f at; ' ! r: f .U ! . t. 1 I U ! I i itj i 1 !. It. 1 "! I ; II;'. J I r I J. ' i . I. I i ! - r f ' ; e 1! ,e 1 'the AV. l! ,tt their iU' 1 t New Vuik, . ! i i I j lU I h i Mv i-u ! i ,'re. .i tiiiKii, it U LtlictcJ etf rf "m tf i ,'tif (. f sulfite Iroiu Algiers State, , cruUere had !l returned to i where they bad been stripped of ; ; their malts nkea out, and then sunk in lie port, to prevent tbclr fall U g Wo the hind cf the EaRliah. A LiU, the fcbiftt of wllc,b wit to per- rr.lt oncers of the army to Li Hurried .l''"',tj', t-'fl tfO'lJ'.C-i'.n. thijrch. was rejected la tbe Jloue cl Lord, 1QJ to ce. . 0: if 6ihMay Mr.' Hume made mtnte,f Ireland, declaring that it. would be proper to eaamine whether the pre ot eatatllinment of the church In Ire land It but diipioportlon.te to the serl- cet h has to pet form, both with respect to ,thf persons employed, and to the revto- !i iKi, if rirV A fl tsvnw tKaf a tliie bropo-i Ion wit rejected by pujoH- V iii to iv. , , . , . -A LundoQ paper of the Itb says Oa . Saturday last, the Ilecla and the Fury were to act tail from Dcptfcrd, on new , tipetfiiion lo the North Pole. They " marm In tlnn at V.Arrn. ru( afirrrl at , liurth. fleet, to make cipeHmcntt there tipon the -magnetic attraction, end after bsvlog touched at the Nore, where the of cer and Seamen wiU receive their ad ttnee wages, they will proceed to the Qrk ter Islands." '-. ' . A meeting of the Delegates of the Brl- (1th end Foreign Bible society took place In London oo the 5tht at Sjhkb ) 800 per Sont weie present. , Among those pre ' t-nted, wae the Her. Dr. Morrison, the jQit RcprtfitUTe from Clilnavjs. JU ot- " terved, that the difficulties In JhaTlra i..c country were great, but Dot iniur ' taoiDtaUe. The betrta of the Chineie im I be, art not aimer man oura. it toe tihle could affect the heart and convert to th. truth a Britiab Nobleman, it could otiailff affect the heart! of the ChioeM fllear. hear, and cbeera.1 He exhibited a coot of the tcrinlurea in the Cbineae Un- ' . - - !. . . ..II 'RUJ " completion oi wnicn, no aaia, bad occopied him u yeara.. . - FrmnrsQn the 9ib of MiT.TIaron iMarewU.tbtJttvll appoiaied Aluuuer to the U. Sutea, bad pnrate audience with ine Ainjr. t , , - , - ? a V f i- , k'h The French papers are filled wl:b the fcroceedinea of the ChambervMr. B. f'anttant baa returned to Paris with freah rroof of tbe Utility of bit election, and . . , f . t i : witB a determination io tnaae anoiner ei- fort.to obtain Kat io Ibe Chamber- It ii etated .in letter , from, rort-ati Prirtcw tbt lib of March, that ibe French roTernment baa offered to renour e all Xiii to r ranee, ana aome commcrcui au- , tantagea granted to ber. f ,i v . " The lurveta for a grand canal to ef tabli.h a communication between the Me diterranean, tbe ocean end the interior of France, were protecoune; with rreat ac tivity'Tbe rivcra Rhine, Soan, Mentha, Woielle, Meute, and Maw! will be made "to communicatee ; f - .Vhnim nrira mm snain ara anwn to the 30th of April Inclusive. The Mad rid papers and letters furnith aecuttomed anticipations and changca ol Minister and aarrauons prciiorderaie-aiuacfc 4r4int" tJ annrmrk ta ttlLilit in the ; government, or tranquility in the country, are the only novettut tbat could be receiv ed from Spain.' V: i There ia oo doubt that this country is la e verv affecting situation v:, : J iiw.t v- j r I 1 w 1 The King waa at Aranjueav Only two "Ministera were with bim the others bat- t ing returned io Madrid, at veil at M. ' Vgarte, Secretary of the Council of State. itl. n Jtr- I K I V I , Ambassador to England, but it is tid that tbe King will not dispense with bis servi Five millions of Guebhard's loan have : jtnltMsl f url wist A CVam nariratier rtATitl. ciats acrt, that this money it to be pre - served tacrediliom every omer use, in rrler to be aDplied to the ! conqnest of Doutn America. rive minions oi uvres r aometbina more than 200.000. JLTbe expedition, it is said,' will sail from IK. If.nM tatii. t k. . inforced before wineitaitit&imitedet ' atination Tbe attack will be made upon Mexico. ' Depend upon it (says a Liter that we are on he eve of great eventa in the world. A commission has gone to " Cadiz to hasten tbe departure of the ex pedition."." vi' ; - rornigaii ixtnaon paper taya mo King of Portugal will not recognize any advances made to t'.e present Govern tncntof Rio Janeiro. ' Another account -esrerts tnar xne &.mg nas oeciarea 'af;i.inst Brazil, and that an expedition renarinsj-atftLisbpn to proceed . arainjst that country. Tbe declaration is founded m ihit nrinrinla that Don Pednt la forced by the BraziUiant to ect ia hit present situation, end sanction a democratical constitution. ' Tbe St James Chronicle of the 41 th, contains a letter from Lisbon 1 1 It i r l t I m' r . , r rr. i I. i a Ure i , a fir' - una iui u wit tr1. T!.0 rroun!t rrc tf 'KH t! etirrtliare a-rnewhat cotitradic- t ."ft , Lutt' e rrerl com; lei! m oflhem or' . ..IllssatJIhcy lie tfulpro- fi!' 1 at D.r.y tight tobafe3ie by the winter f rtiklnf IVritiat the preicnt time tht j.Uce la well proltl ned, and the Gretas are In want of beary artille ry..' ' Utters from 0Jeia,eflbe Utb April, announce the Intention of the It o3 jo cab inet to iHtUle tbe Mores Into ChrlitUn Protlnees, to be tributary to the Porte. Tfclt tKtl eolneWea perfect! with tbe cpents of the note adJretw-d durln the tail month to the Court of London. Accounts from Corfu state that Lord Bvmn'a health was rettorcd.. Tbe U of the Kejrropont was dally eipected , snd I the Turas necime ccry cay more oia- heartened. Tbe lreek senate nave rati ficd the terms of the hn, a- J elven tbe deputies additional powers. Tbe Creek Chronicle bai been ; roductive of much food j and ppcr in Italian, to be called tbe Creek TeleKraph, will toon be pub-litbed- A Turkithbrlj has been burned in tbe harbour of ratraa. ' It is said tbat rreat ferment existed among the aniitsrics at Constantinople. Tbe troops encamped at Biyuhdcn to pro ceed ijrainit Greece bad been ordered lo eutpend tbelr march, and bold ibemselvci in readuteas to aid in restoring tranquility La the capiul of Turkey , But the moat important article of news from the East, will be found amonj the extracts below, respecting the connarra I lop of the military at ores collected at Grand Cairo, by tbe Pacha of Egypt. Tbe destruction of the mauiune st Grand Cairo will prevent the Pacha of Crypt from furnuhinr the expedition with warlikrttoresf and thus it mutt be either altogether abandoned for this year. or be to de Teethe io every, necesury quality as to render the power , of tbe Ottomans during tbe fourth campaign against the independence of Greece weak r than ever. ' Trvm MintttruJo9 ere bsppf to learn that letters have just been received by the Colonization Society, from Cape Montaerado.. The. Cyrus, which tailed from Petersburg, with upwards of a hun dred setUers, baa arrired in Safety and, though some of Ibe emigrants who tailed in ber had suffered from sickness, only three children' and one' woman bad died all tbe others were considered out of dangey. .It may be well to state, that the death ol the cmale juat mentioned. was occasioned, not If fever, but br mor tification," produced br the extraction of a tooth- TM'Colony appena-rpk-M--prosperous condition, eod not a word it said of any apprehension from the Native Tiibes-Aei. mtta. i ma our. We learn by the schr. Edipse, irrivr.d here yesterday, from Laguyra,4 that Gen. Soublittd had been appointed linia ler Plenipotentiary from the Colombian Government to tbe Court of England. -..u t cty Go Wh Mrv . rx Tta anaaovai attrrn. , . New Mixico-We have been polite ly favored with the perusal of a letter from a gentleman in Franklin to tbe Se cretary of State in tbia place, represent ing that the Governor jrfjtbcprcviccj of !: i i j I . .i messenger to ,tbe Council Bluus to en prise the commandant of that post, be ahould arriye there on or before the 10th day of June next, with fifteen 1 hundred men-' "Ilia object, aa we understand from the . express, is toi make an imprea aion on the Indians between this place (Franklin) and Santa Fee. To secure the trade and facilitate tbe ' intercourse be tween Missouri and Santa Fee is of much importance to our citizens, and we hope great care will be taken to secure and place It oo a Safe foundation. There is much wealth to be drawn " from, this source, ana pernaps ine way may oe opened from that laudable" enterprise, which has been prevented from ascending the Missouri to draw from the bosom of tWwiWereewen immense eihb wblh j-must now-be left to - grow and - perish where it grows, or be gathered by the citizens of some other government, to the great loss of lissouru. -4 Co;fM'jrurnr--The College tt Bur- lingtorrJVt irst burnt on the 27th ult. Tbie institution w4s1n a nourishing con dition, and the disaster which has octal it is to be lamented as A great public loss to that vicinity. The libraries and moat cf the books of the students were saved. It was but the second day of term.- The Burlington Semineh informs, that kthe nsualeTriscsilhW'xoiitiniicaVnn'd that errangemenls are making to provide suitable roomslpr,,pr fee. TKe fire commenced oa the roof, Univtrtiti Fir'Hia. This Institu tion will be opened on (he Th day of, Feb ruary ncxtr f "" k ' i l .'.I. I he j uU.c eeatu.it!) n t the tiefi't f l',a thtca liocr cLioti wttl t,. . ) ,,- 1.; ... S3th tilt, an! t ntlalr i ott the th Inttantlthe examination cf the Senlur CUst being elirectctl by the laws of tbe University lo be EnWhed one rwnth before the day of Commencement. Tbe following Is a tfheme of ibe cxer '.tes on commence rucnt. WOitMNC.' 1. Introectory prrer. 3. 8aluttory oralis la Latin by Ed ward D. Sims. . . ' ' J. Tbe oration on Mathematics j by Tboom Dews. . i , 4. DiscuMloa e the questlon-Whe-ker tH-UMte4 fUit abouliaalat-Xhe Routb Amerkan States against Spain and the Holy Alliance I, by Bromficld L, Rsb lejr. . . 5. Oration on the cbtrtcter of the North-Americao.Indbos j by Jamct IL Nrwoo4. - ;". : .'DhcnssloQ en the question Whe ther modern Greece, if emancipated from the Turkish power, will iter attain the eminence of ancient Greece I by Daniel B. Bav r. :. , , . , ,. -'- 7, Oration on perpetuity, of hV Gov ernment of the United Sutes by Henry E. Coleman. t ".' '" I Oration en the influence of tbe Frcsch Revolution on the cause of liber ty ) ly Benjamin B. Blume. 1 AFTERNOO M; ' 1. The oration on Classical literature j by William A. Crabam., . " '3 Oration on the effects which have been produced by the Art of Printing j by Augustus Moore . . 41 - ' ' S. Discussion on the question Whe ther a professotsdip of law should be es tablished In this University I by James W. Bryan., V ?m ' 4. Oration en the Mahometan religion br Thomas Bond. " . 3. Oration on the political character of . ar a Tet ar,.a I me rrenca py una uuuaw. , , 6. Oration on American Literature; by John W. Norwood-, ' , , ,,V , J.' Diseutsion on ibe ueitlon Wbe the the American' Colonization Society ehontd receive public patronage ; by Robt. . Booth. . , f " t. Valedictory 'ratloni i by iatthiw E. Manly. ' . - "' ' 9. Rr port of the public exsmioatton. ' lO. Degreet conferred. II. PresiJcntlal address IsrPrarer." Thedeg ee of Bachelor of ertt was conferred on the following young gentle men's " " John Allison, Benj. II. Alston, Willis W. Alston, Daniel 0- Baker, I5eni U Blume, Tbomaa Bond, Robert II. Booth, John JJragg, James. Dry tOrilenry E. Colman, Around J. De.Roseett, Thomas iViwa. Richard Evans, Richard L. Fearn, lrv.nr grnvi,.., iir;n;. i o. William A. Graham, Robert Hall, Hardy Holmes, Wtn. F. Lytic Matthias E. Manly i Augustus Moore, Jamea II. Nor wood, John W. Norwood, David Outlaw, BromfieldL. Rabley, David M. Sanders, Edward D. Sims, Wm. R. Smith, Samuel F.. Sneed, Wm. A. Taylor, ' Wm. H. Thomson, Wm. J. Smith, John L. Wright34 '.:... I he degree of Matter of Arts was con ferrrd on the following persons, alumni of the University: ". Bryan S. Crooro, Nathaniel W. Hams, Pleasant Henderson Mitchel, Edward G. Pasteur, Joseph H". Sanden. -rw-rr, -n r XTrtOcis L' Hawks, E"sq. an alumnus of thia University, who had been admitted to the decree of Matter of Am in Yale Col lege, was admitted alto ad eundem, In ibis Univeraity. , .; Ra!sJRttUt? ' jfHc8-A writer in Poulson'a paper obstrvet : At some persons, not famil iar with tbe atate of tbe settlements on tBt Coast of Africa, may entertairt feart for the principal English and American settlements there, in consequence of the victory gained by the Athanteet, and tbe detth of Govemqr McCarty, it may be proper to tiate, mat ine A.snantce nation is far, remote from, bqth Sierra Leone and Mesiurado. It is a nation residing jn the interior from Cape Coast, 3 or 400 miles below Messurado, and the cause of thebffll bte , qdoubtedlf , beende.sire o"nthe part of the English to get posses1 siorr ofits"tradernd;especially utiti gold.r The-Ashantees ere- remarkably ferocious and warlike, and possess abund- ancACtf gold Tha-Dutcb ibrmerly held certain parte of Cape Coast, which have recently passed into the-, hands of. tbe English.' - The Fanteett spoken of as slain in such numbers, resided nearer the Coast thart the AshanteesJ and are by no naiw-equil to them in-war.- .That the Asbantees thoutcHfaaouish the Enelish and Fanteet was to have6expected. but there is no reason lo suppose thatai danger can retult either to Messurado or Sierra Leone. r .- " . --VMICllM01P't JVM 10."- A few dava since, a vouth of thit citr. (14 or 15 veart of age,) swam from Lud low's wbarf to Warwick a distance of about 6 miles without any support, lie was in the water from about 9 o clock to one. . . C i .! -I, j i ' r, ". l Wt 11 f,'! r ' -!r g to an r. 1 I. .:.,! rl ,'!. t'i !'; 1 rum ;. ,!. !i ii' r it "1 U Voter" ad iU r.jj-"rnt, y . ... Inj f(,fiTi;r,lfl)iia l . g 'ia fitnUI, .m cur errrron'lr,' l rt"lr e"l 14 let m.ttrs rt frfre i be ba ftirt'ihr-l ut iih aij rci.l wmauu,rj t .U?!e i anlta atJth bomr ut wwtbrr, we eomjly wiib his ri''. trvtUwrl 14 W. We .urtaWMyte"lb oUr," U the words of vll IIjw, '"" Nawapapet cofltrvrc ric, tbWh they etay at finA Ojxrn a general tnatters, Bvoly, in lh end, dlivHe dowa la personal aflutionai aod, aa aorti, r etf uUwtvi"f lo ibe great tsaas onaiWtlaTrCCSi thU the eowibv UaU U tbe a1ujbm of kewapapert, very Ranch rcKmLk tU rival dancers dvKribcd by CU Srith,bbkl,Deaerl4 Viflapr . , r, ' 71 thnciiif fiJr, At ti-fj aMli ra ; H lUii ul tt fJre uk tikrr Jrwa. fa the ea of newtpapcT dliputinla, at grnet. aDy bappertS that they not out afrt trhi vU, bet tvtrj hJi tlif aarwa. . , bitFJitvri I tee the honorable John Long bas rome out once more against roe, in your columns and I am sorry to see him In such a pel, as it looks undignified for a Coogressrasn to show so rr-bch pet ulance. , 1 think, toch be might let alone bit sneers about my 44 plourh handles for notwithstanding all his rigs,' plough handles are very useful' things, and I verily believe do more good to tbe pub lic than all the old newspapers be sends among ua in such bundles. I dare My, that holding the plough handle" is' not quite so plesiantts sitting In Congress ball, at eight dollarta day. But I must say, that I could name a certain member of Congress, who would cut a better fig ure M intrenched behind lit plough ban dies, tharvbe ever will do la Congress hou.ej. :'v : The, Honorable Coegressmsa wants me to tell him my, name. Now I can as sure bis honor, that it is not from fesr of his pen or bit tword,' that I ahall not gratify him. He thought proper to come out sgsinsf "the Voter," and he must stand It out with the same' signature! Betides, judging, from' bis performance to the Grand Juries, I donf think he makes tny better band against real names than againtt anonymout 'ones. ' I will further aa y - lo tbe -honorable- Congress man, that I can show my face in any hon est company where' be can, unless ia a night tavcutf to take away the" rlghta of the people. -" "" 'V His bono? seems to claim for himself the character ofia modttt man! With what propriety he can set up this claim, af ter the figure be' hai'tut la the-fcewspt-pert, I will leave it to those who are tru ly modest men to declare-f Why, Mr. I ! aeen doggerel rhymes made about him t end I have heard It laid that even the Philadelphia papers have made;fun of tbe business. ". It rabst cer tainly mortify the modest man. Whajt makea the affair still worte, tome folks bint about, that Mr. Long' 'did not .write all the' lcttert thtt came out in hit name. May be, however be 'only bad them touched off a little by some better schol ar, to put tbe grammar to righta. I aee, Mr. Printer, some time ago, that a member brought in a Bill to reduce the pay of Members of Congrett from X 8 a day.'to 86' I Should. jikelol I now irhelBeT Mr ton g ote d for or 'a e a i n si tbit measure whether he wat willing to put up with six dollars pey day, (which it enough in all conscience or whether he was for holding onto the 28. He teemt mightily opposed to General Jackspn as next President. I should like to know whether he is to opposed to the General on account of .his victory over tbe British and1 Savaget during' tbe last war, or on aexount of .his services' in the old revolutionary . war. Pdare ur, if these are bis objections, he canl have the same ones, against Mr. Crawford, if re port tells true. . May be he it to ttrone against Jackson, because the General des pises caucutinr, While Mr. Crawford is tor k. i can omy say, tnai i iikc oiu Hickory the better for being against ta king from us outright of c, boosing Pre- swfiofinijnorxQye.rjii.d9n"ithi3a man can be"dangeroua to bit country, who so Xravely risked his liter and-every thing else, in fighting for its liberties and rights. ? I should sooner suspect the man that )tcpmttf"daTierVTiflbeTnen TEal creep about in dark corners, holding cau cused ' " r 'y?-r.--. BuW Mr. Printer, T will stop here, and leave Mr? Kong to 'his 'own conscience. In one thing he has the -advantage of me he can get . his pieces corrected by some of the learned scholars at Congress, while my writing roust go unpolisned, unless Mr. Printer, will put it little to rights. TAdieu Mr.' Long.. T' . .v,TilE VOTEH." Cept. Etks, f the -V.;S.- Natjr com mander of jibe New-York station died on the 2d inst. While ascending the tide of i the frigate ContUution in perfect health, he ruptured a blood vessel, and died in 2Q minutes aflerwafds, on board of the ship.' - 4 , . It V !VY ! , ,..?:! " ft-, llr,' ' ! i i-i t:.-. ) r : , : 1 ! ..!. title .. . ! I t' r. i i.t :. rt t! s lu ( 4 ! t ' i , I ! . n t' t h4 t i f t . . , i ,.,.,:.t 1 l'..r r,:. ,..! I- . ' I an c-i'..t) 1 ; 1 1 ' .. ; ,f it ! i f7. t -I Wfnilt f.ie eon.lriti-.r4 t' 'Si h . '- t r 4 . con4 avftfrt e the at i,.,.!..f.injr r ! , , rrjUtioni f..r the gTrnmr.t nf V.,4 r , hf th'.trj Utri " lh I V.(tnr ti , U'igh IU pwi tm em rrt mtKk oulng r J l,j c partfU Cenermi'a ki rf. Tb'y kata t eJy cleared their e'oti n. cm that ettr, mm very free coranmtita tf .r own sf tbe Hereof Oil ina, but U a -'( nt j,,.. rbey edify their readers with an extract f . tf.a r4mibtlit tfijof AaA, la wl.I h rt. V -furd toarrmtnn are eHcF" f ti tfmti i tnnmffirikfUeptydr' tmleed, ttr, c. It coating en finely.. Itrae create butt, urprlae. It, la Urn weeks more, he eho entMeut opce oVfmee ti tbe llirtfunl Cm t ventloa, and declare that It m antbing t.t , ! raw to recommcad tbe diMulu'Jon i'. 1 I'nLa 1 1 ju)te aa binoceat tnettlng! ; rintet ehv f t f Utn axe generally apt to j itj ia what thty have beee guilty ef ibaaMelm j ben , tbe charity that $ frmi feel fur the ftift f (uJ Ceeventkut end & Albert tjUPatin, i. j was aa active agmt ia fumentlng ilW trjy.t ! rAftim, during tbe ailmmutratkia t Cearf Waaltingtow. Dwt tlte Kditors of U. Krr;U may say and think what thf'y plraac abotit t' . dark trarwactkxi, tbe atigrua of mfimy will r reel vpon it i tbe a rulf of America l! Aa' long at tbe tWi of three lutes shall U revered, and tbe memory of Waahingtoa ar4 13 compatriots eberlibed wtth grateful btirta, iU long, will tbe Jlartfvrd Convntka rmuia at object of ezecratioa, to aU be love frtela and dcteat treaaon. The' fTartfurd Coovcat'. ba ever beea eonaldrd by the fiepuirkara 'a all parta of tbe I'mon, and tbe Fedcralira of ti. Swth, (and tbe t. JerateWe tf tbcVVta v,: ' aa a dark scheme to dlaaolre flte pcritkaj b.-1 of our nattonal Union. : That It vat so vie ' 1 by Mr. VaJtaon, and Li" cabiaeti row -kaowa , amfwaa, ml that lime, well kngti e to '..j pttritlcal cbnfi.Unta. Tbe folloalng rtla'tua , ' at once show bis aentirocnta on the rt'yerl, furniib an utatance of his dac'tuon of cbanarr During the aiuing of that ttmrtnUm, aa j!.r ' arvcd It, certain of tbe we mbers of Confrr? from the NeV-Engtand State's waited on tV-' Preaiilent to kaow Uther be did iwt inu . ' t lle eonta KWwef tb'mectltTjr EoDe . them uryrd bim to lanie bis proclan-atinn, efs ' mending thejeoiriors o dealt,'al eaK;' epon tbe good penpWof Kew-England to r; around the standard of the Union. .The tV dewt declined taauing a proclamation t but tulJ .! members that he Vu not unmindful or regarj Icae of-wbat was going Wat HartftmL lie ir formed then that he I 4 jfwii.'frde.re ..to t' United States attorney of Connecticut, fo'wald tbem clokety j and oa the first overt act of L eon, to ha them arreated for trial i that t eodmaiMlSng ofScer of that wtltafy dTiaie : Inatnicted, if naeeaaary, to aid, with all. hia U eea.'the dv3 authority in arresting tbemj tU kftbe regubtr troops were insufficient, te's'toi call out tbe militia f New-Englutd itaclf, t!i of New-Tor ky and, if . requlalte, of the a Union, It it (hoi evident, tbat nothing eaV the' necke if tlte kadejt cjhat conapln, ' from the paltev ut lie opportune' return , ptott, , As it ia, they still survjre to deplore tltt'u ow folly, and to witaeaa a general execral;, ef their detigneV-J!ll:..-. ( Mr. Ott, ooe of that leaden of .that treasoaaj blei scheme, baa made too Uboredt efforti V write away the dium rrsU'ng.on It, But a.'1 the waters of the Ganges itself, cannot waib et tbe ataio of treason that it indelibly Sied op ' its In tbe hiatory ef the latejwar, the lead of the Hartford Convention 'win. occupy same page tbat Benedict Arnold does io tbe a naTs of the Revolution fwe Irrlrocable' 3ecw of Justice .pbtces uSna there and tbe genius d . liberty standi boblin; up the pare, ""aaa 1 Asd your rich soil, 3 ' Exuberant, nature 'a better blA&uigs pour O'er every land." , . i . , Hie tarmert In thia section of tlte State, are now-.busily'engaged-in harteaung their. wbef aliouVd, i continue loir weather throughout week;' nearly aU the w heat will be secured, la rood condition. . Frorn our Owl observatk. and from all the information we can gather fro" J practical agriculturists in this and tbe adjoin ing counties,' we think we are safe in sayinf, tbat,, the crops of graia art aa good this, atk amreceding vear-fll 1 win there are abua- dant crops 1 tlte wAeor not only stands Large asd heavy in th& field,; hut 'yields; well .whe thrashed f and oata, barieyy tic look remarka bly well I Cotton is rather backward, cauaed bj the cool weather late in the spring i but alipuid the season, henceforwat'd, turn out to bo pre pltious,'gobd wul be made.' i-- iTA German paper tavs, TePopehJ made hn additional grant of 24,000 dollar annually, t de propaganda Jide for the spr, ciilburposc ef encWaelriir tfte progref I object for the slow, unmovlnr fintrer of scon toSt- t' v '4"N " 4- 1 of the Catholic Religion in the U-Slate of America. ; ', T :' . " ; , ,-,-ei- ,:-V:'T'i' r';:.-:,'-v- :.'"'-s" ' if Hit ...,- 1. . ..J'f :e.'-'..-.4'".;';'- t

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