Tl.iKt l'oik CommertU Alvrtl' Uf Mates' lh fl!rlrif anec dot (f l id' icn (ifnJHIt while on bit rstf in the tUirti t t from Philadelphia la N. York. C'liUr n Cratidtill ii I hi agent of i.e lfy lien (iovernmenl, who Ltd com here lo make arrange menu for Ihe emigration lo lltrtl or aome of our free coloured pop uUiitjfi i w Being scilcd it table, Cliiten Grand We tu rudely epoke n to by a Ueuteo tnt from the south, but took no Dot In of Mm Mil he va addremd in move Kuiik end Jntultlng manner. ' Upon tblt Immediately aroe and oUerttd, that, IFA) le hit tountry, ll smj An Are vW- fe faff fioJy Ihtte lUytien who inmttri itnngrr" U then Id a torj handsome manner apologised lo the com pany br reroerllng,thi ho regret'ed hav ing broken tho rule of iht country at ll rcpeclcd propriety and good breeding, and I be rt upon left iba Ubla. Eighteen of tho pataengei rose lmultmeouly, and ordered another labia "to be spread, bleb being done. Cltlccn C. vat Incited lo dine wiih lhenit and iba Lieutenant tcfi t ibe frt table alone I He, however, much lo bl credit, tent an apology to Mr. C to which the Utter replied I vWrriBviT tithe tvul t ravoa. on marble." I hi aotwer would have done ere dil 10 Napoleon. It If luflklenl lo y, that he treated with marked attention during tbe remainder of the day." Judge Van Ness having declined the appointment of Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, Toblai Watkin, Esq (late Secretary to the Board on the hpanUh CUlm,) tut been appointed In hit place. The Wend of Mr. Ctar have aent forth a circular f-om Wabington, in which they declare their determination lo adhere to him to the end of the pretidru lia! contest before tho people convinced that he will he one of the three candidate returned to the house of representative', and that if be should Douby will hold the balance between the other candidates control the event of the election, " and ae cure to (he country a republican admin ilrationH The circular estimate the electoral vote for Mr. Adm at 51, Mr CaawroRD 43. General Jacksom 47, Mr. i'Lki 46. . d leave N York. New Jrncy, Delaware, MartUud and South Carolina uncertain. I hi estimate ia certainly eiruncout. Fewer voUt are probably given 10 ''r- Adams than be will receive- More are put to the credit of Mr. Crawford than he will, in all hu man probability, obtain ; he can only Ret the votes of Georgia and Virginia, an 1 may be beaten in the former, if not the latter, b General Jackson. Mr. Ci af ford will not succeed in N rth Carolina. The estimate it far below the truuiliei ol otea that Genera! J:icknn, even if no further change in hit favor should occur, will certainly re- eive. Mr. ( raw ford will not, in our opinion. nronertiei are. It acciiriry gaint meucccru even i i r.iia; r.u... llcen Fly, the atraw beinu aolnl 5 or 6, nouc oi rrprricu-a ,r. ii inche above the ground, where the Fly I would therefore do veil tourrcnder him Lvti in other wheat, crowt rank, re- t onre. ana ceae to urep me roir. m nuirei hnt 3 rer.k of eed, and yield ! a turmoil bv a liople contet in bis la a to id tuhel an acre, wfihina vor Franklin Cazrttt. from 60 to 64 lb, a bushel 1 hi ac count i Riven bv Mr. Ira H pkin, of Brutui : he think the grain a native of the South of Spain, and unquestionably auperior to any other species in ue in that part of the coun'ry. The Commi'fte off at 'eviction harj at! Unik IrruUnateJ their tilt'in, and hava tnade a brUf rrport, which, with the evi dence and doumviilrec(Ucd during lb In'julrfiWiH N printed forth ue of Con re i, in puriuatice lo a retolution paivrd at the cUe of the Un. Trontwhat we bv gathered with rcccl i ihU re port! ll Kcnerallt ttmtrm (he former re pott of the tame (ommiitf e, at far a that wcol. and give (he reault of the tttimo fjy whkb ha been r.lvenla during tbe lii Itiif Jgl terminated. 1 o titi It appear loUate Mr Crawford la rather worse condi lt.n than he w ft In by the rrport, Inasmuch the lit tle additional evidence) which batbeen re lfedr-4Jl-eJsea-b bw Hope whUb M created, that the public would aiuLn no ultimate los from his unauthor ised and UIkI luia have turned out lo Lo or mature and dcrcptlou. ll prove that there bat been a criminal. art lniurku UaJty in lb administration of tho Treltury DrflTtment, leadion to con sequence which never would have oc curred under the management ol an ciiki ent aod vigilant head. - - Htthtnfton Rrfiutlicn. Mttkwlitt CUrcA. At a meet'iny; of a number of tbe Itinerant ! Local Mini tr and laymen of lha Methodist Fpi copal f hutch, convened in the city of Jwliimoret from dlncrcnt part ol the United State, for the purpose of adopt Iny; tuck measure , in their judgment, hall be bet calculated to effect an im provement In the govern menr, of eaid church. Dr. S. K. Jrnnin; Wat called to the chair, and Or. Franelt Water p ttolMed tecretary i when after due delibe ration, and a free interchange of Meat, the following measure were agreed up on i 7raTo institute a periodical publi cation, cniiJcd I be Mutual Kiithtaof ihe Minister and Member of the Method it Ep'iKopal Chute1, to Vo conducted by a committee of Minister and Lay men. SrnnJly To rale tocietie in all part of the Unitd State, whose duty it shall be lo disseminate the principle of a well balanced church government, and to cor respond with each other. 7)iry To appoint a committee out of their own bod y to draft a circular ad dretsed to thfe Minister and Member ol tbe Methodist Fptscopal Church, and lo forward tbe tame forthwith to all part of tka United States. The following per aont were accordingly appointed Dr. Samuel K. JennitiK, Btlt'nnorej Dr. John French, Norfolk ; V Smitli. New York ; Gidcoti Dvi. Georgetown. D.C.; JoSn Wesley Iloardlv, ani Philemon 0. Hopper, Eq. Eastern Shore, Maryland. While Flint IPirofT A new species of wheat under this designation, hi been successfully cultivated in Cavua covin' y, N. Y- for ome year pist. Its e icellent Ite accounts from Natche inform, that the swell in the Mississippi was ajin subsiding, and that the appearance of the ro'ton crop in that vicinity wa very pro- mining. a m r t ' . ' A Hoc k ol saxony tneep, Jim impor Extract of a letter lately received from a UJy ; ted into Boston, are to be old on the 1 5th living in Madison ounty, AUb. to her tncnJ . cf next month in this city I never heard of worm doing so mu'h mlKhief as they have done thit arnine;. The Army and Cutwormi. They have not been in our neighborhood tery much ; but they are not far orT ; they go in armies through cotton fields, wheal patches, rden and gra lor. Thev aeem almost like bringing on a famine in some pUce. People have got to dininj? ditches for them to fall into, and then kill them by bushels; tome scald them with hot water. They appear hard to con quer." Raleigh Rrgitter From France Captain Snow, in the brig -New Hampshire arrived as Norfolk on Wedneaday last in 32 day from Ha LVre nform-ib'at3bere--.waa ..nopolIucal news of importance at the time of hi tail ing ; every thing being tranquil about the capital. The market hacMateJiJinrjer. r,f It. We understifj jtnry, hew1 r, thai nothing It rtiitded of the fur mtr rrport of the committee, and that It It further distinctly and unanimously de clared by Ihe committed thai they htv discovered, In the course of their Investl ration, rtoikinr 10 Impeach the integrity of ihe Secretary of Ihe Treaty, or lo Induct them to believe that hi ha not ably and correctly administered tho af fair of the trcaiury. fttm. hfiuk. 8fialmKtk arrival ll Dottoej from Gibratttr, bring Intelligence to the mid dle or May. 8plnandPortufalltmi art hot! dctcrtrlrd u'rpakt at trTorl f the recover of ihclr.iraniaiUo'Jc.poa ession,and certain tipeUltloo are or eanlud for that DUrpote. M It I very certain the Spanish King htt been enabled (ootwltkstsndlng bit pertinacity In refuting to recognlxe the loan made by tbt Code, or to provide for Davlntr the Interest thereon) to nego tiate a large loan In Pari aome million of which had been appropriated to in outfit of tbe expedition to South Amerl cat and Utbon Utter so to far a lo name the amount of tbe force, and the name of commander who are to com po lha Portuguese expedition again flrxllt, which wa to tail forthwith. I was mentioned, that Commissioner fron Bratil. residing In London, were in ne gotiation with the Portuituese Goven meat, on the concern of their count7. It I added (hat tbe King will not recta; nize cither the government of hit ton or Ibtt of the Province in opposition .to him." r.trr.TTr.rn.ut rRtczx, J 24. Cotton, 14 to Uii flmir, fine, 4. toperfine, 4 2J a 4 50 1 wheat, W eenta( wl.kev, jn a Z1 i peaeU brandy, 55 a 60 1 apple ilo. 5U to 55 s corn. 43 to 45t bacon, 8 a?( aali, 1 urki IslarvL 70 a rTJ per bushel j nobiae. i6 a ?H. "r, mu. co a 10 ; cofTee, nrimc, irrcr2Jto iJi 2d arvl 3d ou.btt, 30 a 72 1 tea. h hm , Rl TO a 1 70( flaeel,75 a JW cUi Ulkw, 6t bee was, 31 a 32: rice 34 to 4 peT I JO lb. i iro u 41 to 5 pr. 1 ) lb. i tobacco leaf, 3 a J J i mantibwt-ired, 5 a 20 pr. cwt. Oinrvrr Laniii, kt Vulilic fiaic.' it npH C a urli rc4 fe imk'v 1000 ftrrt'ii rUna OH 1fUf, bt tl rwit .ipHi Cowrl ot Ak avmty, still (. urline Ut aU, i li Lourt llu Of SaM (OUN cone tome favourable changes for U. States' staples, particularly in the article ofCoiton, which was quick at 30 sous per lb. thus affording to the shippers at least Sf per-ct. nctt. profit. Worthy if Rrcvri. On Sitoday, last week, Mr. Frink Robert of Boston, hold up for baptUm at the First Church in Chuncey Place, his ninth son, to whom he gave the name of John Quincy Adamt. On the same day, five others ol his sons received. XntvMJMtoW&fXXU' Jldnroe, and Andrew JacUon. A corres pondent remark that the above compliJ ment cari hardly be matched io the U. otates. Batton Patriot. The Greek- CAronr'cf, published at Mt olonRhi, has, for its motto, a sentence t'keafrom Fraakliu'a Works. Five person at V'evay, Indiana, msde during tho last caon,no lets than 5500 irallon of wine. T he Albany Argus contains a list of 47 new momed institutions for which charters will be asked at the next ses sion of the leirislature of New York. It is said that the whole of them will he granted, with privileges of a similar chiractcr. The Chancellor of New York has re fused the motion for an injunction to re strain the steam boat Oliver Branch from navialtqi; the waters of the Hudson riv er; a privilege which, until the late dc cision in the "Supreme Court of the U. S has- been exclusively--enjoyed by-asinfie company. The Chancellor opinion Is given at. .Jenjjlh in,. the ..papcrs-nd -has put the eleami boat controversy finally at rest. MAHHtr.n, In this town, on the lat inat. by Stephen I Frrraiid, F-q. Mr. Ccorge Trciler, tu Miaa Polly Krtchev. In Wilkes, on the 17th ult. by Jl.n aln(elair, F-ir. Mr. lemuel Moss, to SJias Marta Iwa. At the seat of Win. G. Reaty, Caq. on Tbtirt day, the l'Hh inst. by ihe ReT. Will m Hooper, Isaac Croom, Rmj. Attnrnrr at lw, of Lenoir, to Miwi 'arah K. Pearson, if Ho an. In Imlell couMt, on the 17tj hut. by T. Axa lUa'U Mr. Milus IUirtTr,. Mia Nawey Mbea. mtJi. At Dakertrm, in Tennessee, on the 12th uh. afer a lifrinir illneaa, iw thw 43d rear of hrr jjp4 Mrs- Mary Blount, wife of WiICc Blount, Ei. f nerly I Hremor of tlal state. At Bal'imnre.on the loth m. alter a Imrer- injf illneas Mrs. Anne Vile, wife of Mrirliah le Editor of the Register, aged about 44 years. In this county, on the 22d ult. Mr. John Wackwell. aired 74 year. (jThe exerciaet in Saliib-it-ii .Uadtmy w ill be returned on Mondav, the 19th instant. ' ON Tuesday, the third of Atifutt next, (it be ing Wilkes county ewirt week) the undrr- aijrned commisiionera will -ll st Public Auction, in the Town nf Wilkcsboro', r-ecbly to art ot Ataertibly, several lot, bid off fron the public square in aaid place i two of hicb are the moat eligible stands for businrsi in 'he town. Terma, nine months credit i bond and security will be required, and a lien upon the property will be retained, until pavment it made. Also, at the same time and place, the said com miikioners, by the authority afxretaid, w let out to the lowest bidder, the building of a trick Court-House; the undertaker of which wtl be required to give bond and suffioient securityfor the good performance of the wine. I he fi and site uf the Court-House will be maje known by either of the subscribers, wheji t,) plicd to. JAMES WELLBORN, "1 JAMF.S IIACKET, Ctmmi HAMILTON BHOWN, tinert. H. B. SATTERWIHTEJ June 26, 1821, 4lt'16 la 0iity, of to ti ltrt q,uLif f,r rrs, or farming, t rrms, 0n l.alf iU prda mo. ry oatalki tn tuna rtwrfill.a, the Mbr half In vivhif ra snoftUk. tkid aad apn4 aaowtty, ic-M live a lo - lOti'J m in, ii na.K n, i, vr'r. romnciiirr. V Im M ().i wsk, lo do JuMua to H ftUbtsttowan laturday but aliall have tnv (-U tf k la shut Mil for U4 purj.t,se. Dr. W. II. Trent, i If f lAVINQartiMbimartfatUwint Vvrmm, oflert hi atrvlca to 'l tho iidtatiiawta wf she tMy, ta iba - I ,M vaeiwiat aWptrtmcnt of 11 prvfts. " '- , Ilba ( good auppty of MsiicrVt, wlith It ill dt-poM uf oo rtaaonable trrms. fi,IB24. 3,11 J House anil Rin Painting, r. (1 r.OIK.r. W. r.RIWgf informs hia I and tin public, tlul he fill ruatioott to Clecuta all kinds of House, Min, WnvJ. tor Chair, and Omanx-nfal i'aintinr, in a tyl of worknianaltip equal to any in the country. Oiitlemen having work to do within 50 or V) milet uf Halithunr, can enirare tba iubacnber't scricrt on ery abort notice. Ihe aubtrriber takrt tbia oppirtunity to re turn his sincere thanks to all uoe who hare generously mended tlirir foia to him i and b hia faithfulncas and industry, in future, htHt still ta merit their (rtrndJup and patronage., Jlu 3, IB;, 'I N. II. Ihe aibcibrr will keen on bstxl, fur Ihe Washington Itej.aUisa of the filth tilt, (on'sint t report uf U, tomn.!tte of lnrst. gali'ft, on lha mrMrial, lha doewmantt ac. ompanylrg lha f.jrt are vtry voluntinmu. Tha rrport ittctf, we shall endeavor to pubUH iaourntit A aneeting of th fiUndtof Cr"'I rvl Callitin, wst la'ely Cailtd in I k la ace couary, Ftknaylramai ni lo when the day rama, lirV ' mra aMmded tlx being ill I'm radicals that Could be muttrrcd in thai COuiHy, which con- Uins a po(uUtiHi of I ,r) anula ! a . Mr. rewards hai resigned hia offlc a minis. tT to Mriico, ' The (l'umfi'4t. K letter from an offi cer on board thit vessel, to hi friend in Portsmouth, confirm tbe report of the lost of three of her fjfirrrt. by the yellow fever, vii. Midshipmen Afairt Saimhuie ahd MunJlrlJ. Xoroli ll eacon. Land und Milh. IOFFr'n fur sale, mv premisei whereon I re. side, eall'd Mid ('.rore, WinCim Rocky Ni.rr, Ca'iamis rounty. Tliis lrvtif (n. roni.i t. -e. ... mannrr of cirrs Prr,..r.d VT (tr ne acconimotUiiun of thtae who may wish lo do anull jobs of painting, but wlm nay rxil hate the p sin's or t spent nee to prrpare thrrn All Kxcltant', or Sale, P 4"0 Acre of land would he made bt aubarriher, -f a sniisbleutTrrslunild He p. en. llus Iran iirt in the rnan lamt, tors listrirt,--on tl intcrw-ction of to public mata. One is the rosl Ita-ling from Yorkville to Charlotte, by Thorn's frrry on the Calaw ba. Ihe other is the d r. ct atlj main nad from Ij colnton to Cnl. n, by t urkurt;c Konl and l)by's bndr. Twrnt Acres of thr trart are cleared ami fcncel, and iff cabins rrreird. The toil it (ftxl fr cotbin and irra.a. HmmitIi not of tbe vrn Grst qnilitrit it Lrk, ami eaw ly tilUd. If it doc, not yirld truttriant croiit, it does not yield Jitnur. 1 1i" nimaniic hills, that skirt it, are not more th alixlr of health than is the tract itself. I lie land lira vrry l rl generally, is ftnrlv timbrr,, and wrll wa'rrrd with its own tpringt. No store or Tsrrru I.e. near thr pLcr, a (fnilrman of rntrrprite oukl fiud the CrttJluuU a taluable ie. As a station for kruttk, for f.'i,i, and for the decrnl aupport of a fainilv by imsr, thi, trai l ought to aell well. Industry, economy," and tat could make it most desirable -rai lrnce. Adjoining it, be the besutifiil ps. siinif Mr. Pcttua, aome years ago a Ki-prrsrntativr in our lyrrialature. This property would not be d'upo sed of, but under the expectation, that a farm on the W. of tbe Catawba, and Mir tbe Acad emy, could be obtained. For terms, ami other particulars, applies' Kin may be made lo Janut Harria, Esq, near Flint-lldl Church. EI.KAXAM HARRIS. thmtscr Academy, Ttrk Diitrict, X. C.June lOrk, 1 8!4. Iw ol irtaturHir-a, natural to the clirnale. On these premises are marhineries, whkh ar in point of income, equal to any in the Hiate ii, iim corn null, ami a French tlurr a aae mill ami a cotton n'sch'tie tint, a Taw tard, Htore-brMise anl a mith-ahp. There is slso a romfiMiahle delli(ig h'iw, with all aecraur mil houses, suited to the circumstance nf any person wishing to purehatr. 'terms will b! maile accoin rioilaUng lo the purchaser. Ill'l.ll HAVK. 25, 1321. '.Vl I)' M. MMKON IJI.VI.NS like notice, (u- on the vcoml Momtar of Heptcmbcrnesl, I uilro.1 to take the drpi mn, if John Mi-i r. I dward Colhia, and othan, at the Court-llouw, in KuMcUtillr, state M Kentucky, to b read at eridrncr in the sui by petition in U'woln 8upi. riorCiHirt, North-i sndiu wljyaj am plaintitr, ami ycMi are difemlant ; wlivli an I w here you nu) attend, to cross i taminr. REVINi. iv ir., WA. 4it'U A List of Letter taTOW remaining in the loat DtTire at Salia il bury, N. Carolina, June 30th, A. D. Ii4. A Stolen Irt'ftt-r ! OST. humlred dollars rraanl will be girrn for anv informa'ion that may ka I to ihe detection of the llurf wlo atolc a h-tirr, wnttn donng the artaion of the Ul Irgislaturr, dirti' ed to a MK-mbrr of my ftmil), and placnl in t'e mis office in KaleigH, directed to ("harlot t-. An infamous an 1 unprincipled scoundrel, h. ing the exterior, ami claimoig to hiniielf lh.1 character, ft a gentleman, is nw mthrtted and h-n this communication rrachet hia evet, V will be aware i4 iKa grounds upon which my suspicions hare arisen. The letter is at presci.t !a my poSaeasiou. THOMAS O. POLK. lf Alnrd, I2M June, I8i4 aosroLK, rvnt 22. Extract of a letter from a gentleman on board the U. S. Sch'r. Grampus, to hit friend in this place, dated " IT. 8. Sch'r. Gaamrra, ? Mttanttu, Ma 3Ut, 1824. S "We have just arrived at" this place, from the American Colony at Cape Mes aurado, on the Coast of Africa. We were ST dv from Cape to Cape. "We found the cnUny all healthy, and making vast improvements in agriculture. They all aeem perfectly satisfied ; they have a most deliehtful Uuli?a JL- The National Intelligencer of Tuesday, received yesterday, announces the ad journment of the Investigating Commit tee on the day preceding, and remarks Tbe Report of tbe Committee was im mediately laid before the President, and we have not beenatTe W obtain a pemsal " House aritt Land lor Sale, ON LOW TF.HM9. TilE aubtcriber i fully authoriaed brthe burl will of Henry Bruner, dee'd. and also by the leral renreaen ative. to tell the well known Plantation whereon the deceased did hveabyl II rnllet east from the town of Salisbury, on the south tide of main Yadkin, containing 189 Ixicke Atwell Jacob Adamt Margaret Allison. Tho. Bracking Henry C Rurka Adam Reck John Bird Alexander Brandon Lemuel Hall. John Carter Kly Carrol Judy ('. Chapman Jim-ph Cast low Clrmial Johnson J. K. Jarrett Samuel R. Josey liufua Johnsoa Thomas Jones. Thorns, Kent James Kinraid Isaac Knitrht John keslrr. Elizabeth Lemlcy, 2 Janes liwry W illiam link John Low. Chrk of County Court Robert Mcnire 1 hot. it 11. Cowan Conrad Casper Charlet Churcbell F. rastut Cae Wiiic Coaia , Mary Cridcr John Craver Frederick Cope John Campbell Alex. Cunningham Daniel ClodliTter Jarrad Coggins. TJonglat Dudcn. Henry Kills James F.aton Marr F.vcrette Frederick F.llcr William F-drith Phillip F.aglc John Eagle .lamrt Elllt. Mtrv Frohock . TreeTaruI fMlge William Furtr G. L. rrtcman. James, tirimes Wm. Glatcock Charlet GrifTeth Jetaetjtltehan Jolni M l Jinan, . George Murr lUvnet Morgan John M'ltae John Martin W'illiim Montgomtrv Joseph Maton lhinLin Magill Alexander VtaiMcr Wilim M'Cargo John Mengt-lberj Wilim Moore Timothy Milbourn F.lja Martin John Martin. Villiby Nicholt. Nancy Owen W illiam Othrish. Jacob Pool Enoch rhilllps. Catharine Kandlerrun JS'atlijn,Hilcy-: John Heed ' L; Roae . John liamllemtn. Henry Sossaman Nathaniel Smith James Stew ard -Jamet Smirri Andrew Snider Charles Glover Goodman Wm. H. Stoirdon acres t about 60 of which it of the bett river , ,j uiJe. 0f (j,e m stcelman bottom in North Carolina. There is on the pn- cunpios Court, 2, miscs, a gooa aim iarje uwc.iiiiib uou., j0i,n Holmet barn, apple and peach orchard, witn many oto-, vr illiaamson Harria er coatreniences, to Justirv me in saying tnai jifd llama is One of the best Plantations, agreeably to the Mary Hafr,' number of wcica, uu Utw rirer. It it now ofltr-1 Charlet W. Harrit ed at private talc i the paymenta will be made john netidly eaay ; a credit of one and two years, or if a pay- j uannah Hill . ment it made of one half, a credit of two Vtar. Jjuliei n.jJcndricka But if hot sold at nrivateVontract, it' will be oF-1 .,rh,l Hirw fered at public Auction, on the premises, on "the i )0C;r i andsford 4th Saturday in August net. Any person wialiing'to purchase at private sale, may, at atiy Private Entertainment. THE Mibscriber ha opened a houte of Pri vate Entertainment where Travellers can be accommodated. He promise all who call on him, good treatment, with a plenty -of the belt to eat and drink. '13 H. B. SATTERWHrTE. , W.w6rej', ufi3(Al 1924. Douglas P. Iladen, 2 4swUVfIlJ'-' flelifyTIItl- George llearn John Hughe John Harris Math. Howard John llmrard Siniud Hughey. Philip Jacob -J. II. Joyce John Jone F.ppt Spain Edward Southard Itobert Rpence .lames Stafford Wm. Klt ltachail Smith . . Henry Sloan Wm. Stephenson -Eluha Simms George Sniithcel , Henry I.echler Henry Stirewalt. Mary A Townsend l?ltiVri't!'11inhn.'ra . Christian Tarr. M ood &. Ki ider Alfred Wood Absalom Wall ' Nathan Wells Richmond Wall Ely W. W ard Robert White Peter Walton. SAMULL KEEVXS, P. .V. State of North-Carolina, MVCKLBWBIKO COUNTY COt'H r of Plraa ami Quarter Session, May tenn, )8J4i Jamrt Clark, t. Jamea 1). Wal ker - Original attachment, levied in the hands of John M'Uiuy. It appearing to the court thut the di-fcnilaiit is not an inhabitant of this State. - . . - . it Is therefore ordered, that publication be made three months in the Western Carolinian, giving notice to thr said defendant to appear at tiie neit Coirt f Picas and Qnsrtcr Seaiions to be" held for aaid county, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the tburth Monday in August next, to replevy, plead, or demur, othcrviiae judg ment will be ent' red against him, and execu tion awarded accordingly. Test : ISAAC ALEXANDER, c. xt. c. Price adv. 4. 3nuV:4 Laud for Sale. (.Ur.F. Bl-V to the hurt will and testament of H'ui. I'atteruin, dee'd. will be sold, at public tale, on a creibt, a v,uMc plaolatioii, coiilain'mg 400 acres ly ii on both sid. s of Sn -gar Creek, wi'hio 1J niih't of Charlotte. The fertility of (Ik soil, the elcganre of the situa tion, and the irnpmvenitnta, all serve to render this an object nf at'.ent 'in. DAVID M'DON.U.K, Fxtcntor. we21, 11M. 3it14r Suite of North-f arolina, rtfCKLKNHUKG COL'NTV. T a Court of Pleas a id iiurer Sessions, May acasion, 1824 ; H. bert lllai k tM. st William Hartt 1 original a'achinent, levied ,n 80 or 90 acres of land. It appearing to 'lit court, Uial lue oticuoiov m ucae t nor art trmm tant of this state, it is therefore ordered, thai publica'.ion be made tit weeks in the Wi-strro Carohniao,- that the defendant appear at our nett Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lo be held for the county aforesaid, at the court-home in Charlotte, on thcjtbmdayjnjpist forfpTevy, plead, or demur, otherwise jMdpiwnt firm I will be entered against him, and execution awarded accordingly . Teat 1 ISAAC ALEXANDER, e. x. r. Price adv. 82 6it18 State of North-'C'aroIina, . j STORKS COVNTV. flOt'HT of Picas and Quarter Sessions, .Tiiue J term, 1824. Andrew Rowman, v. Robert. Tinsley: Original attachment, levied on land. It KA ..iiLT....i'...n .r ,t... . , .1.. the defeoilaht is not an inhabitant of tlul state it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the WesU-rn Carolinian for three monihs,iIu'. unless the defendant 'comes forward before thj; and plead, that judgment will be entered, pro confesso, and property levied upon w ill be con demned to tlie plaintitPs recovery. Ry order, MATTHEW R. MOORE, c.c. Price adv. JJ4v - it'25 Wrajipinjf J'ajier, OF a-good finality, fijr sale, at this office; some at one dollar twcnty.five ctnts, and a larger kind at tw o dollar, per ream.