop, That ends tut la lb tomb. Tat, t hankies world, I fer thee not Nor shall spirit bend i Tor wbataot'tr mar be mj lot, Mmu shall bt my fiWnd. C. the Btoi.Di.No wife. Ifotm thuniltf howl, bl-it I'Jf Utlvi rf ntsbta, A fain tht an e I ixtan daalua, fnb, iky and art, Art waur, air. Like H V Irlth, at Fir, Art ail efat;ed In one frtii clatter, And every partklt of matter term airing wild with every other, To make o unhertal pother! Tlir rre-t fVjc rent, the rliMm displays All Pluto's r gio'i't in blue j Clbikkt( bc tplil the pole to ) live ft, And til tin toUr i) item ijivrri ! Put Minl),il. tu' eli mci ! strife ll naught, cutitruti'l with kvibivo win? Juit to ber fpvue chJiI not betlow One rut of mow ben he died : Hit lift bad u.lc many flow, Hiaf t! the briny i..iint it dried. VI 1 i - MISCKLLAXKOls Graphic Kalridoienf.r.Kn invention of fftret impnnince in tht arts, and piirtiru jrljr in bank note enrnvin, h Ltelr bn perfected br Mr. William J. Stori, of Wrhineron, br ttbich an ei d- lc rarirtjr of fijrurtt fun be produced, ! in a munncr thai f bcliere to br tnimi Ubl. Wt ctnr't grive Iht reader bet- ter idra of the r ylir powr r of ti.i. ma chine! than to compare it to a Kaleido , copr, in nrmnig comWnationt ol the ! mot bnutifu! (! jurc i that can be imnn'in- t ed. Thrr nre forrrrd of one continued line, crowing and entangling themultei in the rirhi tutietv. Thit tj prtij it crrrnrKrd of two cr- ' IlndrM.nn thn nnr-fic nf wlicH Iricr ar ; ittachrd, tuth inorerable !ulcrutrl anci, j as the c linden pan and rrpati each o'her, thejr thift the fulcrum in the evo- '. lutioni.whichirive motion to anoihrrlevrr ; of ainpular construction ; nothing tnat we are acrj'Jiinted wirh, in ll-r nlr cir cle of the arta. preent uch a !firmio'jble ohtacle to to forprry ; ati(! f mc .-suicci by the inventi r hfrrnclf, that no tw ma- ( chinea of tl'i 'eacription Can ever pro j dure 'hr trne work. Here, then i' i probMde, it the deidrr- i atnm o lone wugit for by the hank of Kn- . ghnd, and for hirh so tempting a premi- m hat been ofTerrd. The inrmtor, e ax told, It ai confident of l ie utility of j hit ditcorry. that ho intend to repair to I.on.Un, for the pn' poe of sunmittiiiK it forintpection in that metropolit. 1 1Vah. Gaz. THE WirE. A writer thus tlrsctibci her ter.dcr- every thing clispleasrd me j when eve ry object w;ts dhgtJftinn hrn mv luffering h id destroyed sill the energy and vigor of my soul j hen gi iff had ihut'from my streaming eyes the beai ties of nsittire, nod remit red the v hole universe a drrary tonl; the kind at tentions of alv ife were capable of con veying a ar cm charm, silrot conso lation to my trtind. Oh! nothing can render thr now rene and comfortable, nr can sosweei lv aoftcn al our wots, s n conv'ution that woman is not indifferent to our fate." from the XafionalJuurnal. A rKBTENBSR. Charlei X A Mrmori.il was presen terl by the 8rltker,JjiJiixJl,,: ofliep resei.tativcs, on Mondav, purporting to be fiorn Louis Chan lis Due dt Nivarre, Diwphin of France, See representing rtrnivre v -f w t&uitiruate heir to ti . French throne, and praying f'i iily interfi reni e of the j;overiiment of tht , Ujiitfd States in his rM'hMjf " ' At we have not seen this petition, we idOi-np-.Jtnow--w.hJ,ii ,prciof he advances in 8'ippoit of nw .claim as legitimate nf'Ii' to the Trench throne. We inter, how ever, they were nbt'coriciuMve, as his me: inorial was laid upn the tuble. Aa the doctrine of Legitimacy is not so veil understood in this country, as on the other side-of 4he Atlantic, some think it Would have been more 'to his advantage, il the memorialist had made- application to a Congress of the Allied Sovereigns, in steacoC the Congress of thti American itepublic. ( . Tirr. AnMTi AnvTBTCJiMMt'iOrmiiJ Oaniak The f'llin proMH ml Anniiintmentt in ihe Attny ha been made b the PretldcM of ih L'nl J tad State, witH the adUe an4 rooKntof the Kenate, aince lh pubHciUga ol ib RfjjUterin Jatmarjr lti , rowoTioa. - tint Frnmml tMlitirry lit lieutenant KHrounJ Klrhfi to be alfneif. 3J lieutenant Jifln Dlmtck to le lit lieutenant, lit ifajr, II34, vice Kirtf, promoted. Jd lieutenant Dinlel Tf If r, to be lit lienfrniM, 6ib May, lilt, vice M'Nfill, retlifnei. Dretet 2d lieuteninl Andrew Klnnard, 10 b 2d lieutananf, lit Julr, 1823. firerct td lieu'enani John Frlcf, the 3J Artillery, to U 34 UeuteDant, July, 1823 lit lieutenant N Btden, btevet rpcn to b captain in April 1824, vice RfCb, retifrnerl. 3J iieutrnant W. . U'illiamt.trM ' ieutentnt, lit April, 1824, vice leaden, promoted. Bretet 2d lieutenant R. De Trevllle,! the 3d. Ar'illery, to be 3d lieutenant, lt July, 1823. Fcurth Begimenl ArtMry. Bretet 2d lieutenant Frederick Searle, of the Itt Artillery, to be 3d lieutenant It Juljf , tmn burnt nrgimeni 0 P'.fmtrQ Captain S 1) noho, bret inj r, to be major, la! Hay, 1834, tice Bradford, re aigticd. lit lieutenant William Lear, to be cap tain, lit May, 1824, ke, Uonoho pro moled 3d lieutenant Ceor?e Mounts, lo be Itt lieutenant, lit Ma), rice Lear, promo ted. Fifth Regiment Infantry Itt 'iruien.ni Kohert A. M'CaSe, to be captain, lit May 1824, rice, Can retri ed. 3J lieutenant Jotrph M. Daxlef, to' he Itt lieut. lit May, 1824, vice M Caoe, promoifd. Stvmih Rfgimenl of Infant ry, Itt lituten.nt John 1'nillirirk, to be ciptain, lit My, 1b2. tkc Jones, it siened. . 3d lieutenant Kilpar S. Hawkins, to he Itt lieutenant, 32d Jar.u.ry, . 1824, tice IIo'kirk, (!iimited. 1st lir'oienant, Itt March, 1824, vice Brnntugh. reited. 2d lieutenant James D-iwson, to b Itt lieutenant, 1st May, 1824, vice Philbiirk, promoted. William Macrea, lieutenant colonel, 3d Regiment Artillery, 1 9ih April. 1824, to be colonel by brevet, to rank 19th April, 182. for ten years faithful swvice in tame erade. I nomas Hamilton, captain 5th Regi men' of Infantry. 21m February, 1814. lo be major by brevet, to rank February 21, 1824. for ten year's faithful atrvite in same fade. M. M Payne, captain 4th Regiment of Artillery, 2d March, 1814, to Lv brevet, to rank 2d March, 1814, ten year's faiMift.l irtvice in tame (juile. Heiekiah litadley, captain-tnnu rteRi ment of Infantry, 19th April, 1814, to be'to fall in lrive with every pretty face I major by brevet, to rank I9ih April, 1824, for ten year's faithlul teivite in same Aleandr R. 1 homson, captain 2d He, fimmt of Infantry, 1st 'y, 1814, to be m.ijor by l.ievet, to rank lat Mar, 1824, fot ten year's faiihtul service in same grade. J hn Anderson, Topographical enii- neer, to he lieutenant comnel bv brtv f from V2th April, 1823,-bavinR ser d in YV V ) ears brevet major, and ,)erlotmed th oiiate duties of that tradt for ten Lontinuallv. Isaac Koberdeau, ' oprtRTBpnicarKn gineer, to be lieutenant colorrloy oceyt mm 29th Annl, 183, tavniij seryeutn a brevet major, and pn formed the appn pri.tte du'iei of that grade for ten year continually. AfTOIKTMEKTS NVill'um Steuben Smith, to be paymas ter, 33d March'. 1824. Edwurf, Macomtto be assistant sur geon, 2uth January, 1834. George P Dobsoti, lo be assistant sur geon. 4th March, 1824. Jd-nes .. Pettivrti. 10 be assistant sur-c-on, 4;h March, 824. (lovemeur Mirris, late cadet, to be 2d lieutenant, 4'h Rtgitnent of Infantry, 24th.A.;ay, 1824. - Dudley VV. AHanson, late cadet, to be JMMterta.4jh 4in .-Vluy, I u 4 . ... Jasper Macomb, late cadet, to be 24 lieutenaru, 7th Regiment of Infantry, 24th May, 1824, Ihe Gen'eraJ in chief announces the foregoing Promotions and Appointments, and directs the officers promoted to report for duty accordingly ; those appointed have received special orders from this of fice. By order of Mjor General Brown " . CIIAIil.KS J. NOURSE, feting Adjutant tjwera. rate m Mfidin mit rmi, Mr. KJllrt The WIowIbj aketch. ei are froi tht pen or geotlemao, who reitrijr patted several wctki n Waitungie. Ihejr delineate with accuracy (e cabinet caaJiJatei. and will provejotcrcating to tht man of f oor readt, , , Sccr-tUt A-Umt men of ahart itaturrpa; but pic aiinj cuotf oaoct f plain tmarkeblv- miU'xtk hie mao ncri, tnd tit ice. Sent think him he u i ffloMy hat nothing the cot4"1 Ait Hara't f mmn' neri. Men ') he 11 of tcoU, pMegf m,(r Jitpotiiion. He it bot look at hit 'iunp twy thought brralhti, t9 tr try word lurnt. lit ia grave rrirrvedfrom hbit, oot from fee risr i uo rrun hdt a warmer heart. ofomrttmr whea ia the auciety of hit litfrietidt, hit reierve wearaoff, hn eyea kindle, ami he enters freely and with animation into converiatioo. Those whi have seen him in thcM mo menta, aay he is the most charming and eloquent raan they ever listened to. All agree In considering him the moat profound scholar, able diploma- tilt and accooiilithcJ statesmea that the country pmteaies. Tou cannot imagine how much I ?t ddijhtcd with Mr. Calhoun. Hi is the most brilliant aud fatcinatinr man to mannrri ana converssuon inai i rvrr rewillulle i l)m rather tall, with an animated countenance, and black flashing eyes. His talents are of the first oidtr. He is now forty two years of agrf and hat filled hit present office sixyors with unrivalled ability. The present prosprct It, although he w ill oot be he imovdiate successor of Mr. Moora, he will, at some future time, be our President. Mv. Cratford is a man of gigantic stature, ra.hir coarse sppearancr, and ordinary but modest deportment. 1 was not mud interested io mm. my opinion, as t his capacity as a states man, has beta long in a state of vacil- Jtion, and it it by no means settled vet. . tie may have merits, and doubt. -is his his faults; hut he is conspic- umis lor nri'lier. In a word, 1 take him for an ordinary man. Ilia ad mirers, however, are' many and ar dent." raoc Tt ivtoairw. A CIIAFir.lt OF QUESTIONS'. Jty m Ttung Lady. 1. How ought a young lady to act when a grntleman, whose visits are not disagreeable, pays strict attention to her, .but refrains, for an unreason able length of time, from making her an offer. And what should be con sidered 'an unreasonable time?' 2. When the affections of a young lady are engaged are fixed unal terably; under what circumstances, if under any, may she marry the object of her attacnraent. contrary to the will r - . a 'un f iitnueman. 1 . If I Bk J mysell prone, coiitantly, meet,-will it be sate lor me ever to a a marry : 2. If my ajections lead me to pre fer one young rldy, arid my interest points out another, which shall I choose ? J. If I engage myself, and after wards find the young lady to be not what I expected, and that my hppi o"i will be endangered by the match, appro-'would Ibe right m breaking the en- 1 , 6 ""S . gagetnent . A Good Ctnicrrjcr.- How sweet t?itt ' slumbers of him who can lie down on his pillow and review the transactions of every day without condemning himself, A good conscience is the rmest opiate. The Materia Mrdica not supply one half so efficacious ail nlrasant t anrl all rho nahrKa geter if they were to unite their for tune);a one general contribution could not purchase a similar on? A To jyrereA, , mihirf arirint; from the Site of a Mad PS- AVhere he excision of the part bit ten can b immediately performed, it is the bei preventative of danger, or when thoart can be burnt out by th danger IslikelyJO. happen. , Nothing else is at 11 to be. depended Qpon. American Farmer. To perfume Linen. Rose haves dried - in the shade, cloves" beit to a powder, and mace scraped j mix them together, and put the composition into little bags. Mnglith pafier. MallnT.Hmttt Tailor, AlXiPTS tbii t)Un ti Inform! nf Iht cititent 4 lalUbury, and in knlt;, lit ftiunl, Mat be h C'HTiiiierMi d tht Tnilorin Jlusinrfi. In part ef John L'ltman'i butiM, tiiuatrd la Mm let Ptrtrl, a few doots froea h rH tatatt of the Court-ltogati vtbrrt be ia pnpirnl ami tit be nanny to auommodatt any rrrrtUmea fio are dniMMwd lo rNUroitlM him in hi line nf I . - . . a change ef faitunn ahaJ! at frx- mimJvJ u k. kma left a e4MreiKittdent ia Uit l)i0Sc4 Ol flumlMa, (wbtrt Wt m laal fro) who JI arnd blra the faalwofia on, in Ibelr rtftilar aeaaona. tit kopet by ttrict aitention to bualneia, to re. ctivt a liberal Hart pu"c paironar-! ia daUrn.ioed nothint; ahall be kfl undont to render rnertl aat.afadron. Mannion Hotel, UUSBVUT, XOHTH-CJtOUVJ. BT rilWARD YAXBMOUGIIi M1MI' mpetnifly infomnthe pwb V lie, ami hit fnrwla, thai ba baa Ukcn Iht eitenairt ami ckpnt raat. . aitnated at tin) nortb corner id tht CovrMlouat, (lately perupied by Mr. Jurwt ICuit.) The e'M.i.Unce id thit aitnaiuin for buiineaa, U equal to ariy In the place. The llouta conU'uvi a inn.br of privalt rcma, well CkuUel for lb arconiriMxlation of Traveller! H..I linafle.ti the !blet ar erpial, if not an tertor, tu any in tht Ucc, ami attended lo by oblifinic ami attentive lli!ertt hit table ami bar, will be auppUtd with the be ibe market afford i awl tl.c rtjrulationa U hit llouae, auch u be bo will re tnlirt aatiafaction to tlf a bo may think proper to tall on bun: and he aaarrrt iWm, tint no na ahall be narri! tn ftmlrr tfirir ttav tonifortab! atul plcaunt;. rrfrW..?4. - - WholMale H VT Store, 279 Alnr .S'reef, wffmtt the Alfrtluml't Ihlet VUtmnn & fttuiT, OTl'TM U tt public a jrei.tral k-oment of lat, 2ml, aiwl Z1 qnajity black and drab Heaver lints, ovtl,bn amlhirh croant, and eortet tbaped, wide and narrow brimt, late fhint. Alto, Caator Haia, ditto: mei' ami youth! fine Roram-ditto, warranted claatic a'er proof; men'a and youtb'i Korarn llata, of an inf. rior quality. AU of which tftcy warrant of Uicir own manufacture. Men's ami bov't ciwrte. fine and very fine brick and drab wool Mali i rnoroeco eapa, from Philadelphia ami New -York Hatter Tnin mingt. Bow 6trinp, and Druahct, kc. ic. low fur eah. CHur!eHen, Jfrril, 18?4. Mil 13 New Assortment. Tltt subscriber haa very recently received from I'kiladelphia, n itnicnt of Dry Gtmdt, r utlrrf. und r M i cen t in a ihort tunc, will rnie uim to ntisfacton- price. The public are retpectfuiiy invited local), and examine for themielvet. F.DWAKU CHESS. Suhgburf, Aug. 16, 1823. 70 Coppcrsmitltinsj. The fioppertniithinir, ami Yn Plate butineis, herttofore trtnaacted by D. t'reas ten. will ir. future be conducted bv mc, at the mme plare. I'lioae who favor mc with their custom, may de pend on luwnr, tlu ir work done with ncainrtt, durability ami dcapatch. F.DWD, V.V KS8. Dissolution. If f AVE declined acting at a ptjaner with John Murphy, in the mercantile Dtsitimn in Con tonl, with hi content, and have rcl;nuuithrd all ulalmt to any part or portHm of the profita of me concern 01 Murpny U Sutton. )0 March 22, 1824. N ATI I'L. SLT I ON. VftYf Store, in ConeorA. THE tubtcriber.has formed a Cnptrtncrship with Vsilliam llrown. in the aiercantile biiMness, a Concord, Cabarntt county, North- Carolina, under the hrm in Murphy if Brwn whero they are openig a frcth aasortmcnt of Dry Goods, Cutlery and Hardware , telecti d with much care, in Philadelphia ami New-York, and bought on the best tci nit. Tht v dcspi to continue the business at Concord for ome yeard j ami aa Mr. Murphy will visit the northern ctues annually, to procure mppliea, BUMrKW. la lbs nralral and anoat faahionabU FF f-r. It. faUeraUK ZZZftZ' km, fm VT'l'T a fr tr-l it aU tt .ml flew lit and f0f a. tllcir "'rtmi-nt will be general! and will be !1'"po,ri ofl" fair pricc r or ,on ee,,i, to punctual customers. Their friends and the pi(bic jrenerally, are respectfully invited to tall, examine qualities, hear prices, and judiye for John Murpliy, Has a''o, at his store in Salfuburv, a large assortment of GOOD1, to suit eitieensl town and country people ; to be disposed of unutuallylow, ftir cash, or country produce. State of North-Carolina, ASHE COUNTY. MORRIS rtAKKR, vi. Alexander Johnson, 'and James Paker, Sen. et alias: Original bill in Equity. Whereas.it smears to the satis faction of this court, that Polly llaker, relict or Jeremiah Raker, dee'd. James It iker, Reuben Baker, Lucy Ann Baker., Sccberry Baker, Nan- at Ihav of the aforesaid 'L . " . wul ordered, that ptiMvt-.V " tt.c c.r.,1 r. in. nnh uhcii in Mtiisourv. ior aix weeks, for the aforesaid parties to appear and' answer, plead or demur, or judgment, pro con- heard e parte. Witness James tiamorn, ciern of the court of Equitjv for.the county and state aforesaid, March term, 1824v ' ' JAMES .HATHUilN, e. & at. s. Price adv. 2 50, U'13 House and Lot, in Charlotte. ISOU sale, on accommodating term, the house and lot in the town of Charlotte, which ad joins Mr; John Irwin's store, on the north cor. iter. Apply' to JAMES TOBRRSCE. Cluv lQtte, May 7, 1824. ' Storc-Ifouse tx Jfoclsiiy. TO RLST. 1 , t nilK subscriber wiabts In rent ih. f . J .rr.perty,durinf t', m t 2 year, lo wit i A lot at Morktvilk, UonTrf ty, oa tthkh a tpacioui atort boon, .V eelW, and a lax Iwoiory Louie, convenient ami useful apart me nit, art cren i Jtnkndtk it Mar about ia lU aecticm of Movan, known at tht I'orki Ani art of coantry, both u to fertitiy Uuui Mntai, Mr 77, 18 J4. South Yadkin Bridge. TUB Commlatiooert appoinUd by Utr County Cw$ to bmbi a JHJr rr BouUt Vikla river, bettveea the mwitbof hcco4 Creek and the Point, will receive prtmoatbj buildlna; laid Brulp. Fertont ditpoted in r tract fur tht aamt, w IH specify to cither ,4 ,jj Cvmrnitaioncrs tho terms 00 which tiiey can. d tht Job. Contracton ill undcrttand iLai U it lo bt a food atone abutment at carb end tf iht Briilrr. a atone nier In tht centre 1 tbe lo bt well shiftjrltd and weatherboaHed. 1V( bridrt wiH requirw to be two hundred tret iot ALIIiKU MAC AT, "J . DAVID MT.tTUe, JOHN Itr. AUD, Jr. Coach Making. TUT. aubtcriber offers hiaterviecttotU rtiV. lie in tht above lint, and flatten LnR; from lona; eipericnct and steady application ( a number of ) eart, in f.urope and Amerv, t rive general aatikfaction lo thuae who may Cct him h their tnrk Carriairet of all deaenptiont, Panncl'd anJ Mick Ce, huJlcys, ix. n i'le and rrptire reafina'dt temiL flAM'L. LANDKHs. Salary, ,tri! 2d, 1 8?4. Jr4 . N. 11. (.'arriajrea, of all dcKrirrtiona, buurti and f Id, on commion. P. 9. A jMirnrmtn wanted at the iW ba. inrta, to wl.(,m food wgrt will be given. II will be employed on aood-viork, altoctlier. fr7The aubtcriber keeps two Ciri for Him. which will alwait be kept in rradincaa, via good hartieta, for tho accommoiUtioii of tlKxa wbo may, it any Utr.e, wua to rule on plrsauja or on buaineta. 8. LANDFRS, Coach 3Inking. 1IIK mhtcriber ber leave to retirm 1,'j rmtcful arknowli'dirmenta to bit frieivla and thf public; r the very htorat patmniff M ba rt ceived in hs line of butinew 1 and informs them, Ibat he baa procured a number of tort, men from Philadelpiiia and Newark, wbick enable him tonnith work m a t)lc rtrelr vra in the wcitern part nf the atale. lie aim hai a continual supply nf material, of the bet omiL ity and moat fashionable patU-ma. lie into'i keeping conKti.tlv on band, at renncei.'- (or culi onlr. Sutifl. ilek Paimcl titrt, 'roucJitK lJUWMilets, Caravan, amTSitiCMatrt, ... .iprrior conitructicm. 1U-pain done a'il ahortcil iNMrv,, ami in tht beat -manner. OnJT from a dittanee thankfully received, m ' tually attended to. J. G. liort.st. Ckarhitt, Maixh , 1824. 9fi aVoUcc. y LI pertont imleb'ed to fe zander Torrenc as Ooardian of .f . fTtrl-e, are re(uee4 to come fnraard and make immediate payment, or give new notes, payable to A. J. Worke, u he has now taken a!! the note and accounts out of the tundi of hU former Guardian, and U it termined to collect his monev, or hsve it seem4 by rew note. Mr. Aleiu.ider Torre ore U m tlM.riied to aettlr any accounts or note. The amount of any dtbta'duo the aubtcriber, ilurii the next three months, ami all notes, will be ki . w ith him, at agent for me, during thtt time. This is the last call that will be mule; sndl not attended to, an officer w ill make the neit Muv 18,18:4. )7 A. J. WORKE. State of Nortli-Cnrolina, LINCOLN COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court of law, April term, 1?4 Pavid Ulal'M-k. t. Nancy Blalocki petition for divorce. It apprarii-g to the satisfiction of tbc court, that Nancy Walock. the defendant, a nut aiL inhabitant of lhia state, it it therefore ordered by court, that publication be mauTttr tne vteitern Carolinian f ir tluee week, uw unless the defendant appear at the next Supe rior Court of Ijiw to be held for Lincoln county, at the Court-Housr in lancolnton, on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the laid petition, it w ill ,be taken nro confess and heard ex parte. Witness, Lawson-Hendo son, clerk of tsiel oortrt,-t !,Tnromton,-tTr' 4tk Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 18-4, and. M ,thg 48th year of the Indeppudence f the l States. LA W lN. II ENDFRSOIt Price athr. gl 25. it'll State of North-Carolina? STOKES COUNTY. aflOUBrof Eouitv. Anril brm. 1824. -TXit- l5crhVuri;iniiitrtvTieTnexr friend.- rl-1 a ., .,1 . .... , .k 1 nam unnorets, 1. Hooert VI illiamson, snu oi" crs : original bill, for allimonv. he. The court being satisfied that the defendant, Robert Wil Unmson. does not reside witli'm the limits of state, it is therefore ordered, that publication I made for six weeks successively, in the Westers uruiiuian, Tnar unless ne apoear tvlj Court of Equity to bt ImkU-n tor the county m Stokes, at the court-house in ,,T. ; the fourth Monday after the fourth Monuaj u ... t . 1 ,..i'.r..,r or demur1" eii-piei them. parte. Copy fium lie Jituiutcs 1 ei : juiu, v.. Price adv. 2. 6iH2 liofilu'i'V. N the "night of the Ilth of April tobfc 'l I .I,. K-rir,ee W IS brO" 0 mire fii'imr .... .nii. and all hjYM tAansfwert tirte to oetween seven l" - K" Mfrf A U persons are uercoy "."".v.i -k, : for anv note drawn in hi favor, and all . J : .. lipTebV not"' wnom tne noiea-wercgiym 'V. .1,. tub""! not to pay them to any person but tne 1 bCr- . WILLIAM MOFFAT. 511 CAfr Mtnet, x. v. y 19

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