s t i j t' Tr a :t ' r.:.,t J I A r. ' r. . i i J 1 1 t i i f t' - re f r r ft I 1 c ' f - f n ' it' rf t1 ' ti,, . 1 1 till'. -it; . In t' r " - rf .1 hi ' i C ! (; . . i.n t. the t cf 1 He; r r :r r.r.. r. -. ( I cf , I ! i i: : f eft:.? (;- t ' -r, r t !.. 1 ' 1 1 4. ! I'll ' 4 li f iniui r c t 1 1 . i f I " ,j ! '. -n'tf If int, Apr . 1 .1 '.' !.;.,' , k . 1 i i, ; i t t t" " 4 t' . ', t ii I i ( M f 1 n i t cf i 1 r ' ' 1 . . ...i. I U pr it ' I ! i a: ! wur tti i fc 1 ' it the rM.rt-LouK ia r, tr ;,rr . J" rm-f.tl 4.1 I. ,.... 4 L'.;n, tiij ci.cutioti v lull I. '. . ' I tj of Ncrth-Carolir-i, . it i f oi' r r. U Trrw.lS-'i! Ji'i nlr.n tJ.nUTorJ - ij.'' ont ,o tracts ffl;i-v t "ini r In t .e ffMirt t! ? U e i! i .' i , rt iiA U.is , it ii rVnf re orJ.rrJ, w.'-Lcation " 'c for thr-e snori ths in thi -,frrT Ctr'.-. 4-, ft the ' ! f r the conn 1 Jkf. at t! -e c r J i ;;irlirTj' ft Cn U ! j in A ;. k', itj rt;.!cry vf-ah-ad to ; ir, dt h ' . :,t -a.rjbe entered .-kiatUml . j.!n: il'nl, -nsivl, it'lr Tt V. HtllHN, r. w. e. . .j of North-Carolina, aioirs cocktt. ... 4 riotarcf r. rr, April tmn, 18:4. r.r.a- ij W'b WiUan.o'i, br !.rr ntrt frien !, WiJ. n: rijcinal kill, fur klliinos y, &c. Tb totjrt '.cjnj teudtcd t' "t the drfcfkUaf. HoFert WiJ . irn, Ao nrt iviicfe irhin the limit! of ih'.i Vt, it m thmfjrt w' 1, that publictiot be ir tjf x ctk inc .i iTrlv, in the W'erten 'ap hnkt, tht ui.hu be : ar tX the wit iwirt cf Equitjr to b Irf len (ur the countj of Ukei, t Die co'irt l,.n.e in Gcmnnton, on he txirtli JlnrvJiv fterthe furth Monday in Vp'.r mWt nr it, nj jiltn.!, ;uwcr or Jcmur to Ue bJl, the time will L uken pro cotjfctw u to hem, fjt'l tl ttue be -t do n f r hearioj cx ' I1kelr. jn:;V C. tLUM,e , wte. Copy from the n inutrt. 6itl2 'State of i; "lOnnTof F.onity, Apnlterm, 18?i Ueuben C Uoore, Vul.m C. !uor, MitVf lloore, .7 h CUytoo inJ I'A jeth l.ii ife, "John I'.mtv, Po'lr Itoore, t jhrii 1 Moore, nd L.Jeon '.Jtwre by lii Giurjian, t i. flerjimin llaikins mwI w'fc, nJ the II-ir it Lav of Villiara Taj!--, 'eccaitil, ami otlvcra j .Petition for ! 04 kI estate. The court be'inff atiTicd hat the 4efcniUnt Pcnjimin !!akint and ife, and the Ilcin at Ij of Wil!'m Tar Inr, deceased, do not rci.!e !:Jitn the Ln ' cf he ra'.e,i ii thcrt.-re prilt-reJ, that puhhra. Jinn be civic fjr i 'f ( !i aucctWively, in the Wt''-ra Carolinian, thut unl? i they appear il Ae next Cwirt of Equity to 1" tickle n far the eount) of Stoket, at ' - court-!, a e in Ct rman ton, oa the 4tS Moh. after the 4th Honday in September ntr i leal, answ er or demur to the till, the iar til be taken pro cnfc) ai to ( them, and tlie eaue be et do a fir tearing ex parte. Copy frv:n the rr.;vis. ; Tet i j C. LL , . v. t, rriee ad. 7 5 ). c .12 ' f . vit ie co: ;rr. IK Fquity, Uk term, A. D. 1SZ i. Jlerrit Biirjjin, w.'I'hilli;) Cm. IbrcaJ. . 1 pper. 7 to the aatibfuction of the court, th. t I l.i'.lip CuO'lhread doea not rcaldc i'.liin the I..;.i' of tjin State, It is therefore or ' red that pnhhra- non be made for trre hhv 1 n snreessivtlv m I the AVestern CaruliuWriT tii..t iinh sa ti,a s ' 1 Phillip Cloodbread appear ftt the next court of we court-house in Moiranton, on th li Mon- September next, then and there to plead, Inawer or demur, judgment, pro confesso, will M takeo, and tbe aame be heard ex parte. V. ' S. S. ElVJV.c.Mii. -Tnce tdr. $1. - - - .- 17,C22 - tateofbrtL Carolina, ' IStfiFlL COUNTY' COURT of Pleas and Quarter e ';ot;, I'.yy . term, 1824.' John Ncsbit, r. thavlff I). .Conner i Drriginalttachn:ii(, r. .ui ..!, Lz. It u ordered by the court,' that the? dcfcnd.u.', lho is not an inhabitant of this Sate) f.lc Lis twer em or before the next term t f this court, Jo be held for the eo"-y. AJbreaail, at tlie Court iioiue in Btateaviilc, on the third Monday in Aoprsl; next, otherwise the pkintiir will be Beard parte, and have judgment pro confesao. r j rt rded that this notice be pub lished for three monthf in the AVestern Ceo. Iinian. t i Test t r. SIMONTON, CVk ,'Prtceady,f,4, h23 . 1 the night of the 11th of April last, the Store House of the subscriber was broken, "daB hAfe fiMi mere STQL ZV,wwa to between seven snd eight thousand doih , AHpersor are tertby cautioned aiiinst trad.. JJ any no ,1 wn in his favor, it! alt those by .hom the j Vre given, are Ir -by notified otto pay them to anv person but the aubscri ! " AVILUAM KOri AT. :rlXqitk S. C. Mil S3, 1821. t I bwi, t' at Ii t 13 1 fa the Tifsturjr D.'fiit- rr.r, t:.t iUtlt teho,! tr.ity ihJl til citcej t?.t torn t,f,T.e t'. Ku...!;ci t-vj tf cJ -;ur j t -r t 13 t. C t i .CC CI I. .3 t l . r . t Trcasurtr, clerk, whoe lalary ih-U cot extct the um f.I ;'.t Lj" reJ dolhrt, sr. mi'.um t'j t..c thiel clerk, wr.es l I m a ry exceed tr.e lun cf f ju hur. IrcJ i! -.'...ri j rr aanutn i In lhcf". ,.flh- I. fli A i , !, ( c r Cne clerk, wlio-e i!ry ilu'J rot ex CfeJ cr.e thouiand fjuf hunJrt J Io! Isri, an! two tlctli, hoc talariei re jpec lively, ha!l . not cxcee-J, cne thousand cue i;unJred tad Lny dol Uri 1 la the Nary Department one derfc whose tatarr ihill not exceed one thousand collars j lo Iho cCce cf the ?. ' Comm!. sioneri, three clerks, and a Draught. rrun, whose salaries, , respectively shall not exceed the sum cf sac thcu land dollars per annum Iq the t.T.ce cf the Postrnnter Ctn- cral, four clerksj hose salaries, re spectively, shall not exceed the surn c one thousand dollars and two deris, whose salsne, respeetircly, sh st exceed ihe su n of eirht hundred iol- ars per annum, ' ; In the office of the Commissary Cen cral.cf Subsistcrcc, two clerks, whose salaries, tor-.her, sha! t?t exceed the sum of two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars per ar.nuraf In th- Lngineer 'Department, two clerks, hose salaries, together, shall not exceed the sum of two thousand one hundred and f. d-"ars pcr.an num f " . . t . ".-.- .' In the o.uce of the Surgeon General, one clerk, whos; salary shall not cx cecd the sum of one thousand cne huDdred " and Cfty dollar per t an num t In the c ,cs cf the Commissary General of l'urchases three clerks, whose salaries, together, snail not ex ceed tha. sum cf three thousand fire hundred dJLrs per annum ..Set. 2. An'd le it further; enacted. That it shall le lawful for the officers cf the Depariraer. s to eniplor.ia their respective offices messengers, assis ts; s, and othc persons as "follows, th is to say I . ' I n the office of the Secretary of State, one messenger, and e istant,atacom penssiion not exceeJ' --j one thousand and f.ft? dollars per . T i IV ..: '.;.,., cj f.acl.i.-iist, at a cu -pesatic ot excee-.fij seven hundred t' ilars, and one'messenger, at a compensiiisi r.ct exceeJing four hundred d '!ars j .r asDum r In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, one .r.csserjer, and assis tant, whose tc. jensation, together, diall not exceed one thousand and fif ty dollars' per nr. ..una J 1 " , . In the office of the First Comptrol ler, one messenger, nnd assistant, at a corsper -itbr. tc';t'..er, net exceeding one thou:; 1 ;;i-rv dcllara ; -r rn- nu: i In the o-Tice cf the 2d Ccrp'.roller, are nerr.rr r, tt a copper ion r.;t T3 p:r exec hundred c Ii theVr.ce cf Cz Tint Audit; one r.icsscr."er, et a cc.T.pen alien r..i M - ra per Rr.-.um j In the c cfthcSecc: d Auditor, nation not one tnejser f-r. exceeding seven .LuntVJ dihars per annu"i j- - " 1 - - -.vInthec. cf' e Third t tor, one messenger, end t s!..tar.t, tt a compensation, ujuher, ret exceed: fcrff thouiid and f:y "...if 'rn- nnrn i " - - la thetffice of lit Fourt'i Auditcr, one me!erer. at a cor:":r,sat;3 rt exceedir; scAca hu (j . ed d:::n i isr :rrn drc l e- i f f.y d ."m rcrs; Turn j la the c."ite cf the Her t:r tl the Tr t t i t a i- r. SI R t ;. "t aV..--.-;.da-i I'ifCJ ei brs j r ni In t' e tT.ctcftheS'eretary rfWcr tr.e r.'v.cr er. SHl st - - s ill... rt C f ' ' cn. t -'ihtr, cot e; cne t'rj'jnd d Cfty t ,..JIS a t T i: num In the c.c of tv rayma'.ter Cen- erai, one . tweucDger, at a coraj ,.- tioa pot exceeding; seven r.u.. red dol lars per annum j , , . In the r.r.ce of the . Ccmrr.'ssary General of Purchases, :.e meuerer, t a compensatica rot exxeedirjicvcn hundred -J . liars per rnum In the tf.co ci Secrenry cf the IVa- vy, ctiC n-esusger, a-. J anutir.r, at a compensatlcn, tceiher, rot r xceedir j one tr.ousi'-i i. :1 t..:y U...ars pr r -.-nam i .In the c.Cce of the Ccrr.msi rcrs ti a ccm- the .wvy, o -c u.er.t: :r, at pensition tot exeeeJ.n,? sevta l.un- urea doasrs per a-.::"m I i a ?n i:.e office of the Postmaster Gca- ersl, one tnesstnger, ad asblt-r.tf -t a compensation, together, riot car- dc one tnomana ana i.ny aoiUrs ; r kn- i iff fl cum i In the effice of the Secretary of t Lcnate, cr ; rr.essecer, at l Coinptc- sation cot exceed!: seven hundred dollars. In U-e effice of the C -It cf the house cf representatives, i. iee tlrrks, at a compensatiou not txcecJirr: cr.e thousand five hundred di'ltrs tath ; and one messenrtr, whose f !ary shall not exceed seven hundred dollajs per Sic, 3, And le tl further enacted, That the sum of Eva thanr unarea fe-a utrrpten c,..-is tna sev- enty.five cent is hereby appropriated additional clerk in the-Dep4rtinect cf the Jvavy, and for fcr addtuooal clerk in the General Post Office, in. I'm or the sum of nine hundred and thirteen dollar and rwenty-five cents, due for extrrclerk hire la the General Pist Office d linn j one thousand eight hundred' and twenty-i vo, and cne thousand eight hundred and twenty, three; . - "v . , Epeaker of tlie ITouje of Bepre ; ntatlvcs. JQUS GAHXAIcn, 5 . . : jjnt 0f tj,e iLnlc pro tern. rTatVnfttn, JT.iyt 5? lCi. AN act in further addition to "An act to estab- i'sh an uniform rule of Naturalization, and to repeal the acta Leretofort pKd on that 'ubject" ' t ' ... , 'tJE it enacted by the senate end house of representatives of the United Stcte of Amer ica fa congress assembled, Tl..'. ! i r. 1 ...l! j nai any aucn, ucjnga irec wnuc per sou and minor, under the age twenty. one years, who shall have resided id the United State three year next prece ding hi? r-riving a the' age of twenty., oneycars,and whoahall have continu ed to reside therein to the time m- nny vzzit application to be admitted a citi zen thereof, nay, after he arrives at ie se cf twenty-one years, and after e th-H 1 ve resided five ve?rs within ,e Ckaf' i-dii; j the th. e cars cf :3 r-iciitv, cc; i. :..;i lira & citizen ci e Ucued Sir.:', vrrdt 1 -2i. the dcc;.;r-..ia u..u. ;:d in the tut conU.Jon cf the first sc. a of tli ct to which this is t thrcs aitiv f ears rrevic.: to !us ad. t.'-. eat-Pro vl!;df such rlicn fcUH rr' the de" daritioa required there n .a' :t....ecf scrh-r I...:.,:. , . , - I f -r :r:in re, cn c i . u t . Lr ti.i.e La t:' 'the' ii Llic.i to be . etion cl tr.: Cc srtr.t'p: di- er.a i. r::onci come a cili. ?3 of the United States j and tha!!, in t!lcih-r rcperf , comply with the lrv.s in xc. .d t) .-tu...l.A-ticn. ' ' i : - -. A lit it f K'.rr r: - t Tl.atlhe t tut c - 1 ti.ntf ; -tliiiin, !. fla r !r I ly n ilY r i l t t it in i fOe C ;rts i , it'. fit! ! ! Ltf.ri t'.e said Ce 'rt, x-- -rtiv Ltc. 4. A i He it f r'.'.er t 11. t a dec! ra:i., a l-y tn.y s'.'.-n, a frre white p rr .-n, cfl i ir.t, . ! Lei da t!.'n n Le a.'....'.:;. .1 a c.:i- n cf vi.e Ucite d f, .:-t, r i i f' : ner aril f .m r rr-cri d 1 1 t' e rnan f.nt condition f ,-tcifir .1 in t'.e f. ret aectirn of the set fa which t? Is it i't i IZ'.ihn, two cars Lcfre i.'i ad.i.ision, t!.-.i Leas j ffi ci' r t r .r. r !' " re wl th said tin r'in t' i, a y thi 1 act, cr in sny s ret, f ti - ccr.tr y rctwii!; ii ANa't ri; ' f r t:-. r, I'h'r f- ti' f tf n a-', t .'' I ,,A a-t i th t, :.,in, . .-: . 1 , r I lotl 'l ' f'f i ., . !..c TkV. i.i.e r. . -i.i, . i L.-iiui ui i:.;, cr.e t!.',i..l i j.l Ls.tiJ.tJ auj Ier,y40.' 'f if trr.ctcJly thetcntte cndhu$e cf reffienl:Jivc$ cf the United cf America fa or.jre:i csier.Hcf, Thai the proper accounting officer cl tV; Treasury Department h', and he Is ru; t-irccte ive ii c ..?': uc ti.a to the art cf the f urth c f Thy, ere thouii e thouiand ci, ht h Irtd ar.d Ucu, y . ... ty-t-ro, as t rt ita rrovi:icns t'..i ex. t'nd to t'.e t hi.ms cl the vcljntecr, ' ' ?, t- 1 str.Tr cers er,ed in t, - n cf ei rhte cn 1 .. 1 ?nd i '.fen, srauiit l..c I: sr.s, i i-x rones or;es rr the r ' cev ry c-juipage thereof, in the n-- ""t t :rn tioned in said act if !, also t' claims cf the volunteer c;"cers cr scl diera in ;-.nriiI - ti r;r. said, who, without any fa-It cr re-'i- jence on tr.cir part, respectively, 1 horses, or the necessary cr- -- thereof, in battle. Sec. 2, And be it further eroded, That the proper tccou-.tin officer ci the Treasury Dcpartnent Le, tile is hereby, authorized and direct, a audit and acttlc the c!';r.s cf ti! o i,. ner of wagt'es asd teams, and ch ers, for any horse or herscs ir pre 1 into the public aervice during the said Seminole campaign: rr;:L'. ?, TL;t luch impressment, and the v.!-: r I said horse, cr horses, Le satisf..:::!.!) proved that such horse or 1 r s v : -not returned tn t'Ir c-r"'-, lyc ' "iAticn ' w Lii.ii ny t , : been a'.lowcd and paid for th cf said horses, after the ti : c . i impressment, be deducted. Sec. 3. And te i: further cr".:::d, That the amount of such claims, e j n ditcd and aettled, when s-:: tr.inr .!,' shall be paid out of any r i Treasury not otherwise i -1. Approved s 11 jua n r.'ti . v- . '. AN act supplementary to an f , '-III .ild t ! 1 B t t ). 1 ! , . , ' thi third day of March, cne t! lOU liun-.trel ana nineteen, eiiu.a riding for the correction f r r 1 entries of land at tiie I.m l c' . . fPEJt enactri lj t' c send: c::J hv:i, - of .representatives eft'' Tr ' 37air 0 America in congrr-s tr I hat when eny rmf rt. ' : it the correct rumlers (try? ' land, not exceeding tip :; - :1. section, r.ay have 1 i her" made ly ?y rtrrth :r eft' lands cf the sale, end " Ucued . re ci-v '.1 Lav, lyt' "... a. L. C C il t ' " Cry, i-1 i n.ak! t ,'t y r.'utakc, c' v,h t r .i has not been L, .iud, t the p r f t'.'i r.r?, 1 1 re t it , i . . 1 j t. viiio s of t! t i and si e t . -.irt.i, t ' - ' 1 r - r r i i i caics .f:::i f a tr t-:c It f 1, i 3 I.. . " V i f the ti .,tt v. her t'. t. !, !-rs. ' 'ft s. , i i ' r crs I.: left' j.vrs i ere ii is t t t i tr. fi.. i r :i I t ry t i 1.4 f -c , V ti e tr?ct err-;- ch:itr f.r ..rt' her, or the'r t ,'re, f r t ! , ', r . ) t 1 t ; i C. f f t' i.i 1 i ire i . .) t....cr 1 1 c . .re or t:t:r tv - j 1 in t'V c c . r, t .; it cr e i J c r-, : c ss r: i I t. ii t e r ; i V f f trsct intended to I i everr reatcr.w'-.e rrcri .... n - If t'-rj had been Uc d 1 1 a . i 1 t n lt!i the Itegister ar.d Iuceirr ( hnd District within vhiv.li h t of land is iiiaiicJ, who shU t; tlie evidence submitted la them lac Ci5f, tr er with their written jon L'th 8 to etijter.ee eft1 e r and the e rcdihiUry c f each j c ri lifyirg therein, f t!;e C of th r,?p,eral Land O.'ice, v.! te t-....Iy Balls fir J ti.qr.ii! been triaJe, and that every r precaution sad exertionha j be- : t:i- i r .. i to avci shall be z' char.r ' ...e entry, ar.d trir.if, x th tner.t hern the tract errmeut; ..y c ' Cd, to" that intended tile ..:.. rc ", uosoid j but, if a -;!,T, to tr.y c.i.cr t. fialte to entry t lr a"'-d, Th't ' t ft" rsn ted C-: atu in rn ci" ce r fr- r r - re r-v i V, in tl ; a ci cr,lry t .. rr: 1 hat Eothln-j herein c fret the ri;ht cf third i ..i I.J, hit father c Tl te-' r .-.ay ; ' r the J ; .::r cr J.r 1 1. r ' ' ter s il t -t! to I x --,ii provi''-- i rf t' is ;ct, cr 1 oa, knowirrhy, tvi". ;!!;,', every p' ce ad. t f y cn cry crt.j ( sr.ntcre,! u r.m cr t... r v r t ? i -visie.r. cf this act, aha!!, r a ir.Jict rt ar.d conviction f r t jch ,T r,:e, t tJ t; ti ? s; ;r..h;cs cf V. ,rr?rt' 1 :c. 3. le tt firthcr ei::Ldt t, f.r every c.sih e ! ministered tr d-r t i cf'1 ;s act, the Ile- t'rter '' et'j i '1 tt r .a ,. ...ts, rt If Irtd ... " 7 lr 't.. r I ' 1 ty.'l ly i fcr a v ( (1 -1' t rr: i!S B A K F, '?, r a i 1 J Mi'.'T, Ahx '-r 'Ml. tt Ul SI t a . a i 11 it .i i.i t i I ' 1 I :Jt r. 1 3 1 1 . .f ( 1 . .1 u t .) tn r i . J. '7,1- t -a.

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